My story is no different than most of the Hindu girls…

Pavithra says: August 31, 2013 at 6:34 pm

Hi All,
My story is no different than most of the Hindu girls who got married to Muslim boys,i will share my story later,but to all Hindus who are planning to get married to Muslims,they pretty well convince you to convert to Islam on the below grounds

1. that kids wont grow up confused if we both parents follow same religion.and as per Indian culture usually father’s religion or cast is followed in the inter caste or religious cases.

2.Islam is the true religion,and they will convince you on absence of casts,prohibition of alcohol,gambling and how swamis and ashrams and their manipulation is not possible in Islam etc.

3.if you ask them about Islamic invaders and their behaviors they will say they are all bad Muslims,original Islam doesn’t allow that.

anyway I convinced my husband to a maximum extent that the above all a re false after spending at least 2 years in to Islamic research myself.
I asked him below questions for which he had no answers.
so I want all you girls to ask the below questions to your would be husbands when they try to convince you about Islam.

my questions are a long list,but will definitely help you Muslim bfs to review their religion before convincing you on it this time.

here we go,the post is long,please have patience.

1.Do we really need to be part of a religion to love God,to pray to him/her/it.Is it not possible to seek his mercy n blessings just by sincerely praying to him.does he reject your prayer if you say you are not part of his favored religion.

2. Is it always necessary that we should identify ourselves as either Muslims,Christians,or Hindu,Buddhists always?i.e we belong to so and so community.and then fight among each other that each of us got the best version of God. Does a jasmine if called rose loses it’s properties?then why some one called God is humiliated just like us(humans) when out of their ignorance his creation call/perceive differently.

3. What if a non-believer in God/Islam is a really good person,never did any harm to any being,but just only out of his own reasoning(confused/failed with the same brain that god has manufactured) not believed in Him,is he still need to be fried in the hell forever?

4. what if some one believes in god but does not believe in Mohammad as prophet, he is ready to believe in all other prophets other than him,does god put him in hell just for not accepting one of his many messengers? we humans give (all govt organisations) exemptions,can god not give exemptions.

5.Why that even prophet of Islam has taken the path of going to war,making slaves,marrying many wives and keeping slaves.then how they are called nice people when they did all the cruel things equal to that of a king.keeping many wives is not sin but at the same time not an ideal model also,A husband now a days is suffering to manage a single wife so basically this is not a thing that a last role model of a human race should be doing.when he has 99% probability of being followed ditto from eating to sleeping.

6. love gives love in return & hate is given in return to hate. then through wars on infidels(You say your’s is a peaceful religion but you warn to attack other innocent people when they perceive the God with a brain(created by the same Allah) in a way different to that of yours.This is sanctioned in Quran(refer to queen of sheeba and prophet Suleiman story) can you ever be able to achieve love in return?

you give any name to it but if some one threatens to kill or kills my husband and then take me as a slave even though to be treated nicely i will still call it injustice if the only wrong thing we did is we are not believing the version you are saying and not believing that Mohammad is a prophet.

7. If today there is this new guy, who comes and says that he is the last prophet and the previous scriptures are corrupted so he should be believed,will you believe him? I guess NO,coz the scripture which you believe says that Mohammad is the seal of prophets.So is the same case with the people who believed in the previous scriptures to their respective religions .hence they did not believed for the same reason if this new prophet calls a war on Muslims and take their wives as slaves of course to be treated nicely,will you not call it injustice?for me i will call it injustice irrespective of the victim’s religion.
8. which version of Islam is the proper Islam…..Sunni,Wahhabi,quran only,ahle hadees, shia, ahamadiya, submissionists..please tell me why even under the carpet of Islam itself so many versions?and why they are killing each other in different countries.i know you are not answerable for others behavior but there must be some pattern as this is happening only in Muslim community.

9.what is your opinion on Cursing,is it a good human trait,if that is not good human emotion then why God is cursing some one(ABU LAHEB) because he was not good to prophet.does that mean we are free to curse anyone who is not good to us becoz god himself did that.

10.when comparing all the religions Islam is saying it has got the best version infact the only version approved by god and also un corrupted,then once you get in to Islam, there are so many different communities each calling they have the best version.then is Quran right on saying the fact that it is a clear book?if it is clear book why so many interpretations?

11.I know Quran itself says that it is understandable only by a few,i want to know who are those few in the current world so that i can at least stick to them.but how do some one judge that they have understood it properly?on what basis?where is the basis.

12. Quran can be understood with the help of hadees. but hadees themselves are dependent on Quran for correction,if i buy your argument as quran is the one to go for in case of contradiction,how do you find that there is a discrepency? on what basis?if there is a chance that few hadees are corrupted,what is the basis that all others are not corrupt?

13. Why at one point quran says that people of the book are good. then why again calls jews as apes and pigs.this gives me a strange feeling that God hates both his creations one jews next pigs.

14. why is that God is not particularly fond of women: it gives me a strange feeling that he is a male.he actually has similar mindset to that of such example is: god was threatening the wives of Mohammad that they will be replaced with other submissive woman if they don’t change their ways.for me if my relationship with my husband is not working for whatever reason this is the least thing that can improve it or correct my behaviour. love,respect should come from heart but can not be forced by a warning/Threat.

15. if God he himself recommends that it is advisable to marry only one then why he did allowed four wives and offcourse to the prophet 11 wives and did not put any limit on right hand processors prophet can have(Muslims included)? Right hand processors are part of war booty…..this must be the first instance where a woman is given status of war booty to be distributed among soldiers just like gold n silver.

16. Quran says that slaves should be treated well,but who ensures the good treatment if they are being beaten to death,,slave kids sexually exploited?even though food and clothes are given just like in Indian police cells.regarding the release of slaves what will be the situation of a old woman slave who has been used all her life time and released when she is no more usable for household,sexual purposes.first of all a divine book if at all divine should have straight away said ban slavery,but not,seige them,use them,then release them,whats the point it trying to prove?

17.Why is that when Mohammad requested his believers to treat his wives as mothers and no one should marry them after his death,but he did not respect that right of other soldiers of treating their wives the same way?so all rights are for him only,not for others.

18.why is that when you read Quran you get a feeling that it is by a human and that too from a male/man.jsut like humans, god in quran also have ego(ex: in one of the verses god says a slave and master are not equal,i think relationship between god and his creation is very beautiful it is not even near master and slave kind of relationship. because a slave despises his position in that relationship,he hates his master for keeping him in a bondage) God in quran is also frustrated after a point just like we humans do(calling jews,mushirks as worst of animals) he also have an unforgiving nature(he said he can forgive any other sin other than shirk).the other thing is he curses his own creation for not being good to his favourite creation(Muhammad)
he also thinks that a girl is not as worthy as man because she can’t fight a battle.A 11 month old doesn’t know her gender,but she is still a human,and has every emotion effecting her is she less than any boy of her age?does soul have a gender?

he(Allah) also changes his mind quiet often just like we humans one place he asks to pray in one direction then he changes it to some other direction.(gives a reason that he wants to test the loyality).If Mohammad forgets any verses he says that he made him to forget to bring new and better ones.(this is where the doubts increase to a very higher level)
19.You say that to be a Muslim, one must believe in hadees too,so what is your take on all the voilence on the innocent people that is described.

20.what is your take on the objection abu bakr raised when Mohammad asked for Ayesha?(several hadees saying her age as 6 when 53 yr Mohammad asked for her hand)

21.why female slaves are halal to have sex with out marriage?why marriage is degraded to money related transaction instead of a life long commitment.And why every where Mohammad wants privileges compared to other believers Ex: more wives allowed than others(total 11),no limit on right hand processors/sex slaves he can have even after reaching maximum count for wives.why he needs to have 1/5th of war booty reserved for him,why his widows are not to be married where as he goes on marrying other’s widows.

22. Zaid the adopted son and ex-husband of zeinaab who is a believer is also asked to treat Mohammad’s wives as mothers/mother figures,Is it on earth possible to treat a woman as a mother figure after having sexual relations with that woman?(the woman is in this case i am talking about is Zainab with whom zaid had those relations)

23. zijya tax or protection tax(a protection to not to get killed by Muslims for not accepting Islam). is it ok for a human to treat the other human in such a derogatory manner just because he holds a different opinion to that of yours.(for ex: me,i hate the concept of snatching the properties of the people on the name of holy war and making the wives of the killed humans as sex slaves,no matter how you justify this i will never ever accept it as correct ,forget it if you say it is done under the order of god.Then what you are mentioning here as God is not God but probably an evil spirit.).people tried to convince me that zizya tax is need to be paid by kafirs just as Muslims need to pay zakat. but quran verse says that zizya tax is to humiliate the kafir for their disbelief. zakat is to purify the Muslim sins.there is a big difference between the two.

24. Quran says a believer will have big breasted hoors in the heaven,what is the need to mention big boobs here?by the way a man gets many attractive women where as no mention of what a women will get,it would have been good if he hasn’t mentioned anything for both,or something for both,but once agian i can see that he is bothered about males here,coz they are the ones who will accompany the messenger in battle,and the dead beleivers in the battle are promised heaven with a surity. so for a man the most tempting offer is if you win and live you will get spoils(others money,and woman folk whose only sin was they were kafirs and they needed time to accept this violent fellow’s version of god) if you are dead,you will get wine,big boobed woman.

25.why even believers are cursed when they dont want to kill their neighbors because they dont intend to.i see now how much compulsion is there in your religion as opposed to it’s can it calim to be non-compulsive when it asks to pay zizya to not to get killed on the basis of religion,when the basis for not to lose your wives,and properties to strangers is religion,when all the privileges to see kaba once open to all was religion.When the only way you can not be called pig,ape,worst of creatures in a derogatory manner is through religion,when you are threatened to be fried in hell for not believing in the version of this guy who is suspicious in almost all his behaviors.
26.A book of divine origin never makes you despise people around you based on their religion,how misleaded they may be,worst still asking for their lives and properties.

some real questions from Quran:

Queen of sheeba and suleiman story
points to be noted.

1.Queen of Sheeba was ruling her kingdom peacefully.she is intelligent and sensible.
It contradicts the Quran in many ways.
Woman handling a highest post possible succesfully, where as Quran says man is superior and maintainer of she is the maintainer of man taht too without any complaints.
woman witness needs to be 2 in number as they are deficient in memorising(exactly told as if one forgets the other may remind her). where as here she is taking almost all the decisions of the kingdom
Quran says whats the use of a woman who can not fight a battle(belittling the girls for their physical weekness) where as i have plenty of examples from my own country where a woman is also a warrior that too a good one.

2. Suleiman sends a letter to Sheeba because he wanted to see wether hoopoe was saying truth and also wanted them to stop from worshipping the sun.
he says in the letter ” dont be arrogant and come to me in submission”. but it sounds that he is more arroagant by the way he said it especially when he is speaking to some body of equal status.

Why a queen who is ruling her kingdom has to submit to other king just because he is saying there is no worthy of worship except Allah.
On recieving the letter from suleiman Queen of sheeba talks with her council and being a sensible woman she is sends him gifts as thats the most polite way of saying no and at the same time trying maximum to not to hurt other person’s ego.and i think she tried a best solution.even though she is in a powerful position instead of resorting to war she did go for peaceful way.

It is also explained why she took that decision: she says surely the kings when wage a war ruin the villages, and make the people lives degraded. So as she has every right to say NO by her freewill at the same time she knew the bad things a war brings to her people.But contrary to her behaviour Suleiman’s behaviour is insenitive,insensible.

a. It is him who is bothered by her worship but not the other way round.
b. It’s him who is getting infuriated by her refusal and want to wage a war but not her.
c. It is him who is poking his nose in to something that is not his business but not her.

Instead of convincing her or explaining her why he is asking her to follow islam all he can come up with is intention to attack if not accepted.A person will really get offended and will not see any good in the so called relegion if all he can come up with is war,expelling from the land jsut for not getting convinced of his invitation.

it is contradictiong quran in 2 points

Quran says : to me my releigion to you yours.(suleiman could not accept this factor and got angry for refusing instead of accepting the fact that they are not intrested in his version.
Quran says: there is no compulsion in religion. where as here he is compelling her to accept the religion using different tactics: threatinening with war,asking his jinns to get her throne without her knowledge.both are saying different to what it claims to be a peaceful religion.

so moral of the story is even if the people are peaceful and in no way are stopping muslims from following their religion still prophets can attack or intend to attack the people of other religions because they believe that they have got the correct version of God.This actually aligns very well with the voilent verses in quran asking for killing the kafirs until the religions is only of Allah’s.Now it is also clear how the muslims will get right hand pocessors. first they go to any kingdom where they follow different religion and then they send a letter of invitation to them,if they say no then they have the right to attack them. once they wage a war,and the other party loses they will get their money,tresures and then get the women of that kingdom as war booty of which one fifth will go to prophet so good amount of women folk will go to the so called prophet,so innocent men will be killed,women and kids will be taken as captive,so now i see the divine religion how much divine.

3. When he manipulated her throne by magic then she get convinced that he has some power, and then she says ok,but for me i find no logic here,he is asking her to follow islam by showing magic,but not exactly explaining her what islam is? so at the end of the day i feel sheeba is more intelligent than suleiman the prophet.

4. Sheeba would have been prophet instead of suleiman for her sensible behaviour,she put the welfare of her people above everything at being a really assertive person not as an aggressive person.on the other hand suleiman kept the innocent people lives a low priority on the faith and was ready to attack them and been aggressive in his approach,howcome he is chosen by god as prophet,if there are no people then what is the need for faith,for whom?

Another intresting story is of Khizar and prophet musa,where prophet musa was supposed to be quiet and should not ask questions.Khizar kills a small boy and musa asks a question why he killed an innocent kid? then khizar replies that the boy is going to bring shame to the parents, i quiet not understood the logic he has any right to kill an innocent. he may be a criminal in the future but at this moment he is innocent, killing of any inncoent creature is also wrong.This actually aligns very well with the honour killings that happen in muslim world.

one more thing quran has changed the concept of adoption in arabia, the adopted kid will not get the name of the adoptive parents instead he wil be called with the name of the kids original father’s name.and if they dont know the name of the father he will be called as brother.This is based on the factor that a man doesn’t ahve two hearts in his body,which means he can never treat the adopted kid as his own.however i quiet not understood how a person can treat a stepson/daughter as his kid based on the same logic.the same reasoning applies to how nursing based siblings will be mehram in quran
an everlasting book is not supposed to have wasted the space for the following.

Repetetions of the same sotries again and again(some times up to 10 times)
For Mohammad’s personal life issues(conflict with wives,or issue realted to marrying adopted son’s wife,how he is allowed more than what a common muslim can have) which is no way relevant to today or future.
For cursing his own creation repetatively becoz they corrupted his scriptures,they insulted his favourite person.
comparing his one creation with other creations like pigs and apes,donkeys in a derogatory manner.
Constantly reminding his creation how worst they can become and reminding them how worst god can become( ex: if you scam against me i will scam in bigger way against you)
religion of peace have less verses for peaceful stuff most verses for explaining rules related to war,slaves,war booty,showing frustration and anger.
graphically describing violence like cutting the finger tips of the disbeliever,smiting the necks,how they should not feel mercy on the disbelievers they should be more inclined to take them as prisoners of war rather than leaving them for ransom.

I have got to this conclusion not by reading quran to prove my point but inspite of my trying best to convince myself a lot i really couldn’t convince my self on the above.combining with the fact that i am not born and brought up in your religion so i by my nature have a different view of god to that of yours.if god will despise me just because he made me to born in the religion that he hates to have a different view of him, then i am in no way responsible for that, i use my reasoning to find out wether this religion,book,prophet are divine or not as claimed. and i found that the origins of this book are not divine but human that too a misleaded one.

At the end lot of people say it is not for us to understand Quran, if that is the case then they should also recognize that on the same note we wont be able to judge good from bad even without Quran.

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • sanket
    October 5, 2013 11:01 pm

    Avoid Islam!!!

  • September 6, 2013 12:31 am


    Go through the following terrorist history of your religion against mankind and then comment:-

    Germany “Munich Massacre” in Germany by Islamic Black September militants, 1972.
    Saudi Arabia Grand Mosque Seizure in Saudi Arabia, 1979. Approx. 250 Dead, 600 wounded.
    1980–1989[edit source | editbeta]

    A smoke cloud rises from the 1983 bombed American barracks at Beirut International Airport, which killed 242.
    Israel 7–8 April 1980 – Misgav Am hostage crisis in Misgav Am, Israel. 3 dead, 11 injured
    Belgium 27 July 1980 – Antwerp, Belgium. Syrian Palestinian Said Al Nasr threw two hand grenades into a group of Jewish children waiting for a bus. 1 dead, 20 injured.
    Austria 29 August 1981 – 1981 Vienna synagogue attack in Vienna, Austria, was attacked by Palestinian gunmen. 2 dead, 30 wounded
    Lebanon 11 November 1982 – First Tyre headquarters bombings in Tyre, Lebanon, 102 dead, 28 injured
    United StatesLebanon 18 April 1983 – The April 1983 U.S. Embassy bombing, Beirut, Lebanon by the Islamic Jihad Organization, 63 dead, 120 injured[1]
    Lebanon 23 October 1983 – 1983 Beirut barracks bombing by the Islamic Jihad Organization, that killed 241 U.S. marines, 58 French paratroopers and 6 civilians at the US and French barracks in Beirut and injured 75.[2]
    Lebanon 2 November 1983 – Second Tyre headquarters bombings in Tyre, Lebanon. 60 dead, 40 injured
    GreeceLebanonAlgeria 14 June 1985 – TWA Flight 847 was an international Trans World Airlines flight, which was hijacked by members of Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. 1 dead.
    Israel 7 July 1989 – Tel Aviv Jerusalem bus 405 suicide attack, near Kiryat Yearim. 16 dead
    1990–1999[edit source | editbeta]

    Osama bin Laden (1957–2011) was the founder of Al-Qaeda, the jihadist organization responsible for many high profile attacks, including the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings and the September 11 attacks.

    The 1996 Khobar Towers bombing by Hezbollah Al-Hejaz killed 19 Americans, one Saudi, and wounded 372.
    United States 26 February 1993 – World Trade Center bombing, in New York City. 6 killed.
    India 13 March 1993 – 1993 Bombay bombings. Mumbai, India. 257 dead, 713 injured.
    Israel 6 April 1994 – Afula Bus suicide bombing, Afula. 8 dead
    Israel 13 April 1994 – Hadera bus station suicide bombing, Hadera. 5 dead
    Israel 16 April 1993 – Mehola Junction bombing, Mehola junction, West Bank. 1 dead
    Argentina 28 July 1994 – Buenos Aires, Argentina. Vehicle suicide bombing attack against AMIA building, the local Jewish community representation. 85 dead, more than 300 injured.
    Israel 19 October 1994 – Dizengoff Street bus bombing, Tel Aviv. 22 dead
    Israel 11 November 1994 – Netzarim Junction bicycle bombing, Netzarim. 3 dead
    Algeria 24 December 1994 – Air France Flight 8969 hijacking in Algiers by 3 members of Armed Islamic Group of Algeria and another terrorist. 7 killed including 4 hijackers.
    Israel 22 January 1995 – Beit Lid massacre, Beit Lid Junction. 21 dead
    Israel 9 April 1995 – Kfar Darom bus attack, Vicinity of Kfar Darom, Gaza Strip. 8 dead
    Israel 24 July 1995 – Ramat Gan bus 20 bombing, Ramat Gan. 6 dead
    Israel 21 August 1995 – Ramat Eshkol bus bombing, Jerusalem. 4 dead
    Israel 25 February and 3 March 1996 – Jaffa Road bus bombings, Jerusalem. 45 dead, 55 injured
    Israel March 4, 1996 – Dizengoff Center suicide bombing, Tel Aviv. 13 dead
    Saudi Arabia 25 June 1996 – Khobar Towers bombing, 20 killed, 372 wounded.
    Israel 21 March 1997 – Café Apropo bombing, Tel Aviv. 3 dead
    Israel 30 July 1997 – 1997 Mahane Yehuda Market Bombings, Jerusalem. 16 dead
    Israel 4 September 1997 – Ben Yehuda Street Bombing, Jerusalem. 5 dead
    Egypt 17 November 1997 – Luxor attack, 6 armed Islamic terrorists attack tourists at Egypts famous Luxor Ruins. 62 killed, 26 injured.
    India 14 February 1998 – Bombing in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. 13 bombs explode within a 12 km radius. 46 killed and over 200 injured.
    Tanzania Kenya 7 August 1998 – 1998 United States embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya. 224 dead. 4000+ injured.
    Russia 4–16 September 1999 – The Russian apartment bombings were a series of explosions that hit four apartment blocks in the Russian cities of Buynaksk, Moscow, and Volgodonsk. The explosions occurred in Buynaksk on 4 September, Moscow on 9 and 13 September, and Volgodonsk on 16 September. 293 dead, 1000+ injured. Several other bombs were defused in Moscow at the time.[3]
    2000–2009[edit source | editbeta]

    The north face of Two World Trade Center (south tower) immediately after being struck by United Airlines Flight 175

    Hasib Hussain, who detonated the bus bomb in Tavistock Square in the 7 July 2005 London bombings, is captured on CCTV leaving

    One of the bomb-damaged coaches at the Mahim station in Mumbai during the 11 July 2006 train bombings

    Damage caused by the Jerusalem bulldozer attack on 2 July 2008
    Indonesia 5 August 2000 – Christmas Eve 2000 Indonesia bombingskilling 18 [4]
    Yemen 12 October 2000 – Attack on the USS Cole in the Yemeni port of Aden. 17 American sailors were killed, 39 injured.
    Israel March 4, 2001 – 2001 Netanya bombing, Netanya. 3 dead
    Israel May 18, 2001 – 2001 HaSharon Mall suicide bombing, Netanya. 5 dead
    Israel June 1, 2001 – Dolphinarium discotheque suicide bombing, Tel Aviv. 21 dead
    Israel August 9, 2001 – Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing, Jerusalem. 15 dead
    Israel September 9, 2001 – Nahariya train station suicide bombing, Nahariya. 3 dead
    United States 11 September 2001 – 4 planes hijacked by 19 al-Qaeda hijackers: two planes crashed into World Trade Center and one into the The Pentagon. Nearly 3000 dead.[5]
    Israel November 29, 2001 – Pardes Hanna bus bombing, Israel. 3 dead
    Israel December 1, 2001 – Ben Yehuda Street Bombing, Jerusalem. 11 dead
    Israel December 2, 2001 – Haifa bus 16 suicide bombing, Haifa. 15 dead
    India 13 December 2001 – Suicide attack on Indian parliament in New Delhi by Pakistan-based Islamist terrorist organizations, Jaish-E-Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Toiba. Aimed at eliminating the top leadership of India and causing anarchy in the country. 7 dead, 12 injured.
    Israel January 25, 2002 – 2002 Tel Aviv outdoor mall bombing, Tel Aviv. 25 injured
    Israel January 27, 2002 – 2002 Jaffa Street bombing, Jerusalem. 1 dead
    Israel February 16, 2002 – Karnei Shomron Mall suicide bombing, Israel. 3 dead, 30 injured
    Israel March 2, 2002 – Yeshivat Beit Yisrael massacre, Jerusalem. 11 dead
    Israel March 9, 2002 – Café Moment bombing, Jerusalem. 11 dead
    Israel March 20, 2002 – Umm al-Fahm bus bombing, Israel. 7 dead
    Israel March 21, 2002 – King George Street bombing, Jerusalem. 3 dead
    Israel March 27, 2002 – Suicide bomb attack on a Passover Seder in a Hotel in Netanya, Israel. 30 dead, 133 injured.
    India 30 March 2002 and 24 November 2002 – Attacks on the Hindu Raghunath temple, India. Total 25 dead.
    Israel March 29, 2002 – Kiryat HaYovel supermarket bombing, Jerusalem. 2 dead
    Israel March 31, 2002 – Matza restaurant suicide bombing, Haifa. 15 dead
    Israel April 10, 2002 – Yagur Junction bombing, Yagur. 8 dead
    Israel April 12, 2002 – 2002 Mahane Yehuda Market bombing, Jerusalem. 6 dead
    Israel May 7, 2002 – 2002 Rishon LeZion bombing, Rishon LeZion. 15 dead
    Algeria May 7, 2002 – Bombing in al-Arbaa, Algeria. 49 dead, 117 injured.
    Israel May 19, 2002 – Netanya Market bombing, Netanya. 3 dead
    Israel May 23, 2002 – Pi Glilot bombing attempt, Tel Aviv. dead
    Israel June 5, 2002 – Megiddo Junction bus bombing, Megiddo Junction. 17 dead
    Israel June 11, 2002 – 2002 Herzliya shawarma restaurant bombing, Herzliya. 1 dead
    Israel June 18, 2002 – Patt Junction Bus Bombing, Jerusalem. 19 dead
    Israel June 19, 2002 – 2002 French Hill suicide bombing, Jerusalem by the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades. 7 dead, 35 injured.
    Israel July 16, 2002 – 2002 Immanuel bus attack, Israel. 9 dead
    Israel July 17, 2002 – Neve Shaanan Street bombing, Tel Aviv. 5 dead
    Israel July 31, 2002 – Hebrew University bombing, Jerusalem. 9 dead
    Israel August 4, 2002 – Meron Junction Bus 361 attack, Israel. 9 dead
    Israel September 19, 2002 – Allenby Street bus bombing, Tel Aviv. 6 dead
    India September 24, 2002 – Machine Gun attack on Hindu temple in Ahmedabad, India. 31 dead, 86 injured.[6][7]
    Indonesia 12 October 2002 – Bombing in Bali nightclub. 202 killed, 300 injured.[8]
    Israel October 21, 2002 – Karkur junction suicide bombing, Israel. 14 dead
    Israel October 27, 2002 – Sonol gas station bombing, Ariel, West Bank. 3 dead
    Russia 23 October 2002 – Moscow theater hostage crisis; Some 40 to 50 Islamist militant separatist seized a crowded Moscow theater taking 850 hostages. 170 killed, 700 injured.[9]
    Israel November 21, 2002 – Kiryat Menachem bus bombing, Jerusalem. 11 dead
    Israel January 5, 2003 – Tel Aviv central bus station massacre, Tel Aviv. 23 dead
    Israel March 5, 2003 – Haifa bus 37 suicide bombing, Haifa. 17 dead
    Israel April 30, 2003 – Mike’s Place suicide bombing, Tel Aviv. 3 dead
    Morocco May 16, 2003 – Casablanca Attacks – 4 simultaneous attacks in Casablanca killing 33 civilians (mostly Moroccans) carried by Salafia Jihadia.
    Israel May 18, 2003 – 2003 French Hill suicide bombing, Jerusalem. 7 dead
    Israel May 19, 2003 – Afula mall bombing, Afula. 3 dead
    Israel June 11, 2003 – Davidka Square bus bombing, Jerusalem. 17 dead
    Indonesia August 5, 2003 – 2003 Marriott Hotel bombing in Mega Kuningan, South Jakarta, Indonesia; suicide bomber detonated a car bomb outside the JW Marriott Jakarta lobby, killing 12 and injuring 150
    Israel August 19, 2003 – Shmuel HaNavi bus bombing, Jerusalem. 23 dead
    Israel September 9, 2003 – Tzrifin bus stop attack, Israel. 9 dead
    Israel September 9, 2003 – Café Hillel bombing, Jerusalem. 7 dead
    Israel October 4, 2003 – Maxim restaurant suicide bombing, Haifa. 21 dead
    Israel December 25, 2003 – Geha Interchange bus stop bombing, Israel. 4 dead, 20 injured
    Israel January 14, 2004 – 2004 Erez Crossing bombing, Gaza Strip. 4 dead
    Israel January 29, 2004 – Gaza Street bus bombing, Jerusalem. 11 dead
    Israel February 22, 2004 – Liberty Bell Park bus bombing, Jerusalem. 8 dead
    Israel March 14, 2004 – 2004 Ashdod Port bombings, Port of Ashdod. 10 dead
    Spain 11 March 2004 – Madrid train bombings. 191 killed, 1460 injured (alleged link to Al-Qaeda).
    Israel August 31, 2004 – Beersheba bus bombings, Beersheba. 16 dead
    Russia 1 September 2004 – Beslan school hostage crisis, approximately 344 civilians including 186 children killed.[10][11]
    Indonesia 9 September 2004 – 2004 Australian Embassy bombing in Jakarta, Indonesia; suicide bomber exploded a one-tonne car bomb, which was packed into a small Daihatsu delivery van, outside the Australian embassy at Kuningan District, South Jakarta killing 9 and injuring over 150
    Egypt October 7, 2004 – 2004 Sinai bombings, Sinai peninsula, Egypt. 34 dead
    Israel November 1, 2004 – Carmel Market bombing, Tel Aviv. 3 dead
    Netherlands 2 November 2004 – The murder of Theo van Gogh (film director) by Amsterdam-born jihadist Mohammed Bouyeri.[12]
    Israel 13 January 2005 – Karni border crossing attack, Gaza Strip. 6 dead
    Nigeria 4 February 2005 – Muslim terrorists attacked the Christian community in Demsa, Nigeria, killing 36 people, destroying property and displacing an additional 3000 people.
    Israel 25 February 2005 – Stage Club bombing, Tel Aviv. 5 dead
    India 5 July 2005 – Attack at the Hindu Ram temple at Ayodhya, India; one of the most holy sites of Hinduism. 6 dead.
    United Kingdom 7 July 2005 – Multiple bombings in London Underground. 53 killed by four suicide bombers. Nearly 700 injured.
    Israel July 12, 2005 – HaSharon Mall suicide bombing (July 12, 2005), Netanya. 5 dead
    United Kingdom 21 July 2005 London bombings – Four attempted bomb attacks disrupted part of London’s public transport system two weeks after the 7 July 2005 London bombings. The explosions occurred around midday at Shepherd’s Bush, Warren Street and Oval stations on London Underground, and on a bus in Shoreditch. A fifth bomber dumped his device without attempting to set it off.[13]
    Egypt 23 July 2005 – Bomb attacks at Sharm el-Sheikh, an Egyptian resort city, at least 64 people killed.
    Indonesia 1 October 2005 – 2005 Bali bombings in Jimbaran & Kuta, Bali, Indonesia; a series of bombings kills at least 20 and injures over 100
    Israel October 26, 2005 – Hadera Market bombing, Hadera. 7 dead
    India 29 October 2005 – 29 October 2005 Delhi bombings, India. Over 60 killed and over 180 injured in a series of three attacks in crowded markets and a bus, just 2 days before the Diwali festival.[14]
    Jordan 9 November 2005 – 2005 Amman bombings. a series of coordinated suicide attacks on hotels in Amman, Jordan. Over 60 killed and 115 injured.[15][16] Four attackers including a husband and wife team were involved.[17]
    Israel December 5, 2005 – HaSharon Mall suicide bombing (December 5, 2005), Netanya. 5 dead
    India 7 March 2006 – 2006 Varanasi bombings, India. A series of attacks in the Sankath Mochan Hanuman temple and Cantonment Railway Station in the Hindu holy city of Varanasi. 28 killed and over 100 injured.[18]
    Israel March 30, 2006 – Kedumim bombing, Kedumim. 4 dead
    Israel April 17, 2006 – 2006 Tel Aviv shawarma restaurant bombing, Tel Aviv. 11 dead, 68 injured
    Canada 2–3 June 2006 – A series of attacks erupted against targets in Southern Ontario, Canada, and the June 2, 2006, counter-terrorism raids in and around the Greater Toronto Area that resulted in the arrest of 18 people (dubbed the “Toronto 18″) found to be members of an Islamic terrorist cell. 18 Al-Qaeda members were behind this attack plot. They were trying to storm the Canadian Broadcasting Centre, the Canadian Parliament building, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) headquarters, and the parliamentary Peace Tower, to take hostages and to behead the Prime Minister and other leaders. No one was hurt
    India 11 July 2006 – 2006 Mumbai train bombings, Mumbai, India; a series of seven bomb blasts that took place over a period of 11 minutes on the Suburban Railway in Mumbai. 209 killed and over 700 injured.
    Germany 31 July 2006 – 2006 German train bombing plot was a failed attempt for bombing two regional trains in Germany.
    Czech Republic 23 September 2006 – 2006 Prague terror plot – Islamist extremists were planning to take Jews captive in a Prague synagogue and then blow up the building, killing everybody inside.[19][20]
    Israel January 29, 2007 – Eilat bakery bombing, Eilat. 3 dead
    United Kingdom 1 February 2007 – The 2007 plot to behead a British Muslim soldier – A group of British Pakistanis in Birmingham, England planned to kidnap and behead a British Muslim soldier in order to undermine the morale of the British Army and inhibit recruitment of Muslims.[21]
    Morocco March and April 2007 – 2007 Casablanca bombings, Casablanca, Morocco; seven suicide bombers killed one and injured four over a five-week period
    Scotland 30 June 2007 – 2007 Glasgow International Airport attack, Glasgow, Scotland; A car loaded with propane canisters was driven into the glass doors of the Glasgow International Airport terminal and set ablaze. 1 killed and 5 injured.[22]
    Iraq 14 August 2007 – Qahtaniya bombings: Four suicide vehicle bombers massacred nearly 800 members of northern Iraq’s Yazidi sect in the deadliest Iraq war’s attack to date.
    Pakistan 23 December 2007 – The Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariate-Mohammadi (TNSM) claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing targeting a military convoy on behalf of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan. The blast in the Mingora area of the Swat Valley killed five soldiers and six civilians.[23]
    Pakistan 27 December 2007 – The Pakistani government implicated the network in the December 2007 assassination of Benazir Bhutto although the group denies the charge. The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency also confirmed its belief of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan’s involvement in January 2008.
    Israel February 4, 2008 – 2008 Dimona suicide bombing, Dimona. 1 dead, 9 injured
    Somalia 5 February 2008 – February 2008 Bosaso bombings by Al-Shabaab. 25 dead, 80 injured.
    United Kingdom 2008 Exeter bombing – A failed attack which happened on 22 May 2008, at the Giraffe cafe and restaurant in Princesshay, Exeter, United Kingdom. Nicky Reilly, 22, a Muslim convert from Plymouth, pleaded guilty to launching a failed suicide attack on 15 October. The bomber was the only person injured.[24]
    Israel 2 July 2008 – In the Jerusalem bulldozer attack, an Arab resident of east Jerusalem identified as Hussam Taysir Duwait (also referred to as Hussam Duwiyat,[25] Hossam Dawyyat,[26] or erroneously as Jabr Duwait[27]), attacked several cars on Jaffa Road in Jerusalem, Israel using a front-end loader (erroneously referred to as a bulldozer in the media[28]), killing three people and wounding at least thirty other pedestrians, before being shot to death.[25][29] Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev said that an inquiry indicated the attacker had been acting alone. 3 dead, 30+ injured.[30] Three copycat attacks have occurred since then.
    India 26 July 2008 – 2008 Ahmedabad bombings, India. Islamic terrorists detonate at least 21 explosive devices in the heart of this industrial capital, leaving at least 56 dead and 200 injured. A Muslim group calling itself the Indian Mujahideen claims responsibility. Indian authorities believe that extremists with ties to Pakistan and/or Bangladesh are likely responsible and are intent on inciting communal violence.[31] Investigation by Indian police led to the eventual arrest of a number of terrorists suspected of carrying out the blasts, most of whom belong to a well-known terrorist group, The Students Islamic Movement of India.[32]
    Somalia 3 August 2008 – The 2008 Mogadishu bombings in Somalia. 21+ dead, 46+ injured.
    Pakistan 21 August 2008 – Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan spokesman Maulvi Umar claimed that the group was responsible for 21 August 2008 suicide bomb attack on a military complex.
    Pakistan 23 August 2008 – Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility for the 2008 Swat Valley bombing.
    India 13 September 2008 – Bombing series in Delhi, India. Pakistani extremist groups plant bombs at several places including India Gate, out of which the ones at Karol Bagh, Connaught Place and Greater Kailash explode leaving around 30 people dead and 130 injured, followed by another attack two weeks later at the congested Mehrauli area, leaving 3 people dead.
    Somalia 29 October 2008 – 2008 Hargeisa–Bosaso bombings by Al-Shabaab. 30 dead, 80 injured.
    Pakistan 6 November 2008 – Someone using the name Abdur Rehman claimed that the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan was behind a 6 November 2008 suicide bombing that targeted tribal elders, who had gathered in the Bajaur tribal area to discuss efforts to coordinate with the government against the Pakistani Taliban. The blast took the lives of 16 and injured 31.[33]
    Pakistan 13 November 2008 – The [[N:Taliban in Pakistan captures convoy bound for NATO troops|Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan intercepted a military convoy]] along the Khyber Pass bound for NATO troops in Afghanistan.
    India 26 November 2008 – Muslim extremists kill at least 474 people and wound numerous others in a series of coordinated attacks on India’s financial capital, Mumbai. The government of India blamed Pakistan based militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba and stated that the terrorists killed/caught were citizens of Pakistan, a claim which the Pakistani government first refused but then accepted when given proof. Ajmal Kasab, one of the terrorists, was caught alive.[34][35]
    Pakistan March 3, 2009 2009 attack on the Sri Lanka national cricket team – A bus carrying Sri Lankan cricketers, part of a larger convoy, was fired upon by 12 gunmen, near the Gaddafi Stadium in Lahore, Pakistan.[36] The cricketers were on their way to play the third day of the second Test against the Pakistani cricket team. Six members of the Sri Lanka national cricket team were injured. Six Pakistani policemen and two civilians were killed.[30] These were the first attacks on a national sports team since the Munich massacre of Israeli athletes by Palestinian militants in 1972.[37][38]
    Pakistan 30 March 2009 – In telephone interviews with news media Mehsud claimed responsibility for the 30 March 2009 attack on the police training academy in Lahore.[39][40] He told the BBC that the attack was in retaliation for continued missile strikes from American drones for which the Pakistani government shared responsibility. In the same interview Mehsud claimed two other attacks: a 25 March attack on an Islamabad police station and a 30 March suicide attack on a military convoy near Bannu.[39]
    Pakistan 4 April 2009 – Mehsud claimed responsibility for the Binghamton shootings, stating that they were in retaliation for continued missile strikes from American drones. The FBI denied this claim and stated this was nothing to do with Massod[41]
    Somalia 18 June 2009 – 2009 Beledweyne bombing by Al-Shabaab. 35 dead.
    Indonesia 17 July 2009 – 2009 Marriott and Ritz-Carlton Hotels bombing in Mega Kuningan, South Jakarta, Indonesia; suicide bombers hit the Marriott and 5 minutes later the Ritz-Carlton. 9 killed and 53 injured
    Pakistan 27 August 2009 – Azam Tariq, spokesman of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing at a security checkpoint along the Pakistan-Afghan border near Torkham on 27 August 2009. Tariq said by telephone that the attack was the first in retaliation for the death of Baitullah Mehsud. Although the exact number of casualties was unknown, a doctor at a nearby hospital told Dawn News that they had received 22 bodies and local people working at the blast site said they had retrieved 13 bodies.[42]
    Pakistan 5 October 2009 – Azam Tariq claimed responsibility for a suicide attack that killed five at the UN’s World Food Programme Islamabad offices on 5 October 2009.[43]
    Pakistan 12 October 2009 – The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, through Azam Tariq, claimed responsibility for the October 2009 attack on the army’s headquarters at Rawalpindi. Tariq told the Associated Press that the attack was carried out by its “Punjabi faction” although the military insisted the attack originated in South Waziristan.[44]
    Pakistan 15 October 2009 – The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility for three separate coordinated attacks in Lahore. 10 militants targeted buildings used by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), the Manawan Police Training School and the Elite Police Academy.[45]
    Iraq 25 October 2009. Baghdad, Iraq. During a terrorist attack, two bomber vehicles detonated in the Green Zone, killing at least 155 people and injuring 520.
    Pakistan 28 October 2009 – Peshawar, Pakistan. A car bomb is detonated in a woman exclusive shopping district, and over 110 killed and over 200 injured.
    Somalia 3 December 2009 – The 2009 Hotel Shamo bombing in Mogadishu, Somalia. A male suicide bomber disguised as a woman detonates in a hotel meeting hall. The hotel was hosting a graduation ceremony for local medical students when the blast went off. 25 dead – including four government ministers – and 60 injured.[46]
    Pakistan 30 December 2009 – The Pakistani Taliban, as well as the Afghan Taliban, claimed responsibility for the 30 December 2009 attack on Camp Chapman, a base of operations for the CIA, inside Khost Province, Afghanistan. The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan released a video of Hakimullah Mehsud sitting next to the suicide bomber, Humam Khalil Abu Mulal al-Balawi, a Jordanian national who had been working with the CIA. In the video, al-Balawi states that the attack is in retaliation for the killing of Baitullah Mehsud. Many analysts doubted that the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan acted alone.[47][48]
    2010–current[edit source | editbeta]

    Police investigating on the site a few hours after the 2011 Marrakech bombing
    Pakistan 1 January 2010 – Lakki Marwat, Pakistan. A suicide car bomber drove his explosive-laden vehicle into a volleyball pitch as people gathered to watch a match, killing more than 100 people.[49]
    India 14 February 2010 – 2010 Pune bombing, Pune, Maharashtra, India. bomb blast ripped through the city’s popular German Bakery, close to the Osho Ashram and diagonally across from the Jewish Chabad House[50] killing 17 people and injuring 65.Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) claimed involvement of Pakistan based Lashkar-e-Taiba’s (LeT).Police arrested Mirza Himayat Baig Inayat Baig,who allegedly heads Lashkar-e-Taiba’s (LeT) module in the state.ATS has also arrested Bilal Baba Hussain Fareed Shaikh (27).In its chargesheet filed in a Pune court, the ATS has also named six other accused – all co-conspirator and absconding – Mohsin Choudhary, Yasin Bhatkal, Riyaz Bhatkal, Iqbal Bhatkal, Faiyaz Kagzi and Zabihuddin Ansari.[51]
    United States 1 May 2010 – 2010 Times Square car bombing attempt, New York, New York, USA. Faisal Shahzad, an Islamic Pakistani American who received an American citizenship in December 2009, attempted to detonate a car bomb in Times Square working with the Pakistani Taliban or Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan.
    Pakistan 28 May 2010 – Attacks on Ahmadi Mosques Lahore, Pakistan. Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan claimed attacks on two mosques simultaneously belonging to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, killing nearly 100 and injuring many others.[50]
    India 7 December 2010 – 2010 Varanasi bombing, India. 2 dead, 37 injured.
    Egypt 1 January 2011 – Alexandria, Egypt. A car bomb exploded outside a Coptic Orthodox church after worshippers had gathered for a prayer celebration on New Year’s Eve. 21 dead, 97 injured.[52]
    Russia 24 January 2011 – Domodedovo International Airport, Moscow, Russia. A suicide bomb attack in the international arrivals hall of Domodedovo International Airport, Moscow killed at least 37 people and injured some 180.[53] Attacks were later attributed to the Caucasus Emirate an Islamist terrorist organisation.
    Philippines 25 January 2011 – Manilla, Philippines. A bomb under a bus seat detonated on a passenger bus commuting in Manilla. 5 dead, 14 injured.[54] The attack has been attributed to the Islamist Terrorist Organization Jemaah Islamiyah.
    Russia 26 January 2011 – Khasavyurt, Russia. A car bomb explosion detonated by the Caucasus Emirate an Islamist terrorist organisation ripped through a cafe, with the blast killing and injuring both cafe workers and customers within the Russian city of Khasavyurt. 4 dead, 6 injured.[55]
    Germany 02 March 2011 – 2011 Frankfurt Airport shooting, Frankfurt, Germany. The 2011 Frankfurt Airport shooting occurred on 2 March 2011 at Frankfurt Airport in Germany. The shooter, Arid Uka, was arrested and charged with killing two United States airmen and seriously wounding two others. He was sentenced to life in prison on 10 February 2012. The shooting was the first deadly attack in Germany with an Islamist background.
    Thailand 18 April 2011 – Pattani, Thailand. Suspected Muslim insurgents have set off a car bomb that killed one soldier and wounded 25 people in restive southern Thailand.[56]
    Nigeria 25 April 2011 – Maiduguri, Nigeria. An explosion at a hotel killed 3 people and wounded 14 others in northeastern Nigeria. A second explosion went off at a cattle market in the town of Maiduguri; it is suspected that the attacks have been perpetrated by the radical Islamic sect Boko Haram (figuratively, “Western or non-Islamic education is a sin”)[57]
    Morocco 28 April 2011 – 2011 Marrakech bombing, Marrakesh, Morocco. A suicide bombing struck a cafe in Djemaa el Fna square, killing mostly foreigners and several Moroccan’s, in the centre of Morocco’s southern city of Marrakesh, which is located in southern Morocco. 16 dead and at least 20 injured.[58] The attack was attributed to the Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group.
    Thailand 8 June 2011 – Narathiwat, Thailand. Suspected Islamic militants killed two Buddhist monks and left a bomb at the scene that subsequently exploded and wounded five police officers. 2 dead, 5 injured.[59]
    China 18 July 2011 – 2011 Hotan attack, Hotan, China. A group of 18 young Uyghur men who opposed the local government’s campaign against the full-face Islamic veil perpetrated a series of coordinated bomb and knife attacks and occupied a police station on Nuerbage Street, killing two security guards and taking eight hostages. The attackers yelled religious slogans, including ones associated with Jihadism.
    China 30–31 July 2011 – 2011 Kashgar attacks, Kashgar, China. A series of busy markets and restaurants were attacked by the East Turkestan Islamic Movement in the city of Kashgar, by carbombs and stabbing attacks, killing 23 and wounding 42 people in total.[60]
    Iraq 5 January 2012 Iraq bombings, Baghdad and Nasiriyah, Iraq by Islamic State of Iraq. 73 dead, 149 injured.
    Iraq 14 January 2012 Basra bombing, Basra, Iraq. 53 dead, 130 injured.
    Iraq 27 January 2012 Baghdad bombing, Baghdad, Iraq by Al-Qaeda in Iraq. 32 dead, 71 injured.
    Iraq 27 January 2012. Baghdad, Iraq. Suicide bomber kills 33 at funeral procession.[61]
    Iraq 23 February 2012 Iraq attacks, Baghdad, Iraq by Islamic State of Iraq. 83 dead, 250+ injured.
    China 28 February 2012 – 2012 Yecheng attack, Yecheng, China. At around 6 p.m. on February 28, 2012, a group of eight Uyghur men led by religious extremist Abudukeremu Mamuti attacked pedestrians with axes and knives on a crowded street. Local police fought with Mamuti’s group, ultimately killing all and capturing Mamuti. One police officer died and four police were injured, while 15 pedestrians died from Mamuti’s assault and 14 more civilians were injured.[62]
    Iraq 20 March 2012 Iraq attacks, Baghdad and at least 9 other cities, Iraq. 52 dead, ~ 250 injured.
    France 20 March 2012 – 2012 Midi-Pyrénées shootings in Toulouse, France Algerian gunman on a motorcycle kills 4 at a Jewish school. 7 dead, 5 injured.
    Nigeria 30 April 2012 – Gunmen of Boko Haram kill 15 people and wound many more in Nigeria.[63]
    Mali 10 July 2012 – Timbuktu, Mali. Islamist militants of the Ansar Dine group destroy tombs of the Djingareyber mosque, a UNESCO World Heritage site.[64]
    LibyaUnited States 11 September 2012 – On the anniversary of the 2001 September 11th attacks in the United States, Islamist militants killed 4 and wounded 7 in the Benghazi U.S. Consulate attack including American Ambassador Christopher Stevens.
    Bangladesh 29–30 September 2012 Muslims Attack Buddhist Temples, Homes Over Quran Facebook Photo in Chittagong. The latest reports indicate that about 15 temples and pagodas and about 100 houses of Buddhists living in the area had been set on fire.[65][66]
    Israel 21 November 2012 – Tel-Aviv, Israel. Bus explodes on Tel Aviv’s Shaul Hamelech Street; 28 wounded, one seriously, one moderately.[67]
    India 21 February 2013. Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. A series of two bomb blasts in a crowded place killed 16 people and 119 were injured. There were two blasts on Thursday at 6.58 p.m. and 7.01 p.m. The bicycle had a bag hung to its carrier, which the police believe had an Improvised Explosive Device (IED).
    United States 15 April 2013. Boston Marathon bombings. Two brothers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnev, planted two bombs near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. The blast killed 3 and injured 183 others. [68]
    Pakistan 7 May 2013. Hangu, Pakistan. In a wave of pre-election sectarian violence a suicide attack, at a rally for a candidate of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, a pro-taliban religious party, killed at least 15 people and injured more than 40 including an election candidate.[69][70][71]
    United Kingdom 22 May 2013 Two men with cleavers kill British soldier, Lee Rigby in London.[72][73]
    Dagestan 25 May 2013 – Makhachkala, Dagestan. A female suicide bomber blew herself up in southern Russia’s restive Dagestan, wounding 12 people.[74]
    Iraq 25 May 2013 – Samarra, Iraq. A car bomb exploded near a bus killing six Iranians and one Iraqi. 14 others were wounded.[75]

  • truth4ever
    September 4, 2013 3:12 am

    your answers are here

    go and vist rubbtle section. It contains answers of all question that hypocrites are posting againest islam.
    Also vist

  • September 2, 2013 11:11 pm

    Hi lerned readers,

    My request is to read the following text in Islam and then see the difference between saying and realtieis

    Pedophilia & Islam: Allowed by Allah; Practised & Patronized by Prophet Muhammad

    Having sex with underage children is popular in sharia countries. Find out why?


    65.4 “If you divorce your (child) wife before she reaches menstruation age her idda is three months”.

    According to this aya a muslim man can marry (and have sex with) even a one day old infant girl.


    There is no argument on this point among Islamic authorities whether shia or sunni. They all agree that a muslim man can have sex with baby girl.

    This is what Imam Khomeini, the top shia authority says:

    “A muslim man can have sexual pleasure with a little girl as young as a baby. But he should not penetrate her vaginally, however he can sodomize her”. (Tehriro vasyleh, fourth edition, Qom, Iran, 1990)

    Here is what the the top sunni authority says (video on a Saudi website) about having sex with a one day old baby girl. (Go to “site video” and click on sex with a one day old girl)


    Prophet had special feelings for cute little baby girls.

    Ibn Ishaq: Suhayli, 2.79: In the riwaya of Yunus Ibn Ishaq recorded that the apostle saw Ummu’l-Fadl hen she was baby crawling before him and said, ‘If she grows up and I am still alive I will marry her.’ ( p. 311)
    Muhammad saw Um Habiba the daughter of Abbas while she was fatim (age of nursing) and he said, “If she grows up while I am still alive, I will marry her.” (Musnad Ahmad, Number 25636)


    Our prophet fell in love with Baby Aisha when she was shown by Allah to him in his dreams when she still an infant.

    Bukhari , Volume 7, Book 62, Number 15:
    Narrated ‘Aisha:
    Allah’s Apostle said (to me), “You have been shown to me twice in (my) dreams. A man was carrying you in a silken cloth(as an infant) and said to me, ‘This is your wife.’ I uncovered it; and behold, it was you. I said to myself, ‘If this dream is from Allah, He will cause it to come true.'”


    Whenever Prophet visited Abu Bakr house he made Aisha sit in his lap and played with her.


    When Ayesha reached the age of 6 Prophet decided to ask for her hand.

    Abu Bakr: Rasulullah you must be joking. She is hardly six years old. And you are in your fiftees.

    Prophet: She is old enough for me.

    Abu Bakr: Didn’t you marry off your own daughters when they were much older.?.

    Prophet: That was before aya 65.4 was revealed. Now a muslim can marry even a day old infant girl.

    Abu: “But Rasulullah you called me your brother , how can you marry your foster niece”.

    Prophet:” But you are not my real brother you are only a “ brother in Islam”.”*

    Muslim Book 62, Number 18:

    Narrated ‘Ursa:
    The Prophet asked Abu Bakr for ‘Aisha’s hand in marriage. Abu Bakr said “But I am your brother.” The Prophet said, “You are my brother in Allah’s religion and His Book, but she (Aisha) is lawful for me to marry.”

    Abu: “But Rasulullah, last week you turned down Hamza’s daughter (who was ugly and in her teens) . You said you cannot marry your foster niece**.

    Bukharihari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 37:

    Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas:
    It was said to the Prophet, “Won’t you marry the daughter of Hamza?” He said, “She is my foster niece (brother’s daughter). ”

    Prophet: “Allah had shown her to me in my dreams, that was Allah’s indication for me to marry her, I am helpless in this matter”.


    Abu was concerned about the welfare of her tiny tot sleeping with a horny and hefty old man who was given the libido of 30 men by Allah..

    Abu: “I will let you marry her only on one condition, you will have to abstain from having sexual intercourse with the little one before she turns 9”.

    Prophet was disappointed but he had no choice.

    Prophet: “O.K. but I will not abstain from using other halal methods of pleasuring.”




    Sahih Dawood Book 1, Number 0270:

    Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu’minin:
    One night prophet entered upon me and said: Uncover your thighs. I, therefore, uncovered both of my thighs. Then he put his cheek and chest on my thighs.


    Bukhari,Volume 1, Book 6, Number 299:

    ‘Aisha said: “Whenever Allah’s Apostle wanted to fondle me, he used to order me to put on an Izar and start fondling..


    Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 71, Number 660:

    Narrated Aisha:
    “Allah’s Apostle used to think that he had sexual intercourse while he actually had not”

    The Bottom-line

    Bukhari, Book 002, Number 0572:

    Aisha said “ Whenever I found dried semen on the garments of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him), I scraped it off with my nails.


    Allah was very happy for the prophet when finally Aisha turned nine.. He sent Gibraeel to congratulate him and to witness the consummation. Prophet introduced Allah’s envoy to Aisha .

    Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 57, Number 112:

    Allah’s Apostle said (to me), ‘O Aish (‘Aisha)! This is Gabriel greeting you.’ I said, ‘Peace and Allah’s Mercy and Blessings be on him, you see what I don’t see’ ” She was addressing Allah ‘s Apostle. (only prophets can see angels)


    Sunan Abu Dawood Vol3 Bk36 N0 4917:
    Then they brought me to the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) and he had sexual intercourse with me . I was nine years old.
    Sunan Nasai Bk of Marriage, No 3256:
    A’ishah said: The Apostle of Allah peace be upon him married me when I was six and had sexual intercourse with me when I was nine and I was playing with dolls.


    Although Prophet slept with hundreds of slave girls captured women and concubines in addition to his large number of wedded wives, Allah only sent quranic revelations to prophet when he slept with Aisha.

    Aisha said “Inspiration came to him when he and I were in a single blanket”. (Tabari Vl7, page: 7)

    Bukhari Vol. 5 Bk57 N 119:
    Prophet said, By Allah, the Divine Inspiration never came to me while I was under the blanket of any woman except Aisha.”

    No God would ever allow the abuse of little girls. In order to be the word of God every word/teaching of the Koran must be PERFECTION. Verse 65.4 is evil. Therefore the Koran is not the word of God but the teaching of Allah (the ANTI GOD). For Islam to be a true religion, the Koran MUST BE THE WORD OF GOD. Since the Koran is imperfect and not the word of God – Islam is totally and completely bogus – a sham and a fraud.

  • September 2, 2013 11:08 pm

    Hi learned readers,

    This blog posted by so called Hindu girl is absolutely false and misleading. I am of the firm opinion, 100% sure that this has been posted by a muslim terrorst person in fake name.

    I have travelled world wide and found that hinduism is the old religion and very liberal to accept presence of God every where.

    What is the islam, it is known world ever, for terrorist activities, killing, hatred, murder, rape, discrimination, luring innocents towards bomb blasts for getting pleasure of 72 virgins.

    Is there is any religion, where oral tripple talak without consulting wife is given and next day another woman is brought. Mutta marriage and halala have been created for sexual purposes only.

    Sharia Law & Freedom of Speech:

    · The punishment for apostasy (changing or discarding one’s Islamic relgion) is death.
    · Q Fatwa 4400, Part No. 1, Page 334 & 335
    · Mocking anything in the Qur’an or the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad is apostasy and therefore punishable by death.
    · Q Fatwa 2196, Part No. 2, Page 42
    · Criticizing Islam, shari’ah law or the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad is apostasy and therefore punishable by death.
    · Q Fatwa 21021, Part No. 1, Page 414
    · Any Muslim who states a preference for democracy rather than shari’ah law or questions anything in the Qur’an or Sunnah is a kafir (disbeliever), considered an apostate, and therefore sentenced to death.
    · Q Fatwa 19351, Part No. 22, Page 239-

    Sharia Law & Human Rights:

    · The punishment for theft is amputation of the right hand up to the elbow.
    · Q Fatwa 3339, Part No. 22, Page 218 & 219
    · The penalty for premarital sexual intercourse is 100 lashes with a whip and one year of exile.
    · Q Volume 3, Part No. 3, Page 359
    · The penalty for adultery between a married man and a married woman is 100 lashes with a whip and death by stoning.
    · Q Volume 3, Part No. 3, Page 359
    · The penalty for homosexuality is death.
    · Q Fatwa 4324, Part No. 22, Page 53 & 54
    · Non-Muslims living in lands ruled by Islamic law (shari’ah) must pay a poll tax (jizyah) in order to be subdued and feel subjugated to Muslims. Refusal to pay the tax grants Muslims the right to wage war against the non-Muslims.
    · Q Fatwa 4461, Part No. 1, Page 215
    · Q Volume 3, Part No. 3, Page 183-190
    · Waging war against non-Muslims (jihad), even those who are peaceful, is encouraged so that other religions and atheism will be purged from the earth.
    · Q Volume 2, Part No. 2, Page 437-440
    · If a Muslim kills a Jew or Christian dhimmi (one who pays the poll tax), he must pay only half the amount of “blood money” he would have to pay for killing a Muslim.
    · Q Fatwa 5414, Part No. 21, Page 245

    Sharia Law & Women’s Rights:
    · Women are permitted an education in Islamic issues (religious education) and family duties, but academic study is not encouraged.
    · Q Fatwa 9019
    · Women are not permitted to attend universities where both men and women are taught or all-female schools with male teachers.
    · Q Fatwa 13814, Part No. 12, Page 150
    · Women over the age of puberty are not permitted to leave the house without covering the body (except face and hands).
    · Q Fatwa 667, Part No. 17, Page 142-150
    · Women are not permitted to visit the graves of loved ones.
    · Q Fatwa 2501, Part No. 1, Page 429
    · Women are not permitted to obtain passports (since their photographs in them may tempt men), unless for the purpose of making Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).
    · Q Fatwa 2595, Part No. 1, Page 719
    · Women are not permitted to travel without a spouse or male relative.
    · Q Fatwa 12139, Part No. 11, Page 38
    · Women are not permitted to be alone with men who are not relatives or spouses, and the punishment for such “indecency” is whipping or stoning.
    · Q Fatwa 9693, Part No. 12, Page 381 & 382
    · Women are not permitted to speak softly to a man or otherwise provoke his desire with letters, phone calls or glances, the punishment of which is whipping or stoning.
    · Q Fatwa 9693, Part No. 12, Page 381 & 382

    Sharia Law & Civil Matters:

    · A man may divorce his wife by simply giving her a triple talaq (saying “I divorce you” three times simultaneously).
    · Q Fatwa 6542, 2nd question
    · A woman whose husband divorces her three times by simply saying “I divorce you”, even if divorced against her will, cannot seek alimony unless she is pregnant.
    · Q Fatwa 20918, Part No. 20, Page 227
    · A man may not adopt any children, even if they are his step-children born to his wife from a prior marriage.
    · Q Fatwa 5124, Part No. 9, Page 10
    · Men are entitled to twice the amount of inheritance a woman receives, regardless of what a person’s wishes are as detailed in a will.
    · Q Fatwa 8778, Part No. 21, Page 234

    Sharia Law & Business Matters:

    · Since usury (charging or paying interest) is a sin, working at banks with interest-bearing deposits, keeping money in interest-bearing deposits, or accepting loans that charge interest is prohibited.
    · Q Fatwa 4011, Part No. 12, Page 80
    · It is illegal to work in certain industries, such as retailers selling musical instruments, wine, tobacco, or music CDs; a photography studio; or any company that requires its employees to be photographed.
    · Q Fatwa 5436, Part No. 13, Page 42
    · Muslims are encouraged not to enter into business partnerships with non-Muslims.
    · Q Fatwa 5855, Part No. 2, Page 98 & 99

    Sharia Law & Personal Hygience:

    · Women are required to pluck, depilate or otherwise remove all facial and body hair, with the exception of shaving the eyebrows or head.
    · Q Fatwa 5007
    · Men must let their beards grow without cutting but keep their mustache trimmed so as to appear different from non-Muslims.
    · Q Fatwa 2196, Part No. 2, Page 41 & 42

    Death Compensation
    As already stated in· Fatwa 5414, Part No. 21, Page 245 If a Muslim kills a Jew or Christian dhimmi (one who pays the poll tax), he must pay only half the amount of “blood money” he would have to pay for killing a Muslim. Following is a listing of the required death compensation.
    From the website of the Consulate General of India, Jeddah, who is recording these matters because they come up in connection with his people who are working in Saudi Arabia :

    Mode of Pavment:

    All Death Compensation cases (except industrial accidents) in Saudi Arabia are settled through concerned Sharia Courts in accordance with the Sharia Law.

    Maximum Amount admissible :

    The maximum amount of Death Compensation (Diyya) generally admissible in Saudi Arabia, in respect of road/traffic/fire accident, murder, etc. is as under: Death Compensation in respect of a male person:
    i. Muslim – SR. 100,000/-
    ii. Christian/Jew – SR.50,000/-
    iii. Other religions : such as Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, etc. – SR 6666.66

    In the case of death of a female, death compensation allowed is equal to half the amount as admissible to males professing the same religion. Further the amount of compensation admissible, is based on the percentage of responsibility fixed on the causer e.g. if the causer is held 50% responsible for the accident resulting in the death of a Muslim, the amount of Death Compensation admissible will be SR 50,000 only.
    100,000 Saudi riyals = $26,665.25
    50,000 Saudi riyals = $13,332.62
    6,666.66 Saudi riyals = $1,777.69



    Sharia commands that drinkers and gamblers should be whipped.
    Sharia allows an injured plaintiff to exact legal revenge—physical eye for physical eye.


    Jihad means to war against the non-Muslims (lesser jihad, based on 2:216, 4:89, 9:36 ) (o9.0; p.599).

    Jihad is warfare to establish the religion of Islam (greater Jihad)…p.599

    Basis for Jihad:

    (1) fighting is prescribed (2:216).

    (2) slay them wherever you find them (4:89).

    (3) fight the idolatry utterly ( 9:36 ).

    Jihad is a communal obligation (o9.1; p.600).

    Jihad is obligatory for every Muslim who is able to perform it, male or female (o9.3, p.601).

    Women and children are enslaved. They can either be sold, or the Muslims may ‘marry’ the women, since their marriages are automatically annulled upon their capture. Women and children captured in a jihad operation become the slaves of Muslims; the women’s previous marriage is immediately annulled (o9.13; p.604).

    Jihadists can rape slave women. Ali, Muhammad’s cousin and son—in—law, did this.

    Women and children must not be killed during war, unless this happens in a nighttime raid when visibility was low.

    In a jihad operation Muslims can kill old men (40+) and monks (o9.10, p.603).

    A captured enemy of war could be killed, enslaved, ransomed for money or an exchange, freely released, or beaten. One time Muhammad even tortured a citizen of the city of Khaybar in order to extract information about where the wealth of the city was hidden. Male captives’ fate is decided by the Caliph; this includes gratuitous killing of male captives (o9.14, p.604).

    Enemy men who converted could keep their property and small children. This law is so excessive that it amounts to forced conversion. Only the strongest of the strong could resist this coercion and remain a non-Muslim.

    Civilian property may be confiscated.

    Civilian homes may be destroyed.

    Civilian fruit trees may be destroyed.

    Pagan Arabs had to convert or die. This does not allow for the freedom of religion or conscience.

    Arab idolater must become Muslims or die (o9.9, p.603).

    People of the Book (Jews and Christians) had three options (Sura 9:29): fight and die; convert and pay a forced ‘charity’ or zakat tax; or keep their Biblical faith and pay a jizya or poll tax. Caliph makes war upon the Jews, the Christians, .by first inviting them to enter Islam, if no success then pay jizya, if no jizya then kill them (o9.8, p.602).
    Truces are permitted but not obligatory. When uppermost—no truce until some interest is served—‘so do not be fainthearted and call for peace when it is you who are the uppermost’ (the Qur’an 47:35).

    If weak then make truce for 10 years.

    If possibility of making Muslim–then establish 4 months truce.

    Spoils are for free male Muslims (o10.0, p.606).

    Dhimmis are: 1. the Jews 2. the Christians 3. Zoroastrians 4. Samarians and Sabians 5. Adherents of religion of Abraham (o11.1, p.607).

    – Not included in Dhimmi: idol worshippers, no sacred book, Sikhs, Bahai, Mormons, Qadianis. Books revealed after Islam are not acceptable (o11.2, p.607).

    – The Dhimmis’ public behaviour and dress must be Islamic (o11.3, p.607

    – Minimum jizya is one dinar (4.235g of gold) per year; maximum jizya—no limit; no woman, children or insane is to pay jizya (o11.4, p.p.608)/

    – Dhimmis must comply with Islamic rules except drunkenness, can’t greet them with as-salamu alaikum, must keep to the side of the street, no high building, no wine display, no church bell, no new churches, not stay in Hijaz for more than 3 days (o11.6, p.608).


    Making sarcasm is leaving Islam (o8.0, p.595).

    Kill the apostates of Islam (o8.1, o8.2, p.596).

    No indemnity required for killing an apostate (o8.4, p.596).

    No expiation is required for killing an apostate of Islam (o5.4, p.593

    Marriage and Sex

    The husband’s permission is required for a wife to work (Doi, p.117).

    Beating a wife is allowedeven if the husbands merely fear highhandedness in their wives.
    (Doi, p.130).

    The wife must worship the husband. Unbridled freedom of modern women is not good (Doi, p.132).

    Muslim women can’t marry unbelievers under any circumstances (Doi, p.138).

    The guardian of a woman must be a male. A woman cannot be married by herself. A widow can marry by herself (Doi, p.141).

    Hanafi, Shafii and Maliki rate the marriage of a minor boy or a girl as lawful (Doi, p.142).

    A Muslim man is allowed to have four wives at one time (Hedaya, p.31; Doi, p.147).

    A law against polygamy is against the Qur’an. Not a single Hadith is against polygamy; modernists reject Qur’an and Sunnah. Satisfy more wives (Doi, p.152).

    Prohibition on polygamy is a violation of Sharia provision. Court does not understand biological need. Follow Muhammad (59:7) (Doi, p.153).

    Adoption is not allowed in Sharia (Doi, p.463).

    Circumcision is obligatory for both men and women (foreskin for men, prepuce of clitoris for women) (e4.3, p.59).

    Stoning to death for adultery (married person, man or woman) (o12.2, p.610).

    Fornication: scourge 100 stripes and banish 81 km for 1 year (for unmarried persons) (o12.2, p.610).

    Men scourged standing, women sitting (o12.5, p.611).

    Stone the adulterer/adulteress even in severe cold or illness (o12.6, p.611).

    Sodomy and lesbianism considered as adultery; same punishment; kill both for sodomy (p17.2, p.665).

    To get united with the previous husband a divorced wife must marry another person, have complete sex with him and get divorced by him voluntarily (Hedaya, p.15, n7.7, p.565; p29.1, p.673).

    Unlawful for a man to look at a woman who is not his wife or one of his unmarriageable kin (m2.3, p.512).

    A woman must not conduct her own marriage; she requires a male guardian (m3.4, p.518).

    A non-Muslim man cannot be the guardian of a Muslim woman; a Muslim man cannot be the guardian of a non-Muslim woman (m3.4, p.519).

    A male guardian of a virgin woman may force her to marry a man of his choice (m3.13, p.522).

    Arab women cannot marry non-Arab men (because Allah has chosen the Arabs above others) (m4.2(1), p.523).

    A man of lowly profession cannot marry the daughter of higher profession (m4.2(3), p.524).

    When the husband settles the dower (bride money) or defers it, a wife must immediately submit her private parts to her husband’s demand for sex, unless she has legitimate ground of not doing so; if she requests to wait the maximum waiting time is three days (m5.1, p.523).

    A husband has the full right to enjoy his wife’s person, from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet (m5.4, p.526).

    It is unlawful for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim man (m6.7(5), p.529).

    Husbands are not obliged to provide doctor’s fees, medicines and cosmetics to wives; they must provide only food, cloths and housing; rebellious wife doesn’t get anything (Hedaya, p.140; m11.4, p.544).

    A Muslim man is allowed to beat his wife or wives (the Qur’an, 4:34 ; m10.12, p.541; o17.4, p.619).

    If wife refuses sex, the husband is not obliged to support her until she surrenders her person to the husband (m11.9, p.545).

    A divorced wife gets maintenance only for maximum three months (Hedaya, p.145, Shafii law, no support during her waiting period if pregnant, then support is on daily basis until she gives birth (m11.10 (3), p.546).

    A son is obliged to finance his poor father’s marriage (m12.5, p.549).

    Husband divorces wife instantly even under torture, compulsion, alcohol, narcotics and jokes; then he can marry a new set of four wives and continue the cycle (Hedaya, p.81, 253; n3.5, p.560).

    The only way for a wife to get divorce is to convince the sharia court and also to pay money to her husband (Hedaya, p.112; n5.0, p.562; n7.7).

    Beat a child (10+) for not praying and fasting (f1.2, p.109).

    Not praying is unbelief; penalty is execution (f1.3, p.109).

    Drinking alcoholic drink—strike 40 stripes…o16.2

    Women’s testimony in Business transactions is half of men’s (the Qur’an 2:282, Hedaya, p.637; o24.7, p.637).

    Women’s testimony is not accepted in Hudood cases (Hedaya, p.353; o24.9, p.638).

    Evidence of a female singer and slave (male or female) is not admissible (Hedaya, p.361).

    Music, song dance haram (r40.0, p.774).

    Slavery—allowed (w13.0, p.871).

    Muslim women’s Blood-Money is half of Muslim men’s; Jews and Christians one-third; Zoroastrians one-fifteenth (only sons, not daughters can claim Blood-Money) (o4.9, p.590).

    Clip moustache, shaving beard is unlawful/offensive (e4.1(2), p.58).


    According to the Hughes Dictionary of Islam, slaves had few civil or legal rights. For example:

    a) Muslim men were allowed to have sex anytime with females slaves – Sura 4:3, 4:29, 33:49.

    b) Slaves are as helpless before their masters as idols are before God – Sura 16:77

    c) According to Islamic Tradition, people at the time of their capture were either to be killed, or enslaved. Shows you that they were at the bottom of the barrel to start with.

    d) According to Islamic jurisprudence, slaves were merchandise. The sales of slaves was in accordance with the sale of animals.

    e) Muhammad ordered that some slaves who were freed by their master be RE-ENSLAVED!

    f) It is permissible under Islamic law to whip slaves.

    g) According to Islam, a Muslim could not be put to death for murdering a slave. Ref. 2:178 and the Jalalayn confirm this.

    h) According to Islam, the testimony of slaves is not admissible in court. Ibn Timiyya and Bukhari state this.

    i) According to Islamic jurisprudence, slaves cannot choose their own marriage mate. – Ibn Hazm, vol. 6, part 9.

    j) According to Islamic jurisprudence, slaves can be forced to marry who their masters want. – Malik ibn Anas, vol. 2, page 155.

    Slavery continued in Islamic lands from about the beginning to this very day. Muslim rulers always found support in the Quran to call ‘jihad’, partly for booty, part for the purpose of taking slaves. As the Islamic empire disintegrated into smaller kingdoms, and each ruler was able to decide what Islam’s theology really meant. Usually, he always found it in support of what he wanted to do. Their calls of jihad against their neighbor facilitated the taking of slaves for Islam. The Quran and Islamic jurisprudence support the taking of slaves, so, those petty Muslim rulers were following the Quran when they needed slaves.


    1) Islam allows Muslims to make slaves out of anyone who is captured during war.

    2) Islam allows for the children of slaves to be raised as slaves

    3) Like #1, Islam allows for Christians and Jews to be made into slaves if they are captured in war. After Muslim armies attacked and conquered Spain, they took thousands of slaves back to Damascus. The key prize was 1000 virgins as slaves. They were forced to go all the way back to Damascus.

    4) Christians and Jews, who had made a treaty with the ruling Muslims could be made into slaves if they did not pay the “protection” tax. This paying for ‘protection’ was just like paying a Mafia racketeer! This allowed Muslim rulers to extort money from non-Muslim people.

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