She’ll have to first change her religion

Saif says: March 20, 2013 at 12:09 pm

u wont believe me if i say our story is same to same, im a muslim guy i love a brahmin girl her name is priya too oh ALLAH i dont believe this, we have a same story, i love priya so much i tried so hard to marry her but til now nothing happn plz pray for me, may be 1 day il leave this world n walk away frm her life. -Saif

admin says: March 20, 2013 at 5:51 pm

Hi Saif,
Muslim Boy – Brahmin Girl is a common story here, some reason there is a good chemistry.
Now are you going to ask Priya to convert to Islam before your Nikaah?
Are you going to demand that the children have only Arabic names, have circumcision and raised as Muslim only?
Give us more details of your story and we could help. -Admin

saif says: April 30, 2013 at 7:29 pm

well yes my friend she’ll have to first change her religion n she doesn’t have any problem with it -Saif

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  • May 5, 2013 12:15 pm

    Hi readers,

    This is a completely fake and bogus story. Who will jump into the fire.
    Islam is a most dangerous religion for women because of criminal laws of so called God, as under:-

    1. Killing, murder, slaughter of all infidels that have not converted to Islam.

    2. Killing, murder, slaughter of all apostates of Islam.

    3. Islam orders death for Muslims and possible death for non-Muslim critics of Muhammad and the Quran and even sharia itself.

    4. Muslims deserve death for doing any of the following (Reliance of the Traveler pp. 597—98, o8.7): (1) Reviling Allah or his Messenger; (2) being sarcastic about ‘Allah’s name, His command, His interdiction, His promise, or His threat’; (3) denying any verse of the Quran or ‘anything which by scholarly consensus belongs to it, or to add a verse that does not belong to it’; (4) holding that ‘any of Allah’s messengers or prophets are liars, or to deny their being sent’; (5) reviling the religion of Islam; (6) being sarcastic about any ruling of the Sacred Law; (7) denying that Allah intended ‘the Prophet’s message . . . to be the religion followed by the entire world.’

    5. Islam allows the ownership of slaves – it is a law of ALLAH.

    6.ALLAH permits the raping of female slaves. Indeed in Islam – rape is not a sexual weapon – it is a weapon of war. Having murdered the woman’s man, Muslims can now – sanctioned by the law of ALLAH complete their final humiliation and domination of her body.

    7.ALLAH sanctions the seizing, looting and pillaging of property of murdered infidels.

    8. ALLAH demands a share of the proceeds realized from the sale of women and children and looted property. It is the law of ALLAH.

    9. ALLAH condemns most Muslim women upon their death to the fires of hell.

    10. The ALLAH depicted in the Koran is no ordinary god. He is the greatest slut master of the entire universe. ALLAH has created a deviant sexual paradise filled with virgins with big breasts and lustrous eyes. These virgins re- generate as virgins every time a believer has sex with them. These righteous Muslim killers and murderers of ALLAH are blessed with eternal erections. They are permitted by ALLAH to engage in all forms of orgies, group sex, and sexual depravity.

    11. ALLAH permits the following crimes to be committed in His name and greater glory. (1) Women and children are enslaved. They can either be sold, or the Muslims may ‘marry’ the women, since their marriages are automatically annulled upon their capture. (2) Muslims may have sex with slave women. Ali, Muhammad’s cousin and son—in—law, did this. (3) Women and children must not be killed during war, unless this happens in a nighttime raid when visibility was low. Not as an act of mercy but as a commercial decision. They are money and sex on the hoof. (4) Old men and monks could be killed. (5) A captured enemy of war could be killed, enslaved, ransomed for money or an exchange, freely released, or beaten. One time Muhammad even tortured a citizen of the city of Khaybar in order to extract information about where the wealth of the city was hidden. (6) Enemy men who converted could keep their property and small children. This law is so excessive that it amounts to forced conversion. Only the strongest of the strong could resist this coercion and remain a non—Muslim. (7) Civilian property may be confiscated. (8) Civilian homes may be destroyed. (9) Civilian fruit trees may be destroyed. (10) Pagan Arabs had to convert or die. This does not allow for the freedom of religion or conscience. (11) People of the Book (Jews and Christians) had three options (Sura 9:29): fight and die; convert and pay a forced ‘charity’ or zakat tax; or keep their Biblical faith and pay a jizya or poll tax. The last two options mean that this immoral money flows into the Islamic treasury, to fund Muhammad’s jihadist army so why would Muhammad receive a revelation from God to dry up this money flow?

    12. ALLAH rewards suicide bombers and other killers and murderers Islamic martyrdom which guarantees Paradise to those who “kill and are killed” for Allah.

    13. All unbelievers are to be sentenced to Hell for all eternity.

    14. Murder is only wrong if the victim is a fellow Muslim.

    15. ALLAH teaches that women are fields to be used by men as they will.

    16. ALLAH teaches that women are worth one half of a man.

    17. ALLAH sanctions men to beat their disobedient wives.

    18. ALLAH does not allow Muslims to be friends with the infidels.

    19. ALLAH sanctions that Muslims must disown family members who reject Islam.

    20. Thieves have their hands cut off.

    21. ALLAH ordered that prisoners of war must be killed until all Arabia was conquered for Islam.

    22. ALLAH sent the Angel Gabriel with his merry band of warrior Angels to bring war, death and destruction to the enemies of Islam.

    23. ALLAH created a law allowing Muhammad to marry his adopted son’s wife. This law applied to all Muslim men.

    24. ALLAH created a law abolishing adoption.

    25. ALLAH created a law allowing Muhammad to rape slave women.

    26. ALLAH created a law allowing Muhammad to possess more then 4 wives.

    Of course, these are not the teachings of ALLAH (the ANTI GOD.) These are the teachings of Muhammad. The ALLAH of the Koran never existed. He was created by Muhammad. Muhammad was ALLAH (the ANTI ALLAH.)


  • rupezh
    May 5, 2013 5:37 am

    This is a fake story

  • May 3, 2013 2:26 am

    Saif is nothing, but like Zahid and Zunaid,, a product of Mutta marriage,
    cooking all the time cock and bull stories just to mislead readers.

  • May 1, 2013 7:41 am

    This is a false story cooked to hide the islamic cruelties.

    Islam is a religion of hatred,cruelty, crime, discrimination, rape, torture, violence, intolerance, bomb blasts, criminal activities, rape, halala, mutta marriages, female genital mutiliation, burqa, talak, talak, talak, 72 virgins in heaven for males, bleeding on wedding night by bride to prove virginity, keeping 4 wives, sex with dead wives, no permission for higher education , driving vehicles, voting rights, identity cards in some countries to women,

    Why any girl would like to convert to such tortuous religion.

  • April 30, 2013 9:45 pm

    You knew it very well that she is a “Brahmin-Hindu”, why you said she will have to change her religion? what is your logic for it? If you wanted a Muslim girl, why did not you looked for a Muslim girl, plenty around? Can you ask Priya to come on this site and express her views?

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