Section 5.2: Nikaah: The Muslim Marriage Contract
Islamic Law permits a Muslim man to marry up to four (non-Muslim; Koran 4:3) women from the People of the Book (that is, Christians and Jews) but all of the children must be brought up as Muslims. However, there cannot be an Islamic nikaah wedding between a Muslim and a Hindu (Sikh, Jain or Buddhist). For this reason, a Hindu will be asked to take shahadah oath. It takes merely 2 minutes for conversion to Islam. After that, the Muslim bride and Muslim groom can have the nikaah wedding.
Shahadah is the declaration that there is no god but Allah and Prophet Mohammad is the messenger of Allah (La-ilaha-iLLaLLah- Mohammadur-Rasulullah). Worship Allah and join no partner with Him. Associating partners with Allah is called Shirk. Shirk is not only the worship of idols, but also offering prayers or supplications to anyone, living or dead. Shirk is the greatest of all sins.
Nikaah Marriage Certificate:
Nikaah is a contract and not a sacred union. It can be terminated by the husband engaging in the Talaq process or the wife seeking a Khula. The marriage Nikaah-nama certificate is simple. It will have name, address and birth dates of bride and groom. The amount of dower (dowry) will be spelled in the contract. It will also include information if there is any delegation of power of divorce. If the bridegroom has any additional wives, it has to be spelled out here.
Considering this is a within-faith Islamic marriage, custody of a Muslim child will be difficult after divorce for the former Hindu spouse if he/she now wishes to raise the child in the Hindu faith.

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