My Parents Want Hindu Wedding too!

Aditya says: November 11, 2017 at 11:04 am


Let’s consider my name as Aditya and from South India. I am in a relationship with a Pentecost Christian girl for the last 5 years. I am Hindu from birth and she is converted to Christian when she was 12 years. Generally, she doesn’t accept Hindu traditions and so before agreeing my love proposal, she clearly said that we should get marry through Christian culture. And I too accepted for that before 5 years by thinking that I can change her. I am a person who gives respect to all the religion and their cultures. I have no issues with going to church for her. (But I am a Hindu and follow Hinduism and goes to churches for her wish).

Now, we have decided to get married and all the problems started. In my home, they have accepted to get married through Christian cultures. But at the same time, my parents also requesting to get married in Hindu culture too. (Of course, my wish too). But my girl and her parents are not at all accepting to get married in Hindu culture and they are saying that the marriage should happen only with Pentecost Christianity method. In my home, they want to satisfy them by accepting the marriage to be held first with Christian culture and further requesting to do the marriage again with Hindu tradition for our satisfaction. But my girl and her parents are so stubborn and saying that the marriage should happen only with Pentecost Christian method. I have been trying to teach her about humanity and God is one. But she is not at all understanding and saying the same thing that Jesus is the only God.

I failed in teaching her the truth of my personal belief that ‘God is one’ and you can call him as Jesus or Krishna or Allah or whatever you want. So, due to this we are fighting each other most of the times and don’t know what to do and how to proceed further with the marriage. Apart from this, the family background, status, caste and all are nearly equal for both the families and the only issue is the religion. I am really scary whether I can live a happy life with a person who is fighting with me for a simple matter religion and moreover, here in my family they may expect her to participate in the Hindu festivals and which she will not. At the same time, I couldn’t leave her as I don’t want to be in a situation like I have cheated a girl and I still love her. So, I am really confused.
Please share your thoughts and advise. -Aditya

More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Alvin
    November 15, 2017 6:26 pm

    Hi Aditya. you have done what was right by trying to convince her parents that God is one.
    Admin is right is advising to leave her for 3 months and see if she comes to her senses. If she comes to her senses then fine. You may then strictly have to put your conditions on what culture she will follow when she settles with you. Assume you get married to her, Life will be a hell on earth if she fights about religion at home especially with your parents. When you have kids, it would be worse when you find her running to her parents with your kids.
    Stay away from her and wait for 3 months. If she goes away from your life, so be it. It would be a pain for few weeks but a stress free life there after. You will have not cheated on any girl. You had set your conditions for marriage and she did not accept so you had let her go.

  • Hanah Khan
    November 15, 2017 5:26 am

    You are underestimating the power of cult!
    Christianity also has cultish tenets but it has reformed itself as a positive cult. When a non-Christian marries a committed Christian only the non-believer has to adapt to Christianity, sooner or later! Though highly constructive in mindset, Christianity still preaches that Jesus is the only true God and the only way to enter Heaven is to have belief in Christ. Adherents follow the teachings with heart and soul!

    If this guy wants to remain Hindu and wishes that his children should also follow Hinduism, then best option is not to pursue a committed Christian girl!

  • November 14, 2017 9:38 pm


    View this video ..

    If you were smart, just stop talking to her and decline all her phone calls for next 3 months. She will automatically come to senses. We hope you have courage to educate her a right way.

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