More Religious Issues Have Been Coming Up!

Arpita says: January 10, 2019

I am a Hindu girl about to marry a Christian boy. For the past five years religion has not been an issue, but as the wedding date is approaching, more and more issues have been coming up. Recently his parents have been preaching Christianity more heavily and he insists on having a prayer during the reception before dismissing guests to eat dinner. We are having a Hindu ceremony, a Christian ceremony and a separate reception in order to honor both religions. As it is I am uncomfortable with the prayer at his parent’s home. How am I to be okay about a prayer on my big day?? More importantly, he says I am not allowed to have an idol of Lord Ganesha at the Hindu wedding because that means “idol worship” which is against the Christianity doctrine…Ganesh-ji is the remover of obstacles and a symbol of an auspicious start to a big chapter in our lives. I have explained to him that the idol will just be placed there; there is no bowing down by him or his family or any worshiping. But he continues to insist it is nothing short of idol worship. SOS..I need help on this one -Arpita

More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • surabhi
    January 11, 2019 12:49 am

    If a married hindu woman converts to Islam ,can she have Nikah without divorcing her spouse who remains to be a hindu

    or divorce is necessary ..I have heard that after converting to Islam, marriage gets invalidated and the person converted to islam comes under shariat ruling

    Needs confirmation

    • Krish
      January 11, 2019 3:34 am


      How come you decided to marry a muslim even though you are a married women? A muslim can marry 4 women and I am pretty sure this man is wooing you, so that he will go to heaven for 72 hoors. This is based on their Quran. You are a married women and you will lost your freedom and identity in India. shame on you such women.

      • surabhi
        January 12, 2019 6:22 am

        Shame on you for abusing a woman ,and interfering in her personal life ..Didn’t your parents taught you any manners ?

    • January 11, 2019 11:04 pm

      Hi Surabhi,
      Before assuming, contact an attorney to confirm it. We understood that you married by the Hindu marriage act and thus you must end the marriage (divorce) applicable to that marriage before getting into a second marriage. A Muslim wife cannot have two husbands, yes the Muslim husband can have up to 4 wives. Once you convert and have Islamic Nikaah, your new marriage will be governed as per Islamic laws applicable in India and when you wish to end, you must go through the talaak process.

      Why is he not giving you divorce?

      • surabhi
        January 12, 2019 6:20 am

        Admin ,

        Certainly I will contact an advocate regarding this , I asked because the long consuming time for getting divorce in India ..

        Rest I know ,Once after accepting Islam ..One’s life is governed by shariat

        • January 12, 2019 9:14 am

          Hi Surabhi,
          If your new life will be controlled/governed by Koran and Sharia, do you know more about them? Have you found any thing objectionable or you rather not have to follow than into them? If you have not read the Koran, read this and let us know if you love it. Do you know that punishment is death if you renounce Koran/Islam after conversion (Bukhari 9.84.57)? If you are educated and intellectual, is this not a good time to think what you are getting into? Even if your boy friend decline to marry you for what ever reason, would you still convert to Islam? Do you know if your Muslim boy friend is already married? Have you visited his residence personally to see if you are going to live in that place/area? We just want to make sure you do not make decisions out of “blind” love. They say… don’t jump from firing pan to fire!

          • surabhi
            January 15, 2019 11:43 pm

            Hi Admin

            Not converted to Islam due to any love affair , and doesn’t have anyone yet ..I just asked a general query regarding Laws prevailing

            Iam not going back to my previous religion,so no case of Apostasy comes into

  • January 10, 2019 10:15 pm

    Dear Arpita,
    You have came to a right place for help. We have guided some 1200 youths just like you and will be happy to walk you thought all issues. Bottomline objective is to educate him well and thus he will protect you from his parents and church.

    Is that your boy friend’s personal belief, “‘idol worship’ which is against the Christianity doctrine” or he is saying under influence of his parents only? If he is a radicle Christian, then you have lots to undo. Ask him that Jesus and Muhammad are two most “idolised” human beings on this earth, why? In his church, they have idol of cross, Mother Mary, Christmas tree, Santa and more; is he planning to remove all of them? Why he did not bring up these issues for all past 5 years?

    If he has problem with Lord Ganesh in the wedding, does he know that the pandit is going to invoke all type of Gods, including fire God and holy planets to come and bless this couple? Why would an exclusivist supremacist Christian wants to be part of such ritual? As per Christianity’s fundamental belief, Arpita, who is not baptised, is a born sinner. Why he want to be associated with such sinner?

    On your side, why “As it is I am uncomfortable with the prayer at his parent’s home”? What they said was concerning to you? Somehow you have to keep very objectionable things out and accept others to respect each others. What should be rejected and accepted is a matter of debate but it is up to you.

    We recommend you not to get on fights to prove yours and his points (and without knowledge) but talk rationally and find some middle ground (if you are serious). That is where our expertise could be of help to you. Please get back to instruct where should we start? Thanks.

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