Section 5.29: A Muslim Girl: My Boyfriend Is a Hindu – Vijay or Omar?
At InterfaithShaadi, we came across a very few Muslims (out of more than 700) who were truly pluralist. The next two sections cover such examples.
Jameela says:
Jameela here I’m in a difficult situation. My boyfriend is a Hindu. My parents don’t like him talking to me. Actually it’s high time and they are forcing me to marry a guy in my area, Omar. I’m crying day and night. I just want to marry Vijay and spend my life with him. But no one from my family is supporting me for marriage with him, due to his religion; I don’t want him to change (his religion).
My dad has given me warning to stop seeing Vijay. I’m educated. I love my parents, but I can’t stand their torture anymore for marriage to Omar. I will run away or die one day, I don’t know. Vijay is earning. His family is nice and he will take care of me. What should I do? I have very less time; I don’t want to leave him. —Jameela
Jameela says:
Muslim brother Abdul. I don’t agree with you. I believe in Allah, and I also believe in the existence of other Gods as well. Just because I love a guy who is non-Muslim, do you think I have no faith? I am sorry to say you have same thinking as my father. Tell me a concrete reason why I should not marry Vijay. Have you met him? What do you mean by this site (InterfaithShaadi) being anti-Muslim? When I saw the case of Punita, she is Jain-Hindu and loves a Muslim boy; you did not say anything? This narrow-minded mentality that my father has is what I don’t like. I love Vijay, because he will keep me happy and let me practice my religion. I will be working too. My Allah has no problem but you half-Muslim half-narrow minded Muslim have. —Jameela
Jameela says:
Hi Srinivas,
I dont think Muslims attack Hindus for marrying Muslim girls. It’s only those Muslim who feel inferiority complex. I am educated Muslim girl and I know about Allah and humanity. Why can’t Muslim girls fall in love with Hindu boys? If you say it’s prohibited in Islam, it WAS prohibited. That rule was only valid within a context. I don’t need anyone’s interpretation to explain it. Why only girls suffer from all the rules? Muslim boys have Hindu girlfriend. That is banned too in Islam but no one preaches Koranic lessons then, but only when we Muslim girls love a human being all the hell breaks loose.
I hate people like Abdul who only misrepresent Islam, he wants everyone to convert to Islam else you are a fool. He is narrow-minded person. I don’t want to get married to a driver or an electrician. I love Vijay. He loves me so much. He accepts me as a Muslim. I have made it clear that I would not convert to Hinduism, even though I respect it just like Islam and that’s all I want. For Vijay I will do everything. If my family hurts him, I will be with Vijay and seek police help. —Jameela
Jameela says (two months later):
By grace of Allah I am married to Vijay now. I cannot tell how happy I am. There is nothing that comes in between our love. I pray and Vijay prays with me. I see so many discussions on this site (InterfaithShaadi) on Hindu and Muslim marriage, I just want to say that some fundamentalists want everyone to convert to Islam, but they don’t know Islam can’t be forced. It’s in Koran. I have seen my parents’ biased opinions on Muslim women marriage versus Muslim boys (Muslim boys are given much freedom, which is against Islam). What I see is lack of love for different religions and culture in their circle, which is usually like being with only Muslims, no diversity. I hope that changes and peace comes to all of us. —Jameela
Jameela says (five months later):
Hi everybody,
Ever since I am married with Vijay, fortune appears to be changing dramatically for good. Both of us have got a good job in a MNC and soon shall be going to Singapore. Another most exciting event of my life is that I am pregnant now. Wow! What a pleasant surprise. My parents have agreed, no problem now, reality has been accepted. —Jameela

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