I am Nepali Hindu in Love with a Muslim Divorcee

Suraj says: March 31, 2017 at 9:37 pm

Hi I am from Nepal .& I am hindu & unmarried
I come here on 2014.I work here.last year on 2016 november I like one girl.but she is islam bt I donst say anything to her jst see only then suddenly she ask my number n start text she say she like me n we being in relation after this.later I know she already married n have 2 child but divorsed.I know this all late bt I not care she married before n she have child I accept to marry n I also ready to change my religion .coz I don’t want ruin her life.I want to make her future also bright .bt now she say can’t marriage between muslim n hindu later got many problem .so what can I do ???? -Suraj

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  • mac
    April 3, 2017 6:28 am

    This is the sad reality of today’s Muslim females, they want to marry Hindu guys who refuse to accept Islam while when Hindu guys are ready to accept Islam,they refuse to marry them, I have seen so many of such cases where guy really wants to become muslim but either the girl or her family is not interested while there are Muslim families arranging marriage with unconverted Hindu guy, both these cases are because of lack of knowledge in Islam among today’s Muslims especially of India and Indian origin people living in abroad.

    • Rabia
      April 3, 2017 12:48 pm

      Dear Mac, can you explain why these girls and their families are not open for marriage if a Hindu man wants to become Muslim? All Muslims i know would be very happy if their daughter wanted to marry a Muslim, and in many cases converts/reverts make even better, more practicing Muslims than we who are born into the culture do

      I am asking out of curiosity because I don’t see how and why it’s a problem for the Muslim
      Girl And Muslim family when a Hindu/Jain/Sikh or anyone else wants to marry their daughter and accept Islam willingly.

      • April 6, 2017 8:17 pm

        This is the problem… from our book, while talking about discrimination of own type: “The author knows of a case where a Hindu-American girl married a Pakistani after religious conversion to Islam. The (former) Hindu is treated like a queen by Muslim in-laws whenever she visits Pakistan. In contrast, her Muslim sister-in-law from Pakistan gets rude treatment from the same Muslim in-laws in spite of her doing all the daily chores. These Pakistani parents do not realize that the (former) Hindu daughter-in-law, in her mind, underwent a fake-conversion ceremony (shahadah oath) necessary for the Islamic nikaah wedding. The Pakistani parents are still unaware today that this couple also had a Hindu wedding ceremony (prohibited in Islam) and that their Hindu daughter-in-law is performing Ganesh puja every day in America.” Yes, Muslim community will be happy that they increase numbers, but will knowing real truth make them happy?

        • mac
          April 7, 2017 5:48 pm

          This is stupidity of Muslim Parents, i was such parents, i would first verify whether my son in law or daughter in law is serious convert my making him/her eat beef,making him/her condemn murti puja and will ask him/her suras and other islamic stuffs regularly.

          • April 7, 2017 6:30 pm

            In love, Hindu may do all what you said. However, the love may wore off in a few years.
            mac, be careful before dating a Hindu. If Islam is that much important to you, marry a girl recommended by your parents, like your sisters did. You will be much happier this way; rather than trying to convert a rose to carnation.

          • Rabia
            April 11, 2017 5:42 am

            My story is slightly different than yours, Mac.

            You were raised as a Muslim and had that Islamic upbringing since childhood, and like most people at a young age I can imagine you were not religious or practicing much…. For me, I came into Islam as a result of my own internal journey over many years and learnt most things by myself. Maybe it was a reaction to the lifestyle I saw with people from my country, where there were no mosques / no practicing of religious stuff and alcoholism etc was very rampant (and still is)

            Since my family never taught me / imposed on me any religion, growing up, I was definitely not aware of Qur’ans chapter 2 verse 221 where it says “…even if you like her. Do not marry (your women) with men who assign partners to Allah until they believe (became âmenû). A believing slave is better than a (free) man who assigns partners to Allah, even if you like him. It is them who invite (you) to fire. Yet Allah is inviting you to Heaven and Forgiveness with His Will and explaining His Verses to mankind.” – do you think Allah would hold me or my parents responsible for this on judgement day if what I did was a big sin, since this verse speaks directly to my guardian aka Father or parents? Some
            scholars are now arguing that “mushrik” meant here in this verse is specifically referring to the Meccan mushriks of the time.

            Nothing happens without Allah’s permission, and only He can guide us to make the right choices in our life if we ask him for guidance..

            Should I have instead married a secular Muslim coming from a Muslim culture who would not have allowed his wife to practice namaz, go on umrah etc? Many Muslims I know are cultural only, their ID cards say “Muslim”‘but you can debate whether they are really identifying themselves as Muslim or not… because they mock religion, mock it when someone practices it… so you cannot really call them practicing or even believing Muslims, since their belief is more like atheism or agnosticism or sometimes a mix of “I don’t care enough to practice Islam/religion but I hope there’s is a god out there, and I will celebrate Eid with family as a custom”

        • Rabia
          April 9, 2017 2:18 pm

          Admin, in this story, are there any children yet and if so, what religion will they follow? If the Hindu daughter in law is still practicing her own religion but pretending to be a Muslim in Pakistan to fool her inlaws and make them like her, this lie and deception will reveal itself one day as you cannot pretend forever, especially not when you have had kids. The boy’s parents will discover her lie one day and they should blame their son first and foremosf as he is the one who must have told her to carry out this drama just to please them.

          Honesty is always the best policy. And I doubt others like Mac will ever even consider dating a Hindu girl because they should just do the easier thing and stick to the Muslim community. It makes life simpler and easier. But a husband and wife’ she character and compatibility is very important as well so that’s another thing to take into consideration before marrying. Just because someone is Muslim doesn’t mean you will be compatible with them. Ironically, the Muslims I met found me to be too conservative for their drinking/partying lifestyle so rather than marry someone who would prevent me from practicing the way I wanted to, I would rather be alone and free to make my own choices.

          Would advice Mac & all other brothers the same, It’s unfair to try to change any girl after marriage and impose things On her: like her as she is, and take it or leave it 🙂

          • April 9, 2017 5:29 pm

            We like this “like her as she is, and take it or leave it.” Married life is very complex. Even if both are from exactly the same faith and same type of culture, still there are unbelievable numbers of differences in opinions and view to deal with. Interfaith marriage will adds 10X to the complexities.

            The couple we mentioned lives in the West and thus have little to worry about in laws. They have wonderful kids. Everyone is happy in their own ways.

          • mac
            April 10, 2017 3:28 pm

            Hello, I have rejected(actually not rejected, but not responded/ignored) thousands of proposals from hindu girls( 😀 no not thousand, but many), never in my life approached any girl from my side, whether muslim or hindu, invitation came from other side, and i don`t know for what reason it was most of the time hindu girls, may be because i wasn`t religious at those days and they couldn`t figure out whether i am muslim or not, took me as hindu i guess, because many muslims and hindus tell me that i don`t look like a muslim, many times they get the shock of their life when they read my name, coz in their mind they have taken as hindu and when they discover my name, they are like, really, is that your name……..

            I won`t take any step intentionally which makes me disobey Allah. Since now(i mean from 2014) I know that marriage with a non-muslim is prohibited in Islam, so 99.99% probability is that my wife(if any) would be a Born Muslim. But , you never know, as i said earlier, to balance the proportion, ie proportion of hindu guys marrying muslim girls, never know i have to take that risk to balance the equation coz i believe more hindu boys marry muslim girls than the reverse, but somehow perception been created by fake media propaganda of love jihad as if some how most muslim boys are marrying hindu girls.

          • April 11, 2017 7:37 am

            mac, it is your life so do that is right for you. However, “have to take that risk to balance the equation” such Jihadi attitude could ruin your married life. If Allah and Judgment Day are very critical for you, then stick to Koran 24:30. Be careful!

  • April 1, 2017 8:15 am

    Hi Suraj,

    You have to learn many realities of life. First, you gave your first and last name on the web site, that is not good for your privacy and life. We have change it to protect you.

    You said you will convert to Islam, what does that mean? Are you no longer will ever visit a Hindu mandir, will never celebrate Holi, Diwali, Krishna-janamasthami and holidays, will never bow to Hindu Gods ever, and believe your parents are sinners and will go to hell because they are Hindus? Are you willing to give up all your relatives and even friends to be find new sets of Muslim relatives and friends?

    We understand you have sex urge and wishes to help her. However, reality of life will be realized 6 months into your married life. As much as you want, you may not be able to love that child, earn money for that child, feed and educate the child and play with him/her for all your spare times.

    Did you talk to your parents for your plans to marry her?

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