Section 5.26: How to Convince My Muslim Parents?

Section 5.26: How to Convince My Muslim Parents?

“How to convince my parents” is a common question asked at InterfaithShaadi. Before convincing parents, youths have to convince themselves for what they are getting into. Next three sections cover such cases. 

Jameel says:

Well, I (Muslim) also have a query. I’m in a relationship with a Brahmin gal for around 4 years. I’m still pursuing my education. We both are comfortable with each other’s religion, but the main problem is convincing the parents. I don’t want to convert my partner to Islam for the heck of it, if she doesn’t believe truly. I don’t give a damn to what the society would say. But I don’t want to hurt my parents. How could I convince them? —Jameel


Are you typical of Muslim youth that we found on this web site? During your dating period, will you keep convincing the Hindu (or Christian) that you don’t have to convert, that you respect their religion, and that there is only one God so why to fight over it, and that you don’t give a damn what society will say, blah…blah…blah… After years of romantic relationship however, will you change your tune i.e. “please convert for my parents,” “I didn’t know this coming,” “please convert for the heck of it,” “it (shahadah) doesn’t not mean anything” and so and so.

You have mentioned, “I don’t want my partner to convert to Islam for the heck of it, if she doesn’t believes truly,” so will you change your mind and love-proselytize to convince her that Islam is the only true religion? In the end, if she doesn’t convert for nikaah, are you going to dump her for the sake of Islam and your parents?

We apologize if we stereotyped you. Let’s hope you are a different, like Jameela, Azad, Seema and Shah Rukh Khan. We admire your thoughts of not trying to convert her. The fake conversion of a Hindu just to please your imam and parents will not be any good for anyone. In the end, she will curse you for being coerced into an Islamic life that she had no intention of being in. Please continue to think of other options.

Tell your parents that this world is for everyone, be that Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Jews, Jains or atheists. Every religious leader tries to prove that they have the true religion and others are wrong. Religious institutions have a vested interest that religious divisions should continue among people; otherwise they will not have money to pay their utility bills. Do not get trapped into religious leaders’ problems. Do what is the humane thing to do.

The religious labeling (BBS) has no place in an interfaith marriage with equality. It is time to respect fellow humans the way they are. Remind your parents that neither you nor they are true Muslims unless you are praying five times a day/every day and conducting your lives 100% as written in Islamic books. What was written thousands of years may have been relevant in it’s own historical context, but many suggestions may not be relevant today.

Ask them how they would feel if your girlfriend asked you to convert to Hinduism? 

By making your Brahmin girlfriend take 2 minutes of shahadah oath for conversion, you would please your parents and the imam, but perhaps not God. God is no fool. He knows what you are up to! Your girlfriend will also not be fooled for long. One day she may curse you for making her change her birth religion. Instead, respect her the way she is and she will double her respect for who you are. Your parents may not like this interfaith marriage in the beginning, but we hope that ultimately they will realize the truth—that she is good human being who respects your faith. Best wishes convincing your parents. —Admin

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