Section 5.30: I Fell in Love with a Hindu Boy
Muslimah says:
I have been living my whole life in a Western country, but my parents are from an Asian Muslim country. Growing up with strict parents in a secular country was really hard for me. I was not allowed to do much without their permission. Going to school and college was my way out for freedom. My parents never had a problem with me studying, though they did always want me to marry as soon as possible. I managed to decline all the marriage proposals and continued studying and travelling around the world.
During my stay in India 3 years back I fell in love with a wonderful Hindu boy. To me he is everything and today we are still together despite the differences of religion and culture. We had our ups and downs but we love each other so much that nothing can stop us. We both live in two separate countries from each other but we have maintained our relationship very well and I am just really proud of us because of that.
My mom totally disapproves it and my dad will never accept it since he is a very strict religious Muslim. They will for sure disown me for a while and try to do anything to make me not be with my Hindu boyfriend. I really feel sad about the fact that my family is like this. I wish I could just be with him without causing much trouble in the family. I also feel very guilty about me being with someone who is not a Muslim just for the sake of my parents.
I respect Islam and also my parents believe in Islam, but I would like them to respect and accept my choice of being with a Hindu man for the rest of my life.
I believe in God, but I don’t practice religion since I just don’t think I need it personally. I am not against any religion and I just want my children to learn about all religions and they can choose any religion if they want.
I am planning to tell my parents about me wanting to marry him in a few months from now. At the moment I am busy with my M.Sc. and my boyfriend is focusing on his business in India. I am already financially independent and know how to manage things on my own.
I hope that everything works out for my boyfriend and me in the future. I also hope the same for other Muslim girls in the same situation. I know how hard it is but please don’t give up if the man you are with is really good to you and is making you happy. Because finding a good man is hard these days, regardless of any religion.
Once again I am not against Islam or any other religion. I highly respect all religions and the people who don’t believe in the existence of god. I am not planning to convert to Hinduism and I am certainly not expecting my boyfriend to convert to Islam. Thanks. —Muslimah

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