Rabia says: May 15, 2017 at 7:32 am

mac, … A girl once asked him why us Muslims are so left behind in science etc nowadays. Why can’t we as Muslims be more advanced and proud of making inventions etc in this day & age? A lot of Muslims go abroad to Western countries to get their professional education and become doctors, scientists, engineers, researchers etc there.

Why, for example, can this not be done in Pakistan instead? Why does Pakistani government spend less time protecting the killers of people who were rumoured to commit “blasphemy”, or spend less money on their ever-increasing defense budget, and instead use that money & energy on scientific advancement?

just some food for thought… –Rabia

Admin says:

Hi, Rabia,

You have raised a great question worth discussing. Being a cancer research scientist and have spent more than 40 years in the medical research field, let us share our view points on this subject. Science requires open mindedness and financial support from government. You decide where those two points stand when comes to what Muslims want.

Christianity: Galileo was imprisoned because he discovered things against the Biblical teachings. It was not in the interest of churches that such disclosures gets out of hands. Later, luckily, Christians decided to settle for science and not the church. Now the West if enjoying prosperity.

China: They surpassed Buddhism/religions and instead focus on economical progress. Now China is a world power.

India and Pakistan: Both these country have same type of people, same land and same type of financial issues. In about 1965, India decided to put all money for science and maths and created lots of engineers and scientists/doctors. Instead of that, Pakistan’s Zia-ul-Haq decided to take the country to Islam. He Spend all spare money in creating Mosques and madrasas and banning all non-Sunnis. Results are obvious today. Pakistan has now very strong Islam base and no one has daring talking against Islam. Since there are not many jobs, that created rooms for al-queda and other fanatic organizations. Compared to Pakistan, today, India has lots more peace and prosperity.

Within India: Indian Muslims are less educated and poorer compared to counter parts Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Christians and Parsia. However, Indian Muslims have maximum number of kids because Allah said so.

Turkey: We visited Turkey four years before and found the country to be prosperous. However, at that time, President Tayyip Erdogan was spending lots of money building Mosques in every town and government spent lots of money taking control of mosque management in Turkey. Burka was banned but he lifted that and took the country from secular to religious side. Results?… Now Islam is stronger than ever in Turkey. And the economy? Tourism is drastically down and economy GDP was all time high of 823 USD Billion in 2013 when we visited, but today 717 USD. Only thing up is the bombing and terrorism.

Pakistan and Turkey’s problems are increased because government decided to give importance to Islam and less to progress, open-mindedness and science. Results are apparent, load and clear.

Which scientist wishes to go live in Saudi Arabia, even for any amount of salary? Muslims have to decide what is more important for them. Good luck!

Don’t blame others for Islamic issues, but always remember there will be 3 fingers towards you when you point one finger to others.

mac being a scientist, we wish to hear your views. -Admin

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  • Arnab
    August 1, 2017 10:50 pm

    When it comes to Religion vs Science, it is obvious that science is well ahead of religion. But there are many aspects in various religions which is inter-connected with science. For instance,
    Fasting in Hindu religion has many health benefits including Neurogenesis, DNA-Repairing, etc.
    Circumcision in Islam can reduce the chances of HIV infection.
    But when it comes to – why the muslims are not at par with other religions in various educational fields , here Genetics have some thing to offer.
    Several Islamic countries throughout the world promotes ‘Cousin Marraiges’ which is a less debated topic and lead to defective and lower IQ offsprings and as a student of Genetics I can say that without any hesitation. Statistics have shown that too – 70% population of Pakistan, 60% of Saudi Arabia etc are inbred. As a result of nearly 50 generation of inbreeding, the average IQ of muslims have gone down.
    The example is that only 9 muslims till now won Nobel Prize and out of them 5 were for Peace Prize.

  • mac
    May 17, 2017 3:18 pm

    Muslims as a whole are behind in science and technology, it`s true, that`s not because of Islam, that`s because of mistakes made by their leaders, in last few centuries, leadership problems had let down Muslims most, while Hindus fortunately had leaders like Nehru who forced modernity on Hindus. But Hindus as a whole aren`t advanced, India is still the most backward country in many aspects. And the fact that majority of Hindus believe cow as their mother and hate people based on such belief, shows their mind is far away from rational scientific beliefs, even the uneducated muslims are okay with someone else eating pork.

    • May 18, 2017 12:07 pm

      India has progressed much better compared to neighboring Pakistan, only difference being the religion. Within India, what is your feeling for overall education of Hindus verses Muslims?

      Agree, if some Hindus were not fanatics, India would have progressed little more but how about fanatism of Muslims in India? Are you saying all faiths should give up religious radicle thinking, and in all countries?

      • mac
        May 18, 2017 3:06 pm

        Education of Hindus is high because govt provides them reservations.

        • mira
          March 18, 2018 4:06 am

          Mac I am Hindu I don’t get any reservations.tell me it is possible to get reservation I need it please tell me how I get it???
          By which law I get reservation in the name of my Hindu religion?

  • mac
    May 17, 2017 3:13 pm

    Interestingly Admin has left out two most Islam obeying country Indonesia and Malaysia which are doing well in the field of Science and Technology, especially Malaysia. And Iran as well.

    • May 18, 2017 12:08 pm

      You got to compare two mostly similar countries, except religion being different. Please compare Islamic Malaysia and secular Singapore and let us know your findings, thanks.

      • mac
        May 18, 2017 3:05 pm

        Then by that logic, you can`t compare muslim majority countries with west since they aren`t similar countries.

  • Rabia
    May 16, 2017 2:21 pm

    Also, as a reply to your observation “Indian Muslims have maximum number of kids because Allah said so”,

    What you are referring to comes not from an obsession to increase Muslims’ numbers and expand Islamic rule in the world (as so many Indians on this forum think) but from a mindset in Meccan society where they used to bury female children seeing them as a burden. All practicing Muslims I know today are practicing some form of family planning and do NOT have 10+ kids.

    Again, my global circle of Muslims that I am using here as an example is perhaps a more educated circle who believes in family planning / birth control etc. hence what I observed throughout my life so far has been different than the reality of the typical Indian muslim’s life.

  • Rabia
    May 16, 2017 2:14 pm

    “Don’t blame others for Islamic issues, but remember there will be 3 fingers towards you when you point one finger to others.” – could you explain what this means, Admin? Why point 3 fingers back and not just 1? That would be the fair thing to do, wouldn’t it 🙂

    • May 16, 2017 2:21 pm

      You said, “He also spoke about how the media is owned mostly by non-Muslims and so there is an obvious bias / propaganda whe it comes to hiding the Muslims’ contributions to the advancement of science.” Tell us who is to blame? Are you saying what we summarized above is wrong and media is to be blamed?

      • Rabia
        May 17, 2017 2:33 am

        Admin, your summary is more or less accurate with some factual details missing from it which would have made more sense. I can email you privately if you are interested to know what those things are.

        Who is to blame, you ask? Dr Naik should probably answer that since those were his words. But my two cents is this: Both Muslims/their governments and the media.

        I have already raised the question of where/how muslims are to blame. Whatever I didn’t, your comment above did.

        But answer me this:

        Do you ever see any show on the American media which talks about Avicenna being a Persian whose name was Ibni Sina? Only educated people who would bother to read up on this stuff would know the contributions of Muslim scientists to the development of modern day medicine etc. The media does play a big role on influencing people’s thought process and knowledge, this is where the common man gets their information from. Nowadays, Islam is only associated with acts of terrorism, the term used is “Islamic terrorism” – how much more obvious does it get? Nobody bothers to look beyond that because it’s the easier thing to do. It’s much harder to use your brain, so why do that?

        I specifically said “American” media because in Europe (at least whatever I have observed) things are a bit better, they are not willing to blindly accept the discourse of Islam = terrorism and they have more muslims in Europe so they interact more with them and learn from them personally. Of course some people will always think that, no matter how many Muslim neighbors they may have, but that’s ok. You cannot change everyone’s mind.

        To be fair, even Americans are more educated now, and Trump has made things better in a strange way, people are coming together (at least in some parts of America) to oppose that kind of bigotry and anti-Muslim sentiment.

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