A Researcher needs your help!

NIDI am Maanik Sinha, a Post Graduate student from National Institute of Design and perusing Photography Design. I am in Ahmadabad and Gandhinagar area of Gujarat, India. As a part of my Design Project, I wish to narrate stories of people who’ve got married to a person from another religion. I need to know about their experiences and the way they adjust with each other. Some minute adjustments that they might have came across in their life. I would appreciate if you can share your personal experiences with me. Also propose me names of a few couples you may know.

history_of_design.width-1000This research is strictly for my project purpose. I’ll make sure that your names and identities are kept confidential. I would really appreciate your help, thank you.

Phone: 070-4654-6954 (India country code -91- )
Email : maanik_s@nid.edu

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