Section 6.3: I Couldn’t Ask My Love to Embrace Islam
Tasneem says:
I think it’s disgusting how people want to degrade each other’s religions. I’m a Muslim woman in love with a Sikh man and although I feared what would happen and worried how we are going to be together, I have now come to the conclusion that I don’t care what the world says. The Koran says a Muslim may marry whomever he or she wants to marry provided they are Muslim. I could not ask my love to embrace Islam because I don’t want him to do it for me. If he learns about my religion it will help him understand. If during this learning he decides to be a Muslim then I will thank Allah for giving me this blessing. In turn I am willing to learn and understand his religion too.
If we can’t get married and it isn’t in our kismet (fortune) then we won’t marry and may Allah give us the strength to live our lives righteously with each other. We will never marry anyone else.
I just pray people stop spreading hate and show respect to each other and their religion. —Tasneem

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