Section 5.27: I Am a Brahmin Girl Dating a Shia Muslim
Gita says:
I am a Brahmin girl and I am dating a boy who is Shia Muslim. I love him a lot and want to spend my whole life with him. But neither my parents nor his parents want us to marry. Now please tell me what should I do? —Gita
Admin says:
You may marry by the Indian Special Marriage Act 1954. There are many advantages, like no easy talaak, he can’t have multiple wives, there is no need to convert as you would for nikaah, it will assure your parents that he is not a love-jihadi, etc. If many Bollywood celebrities have done it, why you can’t? Don’t convert to Islam just for nikaah (marriage), unless you truly believe in Koranic teachings. Why don’t you propose it to your boyfriend?
We believe it is best to discover the facts now. You both need to collect the courage and present your plan to both parents. Let it be a big hungama (agitation) but you may find a good way out of it.
It is important for you (a Brahmin) and him (a Muslim) to make an “informed” decision. Please have you and your boyfriend review, come to an agreement and then sign this Q&A form. Present it to your parents.
Ten Questions:
Q1) How will you get married? Hindu wedding? Islamic nikaah? Court only marriage? All three?
Q2) Do you or do you not have to have a religious conversion to Islam by shahadah?
Q3) Do you have to accept a new Muslim first name?
Q4) Are you allowed to bring a few Hindu Gods/Murtis in your/their Muslim home and will you be allowed to have a daily puja? (and also have a photo of the Kaaba in your altar?)
Q5) Are the Muslim boyfriend and his parents planning to join you at your Hindu temple and be a part of Satyanarayan Katha while at your parents’ home (and your parents reciprocate by attending a mosque)?
Q6) Do you have to eat meat during Muslim festivals like Bakra-Eid?
Q7) Can your first child have a Hindu name like Arjun and your second child have a Muslim name like Mohammad?
Q8) Do your male children have to have a sunat circumcision?
Q9) Can you teach your children from the Geeta as well from the Koran? Will your (future) husband also do the same to educate them?
Q10) What will you teach your children about who is God(s)? Who are Allah, Jesus, Krishna-Radha, Rama and Laxmi?
Do not assume anything; instead find the facts now. It will be good for BOTH of you to know what you are getting into.
The main reason for any divorce is the complaint that the other party “changed” after the marriage. Actually no one changes, but when in love, one may fail to recognize the totality of the other person. We know you will make a better decision when it is a fully “informed” decision. We wish you to have a happy and long lasting Brahmin-Muslim married life with equality. Best wishes. —Admin

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