Section 5.13: I Fear Converting to Islam
Alpa says:
I need a suggestion. I am a Hindu Brahmin girl planning to marry a Muslim Guy. I read that without converting we can register as per Special Marriage Act. But is it practical in day-to-day life? I respect all religion and believe in God, only the way of worship is different. But still I have fear in converting as I feel it is a big sin. If at all I convert I cannot stop praying to Hindu God, as it’s inborn in me. I am aware if I keep idols and pray I am not considered a Muslim. So there is no point in converting. However, his parents are ready to accept me only if I convert. I am ready to learn Islamic culture and follow but I cannot give up my religion nor can I leave him. —Alpa
Admin says:
Dear Alpa,
We feel your pain. It is unfortunate that their primary interest is to convert you to Islam. They do not see how good a person you are; their bottom line is to expand Islam. Be very clear that if you don’t convert, most probably, your fiancé will leave you.
To have an Islamic nikaah (wedding), both couples must be Muslim. Not a single imam will perform nikaah of a “Hindu” to a Muslim. You must take 2 minutes of the shahadah oath and convert to Islam if you wish a nikaah. After conversion, the Islamic community will make sure you become a complete Muslim and remain 0% Hindu.
Why you said, “If I keep idols and pray?” You do not pray to idols, you pray to murtis. You see God through an object, made of a marble. Muslims use the Kaaba black cube building as an object to pray to their Allah, Christians use a wooden cross and Jews go to the Jerusalem Stone Wall. There is no difference. All are either idols or Godly objects. Jesus and Mohammad are the most glorified human beings in this world’s history. Tell your boyfriend to remove Muslim symbols from home before you remove your murtis out of your life.
You have good reason to be fearful of converting. Convert only if you wish to be a true Muslim. Remember the FAKE-conversion will ruin your life as well as your husband’s. Do not plan to fool your future husband, his relatives, his imam, the Muslim community and God. Please do not fake-convert. Best wishes. —Admin

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