Sikh-Muslim Marriage with Equality is NOT possible

If you are a Sikh (or Hindu) and in love with a Muslim, you should know that you MUST convert to Islam for the marriage. In the beginning, the Muslim will say that our both faiths believe in One God and have many similarities, but you (a Sikh) should know that you will have to live your married life as 100% Muslim and 0% Sikh. Lets take this case for evaluation:

Dena says:
I am living in united state, I am a Muslim girl. And I meet this boy he is Sikh-Hindu. I am completely Muslim and he is completely Hindu. I am telling him to convert to Islam. He doesn’t want to change he’s religion because he’s parents thought him and he wants me to Change my religion to Sikh… -Dena

ahmad noor‘s sugestions:
DENA, my suggestion is to do your best to convert him to islam ..try to show him the big difference between islam & sikhism and that it is the future religion ..if all means are closed ..dont correct mistake by an other mistake ..ask our god (tauba) and forgiveness with really faithful heart…with really faithful heart

mac‘s suggestions to Muslim girl: (for Muslim boy, see below)
Dear sister Dena, since you said you are a muslim girl so it`s clear that you believe in Quran and to be word of Allah. Also you said you are pious muslim. So it`s no doubt that you believe in Islam, now you may have done little mistake here and there which we all do but important thing is that you have faith in Allah. But do you know Allah says it is sin to marry someone who doesn`t believe in Islam, Allah in Quran chapter 2 verse 221 says that donot marry a non-muslim man until he accept islam, and marriage with a slave man is better than a marriage with a non-believing man even if he pleases you. So here it is clear that Allah rejects non-muslim boys not personality problem but for faith problem as his faith will take you to hell fire, but Allah in that verse doesn`t deny your marriage with him, Allah says your marriage is only permissible only when he convert to islam, suppose you marry him without making him muslim, now how will you marry her as court marriage or Sikh marriage will not be acceptable as per islam and thus your marriage will be considered as zina in front of Allah, one or two zina can be pardonable but if you do zina intentionally through out your life, then how will you show your face to Allah you created you, also what will happen to you after you death, your husband in hell and you in heaven, if you stay as muslim and let your husband be a non-muslim, then it means you don`t love your fb truly from heart coz knowingly you are letting him go towards hell, also if he had truly loved you, he would have never committed you to zina, Allah is very kind and forgivable, if you repent to Allah and ask forgiveness he will forgive you. So basically you have two option, either make him muslim and marry him and live happy(peaceful) a marriage life here as well as eternal life with him in heaven or leave islam and marry him and live a happy life only here(remeber you will not have peaceful life here in this world if you marry a non-muslim as yo always will suffer that guilt feeling and the guilt of society) and life of hell fire after death, so option is in your hand, choose which one you like. -Mac

Mac’s suggestion to Muslim girl: wahe guru also wants that she (Sikh) should marry her lover (Muslim boy) coz they believe wahe huru is one and eternal, their definition of wahe guru and our definition of allah is same. (details)

Mohammed says:

If you are a strict muslim then iam sorry strict muslim wont be a relationship with non-muslim and commit zina. Do you know what is the punishment for zina. A death

Admin’s view: If you are even 1% proud Sikh or Hindu, in almost all cases, we suggest to walk away from relationship with a Muslim. All initial dating time talks of respect for Sikhism or Hinduism, tolerance and equality are nothing but taqiyya (lies and deception) to lure you into Islamic ummah (community) and later convert you. We recommending you to view/read these:
Muslim-Sikh marriages

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  • Mr 305
    December 27, 2015 10:46 am


    You had discussed my Matter here ——->

    I have decided to marry NOREEN SHAIKH not because i love her, its because i hav committed a sin by sleeping with her and i don’t have any other option apart from marrying her.

  • December 26, 2015 3:37 am

    Mohammad, your statement that taqiyya is not allowed in islam. Here you have used it by submitting false statements. The following text states clear picture of this doctrine.

    According to the authoritative Arabic text, Al-Taqiyya Fi Al-Islam: “Taqiyya [deception] is of fundamental importance in Islam. Practically every Islamic sect agrees to it and practices it. We can go so far as to say that the practice of taqiyya is mainstream in Islam, and that those few sects not practicing it diverge from the mainstream…Taqiyya is very prevalent in Islamic politics, especially in the modern era.”

    The primary Quranic verse sanctioning deception with respect to non-Muslims states: “Let believers not take for friends and allies infidels instead of believers. Whoever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah – unless you but guard yourselves against them, taking precautions.” (Quran 3:28; see also 2:173; 2:185; 4:29; 22:78; 40:28.)

    Al-Tabari’s (838-923 AD) Tafsir, or Quranic exegeses, is essentially a standard reference in the entire Muslim world. Regarding 3:28, he wrote: “If you [Muslims] are under their [infidels’] authority, fearing for yourselves, behave loyally to them, with your tongue, while harbouring inner animosity for them… Allah has forbidden believers from being friendly or on intimate terms with the infidels in place of believers – except when infidels are above them [in authority]. In such a scenario, let them act friendly towards them.”

    Regarding 3:28, the Islamic scholar Ibn Kathir (1301-1373) wrote: “Whoever at any time or place fears their [infidels’] evil, may protect himself through outward show.”

    As proof of this, he quotes Muhammad’s companions. Abu Darda said: “Let us smile to the face of some people while our hearts curse them.” Al-Hassan said: “Doing taqiyya is acceptable till the day of judgment [in perpetuity].”

    Other prominent ulema, such as al- Qurtubi , al-Razi, and al-Arabi have extended taqiyya to cover deeds. Muslims can behave like infidels – from bowing down and worshipping idols and crosses to even exposing fellow Muslims’ “weak spots” to the infidel enemy – anything short of actually killing a fellow Muslim.

    War is deceit

  • Mohammed
    December 26, 2015 12:50 am

    The biggest enemy of Islam is the ignorant Muslim, whose ignorance leads him to intolerance, whose actions destroy the true image of Islam, and when the people look at him they think that Islam is what he is.

    • December 26, 2015 12:24 pm

      Fortunately most (if not all) Muslims we know personally (and that is many) are not Muhammed type radical. We thank Allah for it.

  • Parmeet Sethi
    December 24, 2015 5:50 am

    Just a Question, Muslim boy marrying with a Hindu girl. AND Hindu boy marrying with a Muslim girl IN INDIA. Which trend is prominent in INDIA? i have heard from many that Both are equal, and if one of the two trends is more than the other, then how much more approximately in percentage?

    • December 24, 2015 10:54 pm

      Dear Parmeet Sethi,

      Please let us know what is your interest in this subject matter? Are you doing some research, we can help?

      First, there is a technical limitation to your question. In most cases, when a Hindu marries to a Muslim, the Hindu have to convert to Islam, meaning marriage will not be between Hindu and Muslim but between two Muslims only. Based on this technicality, almost no Hindu marries to Muslim.

      OK, on our web site we have about 700 Hindu-Muslim cases. We have not actually counted them but we have a feeling that about 70% of cases are Hindu girl and Muslim boy.

      We ran a study on American Muslims marrying outside their faith and found that almost same (45%) of Muslim boys and Muslim girls married outside Islam.

      Let us know what else we could tell you.

      • Mohammed
        December 25, 2015 12:45 am

        but there is no current strong evidence that 45% muslim boys and girls are marring outside islam.. if that is the case then more than 45% hindu boys and girls marring outside of hinduism

        • December 25, 2015 1:12 am

          Our research conducted the same way shows 38% for Hindus (meaning same %).

          • Mohammed
            December 25, 2015 3:06 am

            stupid survey !!

          • December 25, 2015 9:13 am

            If you don’t want to accept reality of new life, too bad!

          • Mohammed
            December 25, 2015 8:11 pm

            oh reality !! wow admin !!! u r great

          • admin
            December 25, 2015 10:35 pm

            Give us popular Muslim last names, other than Khan, Ali, Ahmed and Haque. We will do research again for you as of now.

      • Parmeet Sethi
        December 25, 2015 10:15 am

        Admin Yes i am researching about intereligious marriages.

        you said 70 percent of the cases are of Hindu girl and Muslim guy. 70 percent is too high number. If it was 70 percent then Hindus population would have decreased by very High percentage. But this in reality is not possible. Moreover Majority of the cases/questions which come to interfaithshaadi i have noticed are fake. So 70 percent Hindu girl Muslim guy cases is not possible. Muslim girl marrying Hindu guys and Hindu girls marrying Hindu guys cases are equal in numbers from what i have heard and researched.

        Also in one of your articles i read that 90% of the Muslim girls are marrying Hindu,Sikh and Christian guys. So “70 percent cases are abt Hindu girl and a Muslim guy” is impossible

        Waiting for your reply

        • December 25, 2015 10:57 pm

          What type of research you are doing?

          As a research scientist, you have to learn to critically evaluate different statements and do your own research for the original source to believe it.

          We said we have about 700 Hindu-Muslim cases of which we feel (but not counted) that 70% cases are Hindu girl and Muslim boy. This is this web site’s experience. If you want, you may count them here

          At India level, % of Hindus marrying to Muslims must be very very low (meaning much much less (<< 0.01%?), again we do not have any truth to this statement but our gut feelings). It seems that you are convince that that number is 50-50%. Show us your proof. We do not believe "90% of the Muslim girls are marrying ...", it is just a statement made by a blogger. This is not a survey results but someone's whimsy statement, that all. We hope you do not trust such reports for your research.

          • Parmeet Sethi
            December 27, 2015 3:27 am

            i counted those 700 cases and its almost 50 – 50 u can check again, also majority of these cases are very fake also how do u know whether these cases are genuine anyone can make a fake email id and ask questions 90 % of the muslim girls marrying outside their faith was an actual article,

            also kindly explain your statement “At India level, % of Hindus marrying to Muslims must be very very low (meaning much much less (<< 0.01%? " i didnt get this

            waiting for your reply

          • December 27, 2015 9:33 am

            It is wrong to say majority are fake. This is an open forum to stimulate discussion on practice of religious conversion for marriage and may have some limitations for what truth people are telling us. We have no clue to how many Hindus are marrying to non-Hindus in India and thus we will be waiting to hear from you.

          • Parmeet Sethi
            December 27, 2015 10:02 pm

            I went through the 700 cases and the Hindu girls wanting to Marry Muslim guys and Muslim girl wanting to marrying Hindu guys is almost the same. Plus these days many Muslim girls are marrying Hindu guys. But the 700 cases are not married ones so u cant research on them. Plus admin if you go through these cases carefully you will know almost majority of these cases are fake. Also how would you know these cases are not fake? Recently there were many ppl asking fake questions

            Sure currently we are reasearching on the Married interreligious couples. We shall let u know after the research is complete. Yes but you are right about Hindus Marrying Muslims or Muslims marrying Hindus is only 0.01%. In reality its even less may be abt 0.001%. Because Marriage between Hindu castes for example Marathi-Bengali is only 2%

          • December 28, 2015 12:22 am

            700 are cases of lovers who asked us for guidance or shared their experience. However, most dropped ideal of marrying to a religious fanatic after they got educated from this site (read Geet for example at

            Please share your findings on interfaith marriages and we will be glad to publish it here.

            Did you read two videos (above) we made to educate youths? Do you have any opinion on it?

      • Parmeet Sethi
        December 25, 2015 10:29 am

        Admin also 45 percent Muslim women marrying outside their faith is also falso coz it will increase their population tremendously in USA same with 38 % Hindus marrying outside their faith. Is the study genuine. Also the cases/questions coming on interfaithshaadi majority of them are fake

        Waiting for your reply

        • December 25, 2015 11:06 pm

          You cannot say most cases are fake, but there may be some fake cases there. Objective here to stimulate discussion on interfaith marriage and that will help next interfaith lover to make informed decision.

          Again read and articles in details. These are surveys in American marriages using Macy’s marriage registry where you should expect most of marriages probably well established and educated Muslim/Hindus in American, and do not reflect new immigrant Muslims/Hindus.

          • Parmeet Sethi
            December 27, 2015 3:50 am

            Admin i suggest you to stop referring to macy’s marriage or Pew research both these are highly manipulated and cannot be trusted at all in one Stupid survey Pew Research said thatHindu population is increasing tremendously in Indian, but the fact is it is decling trmendously so please dont trust Macy or pew because you cannot trust whatever these days, if we go by logic 38 & for hindus marrying outside their religion and and 45 % muslims marrying outside their religion in USA is a Very Big number, it is so big that Hindus and Muslims in USA will reduce their own population tremendously, also u said the research was on well established and educated Hindus or Muslims, but why would the research conduct survey on educated and well established Hindus or muslims it will obviously conduct research on every American hindu or a muslim Right including new immigrants for a complete result on Hindus or muslims ( why would they leave out new immigrants because new immigrants are Americans too)

            waiting for your reply

          • December 27, 2015 9:23 am

            Every survey has its limitations.

            38% (or about a third) of American born Hindus marring to other faiths is true based on what we talk to many NRAs. The Muslim 45% survey is our survey based on Macy’s and may be covering only certain type of people. Further, it is possible that many of those Muslims may be using marriage as a tool to expand Islam.

            One should expect low interfaith marriages for new immigrant, for example we said, “2008 Pew Forum survey found that only 10% of Hindus in America married outside their faith. Although the survey covered 257 Hindu families, 86% of them were immigrants”. If they are already married and go to America, that does not speak for recent marriages in America. For this reason, we said you should read fine print to conclude.

            Why are you interested in surveys? Which college you work with?

          • Parmeet Sethi
            December 27, 2015 9:53 pm

            Admin. 38 % of the Hindus marrying other faiths is way too much. It is so kuch that it will slump Hindus population tremendously. Also how do you conduct research i just want to know because speaking with NRIs is not called research. Also dont refer Macy’s or Pew. The research of 38% Hindus marrying outside their faith is conduct by PEW not by you so its false. I have stay in North America majority of my times in USA for 15 years so i know because if it was really 38% of the Hindus marrying outside their faith then the Hindu faith or Indian race will slump tremendously Both NRIs or new Hindu immigrants marry their own kind and dont marry outside their community. Moreover Muslims in USA are stable their population is not increasing. But yes this is true that majority of the Muslim women want to marry and even marry outside their religion in USA and dont ask guys to convert to Islam.

            I dont work for any college i work research for a media company where we deal with Population. Census. Religious population. Interfaith marriages etc.

          • December 28, 2015 12:12 am

            38% survey is our research based on Macy’s. Based on what we have seen, we believe this is a true number (about a third) for American born Hindus marrying to Christians, Jews or Muslims (mainly Christian).

            It is difficult to conduct such survey because most will not want to disclose their personal information. Again what population you use (meaning people living in city verses in villages, new immigrants verses established citizens) will have major impact on outcome of the survey.

    • ahmad noor
      December 31, 2015 4:52 am

      the issue is not which trend is more ..the issue is the indian muslim ignorance about their religion
      religion privacy culture has to be spread in india to terminate such marriages ..

  • Mohammed
    December 24, 2015 1:30 am

    Complete my comment why u r
    cutting off
    Here is the link

    Taqqiya is not allowed in islam
    Even many hindus trapping to others faith peoples and later they convert to hinduism it doesnt mean we should blame to the religion. .

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