Karan Singh says: August 21, 2012 at 11:27 am
hey salman
my story is just like you i love a muslim girl and she love me a lot as well, but when it comes to the point of wedding her answer is like this that you have to convert into a muslim. i loved her as women as a soul i dnt have any problem that she is a muslim. so i give you bottom line i cant leave my religion so i just got one option that is to leave her? or what is you call
i hope if she is having thinking as like amrita, you wife, is having i will be greatful to GOD, but she is not
by the way well done you guys i appreciate the step you took. love you guys..
waiting for your reply – Karan
Admin says:
You are a smart man. You cannot fake-convert to Islam just to please a girl. If she loves her religion more than you, then let her find an Allah-fearing guy who does namaz five times a day and lives a true Islamic life. Best wishes.
Karan says: August 21, 2012 at 10:57 pm
well thank you ADMIN. I have been in relation from past 6 years as she is crazy abt me, so on 20th aug i told her i cant leave my religion just to be with you on the other hand as same you cant change your religion hw can you this expect frm me?
so she attempted sucide by cutting her nerve, wht f…
she said if you even think of leaving me i will kill myself and will leave a letter mentioning that you are the reason of my death… now wht to do? – Karan
Admin says:
Tell her that nothing is going to happen overnight. Give her time to cool down. Do not get into any physical injuries, this is insane. Agree, she loves you, but that does not mean you have to give up your religion when there are other options available. Both should go to a court and get married, if you wish.
We believe Islam forbids suicide, Allah may give her Hell of Fire. Tell her that instead of killing herself for her Islamic dogmas, give up dogmas (expectation of religious conversion of Hindu intended spouse) and live life.
The suicide letter has no meaning (but wish she does not take that step). Any thing you mentioned on this web site will serve as a legal document admissible in a court for your hearing. You are fair in rejecting her request to change your religion, no court will expect you to change your birth religion to fulfil girlfriend’s demands. Best wishes.
Also read: Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,
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Hi Karan,
Sorry for the late reply.
You did the right thing, I know heart break is hard but if you would have looked at your life in the future, you probably would not be very happy.
Religion is important to everyone and if she is not willing to accept you how you are then she’s not worth it.
I wish you the best and I am positive that you will meet someone who loves you for all of you and not try to change who you are.
Good luck!
And yes I come from a MULTI RELIGIOUS family myself.
Dad is Saraswat Brahmin ( we eat just about anything under the sun although his family was pure veg) .
Mum is Half Christian ( Father is half Portugese CHristian and half Goan HIndu ) and Half Muslim ( Mother is a Bohri / Bohra Muslim ).
Mum’s sister is married to a Muslim man and he is the only one who is venomous when it comes to hypocrisy. He never lets his daughters mingle with me because they were really close to me. But he encourages his son to mix and mingle with his non muslim cousin sisters. TOOO MUCH !
My own sister is in love with a Muslim man for years, although its not working out in my opinion.
My brother is married to a Muslim Sunni Pathan girl, and well he did not have to convert as she came from a secular and rich family
I am married to Muslim Shia Pathan girl and I had to temporarily convert to make her folks happy. Now I have come back to Hinduism and although I havent asked her to convert, she has NO ISSUES AT ALL to perform Hindu customs as long as I do not force her. now thats AMAZING isnt it ? She prays her style and I never question her.
Reply to Rahul Brahmin at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2322
Dear Rahul Confused! I have never come across a more confused and bigger fraud than you. I’m a pure Saraswat Brahmin and there has been no dilution of my blood line unlike yourself. and let me enlighten you that we Saraswat Brahmins are a very close knit community like the Parsis and anyone who marries outside the community are banished from the community just like the Parsis. So the moment your dad married your mom of mixed race…you stopped being a Saraswat brahmin…period. Has anyone even perfformed your thread ceremony?? Anyways someone who eats Anything under the Sun is definitely not a brahmin from any angle and for that matter even a Hindu. Btw and one more thing….unlike the Abrahamic religion there is no process of conversion or reconversion in Sanatan Dharma…so u r only born Hindu or not..dats about dat. Though im glad that you still visit temples and follow hindu rituals but if you have converted to Islam then you r still a Muslim and will remain Muslim forever unless u decide to convert to some other Abrahamic religion like Christianity…as there is no official conversion process iin the Vedas or puranas to convert back to Sanatan Dharma…btw Islam is a beAutiful religion if you ignore some of the misunderstood concepts like Jehad or Qurbani..its truely evolved religion and i suggest you shud read the Quran and follow Islam with true faith Nd patience.
History tells us that Brahmins of India had their roots in present day Iran-Iraq region, the earliest Mesopotamia civilistion, that means brahmins of india are also outsider
Hi Karan. Firstly some of the things that the Admin suggests are just to HARSH . He totally sounds anti islam.
I am not a great fan of this religion either but to hurt someone is not the way .
about your girl here is what you can do-
– sit her down speak to her calmly. Tell her see I love you very much but my religion is as important to me as yours is to you.
– You continue praying to yours and I will to mine. Ask her why she is so adamant for you to convert. is it to please her folks or for herself?If its only to convince her folks, I dont see a reason why you cant temporarily convert, get married and come back to your religion . I have done this for my girlfriend.
– SHe is my wife for over three and half months. Her family is happy, but she does everything hindu like and appreciates me going to my temple, doing just about anything hindu under the sun. She has never been happier.
– If it something she cannot come around, tell her you can do this much, convert to make her folks happy but then will revert and she MUST accept this. If she is not ready for this either, then you have to find a way to leave the woman.
Rahul Brahmin,
Why to make lies and deception a foundation of your long lasting married life? If you do not have any intention to be a Muslim, why to take a fake-shahadah oaths and fake-convert to Islam. Is this not an insult to her faith, her parents, her imams and to Islam?
Why a person with high self-esteem would go and lie to everyone just to get married, when there are many good options available? What is wrong having a civil marriage?
If you believe in God, why will you lie to Allah (or Krishna)? Alternatively, if you don’t believe in God, why you have to marry by religious ceremonies? Why can’t you keep your marriage secular?
Are you saying lies and fake-conversion are good, while to be honest and do truthful things are anti-Islamic?
What do other Muslims think? Are proud Muslims happy with this fake-conversions by Hindus?? What Islam will do collecting these fake-Muslims?