Parsi girl: Why there is inequality?

delnaz says: May 14, 2014 at 7:26 pm

I am a parsi girl. I have a very serious doubt.. I NEED HELP! When a parsi-boy marries a non-parsi-girl, their children are accepted in the community as parsis…. but when a parsi-girl marries a non-parsi-boy, their children are NOT accepted in the community as parsis!
In a community like parsi, which is considered the most literate and developed community, WHY THIS INEQUALITY???

As a 21st century parsi girl, I consider this as my right to raise this question, and if any of the parsi specially is reading this,I request U to post your opinions on this matter!
Common people, raise your voice to enlighten the truth! I really need to know! -Delnaz

More information: Hindu-Parsi Marriage, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Anonymouse..
    May 17, 2014 3:23 am


    A child is always attributed to the father in lineage..

  • Pakhu Begum
    May 16, 2014 12:41 pm

    Don’t say what you don’t know. My brother a born Hind got married with a Muslim girl whereas I got married with the brother of my sister in law.
    A Muslim girl or a Muslim boy can not marry a Hindu boy or a Hindu girl and that
    before marriage i.e Nikah the concerned Hindu boy or the Hindu girl has to be reverted to Islam or else the there can not be a Nikah.

    • May 18, 2014 8:34 am

      If you are a proud Parsi, and if what Pakhu said here is true, keep off from Muslim boys.

  • May 15, 2014 8:40 pm

    Dear Delnaz,

    You have raised a great question. Actually this is the same question being asked by girls of all other faiths.

    If you look at any religion, there is a clear discrimination again women. It appears that God Herself/Himself is discriminatory (read Koran, Bible and Torah and you already know about Hinduism). Why? Why God is only He in certain faiths? It is clear than it is not God, but who created all these religions have discriminated women; and those religious book writers were men!

    Islam also has the same restrictions that a Muslim girl cannot marry non-Muslim while a man can. In Christianity and Hinduism, there is no such spelled out difference between men and women for interfaith marriage, however parents wishes their children to marry within their own faith to preserve their culture.

    One reason is the religious leaders thought women are (were) weak and thus the husband will overpower poor women (read Akansha). However, now women like you are also independent and powerful. Thus there is no reason to have such discrimination today.

    Bottomline, if you are financially independent, go ahead and marry to whom so ever. No one could stop you. After that, if you wish to be a Parsi, who is going to stop you from believing that?

    • Pakhu Begum
      May 16, 2014 12:47 pm

      I am extremely sorry. In fact I have written the above thing in consultation with Mr.Haque but through through mistake I have given his name.Sorry very sorry. Please remove his name and put my name.
      Pakhi Begum

      • May 16, 2014 9:48 pm

        Welcome back this site, Mr. Haque!

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