She told to me come to our Islam

Prem says: August 10, 2013 at 4:08 am

i m in relationship with muslim girl and she loves me lot but in her home they were very strict she told to me come to our islam and u can marry to me this is the only path to get marry with me otherwise we cant able to marry

like she said but i am strictly opposed to convert islam and i said to her i m great hindu why should i convert?

But now she is saying whatever happend i dont want leave u and if necessary means i am converting to your hindu religion.

We have a sketch to run away but i dnt hv confidence and is this possible? -Prem


Admin says:


Thank you for coming to a right place for guidance for your life. These “run away”, “convert to ABC” and “come to my XYZ” are all silly talks. Grow up now. Please do not rush to do anything except educate yourself and your girlfriend.

Ask your gf to come to this site to educate her too. Other Muslim girls from all over the world will guide her to a right path.

Now to your question, “is this possible?”, simple answer is YES if you live in a free country like India or Western countries. If this is the case, thank Allah for giving you birth outside Islamic countries. If you live in any Islamic country, this is impossible, and you must convert to Islam. Even India is going to be an Islamic country soon, so act fast.

In India, any two unmarried adults (any faiths) could marry each others (read laws here). If you wish to marry by Islamic Nikaah, you must convert. If you wish to marry by the Hindu marriage or the Special Marriage Act of 1954, no one have to convert.

Before talking about marriage, let us know if are you well educated and financially independent? After marriage, are you going to be a burden to yours or hers parents? If you are counting on support from one of parents, you will have to learn to dance at their tunes, are you both ready?

Have you read Koran? Does she know what Hinduism is all about? Please educate each other because one day you may want to teach religion to your children. Are your children going to have Hindu or Muslim names? Are they going to becircumcised their penis?

Please you read Hindu boy and ask her to read Muslim girl articles. Openly discuss all conflicting issues. Like you said, “we have a sketch to”..instead of run away, make a sketch for your life. After reading all these, get back to us for what you two decided. Best wishes. -Admin


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More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • December 28, 2015 12:17 am

    The engagement ring is the ring which contians the diamond, this is the one that is used to ask the woman to marry you. The wedding ring is placed on the bride’s finger on the wedding day.

  • kallyan
    September 3, 2013 3:46 am

    convert her to hinduism and then u marry her my friend.don’t do any mistake

  • tamanna
    August 13, 2013 2:36 pm

    Hi prem,
    Being a hindu girl , I would suggeat you not to convert yourself to any other religion, for the sake of love….I mean if you dont respect and accept islam wholeheartedly, there is no point in conversion…also, I would personally suggest her as well not to convert into hinduism just for the sake of marrying you…
    You may go for an interfaith marriage….

    Also, running away does not make any sense,….how far eould you run and for how long? One day due to any reason if you two had a fight, you guys would be blaming each other and the first thing you say is because of each other, you two left your family. ? family loves you. If not 2day, may b 2mrw, they will understand your love , n affection….and raise the issue slowly, and try to mingle with her family…if her family starts loving you and you prove urself to be a great son in law for them, why would they disagree…atleast try b4 you take a step other way,..all the best.,, keep us updated with further story….

  • August 11, 2013 9:07 am

    Hello Prem,

    Nice to hear that she has agreed to marry you without any conversion.
    Are you both working? or you are working only?If she is not working right now, look for suitable job for her also. It is necessary to be good earners to lead the happy married life and financially independent. What about educational background of both you?

    Shall be glad to know about these inputs from you.
    God bless you both.

  • Zara
    August 11, 2013 2:50 am

    Exactly!! Don’t convert for the sake of love. Its human nature, even our kids or parent disappoint us whom we love so much then why should we expect romantic love to be any different.

  • August 10, 2013 11:59 am

    Don’t convert for the sake of love!!!
    Its horrible!!!

    • August 10, 2013 12:13 pm

      Please educate youths for their interfaith love. This is one way to take away pain from your current situation. Good days and great new life is just waiting for you, have patience.

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