Section 5.3: Islamic Perspective: Six Points of Hindu-Muslim Dating
Mac contributes at as an Islamic expert. His mother is a former Brahmin-Hindu and he himself, at one point, was in an interfaith love relationship with a Brahmin-Hindu girl in his college. Here he conveys that Hindu-Muslim marriage with equality is not possible.
Mac says:
This message is for those Muslim and non-Muslim youths considering marriage. Since this website (InerfaithShaadi) promotes interfaith marriage with equality, so a Muslim girl or boy must know that in the name of equality, he or she might be out of Islam and become unofficially an apostate. In such marriages, couples from both sides are needed to make some compromises. If the compromise takes one completely out of Islam, then where is the equality in marriage?
1. Food habit: Muslims are generally non-vegetarian. It is because Islam tells Muslims that Allah has made both plants and animals for benefit of humans and the animals that are eatable, can be eaten. Now if anyone doesn`t like to eat meat, it’s okay, it doesn’t make him/her non-Muslim. One can be perfectly Muslim if he/she is vegetarian. But if he or she is forced to leave non-vegetarian food because of the other belief that animals are holy or sacred, then there is a problem. Allah has already told that except Him, no one is holy. So if you leave eating non-vegetarian for dogmatic belief of another religion, then certainly you are going against Islamic principles.
2. Wedding: A Muslim’s marriage is only legal in front of Allah and only if it undergoes through the technical “nikaah.” Involvement in other marriage ceremonies like Hindu rituals or Christian rituals (where oaths are taken in the name of other gods like Jesus or Krishna) is not allowed in Islam and considered as shirk. Shirk is the biggest sin in Islam. Any relationship without Islamic nikaah is considered as zina (fornication). Do you want to fornicate throughout your whole life in the eyes of Allah?
3. Circumcision: Circumcision is a religious requirement for Muslims as well as Jews. Jews circumcise on the 8th day of life whereas Muslims are free to circumcise at any age, but it is preferred at the 7th day of life because Mohammad circumcised his two grandsons al-Hasan and al-Hussein on 7th day of the birth.
4. Alcoholic beverages: It is sin for a Muslim to drink or serve wine or alcohol. So if any Muslim girl is married to a non-Muslim husband and her husband is a drinker, then he may ask her to serve alcohol. Even if she doesn`t forbid him from drinking, there will be sin upon her.
5. Statue (murti) Worship: Worship of any form of statues, murtis, and pictures is sin in Islam and there is no pardon for that. It is the highest form of sin in Islam. Allah can forgive everything except shirk. So when your non-Muslim husband/wife is doing shirk in front of Ram or Krishna, it is the obligation of a Muslim spouse to stop him/her from doing this, else you will be part of shirk. Now if you stop them from doing puja to their pictures or statue of god, then there will be no equality.
6. Funeral: Is your body going to be cremated or be buried as per laws of Allah? According to Islam, no human being has the right to burn another human being whether alive or dead. Allah made Satan from fire; Allah doesn’t want that fire to touch your body.
In reality, interfaith marriage with a Hindu is not possible for a Muslim partner. Either the Hindu has to convert to Islam or the Muslim partner has to compromise, that technically (as per Koran), takes him/her out of Islam. —Mac

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