Sikh Girl in Love with Iranian Muslim

Anon says: September 29, 2018 at 12:08 pm

Thank you for this beautiful message. I am a Punjabi Sikh girl in love with Iranian Muslim. I have tried with Punjabis and it never worked out. I am happy to know I don’t have to be afraid to love who I want because I am in America. I’m not sure he and I would be able to speak if we were back home. -Anon

More information: Sikh-Muslim Relationships, Sharia, Koran,Interfaith Marriage Laws.
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  • Paki basher
    March 1, 2019 5:16 pm

    Another Muslim wishing he could marry and convert a Sikh girl. Probably fake

  • Ruchika
    November 1, 2018 6:02 am

    I do not think that should be any problem.
    Have been to US, if you ask me Iranian there are not muslim,mostly non-practicing or atheist,very well educated,mostly second and third gen.
    So the muslim part should not be of any trouble.

    Only statement felt weird to me is : “I have tried with Punjabis and it never worked out.”

    It is not possible that just because they were Punjabi it did not work out.
    Normally indian girls who live in that kind of countries give desi man almost close to zero chances :-p ,ain’t i right?

    Anyway,i am just joking 😀 ,high five.

  • Harj S
    October 6, 2018 12:42 pm

    Whatever you decide to do with your life, please do not convert to another religion, whether you are a girl or a boy. Maharaja Ranjit Singh had several Muslim wives, they were not asked to convert (no one could dare ask him to). If you do marry someone of another faith, just remember Ranjit Singh

  • Anon
    September 29, 2018 6:35 pm

    Thank you for the question. I have actually had the discussion with my parents. They are both Punjabi Sikhs and had an arranged marriage. That ended in divorce when I was just 4 years old. I do not believe in divorce and have spoken to my person of interest. We both hold the same values. We value family and commitment. We are planning on a court marriage so as to not offend any of our family members. Thank you for the question.

    • September 29, 2018 9:53 pm

      Sorry to hear about your difficult childhood. However, things happen and that incidence has nothing to do with overall value of Sikhism. We know many happy Sikh marriages. Further divorces happen in all faith. We hope you will remain proud of your faith and will install good values to your children from Sikhism and what ever the faith of your husband.

      On “We are planning on a court marriage so as to not offend any of our family members”, what if one side gets offended by this court marriage? For example, Muslims must marry by Islamic Nikaah and court marriage is not a valid marriage as per Islam. Are you okay having Nikaah if that is a must requirement? Instead of assuming, if you were smart, would not you want to ask the Muslim parents about it (before it is too late)? Are your parents going to be okay you having a civil wedding?

      Anon, we hope you understand that we do not have any self interest in influencing you to do one or the other way. Ultimately we wish you to be very happy; and that is possible if you make fully informed decision for your life. We are here to help you make an educated decision, that all. Lets talk more, thanks.

    • Rabia
      October 8, 2018 1:30 pm

      Sat Sri Akal! Very beautiful to hear of your love story. As long as the East from either side doesn’t get involved in your love and marriage, you have a chance to be happy. Living in America is a big plus and hopefully both families will respect your wishes and boundaries. Some Iranians are very secular minded so this may not even be an issue from his side of the family. Have you discussed things like children?

      • October 8, 2018 5:32 pm

        Hi Rabia,
        Welcome back after a while. How is your book coming along?

        On “Some Iranians are very secular minded so this may not even be an issue from his side of the family”, we agree. This is also our general observation, so it is better to ask to make sure.

        • Rabia
          October 22, 2018 2:51 am

          Thanks Admin. It’s a slow process- you were right when you said that writing a book will take a longer time than I initially thought.

          I am quite busy with my own day-job to actually focus on the book. But inshAllah I will get a chance to focus on it very soon. How is the website coming along? Did your book do well?

          • October 22, 2018 8:31 pm

            Hi Rabia,

            Keep at it and the book will be done. If you give up, it will never!

            You write a book because you wish to convey a message to the world. It does not matter if it sells or not. The message I wanted to convey is load and clear and it is all over media; that is a success. Best wishes.

  • September 29, 2018 5:26 pm

    Hi Anon,
    Agree, there is lots of liberty when you are in West. However, East may entered into your planned West married life. To start with, let us know–assuming all goes well, how are you going to get married? Will that be Islamic Nikaah wedding, in Gurudwrara wedding, court marriage or all of these? Let us know, thanks.

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