45% of Muslims Marry Outside Their Faith in America

Summary: A survey on interfaith marriages of young adult Muslims in America is lacking. In line with interfaith marriage survey outcomes of other major religions, we report that about 45% of young adult Muslims in America are marring outside their faith. This article is co-authored by Dr. Dilip Amin and Shafaq Mayet, a proud Muslim girl and a new adult from America.

Interfaith marriage is more than steadily increasing among all faiths in America. From 1996–2001, 47 percent of marriages involving Jews in America were interfaith marriages (1). Another survey showed that more than 40 percent of couples married in the Catholic Church were of “mixed” religions (2, 3). In line with such reports, we reported earlier that 38% of Dharmics (Hindu, Jain, Sikh and Buddhist) in America married to Abrahamics (Muslims, Christians and Jews) (4). While there is a lack of sufficient information on interfaith marriages of Muslims in America, one report states that over 91% of Muslims were married to other Muslims (5). Reasons for such a high percent of within faith marriages outcome could be that this survey may have used mostly immigrant Muslims or the non-Muslim spouses may have converted to Islam for the marriage. However, contrary to conservative outcome of this report, in a 2007 Pew Research Center poll, 62% Muslim Americans say it is acceptable for a Muslim to marry a non-Muslim (6). This moderate view of Muslims is also reflected in our recent independent marriage survey of young adult Muslims.

For our marriage survey, common family names of Muslims were picked from the Macy’s marriage registry (7) Though individual’s religious preference was not verified, the consistency of results across these common family names gives validity to our conclusions. The results clearly show, in line with findings of other faiths, that 45% these Muslim-Americans have selected a non-Muslim as their life partner.

This survey covered 230 males and 266 females with three very common Muslim last names, Khan, Ali and Ahmed, who planned to marry or recently married. Of these, the percentage of male and female Muslims plan to marry or married to non-Muslims was exactly same (45.2% and 45.1%, respectively). The high interfaith marriage rate of Muslim women found here is not in line with Islamic law that prohibits a Muslim woman – but not a man – from marrying outside the faith.

Historically in India and Pakistan, interfaith marriages of Muslims to Dharmics are low due to fundamental religious differences and community pressure. In this survey, we found that 1 out of 23 young adult Muslims on this list married to a Dharmic. Furthermore, the percent of males and females Muslims married to a Dharmic was the same (4.3% and 4.5%, respectively).

We project that most young adult Muslims covered in our survey are educated and second generation immigrants. It is expected that an interfaith marriage survey outcome of the first generation immigrant Muslims would reflect normal practices in their home countries and will be different than what we have observed here.

In general, increased interfaith marriages are due to increased globalization and increased secularization (8). Today’s young Muslims who grew up as a minority religion in American schools and are continuously exposed to multicultural open societies as portrayed by the media or as experienced in colleges have more chance of selecting their life-mates outside their own faith.

Fundamental religious beliefs between Islam and other faiths (9, 10) could certainly bring complexities to many interfaith marriages. In most Islamic communities it is believed that a marriage must be “accepted” by Allah. For this reason, a Muslim would expect the non-Muslim spouse to convert to Islam before a Nikaah, the Islamic wedding ceremony. The same can be said for orthodox Christian or Catholic communities prior to a church wedding.

For marriage, not all Christians or Jews marrying to a Muslim have to convert to Islam because there is flexibility in Islam for a man to marry a Christian or Jew without conversion, as they are considered, al-kitab, or “People of Book.” However, Islamic women are forbidden to marry outside the faith. This can be overcome if the non-Muslim boy friend converts to Islam before the Nikaah. A different set of rule applies for Dharmics or other “People Not of Book.” For example, any male or female Hindu intended spouse must convert to Islam before the Nikaah. Above are Islamic rules and communities’ expectations, however, there is no recent survey done to show how many of interfaith marriages involving a Muslim in America follow these rules.

After the marriage, it remains to be seen how many of these newly married interfaith couples will manage their fundamental religious differences and expectations. Young adults should understand that any religious commitment for marriage is not a hollow ritual devoid of any meaning or consequences. Let’s take Muslim-Christian marriage as an example. As per the Shahadah oath to convert to Islam for Nikaah, one accepts and declares that there is only one God and Muhammad is his messenger. Further, one acknowledges that associating God to humans and declaring Jesus as his son is the greatest of all sins. Similarly, Baptism before a church wedding means conversion to Christianity and a commitment to repudiate former practices and to have faith in Christ and belief in the trinity. One must decide what is the real intention of the conversion (11).

The challenges will get even harder when time comes to decide the religious fate of children for the inter-religious couple. For example, the Islamic law requires that children of mixed marriages must have Sunat, religious circumcision, and be raised in the Islamic faith only (12). A Jew may expect child to have a Bris ceremony to announce the child as a Jew (13). In Christian denomination, a child is dedicated to Jesus by sprinkling water Baptism, and later when the child is older chooses to accept Jesus as his savior he would decide to have an immersion Baptism (14). Communication on where each individual stands on what their expectations are for self, spouse, and raising kids, in addition to what compromises they are willing make may give couples the strength to overcome challenges.

Spouse’s religious belief and commitment may bring clashes later in married life. A common belief in old times was that those who engage in marriage outside of their faith do not have strong beliefs in their own faith (8). Even today, those who have a strong conviction for their own faith may by default not even consider a potential spouse outside their own faith. On the other extreme, for an atheist in a relationship with a person with strong religious beliefs may bring conflict on faith issues. For a true non-religious person, an interfaith marriage is less an issue. However, in most cases, the strength of one’s religious beliefs evolves over the years as one approaches marriage age and more so when the couple reaches to the parental stage. It is hope that all young love-birds think through all these religious complexities before committing to an interfaith relationship.

38% of HAQUEs in America are marrying (or already married) to non-Muslims.
Other articles written by InterfaithShaadi:
Bar Mitzvah for Hindus?,
Torah on Hindus?,
Koran on Hindus?,
Bible on Hindus?,
Hindus, Abrahamics and Intolerants,
Can Allah be the Father God?,
A Jealous and Angry God,
One God, Allah?,
Idol Worshippers: Who is and Who is Not,
Circumcision: Science or Superstition? ,
Saif and Kareena: Religion and Marriage,
Religious Conversion for Marriage,
Ten Points of Interfaith Dating ,
FAQ on Interfaith Marriage,
45% of Muslims Marry outside their faith,
38% of Hindus marry Abrahamics,
Interfaith Marriages: A Message to Dharmics,
Hindu-Muslim marriages,
Hindu girl/boy, Muslim girl/boy,
Hindu-Christian Marriage,
Hindu-Jew marriages,
Meera Verses Margaret,
Marriage laws,
Follow Jesus not the church

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.

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  • Ali
    October 17, 2016 7:24 am

    Im an Amreican Muslim…these stats are iffy. 1:2 Muslims marries out of their faith? I doubt it would even break the 20% range

    • October 17, 2016 8:05 pm

      Hello Ali,
      We agree to your overall 20% range. For every statistics, you have to see how the data are collected.

      Our survey is based on Macy’s marriage registry, that is probably used my most established and well to do Muslims. We have stated’ “We project that most young adult Muslims covered in our survey are educated and second generation immigrants. It is expected that an interfaith marriage survey outcome of the first generation immigrant Muslims would reflect normal practices in their home countries and will be different than what we have observed here.”

      Why don’t you pick any Muslim last name and try it here https://www1.macys.com/registry/wedding/registrysearch

    • Susan
      February 4, 2017 4:36 pm

      Hello, Just came across this website and can’t believe what I am reading.People should look at their own situations when it comes to marriage because whether is of interfaith, interracial, or of the same; marriage is a commitment as you need to work at it. When it comes to all religions the point is to find God (Allah) whatever you would want to refer the person as. Arguing over religion is why the world population cannot move forward in peace. You might not like the way some lives or dresses or practice their religions, but also remember you didn’t create them nor will they return to you. People should live according to God’s teaching you can find it in the religions and their books. This could be a focus for the intolerance, ignorance, and uneducated.

  • mac
    June 14, 2014 5:02 am

    as long as they marries to a man of abrahamic faith , no such big deal. But these muslim sisters convert their husband to islam but they don`t change their name, some may not convert but they raise their children as muslims,example, frank ribery,robin van persie married muslim women and converetd to islam but they didn`t change their name. So it is another way to spread the message of islam thats why it is allowed to marry from “People of the Book” so that other abrahamic faith followers could understand islam better. We muslims respect jesus(pbuh),moses(pbuh) as much as we respect mohammad(pbuh).According to Kur`an Jesus=Mohammad and we muslims follow jesus commands more than most of the christians. Many christians priest,nuns converted to islam after studying hebrew version of bible

    American Army Sergeant married a muslim women and converted to islam

    Also thousands of christians and jews married muslim man and they all converted to islam.
    It all started from Mohammad(Peace be upon him), he(pbuh) married a christian woman and converted her to islam. So first muslim convert is a christian girl and conversion to islam started from christianity. So admin don`t worry` it will continue till Jesus(Peace be upon him) come to earth agian and unite christians and muslims to a common religion.

    Christian Playboy model converted to islam

  • mac
    June 14, 2014 5:00 am


    • June 14, 2014 6:53 am

      …and this number will increase over years! This is the reality of life.

  • November 2, 2013 10:15 pm


    You made a statement on Nov 2, 2013 that, “Why do thousands of intellectuals, highly educated persons and people from all walks of life are reverting to Islam every day?” Let us remind you that 45.1% of most educated and intellectuals Muslim women in America marry to non-Muslim. Why?

    Click here to know details: https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=173

    We know you will not want to believe this. If so, do your own research sitting right in your home. Go to any Western country’s marriage registry and see who is marrying whom? Follow below as one example.

    Go to MACY’s marriage registry. Enter the last name as HAQUE and the first name as “a”, the “b”, then “c”, etc. We ran a survey just a few minutes ago for you. Here is the result….

    Nadia Bukhari – Ali Haque
    Aisha Haque – Eric Mahmood
    Aisha Haque – Johnathan Rast
    Alyxandra Haque – Trevor Georgius
    Dora Haque – Mukit Rahman
    Fatima Haque -Abdo Souka
    Kehkeshan Haque – Faraaz Shah
    Nisha Haque – John Paul Budi
    Sarah Khan – Nabeel Haque
    Semonti Hossain – Rezwan Haque
    Sara Haque – Russell Ragghianti
    Shireen Haque – Daniel Beatty
    Farzana Yasmeen – Shahinul Haque

    Here Aisha married (or going to marry) to Johnathan, Alyxandra married to Trevor, Nisha married to John-Paul, Sara married to Russell, Shireen married to Daniel.

    This survey shows that 38% of HAQUEs in America are marrying (or already married) to non-Muslims. Also read all over this web site blogs by Muslim women from the West in love with non-Muslim. Why?

    The world has changed a lot, but you will not want to accept reality of new life. Wake up, Sir.

  • proloy
    July 15, 2013 11:25 am

    We Hindus don’t believe the judgement day. So no one should make it an issue to us. Our Holy books teach that all human being are our nearer and dearer . No one should be marginalized and every body should be respected. Just see the history.Spread of Hinduism has not been done forcefully through war. It spreaded by spreading knowledge and wisdom. Hinduism is an ocean of great philosophy which does not promote any sectarian view. Learn it and be astonished.

  • Stupidity
    May 4, 2013 11:38 pm

    Could this website be any more unrealistic? look at how they calculated that statistic. 1 out of every 2 marriages is to a non-Muslim?

    It seems like so many Muslims are willing to lie to put themselves down. Lots of self-hatred, and very few independent and well verified data for the claims on such a site

    • May 5, 2013 2:07 am

      This survey covers probably established and educated American born Muslim youths. If you wish to do your own survey of this class of youths in America, go to any wedding registry and put in last name and only alphabet of the first name. This will give you a list if Muslims with that last name getting married this year. You see it yourself what is the outcome.

      Try this .. http://www1.macys.com/registry/wedding/registrysearch
      Enter last name: KHAN (or your chose)
      Enter first name: A (or your chose)
      See results yourself!

  • Ashraf from India
    April 10, 2013 6:10 am

    Each and every born child are son of Allah whether they are follower of ISLAM or not. Allah take care of everyone on this earth. If allah doesn’t difference among peoples on this earth to give them birth then why we people differentiate among then. If it virtually accepted that all are son of Allah then there should not be any bar for marriage whether girls/boys are muslim or non-muslim. Everyone has the freedom to marry anyone without any pressure. Muslim boys can marry non-muslim and muslim girls can marry non-muslims because allah has birthed everyone.

    • Hassan
      September 22, 2016 1:22 am

      Correct ur word first man.No one is the Son of ALLAH.ALLAH create all the creatures not gave birth to them.

  • An Indian
    October 27, 2012 5:03 am

    U r blaming ISLAM in non sense manner, cannot U see that
    why did most of the women of western countries r converting to ISLAM, most of them r Famous celebrities like Former British Prime Ministers Sister in Law Laurel Booth and a British Generalist Yvonne Ridley Etc who converted to ISLAM because they saw the Real Spiritual Peace in Islam, U can see these link my Brother.
    here u can see the links below

    • proloy
      July 15, 2013 11:01 am

      Stupid. You know nothing other than your religion. Be a man first. People like you are the enemy of civilization. Get educated and acquire some knowledge beyond your religon.

    • Sam
      July 15, 2013 9:00 pm

      Your Muslim Kuwaiti prince also converted to Christianity, explain that first. Plus tell what’s the sharia punishment for Muslims who convert to other religion?

  • Md Irfan
    July 12, 2012 8:50 pm

    What will the victim do .some of them may and of couse should target Americans and isrelis and any others who support their (Israeli) move , put to death to them , whenever and wherever found . Now u will call it terrorism and the victim not a terrorist but an “Islamic terrorist” . I am not surprised with it bcz i know that u Americans can’t do more than slavery of zionists

    • American
      July 13, 2012 5:38 am

      LOL dude, couldnt stop laughing reading the funny story ? you should work more on your stories dude, they aint convincing enough. Good luck !

  • Md Irfan
    July 12, 2012 8:43 pm

    Americans are illeterate as they don’t think rationally. They easily get propagandated . They are the root terrorists as their oppression creates terrorist . They have given liscense, arms and money to Israel to outst the native residence , by terrorising them ,by killing them , and in that place build residential complex for jews who are outsiders . This is extreme of racist activity . This is wost crime agaist humanity .

    • siddharth
      July 29, 2012 5:46 am

      seriously!!! Americans are terrorists!!!!! plz grow up!!!! i think Islam is the biggest mistake that has happened to mankind!!! i mean give me an example of any religion other than “holy” “islam” were people are encouraged to become suicide bombers and take hundreds of innocent lives as a ticket to heaven or “jannat” or a religion that in their so called emphasis on hijab and modesty categorizes one half of humanity as “zealous rapists” i know all religion shave their faults but islam is a little two much for me or anybody to handle!!!!

      • Amir
        September 18, 2012 5:54 am

        Dear Sidhartha,

        “i think Islam is the biggest mistake that has happened to mankind”
        Brother you are misguided by the people around you.
        You don’t know any true muslim otherwise it has not been your perception.

        Islam never urged people to become suicide bombers. Who has told you so. There are many attacks laid down by people of other communities. But whenever it happens, media always highlights that they are done by muslims however in most of the cases it is found wrong.

        Islam says “murdering an innocent” is the biggest crime after “Denying one God.”

        Your thinking is moulded by infected media. It has become successful weapon to attack on religion especially Islam.

        Yes Islam give emphasis on hijab and modesty to protect our sisters, daughters and women from eveteasing and rape.

        Is there any loss to wear a cloth which covers the body. Tell me what loss. But there is advantage, Women will be seen with respect and dirty thoughts will be washed away from our minds.

        If you can’t allow your sister to wear mini-skirts and top showing most part of her body, why do you love to see other girls in that outfit. That day is coming in our country , Girls outfits are becoming shorter and shorter and crime rate is going higher and higher.

        Don’t you read news-paper? Girls are mostly mistreated and molested because of the vulgar outfit they wear.

        • Infidel
          September 15, 2014 2:24 am

          Islam says one thing and followers follow another thing . They perform heinous and barbaric activities chanting the God is great. What a great religion.

      • Tony
        September 18, 2012 1:59 pm

        Well done..now go back and read the history of civilisation in particular the crusades and the inquisition and then read into the rights women of some other religions such as Hinduism where they cease to exist after he death of a spouse.

        Yes I’m a proud revert..because unlike you I actually studied and compared Islam to other religions ans none has been more tolerant towards others in history..did you know Jews would not exist after the crusades had it not been for the ottamen empires giving shelter. So grow up Siddarth!

        • Raj
          December 5, 2012 3:53 pm

          Tony, you are a convert, and nobody would trust you. You have been not faithful to your original religion and so would never be to islam. Yes, it is true that Islam is a curse on mankind. If you have rules to cover your sisters and mother, then why don’t you cover yourself ? women, just like men have feelings and they can get attracted to men, so cover yourself.
          By the way, God gave you a full beautiful body, so why do you cut your foreskin ? You can keep it clean even without cutting as billions of people do. Then you waste water and toilet papers in offices to clean yourself. Cleanliness must be from the hard and not from the Pe**s.

    • proloy
      July 15, 2013 11:06 am

      Americans also supplied arms and other logistic support to Talibas to oust Soviet from Afganistan. You people then welcome it. Whenever anything goes against your religious interest , you start protest label it worse.

  • Md Irfan
    July 12, 2012 8:35 pm

    Joe Americans are real slave . They are puppet of zionists . Why there is no investigation for 9/11 ? What about the dancing Israeli . 9/11 was conducted by zionist and not by muslims .

    • proloy
      July 15, 2013 11:07 am

      Really? It seems that you are a religious lunatic.

  • Aakansha Arora
    July 4, 2012 12:42 pm

    This whole website is a crap and run by retards. Creating their own stories.

  • JOE
    May 24, 2012 8:21 am

    I think you are trying to just glorify islam and your views are biased towards islam. There are problems with islam today. It is a good religion if it stays in a book. The moment islam comes out of the koran, people die(Somalia), people kill their relatives(Afghanistan), people rape women because they believe they are doing what God requires of them. North African muslims fill up French, Swedish and Norwegian jails for these crimes commited using the koran. You justify killing innocent babies in the name of Allah(Shame on you). Chances are high you are a refugee in a country found on another religions principles, why cant you go to Somalia, Egypt or Pakistan. Islam is not a religion of peace as you would believe. Ask the Somalians who are more Muslim than Mohamed himself. Have you read the Satanic Verses? Do you know why islam has to be protected like a porcelein vessel (is God that weak?). Does God need you just flesh and blood to kill on his behalf.

    You are a hindu culturally and you have to give your children Arabic names to be Halaal closer to God(Allah)? I think its sad. You have to speak to God?Allah in Arabic because it is the ultimate language, if you try to translate the holy book then its no longer holy. Why? Because you are not supposed to fully understand as the first person. What are they hiding that they dont want you to see? God/Allah made us as equals, He did not choose any one over another. I think you are one highly prejudicial individual just angry with himself or with a very poor self esteem trying to look for attention. Do another 09/11 maybe the world will notice…

    • Raj
      December 5, 2012 3:55 pm

      You are absolutely right. Islam is a stinky religion , just like a stagnant pool of water, breeding with mosquitoes and pigs.

    • proloy
      July 15, 2013 11:10 am

      Islam is a good religion but it’s followers are worst and enemy of human civiization.

  • August 17, 2011 5:56 am

    I do know certain Pakistani girls dating indian guy in the us and lots of pakistani guys dating Indian women but only a small portion of these ever ends up in marriage

    • Satya
      September 18, 2012 5:08 am

      Im sorry you feel this way. Muslims women getting married to Hindu Men and converting to Hinduism and even Muslim men converting to Hinduism to marry Hindu or Sikh women are common. My grandfather married a Muslim women, My Dad married a Bangladeshi muslim girl and my girlfriend is a Muslim gal. All of them converted to Hinduism, we respect Islam and they respect Hinduism. All you need is a liberal outlook.

      • Amir
        September 18, 2012 5:24 am

        “we respect Islam and they respect Hinduism”.

        It is good to respect the truth. Both religion say to believe in One God and there is no other God.
        Do you accept it?

        Both religion prohibit Drinking liquor. Do you accept it?

        Both religion say here on earth Final messenger from God will come, and you ought to follow him.
        Do you accept it?

        If you don’t then how do you respect any of the religion…

        • September 18, 2012 10:18 am

          Hinduism does not believe in the Judgement Day like Christianity and Islam. Hinduism believes the God is judging you every and every second. So do your good karma today without expectations of fruits. Further Hinduism does not believe in the Kaafir theory, all are same. Hinduism and Islam are NOT the same, but one could respect both (or all).

          • Amir
            September 19, 2012 12:17 am

            Dear admin,
            I just said to believe in the common teachings of both the religion. What you mentioned here is about Hinduism. It is not common in both religion.

            I agree God is judging us all the time, but he has given us our life to test ourselves and God has given us book to check whether we do as per his commands or deny his teachings. God is supreme, He does not communicate us directly.

            “do your good karma today without expectations of fruits.”
            It is correct but what will make you believe that doing good karma is better than doing evil. It is God who says if you do good karma you will be rewarded and for evil you will be punished.

            Will you work if you don’t get salary?
            Will you study if you don’t get good result?
            So expectation of fruit is always there, but don’t expect it in this life. God has made heaven and hell to give return of your deeds.

            Whom do you know is said to be ‘Kafir’, kafir means who rejects one God. It is one word substitution for that phrase.
            like one who teaches others we call him teacher in same manner one who rejects ( Kufr ) we call him Kafir.

            Yes Hindism and Islam are not same, but there are many points common in both religion, see those points and few of them i asked in my previous question.

          • Suma
            September 19, 2012 12:53 pm

            “Whom do you know is said to be ‘Kafir’, kafir means who rejects one God. It is one word substitution for that phrase.
            like one who teaches others we call him teacher in same manner one who rejects ( Kufr ) we call him Kafir.”
            Well, thats intesresting to here, so by that assertion should hindus convert and become muslims or not?
            Can a hindu get salvation without becoming an abrahamic adherent? Both muslims and christians say, we go to permanent hell if we dont embrace their faiths, are they wrong then.
            In other words do you oppose conversion of a hindu and let him or her do and live a satvic life in order to get good grades in god’s judgment.
            Hindus dont believe in permanent hell or heaven. They believe in moksha or mukti which simply means the atma will stop transmigration and become one with Brahman, both of these entities have no physical form.Cheers.

      • manzar
        September 22, 2012 6:19 am

        lots of hindu girls are becoming muslims but no muslim man has become a hindu for a hindu girl…only Islam is the true religion and no other religion will be accepted on the day of judgement…u still have time to think over it until it is too late…

      • proloy
        July 15, 2013 11:11 am

        Satya, You are absolutely correct and proved your belief by example .

  • August 17, 2011 5:54 am

    I have respect for both Sikh and Hindus but i am sorry i am Strictly against interfaith marriages

    • viki
      February 17, 2012 3:11 am

      who cares abt u

  • Sreekanth
    June 24, 2011 1:49 am

    Hi All,

    I am a hindu and my Girl friend is a Christian. I am requesting my GF to follow both religions but she is not accepting but We really love each other.

    I request a positive replies instead of neagtive .


  • Jay
    November 6, 2010 4:25 pm

    Ismailis are the second largest branch of Shia Islam. They consider themselves Muslims.

    • JOE
      May 24, 2012 8:21 am

      I think you are trying to just glorify islam and your views are biased towards islam. There are problems with islam today. It is a good religion if it stays in a book. The moment islam comes out of the koran, people die(Somalia), people kill their relatives(Afghanistan), people rape women because they believe they are doing what God requires of them. North African muslims fill up French, Swedish and Norwegian jails for these crimes commited using the koran. You justify killing innocent babies in the name of Allah( Shame on you). Chances are high you are a refugee in a country found on another religions principles, why cant you go to Somalia, Egypt or Pakistan. Islam is not a religion of peace as you would believe. Ask the Somalians who are more Muslim than Mohamed himself. Have you read the Satanic Verses, Do you know why islam has to be protected like a porcelein vessel,( Is God that weak) Does God need you just flesh and blood to kill on his behalf. You are a hindu culturally and you have to give your children Arabic names to be Halaal9 closer to God?Allar) I think its sad. You have to speak to God?Allah in Arabic because it is the ultimate language, if you try to Translate the holy book then its no longer holy . Why. Because you are not supposed to fully understand as the first person. What are they hiding that they dont want you to see? God/Allah made us as equals, He did not choose any one over another. I think you are one highly prejudicial induvidual just angry with himself or with a very poor self esteem trying to look for attention. Do another 09/11 maybe the world will notice…

  • admin
    September 4, 2010 6:31 pm

    Dear Waseem (Aug 2, 2010),

    This article is written by a Muslim and a Hindu and thus is a very balanced article without bias. If you do not want to accept reality for what is going on for Muslims in the West, it is your choice.

    To convince yourself for the survey outcome, do your own home-work as suggested here:

    Just go to the links below



    Or pick any other marriage registry of your choice.

    Pick any last name of your choice (for example, Khan) and

    Enter first name only as “a” and “enter.” Later, try other alphabets or last names.

    You will have a full list of people who are married or plan to marry with that last name and the first name initial. See yourself if that matches with our survey or not.

    Remember, as stated in this article, this survey is not about new immigrant or less established Muslims. This survey probably represents well educated or American born Muslims. So, like it or not, expect this for your second generation. Best wishes!

    What do you mean by your advice to Muslim youths “at least tolerate other people’s faith”? Do you mean they (Hindu, for example) could remain what they are and there is no need to convert to Islam (shahadah) to marry (Nikaah) a Muslim? If this is the case, you are a great man with a great advice. If not, just remove the word “toleration” out of your dictionary because you are a total intolerant.

    • Faiz
      August 28, 2011 8:11 am


      • Faiz
        August 28, 2011 8:13 am

        I can write an article and write my name as shree shree1008 swami ….. saraswati.

  • Waseem
    August 2, 2010 8:30 am

    I am a Muslim Pak-American and I think the findings in the survey are NOT accurate. Interfaith marriages are highly taboo within the muslim community, specially when it involves a Muslim girl. I have many friends of different faiths. However, marriage is an different thing and too complex. In my real life I know of only one hindu-muslim marriage and in that between my relative and a hindu girl. A marriage between a muslim girl and a hindu boy is almost unheard of.

    I personally think that at least for Indo-pak muslim americans the percent who do interfaith marriage is

    20% for Muslim boys
    5% for Muslim girls.

    and even in these marriages most of the time the spouse converts to Islam.

    I would give one advice to Muslims reading this good website. Please respect or at least tolerate other people’s faith. We are all Humans. That being said, I think it is a bad idea to do interfaith marriage, even when your spouse converts to Islam just to marry you. Interfaith marriages are too complicated and your future children will be all confused. Life is a lot easier if your life-partner shares your religion, language, culture, values, hobbies.

    • Faiz
      August 28, 2011 8:02 am

      Before I say something about this burning topic let me clear something, the narrator of this story has neither red his religious books nor he has done any studies in the US societies. The figures quoted in here are purely fictitious, may be he KNOWS only 10 muslims residing in the US out of which 4 has married to a girl who is not from his faith. I have stressed the word “KNOWS” with the fact that he may not know the actual religious constitution of them. Nobody can force a person to believe in a faith which he observes. Further if a person converts for a particular purpose he tries to solve his problem but not changing his or her believe…will continue on it

  • December 17, 2009 2:31 pm

    What’s up everyone, I’m chic to the forum and honourable wanted to say hey. hi devotion touch to grasp unexplored pepole and share in bits with them

    contain a glad year

  • December 1, 2009 12:03 pm

    Just read the article…very balanced and well-written. I think at some point, many in the Hindu American community would be interested in knowing what percentage of Hindus convert for/after marriage…and of those who do not convert, what religion are the children raised.

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