Section 5.19: Hindu: I’ve Decided to Take Up Islam
Love is blind. It is easy to get proselytized when in love. However, when reality hits, one may want to go back to one’s own roots. For this reason, it is good not to love-proselytize and not to fake-convert just for marriage. Let’s read Sujan’s interesting life experience.
Sujan says:
This site has been helping me a lot in finding useful reviews and information. My name is Sujan, a Hindu guy in love with a Muslim girl for past 4 years. Currently we both are financially independent. We both are professional.
In her home they’re planning to get her married to her cousin. We both love each other truly and I promised her that I’ll do anything to make it happen. I am only son to my parents. I’ve decided to take up Islam so as to make her parents accept me. Here I don’t mean Fake Conversion.
I would like to take up the religion truly from my heart. She never asked me to convert to Islam. I hope things will ease up soon in both our houses. I’m ready to undergo the circumcision process and also name my kids in Arabic.
Any suggestions are welcome. Please guide me whether I’m doing things in a correct way. Thanks in Advance. —Sujan
Admin says:
Dear Sujan,
You have yourself read all that is said here by others on cases similar to yours. We are confident that, in the end, you will make the right decision for yourself (even if that decision is to be a Muslim).
We have two major concerns for your decision to convert to Islam: 1) You are probably in early 20s and 2) your initial motive to convert to Islam is your love for a Muslim girl.
Our first comment: Can you wait to convert to Islam and to marry her after a few more years? Your viewpoints for life may change in a few years.
Our second comment: Be sure you understand and agree with all of the beliefs and requirements of Islam, beyond the love for your girlfriend. Yes, Islam is a great religion for many and it has a lot to offer to them. However, do not make a decision to change your birth religion based on your lover. If she was a Sikh, would you convert to Sikhism?… And if she was a Christian would you get baptized? Be sure you are converting to Islam because of Islam, and not just to “whatever my fiancée’s religion is.” You are converting “to make her parents accept me,” is that correct? If you had never met this girl, would you still have considered becoming a Muslim?
If you went to buy a car, would you go to your car dealer uncle and buy an expensive car from him because he was insisting on it? Would you not at least check the prices with other dealers? How many other religions have you explored? Have you ever read the Koran, Bible, Geeta and material on Buddhism? These are all superb scriptures; how did you come to a decision that Islam is the best religion among all others, beyond that it is your girlfriend’s religion and would make your life easier if you converted?
Tell us 5 main points that you liked about Koranic teachings or about Islam (other than your girl!) that you did not see in Hinduism? In addition, tell us—do you believe that God made this world in 2+4 days and Darwin’s theory of evolution was wrong? Do you believe Mohammad is God’s last messenger? Do you believe that Islam is the only true religion while Christianity, Jainism, Judaism, Hinduism and the rest are not? Do you believe in the Judgment Day that One God Allah will decide everyone’s fate in an hour and that Hindu Mahatma Gandhiji and your parents may get Hell Fire because they are/were kafir and not Muslims? Do you believe that God can be and should be prayed to only in the direction of Saudi Arabia? Someday, will you let all your children and great grandchildren date Hindus and convert them to Islam (until there are no more Hindus left to convert)?
You asked, “Whether I’m doing things in a correct way.” The answer is it depends. Only if you are converting for you and your true belief in Islam, is conversion the correct way. Separate your love issue from your decision to change your religion. Best wishes. —Admin
Sujan says:
Hey guys,
Sorry for troubling you and thanks to all of you who’ve been constantly trying to help me. But I guess our relationship is over. I heard from her friend that she was kind of forcefully and secretly married to her cousin. Seems like there will never be peace of mind in our hearts.
I have decided to forget all this stuff and move abroad to pursue my further degree.
And conversion is no more an option. I guess I had no other specific reason for conversion except her.
And to be true, Hinduism is far better as the girl’s parents never seem to do all this marriage stuff forcefully. It happens with the willingness of the girl.
Thanks once again for helping me guys. Hope to have everyone’s well wishes for my career. Really big THANKS. —Sujan

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