Tamanna: Have not got answers to my questions

A proud Hindu Brahmin girl in love with a moderate Muslim boy has many unanswered questions from this site and is frustrated for it. Can some Muslim scholars help her? Please limit discussion on this post specifically to answer these questions only, thanks.

Tamanna at several times over last month:

Zara…. I have not got any of the answers of the questions I have asked…and I have well researched about the subject….and wats wrong wid dat if I come on a platform to ask questions regarding my queries????

U guys are doing everything, fighting amongst each other except answering the questions, which was prime objective of me writing this post….

He (my bf) said I have to (change my name) for the sake of his parents, why?

I need to convert otherwise, his parents would not approve of those marriage, why?

My boy friend said: “Why do you need to earn, when I am there,… anyhow, my parents would not approve you to be working”…..why?

(My bf said) it is all wrong written in the English translated Quran…is it true?

Regarding divorce…I read that saying talaq 3 times is end of the marriage…and if the divorce has happened twice, the woman has to get married to another man, then get physically involved with him, ask him for a divorce, and then only can get back to her former husband if she wishes to….? Why is that???

I was just curious s why quran mentions these things which should be forbidden…thanks for the answer…also do u think being a women, ur husband should have the rite to beat you and admonish youunder any circumstances..??? Sorry , but I wont allow that to happen to me…..

I have read quran, nd why is dat a muslim husband can admonish wife, have sex slaves, murder a kafir and get 72 hurs, ?????

I really want to explore more of it…people r following what is written in quran rite? So, according to you, the above stated quran quotes are acceptable???

…but honestly with his actions and specially him saying that I can follow my religion or in other words, me and his religion cant go parallel…, I am quite confused….

The question is why do I need to change my name or my religion to get married to someone I love? If he loves me, dont you think he needs to accept me the way I am…is it needed dat I have to lose my identity, my self respect, my own self, to gain his love?

Also, I am quite skeptical about the divorce stuff….I mean if me and my husband have a huge fight and in anger even if he mistakenly said talaq talaq talaq, the matter ends there? My world is shattered???

Can we let a religion, which is just a belief, lead our lives and mind???

I really wish I could get the answers of my questions…..thank you….-Tamanna

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Sam
    September 8, 2013 7:20 am

    To all of those who wants to know real islam, see this and decide for your self –


  • kallyan
    September 3, 2013 3:34 am

    dear tamanna,
    don’t marry him.they all r trying to convert u to islam a religion of terror.if he is ready to convert to hinduism before marriage, then u can marry.don’t do any mistake my sister

  • ZaraISBACK
    August 23, 2013 4:21 am

    Dear admin,
    Can you clarify why have you blocked me?????????
    Are you so scared of the truth??????????
    Please desist from such cheap tricks and answer me Why am I not able to post through my original gmail address
    This is such a cheap trick!!!!!!
    I will only keep coming back. Only Allah can stop me now

    • August 25, 2013 7:11 pm

      In last 6 years we have not blocked a single commenters, as a matter of fact we rarely delete any comment (only if it is filthy dirty words).

      We are glad you found ways of commenting back. We love your comments. You are a very valuable contributor on this site to educate youths in love. Please come back again and again.

  • Zara
    August 22, 2013 3:00 pm

    And just becis it says all religions are equal doesnot mean.you should be furious at other religions for not having the same school of thought. It may be dat the beginning of hinduism this was the only guidance they received and its been thousand years since so do some research becos Allah orders every human to gain knowledge amd question the true authority which is d reason why people convert to islam..so dat
    there silences ur argument of questioning becos only thru questioning r we lead toththe truth.

    • August 22, 2013 8:55 pm

      Can you clarify what do you mean by “becis it says all religions are equal doesnot mean.you should be furious at other religions for not having the same school of thought”?

      • ZaraISBACK
        August 23, 2013 4:22 am

        Dear admin
        When the hell did I say I have any strategy, where the hell did you read that Islam does not respect others religion? Why the hell are you making your own bigoted assumptions?
        Who said a madrassa is the only place to learn about Islam?
        A true muslim is defined by the Quran itself. Time and again I have even adviced tamanna to read about Islam but why are you making it seem pluralist. Muslims themselves are open minded about most things keeping in mind the moral limits that their religion preaches
        Moral limits includes thongs like pre marital sex, now don’t tell me pre marital sex is morally correct, if you do that shows the kind of morals you have
        You dont even fully understand the points you are raising about a salad or a bouquet. Islam doesnot tell anyone to change their culture unless it doesnot get in the way of its faith. Culture and faith are two different things.
        Why are you only taking tamanna’s side. Isnt this interfaith with so called equality? But I guess thats just a show piece sentence for your sight


        • August 25, 2013 7:18 pm

          We do not want you to stop, instead we wish you come back to guide youths like Tamanna every day, thanks.

          We are glad is Islam respect other faiths, different ways of praying to Allah and in different forms.

          “Moral limits includes thongs like pre marital sex, now don’t tell me pre marital sex is morally correct” agree, pre- and extra-marital sex are wrong.

          “Islam doesnot tell anyone to change their culture unless…” glad to know that, that is great news for Tamanna that she could continue praying her Hindu Gods after marriage in a Muslim home.

          • Zara
            August 26, 2013 2:45 am

            Why did you discontinue the sentence after unless???? What concepts of unerstanding to you have that you can’t even grasp the basics????
            Pls try to fit this in mind that essence of Islam is monotheism then how can someone pray to different gods in a muslim home.

            What idea do you even have when you say “culture”?

            There are all types of muslims in India, south indians, north indians etc, they are not asked to change thier cultures which includes giving up speaking their mother tongue which could be marathi gujarati anything or making local delicacies,This is how islam unites different cyltures and races, you need to have an open mind to understand religion is different from culture, if you cant understand that then you most definetly have a closed mind.

            Even hindus from different parts have different culture, is it so hard to understand or even try to contemplate about Islam??

            Are you so islamophobic???? Then please do people a favor and change your slogan to “Islamophobes all the way”

          • August 26, 2013 9:46 am

            Islam is a monotheist, exclusivist (Christians and Hindus will get Hell Fire) and supremacist (only a true religion, rest of religions are wrong). You will never understand pluralistic teachings of Dharmic faiths.

            We 100% agree and there is no doubt that Islam unites people. It is obvious in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangla Desh. By what means Hindu and Christians unite in Islam is obvious (or leave those country if they don’t want to unite with Islam). Further, we fully agree if you say one day India will be also united under Islam.

          • Zara
            August 26, 2013 10:55 pm

            Why are you so frustrated against Islam?? I genuinely ask this because I feel there is some personal agenda or you have been personally been wronged or may be rejected by a muslim girl because she gave her religion preference over you?(that would explain interfaith site) And are you depressed because she is living a happy life with her muslim husband?? and you still haven’t moved on? If it is so then my sympathies are with you.
            Because this kind of hatred only comes from having a personal grudge, also dont be so envious if some religion is exclusivist supremacist etc just because your religion doesnot have that concept because again n again I had to say this that there is a reason for it, if you really care and are so frustrated that why you are being left out of our religion then go and research it.
            Religion is not high school where you are being excluded out of a popular group so stop being so immature
            Islam clearly recognisez all the previous books and prophets, you will come to that verse if you read it rather than extracting verses for sake of your arguments, that definetly is not exclusivist nature
            And it is no co incidence that people like {Jesus, Moses, Noah, Muhammad} (SAW) who were of different eras and races and communities and countries received the same message
            You are just trying to blind this out bcos it would answer all your questions and clear all doubts and the supposed rejection you faced would be justified thats why you are scared
            Please take the hint from God and move on, God surely has better things in store for you

          • August 28, 2013 7:07 am

            You are wrong again and again. First, we never blocked you but welcomed you. None of these applies to us, “so frustrated….some personal agenda….may be rejected by a muslim girl …depressed….you still haven’t moved on…”. The truth is exactly opposite, consider as one the MOST blessed; thank God for it. We believe in good karma and for a good cause to help youths. Good luck with you life!

          • Zara
            August 28, 2013 9:22 pm

            Hmmm I believe you didn’t block me but what abt the questiins I have poised…on so many posts I have said and asked questions to satyen n u that enlighten me on hinduism but the answers never seem to come instead u hv loads to say abt others religion bt nothing to say abt ur own..u hv tonnes of questions for islam bt no answers to hinduiam…I’ll wait for d answers anyways

  • Zara
    August 22, 2013 2:57 pm

    And just becis it says all religions are equal doesnot mean.you should be furious at other religions for not having the same school of thought. It may be dat the beginning of hinduism this was the only guidance they received and its been thousand years since so do some research becos Allah orders every human to gain knowledge amd question the true authority which is d reason why people convert to islam..so dat
    there silences ur argument of questioning the

  • Zara
    August 22, 2013 2:51 pm

    Dear satyen you keep singing practices practicea practices but I guess u need to do a thorough research becos in islam there is reasoning for everything n if you go beyond this facade of flexibility you will know dat theae reasonings n practices have a deeper meaning to them…I know u must hate it to see islam in good light but it will do.more good bcos in ur ignorance u might be misleading poor souls which I’m sure evem hinduism forbids from doing
    I hv done a thorough research on religion n wat I have found is dat hinduism is a way to finding god dats d reason it says all religions r equal but in islam we believe dat God has sent his guidance upon humanity and has reached out to us dats why d stage if finding god is over and

  • Zara
    August 21, 2013 11:11 pm

    First of all I have answered talaq question before also I dont know why admin is doing this partiality of not posting it. I guess he just wants start more and more fights. I have also answered questions of hurs and admonishing even that is not posted here

    Dear Tamanna tell me one thing you have posted so many questions and say I have read this and that in Quran but tell me one thing Are there only these things that you picked out of it?? Why havent you read the whole Quran.

    Also changing names is a cultural practice, converts change name becvause they feel connected to Islam, infact Islam forbids one to change a name if its something bad or go against Islamic belief like Shirk

    Prophet has said in a hadith that a name is the first connection of the parents and their child so it doesnot need be changed. Do you know prophet had also said that a women should also not change her surname after marriage so her parents name continues but it happens today for convinience and cultural integration

    There is a reason for everything but what your bf or bf’s parents might be following may not be real Islam, they are culturally influenced and to tell you the truth I am an indian and I have seen that most Indian muslims know hardly anything about Islam, this creates so much misconception and it leads to questions like yours.And also ruins lives

    If your bf knew more abt his religion he would have been able to make you understand why one need to be a muslim to marry a muslim. But I advice you to first learn about islam not from ur bf but from a good source, so you would be able to make sense of these things. Chances are your bf and bf’s parents are following these things blindly without knowing the reason behind that that is why even you are furious

    Also I have seen that most times a convert to islam has more knowledge than a born muslim because born muslim take their faith for granted so please do a research from an unbiased mind instead of waiting here for a reply

    here are some websites

    • August 22, 2013 10:21 am

      Tamanna, great points by Zara.

      A good point, spend good amount of time learning Islam and its culture BEFORE marriage. To learn Islam, read all that is Zara recommended and talk to as many Imams as you could. Let us know what new you learn over that Fatimah already told us (that Half way is not possible).

      To understand culture, rent a flat in 90% Muslim majority neighbourhood and live (without your bf) there for 3 months. After all these, if you still want to love your Lord Krishna and Goddess Laxmi, probably that would be a “Shirk”. Half way is not possible, you have to decide if THIS or THAT?

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