Section 5.21: We Will Marry by Hindu Then Muslim Ceremonies
Many youths in love have a misconception that a Hindu and a Muslim can marry by two respective marriage ceremonies. Here, a Muslim woman Farah helped a Hindu girl realize the truth.
Dimple says:
I am a Hindu girl and in love with a Muslim boy. Now we have decided to get married. The boy has decided we get married in Hindu ceremony and then in Muslim ceremony. As per the boy’s imam, the boy can perform all rituals except the saath phere (7 circles) round the fire. But I am telling the boy he needs to do that because it is necessary in the wedding. Please advise. —Dimple
Admin says:
Hi Dimple,
The boy has to decide if he wants a “Hindu” ceremony or wants to please the imam; he cannot have both. If you ask an imam, what else can you expect other than that answer? The imam is just doing his job. Further, be very clear that the Muslim wedding—Islamic nikaah—cannot be between a “Hindu” and a Muslim; both MUST be Muslims only. That means you MUST CONVERT to Islam before your nikaah.
Now you have to decide if Islam is the right religion for you. If you decide to convert to Islam, make sure you mean it and are willing to be an obedient Muslim wife and ready to raise Muslim children. Unless you are 100% sure of it, do not “fake” convert just to please your lover. This “fake” conversion, just to please the imam, will bring hell in THIS life, not only for you, but also for your boyfriend and both extended families.
Ask your boyfriend what conversion has to do with your love? If you are not sure about changing your faith, get married by the Special Marriage Act 1954. Best wishes. —Admin
Farah says:
Please be aware in nikaah, your Hindu parents are not allowed to attend. Your guy wouldn’t be a true Muslim if he allows them to attend. As you said you are not going to convert, please leave the Muslim guy. Please don’t spoil the Muslim boy; our religion does not permit marriage to you a kafir. You are haram and you kids will be harami, if you marry him.
I wonder how our Muslim boys are marrying you Hindus. As your parents have no love for you, so they tolerate you getting our Muslim guy. You Hindu girls are cheapest. I hope you see the truth and become Muslim and leave you stupid faltu (fake) religion. I will never allow my daughter to marry a Hindu. —Farah
Dimple (to Farah) says:
Ok, now I am realizing. Thanks a lot. —Dimple

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