Our family is against our love

Ana says: July 1, 2013 6:10 AM

I am a Muslim girl in love with a Hindu boy..as usual our family is against it..my bf’s father died a year ago and he told his wife that my bf should not have a love marriage..and they promise each other..now my bf mother is saying how can she broke her promise with her late husband..we are planing to have our shaadi by special marriage act..is it good idea?kya bhag ke shaadi karna thik hoga? (is it appropriate to run and get married?).we don’t want to hurt our parents nor we want to convert into each other religion..My parents are seeing a match for me..and our relation is a long distance relationship..please help me..thanks.. -Ana

Admin says:

Dear Ana,

Use the run away option as the last resort.

First you have to find out who are you? Are you a true Muslim who 1) believe in Koranic and Muhammad’s teachings, 2) believe that there will be a Judgment Day and further do you 3) believe that there is only one God Allah and Hindus pray to idols? If you are a true Muslim, then forget about the Hindu guy. You will not only put your life in hell, but also bring hell to your happy Hindu bf in THIS life.

If you are a true Muslim, then you should marry to a Muslim guy who is praying 5 times a day and follow every words of Koran. Further, if he gets additional 3 wives for him, beat you or give you talaak-talaak-talaak in the middle of a cold night, you should not feel bad because you have to believe that it is all good for you.

If you are not a (true) Muslim, then yes, marrying the Hindu guy with the Special Marriage Act. This way, you could remain who ever you are and he cannot marry any other girl till he could divorce you after a difficult court battle. This Act (or Hindu wedding) gives a women lots of power and protection by Indian laws in case of bad marriage.

Further, sit down with your bf and decide what will you teach to your children about God? Read Muslim girl article and ask him to read the Hindu boy article. This will help you prepare for reality of life.

Once you are clear what you are getting into and still want to marry you Hindu bf, then meet the bf’s mother often. Show her that you are like her daughter. Slowly and slowly she will realize true beauty in you and will accept you. Likewise, take your bf to your parents and convince them that he is the best person for you in this World. It will take a year or two for all these, but that will be a win-win for all. Best wishes. –Admin.

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Sam
    July 11, 2013 9:01 pm

    Marry the guy if you love secular and open minded person, freedom, of course you must have already tested him, if not test him.and marry him or leave him.

  • Sam
    July 11, 2013 8:38 am

    All Muslims,
    Why are you frustrated…no matter what you say Islam is a dirty religion and whoever follows it will be fooled for life. UK soldiers head was chopped by Muslim in the name of your Allah, a Christian professors hand was chopped by Muslims in name of Allah, Indian army soldiers head was chopped by Muslims, Chinese girl was shot and killed in Pakistan by Muslims, apart from that beheading of Daniel pearl, killing of innocent hostage by Muslim terrorists in name of your Allah, Chechnyas Muslims terrorist killed many Christians in Russia..there is a long list of what Muslims have done in your allahs name. So now don’t give that bullshit that Islam is peaceful, what Muslims do do not represent Islam, bullshit. Whatever Muslims do totally represent truth about Muslims. Its good that Israel is true answer to you Muslims atrocities on non Muslims. Anyways you are going to answer rubbish, which we all know..so waiting for you bullshit answers and by the way. What’s the punishment for Muslims who leaves Islam, acc to sharia law?

  • ana
    July 6, 2013 6:25 am

    dear admin,
    its nt dream lov..v vl mke dt in2 realty…n 4 my parents..wn chldrn wnt 2gt maried 4rm othr comunity..usuly parnts dnt aprecte dt n usuly thy r agnst..bt its up2 us 2 mke dm blve dt wt v r dng z r8 n our lyf partnr is worth..aftr mariage parents do agree..bt it tkes lots of efort n tym..n as I told earlr wn me n my bf our 2ghtr v cn fght ny obstcls.n as 4 mariage..i vl mary 2 him nly..i dnt wn2 regrt dt y I hv nt mary the one whom I lov..in my lyf I dnt wn2 regrt 4 any thng..i knw he worshp idol..bt I cnt hide the fct that hw mch he lovz me..in my lyf thr wr many ups n down..u cn sy a lot..wn no one undrstod wt I wnt..or wt I ws gng thru..thr wr many sucidcl thoughts also..bt only he ws thr 2 hlp me to mke me rlze dt hw beautifl lyf is..b4 he cmd in ma lyf I attmptd sucide by ctng my wrist..bt luckly m alve..bt wn he cmd al my dpresn jst vanishd ot by bng wd him…i fl cmpl8 wd him..if I leave him I vl die..i knw I vl b thrwn in2 hel by marng him..bt 2b hnst..i cnt lve him..cz I lov him a lot..so ppl ot dr jst pray dt asap v get mard..n lead a hpy lyf..n plz admin dnt sy dt it is a dream lov cz it hurts..thnxs

    • Satyen
      July 8, 2013 8:04 pm

      Dear Ana,

      Congratulations for getting your love and wish you all the best for your forthcoming marriage. Who said that you will go to hell for marrying your love? Why can’t you believe me that you will go to heaven if you loved all the humanity? Not everything is right written in Quran. Do you think that it’s right for a Muslim woman to marry a bad Muslim rather than a good Hindu as prescribed by Quran? If not, why stick to this book given to us by a person who married his grand daughter like child of 9 years when he was 54 years old? Not only this, that person left behind 9-10 widows, mostly in their late twenties and early thirties, with no permission to marry! He also married his daughter-in-law! Do you think he gave you the message of Allah? Think about it.

      May Allah give you Hidayat to rescue you from the slavery of Muhammad!

  • ana
    July 6, 2013 6:10 am

    hey guys my bf.mom iz rdy 4 our mariage..:-):-)m sooo hapyyy..n admin I lve in mumbai n he in delhi..n v met ech othr..n I knw I vl b thrwn in hel bt I cnt lve my bf also..cz v bth lov ech othr a lot..thnxs 4 al d sugstns n advce

  • ana
    July 5, 2013 3:06 am

    ya its a intrnt lov n its been 2yr..n m vry proud of my lov..i do blv in lst day n I do blve in prophet muhammad…n I also blv dt my god vl b hpy in my hpins..i knw in quran its clrly said u cnt mary a non blvr..bt wn I fel in lov wd my bf I got a hint dt he iz a one..n I cnt lve wdot him..i vl b hpy wd him only..n the same goes 4 my bf also..i knw relgn mttr’s a lot bt lov iz also imprtnt..n wn v bth r 2ghtr v cn fight al the obstcle..insha allah…

    • July 5, 2013 10:55 pm

      There are many issues we see in your relationship and beliefs:

      First, yours is an Internet love, probably from different continents. Probably you have not met him in person or know his parents and community. How are you going to get visa for him to come to your country to get married? Will your parents support your marriage to a Hindu? These types of love are “dream” love, but too far from reality of life.

      Note the Special Marriage Act is applicable only if you are getting married in India (and other country will honor that marriage). If you are in the West, there is no such special act, but all marriages have to register in a court. If you are in an Islamic country, a marriage of Muslim girl to a Hindu is not valid.

      You believe in Koran, Muhammad and the Judgment Day, but do not want to follow what Allah has said about your marriage to an idol-worshipper polytheist Hindu. Allah will certainly send you to Hell Fire (along with Gandhiji, your boy friend, Barak Obama, Mother Teresa, etc) on the Judgment Day. Wake up, educate yourself, Ana!

    • Tenali
      July 6, 2013 3:00 am

      Since you mentioned that that you have strong belief in Mohammed & Quran, it is better for you to look for a suitable Muslim guy. Leave that guy alone!! It might pain you for few months but that will not linger in the long term.

  • July 4, 2013 3:16 am

    Hello Ana,

    Have patience. Let the things cool down.
    Please ensure that yourBF is an earning hand for financial independecy,
    and his commitment and loyalty towards you for marrying you only to
    raise family and kids.

    If you are able to convincing his mother, surely she will agree for
    his son,s happiness with you. Regarding your family, if you have attained the age of the maturity and you have the solid support of your BF, there is no problem for marriage under special marriage act.

    Best of luck

  • ana
    July 3, 2013 1:24 pm

    thnxs a lot guys..r disadvntge z our z a lng dstnc rltnshp..so sm tyms its difcult 2 hndle d situatn..my bf mothr z syng its imposble 2 brk her hsbnd prmse..n she z nt rdy..v bth tot 4 a civil mariage..bt m scrd of ma fmly..i knw god vl b hpy in ma hapins bt m scrd of ma fmly membr…

    • July 3, 2013 10:49 pm

      What do you mean by your long distance relationship? Apparently one is in India, how about the other?
      Do you really know the guy personally, we hope it is not an internet love.

      You said, “my bf mothr z syng its imposble 2 brk her hsbnd prmse..n she z nt rdy”, but believe us, once she start knowing you well and start liking you, she may change later. But for this, you have to meet her personally for many times, may be a year or two.

      You said, “bt m scrd of ma fmly”, why? Are you (or the bf) financially independent? You have to do that will make you happy, and parent should be happy with your happiness.

      Let us ask you again, as you a “true” Muslim? Do you believe in the Judgment Day and Muhammad? Very first thing you need to do is to find out who are you.

  • free thinker
    July 2, 2013 4:27 pm

    hi dear…

    its almost the same problem that every love birds face often …I would say try to convince your mother till the end ,keep the runaway solution as final solution , you can meet your guys mother once and try to convince her, and also keep pushing your guy to convince his mother, mothers are soft hearted and at last they agree ..all the best to both of you and god bless you

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