MUHAMMAD YOUSAF SHAH says: September 2, 2021
Islam is the perfect religion and the scriptures has never been changed since it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAW , I am Muslim and I have knowledge only about Islam and … Read the rest
MUHAMMAD YOUSAF SHAH says: September 2, 2021
Islam is the perfect religion and the scriptures has never been changed since it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAW , I am Muslim and I have knowledge only about Islam and … Read the rest
The Indonesian marriage law has been interpreted as prohibiting marriage between people who follow different religions. However, this interpretation is disputed by some scholars, and the Supreme Court of Indonesia has essentially found that there is a “legal vacuum” in … Read the rest
The Abrahamic God is described in the Bible as a “Jealous God” 31 times and as an “Angry God” 238 times. The word “fear” is used 455 times in the Bible; many of … Read the rest
Neresa says: November 20, 2016 at 4:18 am
Hi every one im glad to find this conversation about interfaith marriage. Iam married catholic woman with my previous catholic husband we have separated but not legally, now i have a malaysian … Read the rest
jaydan says: October 22, 2016
well my girlfriend is hindu and im a cristian and i need help. i love and i dont want her to go to hell.
well, yeah i talked to her parents and mine. she … Read the rest
Mary says: September 3, 2016
Dear admin,
Please help me. I am a christian who is interested in marrying my boyfriend who is a muslim. We have been together for almost 3 years now. However, his parents are very religious … Read the rest
Deepti says: January 27, 2016 at 7:34 am
I am too facing the same situation like of Divianna. In love with a marthoma guy now forcefully have to part our ways as marthoma churches doesn’t accepts inter-faith marriage. If … Read the rest
Hindu says: December 29, 2015 at 6:02 pm
Hi, I was born Hindu and fell in love with a Catholic guy. We got into a relationship which got serious overtime. Peter told me clearly beforehand that I will have … Read the rest
ahmad noor says: September 28, 2015 at 4:14 am (Edit)
admin says:
Ahmad, we were hoping you would make more sensible statements. We know you are sitting in … Read the rest
Raja says: July 13, 2015 at 2:29 am
Hi all,
We are a couple muslim guy + christian lady will have a civil wedding in Singapore.
We also planning to have a religious muslim wedding in Singapore, preferably in the … Read the rest
Shazaan says: March 1, 2015 at 9:53 pm
I am a Muslim man seeking in finding out how the rules in Roman Catholic Churches and Islamic mosques in Kerala consider mixed marriages as I am in love with a Roman … Read the rest
Some readers may not know but there are 41,000 denominations in Christianity. Further, the Bible was written hundreds of years after Jesus. Here, a few views of Christians presented.
shonejo says: October 6, 2014 at 11:20 am
Marthoma is … Read the rest
deepika says: August 23, 2014 at 4:47 am
I am in a different problem. I loved a man who is a marthomite converted from a hindu nair family. He is the only guy converted from his family. His another family … Read the rest
Megha says: July 8, 2014 at 11:20 pm
Dear Admin,
Like Poonam, I’m a Hindu girl and my boy friend is a Mallyalam Protestant Christian. We’ve been dating for one and a half years now. We are madly in … Read the rest
Poonam says: July 2, 2014 at 9:23 am
hi i am hindu girl getting marry to christen tamil boy . i dint want take baptisum coz i dont belive on castisum suggest me somepoints where i can make him understand … Read the rest
Rk says: June 22, 2014 at 5:46 pm
Below is one of the best criticisms of Christianity I have ever read. I grew up in a Hindu family, went to a Christian school as a child (where I converted at … Read the rest
Jesus(1) was a progressive thinker and believed in adapting to time. Several points are raised to support this assertion.
The Second Commandment(2) describes the jealous and angry(3) God’s stern message against praying to “other” gods and warning to punish your … Read the rest
tejashree says: April 20, 2014 at 12:50 pm
Hi. I m a Hindu girl and I am dating an east Indian roman catholic guy for last 9 years.
I am not very religious. My parents also are quite open minded … Read the rest
Considering there are 36,000 denominations of Christianity (similar true for all religions), different people call God by different names, people pray God in many times exactly opposite to others’ way, religious scriptures are contrasting (like Christians think God could have … Read the rest
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