My parent are forcing me to marry muslim boy

Saragul says: February 4, 2013 at 9:39 am

I am 25 years old Muslim girl, live in USA and in love with one hindu boy, we were studying together in the University, so since 6 years, we are known to each other, and we love each other like a crazy. He is very intelligent , smart and sensitive, working as a software engineer while I am accountant, I know I could not live without him.

I want to marry him, he is ready to marry me, his family is also ready but my parent are not ready and forcing me to marry muslim boy. I am depressed now. I can not live without him. I wan to spend rest of my life with him.

Now, I have decided to leave my home and parent, I will marry him any cost. I want to convert to Hindu for marriage. But no such restriction from my Hindu BF. IF this is good step? -Saragul


Satyen says: February 8, 2013 at 5:05 pm


Marriage is your choice. Accepting any religious way of living is also your choice. Both of your choices must be respected as long as they don’t hurt others. To decide anything as right or wrong, you must have correct and enough information. You can convert to Hinduism if you like the Hindu way of living and considering all the humanity belonging to the same God, known as different names.

In your situation, I would have studied the material at this site and then talked to my parents about Islam, Muhammad and his marriages/wives. As I have come to a conclusion that Muhammad was anti women and has painted the God Allah in a very distasteful manner, I would have quit his cult. Also, would have discussed these to my parents in a friendly manner (mostly it’s hard to educate the parents though) to pray Allah and leave Muhammad.

Any way, take your decision after a deliberation. We all wish you good luck.-Satyen


Veena Malik says: February 11, 2013 at 10:06 am

Hi Admn/Satyen,

Really feeling proud of Muslim sisters, responding so outspokenly on this blog on various issues of Islamic evils.

Credit goes to you both for providing such a great forum for such girls to highlight burning problems they have been facing hundreds of years right from their ancestors.

God bless you both always. -Veena Malik.


Also read: Islamic Women Today, Inter-race marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy, Christian-Muslim marriages, Hymen Repair Surgery,

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  • truth
    May 17, 2013 10:14 pm

    @Naveed- absolutely fake is your knowledge, the final messenger of god, the best of prophet, best man in this universe is Jesus and Buddha, there message to mankind was peace. Those did not differentiated people on there religion, what you call clay is given to man by god. How can you so racist and stupid to write all that incorrect things. Any Muslim girl can marry any Christian, Hindu or any other religion boy, without leaving Muslim religion, other religion are tolerant. If your allah/ mohd was a real god, he would have not created other religion people, so in short you are following wrong god, convert to Christianity and seek peace.

  • Naveed
    May 17, 2013 4:12 pm

    Some of the comments on this forum are disgusting. Prophet Muhammed, the final messenger of God(pbuh) is the greatest human being to ever be born in this world and if you complete your due diligence you will come to this awareness to.

    There are billions of Muslims worldwide who will attest to this FACT. It’s unfortunate you are turning your back on Islam, the true and pure religion. I know Allah can grant us a place in paradise, I’m afraid I can’t say the same for any of your boyfriends clay idols. I feel sorry for your parents and the hurt you will bring them.

    And just for your information, there are no forced marriages in Islam, so if your parents put such pressure on, make them aware of this. If you love your bf so much, you should ask him to move towards Islam or at the very least the belief in ONE God. In Islam you are forgiven for almost anything, but Idol Worshipping is amongst the unforgivable.

    Good luck in coming to your senses.

  • junaid
    March 8, 2013 11:19 pm

    To know about hinduism vist a great religion ha ha ha

    • Satyen
      April 22, 2013 8:42 pm

      To know Hinduism visit :

    • truth
      May 17, 2013 10:17 pm

      Dude you have some fucked up senses, to tell others about Islam, you tell them read Qur’an, and to tell about Hinduism, you ask them to read anti-Hindu sites? These anti hindu sites are funded by Saudi money, we all know that.

  • February 12, 2013 8:41 am


    Dont worry, sikh boys are ready to marry you. You need to date them, win their confidence and one of them will prove himself to be nice husband for you till he breaths his last. That is my promise.


  • February 12, 2013 5:56 am

    I was raped as a child, so am not a virgin. Which Muslim man will ever want to marry me?

    I am a muslim girl. Today I am 25. I have lost my virginity when I was a kid because I got raped but nobody knows that. I got a boyfriend who used me and no body will believe if I tell them how that man used me because I was stupid. I believed him, I know everything is my fault.

    I was in relation with my boyfriend. I was not in love with him. I just felt sorry for him because he liked me, so I wanted to make him happy by being with him. But I felt disgusting and kept everything in myself, because whole life I felt that no body cared for me so I wanted to care for someone. I felt like nobody in my life will want me so I gave myself, being used. I know it is wrong…..what to do?

    But I feel like no man will accept me because I don’t have my virginity and that feeling that girls feel when they lose their virginity. I really miss that. I never got that feeling, during my childhood I was thinking that I will nevet get marry because I was not virgin. Whole my life that is issue following me. I tried to commit suicide but I was not so strong to kill myself. What to do people any solution.

    I can’t get over it, I study hard keep myself busy. I try to never lie. I have even thought to get an operation to restore my hymen so I can get that feeling being clean or something I did not did that, it is just mentally satisfaction. I was thinking of telling me people what is to do. I afraid tooo much. Just help and say something, thanks for your time.

    I really have to die. I always pray that to Allah since I was kid but inside I want to live and have a life with and be happy. But I feel like I don’t have right to live…what should I?

    Reply to Hadija at

  • February 11, 2013 10:06 am

    Hi Admn/Satyen,

    Really feeling proud of muslim sisters, responding so outspokenly on this blog on various issues of islamic evils.

    Credit goes to you both for providing such a great forum for such girls to highlight burning problems they have been facing hundreds of years right from their ancestors.

    God bless you both always.

    • February 13, 2013 1:17 am

      Thank you for your good words, but please do not leave us alone. This is no one person or organization’s work, we need Veena Malik badly. Please keep coming back to guide youths as your time permits. We are confident that, together, we will make this world a little better place to live.

    • Satyen
      February 16, 2013 3:28 pm


      Thanks for the appreciation. The great cause of rescuing the Muslim women from the age old tyranny has been spearheaded by the Admin and the Muslim women/girls including you. These are the praiseworthy people. I am only serving the Allah/God by serving His creation. It’s only the prophets who have divided this beautiful humanity into Muslims and non-Muslims etc. To me, all these Muslim women are no different than than other Hindu women as I don’t accept this Muhammad’s division of the Allah’s creation. All the women fall in the category of Mothers/sisters/daughters/friends. So, why unfriendly treatment for them? Let’s spread the message of one humanity without any division among themselves.

  • Satyen
    February 10, 2013 5:46 pm

    If Muslim girls are not virgins, the primary blame is on the cult of Muhammad. He has made it acceptable that cousins could marry each other. So, in joint families, during the immature teen age, it’s quite possible to have sexual relations among the cousins as it’s not a taboo. Similarly, frequent visiting to the relatives’ homes also makes it easy to have sexual relations with the cousins. In this type of social practices, the Muslim girls shouldn’t be blamed as I think, most of the time the culprits would be the elder male cousins for the incest.

    Now it’s time the Muslim women should raise their voices against the marriages with their cousins. If they haven’t done it, they can help others including their siblings and children. Please help purge the society of this social malpractice.

  • Satyen
    February 10, 2013 5:37 pm

    All Muslim girls,

    Live the life stress free and with respect without any repentance for the past. If you feel you have done something which you shouldn’t have done, just beg apology from Allah and try not to do it over again. That’s all you need to do. After going through several comments of Muslim women, I feel they have so much premarital stress for their wedding nights. What an irony! The long awaited day which should have been probably the happiest day of life, to be with one who will live together till death, is turned into a D-day! Just get out of it if you can.

    Don’t accept any husband looking for a virgin wife and he is himself not. Even if you are a virgin, don’t accept these non-virgin guys looking for the virgin girls.

    If you re a non-virgin don’t be scared and go with some one who doesn’t care about your past relationships but only with the future ones. And believe me, there will be many to accept you.

    Hymen repair surgery or Hymen kit should be the last resort.

    Also find it at

    • February 10, 2013 10:38 pm

      Absolutely agree!

      Why would you (any one) want to marry who is going to look down in the bed sheet for the blood spot AFTER having fun with you? Why will not he tell you that I trust you and promise you not ever to doubt you for what you are.

      Even there was no blood spot, why will not he assume it must be that soccer goal kick and trust your purity?

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