Sikh MUST convert to Islam for marriage

Tomo says: June 15, 2014 at 9:32 am

I totally disagree that a practicing Muslim man can marry Sikh, Hindu or any Kafir women. If they want to marry such woman they should first:
1) convert them to Islam ,
2) give them a Islamic Name and
3) teach them Islamic morals and conduct.

My twin brother was in love with a Sikh girl for many years, my parents were deadly against this marriage because we are SUNNI and all our family member are practicing Muslim, my twin (name Withheld) agreed to make her Muslim and then he will marry her, so my bhabi accepted Islam in the Mosque in front of hundreds of people, her (Sikh) parents and immediate family members were also present she read Kalima Taiyaba and name was change from H……. Kaur to (Muslim Name)

now they are so happy with 2 boys (Muslim name for kids) and the third is on his way. I would say they are very happy. -Tomo

Also read: Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Shasha, Intolerants, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it? Zakir Naik, Can Allah be the Father God? Hindu-Christian Married Life in America, Christian-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Jew marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Inter-race-Inter-faith marriages, Jew-Muslim marriages, Christian-Muslim marriages, Who is God?, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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  • mac
    June 22, 2014 8:25 am

    most of jews(zionists who are against muslims) do not belileve in after life where as a jew believe in after life, concept about afterlife has different interpretation among jews, some believe so don`t

    • June 22, 2014 8:29 am

      So majority of Jews believe in resurrection and J-Day?

      • mac
        June 22, 2014 8:58 am

        who is a true jew according to moses.noah,abraham(peace be upon all of them)? I am a true jew , i m a true christian so i am a MUSLIM, i have also answered with logic and refernce how a true christian is a muslims in “follow jesus not god”, a good muslims is a good jew and a good jew is a good christians

  • mac
    June 17, 2014 1:10 pm

    admin there is jday and there is heaven, u won’t believe coz u imgined god having three heads or ten hands thats why u can’t imagine how can one make heaven who has ten hands, actually god is the one who created everything we see, just imagine earth frm space it looks like a black dot but on earth there r beutiful gardens, kashmir darjeling switzerland and surely these r not created by men, so if someone other than men can create such things on earth then is that someone not able to have same or even better

    • admin
      June 17, 2014 10:27 pm

      Because you were born as Muslim, you are promoting Muhammad’s ideologies today. If you were born in a Christian family, today you would be banging your head to prove Jesus as Son of God. If you were born in an atheist family, most probably you won’t believe any of these. This is a matter of faith and faith has no logic. Believe us, even your faith will change in next 20 years as you mature.

      Because there are beautiful flowers, that does not prove that Allah made this world in exactly 2 days, furbished it in next 4 days and rested on the 7th day. Because there are beautiful mountains here, does not prove that every human being have to idolize Jesus (view Molly) or Muhammad (mac, with the same logic as Molly).

      If Muhammad’s god was that powerful, why there are poor Muslims all over the world? Why a Muslim bowing down five times a day whole his life still gets cancer?

      Things happen, many times without much explanation to it. However, not having good explanation does not prove every one has to idolize Muhammad (mac) or Jesus (Molly).

      Stop idol worshipping. Every time you bow to Saudi Arabia, think if is it serving you any more than good exercise for your back?

      This is a beautiful world; start enjoying it now rather than waiting for the J-Day. There are beautiful God made people from ALL faiths, start respecting them too (and they will respect you). Start a new life of love and respect for fellow human beings.

      • mac
        June 17, 2014 11:59 pm

        Admin ur comment again proved that u know nothing about islam “If Muhammad’s god was that powerful, why there are poor Muslims all over the world? Why a Muslim bowing down five times a day whole his life still gets cancer?”- i gave answer about poverty of muslim people, allah never all muslims will be reach on earth

      • mac
        June 21, 2014 4:34 am

        Admin your comment ” If you were born in a Christian family, today you would be banging your head to prove Jesus as Son of God.” is true, yes i would have believed that but i would also verified it whether jesus(peace be upon him) a son of god or not becoz in bible also it is written that god is one, god has no father,mother,son,wife,etc,etc. so i would then refer to hebrew version where there is no term “jesus was begotten son”, so i would hav then considered jesus as a prohpet of god and followed his teachings to be closer to god.

        • admin
          June 21, 2014 8:17 am

          In that case, be a Jew. They are honest about life after death, they don’t have all these crap of resurrection or J-Day. Don’t be a dreamer, instead start enjoying THIS life. It will be very hard for you to keep rotting in the grave for 20,000 years and still no sign of nothing. If you have any intellect, you will walk away from such made up stories of J-Day to trap people. We are confident when you think hard and for next 10 years, you will come to the same conclusion as we did.

          • mac
            June 21, 2014 8:23 am

            jews are even worst, they believe they are the only choosen people, so they say they will starightly go to heaven without any judgement, they will do what ever they like, they won`t be judged as they are only people of god, according to them others(msulims,hindus,christians,sikshs…_) are their survent on this earth, now tell me is this honesty

          • June 21, 2014 10:16 pm

            We thought that Jews don’t believe in heaven and J-Day etc, correct us. Their position is just they don’t know, and that is honesty.

            Yes, all three Abrahamic faiths are exclusivists and supremacists. Such beliefs are not there in any Dharmic faiths.

  • mac
    June 16, 2014 2:21 am

    Hinduism prescribes that the wife who touches, meets, or even talks to a man who is not her husband is to be fed to animals! No other nation, even in its darkest period, prescribed such savage punishments for women. In this respect the Brahmanic Dark Ages (1500 BC – 1000 AD) were the darkest in the entire history of mankind. Hinduism remains unsurpassed in its severe persecution of women.

    By comparison, Islam, which has been targeted by bigoted Brahmins who daily spew venom upon this civilization, is much more lenient than savage Hinduism. Thus, death is not prescribed even for erring Muslim wives:

    ” The adulterer and adulteress shall each be given a hundred lashes.” — [ Quran, Sura Light:2 ] [ Dawood, p.209 ]

    Courtesy: An Ex-Hindu

  • June 15, 2014 6:19 pm

    Assuming there is one God and there is a rat-race going out to expand religions, here Muhammad won and Guru Nanak lost.

    We thought Sikhs are proud of their faith and are brave, apparently not these Sikhs! Our congratulations to Muslims, one more added to your head count.

    All girls dating a Muslim guy must know that you should be ready to give up your birth religion and pride for Islam (read Nusrat).

    • mac
      June 16, 2014 2:14 am

      Admin, all people are borned as muslim(not shirik)

  • mac
    June 15, 2014 1:52 pm

    shit man conversion only for marriage, you guys play with religion in the name of politics,terrorism and marriage and whole muslim communiy suffers for that

    • June 15, 2014 6:15 pm

      We feel your pain. For many people, faith means nothing (we don’t mean in above case). They don’t have any hesitation for a fake-conversion. Both sides know what they are doing, getting around to get married.

      We personally know a Hindu who has converted to Islam, however, she is performing Ganesh pooja every day. Husband told her that as far as his parents don’t find this out, he does not care. In another case, the Jain converted, however the Muslim guy greets all Hindu relatives with “Jai Shree Krishna” greeting and kids behave more like Hindus. Is this pluralism? No, this is cheating. Interfaithsaadi does not endorse such fake-conversions to fool Allah, to the imam, to Muslim community and to Islam.

      • mac
        June 16, 2014 1:36 am

        Admin, don`t feel soory for me, i don`t care whether any one is following his/her religion, i only care whether i m in right path or not coz i don`t want to be in hell, so life is short want to do as many good works as possible , i only try to give ppl tips , thats it, let them play with religion, the muslim guys who converts their wife(fake conversion) will face hell fire , let them suffer, i don`t care

        • June 16, 2014 7:05 am

          We feel the same for others, we are here to educate, if they wish to built their marriage life on a foundation of lies and deception, it is their choice.

          However, we don’t believe in your J-Day. There is no science, it is only your faith (no truth)!! So, even it is a short life here, enjoy it rather than waiting in your grave for 20,000 years.

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