Pakistani: I have a baby with my black friend

Pakistani says: February 13, 2013 at 10:53 am

Hi readers,

I am a pakistani lady, 34 years and I live in USA. I wanted a free and independent life and did not marry any muslim guy.

I have a one black friend and I have one baby with my black friend and I love he so much I am thinking 2nd time pregnant with his big black sult.

Now I am also working in gas station with him. No problem to lead a happy life with him including sex and no restriction at all in my daily life style. Very caring and submissive and helpful to me, what else a woman want in her life, good soul mate? -Pakistani girl


Admin says:

Dear Pakistani girl, we understand if you are looking for love and respect. You believe in THIS life, not wrong hopes for the AFTER life.

We are happy that you found a loving guy and having good times, however we have concerns with your plans to have several babies. Just being “very caring and submissive and helpful” is not enough, he should also have commitment for you. If he truly loves you, he should marry you and take full legal responsibilities too. After having multiple babies, if he walk away from his responsibility as a father, you will be stuck for your life. Please do not plan for a second baby. -Admin.

More information: Chritistian-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Koran, Bible, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Haroon
    September 23, 2015 12:43 pm

    i dear tell me ur name u r doing good u should be get pregnant again by his black seeds but tell me did u wear waist chain to look more sexy while naked with ur black bf tell me how u seduce her i want my sister too go for black without marriage she should sleep with any black man help me out how can i make her mind

  • February 18, 2013 10:46 am

    The practice of secret wives exist in Islam. However, are secret wives viewed as mistresses, as well? What are the benefits of a woman being a secret wife in Islam? Polygamy is permissible in Islam. Islam permits a man to have more than one wife at one time simultaneously, as long as the number does not exceed four at a time. So, why would a man keep his second wife a secret from his first wife and family, his relatives, maybe even her family, and society? Keeping polygamy a secret is an issue in and of itself, but what happens when a secret wife is added?

    There are men who keep secret wives in Islam as they know or believe their first wives would not approve of them having second wives. The men don’t want to displease their first wives and his and her families. The woman that he wants to be with besides his first wife becomes his secret wife, the equivalent of mistress, as it is a secret marriage.

    Islam elevated the status of women and allowed Muslim men to marry them as second, third and fourth wives. In Islam, the marriage (Nikah) should be made known to the public, and should be followed by a Walima feast. Is that not so? The Islamic system rules and regulations encourage modesty and Chastity and make an effort to close all loopholes of evils and corruption. Isn’t this the reason Islam regard publicity of marriage (Nikah) very essential? The marriage should be publicized to close all loopholes through which immorality can gain access in society.

    If the marriage is not given publicity, people would bring their illicit sexual relationships also under marriage, thus opening a backdoor for the sin to find access to society. Modesty and chastity are the objects of marriage and not the gratification of sexual appetite alone.

    If a husband does not let society know that he has a second wife, does it not open the door for people to suspect the man of having an affair and the woman as being his mistress? Does a man that has a secret wife deprive that wife of the honor and respect of being known as wife? Polygamy is many times secretive. Do some people add secret wives to the secret lifestyle of polygamy?

  • February 15, 2013 10:56 am

    Thanks Admn.

    I shall be discussing with him all details.
    Hopefully we shall be marrying soon.

    • February 16, 2013 6:57 am

      Please clarify all life expectations, especially for what will be religion of your children. We hope no one will ask others to change their religion and decide to raise children in both faiths. Keep us posted. Best wishes.

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