She collapsed and died

Afrah says: March 6, 2013 at 10:23 am

Hello Puja,

Admin has rightly pointed out that you do not know the other side of the coin. You appear innocent and misguided by your BF. In fact in Koran, if a muslim has to lie to convert non-muslim to muslim that is not a sin but great service to the islam. You do not know how the muslim male change colours after marriage and how they put restrictions on the females. There are a number of evils of islam, which our learned sisters have been pointing out on this blog. Proving virginity, female genital(circumcision), burqa, domestic violence, forcing non muslim to eat Beef and husband allowed to keep another 3 wives, are all described in the koran. Muslim males are cruel, barbaric, inhuman like so called Prophet, who did not spare 9 year old girl, like his grand daughter to rape in the name of marriage. Islam is a religion of bloodshed, murder, terror, rape culture, killing innocents.

I know islamic practices. My sister faced miserable life and ultimately died one day. I have married a budhdhist guy. Very happy with him. Have a deep thought and I am sure one day you will be in deep trouble if you married a muslim BF.

Aafrah added: March 7, 2013 at 2:49 am

Millions of thanks to Mr. Admin.

I married my budhdhist BF, very caring and loving. Marriage solemnized as per budhdhist customs and lateron marriage registered legally. I am not converted and following good things of islam and also budhdhist principles of non violence and peace.

Regarding my sister, she never saw any happy day from the first day of marriage. On the morning of wedding night, bed sheet of blood stains was displayed for inspection by family members. Lateron she came to know that her husband was already married with some one and her virginity was confirmed. Even then, all sorts of restrictions were put on her, always in burqa even in hot temp., her husband having sexual relations with his cousins and whenever she objected, she was beaten mercilessly. She sustained many inuries and no treatment was given and ultimately due to starvation, mal nutrition food and no help from neighbours, one day she collapsed and died.

Considering all such tortures in her married life, I did not marry in muslim community and preferred to marry my BF. My inlaws are very kind and generous. I enjoy all sorts of freedom to work and move.


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  • March 10, 2013 11:20 am

    As-salaam Alaikum,Admn.Sir,

    I have been reading almost all blogs here and found them interesting and educative. I have a different problem. My question is regarding Anal Sex. I know clearly that anal sex is forbidden in Islam. However my husband is not a well practicing Muslim. I try to practrice Islam as closely as possible and try to remove things in my life that may be sinful. My Husband is overall an understand person and does not create any obstacle in me trying to follow Islam. However, when it comes to Sex, he does not like it at all when I put restrictions on him. He likes to have full freedom in this aspect. He reallys wants to do anal sex and i stop him but then he gets very upset and mad at me. Due to this he is even fading away his understanding for me in other areas of life. He is frustrated, and some times even if I dont like it, he has still peformed anal sex with me. My question is, am I going to be punishable for this? In my heart, I know its wrong and I also try to stop him, but sometimes he just does not listen, will Allah hold me responsible for this? Am i sinful?

    Please suggest what should I do?

  • junaid
    March 9, 2013 8:46 am

    All the lies againest islam posted in ths wapsite exposed on

  • March 8, 2013 8:40 am

    Hi everyone,

    I am a bit nervous posting here, especially about this topic. I have read a lot of posts on these boards and am aware of the hyper conservative nature of many of the posters. Regardless, I am interested in your reaction to my situation…

    I am an American Catholic Black man(32 yrs) in love with a beautiful Pakistani Muslim woman(24 years) for the last 2 years.Her name is Asmah.

    We are both madly in love and want to marry each other, however, we aren’t finding any easy way to have a nikah performed without me converting. If it was up to us, we would be married tomorrow.

    Let me give you a brief rundown on our religious backgrounds. Religion isn’t a dominating part of either of our lives, but we do have strong moral beliefs stemming from our religious backgrounds. We are both liberal in our religious views, in the sense that we believe only God can determine what is right and wrong and that he loves us both regardless of our inborn religions. The way we look at things is that we are both good people, we both love God and try to do what is right, and we both love each other. Neither her nor I find it offensive that the other is from another religion. We find each other’s religions to be beautiful in their own way, and promise to honor each others religions throughout our married life together. Both our religions are important to us in the sense that they are a source of tradition and happiness. We want to share our religions with each other. Already, I have been to masjid and she has been to church. I am also observing ramazan while she attends Christmas mass with me.

    On the topic of children, we both love and want children very much. Her being Pakistani and Muslim and myself being German-American and Christian we both have traditions of our own and we want to instill both aspects of our histories into our children. When the time comes for children, religion should not be a problem. I am very familiar with Islam, my best friends and the woman I love are all Muslim, so I am not like your typical American in the sense that Islam is not foreign to me. We will raise our children with a knowledge of all traditions (Ramazan, Christmas, etc) but will let them decide in the end what religion they want to be. Better, if they donot adopt muslim culture. In the event of girls born, Islam is not good for females, forcing them to various evils and lead a miserable life.

    Seeking guidance please.

    Reply at

  • March 8, 2013 7:57 am

    Hi Aafrah,

    Millions of congratulations for marrying your BF.
    God bless you.

  • March 8, 2013 12:46 am


    Iam Shazia 29 years, working in an engineering company Leicestershire, UK, wish to share my life story.Being born and brought up in a hard core islamic family, due to my extra ordinary brillance, I could achieve Engineering degree and presently working women. I am in love with a Black Christian from Ghana. Initially, I did not take interest in hime but lateron due to company requirement, I had to work with him and soon influenced and attracted towards him. I am a beautiful woman and he does not want to miss me even for an hour. On business trips travelled with him in Ireland and Norway too and had sexual relations with him at times.

    I am going to marry him soon. His parents are glad to see me their daughter in law. Due to islamic restrictions and evil, I donot want to marry a muslim guy and I have told my parents too. They will disgusted and disappointed.

    Please suggest.

    Reply at

  • March 8, 2013 12:32 am


    Regarding the hadith of 72 virgins I found this

    It was mentioned by Daraj Ibn Abi Hatim, that Abu al-Haytham Abdullah Ibn Wahb narrated from Abu Sa’id al-Khudhri, who heard the Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him) saying: ‘The smallest reward for the people of Heaven is an abode where there are 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine and ruby, as wide as the distance from al-Jabiyyah(A village in Damascus.) to San’a(Capital city of Yemen.)

    Tirmidhi in “Sunan” (volume IV, chapters on “The Features of Heaven as described by the Messenger of Allah,” Chapter 21: “About the Smallest Reward for the People of Heaven,” hadith 2687).

    Imam Tirmidhi (Rh) has classified this hadith as ” Gharib”.


    Gharib (lit. rare/strange) is an Islamic term used in the science of Hadith.

    Tirmidhi’s understanding of the Gharib Hadith (weak tradition), concurs to a certain extent with that of the other traditionists.

    According to Tirmidhi a Hadith may be classified as Gharib for one of the following three reasons:

    Firstly, a Hadith may be classified as Gharib since it is narrated from one chain only. Tirmidhi mentions as an example a tradition from Hammad b. Salama from Abu ‘Usharai on the authority of his father who enquired from the Prophet (S.A.W.) whether the slaughtering of an animal is confined to the gullet and throat. The Prophet (S.A.W.) replied that stabbing the thigh will also suffice.

    Secondly, a tradition can be classified as Gharib due to an addition in the text, though it will be considered a sound tradition, if that addition is reported by a reliable reporter. The example cited by Tirmidhi is a tradition narrated through the chain of Malik (d. 179 A.H.) from Nafi’ (d. 117 A.H.) on the authority of Ibn ‘Umar (d. 73 A.H.) who stated that the Prophet (S.A.W.) declared alms-giving at the end of Ramadan (month of fasting) obligatory upon every Muslim, male or female, whether a free person or slave from the Muslims. However, this tradition has also been narrated by Ayyub Sakhtiyani and ‘Ubaid Allah b. ‘Umar, without the addition “from the “Muslims”, hence the above mentioned example due to the addition of “from the Muslims” in the text is classified as Gharib.

    Thirdly, a tradition may be declared Gharib since it is narrated through various chains of transmitters but having within one of its chains an addition in the Sanad. According to Tirmidhi, these definitions prove that a Gharib Hadith, does not necessarily mean weak, but it might be Sahih or Hasan, as long as it comes through a single Sanad.[1]

  • March 8, 2013 12:28 am

    The Myth: Muhammad Promised 72 Female Virgins for Martyrs.

    The Truth: Prophet Muhammad has never made any promise on any kinds of sexual gratifications in the after life, much less on the alleged 72 virgins.

    It seems to be the staple ammunition for attacking Islam. Mention the atrocities and suicide bombings that are being committed by Muslims around the world and you get the same response – they are doing it for the “virgins in heaven”.

    In various Internet forums and conventional media, Muhammad has been accused of luring foot soldiers, past and present, with promise of eternal copulation in the afterlife. In the process Islam has been tainted with a dubiously sexual tint. Islam seems to be the path where sex-hungry young men can end their lives into a promise of endless erotica.

    The simple truth is, there is nothing in the Quran or Hadith that has ever promised this. Every Muslim knows it.

    Muslims have never been cajoled into doing deeds for the religion in promise of posthumous sex. As Muslims, we must never condone suicidal activities that take away the lives of innocents. They are against the teachings of the Prophet. The vilification on the alleged “virgins of paradise” must be dismissed at all costs.

    So how did the issue of the 72 virgins even come about?

    It all started on August 19th, 2001 in CBS studios, USA. This was just a month before the 9/11 attacks.

    The American TV network was broadcasting a program called 60 Minutes. It was featuring a special report on the militant group Hamas and included the translation of an interview between an American journalist and the Hamas functionary Muhammad Abu Wardeh. In the interview, Abu Wardeh was describing how martyrs will be accompanied by the “hur’ain” in heaven.

    At issue in this interview was the correct meaning of the Arabic word “hur’ain”. Translated to English, it means ‘angels’, with no gender connotations whatsoever. But the translators at CBS insisted that it means ‘virgins’. It carried on and broadcasted the translation as such.

    Arabs all over the United States spotted the faulty translation and protested to the TV network. Three experts of the Arabic languages, including Dr. Mather Hathout of the Islamic Centre of Southern California and Hafiz al-Mirazi Osman, the head Al-Jazeera’s Washington made official efforts to correct the translation.

    But CBS still insisted that it means ‘virgins’. The faulty translation was never amended. From then on Islam became known as the sexually perverted religion that promises 72 “virgins” for those who gave up their lives for it.

    The faulty translation took pace after the 9/11 attacks. Websites all over the world, especially those from the USA, began carrying distorted “translations” of verses from the Quran that interpret the word “hur’ain” as “virgins.

    Muslims around the world were potrayed as devotess who were into the religion solely for the promise of sex.
    The damage was done and till today the faulty translation provides a sore point in the true understanding of Islam.

    This myth is still rife today with various forms of distortions and connotations.

  • March 8, 2013 12:18 am

    Dear sister Aafrah,

    Glad to know that you took a bold decision of your life and happy now.
    In fact muslim girls need bold and decisive attitude in their own interest. Females are scared in the name of HELL FIRE BY FUNDAMENTALISTS.
    God cannot be anti females, who have created them also. Whynot hell fire to the muslim males who commit so many attrocities in the name of religion.

    Congratulations, please guide other muslim girls.

    • March 8, 2013 8:15 pm

      A great point, “Females are scared in the name of HELL FIRE BY FUNDAMENTALISTS.”

      We know about THIS life and try to make best out of it. The AFTER life is a matter of your faith and faith has no logic. This AFTER life theory is all hypothesis for the benefit of who ever is telling you. We hope you all are intelligent enough to realize that.

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