Section 5.7: About to Marry a Muslim Guy, but Now No More
Madhavi says:
First of all thank you so much for giving me this wonderful platform where I can express my emotions.
I am a Hindu Brahmin girl. I was in a relationship with a Muslim guy since last 1 year… and in due course of time; I came to know much about Islam and Muslim people. They are not bad at all but I condemn the teachings. I was so happy thinking my boyfriend is so supportive… then as time passed by and we actually began to think about the marriage… first he asked me to choose a name. I asked why? He said I need to have a Muslim name in order to get married to a Muslim guy. Initially I was so happy thinking my boyfriend is so supportive. Later I sternly refused to change my name, but he said that is indispensable. I somehow, out of love, or out of madness agreed to do so… please don’t yell on me now.
After that, Ramadan came, he asked me to keep Roza. I asked my panditji (priest) if I can… he said all Gods are same. We, all human beings have same destinations, though the paths may be different. Panditji said our religion recognizes and respects all Gods and all other religions. He said you could believe in Ram ji, believe in Allah and believe in Jesus as well. So, I started keeping Rozas, with proper sehri, iftaari, and reciting duas.
It was his birthday, and I wanted to go to a (Hindu) temple and pray for his better future. When I asked him to come along with me, he refused and even asked me not to go. Why? He said, because I kept Roza, so I can’t. He said now you cannot worship your gods. You just have to accept Allah and nobody else… I completely refused. I went to the temple, but continued with the Roza.
And yes, he celebrated Diwali with me last year and he accompanied me to Mahalaxmi temple, though he didn’t know how to do puja but he bowed his head and at least stepped into the temple. However I won’t be allowed doing so after marriage.
I love him, but the fact that his parents would never accept me as a Hindu, and I can’t change myself to win his love. Love has no religion. —Madhavi
Madhavi says:
I was about to marry a Muslim guy, but after reading this I actually changed my decision. I was researching in Islam when I came across this blog… thank you so much for making me realize what horrible mistake I was going to commit.
Its not that I hate Islam, I kept all Rozas this year, but I fail to understand the following points… I would be highly obliged if someone can throw some light on them…
1. Why is Islam so sex oriented? I mean there is life beyond sex too… e.g. wife can be beaten if she protests against having sex?
2. Why women have to wear burka and hijab but not men?
3. Why men can be polygamist and not women?
4. Why Allah does not recognizes any other religion when Hinduism states that every God and every religion is equal?
5. Is qurbaani on Bakra Eid is justified? I know Hinduism has the same thing called bali but now its illegal and not practiced anymore… but is Allah so happy to see his men killing innocent animals and tear them and eat them? This is a height of cruelty! And to top it, the flesh is also given in charity… charity of cruelness, brutal, indecent, punishable behavior, that too with innocent animals?
Today I am so proud to be a Hindu, and I will be till my last breath…
Om Namah Shivaye… —Madhavi

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