Sikh-Muslim Marriage with Equality

Salman: My wife is Sikh and I am a Muslim. When we got married, she never said the Shahadah because in Islam that is a form of accepting Islam (which is the mainstream view) so she did not say it and we had a simple ceremony in the court, because we belonged to different religions.

We had a reception after, just to celebrate and it was fine. No one in our families had a problem with that, and we are happy. But I think it depends on the spouse in question, these kinds of things should be discussed before the wedding ceremony so that both parties know where they stand. My thinking is more open minded and liberal, so I will never ask my wife to do something which I know I could not do. If I cannot change my faith, who am I to ask her to do the same? That’s hypocrisy. She is Sikh and will remain Sikh and I am still Muslim. We are happy and I don’t think someone should say it just to “please” their spouse’s family, because I think your faith is a part of who you are, and even though I am Muslim, whatever you are raised as, Hindu, Sikh, Jain, etc. you should stay within your faith because it is your identity.

My wife and I will teach our children the main tenets of BOTH our faiths. And we have even decided on names which are found in both religions. I was always raised liberal and my wife is also tolerant, so we don’t see anything wrong in celebrating holidays and customs from both faiths. The more the merrier is what I always say, who wouldn’t mind having more excuses to celebrate? Before we got married, my wife actually asked me the same and I told her nothing she believes contradicts my own beliefs. We both believe in One God, and we share the same language and homeland, and giving to charity, being a good human being is the foundation of all great religions. I think I did get lucky because I get to learn new things from her side of the family everyday. But if I’m honest, religion isn’t really what comes across my mind when I’m with her, I just see her as the woman I fell in love with and I don’t really care at that point what faith she belongs to or what faith I belong to. She completes me and I thank God everyday for her.

Amrita: I am not here trying to say go and marry out of religion. All I’m trying to say is that it’s wrong to assume that anyone who does is a shame on their culture. I always thought that above all God was love, and in my own belief I only believe in one God and that God is everyone’s, not just the God of a select few. Why are others so concerned about my children? My husband and I are happy raising them, and contrary to your narrow-minded beliefs we do speak the same language and are from the same area back home. My family accepted my husband and vice versa because they knew him from the time we were young, and know he is hardworking and a kind individual. Why do you only look at a person’s faith and nothing else? I did not hide anything from my family and neither did he, nor did we get married against anyone’s wishes. I don’t think anyone has any right to wish ill upon my children or say that they will grow up confused because they are not. They know their culture, we celebrate holidays, they know their language, and I don’t need to justify to anyone that my children are happy.

Interfaith marriages have been happening since the times of the Mughal empire, it’s not something new, but people nowadays have 2 sides… either they are accepting or very radical and intolerant. Whether you like it or not, the world is changing and the youth is taking steps to wipe out the barriers that communities have built. I’m not saying convert and disregard your culture and traditions, but to say that whoever falls in love with someone from a different faith is stupid and doesn’t know about their culture is ignorance. I don’t think it works that way, love is different. It doesn’t matter what faith you belong to, I’m simply saying that we should refrain from saying ill about another’s.

My husband and I are from different religions and we are very happy. I love him a lot and our families support us and we are both learned in our own cultures and traditions. Neither one of us converted into the others faith nor do we fall into the traps of society and what people think. No one has ever won the world and they never will.

Salman says: on July 22, 2012 at 7:12 pm

My wife and I are not by any means fundamentalists or dictating that we are true in our faith. We are just simple human beings who love each other and made it work in our marriage.

Please do not insult my wife. I do not appreciate it as she has not said anything to you.

Our families are fine with our marriage and we are living quite happily.

I also ask you this, how many humans in todays world are actively following their religion to the T? Or simply the products of hatred, ignorance and misunderstanding because of it?

I say this again, I love my wife and yes she is Sikh and I’m a Muslim. If I’ll be sentenced to hell because of this, then so be it. I cannot leave her because she was not born into the same faith as me, we have been through a lot more than any so-called bollywood movie could imagine. You do not know our personal struggles or the hardships we have overcome. I have prayed for her for 10 years before marrying her.

Please do not say negative things about our marriage because you do not know us personally.

You are free to your own opinions but you generalize entire groups of people which is never logical. -Salman.

Salman says: at July 12, 2012 3:19 am

I feel that there are extremists in every religion though to be honest. I am open minded yes but so were my parents who accepted my wife how she was. My own father, despite reading Quran everyday and praying 5 times, sits with my wife whom he loves as a daughter and even takes her to the Gurdwara so that she does not feel like she is married somewhere where she is not accepted. Instead of saying Allah hafiz or something in urdu, he says things like Rab rakha because they accept my wife. At times I am still surprised to this day how much my parents adore her. She’s the daughter they never had, and my parents are quite religious. I don’t think that Islam has taught them to be cruel, in fact my father is the most religious and he gets along the most with my wife. -Salman.

Salman says: on July 22, 2012 at 7:02 pm

My wife’s parents thought the same of me as well, and I will not lie but many Muslim men do say things at first but things change later. It’s not just a Muslim thing, but for many men, they want their traditions, their name, their religion to be carried forward in their kids, sometimes they don’t think of their wife in this at all.

I would first meet his family and see how they are towards you. Do they treat you like a daughter? Do they make you feel wanted in their family and does this family make you feel included?

Sometimes love is blind and we look only at the guy or the girl, but try to look at the whole picture of what you are getting yourself into. Your parents are not wrong for being cautious and I could understand my father in laws worries as well when I first spoke to him about marrying my wife but the more they got to know me and the more they saw how happy I made my wife, they started to open upto me and trust me.

Try to get approval from one side of the family first, and then create a dialogue. If your parents have issues with conversion, etc. have them meet your bf so he can clear their misunderstandings.

Also I want to stress this , please talk to your bf and his family about what you want in this marriage, meaning how you want to be treated. I told my parents clearly before we were married that my wife would never be Muslim and to never bring that up, even after we had kids. So make sure your husband has the guts to back you up in front of his family. If he doesn’t, he’s not worth it. -Salman.

Salman says: on July 22, 2012 at 7:21 pm

Singh, Do not marry a woman who says she loves you but then already is making demands. Ask her if she will convert for you? If she says no, then how can she expect that from you in return?

Your religion is your right and something that is your identity. I don’t know how religious you are but once you convert, what’s the guarantee that she won’t say stay Muslim?

Converting and reverting are not jokes and her family might take it seriously. If she cannot be with you as a Sikh man then she is not wife material and is not loyal enough to stand by you in the long run.

I know what she faces for marrying a non-Muslim but if she truly loves you , she should not be putting restrictions on you. -Salman.

Salman says: on July 12, 2012 at 3:12 am

Kajol, I’m a Muslim man married to a non-muslim woman and I have personally never asked her to convert.
But what I have to say is, converting to any religion is personal and should be done for the right reasons. Marriage is not something which should obligate you to change a part of who you are. I’m sorry to hear that instead of trying to accept you how you are, he wants to change you. Marriage does come with compromises yes, but it should never change who you are as a person. If you are already doubting him so much and your relationship then take a step back and ask yourself, will you be truly happy with this marriage? With another religion down the line? Do not convert if you are doing it just to be with this guy, because chances are his demands will not ease with time but only get worse.

Women, especially Indian women, fight everyday for approval and acceptance and any bit of free thinking in a marriage. I personally cannot change who I am and never expected that of my wife. She is what she is (a Sikh) and I love her how she is and my family was also told by me that she would never change her religion. If he truly does love you, then why cannot he change for you? Why always the woman? Sometimes love can blind us but do not compromise so much in your relationship that you lose sight of what’s important to you

All the best. -Salman.

Also read: Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy, Kareena, (this) or [that]?,

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  • usman
    January 4, 2021 8:07 pm

    If you are a Muslim and have married a non Muslim girl then dont bring your religion into the table. you have already openly challenged Islam and you would not be considered a Muslim. Islam has no meaning to you so I dont know why they keep mentioning I am a Muslim.
    I dont want to say the same for other religions because I dont represtn them and dont know the rulings on marrying a Muslim. If in Sikhism marrying a muslim man means you are not SIkh nay more then I would suggest that stop saying you are a Sikh as you have already chanllenged your faith.
    The man named Salman in above comments has clearly left Islam as he says if he has to burn in hell for marrying a Sikh woman so be it.

  • luckyblogger
    March 1, 2018 9:06 am

    great to read these thoughts. however will ur kids have sikh names? if you really love and respect ur wife so much? will u circumcize them? or let them be a sikh at least the first name? so at least ur wife;s identity in her kids are there?

  • July 3, 2017 10:26 pm

    Hey there– can i ask how you guys proceeded with the wedding and teaching your children the importance of both religions? I am in a similar situation, my boyfriend and I have been dating for two years and plan on getting married. He is Muslim (however not very religious at all, drinks, smokes, etc) and I am sikh. We’ve discussed our future and want to get married but I’m just not sure how to go about it. Obviously we can’t do a Nikah or do it in the gurdwara. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Reply at

  • njlajahweb
    April 9, 2017 11:56 pm

    KUTIPAN dari

    Sekilas info(1)
    bukti bahwa Tuhan itu tidak mungkin tidak ada :

    Adanya keteraturan pada peredaran benda-benda langit yang mempunyai orbit, yang beredar dengan teratur dengan tidak berbenturan, dan ini pasti ada yang mengaturnya, yaitu Dia, Tuhan atas segala makhluk.

    seperti juga peredaran matahari, bumi, bulan yang beredar secara teratur(seperti robot yang sudah diprogram oleh Sang Pencipta) hingga membentuk terjadinya siang dan malam untuk menandai hari-hari, bulan-bulan dan tahun-tahun.
    Sekilas info(2)

    dalam Alkitab, di kitab Kejadian 1:14, Tuhan atas segala makhluk menciptakan benda-benda penerang untuk menjadi tanda yang menunjukkan masa-masa yang tetap dan hari-hari dan tahun-tahun.

    1:14 Berfirmanlah Allah: “Jadilah benda-benda penerang pada cakrawala untuk memisahkan siang dari malam. Biarlah benda-benda penerang itu menjadi tanda yang menunjukkan masa-masa yang tetap dan hari-hari dan tahun-tahun,
    Sekilas info(3)

    saya percaya, Kristus tidak pernah mendiskriminasi orang-orang ateis, dan Kristus juga mengasihi orang ateis, juga Kristus tidak pernah memaksa orang ateis, untuk percaya kepada Kristus.

    Tapi anda boleh mencoba untuk datang ke gereja bethany(yang sudah pernah saya buktikan) supaya anda membuktikan bahwa memang ada kedamaian hati yang luarbiasa dari Kristus, yang bisa mengurangi banyaknya beban pikiran anda, juga yang bisa membuat anda menangis bahagia, serta bisa mengisi kekosongan batin anda, dan anda tidak harus menjadi kristen.

    saya juga menghormati para ateis yang mau mendirikan kebajikan ataupun yang mau mencari kepuasan batin yang datang dari kebenaran Kristus.

    NB: Kristus malah membenci orang-orang benar yang merasa dirinya selalu sempurna dan yang merasa dirinya tidak lagi memerlukan pertobatan, padahal manusia pasti ada jatuh bangunya dalam menjalani hidup ini, tapi usahakanlah setidak-tidaknya, untuk lebih banyak bangunya dari pada jatuhnya dalam lahir dan batin, sambil dalam hati memohon pertolongan kepada Tuhan atas segala makhluk.
    Sekilas info(4)

    mungkin arti kehidupan adalah proses berawal hingga berakhirnya perjalanan waktu seseorang yang dibatasi oleh kematian yang dihiasi oleh suka dan duka, baik yang datangnya dari Tuhan atau dari manusianya sendiri.
    Sekilas info(5)

    biarlah imanmu tetap percaya pada Tuhan atas segala maklhuk walaupun seandainya logikamu mempunyai alasan untuk tidak percaya. Maka katakanlah dalam hatimu” Ya Tuhan atas segala makluk tolonglah hamba, yang saat ini tidak mampu untuk percaya.”
    Sekilas info(6)

    ujian Tuhan itu memang bisa mengguncangkan baik iman dan hati nurani kita, sampai-sampai kita berkata “ya Tuhan mengapa ini bisa terjadi padahal Engkau-kan Tuhan yang Baik.

    Maka ingatlah bahwa apa yang terbaik menurut kita belum-tentu seperti apa yang terbaik menurut Tuhan, dan jika kita masih ada pertanyaan-pertanyaan-kehidupan yang tidak bisa kita jawab, pastilah diakhirat nanti, kita bisa langsung tanya sama Tuhan atau mungkin melalui malaikat-Nya.
    Sekilas info(7)

    jadi yang terbaik adalah tetaplah berusaha untuk belajar dengan semampu-mampunya untuk menjadi orang yang tahu diri baik secara lahir maupun batin sambil memohon pertolongan-Nya, tapi seandainya Dia tidak menolong untuk menguji kita, maka tetaplah kita lebih mencintai Dia dari segalanya dan tetap beribadah kepada-Nya.
    Sekilas info(Cool

    saya juga memakai logika untuk belajar memahami Tuhan dan segala hal tentang Tuhan juga saya tidak melarang orang melogika Tuhan dan segala hal tentang Tuhan dalam rangka belajar memahami Tuhan walaupun tidak mungkin sampai 100%, tapi bukan berarti Tuhan harus selalu dilogika, karena Tuhan tidak bisa dilogika secara terus-menerus juga karena Tuhan tidak mungkin dipahami manusia secara keseluruhan atau secara 100%(kecuali sebagianya saja)

    Dulu saya mengutamakan logika dalam memahami Tuhan, tapi sekarang saya mengutamakan iman dalam memahami Tuhan, tanpa mengabaikan logika.
    Sekilas info(9)

    iman adalah dasar dari segala sesuatu yang kita harapkan dan bukti dari segala sesuatu yang tidak kita lihat.
    Sekilas info(10)

    beberapa contoh tentang gambaran iman adalah :

    1. Tetap percaya bahwa TUHAN ITU TIDAK PERNAH BERSALAH juga bahwa TUHAN ITU BUKAN TUHAN YANG JAHAT, walaupun ada bayi ataupun anak yang masih kecil yang menjadi korban bencana alam atau menderita sakit berat, atau cacat dan sebagainya, yang mengguncangkan hati nurani kita.

    2. Tetap percaya bahwa Tuhan itu tetap Tuhan Yang Maha Baik, walaupun kita dalam keadaan yang terburuk.

    3. Tetap percaya Tuhan itu Maha-Kuasa walaupun kejahatan semakin merajalela.

    4. Tetap percaya Tuhan itu Maha Adil, meski ada banyak ketidakdilan.

    5. dan seterusnya …
    Sekilas info(11)

    jadi baiklah kita sama-sama belajar untuk bersatu hati, untuk belajar lebih banyak menyenangkan hati Tuhan walaupun ada jatuh-bangunya, tanpa menutup mata dengan hal-hal lain yang memang perlu dilakukan, karena kita masih hidup didunia.

    saya menasihati, bukan selalu berarti bahwa saya lebih unggul dari kalian, saya tidak bermaksud untuk menggurui.

    saya sebagai manusia biasa, tidak bisa menjamin untuk selalu lebih baik dari kalian dalam seumur hidup, sayapun juga bisa jatuh, saya juga masih belajar dalam kehidupan ini, bahkan sebenarnya semua tokoh agamapun masih belajar, dihadapan Tuhan.

    Jadi marilah kita sama-sama saling menguatkan, bergandengan, menegur dengan kasih, tidak memperbesar perbedaan, saling mendukung dalam kebajikan, dan dalam semua kebaikan.
    Sekilas info(12)

    mungkin salah satu cara agar kita lebih mudah bersyukur pada Tuhan atas segala makhluk saat kita dalam keadaan terburuk, adalah dengan memikirkan yang lebih buruk dari yang kita alami.
    Sekilas info(13)

    menurut saya, sah-sah saja jika seseorang berbuat baik dan beribadah untuk mendapatkan berkat, untuk masuk surga, dan tujuan-tujuan lainya(asalkan tidak bertentangan dengan Firman-Tuhan ataupun hati nurani).

    Tapi tujuan-utama kita dalam hati kita harus tetap sama, yaitu belajar menyenangkan hati Tuhan atas segala makhluk yang didasar-utamakan oleh cinta kita yang tak-bersyarat pada Tuhan atas segala makhluk, even in long suffering.
    Sekilas info(14)

    mungkin arti takdir adalah segala sesuatu yang terjadi yang disebab-utamakan oleh Tuhan.

    sedangkan arti nasib adalah segala sesuatu yang terjadi yang disebab-utamakan oleh manusia.
    bencana banjir, yang dikarenakan ulah manusia dimana banyak pohon ditebangi, juga karena ulah manusia dimana banyak sampah yang dibuang sembarangan oleh manusia, sehingga membuntu got, juga arus sungai, hingga mengakibatkan banjir.
    Sekilas info(15)
    “opini saya tentang kehidupan”

    memang benar bahwa segala sesuatu terjadi karena seizin Tuhan,

    tapi bukan berarti segala sesuatu terjadi karena kehendak Tuhan.

    saya percaya ada perizinan Tuhan yang dikehendaki, tapi ada perizinan Tuhan yang sebenarnya tidak dikehendaki atau yang sebenarnya tidak 100%disetujui, mengingat Tuhan telah memberi manusia, kebebasan untuk memilih apakah mengikuti kehendaknya sendiri atau mengikuti kehendak Tuhan. (supaya kita jangan selalu menyalahkan Tuhan)
    Sekilas info(16)

    Tuhan telah memberikan kebebasan pada manusia dengan harapan agar manusia bisa mempergunakan kebebasan itu dengan bijak, bukan dengan kebebasan yang tanpa batas yang sama dengan tanpa hukum atau tanpa aturan.

    mungkin banyak manusia lupa bahwa Tuhan sebenarnya tidak hanya memberi kebebasan saja, tapi Tuhan juga telah memberikan peringatan, sebagai baju bagi kebebasan kita,
    artinya bahwa saat kita menggunakan kebebasan itu, maka sudah seharusnya kita mengingat hukuman-Tuhan yang menanti apabila kita menyalahgunakan kebebasan itu.

    maka kebebasan yang kita pakai itu, akan dituntut pertanggungjawabanya nanti, di persidangan Ilahi, dimana semua manusia dikumpulkan dari segala penjuru bumi dan tak seorangpun bisa berbohong, ataupun bersaksi dusta.
    Sekilas info(17)

    rencana Tuhan memang selalu menjadi kenyataan, tapi harapan Tuhan belum tentu menjadi kenyataan, karena manusia yang telah diberi kebebasan oleh Tuhan, lebih sering mengingat gadget, dari-pada mengingat Tuhan.
    Sekilas info(18)

    ada hambaTuhan yang mendapat penglihatan, bahwa ternyata nanti, di akhir dari akhir zaman, saat ada pengangkatan, ternyata ada orang Islam yang juga diangkat ke sorga.
    Sekilas info(19)
    “cerita santai (dongeng), {own version}”

    seandainya cicak bisa bicara, mungkin cicak itu akan bertanya: “Ya Tuhan, Engkau kok nggak adil ama aku, Engkau nggak CS deh ama aku, soalnya aku kan, nggak Engkau beri sayap, tapi mangsaku, malah Engkau beri sayap?”

    Lalu Tuhan menjawab: “Karena didalam dirimu, telah kutanamkan benih yang luarbiasa yaitu semangat juang yang luiarbiasa yang berkobar untuk bertahan hidup, karena itulah, kau tidak perlu Kuberi sayap, lagi pula, kalau hewan bersayap bisa memakan mangsa yang bersayap pula, itu kan hal biasa. Tapi kamu luarbiasa, karena kamu bisa memakan mangsa yang bersayap, padahal kamu tidak bersayap”
    Sekilas info(20)

    mungkin ada orang yang berkata dalam hatinya:”Ya Tuhan, rasanya penderitaanku ini tiada berakhir, padahal aku melakukan kebenaran ataupun Firman-Mu”.

    maka dari itu, saya ingin mengingatkan kata-kata penghiburan buat anda yaitu bahwa:

    penderitaan yang kita alami tidak ada apa-apanya dibandingkan kebahagiaan dan nikmatnya sorgawi, karena itu janganlah patah asa apalagi bunuh diri, namun tetaplah berkobar semangat juang menjalani hidup ini yang didasari juga dengan kejujuran yang dikawal oleh kearifan, karena kejujuran dijaman ini, tidak bisa berdiri sendiri, tapi harus digandeng dengan kearifan, agar kejujuran anda tidak dipermainkan oleh orang lain, juga tidak menjadi bulan-bulanan orang lain
    Sekilas info(21)

    bagi yang tergerak hatinya untuk menambah doa dipagi hari, mungkin nggak ada salahnya jika anda berkata dalam hatimu: “Ya Tuhan atas segala makhluk, biarlah Engkau yang lebih menguasai lahir dan batinku dan paksalah hamba menuju jalan-Mu, jika hamba bebal dihadapan-Mu”.
    Sekilas info(22)

    mungkin ada orang yang berkata dalam hatinya: “mengapa pada umumnya, orang jahat itu diberi umur panjang oleh Tuhan”

    *mungkin jawabanya adalah :

    karena Tuhan sedang memberi waktu bagi orang jahat itu, untuk bertobat,

    tapi apabila orang jahat itu tidak-tahu-diri kalau dirinya diberi waktu-tobat oleh Tuhan,

    maka berarti Tuhan sedang menunggu orang jahat itu, agar bertambah-tambah dosanya hingga dosa orang jahat itu menjadi semakin banyak-sekali dan menjadi semakin layak untuk dimasukan ke neraka yang paling berat hukumanya.
    Sekilas info(23)

    memang yang paling sulit dalam hidup kerohanian, adalah ketika kita belajar menerima kedaulatan-Tuhan juga ketika Tuhan sendiri, dengan sengaja tidak mempercayakan diri-Nya sebagai Tuhan yang baik.(ini termasuk ujian tingkat tinggi).
    Sekilas info(24)

    bagi saya, Kedaulatan-Tuhan(perbuatan-perbuatan-Nya), berada diatas segala kebenaran juga bahkan diatas firman-Nya bahkan-lagi diatas kebenaran hatinurani, artinya bahwa ketika Tuhan memandang perlu, untuk melakukan manuver-manuver yang tidak biasanya, maka bagi saya, Dia tetap berhak melakukan itu. Karena itu jugalah saya pernah sampai bertanya-tanya kenapa mengapa Tuhan seolah melanggar firman-Mu sendiri.

    dan bagi saya Dia juga berhak menentukan saya dineraka, maka seandainya Dia menentukan saya dineraka dari sejak saya dilahirkan, maka saya cuma minta satu hal saja, yaitu supaya Tuhan tetap mengizinkan saya untuk mencintai-Nya.
    Sekilas info(25)

    Tuhan itu, terlalu benar untuk disalahkan, terlalu suci untuk berdosa, juga terlalu sempurna untuk dikambinghitamkan.

    Ya Tuhan atas segala makhluk, Engkaulah yang selalu benar dan yang paling benar, Engkaulah yang selalu suci dan yang paling suci, juga Engkaulah yang selalu sempurna dan yang paling sempurna,

    biarlah segala lidah mengaku bahwa Engkaulah yang paling layak dimuliakan dan biarlah segala makhluk sujud gemetar dihadapan-Mu.
    Sekilas info(26)

    kadang saya berpikir, mengapa ada bayi-bayi ataupun anak-anak kecil (yang masih belum bisa membedakan mana yang baik dan mana yang jahat), tapi mereka harus mengalami kematian dalam kandungan, kematian karena bencana, kematian tragis(kematian yang tidak lazim), penderitaan jasmani yang begitu berat, penyiksaan dan lain sebagainya yang bisa mengguncangkan hati nurani kita, tapi saya percaya bahwa Tuhan atas segala makhluk telah menyediakan penghiburan khusus dan penyambutan khusus bagi mereka, dan mereka akan ditempatkan ketempat yang teristimewa disorga dalam taraf manusia, bahkan mungkin saja, mereka akan ditempatkan didekat Takhta Tuhan.
    Sekilas info(27)

    mungkin ada orang yang bertanya dalam hatinya, mengapa Tuhan seolah tega mengambil orang yang saya sayangi.

    bisa jadi jawabanya adalah sebagai berikut :

    1. karena, sebelum orang itu terhanyut oleh arus dunia yang mengakibatkan dia menuju ke neraka, maka Tuhan berinisiatif untuk mengambil dia dahulu, mumpung orang itu masih layak ditempatkan disorga.

    2. mungkin anda telah mendewakan orang itu dalam hati anda.

    3. mungkin dengan adanya orang itu, anda sering menunda ataupun membatalkan waktu beribadah.

    4. mungkin dalam hati anda, anda lebih condong kepada orang itu dari pada kepada Tuhan.

    5. mungkin Tuhan mempunyai rencana lain yang masih perlu kita gali, dengan dasaran pikiran yang positif kepada Tuhan, sambil memohon bimbingan-Nya.

    NB: bisa jadi salah satu jawaban diatas menjadi salah satu jawaban dalam persoalan kita yang lain, agar kita jangan menyalahkan Tuhan, walaupun dalam hati.
    Sekilas info(28)

    kadang kita memang tidak bisa menghindari adanya perbedaan tipis yang memang sulit untuk dibedakan,

    saking tipisnya perbedaan itu, kadang hal itu mungkin bisa digambarkan sebagai “serupa tapi tak sama”,

    dan serupa tapi tak sama itu, mungkin bisa dicontohkan seperti “do tinggi dan do rendah”, sama-sama ber-nada do tapi berbeda oktaf.
    Sekilas info(29)

    minyak dan air berbeda, tapi mereka sama-sama termasuk zat cair.
    Sekilas info(30)

    kadang dalam pikiran saya terbersit pertanyaan,

    seandainya hanya ada dua pilihan antara Tuhan yang bertindak sewenang-wenang, dan iblis yang bertindak sewenang-wenang, mana yang saya pilih?

    maka saya akan tetap memilih Tuhan yang bertindak sewenang-wenang.

    Karena kalau Tuhan bertindak sewenang-wenang, saya percaya Dia pasti bertanggungjawab(walaupun seandainya saya tidak melihat pertanggung-jawaban Tuhan didunia ini).
    Sekilas info(31)

    terang dan gelap tidak bisa bersatu, kecuali dalam hati manusia.

    Karena itu berjuanglah sebisa mungkin sembari memohon pertolongan-Nya, supaya terang yang ada padamu bisa menjadi lampu untuk jalan-jalanmu.
    Sekilas info(32)

    Imamat 17
    17:7 Janganlah mereka mempersembahkan lagi korban mereka kepada jin-jin, sebab menyembah jin-jin itu adalah zinah. Itulah yang harus menjadi ketetapan untuk selama-lamanya bagi mereka turun-temurun.
    Sekilas info(33)

    kalau ada mereka yang mengatakan semua agama itu sama,

    mungkin yang dimaksudkan adalah dalam hal, sama-sama mendirikan kebajikan.

    jadi mereka memandang dalam sudut pandang yang pada umumnya, atau secara garis besar yang dalam salah satu tujuan yang sama.
    Sekilas info(34)

    janganlah kita mempunyai mental untuk hanya mau, menerima yang enak-enak saja dari Tuhan,

    namun seharusnya, kita juga mau belajar, untuk menerima apa-apa yang tidak enak dari Tuhan, baik secara lahiriah maupun batiniah dalam seumur hidup kita,

    dan inilah yang seharusnya juga, menjadi bagian dari inti pengajaran agama oleh para pemuka-pemuka agama diseluruh dunia.
    Sekilas info(35)

    kalau kita teringat bahwa Tuhan itu Maha-Kasih,

    maka seharusnya, kita juga mengingat bahwa Tuhan juga Maha Adil,

    yang nantinya, akan membalaskan manusia menurut perbuatanya.

    Agar kita tidak lupa diri, dihadapan-Nya
    Sekilas info(36)

    orang yang paling bodoh, adalah orang yang dalam hatinya mengira, bahwa dia bisa mempermainkan keselamatan, kebaikan, kasih juga pengampunan dari Tuhan, dan orang yang paling parah adalah orang yang menyalahgunakanya.
    Sekilas info(37)

    kalau kita hanya mengingat bahwa Tuhan itu Maha kasih, Maha Pengampun, Maha baik, maka hal ini bisa membuat kita terbuai dan tersesat.
    Sekilas info(38)

    kalau Tuhan itu Maha kasih, bukan berarti kita boleh tidak beribadah untuk seterusnya, juga bukan berarti Tuhan membolehkan kita berbuat apa saja dengan melanggar semua aturan atau hukum agama ataupun negara.
    Sekilas info(39)

    kalau Tuhan itu Maha Pengampun, itu bukan berarti kita selalu terhindar dari hukuman Tuhan.
    Sekilas info(40)

    kalau Tuhan itu Maha Baik, maka belum tentu Dia melakukan kebaikan seperti yang kita anggap,

    tapi memang kadang atau sering, kebaikan Tuhan itu tidak bisa kita logika.

    Contohnya, ada kisah nyata seperti dibawah ini:

    ketika hambaTuhan yang terkena kecelakaan dan kehilangan kakinya dan ketika hambaTuhan itu bertanya pada Tuhan “mengapa ini terjadi padaku”, lalu Tuhan menjawab “itulah yang terbaik”.

    Jadi dalam kisah nyata diatas, yang dimaksud Tuhan terbaik adalah menurut pandangan Tuhan, bukan terbaik menurut pandangan manusia.
    Sekilas info(41)

    mungkin di era akhir jaman ini, akan banyak iman-iman yang mulai tertidur, yang sudah mulai lelah untuk mempercayai keMaha-an Tuhan ketika dihadapkan dalam situasi ataupun kondisi, yang sering kali mengguncangkan iman, namun tetaplah juga untuk berjuang agar kita tetap berpikir positif pada Tuhan, terkhusus dalam situasi terburuk.
    Sekilas info(42)

    mungkin salah-satu PR terbesar bagi para pemuka-pemuka agama diseluruh dunia adalah mengisi kekosongan pikiran para jemaah atau jemaat, agar mereka tidak menjadi generasi “penuduh Tuhan” yang selalu menyalahkan Tuhan dalam hati mereka.
    Sekilas info(43)

    semua kekayaan, kepandaian, kemampuan ataupun talenta, juga apa-apa yang bisa dibanggakan oleh manusia, adalah titipan Tuhan, karena itulah manusia tidak pantas menyombongkan dirinya.
    Sekilas info(44)

    jika Tuhan sendiri yang membuat perbedaan, maka siapakah yang mampu memecahkanya, kecuali Tuhan dan makhluk yang kepadanya Tuhan berkenan menyatakanya.
    Sekilas info(45)

    marilah kita sama-sama belajar untuk menyikapi perbedaan dengan bijak, agar Tuhan tidak menutup hati nurani kita juga agar Tuhan mau menambahkan rema kepada kita, sehingga kita bisa mengumpulkan serpihan-serpihan hikmah dari tirai-tirai yang berbeda
    Sekilas info(46)

    jika kita membiasakan diri bertanya untuk mencari tahu dan tidak untuk menyerang, maka akan ditambahkan kepadamu serpihan rema yang terpendam.
    Sekilas info(47)

    Tuhan itu memang unik, kadang Dia menyembunyikan rema dalam diri orang yang kita benci, bahkan pada orang yang kita anggap paling bejat(tapi bukan berarti Tuhan mendukung orang jahat) bahkan pula, kadang Dia memberkati kita dari orang yang kita tidak sukai.
    Sekilas info(48)

    jika kita bisa menahan diri untuk membenci, maka janganlah kita membenci, namun jika kita tidak tahan untuk membenci, maka janganlah terlalu membenci.
    Sekilas info(49)

    perbedaan itu bisa menjadi indah, seperti keindahan pelangi yang terdiri dari warna yang berbeda-beda, tapi itu tergantung bagaimana kita menyikapi perbedaan itu.
    Sekilas info(50)

    seperti pria dan wanita, mereka adalah dua dunia yang berbeda, tapi justru Tuhan menciptakan mereka untuk menjadi satu rumah-tangga dalam pernikahan. Jadi, walaupun mereka berbeda, maka bukan berarti mereka tidak bisa hidup berdampingan dalam keharmonisan, mungkin inilah juga yang menjadi salah-satu PR bagi kita, sebagai umat.
    Sekilas info(51)

    bagi yang tergerak hatinya, mungkin inilah beberapa contoh dalam menyikapi perbedaan:

    1. menjadikan perbedaan itu sebagai tambahan pengetahuan.
    2. menyikapi perbedaan itu dengan teguran kasih, dan tidak ada salahnya kita menambahkan kata maaf.
    3. menyikapi perbedaan itu dengan menghormati kebebasan untuk memilih apa yang dia percayai, karena salah satu yang terpenting dalam hal ini adalah bahwa kita sudah menyampaikan apa yang kita ketahui dan selebihnya adalah urusan Tuhan.
    4. dan sebagainya, dengan dasaran kasih juga niat hati yang tidak memusuhi.
    Sekilas info(52)

    saya percaya bahwa ada saat-saatnya dimana ketidak-tulusan manusia, masih dimaklumi oleh Tuhan, seperti ketika kita sedang malas berdoa di pagi hari,

    namun karena kita berusaha untuk belajar menyenangkan hati-Tuhan,

    maka kita memaksakan diri untuk berdoa,

    dan saya percaya bahwa Tuhan masih mau menerima doa kita.

    karena banyak orang malas beribadah dengan alasan ketidak-tulusan hati, bahkan ada yang sampai 5 tahun tidak pernah beribadah sama sekali.
    Sekilas info(53)

    penderitaan memang bukan untuk dicari, tapi jika Tuhan menghadapkan kita pada penderitaan(baik lahiriah maupun batiniah), maka baiklah kita belajar untuk merelakan hati kita dan berserah pada-Nya (walaupun dalam keadaan yang terburuk) serta memohon pada-Nya agar ditambahkan kekuatan kita untuk melaluinya.
    Sekilas info(54)

    tidak ada seorangpun yang bisa tawar-menawar dengan Tuhan dalam hal orang itu akan dilahirkan dalam rupa yang bagus atau dalam rupa yang jelek, dalam keluarga yang kaya atau dalam keluarga yang miskin, juga dalam ras apa, ataupun dalam agama apa.

    kalau sekilas kita memandang sepertinya Tuhan itu egois, tapi tidak apalah.

    Karena bagi saya, tidak ada yang boleh egois selain Tuhan atas segala makhluk dan Dia masih berhak melakukan itu.
    Sekilas info(55)

    ketika aku memandang sinar mata bayi-bayi yang tidak berdosa dari semua agama, aku menjadi terharu, karena mereka bisa saja menjadi korban dari ke egoisan kita dalam perdebatan yang tidak sehat yang bisa menimbulkan api dendam, amarah antar agama yang berbeda sehingga bisa membuka peluang akan terjadinya lagi perang agama yang bisa menimbulkan korban-korban mereka yang tidak bersalah termasuk anak-anak kecil dan bayi-bayi yang tidak berdosa yang bisa saja mati karena terkena bom akibat perang agama. karena itulah maka janganlah kita terfokus untuk memperbesar perbedaan tapi terfokuslah untuk bagaimana kita tetap bisa hidup rukun walaupun berbeda prinsip atau kepercayaan.
    Sekilas info(56)

    kadang orang kaya itu tidak seperti yang kita pikirkan karena orang kaya itu bisa jadi mengalami hal-hal seperti dibawah ini:

    1. mereka tidak akan benar-benar menemukan sahabat sejati.
    2. mungkin hidup mereka jarang ada damai karena sering ada pertengkaran tentang hak waris dalam keluarganya.
    3. mereka sering tidak tenang hatinya karena banyak yang mengincar hartanya.
    4. mereka menjadi sering gelisah dan kurang tidur karena memikirkan uang dan hartanya yang begitu banyak.
    Sekilas info(57)

    tapi orang-orang kaya itu masih mempunyai peluang untuk masuk surga, jika orang kaya itu menjadi orang kaya yang bijaksana.

    orang kaya yang bijaksana adalah orang kaya yang mau memberikan sebagian hartanya kepada orang-orang yang memang benar-benar memerlukan, seperti orang miskin, yatim piatu, gelandangan dan sebagainya dengan tidak mengabaikan ibadah.
    Sekilas info(58)

    orang yang tampan tidak akan pernah disebut tampan kalau tidak ada orang yang jelek, demikian juga orang yang cantik.

    jadi sebenarnya orang yang tampan dan orang yang cantik seharusnya berterimakasih kepada orang yang jelek, karena orang yang jelek itu ikut berjasa atas sebutan mereka.
    Sekilas info(59)

    orang yang tampan dan orang yang cantik memiliki kecenderungan yang lebih besar untuk tidak setia pada pasanganya, sedangkan orang yang jelek mempunyai kecenderungan yang lebih kecil untuk tidak setia pada pasanganya.

    jadi masing-masing mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan.
    Sekilas info(60)

    semua agama juga mempunyai kelebihan masing-masing, tapi adalah tidak bijak jika kita mencari-cari kelemahan atau kekurangan agama lain.
    Sekilas info(61)

    mungkin orang yang paling banyak dimaklumkan dosanya, adalah orang-orang yang cacat, karena mereka menderita seumur hidup.
    Sekilas info(62)

    mungkin ada orang yang berkata dalam hatinya

    “mengapa harus ada kematian yang tragis bagi orang-orang yang sungguh-sungguh pada Tuhan”.

    mungkin jawabanya adalah

    dengan kematian yang tragis itu, maka orang itu sedang diberi kesempatan oleh Tuhan untuk membayar harga dengan cara yang singkat dan juga untuk mempercepat orang itu menuju tingkatan surga yang lebih tinggi..
    Sekilas info(63)

    marilah kita sama-sama juga belajar untuk tetap lebih mencintai Tuhan dari segalanya, walaupun jika seandainya:

    1. Tuhan lebih memberkati orang yang kita benci.
    2. Tuhan tidak selalu melindungi kita.
    3. Tuhan tidak selalu menolong kita.
    4. Tuhan memberi hikmat ataupun kemampuan lebih, kepada orang yang lebih muda dari kita.
    5. dan sebagainya.
    Sekilas info(64)

    mungkin ada baiknya kalau kita memikirkan semua yang terburuk yang bisa saja terjadi pada kita, untuk mempersiapkan mental kita, apabila seandainya Tuhan dengan tiba-tiba, menghadapkan kita, pada apa yang paling kita takutkan terjadi,

    supaya apabila kita kecewa pada-Nya, paling tidak, kita tidak terlalu kecewa pada-Nya,

    dan semoga kita tidak kecewa pada-Nya dan tetap setia pada-Nya.

    karena kesetiaan yang Tuhan tuntut adalah kesetiaan sampai akhir, walaupun dalam situasi yang terburuk sekalipun.
    Sekilas info(65)

    agar kita tidak hanyut dalam kesombongan,

    mungkin ketika kita melihat orang yang kita anggap lebih berdosa dari kita, kita bisa menanamkan pikiran yang seperti ini:

    seandainya aku menjadi orang itu, belum tentu aku lebih baik dari orang itu(tapi bukan berarti dalam hati kita, kita mendukung perbuatan dosa orang itu).
    Sekilas info(66)

    kalau ada orang yang rajin beribadah tapi perbuatanya tidak terpuji, maka ambilah perkataanya yang bisa membangun rohanimu, tapi janganlah meniru perbuatanya yang tidak patut ditiru dan janganlah menjadi jera beribadah karena melihat orang yang seperti itu tapi lihatlah kebenaran Tuhan.
    Sekilas info(67)

    mungkin ada orang yang bertanya dalam hatinya..

    “mengapa Tuhan menciptakan manusia yang bisa jatuh dalam dosa”

    mungkin jawabanya adalah:

    yang jelas bukan berarti Tuhan mendukung dosa, tapi supaya manusia lebih melihat kebenaran Tuhan yang selalu benar dan yang paling benar, juga agar manusia jangan berkata bahwa dirinya bisa menjamin untuk selalu benar dalam lahir dan batinya dalam seumur hidupnya.

    NB: memang orang benar itu ada, namun orang yang selalu benar(dalam batinya) itu tidak ada.
    Sekilas info(68)

    aku bersyukur ternyata Kristus juga mau memperdengarkan suara-Nya pada orang yang mungkin tidak pernah dilirik oleh orang lain yaitu seorang penjual air, seperti yang saya pernah lihat dalam kisahnyata solusi di tv, dan dalam kisahnyata lain, Kristus mau menampakan dirinya kepada pemulung-pemulung dan menyembuhkan sakit mereka, ini pernah terjadi disurabaya.
    Sekilas info(69)

    jika kita sedang digoda oleh kesombongan rohani dalam hati, maka cepat-cepatlah meminta ampunan-Nya, sebelum Tuhan mengurangi kekuatan kita sehingga kita jatuh dalam pencobaan yang seharusnya kita bisa melaluinya.
    Sekilas info(70)

    janganlah kita menjadi ahli hukum untuk memutarbalikan hukum, dan jika demikian yang terjadi, maka dosa kita bisa dilipat gandakan oleh Tuhan.
    Sekilas info(71)

    ketika dosa sedang mengintip, maka cepat-cepatlah minta pertolongan Tuhan sambil berusaha menghindari dosa juga berusaha menghindari kesempatan berbuat dosa.
    Sekilas info(72)

    setia kawan itu perlu, tapi kalau kita tetap membela mati-matian kawan kita padahal dia jelas-jelas salah, maka kesetiakawanan kita adalah kesetiakawanan yang tidak sehat.
    Sekilas info(73)

    kadang atau sering, dalam hidup ini, bisa saja terjadi hal-hal yang tidak kita inginkan terjadi, namun tetaplah belajar bersyukur dalam hatimu, baik dalam suka maupun duka.
    Sekilas info(74)

    dalam menjalani hidup ini, memang ada jatuh bangunya, tapi usahakanlah setidak-tidaknya, agar lebih banyak bangunya dari pada jatuhnya, sambil dalam hati, memohon tuntunan-Nya.

  • njlajahweb
    April 9, 2017 11:54 pm

    salam saja

  • v
    September 5, 2016 11:30 pm

    Religion is given by god or from our parents.. and no one is more important than your partner loves you truly he or she never say to u to convert.
    they accept you as you are.

    so dont convert any one from any religion.

  • Rikta
    March 6, 2016 3:16 pm

    Never marry a muslim, and never trust them, they born with lie. They are not trustworthy,

  • September 11, 2014 4:00 am

    Hi there! I was so inspired by this article you wrote. I know my bf for 4 years now. In 6 years time i plan to marry him but i’m already starting to doubt the possibility as i am a hindhu and he is indian-muslim. Could i ask you how did you manage life after marriage? Did your kids have to be muslim or do they get to chose much later in life?

    Also do you worry about the afterlife if god will forgive, because my bf is afraid i would have to suffer for this decision.

    Reply at

  • August 24, 2014 1:58 am

    hi! im a sikh woman in love with a muslim boy since 8 years. we love each ther a lot. we started having clashes wen v decided to get married. i did not want to convert but i respected im for his religion, views & beliefs. but he told me that the children will be muslim so i need to follow most things as children only learn from their mother. And his parents would want the same though i can follow my own religion also. we both were studying together. he has completed his education & my final year is left. His parents have started forcing him to marry. when they came to know about us his father told him to leave the house. to bring situation under control he denied that v have any relationship. so, i talked at my home. my family is not agreeing at all, they say he is good person but i wont be able to adjust in his family. now he is ready to leave his family also for me & saying we should marry without parents permission. i love him a lot but what afterwords him family pressures him to come home & make me follow everything. I feel he his not constant with what he says. my family says they will never talk to me if i marry him. he is a very nice person i dont want to lose him but im not understanding what to do. please guide

    Reply at

    • September 11, 2014 11:01 am

      Sat Sri Akal
      People should change with change…. My parents brought us to countries where there’s other cultures and religions, we as humans should respect all.
      I’m a 42 yr old man married to a Muslim girl since 1996, without parents wishs
      I knew she was the one, that feeling that I couldn’t take away
      We now have 4 kids(2 boys/2girls) who have been introduced to both reglions and are both 50/50
      They don’t have a choice….. We are born into a religion and should stay that way till death
      I’m a very happy man, wouldn’t change a thing except for my parents to be with me and enjoy their grand kids….their lost
      Key thing to happiness is to make sure you two are at the same level and no going back
      Just because your parents accept you now doesn’t mean other has to follow others religion now
      Teach them both …, take them to gurdwara and mosque and show them the unique parts of both regilions
      I’m living prove it can work…. My wife have been together for over 22 years !!!! And wouldn’t change a think
      And for all the negative people out there, if you don’t have anything positive to say…. Don’t post!!!!

      Reply at

  • August 3, 2014 5:33 am

    A Sikh woman who is I love with a Muslim man.
    It’s now just over 8year.
    My family are coming round. His family not so much at he moment.
    We are both very liberal and don’t want to convert we are happy as we are and just want to get married now.
    The hard bit… My mums one wish is that we still do anand kaar which I’m happy to do but living in west London I am not sure where to start or don’t know which gurdwara would accept this.
    Can anyone help or guide me to the right number/site to enquire?

    Thank you.

    Reply at

    • mac
      August 3, 2014 6:23 am

      Dear Harpeet,
      it is very much possible for sikh-muslim to enjoy a interfaith marriage with equality if you know the true history of respected Guru Nanak and his relations with muslim, yes there was fight between muslim rulers and sikh gurus and don`t forget all rulers has to fight against any religious gurus, even those muslim rulers had to fight against their brothers or uncles

      This is gurunanak`s words about god “There is one God. He is True. He makes everything. He is not afraid of anyone. He is not born. He never dies. He is self-made. We need only think of Him and pray to Him” and this is what a true muslim believe too

      and Quran tell us not to marry a non-believing women and if you follow Guru Nanakji then you aren`t a musrik,idolators which muslim men cannot marry, so you a muslim men can marry a sikh without conversion, and remember the term sikhism was never uttered by Guru Nanakji, he only preached Monotheism, the word sikhism was founded later after many years of gurunanak`s death

      but recent relations between muslims and sikhs are not very good, it got worst during partition of india

      • Jasbir Singh
        April 6, 2017 4:51 am

        What u mean that Guru Nanak never said word Sikhism, its coined later. If u have not enough information dont write anything. Little knowledge is dangerous things and better to get learn. Have u follow the path of Guru Nanak Dev ji or Guru Gobind Singh ji. Have u knowledge, what is the meaning of Sikh. Dear first search what is the meaning of Sikhs then give ur suggestion like that….. Simple thing i wish to tell u, every parents wanted there kids should be like that and follow their teachings, its for every religion. No need to compare one with other and justify ur words. If u dont respect what Almighty has given to u and u unshorn every day, u never under stand Sikhism. Guru Nanak always says Nature is perfect and respect nature.

    • Rony Sidhu
      February 4, 2016 2:19 am

      this is wrong to live your life without ur parents or leaving your parents.

      faith in god is good , God is One that is also good , you and your body are two diffeerent things, your body is physically work where your mind is working mentally like thinking or else. Here is a thing that many people misguide or mistranslate the words of Guru Sahib. Love with your mind, live together ,physical relationships, or other works are “not to live happily” but to live only, happy word can only be add where things relate with your mind.

      Think over it , marriage in different relation does give you relxation but the society, the culture , the traditions, the identity of next generation is with only within the religion.

      This is clear shit that religions are nothing , they teach us the living life, and a dog, a sheep, a goat, a cow, they doesnt go cross their limits only people do.


  • naija dating
    January 26, 2014 8:24 am

    Hi Shane, I’ve extremely appreciated these content articles and the helpful summaries that they provide. You say both “the Son is God” and suggest we shouldn’t say “God died over a cross.” Can you explain? Thanks!

  • November 1, 2013 1:26 am

    Hi everyone. Good to see all these posts. I am a muslim woman in the uk with a hindu man and am interested in how we could address my family? His family are happy and he very liberal but my family are very strict. He will not convert and I wouldn’t want him to for the sake of a marriage. I would be interested in hearing about anyone in this situation and how to negotiate with both families. I believe in dialogue and not runninh away from issues but am very worried about how I can keep everyone happy.

    Reply at

    • November 3, 2013 12:10 pm

      Kindly read my comments/response given to you through Admin.
      Please show the same to your “Friend” and be kind enough to let me know his reaction in the matter which is not ordinary one but very very very serious in nature. Also, please take the trouble read my comments dated 6.10.13 available in this site.
      Alim & Advocate

  • Secular
    July 9, 2013 5:05 pm

    all people are brothers and sisters

  • Secular
    July 9, 2013 5:04 pm


    • November 3, 2013 1:17 pm

      Every Religion says that God is one only.But persons having vested interests create/created several Gods and Goddess to loot and plunder innocent followers in the name idol worship or puja

      • November 3, 2013 6:10 pm

        One may add …

        “ loot and plunder innocent followers in the name idol worship or puja”…. or apostles.
        Why we need human messengers (Jesus, Muhammad, etc) of God? Instead follow directly to Isvar.

        • November 5, 2013 9:57 pm

          I have been telling that according to Holy Koran Sharif,Almighty Allah has sent more or less 124000 thousand Prophets from Adam i.e Hazrat Adam (A.S) to Hazrat Muhammed (S.W.A) including Hazrat Isa(A.S)i.e Jesus Christ and other Prophets. Never say that I have said that Allah(God,Bhagwan or Ishvar) has sent only Hazrat Muhammed(S.W.A) as Prophet. But definitely He is the Last Prophet and Final Messenger of Allah. According our Iman(Belief) ALLAH is addressed as He and not She. You are an atheist. According to Islam everybody has to live in this world with and without any fear.

  • July 9, 2013 5:03 pm

    Im a Muslim Turk married to A Serb Woman. Nothing wrong with that. Its about goodness in an person. Even if it would be an aboriginal or whatever. Most muslim man especially in hamas area and egypt kind countrys are sexual frustrated. Its not natural stopping people from falling in love with eachother.How more hypocryt over sex how more freaky behaviour from people. And not to forget afghanistan, And many many other muslim countrys. Boys doing boys. Tjayboys in afghanistan. Is that Islam? We must let go things from the past but always live with honour. Shed feelings of shame and hypocrysie. We must say no to family marriages and under age marriages. Forget about hate and vengeance. Its all about money and power nowadays in the islam . GIVE YOUNG PEOPLE A CHANCE TO FALL IN LOVE WITH EACHOTHER . aRRANGING MARRIAGES WITH PEOPLE YOU MIGHT NOT LIKE IS BAD . ISLAM MUST EVOLVE, !!

    Reply at

    • suma usa
      July 9, 2013 6:52 pm

      Hailing from Turkey marrying a Serb, you haven’t seen the ugly face of Islam, simple. I visited Turkey when I lived in Iran, and I liked your nation. Muslim men keep their women locked up in homes, look at Saudi Arabia, they don’t let a woman travel without a man accompanying them. They cant drive a car or contest elections. Many Indian muslims don’t let girls go to college, because college education ‘corrupts’ them. Instead they marry off children to older men just to get rid of them. They ALWAYS will have a large family especially the poor and un educated. They kill a hindu man if he marries a muslim girl. As you know almost all terrorists are mulslims in many lands from Thailand to India to Russia to USA. How can you bring change in this gloomy scenario? Clerics even tell you how to beat your wife. Muslim women living in non-muslim lands enjoy some form of justice, muslim lands give them no equal rights. Please read run by Ali Sina, an Iranian. The problem is all this indoctrination happens in mosques, violence is encouraged by mullahs, no hope mate, they even bombed Bodh Gaya last week.

      • Fizan
        September 17, 2013 4:40 am

        Plz mind u r wordzzz.

      • November 4, 2013 9:42 am

        Being a prostitute how do you talk about religion. Prostitutes don`t have any choice. They have to serve every customer. When some one goes to you, to do you ask him about his religion? I say no.Pl. record it in your mental diary that the father of a suspect of serial bomb blast in Bihar has refused to accept the dead body so who was “involved” in “terrorist” activities as Islam does not approve terrorism. But your parents can not ask/advise you to come back from prostitution because they know that if they say so you will tell them that no idol/image for puja can be made without mud from the home/house of prostitutes like you.
        Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate

  • Stark
    July 9, 2013 4:51 pm

    aggression is stupid

  • saima
    June 21, 2013 1:14 pm

    i am a muslim female from british pakistani background of sunni school of thought and ive been married to a sikh guy for 3 years now. my younger sister and 2 friends and 3 cousin sisters, are married to Sikh guys too.

    My personal view is I believe muslim women and sikh men are better suited to each other as all the relationships i have come across like mine the muslim woman is really happy whereas others I have seen where muslim woman is forced or expected to marry a muslim guy often are very unhappy and get divorced within a year or less.

    I think we as muslim females should really open our minds instead of going with the flow and marry a muslim man just for families sake or what our religion allegedly expects us to do.

    Reply at:

  • Jas
    June 8, 2013 12:11 am

    What you guys have is beautiful and I applaud you on that. If there were more human beings like you on earth there wouldn’t be any wars or hate amongst us. This is how you achieve equality amongst humans. Congrats and good luck to guys!

    • June 8, 2013 8:38 pm

      Agree, we wish all Muslim-non-Muslim marriage are like this.

      • November 4, 2013 9:44 am

        But under which marriage act or civil marriage. Children will follow
        which religion.

        • November 4, 2013 8:08 pm

          The writer is saying, “This is how you achieve equality amongst humans” and we agree to it. It does not matter how you marry as far there is no FAKE-conversion. Children will follow humanity, not apostle-made religions.

  • May 27, 2013 7:13 pm

    I am from a Hindu/Sikh background and my love and i have been together for about 3 years ( he is muslim) . I am aware of the struggles that come along with an interracial marriage but the biggest problem we have come across is how to discipline our kids after marriage. What if we try to teach them both cultures or about both religions but they cross over eachother? For ecample I am a vegetarian since birth and he obviously is not cooking seperatly is an obvious solution but what would we feed our children?

    Reply at

  • Asees
    March 19, 2013 2:10 pm

    in response to the original article. as you said you will have children, and you will teach both faiths to them, what if one of or all your children wish to follow Sikhi only? or the same way, only Islam? what are thoughts then. A response will be much appreciated, Kind Regards

    • March 19, 2013 5:18 pm

      Why it should be any problem if both wants to be Sikhs or Muslims? Are you saying one religion is superior to another or Allah (God) can be achieved through only one of two faiths. If any one is not a pluralist, meaning both religions are true and equal, one should not bother going for an interfaith marriage.

  • neil
    March 11, 2013 8:55 pm

    Wow!!!, what am amazing amount of stereo typing n hate….the key point here is how much someone is into their faith…I think interfaith can work as long as the parties are not too faithful…..although I strive to be a good person,… my marriage with a Muslim girl did not workout cuz I ate bacon n drank…. I guess I have no hope since I will not be accepted by anyone…LOL…btw asking anyone to change their faith for marriage is the silliest thing IMO

    • March 12, 2013 12:28 am

      Agree that “asking anyone to change their faith for marriage is the silliest thing” but unfortunately it is going on every day. This does not mean to stereotype some faiths, but it is important to make an “informed” decision for an interfaith marriage.

  • Charmine
    February 26, 2013 6:23 am

    Salam and Sas re kal…

    first of all thanks for your post on “Sikh-Muslim Marriages.” gave me a hope in lot of ways.
    well, i just need a some advice. but if possible could a get a personal email address so i can communicate with salman and amrita? or they can contact me on my above email address.

    Appreciate your prompt response. Thanks and regards. Charmine

  • laode
    November 22, 2012 8:40 pm

    Ditujukan Buat Laode Masykur….dkk..Saya tahu siapa Laode Masykur seperti saya tahu siapa pak jokowi.
    Yang Sabar Pak Laode Masykur Menangani Mereka, Kasihan.
    Kita harus cari cara, agar mereka aman.

    Ini semua tentang kontrol makanan kpd 7 milyar orang. “apakah kamu mau memakan daging bangkai saudaramu sendiri”. System di surga di copy iblis/kegelapan, (Iblis bertanya…mengapa Engkau ciptakan demikian system..kalau demikian aku juga bisa buat pikirnya..)
    Barat niat baik membantu menyediakan manusia dengan menembaki mereka (yang kelihatan sebagai “binatang/ilmu muka binatangan”) di arab yang berjenggot.
    Tetapi mereka para binatang/jin tahu..memakai niat baik juga yaitu “apa yang dilakukan hizr dan musa terhadap seorang anak manusia” (“permainan guru dan murid, yang banyak ditemuin”, maka mereka membunuhin anak anak disini. (ini jelas salah, hizr cuma thd satu orang anak).
    Fakta populasi menunjukkan 50000 orang/hari kristen berkurang tiap hari dibanding agama lain.
    Mereka cuma anak anak yang ketika aku temui dan bicara agama mereka marah besar “jadi bapak berkata tidak ada Tuhan”. Mereka pasukan “muslim”/orang beriman dengan bangga menenteng salib di leher mereka.
    Memang kedengaran aneh, tapi ini fakta.
    Mereka secara teori, belum cukup umur untuk dimatiin kemudian dimakan. Ibarat masih anak ayam..percuma jika dipotong.
    “nanti di zaman akhir akan keluar yajuj majuj, mereka sangat rakus memakan manusia”.
    System mengajarkan bahwa yang sudah cukup umur saja yang bisa dimakan. Jika tidak maka makanan dibumi akan cepat habis. (Hal inilah pernah terjadi sebelum adam dicipta).
    Saya berusaha menasehati mereka…sudahlah “tidak ada tuhan saja”, supaya mereka tidak dimatiin dan dimakan di jalan jalan (terutama pesisir jawa aku saksikan).
    Ini juga mengingat “dosa anak belum cukup umur di tanggung orangtua” toh apa salahnya.
    Sebab saya yakin..system akan mematikan orang yang “percaya ada tuhan” saja.
    Cerita saya kedengaran aneh.
    Tapi itulah fakta dari “kitab perang malaikat dead sea scroll yaitu sisi lain alquran).
    Ini kiranya pula yang menyebabkan seperti ada api yang menyambar nyambar kepada semua mahkluk di bumi ini. Walau banyak orang di jatibening/mesjid syairullah sudah menyaksikan dajjal lengkap dengan tulisan kafir di jidatnya. (Aneh).

    Adam a.s mempunyai anak lagi setelah kematian putranya. Adam a.s menemukan bahwa putra barunya seth sangat mirip anaknya yang meninggal. Seth melakukan perjalanan suatu waktu. Seth menemukan sebuah kota penuh dengan orang dan bangunan.
    Sekarang kota kota seperti kota seth banyak dibangun dimana mana.
    Memang kedengaran aneh, tapi ini cerita kitab tuhan.

    Buat Pak Laode. Kita harus cari cara menolong mereka.
    Jangan seperti barat, membantu menembaki yang tua di arab. (concern sama human life katanya, selalu pidato presiden2 nya). Aneh.
    Semua mengacu kepada minyak, arab saudi mengekspor minyak 10 x kali lipat indonesia. Sedang jumlah penduduknya 1/10 kali indonesia. Yang artinya total pendapatan dari minyak 100 x lipat lebih kaya dari indonesia.
    Permainan Uang dari minyak. Hasil pendapatan dari sihir. Negeri Cina juga meniru dan mereka mulai kaya raya juga.

    Salahku juga, memilih kucing. (binatangan firaun). Tetapi “allah tidak menyukai orang orang yang melampaui batas”. Seperti miliuner arab yang memelihara kambing (orang orang berjenggot) bahkan di bawah kepesawat dan tinggal dikamar.

    Kucing dipilih firaun, sebab dari segi kekuatan tidak membahayakan anaknya keluarganya. Tetapi mempunyai ketangkasan seperti harimau untuk membinasakan hewan hewan kurang besar dari kucing itu sendiri.
    Ini semua dipelajari setelah nenek moyang firaun banyak mati berumur muda,
    maksimal umur 37 tahun (pada saat itu orang orang berumur ratusan tahun).
    Mereka dan ahli sihir mencari penyebabnya.
    Sampai akhirnya datang musa dan tuhan membinasakan firaun yang berumur bisa jadi tua tidak mati muda. Jika tidak maka firaun bisa berumur ratusan tahun atau mungkin 1000 tahun seperti adam as dan orang beriman lainnya.
    Kenapa ya firaun tidak dibiarin berumur panjang?

    Sekali lagi. Pak laode yang baik. Kita harus mencari cara tukar guling nyawa ini.
    Saya sudah menyurati hillary …di (bahkan 3 bulan sebelum aku mengatakan kepadanya dia akan kalah) dan upinder singh. untuk turut membantu.

    Yang jadi pertanyaan. Ketika kontrol lepas maka mereka menjadi sangat rakus.
    Seperti kejadian mei 98 dan pki 65. Tetapi biasanya hanya sementara. Ini pula yang menyebabkan kejadian pembantaian jutaan manusia zaman polpot, afrika dan yahudi PD2.
    Jika ini sebab HAARP atau sejenisnya, tidak mungkin tahun 65 ada?
    Siapa yang mengontrol makanan ini semua?
    Apakah mesin besar allien yang akhir akhir ini terdengar suaranya di hampir kota seluruh dunia? Yang terletak di planet nibiru? Itu mengapa kita tidak bisa explorasi ke bintang dan galaksi/tidak diperkenankan keluar dari bumi? Yang letaknya 12 jam perjalanan cahaya/3 kali jauh pluto. (imagine/bayangkan posisi.. ,.letak bintang/matahari terdekat century 2.5 tahun cahaya).(“Dan Kami tempatkan penjaga pada tiap tiap manusia, yang menjaganya siang malam berganti ganti..).
    Saya pikir kita harus berpikir 3 dimensi seperti film “contact”, bukan film “war of the worlds” untuk memecahkan kode yang mereka sisipkan dalam suara suara tersebut? Saya pikir saat ini Cia dan Pentagon sedang ramai pula berusaha memecahkan kode tersebut. Siapa menebar benih pasti akan menuai hasilnya, itu sebab apa yang mereka lakukan kontak area 51 dulu kala? “aliran kepercayaan/kebatinan: ‘setiap “ilmu/jin” yang dilatih mesti digunakan, atau akan terkena diri sendiri’”.
    Mari kita bantu mereka. Kita mau lihat seberapa pintar Laode Masykur memecahkan kode kode tsb. How smart you are? film.“independence day”.

    Pada mulanya saya seperti pak Laode Masykur.
    Bertanya, mencari jawaban, mengapa ayah saya pimpinan militer ABRI meninggal bersama kedua abang saya.
    Apakah ada hubungan dengan persahabatan dengan CIA dan Inggris dalam menjaga atheis? Diikuti ibu saya, dan kakak saya. Bermatian secara aneh. Mengapa ibu saya lahir 17 agustus,.kakak saya tepat 1 mei 1963, saya 13 april (beberapa hari setelah 200 pembom rusia membom allien di perbatasan dengan china tahun 1970/seth/seti). Mengapa mereka menempatkan nomor mobilku 1618 nisbah emas dan 1745. Ini tidak adil.
    Kemudian saya mencari tahu apa itu positron, memory positronik seperti yang ada dalam keping memory, apa itu boson, energy lighting yang mengandung elektron, muon dan tau dan energy kinetic yang cukup untuk memecahkan coulomb barrier untuk reaksi fusi menggunakan lithium, yang membutuhkan suhu ratusan juta derajat, tokamak mini dari lampu neon, dll.Bahkan sub particle yang terkandung dalam emas, yang berarti pupus harapan mereka membuat emas dari nomor atom sebelum emas karena tidak mengandung sub particle tsb. Sedang nomor atom setelahnya seperti pb, dll cenderung beracun berbahaya bagi kesehatan jika terlalu lama dipegang itupun jika mengandung sub particle seperti yang ada dalam emas yang datanya ada di LHC dan particle accelerator lainnya. (zaman akhir gunung emas di temukan).
    Tetapi ketika saya ingin memutar rotor hardisk yang kecil dengan menggunakan listrik mobil, untuk membuat “flying saucer” kecil, karena saya yakin akan menemukan antigravitasi disana. Saya terperanjat tidak bisa. Ada “sesuatu” yang menghalangi agar saya tidak bisa membuat “flying saucer” kecil. Impian manusia bisa terbang ke bintang bintang dihalangi? Sungguh berbeda dengan einstein, yang hanya mengandalkan kaleng bekas biskuit dan listrik yang seukuran rumah tangga sekarang, bisa membuat accelerator particle dan bubble chamber.
    Mengapa demikian? Para Penguasa Teknology Allien menghalangi?
    Mari kita bantu mereka manusia anak anak yang beriman dari kematian.

    Didasarkan kepada kota kota seth, yang banyak sekarang dan penghuninya.
    Beliau muhammad saw mengatakan bahwa itu semua kota dan orangnya “mereka”, adalah bangsa JIN.
    Alquran dan hadist banyak mengulas hal ini. Tiga bentuknya, orang, binatang dan yang terbang.
    Sedang bible hanya mengulas 2 bentukan, orang dan binatang.
    Akan tetapi, fakta yang kudengar adalah jin tersebut memanggil “Oleg” dengan suara serak.
    Jelas bahwa: itu adalah turunan turunan adam as. Ada permainan “Tuhannya jasad tubuh/daging dan tulang/Tuhannya turunan turunan”.
    Lihat silsilah kitab perang dead sea scroll: Adam, seth, anos, kenan, ….lamech, noah,…oleg…ra,..abraham..sampai sekarang.
    Hal ini diperkuat oleh perkataan beberapa magician seperti david icke dan penulis kiamat 2012 yang lain
    yang mengatakan mereka contact dengan “jin” yang menamakan dirinya “ra”.
    Jika muhammad saw benar, maka Jin (kota kota seth dan penghuninya) adalah “KOSONG”, “HAMPA”, “GELAP”.
    Dan saya setuju pendapat barat jika mereka yang ditembakin adalah “kegelapan”.
    sebab “oleg”, “ra”, jin yang kita maksud faktanya adalah anak cucu adam sendiri.
    Itulah mengapa beberapa orang melihat dajjal lengkap dengan tulisan kafirnya, sebab dajjal adalah
    anak cucu adam juga. Dan beberapa gambaran lain mungkin seperti yajuj majuj, dll.
    Dari hadist kuno juga diterangkan bahwa “yajuj majuj adalah jika ia kehilangan anggota badannya, maka ia dapat menumbuhkannya kembali”.
    Oleh karena itu, akankah genocide manusia akan terjadi lagi seperti PD 2, dimana
    ratusan juta mati dalam waktu 3 tahun. Akankah sifat rakus “mereka” kembali lagi.
    Tetapi satu yang benar, mereka “tahu” dan membalas ketika mereka ditembakin di arab.
    Apalagi ketika mereka ditembakin/diserang israel yang “melihat” mereka sedang asyik makan manusia. Salahkah israel/gilakah? Apakah ada/mungkin orang gila/tidak “aneh” menembakin kapal yang “peace”?

    Apakah illuminati, freemansory, skulls and bones, freemason ada?
    Jelas ada. Takkala aku katakan, serang syria dulu daripada iran setelah libya, maka syria dihancurkan. Aneh.
    Juga aku dapati lambang malaikat, Apakah mereka malaikat betul? Aneh. (biasanya, di benda2 technology).
    Pada dasarnya.. ada perang antara “Tuhan Yang Maha Esa” dan Tuhan “Allah” pada bible dan alquran.
    Siapa yang bertanggung terhadap pembunuhan terencana 50000/orang perhari “orang iman”/Tuhannya “Allah” atau
    kalau di “lafazhkan arab adalah alloh”, tersebut, yang ada di bible dan alquran?

    Perlu diketahui, jumlah orang yang bertuhan kepada “Allah”, islam, kristen, yahudi, sikh, dll jumlahnya adalah
    1/2 (matter/anti matter) penduduk dunia. Jumlah yang lain adalah sebaliknya. Siapa pembuat program ini? Disamping itu warna kulit
    dari orang yang tidak bertuhan kepada “Allah” juga dibagi menjadi 1/2 hitam dan putih, (biner).

    Berdasarkan teoriku, Yesus atau nabi isa, adalah pasti orangnya bewarna kulit coklat/sawo matang.
    Dan dia ada diantara jumlah orang banyak yang bertuhan kepada “Allah”.
    Dan dia ada diantara orang banyak yang tidak bertuhan kepada “Allah” yang berwarna kulit putih.
    Dan dia tidak makan daging (vegetarian).

    Sebenarnya kiamat tidak akan terjadi jika tidak banyak kelihatan ‘makan memakan manusia’
    yang ada didunia.
    Akan tetapi dengan semakin tingginya teknology kita bisa melihat ‘aktivitas mereka’ dibalik
    semua didunia ini/frekwensi gelombang. Seperti yang mereka lihat disuatu aliran agama yang namanya ldii. Yaitu
    takkala aku heran menjumpai banyaknya aktivitas warga negara bule, dengan membawa perlengkapan komplit.
    Di suatu “tempat” yang muncul dajjal dengan tulisan kafir diatas. Sepertinya mereka memantau orang orang ldii
    tersebut (yang aku juga ada disana pada waktu itu).Mereka sepertinya “melihat” dengan bantuan alat teknology canggih
    ketika aksi “makan memakan manusia” ada disana. Hal ini juga mengherankanku takkala aku selalu tidak mau
    ikut dalam acara potong2 kurban selama puluhan tahun disana ldii.
    Mereka (orang orang banyak yang ditemukan seth anak adam, yang disebut yang mulia muhammad saw sebagai jin),
    dulunya dikatakan “sesungguhnya tulang dan tai akan kembali menjadi daging, maka makanlah sebagai makananmu para jin”.
    akan tetapi sekarang mereka “allien” membangkang dan memakan manusianya yaitu seth atau sebaliknya?

    Takkala musa berkata kepada samiri “….kami akan bakar patung emas itu dan abunya akan
    kami sebarkan ke laut…”, inilah kemarahan allien, dimana pada saat itu teknologynya
    4000 tahun lalu sudah bisa membuat emas menjadi abu. (zaman sekarang aja sepertinya tidak ada teknology
    yang bisa seperti itu, bisa walau susah sekali).
    Jadi jelas Tuhan memperankan suatu keadilan, yaitu kehidupan musa pada zaman itu dia sama dengan kehidupan sekarang
    tidak ada bedanya. ‘sesuatu’ ingin menyembunyikan sejarah sejak kita ‘manusia’ bayi/lahir, dengan menceritakan asal muasal
    teknology, dari misal bubuk mesiu china, nobel, zaman atom, zaman nuklir, dan sekarang (menceritakan seakan akan terjadinya begitu). Seakan akan
    Ini tidak ada bedanya pula pada zaman seth anak adam yang berjumpa dengan satu kota dengan orang banyaknya
    (siapa sebenarnya mereka, ‘who are the people’ kata pelakon dalam film star trek.)

    Kasus lain yaitu seekor kucing (film : matrix) ketika kita beri makan 100 gram daging, setelah dihabiskannya
    kita perhatikan bahwa makanan yang kita berikan serasa kurang bagi kucing tsb.
    Kita tambahkan menjadi 1/2 kilogram. Dan iapun berhenti makan.
    Padahal berat badan kucing hanya rata rata 1/25 kali berat badan kita.
    Itu berarti sama dengan kita makan 25 x 1/2 kilogram = 12.5 kilogram daging? kita sekali makan pagi (kurang lebih/mustahil).
    Dan bila kita beri makan siangnya, dia kucing makan kembali. Dan banyak kasus lainnya
    di dunia ini, yang sepertinya program matrix ini tidaklah dari Tuhan, sebab jelas tidak sempurna. Fakta diatas.
    Artinya banjir nuh (dan nuh benar ada fakta ditemukan kapalnya), dan cerita lainnya adalah tidak sempurna.
    Siapa pembuat dunia ini yang tidak sempurna?
    Tetapi nuhnya tetaplah harus kita yakinin (wajib beriman).
    Sepertinya pola pikir kita manusia harus diubah menjadi berpikir 3 dimensi/kasus film ‘contact’.
    Pola pikir “demen merusak” walau sudah ditunjukkan “gambar bencana yang dahsyat”, “tahu” jumlahnya masih kecil dari 7 milyar manusia yang “tidak tahu” “padahal” jika 7 milyar dalam pikirannya tersebut adalah belum tentu juga semua.

    Berbicara mengenai pola pikir manusia (7 milyar) yang akan berubah menurut “david icke” dan banyak ahli lainnya, transformation spiritually, the incredible consciousness.
    Seperti kita tahu “memory card” komputer semakin lama semakin besar, sedangkan pembuatan layer dengan lasernya
    yang digembar gemborkan dengan “teknology nano”, adalah menjadi semakin tidak mungkin (penempatan elektron/matter pada kotak2).
    Kasus disket (KiloByte) yang berkembang menjadi piringan harddisk, hingga sampai GB, TB dan terus. Artinya akhirnya
    bahwa memory biner tersebut ditempatkan di suatu tempat yang bukan disket, hardisk, ataupun memory card tersebut
    full tidak ada space lagi. Akhirnya tidak ditempatkan di “materi” tetapi diletakkan di suatu “space” yang kita sebutlah positron/positronik yang
    hanya berupa gerbang logika saja (teknology nano/nanometer/ukuran tidak berlaku).
    Jadi itu tidaklah merubah pola pikir manusia, tetapi mungkin merubah “pola makanan”/permainan makan memakan manusia ini
    yaitu “sedikit demi sedikit” (pertambahan kapasitas memory card) yaitu tidak “makan manusia yang hampir mati/tua, tetapi pada semua umur/bahkan anak anak”
    (new world order/illuminati??). “banyak orang tua panjang umur>100 thn, khususnya celebritis/ (akhirnya dipaksa mati). “sesungguhnya
    umatku muhammad berumur 60 sampai 70 tahun saja”.
    Ini menjelaskan “keberadaan mereka allien”, bahwa tidak mungkin “manusia” yang membuat sesuatu yang tidak ada.
    Artinya pemikiran manusia/ide manusia tidak akan mungkin sampai untuk menciptakan “memory card” itu sendiri.

    Takkala aku menyadari mengapa salah satu diantara “mereka kaum/orang orang dan kotanya seth”, gambarannya
    atau orangnya yang berada dirumahku bermata biru. Pada mulanya aku mengira orang bule mungkin yang bermata
    biru, atau permainan apa ini apa itu, mata orang yang bersinar warna ada biru, merah, hijau dll,seperti biasa aku lihat orang orang
    di tempat lampiri mesjid jatibening syairullah yang ada dajjalnya bertuliskan kafir.
    tetapi setelah sekian minggu dan bulan baru aku lihat betul betul perhatikan bahwa salah satu mereka
    ini matanya ternyata birunya adalah sebuah langit yang maha luas. Film “man in black”, ketika allien membawa sebuah
    galaxy ‘orion’ dalam sebuah kelereng. Aneh. Matanya langit biru yang sangat luas??.Mahkluk apa gambarannya?
    Artinya mereka “kaum kota-kota seth” terlihat seperti itu karena sifat manusia menganggap ukuran besar pasti hebat,
    sehingga mereka menampakkan diri sesuai keinginan manusia.

    Akhirnya Kita mungkin akan bisa maju melompat keperadaban selanjutnya bila pertanyaan ini terjawab.
    Yaitu; Binatang apa yang lebih besar dari ulat/cacing yang bisa menimbulkan penyakit?
    Seperti kita tahu, virus yang terkecil, kemudian bakteri yang besarnya ribuan kali virus
    dapat menggerogoti menyebabkan penyakit pada tubuh manusia. Disamping ulat/cacing yang sekarang banyak kasus
    ditemukan sebagai penyebab penyakit yang menggerogoti pula tubuh manusia. Tetapi sudah banyak
    disembuhkan hanya dengan kedokteran umum biasa/dgn obat. Kasus kasus kedokteran, sebagaimana
    kasus penyakit yang terobati. “Nanti dizaman akhir akan ada yajuj majuj, ….dimana
    tuhan membinasakan dengan ulat….’.
    Sesuatu ‘binatang’ yang menyebabkan orang menjadi gila atau stroke atau ayan atau alzhaimer
    memakan virus, maka virusnya mati. Virus masuk tubuh memakan bakteri, maka bakteri mati.
    Bakteri masuk tubuh ulat memakannya maka ulat mati. Ulat masuk tubuh manusia/binatang
    maka manusia/binatang bisa mati jika tidak diobati.
    Hayo binatang apa?.Jawab.

    kalau dilihat tampang/wajah mitt romney = independence day president, kita sudah tahu
    siapa yang menang.
    Sedang semua kejadian sebenarnya tentang “beginning from the future”, tahun 2178.
    Hadist islam: “tidak akan terjadi kiamat, hingga ada 66 kali pergantian imam sesudahku”.
    “Yesus berumur 33 tahun, ketika dia menghilang dari dunia”. Sebab ini permainan
    kiamat, kemunculan isa al masih, maka di dasarkan waktu (time) umurnya. Dan alam jin ini
    juga berkaitan dengan umur Firaun (pemimpin2 dunia) yang hanya boleh berumur 33 tahun tsb
    dan selalu digantikan setelah 33 tahun (dipindahkan orang yang punya ruh seth-nya). Dan orang banyak
    akan melihat orang yang disisipkan ruh seth tersebut mati pada umur 33 tahun, walau
    sebenarnya orangnya masih hidup (ruhnya saja dipindahkan lagi/mata dajjal) yang
    menurut saya oleh “mereka allien” (yang mana para allien ini mempunyai teknology
    tahun 2178, dan sekarang membagi bagikan teknologi ke kita, entah untuk apa?).
    Artinya 66 x 33 = 2178 Masehi. Ini Fakta.
    Jelas aja, mereka (firaun firaun) bisa berumur panjang, sebab memakai tubuh “allien”.
    “Sesungguhnya dalam tubuhmu ada segumpal daging/hati, jika kotor maka….”, para
    “allien” tidak mempunyainya (“allien autopsy”). Maka mereka tidak bisa terkena penyakit/”binatang”,
    secara teori “mereka”. Makanya para firaun itu memakai tubuh “allien”.
    Ini diperkuat ketika mereka berkata marah, ketika aku katakan bahwa sebenarnya dimakan oleh “binatang”
    “seperti dimakan virus” atau “dimakan bakteri”. Jadi anakku dimakan (kata NYA dengan nada marah).
    (marah sebab dia disana tahu dan anaknya adalah “tidak punya bagian dalam tubuh” “allien autopsy”).
    Bagaimana mungkin pikirnya, jantungnya dimakan “binatang”, sedang anaknya sendiri tidak punya jantung (allien).
    “mereka hendak menipu Allah dan rasulnya……sama bingung mereka”.

    Mereka “allien tidak punya hati (dalam tubuh manusia)”, sungguh sungguh pintar. Bagaimana mereka mentest/
    mencari tahu. Mana diantara orang-orang yang tahu/paham (sebutan ldii)/mengerti “seperti mereka” dengan
    test pertanyaan apa ini? apa itu? (dilakukan diruangan pesawat allien mereka), dengan menanyakan warna
    suatu benda. Test buta warna. Padahal orang buta warna (hitam putih) tahu persis juga sama dengan kita
    tahu warna warni sejak kecil (dengan membedakan kegelapannya). film “man in black”, the final test is…
    adalah “sebuah test mata”. “Sesungguhnya Kami…yang mengetahui seluruh isi hati…..” .Mereka mencari
    tahu isi hatimu, apakah kamu “tahu/paham” atau tidak dengan sangat tepatnya.
    Disamping cara lain untuk mengetahuinya adalah umur, yaitu jika masih kanak-kanak pastilah belum “tahu/paham”. “…dan ketika Kami beri kepada musa pada saat cukup umurnya 12 tahun yaitu hikmah…”.dan mungkin beberapa cara lainnya.

    Diantara “mereka semua”, mahkluk allien ini yang paling canggih (menguasai teknology)/UFO/very smart. dll.
    Imagine…teknology CIA, Pentagon, stealth, dll adalah dari mereka (seth,.)..bahkan membuat
    gempa, badai, tsunami dll. “..ketika dikatakan pada mereka, janganlah membuat kerusakan dimuka bumi…
    sesungguhnya kami banyak membuat kebaikan..”. Mereka sadis.
    Ada juga manusia bisa menghilang/cloacking
    Ada juga manusia bisa menumbuhkan anggota badannya kembali “highlander”
    “…..maka tebaslah batang batang leher mereka/highlander”.
    Ada juga manusia teleportasi “sesungguhnya aku kuat mengangkut singgasana (balqis) sebelum engkau berdiri dari
    tempat dudukmu dan dapat “dipercaya”, berkata…sebelum engkau memejamkan matamu..”.
    Ada juga manusia waktu.dll.

    Ketika saya menghadiri upacara pemakaman sampai ke kuburan seorang ibu tetangga, ditempat yang ada dajjal
    tulisan kafirnya, beberapa bulan kemudian saya terkejut ketika menyaksikan dia muncul kembali sedang berbelanja,
    dan saya ikuti mobilnya sampai ke rumahnya. “Nanti di jaman akhir akan ada dajjal, dia mematikan seseorang
    kemudian menghidupkannya kembali…..kemudian mematikannya kembali, akan tetapi ketika dia ingin menghidupkannya
    kembali dajjal tidak mampu…”. Tetapi saya baru teringat bahwa kejadian ini pernah terjadi pula pada saat
    saya masih sekolah dasar 30 tahun lalu, ketika teman saya dikabarkan meninggal kemudian dia tiba tiba muncul kembali,
    kemudian tiba tiba menghilang dan muncul kembali berulang ulang (matrix). Artinya : Allah berkata “maka keluarkanlah
    penghuni terakhir neraka, masukan surga….dan mulai sekarang tidak ada yang mati lagi”. Ini ulah “allien”.
    Mereka memaksa apa yang didengar dengar mereka (di alam EMP/gelombang otak manusia) perkataan siapa “Allah”
    untuk muncul (“doa doa orang beriman”.
    ketahuilah jika “Allah” muncul ke bumi (kasus musa walau suara), maka sudah pastilah para manusia akan
    dihancur leburkan bahkan para “binatang” (hujan api, kematian, dll zaman firaun).
    Yang jadi pertanyaan adalah bukan siapa yang menghidupkan dan mematikannya, atau siapa sebenarnya orang yang mati
    hidup tersebut, akan tetapi adalah: Siapa sebenarnya, siapa sebenarnya “saudara/teman/tetangga orang disekitarnya dari orang yang mati hidup tersebut?
    bagaimana mungkin mereka “tidak tahu” kalau si “mati” sudah “mati”? “Stigmata”. “O-ring”.
    “sesungguhnya mereka punya mata tapi tidak bisa melihat, punya telinga tapi tidak bisa mendengar, dan hati mereka
    ada tutupan…”.
    Mereka itu wujudnya jelas “pure black body”/max plank, ketika mereka bisa mendengar/melihat/merasa, maka “tiba-tiba
    di dalam rumahku, muncul kabut hitam pekat “manusia” dan mencakarku. Tapi apa daya “tangan tak sampai”, cuma cakarannya
    hanya menjadi angin saja. “Sudah sifatnya ….tidak suka sama manusia/”dan “ketika dikatakan kepada mereka…Aku Allah akan
    mencipta manusia (kita), maka mereka (“semua species allien) benci..”.
    Sebenarnya ini sama dengan kasus pembuatan virus melalui “teknology nano/teknology yang dapat memanipulasi atom” (senjata biology pemusnah massal). Virus (dapat terdiri dari beberapa ribu molekul/atom saja).
    Namun virus sudah diterima sebagai “mahkluk hidup”. Virus tersebut di cetak kemudian “diciptakan” diberi “nyawa” “Playing God”. Kemudian ketika nampak “mati”, di otak atik….sekian hari/minggu/bulan akhirnya
    “bergerak” hidup lagi. Horeee. Dan “tidak ada yang tahu kadar seberapa jauh “virus” sudah diterima sebagai mahkluk hidup
    oleh orang (7 milyar), tiap individu “berhak menipu” atas pertanyaan.

    Berbicara “mengenai siapa mereka”? who are the people?
    Kota dan orang banyak yang ditemukan seth putra adam a.s, sebenarnya sama ketika kita menemukan bahwa dunia ini
    sebenarnya tidak sempurna. “tidak seindah warna aslinya” (bukan Tuhan pencipta “matrix” ini bandingkan dengan film
    “matrix”) ” “Sesungguhnya Allah lebih menginginkan surga bagimu ……..”. Adanya “benda benda baru/teknology”,
    yang musykil yang notabene sebenarnya adalah “milik” suatu “species disuatu tata surya lain bahkan mungkin galaksi lain” yang diberikan kepada kita
    di tata surya matahari ini sejak jaman adam a.s (gambaran gambaran mahkluk ruang angkasa di pyramide/dll).
    Artinya bukan Tuhan yang memberikan tidak sebagaimana “maka Kami berikan mana dan salwa….”. Adanya “teknology”
    pemberian misal “cloacking/invisible”, adalah suatu unsur pemaksaan “mereka allien”, entah untuk apa? “Ada udang di balik batu”.
    Maksud dari semua ini adalah bahwa “semua yang diberikan kepada anak cucu adam dan hawa” sampai sekarang dan nantinya
    adalah berupa pemberian dari makhluk di seberang sana/di tata surya di suatu galaksi.
    Ketika mereka berkata “kalau demikian buat apa dong Tuhan membuat galaksi galaksi, itu mubazir (menyentuh nilai nilai
    agama) dong namanya”. Jadi sudah terjawab pertanyaan mereka.
    “ketika galileo melihat menembus/menemukan” galaksi galaksi dengan teleskopnya”.

    Kemudian sebab kita tidak mampu (ejakulasi prematur/impoten) “sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan “mereka” yaitu seperti orang banyak yang dilihat seth” (lebih banyak yang tua/ maka kita mencari
    jalan pintas untuk terbang ke alam semesta memakai “black hole/warm hole”, gerbang bintang beritanya yang dipakai ditemukan
    “saddam husein”. Adalah lebih baik kita fokus mengejar impian terbang ke alam semesta memakai “materi” yang bisa kita rasakan
    (dalam pengertian “matter” dan “anti matter” based on bubble chamber). Karena itu adalah berarti kita menerima “Pemberian Tuhan”
    yang pasti adalah “Baik” dan “Terbaik” bagi umat manusia anak cucu adam (kasus mana dan salwa).
    Ketika kita sudah pergi menembus langit, pergi ke bulan dan kita mampu terbukti untuk itu, mengapa kita tidak melakukannya
    lagi? Apakah kita sudah “bosan” dan tahu (gambarannya hanya “benda benda pemberian mereka yang juga ada di bumi”) sehingga
    tidak mau/enggan? Dan akhirnya hanya menerima “Bumi itu Datar” dan percaya 100%.
    Inilah juga dosa kita sebab akhirnya “kita tidak punya energy”, sebab “makanan telah habis” akibat permainan makan memakan
    manusia yang tidak pada tempatnya ini yaitu yang seharusnya “siap dipotong” akan tetapi malah dikorbankan/anak anak
    beriman 50000/orang perhari.

    Mari kita cari cara menyelamatkan, anak anak beriman yang terbunuh 50000 orang/hari dari tukar guling nyawa ini (FAKTA).
    Ini genocide dan jelas semua milyuner2 arab saudi umur>33 thn bertanggung jawab.
    Sebab berlianku hilang (hilang arti lain dan “hilang”) ratusan juta dollar bahkan lebih/emas/rumah/uang,dll. (kemana ya?aneh).
    Mungkin sepertinya nilainya jadi benar 1 milyar euro film “2012″.
    Ayolah jika kita masih “concern sama human life”.

    Tanda tanda adanya “kegelapan miliuner arab saudi”/tukar guling nyawa:
    1. banyak tetangga/teman bermatian terutama masih muda. (tidak sesuai sebaran statistik)
    2. anggota keluarga bermatian (tidak sesuai sebaran statistik)
    3. bermatian dengan cara aneh.
    4. anggota keluarga banyak terkena penyakit “sick”.

    Mari kita cari cara menyelamatkan, anak anak beriman yang terbunuh 50000 orang/hari dari tukar guling nyawa ini (FAKTA).
    Ini genocide dan jelas semua milyuner2 arab saudi umur>33 thn bertanggung jawab. Tidak sesuai sebaran statistik.

  • Anmol
    October 31, 2012 11:13 am

    I love my Muslim boy a lot and want to marry him in future. He says his parents wont accept me without conversion. What should I do?
    I want Amrita’s email id please.
    We both love eachother to a great extent but the only thing is he doesn’t wanna go against his parents. What should I do..please suggest.

    Reply to Anmol at

    • January 16, 2013 12:58 pm

      asalam o alakeom
      Anmol If u A Right Muslimé Girl….Islam Well Never says To Marry A Non Muslime Guy Or Boy…….Becoueas islame said No No marry To Non Muslime Boy

      if he want convert To Islam so U Can Marry Him

  • Anmol
    October 31, 2012 11:10 am

    I love my Muslim boy a lot and want to marry him in future. He says his parents wont accept me without conversion. What should I do?
    I want Amrita’s email id please.
    We both love eachother to a great extent but the only thing is he doesn’t wanna go against his parents. What should I do..please suggest.

    Reply to Anmol at

  • Fa
    October 28, 2012 11:35 am


    I’m not sure if I’m on the right page, but I want to ask any Muslim who has married a non-Muslim. I want to marry my Hindu boyfriend but how can I convince my parents that this is not going against Islam? I have done research on the internet and all I see is that Quran does not allow a Muslim to marry a non-Muslim. Salman and Amrita, if you guys can read this, please let me know your opinions about this. My parents are very supportive but they are worried that I will go against Allah. Please help. Thank you so much.

    This post has been moved to

  • believer in god
    October 13, 2012 4:46 pm

    hey salman can u give ur or ur wife’s personal id?i realy m in a big issue.i cant understand wat to do now.i dont wana lose i need sum help.things r just not reasonable to b understood.

  • karan singh
    September 10, 2012 1:14 pm

    hello is any one going to respond to my question that i left above?

    Reply to Karan at

  • karan singh
    August 23, 2012 2:06 pm

    ADMIN well thankew in been in relation from past 6 years as she is crazy abt me, so on 20th aug i told her i cant leave my religion just to be with you on the other hand as same you cant change your religion hw can you this expect frm me?
    so she attempted sucide by cutting her nerve whtf
    she said if you even think of leaving me i will kill myself and will leave a letter mentioning that you are the reason of my death…

    now wht to do?


    Reply to Karan at

  • August 21, 2012 11:55 am

    exactly true

    But if you only have love for your own race
    Then you only leave space to discriminate
    And to discriminate only generates hate
    And when you hate then you’re bound to get irate, yeah

    Madness is what you demonstrate
    And that’s exactly how anger works and operates
    Man, you gotta have love just to set it straight
    Take control of your mind and meditate
    Let your soul gravitate to the love, y’all, y’all

    People killin’, people dyin’
    Children hurt and you hear them cryin’
    Can you practice what you preach
    And would you turn the other cheek

    Father, Father, Father help us
    Send some guidance from above
    ‘Cause people got me, got me questionin’
    Where is the love (Love)

  • flora
    August 17, 2012 11:00 pm

    hi!i’m a sikh girl in love with a muslim guy we both want to marry each other my family knows about him but they won’t agree to it since hes a muslim and to them muslim don’t treat girls with respect which i believe is not true. his family knows about me and the have accepted me even his relatives know about me and have accepted me. the only problem is that my family is not willing to accept me as they think it is a disgrace to the family. they think he will leave me. we both want to marry each other but at the same time i don’t want to hurt my parents. i don’t know what to do can you please help ?

    DO NOT comment here, this post has been moved to

  • Shahdab
    July 4, 2012 7:58 am

    It’s interesting to note that even on blog that is about interfaith marriage (i.e. ‘tolerance’), people jumped at the chance to attack Islam and Muslims, even though the Muslims here aren’t doing no such thing. THAT is the real problem.

    It’s laughable what one individual here said; something along the lines of Islam being a ‘false’ but Sikhism being ‘the best’ and asking the Sikh man to enforce Sikh marriage rites upon the Muslim girl he loves. I say it’s laughable because Sikhism itself comes from Islam; it was founded amongst the clear polytheism of hinduism BECAUSE of the existance of monotheistic Islam (from where it acquired its principle of monotheism). The person who was invited by the Sikhs to lay the final foundational stone on the Golden Temple in Amritsar was a Muslim saint from Lahore. In essence, had there been no Islam, there would clearly be no Sikhism, a barely 500 year old religion. I say these things not out of disrespect for Sikhism but because I find it self contradictory that the haters of Islam denigrate Islam whole sale, but still uphold ideologies that come out of that same Islam. I find it nonsensical and hypocritical.

    There is no ‘big deal’ to converting to Islam. Basically if you are a monotheist, you already agree with the first part of the attestation of conversion which is “La Illah Ilallah” = there is No god But God (i.e. there is ONE god). The second part is “Muhammad Ur-Rasul Allah” = and Muhammad is the prophet of that one God. Now clearly, people of other faiths are raised with their own prophets, but the statement doesn’t ask us to deny other people who preached the oneness of God. It merely asks us to accept that Muhammad was the messenger of God since he also preached his one-ness. A very simple concept. No one is asking you to accept Muhammad as your god and start praying to him. In Islam, the concentration remains on our one God, which you already believe in, if you’re a monotheist, like say a Christian, a Jew or even a Sikh and/or a Zoroastrian.

    The way I see it; so many people are already Muslims yet they don’t even know it. Spewing venom and hatred against Islam doesn’t make you idiots scholarly; it merely shows that you don’t even understand the tennents of your own religion (and of every religion) which preaches peace and tolerance and want to remain in an unevolved state. Well good for you if you do but don’t throw flak at others, especially if your religious tradition sprang out of theirs.

    Peace and Asalamualaikum

    • July 4, 2012 12:14 pm

      Muhammad and Jesus are the most idolized humans in this World, more than any movie star or political figure. Why so much importance is given to these men? Can someone converts to Islam (no big deal!) but declines praising Muhammad (no “Muhammad Ur-Rasul Allah”) or convert to Christianity and declines to accept Jesus as a Son of God?

      Youths may not understand above theological talk, they need street language to understand. Can you tell Vicky what does it mean to convert to Islam, EXACTLY?

    • Faran Imam
      November 11, 2012 2:46 pm

      great write up shahdab

  • June 10, 2012 3:06 am


    U shall never receive guidance for your absurd and uncalled for behavior about our Prophet. Just because, i am a tolerant person, as prescribed by Islam, i desist, resist from blasting your belief, which i believe is nothing but illusion.

    In the end, this is to the ADMIN.

    Remove the captions regarding our prophet at the end of this webpage, or else i am left with nothing but proceeding legally in a court of law.

    This is the last warning to this website.

    • June 10, 2012 6:40 am


      You know where to find me!

      You click on my name and you will reach my blog. And there, you do not have an admin.

    • ZindabadAryanZindabaad
      June 12, 2012 7:40 pm

      Cant you ask your brothers fighting jihad to spray some to the Hindus you hate ? I guess they dont really know how to read isn’t it?

      “Going to legal” says who the biggest devil’s advocate. Good luck with your case they will arrest you only

  • Singh2
    May 13, 2012 1:48 pm

    Love comes without conditions.
    put your foot down, see what she says.
    I won’t do it.

  • rajanpreet
    May 7, 2012 2:33 pm

    Hello guys!I am recently going under huge stress.. as I am in love with a muslim guy who is from Kurdistan originally and I am a punjabi sikh girl. We have been in love with each other for nearly ten years now.. and now the time has come when my family has started to pressure me to get marry. My family is very nice But in our culture its going to be a big issue if I get marry to a non-sikh + non indian guy. I have not told my family that I am in love with a muslim guy as that might have caused chaos… But now the pressure is unbearable and I dont want to marry anyone else at any cost.. but I dont know how should I tell my family without hurting them…The guy I am with; he briefly got permission to marry me but he is unable to take it further as I am just terrified to tell my family about it… Has anyone have experienced or going through similar situation I would like to hear…thanks…

    Reply to Rajanpreet at

    • suma usa
      May 8, 2012 4:12 pm

      what country you both live in?
      There is no need to convert, just go for a court or civil wedding. Conversion as condition of mariage is humiliating and leaves a life long scar. It means one person is inflexible and hate mongerer about other person’s faith and the other is very willingly submissive (read slave). Conversion is a blow to any ‘love’ marriage. It is a conditional marriage not a love marriage, then.

      You are friends with a man for all 10 yrs, well, you must be crazy, to say the least. And he is a terrorist to tell you to convert after ten years of ‘friendship’. Ha, you both are an example of great lovers, dont you think?

      This comment is moved to ..

  • Dihot
    March 30, 2012 6:34 pm

    O yaar singh .. I also luv a muslim girl and she luvs me tooo
    okkk u both dont need to covert
    I m sikh bt i will convert bt on the other hand i will nt leave her. my family is with me .. They had acceptd our relation undoubtidly bt her parents .. As u kno they r mullas they are strictly against it bt my dad has made an descision that if girl is with uss … WE WILL SMASH THEM .. and we will take their girl by hook or by crook…
    My girlfrnd never asked me of changing my relign neithr i will

    • March 31, 2012 11:25 pm

      Hi Dihot,
      Watch Gadar movie clip for a related Bollywood story.

      It would be good if you could talk to her family and find a good mutually acceptable path. It will not be easy and will take some time, but at least you should try it. She loves you, but at the same time she loves her family to; and you should respect her feelings.

      Religious conversion to Islam will be the first request. It is not clear if you are willing to take Shahadah conversion to Islam or not, please clarify here.

      If you don’t convert, is she still willing to marry you? Lets hope she is open minded like Salman (who did not ask for conversion of her sikh wife).

      If she is willing to marry you without conversion, then you have to think how are you going to get married. You have to study Indian laws (assuming you are in India) applicable to interfaith marriages. Probably best option for you is the Special Marriage Act 1954.

      You have to make sure she is not making any decision under pressure from any one or even under “blind love.” If she is not clear what she is getting into, you may get into a grave situation like Dee later in your life.

      So take your time to understand what you are getting into. Try to understand who really is she. Don’t take any irrational step. Don’t rush to any decision. Good luck!

    • August 21, 2012 11:47 am

      hey DIHOT

      listen man dont rush toward wedding other wise later on you will be holding regrets.. muslim guys have the right to marry any girl out of religion but where it comes to a girls she have to marry a muslim guy.. is it fair?
      my gf told me that you are a “napak” not pure what fuck is this man, i do good deeds always spread love not discriminatiom
      soo yaar dekh soch samajh kay step laii
      bec two lives will be ruined but if your wedding take place never change you religion and never aske her to do the same.

      sat shree akall…

  • TruthSpeaker
    March 13, 2012 6:08 pm

    Islam is a false religion. Please go to and read, have your girlfriend read.

    Have her convert to Sikhism, it best.

  • Right Advice
    March 8, 2012 6:54 am

    Put your foot down Singh.
    When you bend your back, someone will climb it and break it.
    Do not convert. Ask her to marry the Sikh way.
    Even before you were born your religion was decided.
    It is your way of life, it is who you are.
    If you forget who you are, how will you be happy being someone else?
    Love your identity, love your parents, who raised you.

  • February 17, 2011 4:49 pm

    Amrita, I do not care who she is, says there is one only God and all religions are same and blah blah …… God is love but Allah is all about submission.

    The problem with this kind of foolishness and stupidity is the fall out i.e consequences. It acts as an impediment to seek truth objectively. It is suicidal to civilization.

    Amrita should know that whatever be the views of her husband on his religion, it perfectly makes sense in his religion for Muslim men marry to Non Muslim women. Koran permits this.

    But when it comes to other way i.e. Muslim women marrying Non Muslim men, Koran prohibits and sanctions even honor killings i.e. if the girls parents kill her, Islamic law does not punish her parents. Moreover, Islamic awards death penalty to that Non Muslim man.

    Just think what kind of political system or set up makes such rules? The answer is: one that is fascist.

    Islam is not what Salman ( or your husband) says or you and your husband believe to be. Islam remains as Islam as founded by that intolerant Mohammad. It is fascist, supremacist and misogynistic. It is immune to any positive changes and critical thought. It hampers progress. It rejects co-existence.

    Amrita quoting history (which is completely false) says all. This is the real problem that Indian youth face and other influence is Muslim mafia controlled Bollywood.

    • July 22, 2012 7:12 pm

      My wife and I are not by any means fundamentalists or dictating that we are true in our faith. We are just simple human beings who love each other and made it work in our marriage.

      Please do not insult my wife. I do not appreciate it as she has not said anything to you.
      Our families are fine with our marriage and we are living quite happily.

      I also ask you this, how many humans in todays world are actively following their religion to the T? Or simply the products of hatred, ignorance and misunderstanding because of it?
      I say this again, I love my wife and yes she is Sikh and I’m a Muslim. If I’ll be sentenced to hell because of this, then so be it. I cannot leave her because she was not born into the same faith as me, we have been through a lot more than any so-called bollywood movie could imagine. You do not know our personal struggles or the hardships we have overcome. I have prayed for her for 10 years before marrying her.
      Please do not say negative things about our marriage because you do not know us personally.

      You are free to your own opinions but you generalize entire groups of people which is never logical.

      • karan singh
        August 21, 2012 11:27 am

        hey salman
        my story is just like you i love a muslim girl and she love me a lot as well, but when it comes to the point of wedding her answer is like this that you have to convert into a muslim. i loved her as women as a soul i dnt have any problem that she is a muslim. so i give you bottom line i cant leave my religion so i just got one option that is to leave her?
        or what is you call

        i hope if she is having thinking as like amrita you wife is having i will be greatful to GOD
        but she is not

        by the way well done you guys i appreciate the step you took. love you guys..

        waiting for your reply

        Do not comment here, the post is moved to

        • August 21, 2012 7:46 pm

          You are a smart man. You cannot fake-convert to Islam just to please a girl. If she loves her religion more than you, then let her find an Allah-fearing guy who does namaz five times a day and lives a true Islamic life. Best wishes.

          • karan singh
            August 21, 2012 10:57 pm

            well thankew ADMIN in been in relation from past 6 years as she is crazy abt me, so on 20th aug i told her i cant leave my religion just to be with you on the other hand as same you cant change your religion hw can you this expect frm me?
            so she attempted sucide by cutting her nerve whtf
            she said if you even think of leaving me i will kill myself and will leave a letter mentioning that you are the reason of my death…

            now wht to do?

            DO NOT COMMENT HERE, the post has been moved to

        • hari
          September 7, 2015 1:30 pm

          Brother ask her what has religion got to do with love?
          Love has no religion, it is a quality of the soul and the soul is god, and god is love then if love is true where does this blackmailing of converting come into it?,
          I suspect she is asking you to convert to please her family, if you both have that much love for each other then best is not to bring religion into it and just get married amongst people who share this view, no one has to convert.

          • hari
            September 7, 2015 1:37 pm

            I am not saying that she should kill herself, please explain she must not do that, by doing such a thing nothing will be gained both will lose so you both need to find a solution where you both can be happy.

          • September 7, 2015 5:35 pm

            There is more than two people in love. Question is how they will get married? Islamic wedding (Nikaah) requires conversion, a must! Church weddings also requires a commitment that children will follow only Christian faith. It may be same in some Hindu faiths too. So what you said is true ideally, but not in reality.

  • February 17, 2011 4:27 pm

    @ Shadaan Gurchran,

    Despite what Jay has written in his comments, you put your ridiculous views, similar to that of secular-leftists, here, there by, confusing many people.

    In your view all religions may be bad and this may be true. But all religions except Islam do not tell their adherents to conquer the whole world and establish their religious laws. And Islam does this to its adherents. Islam makes an obligation on its followers to strive for making sharia law supreme on this entire earth.

    More than anything, what sets Islam apart from other religions is Islam is very political at its core. It explicitly states what kind of relations exist between Muslims and Non Muslims. Interaction between Muslims and Non Muslims is not based on mutual respect and equality but based on its dogma of Muslims being superior and others being inferior.

    Your views will only confuse people about what is real threat and problem in this world and is based on easy premises on the lines of concept like all religions are same and blah blah……

    Any way, Islam does not distinguish between a Hindu and an atheist. Both have to pay jizya and accept humiliating conditions if they want to live. The only way Islam recognizes every human is as either a Muslim or as a Non Muslim.

    • Motorhead
      April 8, 2012 9:52 pm

      I am sorry, but your knowledge of Islam is weak and full of flaws. Please read AND understand Quran…

  • Shadaan Gurchran
    February 12, 2011 9:56 am

    Salman you did the right thing, you are noble. We are all conditioned by religions culture and everything else. We live in the past and as a result are not able to think without the conditioning. We are unable to see clearly. Realise this trap and walk out of this conditioning and you will see a better world. We have always been divided and man has never found peace on Earth. If there was a living God, why does he want us to be divided? Religion, culture and other dividing organizations are all man made to control us and we are all suckers.

    January 5, 2011 10:39 pm

    HEY Singh,

    i dnt believe u need to convert to be with her. i mean y should u, all our Gurus gave up so much to save and make this religion and ur willing to give it up just like that. I noe its love and i’m not telling u to let her go, if she loves u she will accept u the way ur right, its ur identity, its how u were brought up? there should be no force to convert for either of u…Just remember there are no conditions in love my friends. The rest is up to you, u noe better.Hope u make the right decision.

  • Jay
    December 25, 2010 10:05 am

    Singh read up on what you are considering converting to just for this one girl. You shouldn’t have to. Your conversion should not be the prerequisite for marriage.

  • Jay
    December 22, 2010 4:10 pm

    More on apostasy from Islam and treatment of non-Muslims in Islamic states:

    “Somalia and the global reality of Islam

    The Christians of Somalia face complete annihilation because of the systematic persecution of Christians by the followers of Sunni Islam. The Islamic inquisition is also in full swing in Afghanistan, the Maldives, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. Therefore, the usual brutal and barbaric Islamic path of complete Islamization and utter annihilation of minorities is continuing and the way of Mohammed is being replicated by his followers.

    Before the Islamization of these societies you had Buddhists and Hindus in Afghanistan and the Maldives; and Christianity, Judaism, traditional beliefs, Zoroastrianism, and other faiths, could be found in the other above mentioned nations. However, all these faiths were annihilated during countless Islamic inquisitions which led to the complete destruction of all these faiths in these Islamized lands.

    However, in order to maintain the complete Islamization of these lands it is the Muslim duty to kill all apostates in accordance with the teachings of Mohammed. Therefore, in Afghanistan, the Maldives, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Yemen, they will not tolerate even one convert from Islam in the whole of these nations.

    Despite this, we still have the mantra that “Islam means peace” and that non-Muslims have nothing to fear. However, the reality is very different and while the persecution and methodology may be different, depending on the Muslim nation state, it is still a fact of life that persecution and inequality in law is part and parcel of the Islamic faith.

    Therefore, Ahmadiyya Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, and other minorities in Pakistan, suffer mass persecution, forced conversions, institutional discrimination, and frequent murders by the followers of Islam. Coptic Christians suffer deeply in Egypt and Assyrian Christians in Iraq, and other minorities like the Mandaeans, Shabaks, and Yazidis, are under siege because Islamists are intent on spreading their evil.

    Northern Nigeria is another part of the world where Sunni Muslim fanatics are intent on slaughtering and persecuting Christians and you have had many pogroms. Even when Muslims are a minority within a nation state you can get mass persecution. This applies to the religious cleansing of Hindus in Kashmir and Buddhists in southern Thailand have been beheaded by Sunni Islamists during their Islamic jihad.

    Serge Trifkovic (Srdja Trifkovic) in his book called The Sword of the Prophet comments that “Islam is and always has been a religion of intolerance, a jihad without an end. Despite the way the apologists would like to depict it, Islam was spread by the sword and has been maintained by the sword throughout its history. William Muir, one of the greatest orientalists of all times (1819-1905), summed it up at the end of a long and distinguished career when he declared his conviction “that the sword of Muhammad and the Qur’an are the most fatal enemies of civilization, liberty, and truth which the world has yet known.” (Page 132 – The Sword of the Prophet by Serge Trifkovic)

    Of course the apologists will glorify the Sufi traditions of tolerance and enlightenment but the Sufi’s were the vanguard in order to confuse or to build bridges for Islamic dawah. In truth, the Sufi’s created mischief by on the outside appealing to other faiths by mutual linkages which never existed but their real motives were the continuation of Islamic jihad and to spread the Islamic faith.

    Andrew G. Bostom in his article called Sufi Jihad which was published on May 15, 2005, on the American Thinker website (, highlights the reality of the Sufi doctrine by the following statement: “Consistent with this nexus between Sufism and orthodox Islam, Sufis have supported (fervently) the corollary institution of dhimmitude, replete with all its oppressive and humiliating regulations for non—Muslims. It is also important to highlight, in contrast, the very flimsy theological foundation of the much ballyhooed Sufi notion of the so—called ‘greater’ spiritual jihad. Even the Islamophilic scholar Reuven Firestone has acknowledged the dubious nature of the hadith ostensibly outlining this potential interpretation of jihad: [1]”

    Turning back to Serge Trifkovic he comments that “The West cannot wage “war on terror” while maintaining its dependence on Arab oil, appeasing Islamist aggression around the world, turning a blind eye to the Islamic destruction of peoples who are animists, Hindus, and Christians, and allowing mass immigration of Muslims into its own lands.” (Page 260 – The Sword of the Prophet by Serge Trifkovic)

    Serge Trifkovic also states that “If the Saudis have the right to travel to Western countries and build mosques, then we should have the right to engage in open missionary activity in Saudi Arabia or anywhere else. We have every right to proclaim our ideas of Western freedom and an open society, whether this offends other countries’ rulers or not. We have no obligation to “respect other cultures” and ideas when those cultures and ideas lead to human suffering, misery, and servitude. We have every right to protect our ideas and way of life by openly proclaiming the superiority of our principles.” (Page 299)

    In the final paragraph of his book Serge Trifkovic states that “Islam, in Muhammad’s texts and its codification, discriminates against us. It is extremely offensive. Those who submit to that faith must solve the problem they set themselves. Islam discriminates against all “unbelievers.” Until the petrodollars support a Kuranic revisionism that does not, we should go for it with whips and scorpions, hammer and tongs. Secularists and believers of all other faiths must act together before it is too late.” (Page 301 – The Sword of the Prophet by Serge Trifkovic)

    In modern day Somalia the Al-Shabab desire a pure Sunni Islamic state which is based on killing all converts to Christianity and introducing draconian laws in order to replicate the hatred of Mohammed and to install an Islamic state which is based on Islamic Sharia law, the Hadiths, and the Koran.

    This Islamic state will enforce Islam by the rule of fear and it will openly stone to death men and women for adultery, kill apostates, cut hands and feet off in minor criminal cases, kill homosexuals, whip women who do not cover up from head to toe, and countless other barbaric ways. These ideas and laws are based on the teachings of Mohammed and the reality of modern day Somalia is the same reality which befell the Jews of Arabia in the 7th century.

    In my article called Prophet Mohammed, the Banu Qurayza, Kashmir, and Mansuur Mohammed I give a quote from the book written by Matthias Kuntzel, Jihad and Jew-hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the roots of 9/11. On page 65 it states that “In 627 the Qurayza tribe was exterminated following a siege of Medina by the Meccans. Mohammed went to the marketplace in Medina and had graves dug there. Then the Jews were brought to him and beheaded at the gravesides – between 600 and 900 men in all. The executions lasted the whole day…..Most of the women and children were sold into slavery in Medina, the remainder in Syria and Najad.” (Johan Bouman, op. cit., p.86)

    I comment in my article that “….the prophet of Islam supported the entire massacre of all Jewish males who followed the religion of Judaism and who were over puberty. Mohammed just sat back and watched this gruesome act and did nothing, apart from divide the spoils afterwards. This barbaric act took place under the rule of Mohammed in the 7th century and in this sense the beheading of Muslim apostates to Christianity in Somalia can be linked to the deeds of Mohammed.”

    “Given this, Mansuur Mohammed who was beheaded in Somalia for being an apostate in the 21st century, joins the Islam of Mohammed and the 7th century because he met the same barbaric fate. Koranic prayers would have been recited while beheading the Banu Qurayza and the same applies to the al-Shabaab (al-Shabab) in Somalia who were reciting the Koran and shouting in joy while cutting the head off a Christian convert”.

    In nations like Afghanistan, the Maldives, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Yemen, all apostates face the death penalty and the brutality of Mohammed and the mass slaughter of the Banu Qurayza in the 7th century can be found in parts of the modern Muslim world of the 21st century because in their worldview it is all about “the Islamic year zero.”

    Therefore, we have a world where the indigenous Coptics Christians of Egypt, Hindus of Kashmir, Assyrians of Iraq, and a host of others, reside in fear because of the reality of Islam. At the same time Islam is growing in many non-Muslim nations and nations that support killing all apostates, like Saudi Arabia, are allowed to spread their faith and build thousands of Islamic organizations and Mosques all over the world.

    If democratic nations are closed to the reality of modern day Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and the reality of the majority of Muslim nations in the 21st century and they have learnt nothing from history; then the democratic world is being betrayed by our own political and religious leaders. After all, Islamists are at war against religious diversity, political freedom, human rights, and all notions of social justice based on pluralism and liberalism.

    If you want to look at the heart of Islam then it can be found in the mass slaughter of the Banu Qurayza who followed Judaism. The hatred that Mohammed installed within his followers can be seen in the 21st century in Somalia and a host of other Islamic nations because you have no change. Therefore, political and religious leaders in the free world need to wake up because history and the modern world clearly shows us that the same Islamic barbarity is alive and it is stretching its tentacles.”

    • Faran Imam
      November 11, 2012 3:02 pm

      Very interersting article. But do you remember just 300 years before Mohammed hundreds and thousands of jews killed one single person so brutally….his name was JESUS Peace be upon him. Hope this is also a barbaric action if you only think…

  • Jay
    December 22, 2010 3:05 pm

    Singh, here is another Singh, Guramit Singh from the UK, speaking on BBC. Hear what another Sikh has learned, and is now speaking up about:

  • Jay
    November 27, 2010 12:45 pm

    Salman, kudos to you for being liberal and allowing your children to learn both religions and have a choice. But if they choose Islam they will never have religious choice again because they face the same apostasy death penalty as you do, as would Singh if he converts. You are liberal and tolerant, but Islam is not as liberal and tolerant as you.

    • June 12, 2012 3:19 am

      I feel that there are extremists in every religion though to be honest. I am open minded yes but so were my parents who accepted my wife how she was. My own father, despite reading Quran everyday and praying 5 times, sits with my wife whom he loves as a daughter and even takes her to the Gurdwara so that she does not feel like she is married somewhere where she is not accepted. Instead of saying Allah hafiz or something in urdu, he says things like Rab rakha because they accept my wife. At times I am still surprised to this day how much my parents adore her. She’s the daughter they never had, and my parents are quite religious. I don’t think that Islam has taught them to be cruel, in fact my father is the most religious and he gets along the most with my wife.

      • help
        June 29, 2012 1:52 pm

        i love this story how you and your wife are able to be together. i (Western Christian) have a Muslim boyfriend who like you would accept me for who i am. he will not make me convert and our children will be taught both religions but my parents will not accept. they keep saying he will convert me etc.. i know the history of girls being converted before, i just need some advice on how to talk to them about him?

        • June 29, 2012 5:13 pm

          You are asking about convincing your parents?

          But how do you know that your b.f. will not try to convert you? Well many girls here did assume the same and went on to suffer later.

          What they assumed is this: “MY MAN IS DIFFERENT FROM OTHERS.” And this is what you are doing.

          Forget about your b.f. converting you ! First think about will you be happy if you have converted?

          There is none really who can help you. At the best this website will give you some advice i.e. to go for court marriage and so on etc. which is nevertheless very vital to your future.

          But you can take your decision. All you have to do is to decide whether you have strength to read about Islam. This way you are not dependent on advice of others. You will make your own decision. You do not have to blame anyone or be thankful to any one for what happens in future.

          If he is religious, then it would be better for you to stay away from him right away without needing to read Koran. You can save lot of time.

          But if you came here to expect others writing what you want to hear, which is the case with most of the girls, then you are simply wasting your time and these people’s time.

          Major thing: Do not think what Salman or Seema say about Islam is true. But what ‘Indian’ says about Islam is true.

          Or do not take words of Amrita blindly. All these people made up their own Islam which has no basis on core texts nor the foundations of Islam.

          Now, at some point, this is also an issue of morality and conscience. No one can run away from it under the name of love.

          Now, where do you start? You gave partial answer to this: Muslim guys converting their wives later i.e fter the marriage.

          Start answering or thinking about why did they do it?

          You are a Sikh or a Hindu girl? And if you are a Sikh and living in UK, you better be very careful.

          • help
            June 30, 2012 5:47 am

            I am actually a christian. we have spoken about marriage and his parents have always told their children to follow their heart. he actually has relatives that have married christian, Sikh and Hindu where the children are knowing about both religions.
            He is not religious and he has said he does not want me to convert. He has also said if my parents will not accept he will walk away because he does not want to be the cause of my family to break up.
            i have posted on here because my parents are more strict then ur regular white parents therefore i can relate to indians more.
            im very sorry if you misunderstood my message and thought i was asian.

        • June 30, 2012 8:19 am

          Help, you said you are a Western and a religious Christian and in love with a Muslim. First meet his parents personally and check if they are willing to accept you as a Christian, do not go by his words. Second, he said in his family there are marriages with Christian, Sikh and Hindu; ask if those Muslim married were boys or girls, and were those marriages by Nikaah? Next, how will you get married? In a Church (where church may ask to write prenuptial for child baptism) or by Nikaah (and Shahadah conversion) or court?

          As per the Shahadah oath to convert to Islam for Nikaah, you accept and declare that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his apostle. Further, you acknowledge that associating others (like Jesus) with Allah is the greatest of all sins. Similarly, baptism before a church wedding (or for your children) means conversion to Christianity and a commitment to repudiate former practices (of Islam) and to live with Christ forever. You must ask yourself what is your intention?

          Please clarify with the Muslim bf if Jesus is a Son of God or just an apostle?

          Your Christian parents have concerns that he will convert you to Islam. If he is not successful, are you going to convert your children to Christianity by Baptism/Christening? Lets see who’s God wins!
          Do you believe in religious labelling practices, the BBS?
          Do the BBS has a place in Interfaith Marriages with Equality?

        • July 22, 2012 7:02 pm

          My wife’s parents thought the same of me as well, and I will not lie but many Muslim men do say things at first but things change later. It’s not just a Muslim thing, but for many men, they want their traditions, their name, their religion to be carried forward in their kids, sometimes they don’t think of their wife in this at all.

          I would first meet his family and see how they are towards you. Do they treat you like a daughter? Do they make you feel wanted in their family and does this family make you feel included?
          Sometimes love is blind and we look only at the guy or the girl, but try to look at the whole picture of what you are getting yourself into. Your parents are not wrong for being cautious and I could understand my father in laws worries as well when I first spoke to him about marrying my wife but the more they got to know me and the more they saw how happy I made my wife, they started to open upto me and trust me.

          Try to get approval from one side of the family first, and then create a dialogue. If your parents have issues with conversion, etc. have them meet your bf so he can clear their misunderstandings.

          Also I want to stress this , please talk to your bf and his family about what you want in this marriage, meaning how you want to be treated. I told my parents clearly before we were married that my wife would never be Muslim and to never bring that up, even after we had kids. So make sure your husband has the guts to back you up in front of his family. If he doesn’t, he’s not worth it. 🙂

          • Faran Imam
            November 11, 2012 3:14 pm

            Salman I have reading your blog which is quite interesting. What about your kids, you will raise them as Muslim or Sikh or an athiest. Or you will leave them to decide when they are grown up

  • Jay
    November 27, 2010 12:42 pm

    Singh another current apostasy death penalty example at CNN:
    “Afghan Christian faces trial for alleged conversion from Islam

    From Matiullah Mati for CNN:

    An Afghan Christian, detained for months for allegedly converting to Christianity from Islam, could face trial as early as next week – and could face a potential death penalty, officials said Sunday.

    Said Musa was arrested by Afghan Interior Ministry intelligence authorities near the German Embassy in Kabul because of the allegations, said Qamaruddin Shenwari, director of the Kabul courts’ north zone. The exact date of his arrest is not known.

    The case against Musa has not yet been finalized, said Mohammad Najim Hamidi, director of public security at Zone 3 of the Kabul courts. He could face trial next week if the case is prepared by then, Hamidi said. It was earlier thought Musa’s trial would begin on Sunday.

    The Afghan Constitution does not mention converting from one religion to another, so the judge will take Islamic law into account, officials said.

    “According to Afghanistan’s constitution, if there is no clear verdict as to whether an act is criminal or not in the penal code of the Afghan Constitution, then it would be referred to sharia law where the judge has an open hand in reaching a verdict,” Shenwari said.

    Under sharia law, converting from Islam to Christianity is punishable by death.

    It was not immediately clear where Musa was being held and whether he has access to his attorney or relatives.

    The U.S. State Department said last week in its annual International Religious Freedom Report that “respect for religious freedom” decreased in Afghanistan in the last year, “particularly toward Christian groups and individuals.”

    Christians, Hindus and Sikhs – as well as Muslims whose practices don’t satisfy the government or society – suffer “intolerance in the form of harassment, occasional violence, discrimination and inflammatory public statements,” the report said. It estimated the Afghan Christian community ranges from 500 to 8,000 people.”

  • Jay
    November 24, 2010 3:23 pm

    Singh, this was written by an American convert to Islam, “Concerns with Islam – Thoughts of an American Convert”

    It may be good for you to read before converting. This is what she wrote in the section on apostasy, “At no point in time, prior neither to my conversion nor after, had I ever been informed about apostasy rules and it‘s consequences in Islam. It was only after seeing events in the news that I began to research this. I think informing prospective Muslims that one could be killed if he or she decided to leave Islam should be the obligation of every Imam in the world. Not informing the prospective convert to know this important piece of information is a grave moral transgression. Even if a convert is residing in a country in which leaving Islam would not pose a threat by any governmental entity, the fact that apostasy is punishable by death, makes that person vulnerable to groups who are willing to go above and beyond the law, even in countries in which Islam is not the dominant religion, nor is the changing of one‘s religion punishable by law. The threat is far greater in Islamic countries, where scores of people have actually been killed and continue to be threatened.”

  • Suresh Vyas
    November 17, 2010 8:02 pm


    Koran does not say so; and you are going against Koran. In critical times, the mullas will force you to act against your kafir relatives and friends. So, consider giving up Islaam, that has invaded in India, and is not compatible with any other religion of the world. Additionally, your parents probably were Hindus who were forced to accept Islam some centuries ago.

    • July 22, 2012 7:17 pm

      I’m happy the way I was raised Suresh and no Mullah has any problems with my thinking.
      My father is a religious man, and everyone in our community knows I am married to a non – Muslim woman and to those who do say anything negative, my father is quick to stop them from saying anything. Not because I’m his son but because he loves her like his own daughter. I try to take the good aspects of my faith and use it in my daily life, like alms giving (charity), praying, being kind to less fortunate, etc. You only are looking at the negative brother. That can be found in all faiths if we look hard enough.

  • Jay
    November 6, 2010 4:13 pm

    Singh, look at this article from the Maldives from just this past May! Your girlfriend LIED when she said you don’t have to be Muslim after converting so to marry her. She is deceiving you, and putting you in great danger, and a person who puts you in such a death trap should not be trusted:

    Minivan News – Independent News for the Maldives
    Islamic Foundation calls for death sentence if apostate fails to repent
    By JJ Robinson | May 30th, 2010

    The Islamic Foundation has called for self-declared apostate Mohamed Nazim to be stripped of his citizenship and sentenced to death if he does not repent and return to Islam.

    Nazim claimed he was “Maldivian and not a Muslim” during a public question-and-answer session with Islamic speaker Dr Zakir Naik, the first time a Maldivian has publicly announced he is not a Muslim.

    According to the Maldivian constitution all citizens are required to be Muslim, and the country is always described as a “100 percent” Muslim country….”

  • Singh
    October 24, 2010 7:20 pm

    Hello I need a little help. I am a Sikh guy who loves Muslim girl from Pakistan. She says that I must convert to Islam, and then marry her. But she says that I don’t need to be a Muslim after we have got married. The problem is that I don’t think my family is gonna allow me to convert to Islam, and be a Muslim. But in the other case I don’t want to lose my love. So do u have some tips to what I can do?

    • May 18, 2012 1:28 am

      Never convert, you will not be happy. NO BBS if you are looking for interfaith marriage with equality and long lasting happiness.

    • beenthruthisshit
      June 7, 2012 1:41 am

      ask her would she die for u ? if no u know what todo .. if yes give her a knife and ask her to sucide .. and u both can die and liv happily ever after

    • July 22, 2012 7:21 pm


      Do not marry a woman who says she loves you but then already is making demands. Ask her if she will convert for you? If she says no, then how can she expect that from you in return?

      Your religion is your right and something that is your identity. I don’t know how religious you are but once you convert, what’s the guarantee that she won’t say stay Muslim?

      Converting and reverting are not jokes and her family might take it seriously. If she cannot be with you as a Sikh man then she is not wife material and is not loyal enough to stand by you in the long run.

      I know what she faces for marrying a non-Muslim but if she truly loves you , she should not be putting restrictions on you.

      • September 28, 2012 11:26 am

        Your mother knows that putting your hands on lamp-fire will hurt you, and you are so ignorant; but you’d always think she doesn’t love you b’coz she keeps you away from your fun and fantasy.

        Think… Does she really deserve this thought…?

    • Fizan
      September 17, 2013 4:37 am

      Mr Salman , Assalamualaikum

      If you are reading this then i will be happy.

      As you said that you are following islam ( and your wife – as you said is a sikh). Then you must also be following the rules of islam. Every religion has its own laws and rules. If anybody says that he is following any religion then he should also accept and follow the rules of that corresponding religion. I don’t know about other religions but in islam (as i have asked to a Moulana sb.) its not allowed to marry any non muslim and said that it will not be considered as mirrage.You may be loving her very much but infront of Allah and Prophet(SAW)love there is no other love.

      And you said “If I’ll be sentenced to hell because of this, then so be it”. Please dont say it again and do tauba for this sentence.

      So Botton Line is Fear for ALLAH and talk to a moulana and take necessary steps for the sake of the life we should live after we die..

      Please ask her to convert to islam and get married again. If not then you should leave her.

      If this doesnot happen then you should update whats is happening in your life here frequently

      Thanks for reading this…

      • September 17, 2013 6:51 am

        Thank you for sharing your views. Please come to this site to educate other Muslims in love with a non-Muslim.

        You said, “you should update whats is happening in your life here frequently”, does it mean something bad is going to happen to them soon?

    • Sanj
      March 7, 2017 9:25 pm

      Don’t marry cz it’s an irreversible process, once u bcm muslim u can’t change ur religion cz punishment for that in Sharia z death…n she is lying brother…luv doesn’t want u to change wat u r….it accepts as u r

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