Section 7.1: I’m Jain-Hindu girl in Love with a Muslim
Punita says:
I am a Jain-Hindu girl in love with a Bihari Muslim guy. We love each other and his family is very easygoing and broad-minded. His sister has married a Hindu too. I love him and we want to marry each other but my mum is not agreeing at all and we can’t tell my dad as of now. His family loves us together. They are supportive, but my side people will not accept. Please help me! —Punita
Seema says:
You are only 22 and unless your boyfriend is wealthy, you may need your parents’ financial support.
If you lived in the U.S, I would have said that go ahead and get married and wait for your parents to either come around or break contact with you. But you live in India. It’s very hard if not impossible to break away from one’s family. I got back from India two weeks ago and on any given day I would see 10-20 relatives and talk to at least ten more on the phone.
I met a couple a few weeks ago. They are both Hindus but from different parts of India. They had been dating for years. The girl’s parents, while not thrilled, had given their blessings but the boy’s parents were adamant that he would marry within his own caste. They told the boy that he had to choose between them and the girl. He chose her and they walked out. The couple went to a temple the same day and got married. Now, they have no place to live and no contact with the boy’s family. Not only did the boy lose his parents but he also lost his Chachas, Chachis, Mamas, Maamis, cousins etc? Was it worth it? —Seema

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