Parents Against Muslim-Muslim Marriage

Mohamed says: June 9, 2018 at 11:48 am

Hi All,
Am a muslim and in love with a Muslim girl. But our parents are against our marriage. We wanted to get married without knowing our parents. Is there any way to get marry without knowing parents?
Though we feel that anything might happen in future, we wanted to safeguard ourself by registering our marriage. Please do help me. Thanks in advance. -Mohamed

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  • Gokusan
    June 10, 2018 12:34 am

    It seems you two people are already living in a rented place and you are telling how to register your marriage and for that i am giving you a link below read it and make your decision accordingly ..

  • June 9, 2018 2:07 pm

    Hi Mohamed,

    It must be hard not be able to merge with your love. Yes, parents have lots of power and many times they are irrational. But here, you will have to deal with them.

    What is the problem with them? What are their concerns? Is there any way you can talk them out? This will be the best option.

    Assuming you are in India, you can always get married if you are at an adult age. You have two choices: 1) get Nikaah with any imam under the Muslim Marriage Act and 2) get married by the Special Marriage Act 1954. Check with a local marriage bureau and they will explain the procedure.

    One question, where will you go after getting married? Are you planning to move to your parents home as a married couple? Get back to us, thanks.

    • Mohamed
      June 9, 2018 3:32 pm

      Hello admin,
      Thanks for the reply.
      We tried convincing our parents but both the sides are not ready hear our words. There are some ego class between both sides

      We already rent a home to stay. Even after the marriage if they are not ready to accept us, we will stay at that rented home.

      • June 10, 2018 12:02 am

        It is so sad that people don’t recognize others as human being but something inferior. Even she is a Muslim, your Muslim parents find something inferior in her, either her subclass or her parent’s social status. Parents make a mistake of assuming that they “own” their child, but instead they have to accept that the child has come to this world via them. Many times, parents just wish their child marry to a person of their choice, period.

        Here, there is a small fault of yours too. You, as an adult, gave a wrong impression to your parents that you are mommy and pappa’s good boy and will dance at their tune. You should have clarify a few years before that you are now a grown up man and will make many decisions in life that you think are right (but will certainly respect parents).

        Even you ultimately marry to a girl of your parent’s choice, still they will have plenty of complaints for their daughter-in-law later. That can be the way she walks, talks, dress, spend, love her own parents vs your parents, and … end less reasons. Go ask any arranged married couple and ask for their daughter-in-law and mother-in-law’s (sashu bahu) relationship.

        It is good that you are financially stable. It is possible once the parents realized that they don’t have any choice left, they will come around. This will certainly be the case when they have grandchild.

        Still, it is good if you can convince them before marriage and thus every one will be happy. Can you tell them that you will marry in next 4 months (even you don’t mean it), and ask them to come around. If not, it will be their loss. Ask them what are their 1, 2, 3 major issue and try to talk it out. Do you think this trick will work?

        What are their major issues?

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