One day you have to face ALLAH

Interfaith Shaaadi fully supports below collection of views in terms of “finding truth” and making an “informed” decision for an interfaith marriage. All Muslims in love with Hindus have to answer, …are you a true believer in Islam or just name-sake Muslim? If you are a true Muslim, believe in Koranic teachings and believe in Muhammad as God’s messenger, do not marry an idol-worshipper Hindu. Further do not try to name-sake or fake convert Hindu intended spouse, it will only ruin lives of two youths and their extended families.

We will make collection of all pro-Islamic messages on this page to help “true” Muslims make up their mind. All are welcome to share their views.

Feraimon says: December 19, 2012 at 4:36 pm

greeting everyone, salaam to all Muslim brothers and sisters.

interfaith shaadi become very common this days. few things i want to say about it. please do not take it personally or think I am a extremist.

i have lot of non Muslim friends and have friends she is in love with Hindu boy. do not judge Islam by some Muslim guy and girls behavior get proper Islamic book, quran with translation read it. brothers and sisters before you ask someone else about what should you do it is better to find out the truth about it yourself. sometime its depend on …are you a true believer or just name Muslim? if you believe in Allah almighty then you should find out what He said about interfaith marriage. there are lot of way books, net, proper Islamic websites, you can find out get proper hadith book read it find out. am sure you will get your answer.

Allah says do not marry a non believer unless he become a believer. he or she should become Muslim for just to marry you, they should become Muslim as its a true religion. I ask everyone to think about after life when your are dead you go to grave on your own and you will have to answer. no one will be there to help you read about punishment in grave. please do not disobey Allah direct order. you may have lot of friends, community helping you. but no one will be in your grave to support you.

i am not a narrow minded Muslim and i don not have any problem with non muslin i live in a country with majority christian and Jew. but if you love a non Muslim try to explain to him show him the true beautyfull site of islam. I have a English friend he become Muslim and when took his shaahada he said i become Muslim because I have read study Islam and Allah guided me to right path. if i dont study then seeing this days Muslim people behavior I would have never become Muslim.

SRK performing pooja, will he get Hell Fire?
so please people do not judge or comment about Islam study yourself and find the truth. you how much time you spend watching movie, net, outing, shopping?? make little time to study and Allah almighty will guide you to right path. remember ONE DAY YOU HAVE FACE ALLAH WHAT YOU WILL ANSWER THEN?? WHO WILL HELP YOU WHEN EVERYONE LEAVE YOU ALONE IN YOUR DARK GRAVE? CLOSE YOUR EYE FOR A MINUTE AND THINK HOW LONG YOU WILL LIVE HERE 80/90 YEARS THE FINISH YOU MUST DIE SO TRY TO DO GOOD BECAUSE ONLY YOUR GOOD DEED WILL GO WITH YOU AND HELP YOU IN YOUR DARK GRAVE. may be i didnt explain properly but i didnt mean to hurt anyone feeling. may allah guide everyone to right path. -Feraimon.

Indian says:

There are two types of people either the one who believes in ONE GOD Allah or does not. Which god will you believe in hinduism? there are more millions of God and goddess and statue. Which is nothing but a handiwork of devil to misguide humans. -Indian.

aamir says: December 21, 2012 at 10:44 am

he he he he he what can i say more than that just wait for your death u’ll know what is fake n what is truth. -Aamir

Salim says: August 29, 2012 at 7:41 pm

I m hundred percent sure that you (Khan) are not a Sunni and a proper believer of allah, you don’t respect Mohammed also, shame on you. You are an idiot, spoiling our islam. You are a shia or ahmedi

Yeh ladki to salli prostitute hai, baki muslim ladkiyo ko bhi yahi taaleem de rahi hogi. Muslim girls are for us others have to convert to marry us, else we would dump you after sex.

Zahid says: Islam is a scientific religion. Islam gives all rights to women.

Zahid: hinduism is worst and evil religion in the world and has no logic. these hindus will always try to brainwash you againest islam. islam is only religion. hinduism is religion of satan.

Also read:
Islamic Women Today,
Hindu-Muslim marriages,
Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,
Muhammad and my Cat,
HIndus, Abrahamics and Intolerants,
Can Allah be the Father God,
Jealous God,
Muslims will not understand pluralism,
Is SRK a Muslim?,
45% of Muslim marry outside their faith,

Be a friend on Facebook. Return to To share your experience, read.


  • November 7, 2013 7:31 am

    If some one is obsessed about the idea of THE JUDGEMENT DAY, he/she should keep in mind that the Judgment Day concept is one’s “faith” and not “truth”.

    Even it it proves to be truth, it is possible that on the Judgment Day, to a Muslim’s disappointment, Jesus and the Father God may show up!!

    It is likely that in your grave, you may have to wait for 1,000 or even 100,000 years for your dream day. When you will realize in your grave that the J-Day probably will never come, you will kick in your box with regrets.

    Instead learn to believe heaven is right here, today, in front and surrounding us, and enjoy every minute of it. Start enjoying the “present” moment. Learn to enjoy today; don’t waste “today” in dream of “tomorrow”.

    Wake up dreamers!!

  • islam
    January 11, 2013 12:49 pm

    Islam gives women right to marry a muslim man and she cannot be forced for marriage if she is forced the marriage is did not remain vaild.

  • islam
    January 11, 2013 12:44 pm

    In the Noble Quran Allah (Arabic word for God) says:
    “Mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes,that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of youin the Sight of Allah is the believer who has Taqwa (i.e. piety and righteousness)and loves Allah most. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.”
    “I shall not lose sight of the labor of any of you who labors in My way, be it man orwoman; each of you is equal to the other (3:195)”
    On the light of those verses, Islam declares that it has not come to disadvantage women, but in fact has been revealed to elevate women ever since 1400 years ago, when women in manyparts of the world and especially in the western societies were considered objects that are owned and with little to no rights in the society they live in.
    Before any other religion or system in the world Islam gave a woman the right to inherit, the right to vote and voice her opinion, the right to trade invest and improve herself financially, the right to own – buy and sell, the right to seek knowledge and have a good education, the right to work and has even gone further to oblige the males in every stage of her life, whether it was a father, brother or husband … It’s their duty before God to take care of her, to spend on her, to provide her with the food , clothing and shelter that she needs, to provide her with a good education, to protect her from anythingthat can harm her and to never hesitate to put their lives in stake for her if the need calls them to do so. “As a modern westerner with a career, of course I hadto look into Islam’s attitude to women – I couldn’t be oppressed all of a sudden. But I discovered that it is pro-women and pro-men; in Islam, women had the right to vote in the year 600. Men dress modestly, women dress modestly; neither should flirt with the eyes, but rather they should lowertheir gaze. I think it’s unhealthy to flaunt your sexuality – it attracts the wrong energy back.” (MTV Presenter Kristiane Backer after being a Muslim) “Since Icalled myself a feminist, my early reading centered around women in Islam. I thought Islam oppressed women. In my Women’s Studies courses I had read about Muslim women who were not allowed to leave their homes and were forcedto cover their heads. Of course I saw hijab as an oppressive tool imposed by men rather than as an expression of self-respect and dignity. What I discovered in my readings surprised me. Islam not only does not oppress women, but actually liberates them, having given them rights in the 6th century that we have only gained in this century in this country: the right to own property and wealth and to maintain that in her name after marriage; the right to vote; and the right to divorce.” (Karima Slack, an American feminist from secular humanism toLast but not least I would like to conclude by the blessed sayings of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him:
    “It is the generous (in character) who is good to women, and it is the wicked who insults them.”
    “The most perfect believers are the best in conduct and best of you are those who are best to their wives.”
    “Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers.”

  • December 26, 2012 7:54 am

    Dear redrs,

    An Afgan girl,when she refused to prostitute herself or have sex with the man she was forced to marry when she was about 13, officials said, Sahar Gul’s in-laws tortured her and threw her into a dirty, windowless cellar for months until the police discovered her lying in hay and animal dung.

    In July, an appeals court upheld prison sentences of 10 years each for three of her in-laws, a decision heralded as a legal triumph underscoring the advances for women’s rights in the past decade. She is recovering from her wounds, physical and emotional, in a women’s shelter in Kabul.

    But to many rights advocates, Sahar Gul’s case, which drew attention from President Hamid Karzai and the international news media, is the exception that proves the rule: a small victory that masks a still-depressing picture of widespread instances of abuse of women that never come to light.

    Further, advocacy groups fear that even the tentative progress that has been achieved in protecting some women could be undone if the West’s focus on Afghanistan now begins to shift away as NATO troops withdraw and the international money pumped into the economy diminishes.

    “If you take away that funding and pressure, it is not sustainable,” said Heather Barr, Afghanistan researcher for Human Rights Watch.

    As more details of Sahar Gul’s case have come to light — including the fact that the abuse continued even as, time and again, neighbors, police officers and her family members voiced suspicions that something was wrong — it has only reinforced how vulnerable women and girls still are in Afghanistan, particularly in rural areas where under-age marriages are common and forced ones are typical.

    Sahar Gul, who is now about 14, grew up in Badakhshan, a poor, mountainous province in the north. As a young child she was shuffled around after her father died, ending up with her stepbrother, Mohammad, when she was about 9. She helped with the hard work — tending cows, sheep and an orchard of walnut and apricot trees, and making dung bricks for the fire — but her stepbrother’s wife resented her presence. The woman pressured Mohammad to give Sahar Gul up for marriage after he was contacted by a man, about 30, named Ghulam Sakhi — even though she had not yet reached the legal marriage age of 16, or 15 with a father’s consent.

    In effect, Ghulam Sakhi bought her: he paid at least $5,000, according to government officials and prosecutors, an illegal exchange. He drove off with Sahar Gul to his parents’ home in Baghlan, another northern province hundreds of miles away.

    Ghulam Sakhi’s first wife had fled after he and his mother beat her for not bearing children, according to Rahima Zarifi, the chairwoman of Baghlan’s women’s affairs department, and the mullah in the mosque in the town in Baghlan. In his search for a new wife, there may have been a reason Ghulam Sakhi’s family looked so far afield: they intended to force her into prostitution, according to Ms. Zarifi, who followed the case closely, and officials at the Ministry of Women’s Affairs in Kabul.

    In Baghlan, the girl was immediately put to work cooking and cleaning, but she was able to resist consummating the marriage for weeks.

    She ran away to the house of a neighbor, who alerted both the police and her husband’s family. Ghulam Sakhi’s neighbors and the police forced him to sign a letter promising not to mistreat Sahar Gul, though they let him take her back.

    The warning had little effect. One day, when she complained of a headache, her mother-in-law, Siyamoi, tricked her into taking a sedative that she thought was medicine, said Mushtari Daqiq, a lawyer for the aid group Women for Afghan Women and also Sahar Gul’s lawyer.

    “When she woke up in the morning, she realized she had been used by her husband,” Ms. Daqiq said.

    A neighbor named Ehsanullah said that one evening last summer, as his family ate dinner, they heard screaming coming from the house. The following morning his mother called at the house. He recounted what she saw: “Sahar Gul had lost a lot of weight, her hands were covered with bruises and wounds, one of her hands was broken, but her mother-in-law was forcing her to do the laundry.” He added, “She kept her head down the whole time my mother was there.”

    After a group of elders confronted Ghulam Sakhi, the screaming stopped.

    Frustrated that the girl could not perform the housework they expected, the family put her in the cellar, where she slept on the floor without a mattress, her hands and feet tied with rope. She was given only bread and water to eat. She was also beaten regularly. According to Sahar Gul and Ms. Daqiq, most of the beatings were at the hand of Amanullah, Ghulam Sakhi’s elderly father.

    They described grotesque crimes, accusing Amanullah of hitting Sahar Gul with sticks, biting her chest, inserting hot irons in her ears and vagina, and pulling out two fingernails.

    “She was helpless,” Ms. Daqiq said. “She had no hope for her life.”

    Sahar Gul’s uncle Khwaja, who lived nearby in the same province, and her stepbrother, Mohammad, tried to visit her a few times, but the family told them the girl was not home. The family then threatened Mohammad, warning that he had illegally given his sister to be married. “He had to accept and run back to Badakhshan without meeting his sister,” Khwaja said.

    Then, last December, about six months after the marriage, they finally got to see her when they called at the house with two police officers and heard a voice coming from the cellar.

    “In the light of our flashlight, we found Sahar Gul lying on a pile of hay,” said Shirullah, one of the police officers.

    Her dress was in rags, she was barely conscious and she could not stand after weeks in the dark.

    “She was constantly moaning,” Shirullah said. “She was in a horrible situation. She couldn’t move her body parts, and we carried her to the hospital in our arms.”

    Ms. Zarifi and three nurses washed her and gave her soup and dates. “When she saw the food, she became very excited,” Ms. Zarifi said.

    The police arrested the mother-in-law, Siyamoi, her daughter Mahkhurd and finally Amanullah, the father-in-law — who was discovered hiding in a burqa and a blanket.

    The family told the police that Ghulam Sakhi was in the Afghan Army in Helmand. That was later found to be untrue, according to local residents and Afghan officials, but the claim bought enough time for him to slip away from the authorities along with his brother, Darmak. They remain at large.

    With her mistreatment a big story in the Afghan news media, Mr. Karzai called for swift justice. In a district court in Kabul on May 1, the judge, speaking in front of a bank of microphones on national television, declared Sahar Gul’s three in-laws guilty.

    According to neighbors and to officials who heard the in-laws’ arguments in court, they acted the way they did mostly because they felt they had paid good money for a girl who they said was not pretty, who misbehaved and who would neither work as they demanded nor bear them children.

    Lawyers for the family members say that they deny beating or drugging Sahar Gul, and that her wounds were self-inflicted. They deny confining her in the cellar, and say they had no plans to send her into prostitution. The prostitution accusation was not addressed in court.

    The lawyers, who were provided by the legal group Da Qanoon Ghushtonky, or Demanders of Law, which is financed by international aid, argue that the political outcry caused the trial to be rushed through without due process.

    Rather than showing the lack of legal protections for women, they argued, Sahar Gul’s case underscores the weakness of Afghanistan’s still-developing legal system, one that can easily be swayed by politicians like Mr. Karzai.

    Siyamoi and Mahkhurd are now 2 of 171 prisoners in a women’s prison in Kabul. On a recent morning there, the two women insisted they were innocent and railed ferociously at their accusers.

    “We are being cheated by the court,” Siyamoi said. “If you think I am a criminal, why don’t you pull out my fingernails?”

    A few miles away across Kabul, Sahar Gul lives in a shelter provided by Women for Afghan Women, one of seven shelters the organization has established nationally for abuse victims.

    Sahar Gul played in the sun in the garden in a golden dress and purple shawl and pink bracelets, a round-cheeked, gangly girl. She had made a new friend at the shelter, a 14-year-old girl whose face was scarred by acid by a sister’s thwarted suitor.

    Sahar Gul still bears the scars and bruises of her ordeal, but her caregivers said she was recovering and becoming gradually more independent. She said she had ambitions.

    “I want to become a politician and stop other women suffering the same,” she said.

    Now, however, rights groups fear that schools and clinics for girls may close as international money dries up and the political climate in Afghanistan becomes more religiously conservative, undermining the fragile lattice of pro-women support groups, government ministries and nongovernmental organizations as well as laws specifically created in the past few years to protect women.

    A new 2009 law to eliminate violence against women was cited in the sentencing of Sahar Gul’s abusers, but the law is still barely applied, according to a United Nations report published in November, and it has not been formally adopted.

    Women’s shelters are under threat, with a conservative justice minister describing them as “brothels,” while a new family law that could make it easier for abused women to divorce is being held up.

    In such a climate, the fear is that Sahar Gul’s successful rescue may turn out to be an aberration rather than a new norm, and that it will not help those women whose suffering is not discovered.

    “We have many cases perhaps graver than this where women are murdered,” Ms. Zarifi said. “No one hears anything about them.”

  • Srinivas
    December 21, 2012 11:43 am

    @ Suzanne,

    If you are real, this is my advise.

    Please let that Hindu boy stay alive by leaving him and marrying a guy from your own community. This way, your parents will also be happy.

    Regarding your own beliefs on Islam, it is your choice. Either you can go by your conscience or start learning to be like your Mom. Just because you are marrying a Muslim guy as per wishes of your parent, it doesn’t mean that you have to believe in all those ridiculous things and be inhuman.

    • December 21, 2012 3:25 pm


      I appreciate your advice however i do think your advice is really like black and white. I do not think you understand the situation i am in.

      It might/could happen that my bf and i will get dead threats but does that mean i need to give up? I received many death threats from my father, but today i am still alive. I have thought about this issue and to let him go (even today) but somehow that does not match with my beliefs and what i stand up for.

      I certainly do understand the anger that my father will experience and also the sadness of my mother. But unfortunately i cannot control their reaction and emotions towards me. The only thing that i can do during this process is to always keep the door open to them no matter what happens.

      Marrying someone outside your culture, caste or religion does not make you a bad daughter or son. I would have been a bad daughter if would never be there for my family.

      Just like many other individuals i am a hardworking, honest and caring person. Unfortunately, even for family that is not enough. They would only like to see you as a religious person rather than a good person.

      It is a basic human right to marry someone whom you like to marry. I just cannot believe that today we are still discussing these rights.


  • Satyen
    December 20, 2012 12:05 pm

    From time immemorial, the after life issues have been raised by almost everyone one time or the other. The high majority of humans have believed in some sort of superpower that controls the universe in some way or the other. They gave it various attributes and the way that power controls the people’s lives.

    A few people having leadership qualities, influenced the people’s thought process and crystallised the concept of the Superpower as they deemed fit and named the superpower as God/Allah/Ishwar depending on the languages of the religious leaders. Others just followed them and thus religions were born, giving various options to them to chose one out of those religions or invent another one. There are basically two parts of religions – the attributes of the God and the practices in this life to have a better after life. Let’s discuss both the aspects of the religions.

    Some religions think the God with only virtuous attributes such as compassionate, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and so forth. Other religious leaders attribute some negative characteristics to the God such as cruelty, jealousness, partiality, boastfulness, selfishness etc.

    Now it depends on the the people today to what they think of the God as he/she is not visible. A vast majority of people believes in the God with only virtuous attributes and devoid of any vices associated with him/her. So, the God is invariably supposed to be considered as compassionate, impartial, omnipotent and omniscient and not as partial, selfish, cruel, jealous and helpless.

    Once we have ascertained the virtuous attributes of the God who is always to guide all of us for our well being here and hereafter, we cannot accept anybody as religious leaders who says about the God otherwise. Similarly, with the same attributes, ascertain if we are following the religion or some irreligious cult in the name of religion spread by someone with vested interest. The acid test is what he thinks about the God. This is the simplest way of differentiating the real saints from the fake ones. The fake ones must be discarded because they are leading us to a miserable life in this world and to the worse hereafter.

    I request all the girls/women of any religion to apply this criteria to all the preachers of various religions for your blissful life here and hereafter. Don’t be scared of the aura around them because the most powerful God is protecting you as long as you are not harming others as they are equally loving to the God.

    Now, the decision is yours what you think of the God. Islam means submission to Allah and with this definition, I consider myself a proud follower of Islam. However, one must apply his/her rationality/reasoning to ascertain if he/she is submitting the Allah or to some one else. It’s a very very important issue as today the vast majority of Muslims are not submitting to Allah but are the slaves of Muhammad! The moof questin is “Why”. Answer is simple. Muhammad’s followers have been teaching the people to follow Muhammad blindly in the name of Allah! Today, we hear people saying Allah has ordered us to do this, that etc. but people don’t realise that it’s Muhammad who is commanding, not the Allah. The situation has worsened to so an extent that even the worst of Muhammad’s acts don’t deter the male Muslims from considering him the role model and are forcing the women a stifling life style. Not only this, worst part is even the Muslim women, the victims are hand in gloves with the ideology of Muhammad, bearing the miserable lifestyles and preparing their daughters to go through the same. Some educated Muslims are leading the better life and they showcase that they are leading so a good life but they don’t uderstand that their happy life is due to their partial discarding of Muhammad taught practices in the name of Islam.

    To summarize, following Allah is not following Muhammad and most of the teachings in Quran today are to follow Muhammad, not the Allah. Even the Shahada is incomplete today without his mention! Height of hypocracy and selfishnesh on the part of Muhammad. Most of the time, the teachings take you far away from Allah to make your life a miserable, here and hereafter.

    Islam devoid of Muhammad could be a great religion but unfortunately, Muslim males have seen their luxuries in the Muhammad’s teachings.

    • December 21, 2012 11:07 am

      You have made an excellent point and is worth repeating it here:
      …”worst part is even the Muslim women, the victims are hand in gloves with the ideology of Muhammad, bearing the miserable lifestyles and preparing their daughters to go through the same. Some educated Muslims are leading the better life and they showcase that they are leading so a good life but they don’t uderstand that their happy life is due to their partial discarding of Muhammad taught practices in the name of Islam.” -Satyen.

      Other Muslim girls, can you share your views on this? Why?

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