This message is for Christian, Jew and Muslim (Abrahamic) youths considering dating a Hindu. It is hoped that you will make an “informed” decision for your happy and long lasting marriage, even that is an interfaith marriage.

About 38% of Hindus marry to an Abrahamic in America. In general, Hindus are pluralist and thus may be more open minded in terms of accepting Jesus as a savior and Allah as One God. In addition, they may not have hesitation visiting your church, synagogue or a Mosque to explore more about your faith. Further, the Hindu lover may accept to teach children your faith and agree for baptism, bris/bar mitzvah or sunat ritual for children. Though this openness, tolerance to your faith and to some extent novelty of something different may attract you to consider a Hindu as your life-mate, you need to know below pointers about Hindus.

10) Food habit: A Hindu may be a vegetarian. Further, the Hindu may not prefer others in family consuming meat and consider routine alcohol consumption bad.

Foolish idol?
Foolish idol?
9) Wedding: The Hindu may not have concern being a part of an Abrahamic marriage ceremony, however the Hindu will insist on the Hindu Vivaha ceremony where multiple Gods and Goddesses will be invoked from heaven, earth and water. You need to find out if your Abrahamic community will be comfortable being a part of such (polytheist?) ritual. Check with your rabbi, imam or priest if he/she is okay with your dual marriage ceremonies.

8) Novelty: You may be attracted by Indian costumes, food and culture but after marriage, the novelty will ware off. On the other side, initially your Hindu spouse may be very sympathetic to your history (e.g. holocaust or discrimination of Muslims in the West) however after marriage he/she may complain of hearing the same stories again and again.

7) Close-knit family: Hindus in general believe in a large family, which includes distant relatives. After marriage, expect lots of visitations to and from these relatives. Further, these relatives may not express openly to you but will be skeptic if you are out proselytizing Hindus.

SRK, a Muslim?
SRK, a Muslim?
6) Idol-worshipping: After marriage, one or the other times, you may end up being a part of extensive Hindu ritual praying to their Hindu deities (idols?) at in-laws’ home or in a Hindu temple (e.g. Garba dance). It is only so many times you will be able to decline such invitations. Your spouse may even insist on having his or her own alter with Hindu deities in your house and that may be an issue if you do not like to worship God through some form.

5) Circumcision: The Hindu spouse may not accept religious circumcision for your male children considering it hinsa. Your justifications for circumcision on medical grounds will be challenged later based on then available scientific facts.

4) Spiritual meaning: Hindu may accept to be a part of your religious rituals but may do just for social reason or to please you. The Hindu may not have the same core spiritual feelings like you do. For example at Sabbath time, the Hindu spouse may meditate or pray to Lord Krishna!

3) Turned around: In spite of the Hindu spouse agreed to raise children by your Abrahamic faith, later he/she may complain that the church sermons are boring, teaching in madrasa is too offensive or children spend too much time in synagogues verses hiking fun trips like what you did during your dating time.

2) Fake-conversion: In spite the Hindu spouse had baptism or Shahadah religious conversion necessary for your church or Nikaah wedding, he/she will continue to remain what he/she was. For them, the conversion was just a hollow ritual devoid of meanings.

Lord Shiva1) Pluralist: In general, Hindus are inclusivist and pluralist and for that reason he/she may accept your Abrahamic faith but will do so without understanding core Abrahamic monotheist belief. To put it different way, it will be easy to convince a Hindu to ADD a God (e.g. LORD God, Father God, Jesus or Allah), however, the Hindu will get furious when you ask to REMOVE Hindu Gods from your home. Your spouse may only see your God as one of many gods but not the ONE God. In the end, after years into your married life, you (an exclusivist?) will realize that your children are pluralists or atheists.
Bottom line, if you think your religion is the only true religion and your God is the only savior, might as well settle for someone of your own type.

Read life experiences of Truth about Hinduism, Anushka: Hindu married to a Roman Catholic guy, Hinu converted without knowledge of her family, Sriti: I chose to be baptized when I was pregnant, Amita: Christian and Hindu interfaith marriage of 24 years, Amutha: We agreed to have our children baptized, Sum: I will loose the strength of Islam if I marry my Hindu boyfriend, SRK,

Other articles written by InterfaithShaadi:
Bar Mitzvah for Hindus?,
Torah on Hindus?,
Koran on Hindus?,
Bible on Hindus?,
Hindus, Abrahamics and Intolerants,
Can Allah be the Father God?,
A Jealous and Angry God,
One God, Allah?,
Idol Worshippers: Who is and Who is Not,
Circumcision: Science or Superstition? ,
Saif and Kareena: Religion and Marriage,
Religious Conversion for Marriage,
Ten Points of Interfaith Dating ,
FAQ on Interfaith Marriage,
45% of Muslims Marry outside their faith,
38% of Hindus marry Abrahamics,
Interfaith Marriages: A Message to Dharmics,
Hindu-Muslim marriages,
Hindu girl/boy, Muslim girl/boy,
Hindu-Christian Marriage,
Hindu-Jew marriages,
Marriage laws,
Follow Jesus not the church
Meera Verses Margaret

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  • mac
    January 14, 2015 1:02 am

    why hindus are vegetarian, being completely vegetarian is an unscientific belief

  • mac
    May 30, 2014 1:44 am

    in every abrahamic religion god said cultist,polythestic,who associate god with others are not going to heaven and will be burnt in hell for ever and ever and ever. Now decide who are plythestic and cultist and be ready to meet fire in hell. Take Care, good bye!!!!!

  • April 30, 2014 5:08 pm

    M a muslim girl too, by listening ur story akansha…I blv I can feel your position. ..
    Your husband seems to b a nice man, bit modern too n in love with you, dnt blv he wil marry any1 else. ..even divorcin orally is nt that common anymore…
    But what you have done with your own self is a pity…imagine ur kids wil suffer d cryelties of islam, wil b raised in a fmly who celbrate festvs aftr killng innocent animls by hands instd of colors, crackers, gifts!
    Poor u , u hv jus added into d business of spreading islam…ur inlaws wld b v proud, nt fr ur nature or bhaviour bt bcz they hv cnvrtd a kafir n increased muslim popluatn…hey btw whn u read quran n hadiths, why dnt u browse d English conversion, u wil b shockd to learn that ur reading the books whch mostly toks abt killng, wars,fear of hell allah n everything related,! Peace b upon him?! The person who himself is responsible fr n himslf brags abt innumerable deaths n marriages wd multiple women n slaves too…n himslf started stoning,!!!!!

    Reply at

    • Aakash Mallik
      March 1, 2015 2:34 am

      Didi u r muslim and yet u have talked abt some points which are against ur own religion…its quite a brave step…and also i would like to knw more from u as i am also in a state of confusion and i dont.want to end up reveriting my self without any sense atall…plz reply me at

      • Mohammed
        March 1, 2015 3:22 am

        what u have confusion?
        which religion u belongs to?
        Ask me i will clear ur doubts

  • April 12, 2014 8:10 am


    You will repent soon, when your husband will bring another 4 wives one by one and in your presence shall enjoy sex with them. Any objection from your side, will make him to loos temper and you will be subject to domestic violence. May you are forced to practice halala, means you are dirvoced orally and you have to appease other males to get back to husband. If you ever tried to come back to your parent religion, you will be stonned to death publically.

    May be soon your clitoris is removed as part of female genital mutiliation?

  • April 5, 2014 9:50 am

    Akansha now Nusrat , Married for last 8 months and Muslim since last 5 months


    I am married to a Muslim guy for last eight months and reverted to Islam five months ago . I met my husband during collage days almost seven years ago and spent some good time as a very great friend together and when collage we separated .We were passively in contact until we met face to face two years ago , this time when we started to spend time together .We ended getting married through special marriage act , He never asked to talked about Islam ever and converting was far of thing but there was good opposition from my family stating that It would very difficult for me to settle in a Muslim family , I didn’t paid heed to them and thought will manage some how but unfortunately my parents family was true .When I entered my in-laws house ,I faced hostility and non-cooperation and very much unfriendly environment .My mother in law wanted me to revert to islam and my hubby’s sister suggested me to do so to be accepted in the famuly ,My husband was silent .I asked my husband to move in separate apartment but he refused to move since he cannot leave his family and I cannot leave my husband .So after 3 monnths finally I have to give up and unwillingly have to revert to islam and was given a new name “NUSRAT” and had a Nikah after that my life changed completely ,I was compelled to leave my job , I did that.

    Now My in-laws are becoming more friendlier and happier .My Mother in law taught taught me to offer salah which I have to go compulsory five times ,there is no chance of any missing those salah , in free time she teaches me Quran and hadiths .There are many restrictions have applied in my life ..I have to wear black gown called abaya and hijab and if I don’t they get angry also whenever going outside or at home ,I have to wear hijab and abaya a new experience from jeans ..they haven’t asked me yet to wear a veil yet but won’t long I will be able to escape from it .Most of documents like passport and voter-Id card have new identity of me , my name of Nusrat has been added in Ration card , and have applied adhar card as same .My old identity has been almost erased except from my mind .Iam also going away from hindu identity to a muslim one .There are occasion of unhappiness and often suffocation but I have to live with it .My parents are very sad about it but they haven’t abandoned me yet completely but now hardly in any contact with them .

    Only saving grace is my husband ,there is no altitude change from his side he still loves me same that was earlier although he sometime advises me to go to some Islamic seminary to learn more about Islam and understand ,so that my life can be easier in a new shell but no force .

    any body marrying muslim must keep in view that its not easy to go with this kind of marriages and have to often sacrifice . Most of the portion of sacrifice is shared by woman

    Reply at

    • D Bhattacharya
      June 5, 2017 4:52 am

      Do you wear niqab nowadays?

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