Scared of his neighbors…relatives…n surrounding

Reema says: July 17, 2013 at 12:44 pm

Hey….actually m in love with a Muslim guy….even though we both love each other he can’t marry me in future…he has a trouble with his relatives…actually his family is educated one…they don’t even bother if he will marry to me…he’s damn sure that he will make his parents agree to accept our relation….but the thing is that he’s scared of his neighbours…relatives…n surrounding…he loves me truly but he don’t want other people to make his parents life frustrated n full of tonts….what can I do…I can’t leave him…as I can’t live without him…:(:'( -Reema

Admin says:

Interfaith lovers must realize that you are not marrying to a person but to the family and community too.

It is going to be fun dating in colleges where you don’t have to deal with society, but as soon as a discussion comes up for marriage, all of a sudden the hell gets loose.

Actually this Muslim boy friend knew his neighbors…relatives…n surrounding from his childhood; nothing has changed. Only difference is he was out there to fool you, a Hindu girl, in college. Sorry, you did not realize this earlier.

Now he will come and proposes you a new solution (just like he never thought about it before) to ask you to convert to Islam by Shahadah before your Islamic Nikaah (marriage). He will use an excuse that he or his family don’t care for all these but convert for the sake of his community. He is a liar. Remember, NO BBS.

You may say “he is different” because you got a love-virus. If he marries you to as a “Hindu”, then we will believe that he is different. Conversion, conversion and conversion is only in their minds, prove us wrong.

We hope you did not cross limits (fondling or sleeping with him). If so, his friends will congratulation him for dirtying a non-Muslim girl. If you don’t believe this, then ask his sister (or a cousin sister) if she (Muslim girl) will be allowed to date a Hindu boy. Remember, Muslim girls are supposed to be pure and protected. It is a double standard!

Reema, you cannot separate him from his society. If you wish to explore and understand his society, go rent a place in his society and live there for 3 months. It is possible that you may be scared of even entering that neighborhood at 9 PM and will get suffocated living there for a week. If you cannot be a part of that society, why bother with such a guy?

It is a mistake to feel that “he loves me truly”, actually his first love is his Koran and his society. If he truly loves you, ask him to move out of that society and marry by the Special Marriage Act 1954. Let us know what he has to says.

Reema, it is better to be late than never. We would have told you long before that this day will come, but we are glad you found it out before getting married.

It is not too late yet, just forget him and start a brand new life without that guy. Assume he was a horrible dream in your life!

We are waiting to hear from you about new developments in your life. Please keep us posted. -Admin

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • kallyan
    September 5, 2013 3:38 am

    don’t think about his neighbours and relatives.better you leave him , otherwise convert him to hinduism before marriage. don’t do any mistake.

  • July 28, 2013 1:41 am

    One more thing,

    Boys and girls while teaching Koran in Madarasas are sodomized and raped by Imams,

    Is it a relgion?

  • July 28, 2013 1:38 am

    Hello Reema

    Is there any religion in the world that:-

    (i) practices female genital mutiliation,
    (ii) sex with dead wife,
    (iii) males allowed to keep 4wives,
    (iv) female needed to be virgin and bleed on the wedding night,
    displaying bed sheets before family members
    (v)Mutta marriages,
    (vi) Halala and tripple talak,
    (vii) 4 witnesses needed to seek justice by a female in the event of rape against her,
    (viii) females treated as whors, sex dolls and field to be ploughed like any thing,
    (ix) has any prophet 0f 59 years old raped 9 years old girl, married and raped hundred of girls? and claiming to be messnger of God.
    Did Allah find this rapist his messenger, no one was available for preaching noble things to the mankind?
    (x) any religion preaching killing non-muslims?
    (xi) any religion luring terrorists by false propaganda of 72 virgins for sex in the heaven, those killed as terrorists?

    Shame on you and other propagators of climinal idelogy of islam

  • Satyen
    July 20, 2013 2:33 pm

    Dear Reema,

    Read the suggestion given by the Admin once again and the following link:

    It will help you greatly in deciding which way to go. Only thing I have to add is take informed decision objectively, based on facts, not on emotion. This is a very important decision for your future life of next 50 years. And lastly, you can definitely live without anybody including your present boy friend or others. It is just a matter of time before you can feel normal. So, don’t decide in haste or you will have to repent for the next 50 years!

  • July 19, 2013 2:42 am

    Hello Reema,

    Are you mad? Do you know how criminal and cruels are muslim guys? You have been trapped just for sexual pleasure.
    Do you know muslim bride has to bleed on the wedding night and bed sheet with blood stains has to be displayed to the relatives/
    Do you want to be in buraqa?
    Do you want to get your genital mutiliated, i.e clitoris removed,
    Do you want to become oral talaq victim?
    Doyou want to face another 3 wives of your husband, who is allowd to keep 4 wives?
    Do you want to forcibly eat Beaf?
    Do you want to become victim of Mutta marriage or Halala, just an indirect way of prostitution?

    Muslim girls are victim of such evils and their attraction towards hindu guys is natural? but what happened to you?
    Do you want him for just loosing virginity and sexual pleasure for a few months?

    You will repent and if you ever wanted to come back, you will be stonned to death or skin pealed off?

    You know in islam it is allowed to trap non muslim girls for sex and multiplication of their population. Women are just sex dolls in Koran?
    You are a blot for your family and ready to give bad name to your parents.

    Ultimately you will be forced one day to become prostitute and entertain males 100 a day.

    • Satyen
      July 20, 2013 2:35 pm

      A sensible advice given by a sensible person.

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