My wife calls me kafir…..I wish I die.

Comment by Dee — October 5, 2010 @ 4:46 pm

I am in a relationship with a Muslim for almost 18 years. I am a Hindu and she is a Muslim, we have 3 boys. Intially we fell in love with each other, there were no religious boundary but only love. She was dishoned by her family until we had our first boy. She has brought up the kids as Muslims. More and more she is moving into the world of Islam and more and more am I moving away from her. I love my kids but recently she has started wearing a vale. This is hard for me to accept. I am respected by her family but always treated an outcast due to my religion and language. I love her but she has chosen her religion over me. She calls me and my family kafirs. She fleshly believe in birthdays or Hindu weddings. I am hurting so much. Almost half my life has been spent with her and the kids. I used to love her but it is now turning into hatred of the Muslim religion for turning her into what she is. Today my two boys 15 and 5 told me we are Muslims and don’t believe in Hindu’s. What am I to do I am a Hindu? I feel like I want to die. The pain is so great in my chest. I wish I had married a Hindu. My life is a big lie, I lie to my parents about the kids being Hindus and not eating meat. I feel I am sinking and there is no one to pull me out. Every time the word Hindu is mentioned I am called a kafir. Is this what I am at the age of forty? What have I done? I feel worthless and feel I should die before my mum and dad do. My sons or wife will not attend the funeral. I don’t know what to do I feel so sad and d -Dee

Comment by Dee — October 28, 2010 @ 5:02 pm

I feel really bad my days and nights are so long my partner views islam higher than me. After all I am a Hindu and a kafir in her eye. I live to support her and my 3 kids. I wish I die, I cannot be happy my immediate family or hers. What is there in life to live for. I suffer from asthma and each tray I hope I will have a big attack and die. I ask myself am I a kafir was I so low. No my mum tells me I am a brahmin. I see my pain and urge all Muslims and Hindu to never get involved in a relation it only ends up in pain. May be not straight away but eventually. You fell like during when this happens. I feel like taking my life but find it hard because of my 3 boys smallest being 10 months. Why is life so hard. All communication has broken down, what is there to look in life apart from death, I can’t wait. I would like to go before my mum and dad so they can cremate me, I can then be free. What a life of lies and misery, don’t put yourself through this. Should I leave her, I feel I can’t due to the kids shoud i die, this is easier please help me. -Dee

Also read: Nirmla, Vikas, Roma, Kareena, Hindu boy, Hindu girl, Muslim boy, Muslim girl, Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,

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  • Hrudananda Samantaray
    June 3, 2018 2:41 am

    The harsh truth about ISLAM is it’s against humanity!

  • akil
    February 12, 2017 5:34 pm

    I would like to question that who we are to say anyone a kafir
    Kafir basically means person who denies the existence of god and that kafir may be from any religion
    And to you make read quran in which allah himself said that he sent his nabis to whole of this planet so it obviously mean that prophets were sent to india also
    For you dee just leave her nd try to peace in any other way and live your life by your terms

  • Kafirisproud
    January 3, 2017 5:54 am

    If any Muslim says any non-Muslim Kaafir it is not an abuse actually it is a compliment in which that Muslim says to non-Muslim that you are kaabil and we are zaahil. Kaafir(nonmuslim) is Kabul and nakaafir(muslim) is zaahil because he/she lives in fools paradise, his/her brain is locked and he/she cannot think freely. So Dee my brother it is better to kick that bitch(your wife) and her puppies(her children) from your life as soon as possible and donate your whole money to Shanti kunj trust hardest and do charitable work there or join iskcon lord Krishna charitable trust and do god service there.

  • Aakash Mallik
    April 24, 2015 4:35 am

    Dear Admin…
    Is Dee alive??
    Has he commited suiside or something??
    It has been 5 years since he last wrote…

    • April 24, 2015 8:07 pm

      Unfortunately bloggers don’t follow up with their status so we are clue less (or Dee not more with us!).

  • sani
    March 28, 2015 2:05 pm

    Islam is the only religion which growing fastly all over the world,Allah is the one who created every thing,how is it possible that some one who looks like you,can be a god?and what u you people know about muhammed?Look his powerfull, dedication toward Islam,so as Islam spreading widely,all over the world continuously even after his death.
    This question is actually written for those who had deeply wished to talk false about muhaamed?inshallah on the day of judjement you all will be go to hell.

  • Shankar Prasad
    March 7, 2015 3:47 am

    Mr Dee, Are you still feeling the same sentiments what you have expressed around 4 years before? If Yes, then please share your email id, i would get in touch with you. Let me give an attempt to try helping you to come out of your agony.

    I read your story and was touched to see your exploded pain.


  • September 13, 2014 3:08 am

    assalam o alaiykum 2 all..i m vry devastd..m a muslim grl..m dating a hndu guy since 2.5 sudnly I got 2 knw he is cheatn me..our is a long dstnc rltnshp..i lovd him madly..n he2..i usd 2 fast 4 karva chauth..n vl eat veg on strdy 4 he used 2sy 2 do so.n he used 2 fast on rmzn..v wr madly in lov wd ech othr..i dnt knw wt hpn dt sudnly he cheatd me..wn I confrntd he gve me lame xcuses..n said if I wn2 blve I cn blve..if nt toh he cnt do nythn..m dvstd..he used 2 abusd me dn2 I usd 2 lov on day wn he cheatd me n I cnfrntd him he strtd abusng my parnts also.he strtd clng me slut,prostitute,dwn mrkt grl n aldt..m lyf z brokn..i cnt 4gv him by wt he did 2me.plz hlp me..m d verge of cmitng suicde.m flng so lonely..plz hlp me..

    Reply at

    • mac
      September 13, 2014 6:27 am

      Dear sister anu, first of all, you did a mistake as per islam, but you are lucky that allah gave you punishment in this life, now pray to allah and ask forgiveness, and don`t ever think of commiting suicide, i think you should report in police, coz if anything hapens to hindu girl then they file FIR, then whole media raise up and on the other hand muslim girls and family keep silent, i am tellling you, that you have right to file fir, also bcoz of muslim community and fear of disrespect muslim girls and family don`t go for FIR, i am asking you, why you submitted your will to the will of a mushrik(worst creature), your will must be submitted to the will of god,allah not a mushrik.
      Anyway, contact me , like my page and i will help you, i helped many muslim non muslim boys and girls through my fb account, now i have Facebook page , here it is “” Mac for Help “”
      Good night and take care.

      • luckyblogger
        March 1, 2018 9:12 am

        just like all men Hindu men can cheat all men cheat muslims as well. I am sad that ur bf was a ass but not allhindus are. Dont judge all men by one. Find the perfect one for you. If you fall in love with any faith guy just be more careful and yes any abusive relationship os not worth it. You get only one life dont be bound by faith. Good luck and hugs dear.

    • mac
      September 13, 2014 6:47 am

      don`t worry sister, your brother mac is here , i will give few tips from quran and hadith which will change your life

    • Md kaifi
      March 30, 2018 11:53 pm

      You have done zina or fornication and you have becomeinfidel or kaafir and murteed in both cases you should be hanged according Islamic law by halal way to married kaafir according to Islam muslim girl who marry to kaafir should be given to death penalty according Islamic law by halal way and your children are Haram children born without any marriage and what will happen with the you after death you will be hell fire and burn in hell fire forever and never never come out of hell fire clearly written in if don’t repentance or touba

  • Ayesha
    April 22, 2014 5:51 pm

    Naturally a good wife follows d ways of her husbanecause she loves n respects husband is d maintainer n provider of the family,he is d guide n advisor,hence Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man in order to practice her faith.otherwise she has apostated n left d fold of d way a Muslim man can marry a Christian or Jewish woman as dey r people of d book.

  • Ayesha
    April 22, 2014 5:29 pm

    Why all the negative comments?Islam is a complete way of Life.n d word Islam means Peace.A muslim is a person who submits his or her will to the will of God,Allah in the Arabic language.People should research the true meaning Islam n what being a Muslim means.there is no need to disrespect any faith.Human beings can n should live in harmony with tolerance not hatred.use your intelligence n follow d good in your heart.

  • October 15, 2013 9:47 pm

    The above post is a stark reminder to those who staunchly stick to the outer paraphernalia of their existence instead of looking into their inner realm which is their real self, real friend, real lover, real teacher, real supporter and if realized fully, real God itself. When we base our existence on outer relationships and superficial sentiments around ourselves, a kind of slavery is thrust upon us and we get hypnotized by it no end. It is a kind of artificial fort which is self made. When someone causes a fierce blow /attack to this soft structure, it is dismantled and broken into pieces. With it, our world is also shattered and we become utterly helpless and alone. No one is responsible for it but we ourselves because we have not learnt to live alone in our lives and have not bothered about how to instill peace in our lives. Bhagwan Shri Krishna in Srimaat Bhagwatgeeta has clearly stated that a man is able to find peace only if -1. Man sincerely engages his/her whole attention to the highest power that is God. 2. Man through his/her constant practices religious as well as spiritual, tries to seek closeness of God. 3. Man performs whatever acts, they must be done in the name of God only and His name should be invoked always.4. And all actions should be performed without ever thinking about their fruits/ outcomes. This is Hindu way of life and Hindu religion. Sri Krishna also says about maintaining equilibrium in happiness and sadness, profit and loss, cold and hot and if any person delves deep into the divine and pious words of Bhagwatgeeta, there is nothing in the world which can shake a man even a bit. No matter, rationalists scoff at the religions and religious stuff, when we see misery, depression, tension, low self esteem etc. all around, the relevance of this whole edifice that we call religion dawns on us. Everything, everybody , every emotion engulfs us so forcefully that it is very tough to break this impeccable shell. However, when we venture into the spiritual world, real purpose and real meaning of our whole existence begins to disclose before us. Shri DEE is undergoing such a bad phase of his life, I sincerely wish him to fight this war of good against evil which is raging in his mind and won it at any costs and then enjoy his life in a true sense. Hinduism is not so weak that somebody utters a word like “kafir” and our world becomes hopeless, it is rather a Himalaya mountain, a very solid foundation and very strong structure.

    • brave hindus
      November 17, 2013 1:09 am

      hareesh ji, i am totally agree with your view and advice to dear dee

  • sea
    July 4, 2013 4:40 am

    Wats in hinduism… read veda and you would follow Islam.

    All Hindus are Hindus, they follow hinduism- they should follow santam dharm which tells them about kalki avtar- read the book “KALKI AVTAR” by Pandit ved prakash and decide wjy shd not you convert to Islam.

    Stay strong and pray aa lot?

  • May 27, 2013 12:09 pm

    Poor little hindu boy shows you as coward… Firstly itsno point crying after having three kids .you just sissy bigot who is causing your family grief … For rest if youidiots shows you ignorant morons as too how little you undedstand about islamic religion but are quick to insult it … Get a life islam is way if life for truth just look around world see human race and its differences see that muslims are all united as one incolour creed but divided by non belivers .. Hindus are only in india lifeless hopless cowards who drink piss and eat cow shit

    • Abhishek
      February 2, 2014 11:54 pm


      I think here we are not here to discuss which religion is better and which is not. And please, all of you simply not able to understand what the actual issue is.

      It is not about the religion, it is about the respecting individual. This can happen to any one one. Be it a inter-religion marriage or same religion.

      The most important thing over here is to respect each other’s religion. Religion is something personal for every individual. And it should be taken in that spirit.

      You guys are talking like a radical extremist groups. Dont go too far, just look at the last 300 years of our history (India + Pakistan). There had been no communal riots or hatred until 1947 in our country. This is just because of the political benefits.

      Few things needs to be understood, people marry each other and not with each other’s religion. Its understandable that if you follow same religion it becomes easy to survive under the same roof. But then don’t forget, we live in India and just because of that we have to respect each and every religion.Lets not fight for the supremacy/superiority of religions. Let it be individual’s choice to follow and practice.

      Dee, as far as your issue goes. You need to talk it out with your partner and your kids and parents(Yur and in-laws). Discussion and acceptance/respecting each other’s faith does not make anyone small or kafir or adharmi.

      These are just hardliners’s phrases to create divide among people. and to be honest. No ne knows the exact meaning of Geeta or Kuran. All these books have now been translated in such a way that people have made their own version of understanding.

      Do get a life and talk to your partner and share how you feel about and ask about her feelings and then take a middle path.

      Good luck

  • Tabbu
    January 18, 2013 2:11 am

    I think Aamir and Zahid both are same, using different names to write all nonsense here.

    Zahid, means, Zahil, should realize that only due to criminal and cruel persons like them, muslim women are subject to enourmous torture and attrocities since long. They can marry any number of women, loosing their virginity long back but every time, they marry, they need a virgin wife. This is the reason that 95% muslim women are getting hymen repair surgery or using artificial hymen kit for wedding night, so that blood stains are found on the bed sheets and they could live a graceful life being virgin. Muslim women are demanding free hymen repair surgery in European countries to save their married life.

    • maya
      March 20, 2013 3:08 am

      I am Muslim but I respect all the religion I think all of them they got good and bad things. I’m a women and I think that your wife she is wrong ,cuz before she marry you she knew that the Muslim women doesn’t allow to marry no Muslim man , but if she accepted you she must reflect you as a husband cuz she mustn’t swear on you and she must respect your religion as well .thats mean she is not a good Muslim you must tell her she is a later one cuz she didn’t practice her religion nicely.

    • maya
      March 20, 2013 3:22 am

      I see that your a good man please don’t leave your children you can just tell the truth for your parents about them and you just speak with your wife and ask her to respect you as a has band and Hindi . don’t do something for your family just try to mange that .your children comes first no one can be in your child place trust me!everything will be fine.

  • zahid
    January 16, 2013 1:13 pm

    Just convert to islam the religion of truth.hinduism is a religion of foolish people who worship idols which have no life in it.

    • Tabbu
      January 18, 2013 2:01 am

      You bastard Zahid,

      Why he should convert to Islam, to become Jehadi or terrorist like you?
      Islam is the most dangerous and full of evils to torture the haumanity and innocents.

      Keep you foolish ideas with you.

      • junaid
        April 7, 2013 2:22 am

        She will leave the hindu religion in which creator of hindus(brahama) raped his own dughter saraswati and become fallower of true religion i.e islam

        • MB
          September 9, 2015 11:22 am

          What about the 6 year old Aisha …

  • Arvind
    December 13, 2012 1:52 am


    Sorry about your story. But to be true, I wish you be a MAN.
    Don’t you worry about your family. If she would have loved you truly, she wouldn’t give a damn about religion. She would have given a higher priority to you than your religion.
    And yeah, never ever convert to Islam. I mean never ever get that thought. I had experienced all these conversion thoughts so I hope you won’t. If she doesn’t care, leave her. I don’t recommend another marriage because getting married at 40 makes the society speak of you in a very dirty way as this is India.

    I recommend you start serving the poor and needy and also join any NGO and serve the orphanage. I guess this is the best option because you’ll find peace of mind. If you marry another girl, her relatives are not going to just leave you.
    Go and help the poor orphans who know how much it feels of not having parents. You’ll see their love in front of your eyes when you help them and trust me, they’ll be more faithful than your own kids.
    Dieing is always not an option. In fact, when you think of dieing, it shows how weak you’re. Seems like you’re a henpecked husband. Just leave her and help NGOs.
    All the best for future. Hope to see you as a different man.
    Waiting for your reply. 🙂

    • Need help
      February 11, 2017 12:46 pm

      Sir i have same a story but i don’t have babies …. i m very impressed with your opinion … thnks

  • zahid
    December 4, 2012 2:38 am

    Kafir means non muslims

  • November 17, 2012 2:44 pm

    She must first have understand islam surely she will not have marriage with you.and had married to muslim

  • Yes The True Lover
    October 29, 2012 10:27 am

    Hi, you r a man or bitch fucker ? immediate divorce that bitch & just forget your contaminated child. And remarry and party again. after that help or hug old people keep smile & forget all your black past.

  • AD
    October 13, 2012 1:16 am

    Listen, man up and don’t let ur kids go into the pit of Islam at any cost. Their entire lives will be spoilt with hate & indoctrination. They hate u because entire Quran is a hate speech. 2 out of 3 verses are about kafirs. It will be find to find 5-10 continious verses NOT talking about kafirs.

    There is PLENTY of material and proof against Islam. Show that to your kids:
    – The hate & jihad in Quran
    – Life of Muhammad (his murders, rapes, taking sex-slaves, hypocricy)
    – Scientific Proof – Quran calls earth flat & tht the sun revolves around the earth. Totally false science of embryology

    Take charge of your kids. And never let ur 10-month kid fall into the trap. You will destroy not only their this life but after life too. Tale care, if u need help – let us know. We will guide you and give you material to show to your kids.

    If they are beyong help – no problem – leave them without remorse.

  • believer in god
    October 12, 2012 6:55 am

    hey dee leave ur wife.its not ur kids what is hindu religion.take them to temple like u do n teach them hinduism.its still not late.u can also have custody of ur kids.they are ur kids too.u can teach them ur religion as well.ur wife is mentally sick i guess.

  • anita
    September 2, 2012 10:20 pm

    hi Dee,
    we have the same lifestory except u r a man and i am a woman. yeah the hatred is sooooo hurtful. i just feel once my kids grow up, i can gather the courage to leave this life of pain, isolation and torture!!

    Comment to Anita at

  • Confused
    July 28, 2012 10:06 am

    So your youngest son is only 10 months old which mean your wife is still having “sexual relationship” with you and yet she is a practicing Muslim? How is that possible? If she calls you Kafir and still sleeps with you, then she is committing the biggest sin (adultery) in Islam. Either she is totally confused about Islam or your story is fabricated.

  • July 23, 2012 4:17 pm

    I read your story and it’s truly sad. I don’t know what husband or wife would deliberately do that to their spouse. I am sorry for your pain and I know having no real connection with your wife now must hurt you. But you need to have proper communication with her. Strictly tell her that if she has a problem with the faith you are then why now has she decided, why not before marriage? why is she being hostile towards you now?

    You need to talk to each other and if she still does not respect you, then brother I’m sad to say but you deserve better than her. Don’t waste your time on those who hurt you and don’t realize the importance you have in their life. If she is not treating you with respect nor attending your family functions, then do the same. You have to stand your ground as a man and as the husband in this relationship. I’m not saying to hurt her but be a bit strict. If her faith is important to her then so is yours. I am Muslim but this is just disgusting behaviour and something that no one should be doing to their so called loved ones.
    Do not lose heart or even think of suicide. Your only 40 years old and many years ahead of you. Your wife has gotten use to the fact that you take her abuse without saying anything back, you need to tell her how you feel. If she still does not stop with the insulting behaviour then tell her you will not stand for it.

      March 6, 2014 5:02 pm


  • Me
    July 20, 2012 9:07 am

    You are all idiots especially the one saying lies u know who u are

  • May 21, 2012 5:51 am

    I would suggest you to learn the truth about Islam and teach it to your kids and show the real face of Muhammad the founder of Islam to her, but be careful as Islam teaches pure hatred, terrorism, rape and murder her mosque Mullahs might almost indefinitely try to hurt/kill you. Muhammad was a false prophet in fact a modern day lowlife criminal has more moral values than Muhammad the founder of Islam.

    Here watch this video for starters:

    Search Christian Prince and watch his videos and read a few articles from faithfreedom, islamwatch, investigateislam etc.

    Here even an Ex-Muslim is offering $50,000 U.S. dollars if proven false.

    Muhammad was no prophet, but a lowlife desert pirate,a narcissist, a misogynist, a rapist, a pedophile, a lecher, a torturer, a mass murderer, a cult leader, an assassin, a terrorist, a mad man, a looter etc.

    In fact this serial rapist Muhammad was a false prophet as per the Quran READ:

    Sahih Al-Bukhari Book #3, Hadith #786: – Narrated Anas bin Malik: A Jewess brought a poisoned (cooked) sheep for the Prophet who ate from it. She was brought to the Prophet and he was asked, “Shall we kill her?” He said, “No.” I continued to see the effect of the poison on the palate of the mouth of Allah’s Apostle.

    Ibn Sa’d, p.252: The apostle of Allah sent for Zaynab and said to her, “What induced you to do what you have done?” She replied, “You have done to my people what you have done. YOU HAVE KILLED MY FATHER, MY UNCLE AND MY HUSBAND, so I said to myself, “If you are a prophet, the foreleg will inform you; and others have said, “If you are not a prophet, we will get rid of you”.

    After Muhammad murdered (Zaynab) Jewish women’s father, uncle, and her husband Muhammad confessed at his death bead his aorta was being cut off due to that very poison:

    Sahih Al-Bukhari Book #59, Hadith #713: – “O ‘Aisha! I still feel the pain caused by the food I ate at Khaibar, and at this time, I FEEL AS IF MY AORTA IS BEING CUT FROM THAT POISON.”

    Al -Tabari Volume 8, page 124: – The messenger of Allah said during the illness from which he died – the mother of Bishr had come in to visit him – “Umm Bishr, at this very moment I FEEL MY AORTA BEING SEVERED because of the food I ate with your son at Khaybar.”



    Quran 69:44-46: And if he (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) had forged a false saying concerning Us (Allah جل جلاله) – And then We certainly would have cut off his life artery (aorta)


    Muhammad was a false prophet who distorted and forged the words of God and was killed (poisoned died a slow agonizing painful death) by a Jewish woman through the hands of that true God for being a false prophet.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg research and you will find out how evil demonic Muhammad’s cult Islam really is…

    • zaheer
      November 11, 2012 6:54 am

      all false propoganda against muslims. this is the handiwork of the christian evengelicals who think they can cnvert the whole world to christianity. keep dreaming..

  • ferret
    May 4, 2012 3:13 pm

    Please Sir,

    Just leave that woman. Your sons will always be your sons, no matter what. They hopefully will find it in their heart to see the truth. If they don’t, don’t you worry. You have done your best. As a man, you shouldn’t stray from your Dharma. This is the worst folley a man can commit; to ignore his heart and soul, that voice which speaks inside him.

    Go out and start living your life. Don’t regret your decision. Already you are forty and starting to regret. Do you want to pass another 10 years and still have the same feeling? Please don’t kill yourself over a silly woman, who doesn’t know what marriage means. A woman should follow a man. There’s no other way. But this age of Kali is so poisoned, that people have forgotten their true relationship with Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

    You are like my brother, I am telling you. I am from South Africa and also married a Muslim. There are many a days when I also think I want to quit this marriage. SHe also doesn’t want to do what I do. Then How can we have children? I dont want the same thing to happen to me. Then I will want to die. Thank Krishna, He hasnt given us children. I hope it stays that way. What will my life become if we have kids? I wouldn’t be able to live if my kids become Muslim.

  • Right Advice
    March 8, 2012 6:43 am

    Divorce your wife
    Remarry a Hindu woman
    Have Hindu Kids, even if just one.
    This will turn her mad.
    Show her if she does not care for you, You wont care for her.
    Doesnt matter if you have to pay allimony.
    Record the cruel things she does.

  • Rembrandt
    November 20, 2011 6:21 am

    Hey Hindu Man who married a Muslim girl long ago and is wailing like a girl now :-D, what happened to you ?

    Did you man up as you were told to in the blog ?

  • Hindustani
    September 23, 2011 7:16 am

    Brother; when you have realised that you have been used may be your wife did never love you or love has been ended from her side so did she trying that you should accept the islam. That’s why she is harrassing you to do so. Your relation was based on true love and love is always two way. Its required faith and asked for selfmotivated sacrifice but your wife demands all sacrifices from you that means she is making business with you. Her perspective is very clear if you want her love, respect, faith and your childrens so you must accept islam. Truth is love never followed any rules. If your about to accept Islam please do remember where you came from. Remember your mother, father and your family who gave you true love. You can hurt them all with one mistake… Best thing will be move out of this relationship. Find any hindu girl or widow and live happily and peacefully. Don’t think about muslim girl you marry with she forced you to take this decision so she worth it…!

  • The Truth
    April 23, 2011 10:19 am

    Muslims talk of equality – Muslim Man’s Quran has not taught him equality obviously!!

    People who talk of being muslims being superior to kafirs are clearly deranged.

    Almost all places you go, Muslims are the poorest and most backward communities! They beat their women, treat them like dirt, rape them against their wishes just like their beloved Mohammed did!

  • Vu Ngo
    April 13, 2011 3:36 pm

    Dear, Jay,

    Do not find faults in others lest you observe the choiciest amongst the best to hate upon, tis but a black mark in thy own soul, if you have one.. or are you a mechanical parrot athiest?

  • Vu Ngo
    April 13, 2011 3:33 pm

    May allah have mercy on me for reading all this crap.

    • Dhruv
      August 28, 2011 3:27 pm

      OM Nibh: Nivh: Nirh: suh:
      May me and all nirbhay,nirvair,niramaya sukhi everytime,everywhere.

  • Muslim man
    March 11, 2011 4:45 pm

    A KAFIR man can not be equal to a Muslim man. He will not get the same or equal respect as a husband. A Hindu man is a KAFIR and if he wants peace in his home then he needs to enter the religion of Islam with a open heart and repent from the evil of idol worship of Hinduism. A kafir can not use the Sunnah or the Book of Allah to prove she needs to obey you, she does not need to obey a kafir until he believes in Allah alone is worthy of worship and Muhammad is His Prophet. She may love you but she love Allah and the Messenger Muhammad greater than you, her children and her own life! She needs to leave you, marry a believing man and repent for marrying a kafir! Marrying you a Hindu is a major sin for all Muslims men and women.

  • shamala
    March 2, 2011 7:46 am

    Dont worry for anything just feel free because you have understood about her atleast now.You know kafir is the name which was given to the non-muslims by islam it mean kafirs equals to freedom, humanity, etc.. and your are a brahmin you have to proud about that. My kindly request for you is dont do the mistake again by reading islamic books and converting to islam. islam is the fake. it doesnt have any humanity. your wife is also the part of islam. That’s why she went after getting 3 kids.

  • January 18, 2011 2:57 pm


    Are you so sure about what you are writing? You say that you read Koran by your self.

    How can you say that Islam has not spread by sword when your Prophet fought in or sent about 80 military expeditions in just 9 years; this makes one expedition for every 6 weeks.

    Read this:

  • sheikh
    January 16, 2011 9:43 pm

    Self killing is forbidden in Islam, Non of this Bakaras(by behavior) can help you out, Only the God has to helps and who shows the right path. You read Quran yourself and then decide. Bakaras(by behavior) and Humans cannot be the same. 60% of the Muslims who converted in islam in India are either brahmins or Kshatrias. Sword was never taken in Islam to spread Islam, It was taken as the faith and rule of kingdoms, Every King was raising his hand with a Sword for the kingdoms. It was the justice at that time. Human easily adopts bad things than good things.

  • sheikh
    January 16, 2011 9:18 pm

    Actually, a muslim women for muslim man and a muslim man is for a muslim women. If by satanic thoughts went something wrong now she has realized the mistake and tried you to change. Allah is the most merciful and who forgives both of you. My suggestion is that not to blame any religion or any caste. Don’t listen to Shaitan, because the human beings are all the same and created by only one god, There are no several Gods to take care of each religion. There is only one sustain-er who takes care of all these things and everything in this world. Once upon a time by the behavior i was like hindu, Today Alhamdulillah, I have realized on my own, nobody has taught me, i have not taken any lesson from any mullah, or maulana, since i know the several languages, but I do not know Arabic and not knows urdu before. I learned on my own amazingly by the wish of Only God, the sustainer. One thing you need to understand in this world that both bad and good is there with everyone and everywhere. Irrespective of other follows, You follow what is good for you, if you realize the thing which is good. Kafir means Who does not believe in One God. Even your veda says – there is only one God. We don’t know whether there are changes in the holy books or people who came to us or God has sent to teach us. But Quran has mentioned about only 4 books. In these 4 books neither ramayan nor veda nor bible or any other books mentioned. Taurath, Inzeel, Zaboor, and now Quran. Only these books are accepted. Actually changed book is Inzeel to Bible which was actually written in Hebrew.It was acceptable only on those time when the book is revealed. Just imagine in every relgion there are different castes or different views like:Jews(4 to 5 tribes), Christians(eg. 4 to 5 – catholic,protestant), Muslims(Sunni,Shiya and ahmedia), Hindus(100’s:shiva, vishnu, Buddha, jainism etc), there are many who are created on their own cannot reach the sustainer or God. Don’t hear the world, you look yourself what is good and what is bad.

  • Jay
    December 25, 2010 9:58 am

    Besides Sina’s book, this book may shed light on your so called wife’s awful behavior towards you as a Hindu:

  • Jay
    December 23, 2010 9:32 pm

    Dee if the link to the list of Najis things on that Islamic site does not work, here they are
    “The following ten things are essentially najis:

    * Urine
    * Faeces
    * Semen
    * Dead body
    * Blood
    * Dog
    * Pig
    * Kafir
    * Alcoholic liquors
    * The sweat of an animal who persistently eats najasat. ”

    Now do you get how your so called wife is wronging you. She doesn’t love you. What true wife would treat a husband whom she really loves this way even if he is of another faith? You should not allow her to teach your your children to disrespect you and your side of the family. Since she is teaching Islam, teach your children Hinduism. Divorce her and take custody of your children. She is poison and is poisoning your children in the worst way. She is no true wife to you regardless of whatever religion, and no true mother to teach her children to treat their loving father as something no cleaner than literally urine or feces just because he is of another faith than her.

  • Jay
    November 24, 2010 2:55 pm

    Dee here is a woman who converted to Islam and her questions about it. It may help you understand you wife’s hostile behavior towards you just because you are not a Muslim. “Concerns with Islam – Thoughts of an American Convert”

    I would be more concerned about your wife teaching your children to treat you disrespectfully just because you are not a Muslim. Children should be encouraged to love and respect their father who loves and supports them.

  • Jay
    November 6, 2010 3:00 pm

    (The quote of Prof. Lewis is from his book, “The Multiple Identities of the Middle East.”)

  • November 6, 2010 10:37 am

    Mr. Ali Sina‘s reply as it appreared at

    The Secret to Women’s Heart
    A few days ago I wrote an article responding to a Hindu who was distraught because his Muslim wife had become radicalized in her faith, abusing him verbally and emotionally, calling him a kafir and turning his children against him.

    My response generated some controversy and I also received a few emails from men and women, some married and some not, with several questions. In this article I will try to address those questions.

    My argument is that marital conflicts are often the result of the loss of attraction between the husband and wife. To express their disagreement, each side finds excuses. However, the root cause of the conflict is loss of attraction. In the case of Dee, our Hindu friend, his once moderate and independent thinking Muslim wife has become radicalized. She wears Islamic veil, is educating her sons to become fanatical Muslims and is demeaning and vilifying Dee.

    Is Islam really the source of their conflict? I say no. Islam is an excuse. It is of course a perfect excuse. Let me make an example. Islam has advanced through warfare. Muslim invaded other countries, plundered and raped the people and committed despicable atrocities. They did all those things in the name of jihad. Was really the love of God the motivation for Muslims to raid, rape and pillage? Of course not! It was greed and lust for women that spurred them to commit those atrocities. Islam provided them with justification. With Islam Muslims can indulge in their basest animal instincts and not feel guilty about it. This religion is a perfect excuse for criminals and abusers to commit all sorts of crimes with no qualm and pang of conscience.

    When a man or a woman cheats or abuses his or her partner, it is because the love in their relationship has disappeared. One would never hurt the person they love. But to abuse we always need excuses. Dee’s wife has found a perfect excuse. Thanks to Islam she can disdain her husband and make him feel miserable. Her radicalization in Islam is the symptom and not the cause. The cause is that their marriage is not working. The attraction has faded. When a relationship becomes tart, the couple will do anything to hurt each other. They engage in any activity to exploit each other’s vulnerability.

    To keep your love alive and also to woo a mate, there must be attraction. Let’s understand what is attraction is.

    … read more at the above link for the full article.

  • sunil tiwari
    November 6, 2010 12:58 am

    Look wana ‘Mohammad paigambar’ was not god.
    Muslim say quran given by got itself.quran was given by Mohammad paigambar’. It means Mohammad paigambar’ was god. But “Mohammad paigambar” he was not a got, he was a simple hindu man.
    He made muslim religion against to hindu in anger. And maximum muslim rule are written by him.quran is a book in which rule are written.He wrote bakwaas(fake) rules,which has no meaning in real world.
    Look wana human beining mage religion not god.For god religion do not have any meaning.religion boundary only for man not for god.In every religion god have different faces, but god is one.
    Is Muslim god said that kill other and convert them in to muslim. It means their god is killer.God never say that kill other and make others trouble. It means allah is not god he is devil.

    Don’t be muslim.

  • Peace
    November 4, 2010 5:55 pm
  • sunil tiwari
    November 4, 2010 2:44 am

    Look wana buy chankaya niti book and behave like that your problem will solved automatically. Dot be frustate.make your children muslim tell your children about hindunand keep him away from muslim peopel.Tell him difference between hindu and muslim.Learn him what id hindunism and good in it. Very soon I will publish my book regarding hindu,it will teach about hinsu relign.

    You may take help from

    Final solution divorce.

  • sunil tiwari
    November 4, 2010 2:15 am

    Use chanakay niti.1) saam=CONSECRATION , daam ,dand=punish,bhed.
    1)saam: He should sit down with his wife and talk it out.Try to give true knowledge of hindu to your child and wife.
    3)dand:bit her.or punish her.
    4)bhed : You must be hindu,and behabe like muslin relign. eg. according to quran bit him. dont give him freedom.Muslim women cannot take decision so dont give hime right to take decision.and told her according to muslin her child cannot go school.Do not give him money and him to do job.

  • [...]
    November 4, 2010 12:13 am

    Yes, I read that. lol!

    You really write too many emails to yourself.

    This Hindu man is a softy. He should sit down with his wife and talk it out.

  • BMZ
    November 3, 2010 8:57 am

    Looks like you are going haywire, Sri.

    Let us stay on course and discuss this clown Ali Sina. My main point is that
    the man is a Liar, untrustworthy and an ignorant fool.

    I have written about his idiotic book, which only ignorant fools can appreciate. I was plain bored when I read it.

    Read some of my comments here:

    Take care and don’t get consumed over this closet-apostate and dunce Ali Sina.

    Will write later when I have more time. In the mean time, go and read this topic at FFI and read the posts by The Cat and Ahmed Bahgat.


  • November 3, 2010 8:41 am

    OK bye for now. It looks you are not coming back with some thing rational!

    You are welcome to continue the discussion and you know the place where to find me to discuss on anything.

    I have an advice for you. Do not go to a Mullah and start abusing Ishaq, Tabari, Sa’ad. More importantly authors of two Sahis’s, Bukhari and Muslim. Yo may not come back alive if they think you are worse than infidels.

    You sahi means original and authentic. But it does not mean every thing in it is truth.

    Actually you have pre-decided what is truth; the one that suit your purpose. The ones which are are really throwing light on Prophet and Koran are not truthful; because they expose what is Islam. Bravo! This attitude is ‘trust me’.

    Same Islamic mentality from the beginning. Can not come out of well.

  • November 3, 2010 8:18 am

    Where do you get Sunna from?

  • November 3, 2010 8:11 am

    Lets be realistic, Mr BMZ. Hinduism has its flaws. But it is not a threat to world peace.

    Their holy books are not exhorting its believers to kill others and enslave others and to establish Hindu rule over others.

    But any way, Hinduism does not have any central text at all. That word itself was coined by others.

    Your frustration shows itself.

  • November 3, 2010 8:08 am

    Now moderation starts or what?

  • November 3, 2010 8:05 am


    Your cheap shots at Hinduism says all. You do not hurt me in any way. I am not even a Hindu, myself?

    Your hatred towards Hindus says all. FFI was founded by ex-Muslim from Iran and you are projecting your frustration on to Hindus.

    There will be a time in the future when all most all people realize what is Islam all about; people will be fed up about your ways and lies and double dealings and your intolerance. That will be end of Islam. There will be casualties.

    I will give an example; instead of throwing mud on every one, why not read from Sharia law, your so called sacred law. If you want I will take you through it.


  • BMZ
    November 3, 2010 8:02 am


    You did not answer my question:

    “By the way, would you believe that Lord Shiva was a rapist, who lost his Linga (dick) when the sages tore out his dick, after they found that Shiva had raped their wives? Lord Brahma created his own daughter Parvati and in his lust, raped her!”

  • November 3, 2010 7:58 am

    I understand your frustration; Your complaint about Ibn Ishaq, Ibn Husham and Tabari and Ibn sa’ad says it all.

    Without these Islam does not exist at all. There is no way any one can tell what really happened. There is no way to interpret Koran.

    Since when Islamic Imams hold these people as pseudo scholars? They were revered by all Imams.

    But when Kafirs read these books and come to know about ways of Prophet, then they become useless and liars.

    Any way, What about hadith of Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim?

    What about Koran?

    What about Ibn Kathir? Maududi? These books are in the libraries of all Islamic organizations, my bro.

    So any thing inconvenient is not truthful?

    We should start with Koran itself, then.

  • BMZ
    November 3, 2010 7:48 am

    @ Sri

    When did I say that Dee went to the megalomaniac Ali Sina’s site?

    Ali Sina and his fellow FFI posters are goons and liars. Ali Sina is notoriously famous
    for cooking up mails under names. He sends emails to himself and then answers.

    Did you not read what the ignorant fool wrote? Read again:

    ““I have been extremely successful in helping Muslims leave Islam. My secret is how I treat them. I humiliate them. I make them look like idiots. I call them zombies, brain dead, stupid. These are not just insults. I intelligently and logically prove them.””

    So, you can see a rotten, dirty and a narrow mind behind that statement.

    Most of the posters at his junk site, are Hindu fanatics and extremists, who work in tandem with this freak, Ali Sina.
    There are many in the group writing as Ali Sina. You can see that from his postings. Sometimes the language appears to be that of a native English speaker and sometimes, you can see a third world Ali Sina writing in poor English.

    Read his junk book and note that he quotes Ibn Ishaq, Ibn Hisham, Tabari and others, who were no scholars or Imams of Islam. They are considered Liars by the early Imams of Islam.

    The man does not even understand Qur’aan in Arabic. He reads translations and comments. He acknowledged that in an exchange with me.

    Are you a member of FFI? If you are, then go and read posts by FFI In-house clowns yeezevee, skynightblaze, Pisscohot, M bin Lying, Marie, Cassie and other ignorant fools and discover how idiotic their posts are.

    Ask Ali Sina to prove the accusations. The clown cannot prove those false accusations.

    By the way, would you believe that Lord Shiva was a rapist, who lost his Linga (dick) when the sages tore out his dick, after they found that Shiva had raped their wives? Lord Brahma created his own daughter Parvati and in his lust, raped her!


  • November 3, 2010 7:12 am

    It is not Ali Sina who is a compulsive liar. It is your megalomaniac Prophet who thought that his delusions and dreams are from Allah and he put these in to Koran.

    Ali Sina has said that your Prophet is a rapist and robber. Disprove him. Why use one or two sentence cheap rhetoric?

    Dee did not go to FFI or Ali Sina. It just happened that Sina came across this; my feeling.

    Any way, what she was doing is completely resonant with Koranic verses ( 60.4, 9.113).

  • BMZ
    November 3, 2010 4:20 am

    Dear Dee,

    It is no use whining and ranting on forums. You need to sit down with your wife and sort it out. The best solution is to part company.

    You come from a religion which grades humans. You are a Brahmin and that is good fro you but there are 300 million Dalits (The Untouchable Hindus), whom your religion considers sub-humans.

    What ever you do, think, decide and act. But do not take the advice of the megalomaniac Ali Sina of Faithfreedom International (FFI) Cesspool, who himself is suffering from severe personality disorder. The man is a closet apostate and a compulsive liar. You can see that the majority of his own site is full mostly of Hindus and Ignorant Fools.

    Ali Sina is an ignorant fool himself. I have read his idiotic book and I am still a Muslim. lol!

    Have you noticed what the ignorant fool wrote to you: “I must remind again that being abusive is not the sign of strength.”?

    Look at what the clown and idiot Ali Sina wrote: “I have been extremely successful in helping Muslims leave Islam. My secret is how I treat them. I humiliate them. I make them look like idiots. I call them zombies, brain dead, stupid. These are not just insults. I intelligently and logically prove them.”

    That is how intelligent and logical the ignorant fool is.

    So, my advice is simple. Sit down and talk it out with her.

    There is no need to go to Ali Sina and his clueless goons at FFI. These scumbags will not be able to help you.

    Best wishes

  • November 2, 2010 4:39 pm

    I lost my son and I know the value of the life.

    Fear has a way of throwing us off balance, making us feel uncertain and insecure, but it is not meant to discourage us. Its purpose is to notify us that we are at the edge of our comfort zone, poised in between the old life and a new one. Whenever we face our fear, we overcome an inner obstacle and move into new and life-enhancing territory. You might wish to converse with your fear, plumbing its depths for a greater understanding of the change you are making. You could do this by sitting quietly in meditation and listening or by journaling. Writing down whatever comes up—your worries, your sadness, your excitement, your hopes—is a great way to learn about yourself through the vehicle of fear and to remember that fear almost always comes alongside anything worth doing in your life. One way to make sure you aren’t running away from your problems is to notice whether you are moving towards something that is exciting in its own right, it will be an act with a positive intention behind it and not an escape, which could make all the difference. You need to be faced rather than avoided. These are the kinds of problems that recur in our lives. For example, issues with coworkers that seem to arise at every job we take, or repeatedly getting into unhealthy relationships. A move might temporarily distract us, and even cure the problem for a time, simply by taking us out of the situation in which the problem fully manifested itself. However, the problem will eventually appear again in our new situation. Make sure you aren’t running away from your problems is to notice whether you are moving towards something that is exciting in its own right, as opposed to something that is appealing only because it is not where you are now. Any pain involved in facing our issues is well worth the effort in the end. When we face our problems instead of avoiding them, we free our energy and transform ourselves from people who run away into people who move enthusiastically forward.

    Life is gift from the God and if you have life, there is nothing we cannot overcome with time, persistence, focused thought, help, and faith. Whatever the situation or problem, there is always a solution. And if you remember to look within, even as you search around you. With correct help you can overcome any obstacle. Doing so will give you the strength and courage to move through any crisis. The second step is to make a resolution that you can prevail over any chaos. Enlist your support network of family and friends, 911 0r National Lifeline: 1.800.273.TALK (1.800.273.8255) or National Hope line: 1.800.SUICIDE (1.800.784.2433) if necessary. Don’t discount ideas just because they seem impractical or “unrealistic,” and don’t keep searching for the “best” alternative. Often there is no “best” choice, there is only a choice to make so we can begin moving beyond whatever is obstructing our path. At the very least, making a choice, even if isn’t the ideal one, can give you a sense of peace before you have to figure out what your next course of action will be.

    We often gain a fresh perspective when we remember others who have overcome larger obstacles. It can be inspiring to hear of their victories, helping us remember that there is always light at the end of every tunnel. It is during our darkest hours that we sometimes need to remind ourselves that we don’t have to feel helpless or think to end our life but think positive. You have within and around you the resources to find a solution to any problem. And remember that if a solution or choice you make doesn’t work, you are always free to try another. Believe that you can get through anything, and you will always prevail. , you will be able to center yourself, clear your mind, and see that nothing has to be impossible only if you have the life.

    Brighten up more In Our Hearts day by day”
    “Loved yesterday, today. &…. Forever more and more”
    Love,Give and Peace
    Rita, Mom to Kishan forever

    • Dhruv
      August 28, 2011 4:24 pm

      I want to start play at International level and also want to marry
      Muslim girl i was very hopeless but your words are giving me hope.
      Really Life makes everything possible.

  • November 2, 2010 4:54 am

    Meaning of Kafir is something else. Koran addresses all Non Muslims as Kafirs (Chapter 109; Kafiroon).

    Koran equally teaches that all Muslims are superior to Non Muslims in no less than 60 verses, in one way or other. There is never equality in Islamic view point. Read their Sharia law (Koran too) before some one makes an opinion.

    Islam divides man kind in to two groups: one who are following religion of truth i.e. Islam and others who are following religion of falsehood i.e. Hindus, Christians, Jews, Sikhs and Buddhists.

    Islam divides mankind in two groups; one will go to paradise (Muslims) and others will burn in Hell for eternity (Non Muslims).

    Now here comes the point:

    Allah explicitly states that these two groups (Muslims and Non Muslims) are enemies (adversaries) of each other (22:19).

    Muslims fight for Allah, only God, and others fight for Satan (evil) (4:74)

    Muslims should fight until all religion is for Allah only. (8:39)

    Allah in Koran says Muslims will succeed in establishing Islam as sole religion the earth. (9:33)

    Hate towards Non Muslims is upheld as virtue for Muslims. Muslim praying for Non Muslim is haraam. (60.4)

    Muslims are not supposed to take fathers or brothers or spouses or children as guardians or well wishers if they are not Muslims. Blood relations do not mean any thing to Allah. (9:23)

    Muslims should not pray nor ask for forgiveness from Allah for Non Muslims even if they are fathers or mothers or children. (9:113)

  • Another Indian
    November 2, 2010 3:47 am

    You write, “I ask myself am I a kafir was I so low. No my mum tells me I am a brahmin”

    So being a ‘brahmin’ is a degree above being ‘kafir’ for you? You are really a crazy guy.

    When you think you are above others, why won’t someother think you are ‘low’?

  • November 2, 2010 12:54 am

    This is the trouble with Hindus; believing in fiction all the time. Look at what it writes about Jodha Akbaar.

    Jodha was converted and practiced Islam too. Know this, you dumb fools.

    Besides this, Akbar had harem filled with 5000 Hindu women.

    What a miserable country this is.

  • November 2, 2010 12:46 am

    There is humanity in all religions except Islam. Islam is never about humanity; it is about submitting to a mad mans agenda and waging war against others.

    When some follows Islam, they should know that they are following a bandit (pirate), rapist, war monger and tyrant.

    So a religion founded by such a man is humane? You better inquire about it yourself rather than listening to others.


    Gamble and lose all the money and come back to India and settle here; this way you can avoid Canadian courts.

    That woman is not going to change so easily like Sina said. But you should think about your children. If they are young, it is possible that virus has not spread completely in to them, so you can still talk to them.

  • Another Indian
    November 1, 2010 9:28 am

    I hope you would follow Ali Sina’s advice.
    By the by, I wonder why your Mon says you are a brahmin, now, after all these years. Don’t you know it it before? What is your father’s opinion? It’s fishy here.

  • atheist jabali
    November 1, 2010 2:03 am

    An even better thing to do is..tell her that according to Quran, there can be no marriage between a muslimn and non-muslim…therefore, the marriage is not valid as per Islamic law and she is just ur keep or whore. Stop paying her bills and maintaining her and stay apart froim her.

  • atheist jabali
    November 1, 2010 2:01 am

    Dear Dee
    Tell her that if u will embrace Islam and take three more wives, beat her up as allowed by Quran 4:34 and triple talaq her.Show her the Quranic ayats.

  • usha mukhtyar
    October 31, 2010 6:43 pm

    I am sorry you married in this religion of terrorists and jihadis , suicide bombers
    How i wish we Hindus gain some self respect and respect for our religion, faith in our great ancient religion
    Read Bhagvat Geeta and get guidance that you yourself are free eternal peaceful soul almighty self
    You have faith in Lord Krishna and self respect and make your selfish mean wife understand that you could give her up if need arises. Kuran says all non muslims are Kafirs, They want to convert whole world to muslim religion. Donot give in to her.
    Once she sees your strength she will bow down.

    Best wishes

  • Madiha
    October 31, 2010 10:57 am

    Advice of Mr. ALI SINA (Founder of Faithfreedom International; to You

    Dear Dee,

    Yours is a heartbreaking story. I hope people spread it so those who think of marrying a moderate Muslim can be warned.

    I have repeated time and again that there is no such thing as moderate Muslim. We have two kinds of Muslims: Ignorant Muslim and terrorist Muslim. Your wife was an ignorant Muslim when you married her. She learned about her faith and has become a terrorist Muslim. This is the pattern.

    Now, terrorist does not necessarily mean suicide bomber. She is abusing you and using your children against you. Through her abuses she tries to do what her fellow terrorist coreligionist do, which is to coerce you to submit to Islam.

    Muslims are either terrorists or potential terrorists. The only way for them to get out of this cycle is if they leave Islam. You married a potential terrorist who has evolved into a full-fledged terrorist.

    Don’t trust someone who says he or she is a moderate Muslim. Only ex-Muslims can be trusted. To prove they have left Islam they must be ready to spit at the Quran, tear it apart, piss on it and burn it. If they refuse to do that, shun them. They are Muslims in denial. Any ex-Muslim knows that Muhammad was devil incarnate and will not have any loyalty to that criminal.

    Someone asked me to give you my advice. I will, but you have to brace yourself because what I am going to tell you is going to hurt.

    Leave that woman. Yes, divorce her. She is not worthy to be your wife. She has become demon possessed and will make your life a hell if you stay with her.

    What about the children? Fight in the court and try to get their custody, but if you fail, leave them. It is much better for them to grow up with divorced parents than see their father humiliated constantly by their mother. Children take the side of the parent who is dominant. Showing weakness will make them despise you and this affects also their own mental state. They will grow up unable to fit in the society and perform their duties as a husband or father. The abuse will be perpetuated for generations.

    Women constantly challenge men and test their strength. They do it subconsciously. They do it to reassure themselves that their man is strong. Women hate weak men. Being nice is perceived as weak. Never be nice with women. This is a terrible mistake.

    Have you ever noticed that men who are arrogant and you’d say they are jerk are more successful in dating women than those who are gentleman? This is a fact. Nice is equated as weak. When you are nice to women you lose your respect. They become mean to you and belittle you. What women want to see in men and they can’t put it in words is a strong man who can stand her ground.

    The qualities women seek in men are dominance, strength, indifference and confidence. Note that these are not the same as being bully and tyrant. In fact they are the opposite.

    A grown up man has strength of character, is dominant and in control of situations. He is confident and is not affected by what other says about him. He does not seek approval of others and least of women. A tyrant or a bully is a weak person who masks his insecurity with anger and abuse of others.

    Women are attracted to men, not to boys. A boy does not become a man just by getting older. There are childish behaviors that are turn off to women. Being a bully and a tyrant are two of them. Being a whiner, a wuss and a victim are also childish behaviors that women find unattractive. What is wuss? This is slang word. defines is as a weakling; a wimp.

    You are losing respect in your home because you are acting like a victims and a wuss. Your wife notices your weakness. She is disappointed of you for being a wuss. She reacts by being more abusive of you.

    I was once in a third world country and I witness something that bewildered me. A little boy ran in the street and the driver of a car that was about to hit him frantically slammed on the breaks and brought the car to stop inches before hitting the boy. The uneducated mother of the child panicked. One could see she was terrified. But her reaction startled me. She grabbed the child and started beating him.

    I thought about it. Why instead of hugging and comforting the frightened child she would beat him? I concluded that the episode was so stressful for her that she had to release it on her child. This does not make sense, but this is how primitive human psychology works.

    Even animal psychology works in the same way. I saw a documentary about two cheetah brothers. They hunted together and depended on one another for their sustenance. One of them got into fight with a lion and was badly injured. When he finally made it to their den, limping and bleeding, the other brother was so distressed to see him in this state that attacked him. He beat his wounded brother viciously.

    Your wife is acting in the same way. She is distressed that you are not a strong man she thought she had married. She is belittling you and humiliating you and in this way she is releasing some of her stress.

    Stop whining. Stop acting like a victim. Stop these childish behaviors and start acting like a man.

    Resume your poise. Summon your strength. Be a man and go to your wife and tell her, calmly and without any anger in your voice that you have had enough of her rudeness and that you demand that she start being obedient to you or you would divorce her.

    Print out the following passages from Quran and hadith and read them to her.

    4:34, “Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. “

    Volume 1, Book 6, Number 301:

    “Once Allah’s Apostle went out to the Musalla (to offer the prayer) o ‘Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr prayer. Then he passed by the women and said, “O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women).” They asked, “Why is it so, O Allah’s Apostle ?” He replied, “You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.” The women asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?” He said, “Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?” They replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn’t it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?” The women replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her religion.”

    After reading these two passages, tell her that you will either divorce her or will start treating her like a Muslim husband. The choice is up to her.

    Also tell her that if she likes to be treated as the Quran and hadith say a woman should be treated you will convert to Islam and not only beat her like a mule every time she is disobedient to you, you will also bring another co-wife to the house and if she frowns or complains you will divorce her on the spot by repeating talaq, trice. Be very serious when speaking to her.

    Then call on you sons who are disrespectful to you. Like your wife they are also testing your strength. Tell them from now on they will not be given any new clothing, no new shoes, and no money. The food will be the bare minimum for them to survive, nothing delicious or fancy. But if they want any of these things they must earn it, by being respectful to you.

    Of course they won’t believe you. You have acted like a wuss all your life. How they can believe you now? They will laugh and think you are joking. Show them that you are not joking. Don’t give them money anymore. Buy the cheapest food, only enough so they don’t starve. If they complain, tell them they have to earn what they want. If they don’t respect you they won’t get anything.

    Tell your wife that if she is not going to shape up, she will have to ship out of your house. Make it clear that you are ready to divorce her. I guarantee that this will make her think twice and her respect of you will grow. That is what she wants – a strong man – even though she is not able to tell you in words. She is using Islam as an excuse. Your wife is not a bright woman. She cannot interpret what is going on in her own subconscious mind. She sees you are wuss. She has lost her respect for you because of your weakness and she is taking on you her stress.

    I must remind again that being abusive is not the sign of strength. Bullying and being a tyrant, as Muslim men are, are signs of weakness. You have to maintain your poise and indifference. Speak calmly and with confidence. But be clear that if she wants you to pay for her clothing she must respect you and if that is not possible for her, you are going to divorce her.

    I wish I had to tell you don’t sleep with her. But I there is no need to say such thing because she is the one who is not sleeping with you. If she does not respect you, you don’t turn her on sexually. Sexual attraction for men and for women work differentky. Men can have sex with any woman as long as she is pretty. Women are only attracted to men that have manly qualities.

    Don’t be crippled by your love for your children. She sees that and she is using it against you. She is controlling you through your love for your children. Be indifferent. This will disarm her. She must realize she has no control over you. Once this happens, you will regain your manhood and she will regain her respect for you. Women want dominant and strong men. You can be ugly, you can be poor, you can be short, fat and old. As long as you are dominant, you will be attractive. Once you lose that and show weakness, you lose your respect and attractiveness.

    Once you show dominance and indiference the table is turned. Without being able to use your parental love against you, and seeing herself in need f your money, your wife will suddenly find herself in disadvantage. Now it is you who have the power and are in control. She needs you because she needs your money and to get that she has to respect you. But don’t stop there. Go one step further and tell her as a Muslim woman she must also obey you. As long as she remains a Muslims she must be obedient to you. You will treat her as equal only when she denounces Islam.

    If she insists in wearing burqa, don’t discourage her. Tell her in Islam woman are nothing but awrat, a defective thing, the private part that has to be hidden. So it behooves her to cover herself because as a Muslim woman she is an object of shame and you are happy that she is covering herself in order to not bring shame on your.

    Use Islam against her. Muslim women must be obedient. They must be submissive. They must cover themselves. They can be beaten. They are deemed to be deficient in intelligence. They should treat them as inferior beings. Play all these against her. Use Islam to destroy her pride. Humiliate her. Don’t discuss anything with her. Don’t treat her like a soul mate or wife. Treat her like a slave. Don’t consult anyhing with her. Do what you please and order her that she must do what you say or you will divorce her.

    Reserve a room to yourself and don’t allow anyone in. You are the king of the house and they must learn there are boundaries that they cannot transgress. That nice father and husband must die for the new you to be born.

    This is all psychological game. She is playing with you. She is toying with you. Learn the rules of this game and use it against her.

    Tell her once she can prove to you that she can be a good Muslima wife, obedient and servile, you may consider converting to Islam, but once you become a Muslim she should be ready to be beaten like deficient in intelligence that she is and she should be ready to accommodate a younger cowife.

    Reason works with rational people. Muslims are brainwashed and brain damaged. They are not rational people. They are morons. Don’t try to argue and reason with morons. Treat them like morons and you will get result.

    I have been extremely successful in helping Muslims leave Islam. My secret is how I treat them. I humiliate them. I make them look like idiots. I call them zombies, brain dead, stupid. These are not just insults. I intelligently and logically prove them.

    Islam is not based on logic but on arrogance, vain glory and pride that act like a protective shell agaist reason. You have to break that shell first. You have to use a combination of reason and humiliation. This is like using carrot and stick. Humiliation weakens their defensive shell and reason encourages them to think. I am successful because I use both. I humiliate Muslims, I deride at them, I belittle them, and simultaneously I provide rational arguments.

    People don’t understand this method and they advise me to soften my language. But my success is proof that my method works. When you speak to an academician you adopt a different language than when you talk to a child. When you converse with Muslims you must descent to their level. Muslims are zombies. Treat them as such and you will get the result.

    Ask and I will send you a pdf version of the older edition of my book. Read it and order your wife to read it too and respond to it. Tell her that if she can prove me wrong you will convert to Islam and will start beating her. My book will make anyone who reads it leave Islam. I say this with total certainly. I keep receiving emails from Muslims who say they want to debate me. I tell them the condition is that they read my book first. They agree and a few days later they write back and say they read it. I tell them to come on gchat so I ca quiz them to make sure they have read the book. They start arguing that it is childish, and they refuse to take the quiz. Then I never hear from them again. However, those who read the book leave Islam.

    It is not possible for a sane person to read my book and remain a Muslim. If you can convince your wife to read it, she will leave Islam. But her arrogance towards you has more to do with your own wussy behavior than with Islam. Islam empowers her to be abusive towards you. This could have happened even if she were a Hindu. Men who are weak lose respect. Men who are nice are perceived as weak. Weak men are not attractive to women. Start being a man and don’t let anyone toy with you. You will become attractive not just to your woman but to everyone.

    Good luck

    Ali Sina

    • Am
      August 28, 2011 4:58 pm

      I am a Hindu man wants to marry a muslim girl but don’t want to convert my religion and want to leave my parents and that muslim girl. Can you provide some suggestions for this type of marriages.

      • admin
        August 28, 2011 11:03 pm

        Hello Am,
        Did you ask your Muslim girl friend what does she want? There are many talking points for any Hindu-Muslim relationship in this article. Please clarify upfront. Lets us know what you learned and we will talk later.

  • Suresh Vyas
    October 30, 2010 9:26 pm

    Dear Dee,

    In the eyes of Islam (Koran) all the non-Muslims are kafirs. So, being a kafir (meaning a non-Muslim) is not bad, but it is great thing. Of all the religions, the Hindu (i.e. sanaatan dharma) is the best because it gives the complete spiritual science for mankind of all the times and places.

    It was a great mistake of you in marrying a Muslim girl. The risk in inter-faith marriage is always high, and within faith is low. She has broken the vow to love you as she loves Islam over you. So, the marriage is broken. There may be some emotional bonds between you and the children, and legal bonds between you and her. But as far as relation is concerned, the relation is broken. I know, this is very painful for you. If I were you, I would divorce her, and take the custody of the children if possible.

    Additionally, the Muslims use marriage with a kafirs as a means to get converts. They always force Islam on the children and on the spouses. This is one more reason for the Hindus boys or girls to not develop any relation with a Muslim girl or boy. Their Koran teaching is such that no matter how much good you (a kafir) do to a Muslim, they never feel gratitude for it.

    Feel proud that you are a Hindu, and love the vedic dharma. So, stick with it, and spread the bad experience with other Hindus so that they will be wiser in marriage decision.

    It would be better to tell the truth of the situation to your parents and friends; after all they are your well wishers.

    Commuting suicide or staying in depression for long is not recommended by dharma. A suicide causes more problems in after-life. After divorce you could marry a good Hindu girl who will take care of you and your home. Or, you could become a Hanuman devotee and just do some social service.

    Read Bhagavad Gita As It Is regularly. Take a mantra of your choice and chant it as much as you could in spare times, but regularly in the morning, and at bed times. If you have any question, feel free to ask. I am a Vedic teacher/preacher. E-mail:

    I understand your pain, but you need to make some decisions and get out of the sorrow.

    Wishing you best.

    KrishNa says in Gita:

    sarva dharmaan parityaajya maam ekam sharanam vraja ..

  • Bramh Mishra
    October 29, 2010 4:01 pm

    Theres nothing to fear. Teachings dont demonstrate anything. Look at the records of either Christianity or Islam, they are full of atrocities against others yet they are proud to be muslims/christains. This pride is ignorance. They are demented. Compare their records with Hindus. They are the best, no mass murders, no colonozation, no destruction and occupation of others lands, no destruction of cultures. What a record. It should make anyone proud. Their ancestors were all followers of Sanatna Dharma until they were forcefully converted by the devil, the devil of their own making which they are still looking for.They are victims of their own idology.

  • admin
    October 28, 2010 9:48 pm

    DEE, Some how you have to pass through current difficult situation. God is putting you through a difficult task, but you cannot give it up. Keep working on a positive direction to find a solution. Madiha found a solution to her poor mother, your one of sons will help you one day to a brighter life.

    Madiha’s advise is right. Over last few years, some one is giving your wife wrong advise or brain washing her. I don’t think Islam is teaching to treat husband like this and risk breaking the family. You need to slowly and slowly bring your wife back to where you found her. Trust God, you could do it. Nothing will happen overnight, it may take years. If you give up, it will all be lost.

    Trust yourself. In World’s view, you are a Brahmin and not Kafir. Trust what your mom is saying, not what your brianwashed wife. If a non-Muslim is kafir, then Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Obama, Manmohan Singh and 75% of World’s population is kafir!!

    Ask others for help. Go to your parents/friends and tell them all as is. Your parents truly loves you, so tell them all. What is wrong in being honest? At least I am glad you are talking on this web site for help. I wish others with experience will guide you. Please share your experiences/feelings as you go along to the readers on this blog, we would like to know how you managed over years. Good days are ahead for you. Best wishes!

  • Dee
    October 28, 2010 5:02 pm

    I feel really bad my days and nights are so long my partner views islam higher than me. After all I am a Hindu and a kafir in her eye. I live to support her and my 3 kids. I wish I die, I cannot be happy my immediate family or hers. What is there in life to live for. I suffer from asthma and each tray I hope I will have a big attack and die. I ask myself am I a kafir was I so low. No my mum tells me I am a brahmin. I see my pain and urge all Muslims and Hindu to never get involved in a relation it only ends up in pain. May be not straight away but eventually. You fell like during when this happens. I feel like taking my life but find it hard because of my 3 boys smallest being 10 months. Why is life so hard. All communication has broken down, what is there to look in life apart from death, I can’t wait. I would like to go before my mum and dad so they can cremate me, I can then be free. What a life of lies and misery, don’t put yourself through this. Should I leave her, I feel I can’t due to the kids shoud i die, this is easier please help me

  • Madiha
    October 8, 2010 11:21 am

    I feel Sorry for you, your story is really sad and painful, I can understand what your going through, I dont know what to say, but I suggest you that you should mail your story to, write in subject ALI SINA- my wife calls me kafir, they would publish your story and would give u the best suggestion, is run by ex muslims and would give u the best suggestion.
    If your wife and children live with you then your problem can be solved, you have to learn about Islam and have to educate your wife about the danger of Islam, you just mail your story to, there you would get the best suggestion. I hope u would mail.

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