Iam proud to be an Indian. .
India is my country..All indians are my brothers and sisters.. .
You know i will refute to say vande matram. thats what u are telling to say.. right?
If you ask why am i refuting to say vande matram..because its against god’s commandment…

we even die for our country but we cant bow to our country…
bowing is only to Almighty .not to land. . land is given to us only by Almighty. . . .
and who wrotes vande matram.. its bankim chandra chattopadhyay. . its a political move. . -Muhammed
View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
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I am an Indian, view this beautiful 2 min video
Who was Bharat and who was his mother? why should i bow down to Bharat mata, i don`t bow down to any fake image of bharat mata, we have constitution of india and we accept it, i don`t give a shit about what a communal bigot like Bankim chndra had written 100 or so years ago in his religious book `Aanadmatt`. Sikhs also deny to sing this song, some Christians group also oppose it.
Such a conduct, in the moral world is termed as ‘treachery’. Even accepting the backstabbers and opportunists, as her own children is Bharath Mata. Humanity and ethicality, is India’s piety.
Thanks for the revelations, such a conduct provides us the moral strength that we’ve opted for the right path, by God’s grace.
Momeen, this is not what i asked, i asked who is Bharat and who is his mata or who was his mata and why should we now bow down to his mata?
A good point by mac ” Who was Bharat and who was his mother? why should i bow down…”
India is a land…. not any mother…….
Mac,Your forefathers created Pakistan to follow the commandments of Allah. Why don’t you migrate there to follow your religion. You will mention the secularism and constitution for your right, but you must accept that India is a secular country and here people like you are antagonizing the Indian nationalism because Hindus are majority here ? If it would have been a Muslim majority country you people would turn the country in to an Islamic republic. Taking the advantage of the generosity of Hindus you are playing anti national game. But we can not allow to do that. This is not 1947. Don’t forget. If any one desires to live in India he/she must follow the core principles of Indian nationalism. If any one desire to follow the Arabian nationalism in India , he has no place in this country.
Pantheism and idolatry witness the extreme spiritual bankruptcy…a human soul could ever exist with…
According to vedas…upanishads…& geeta.
May the creator bless us with wisdom…
You deny presence of God every where?Dont you see that whole universe including satellites including earth are functing millions of ages without any deviation, who are controlling and guiding them. Why different species have unique features, who have created? Can you create a separate specy with unique features,who is taking care of millions of species whether on the earth or water or in other premises.
You fool depend on the evil teachings of Mohammad and Koran, which spreads, violence, hatred,murder, killing, kidnapping, raping, arson, bomb blasts, sex, mutta marriage, hilla marriages, circumcision, FMG, Burka, sex with dead wife, discrimination against females, kaffirs, 72 virgins available for sex in heaven for terrorists and so on………………..
Fool people like you only accept without any logical proof . . .if god present every where on tree,people,stone,water,fire,sun etc. . then why it is harming you. . .
for ex. . sun. .if god present in sun then why you cant see with ur naked eyes, if god present in fire then why people are burn with fire,. .
its not god present every where.. its god’s power on every where
if two or more gods is present then surely fights among them selfs
Dear Admn.
Dont you feel that at times you deviate the subject matters from the core issues of interfaith marriages.
What is the logic of making a separate blog I refute Vandemataram. Mohammad is a namak haram who enjoys all sorts of privileges from form Indian soil and has a sympathy towards terrorist groups.WHAT IS THE USE OF THIS BLOG WITH INTERFAITH MARRIAGE ISSUES.
Please be rational while making separate blogs.
Such blogs help to expose Islam’s choking hold on it’s followers’ moral stand. Non-muslim men and women who wish to jump into the fire-well should be aware of the depth of depravity.
you guys only barks like a dog. . .do u think people will accept it. .People are not fool to accept
Patriotism, treatment of women and minorities, morals towards POWs, respect towards all faiths, graceful opposition of dissent, humanitarian activities like adoption of an orphan and assistance to non-Muslims- Quran is the best ethical guide! By pursuing the direction, Muslims have already made the earth a heavenly place and hope to enter Paradise for all their saintly deeds!!
‘Cognitive dissonance’ is a psychological concept which aptly describes the cult behaviour of Muslims, i.e., they desperately want to enter heaven and for that purpose they are hungrily burying morality and humanity. Normal persons can perceive the incongruence of the two actions but never can a cultish mind!
Hi Muhammad,
We thank you for your contributions to this web site. You are really educating us about Islam, THANKS.
It may be our ignorance but still let us ask. You are okay bowing to (the direction of) Saudi Arabia five times a day but not ready to bow to your mother land? When you bow to Kaaba, how do you choose your direction? How are you sure your bow does not fall on Jerusalem and only on Kaaba?
You will say you are not bowing to Kaaba black cube but to God, but it is the same a Hindu (Christian) may say he/she is not bowing to that marble (wood cross) but to the Almighty. All are same. It is your faith that count, not the direction, medium or method you use, agree?