My Imam dad married 7 times

ashgari says: May 12, 2013 at 1:46 am

Hi Aafrah,

Sad to read your story. My dad was Imam in a mosque. He was habituated of anal sex with innocent boys in his madrasa. Many times he was beaten by the parents, being influential every time he escaped.

He married 7 times during his life time and now no more because of HIV infection. Islam is really for sexy and horny people. -Ashgari


Ashgari added: May 13, 2013 at 5:16 am

I am from an asian muslim country right now and student (21 years). I wish to go out of the country for a higher study, but the problem is that I am not financially strong to do so. Wants to marry in a non-muslim family looking at the horrors of evils of my dad as Imam.

Wish to have blissful and independent life. Thanks. -Ashgari

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  • Taimur
    January 30, 2015 11:03 pm

    I see a lot of hatred about Islam, some quoting verses and hadith out of context, Islam is my religion and I am glad to follow it, its a religion of peace and not violence you can’t blame it on Islam if someone commits a crime. Please keep your discussion about the person committing the crime, not please don’t abuse the pure name of our Allah and Prophet Muhammad (PBHU).

  • mac
    September 2, 2014 2:51 am

    A fake story, coz how a imam can marry seven times when marrying upto four is permitten in some condition, and you are talknig about anal se, lol, anal sex between sposes in haram(forbidden) in islam

  • suma
    September 22, 2013 7:29 am

    Any kind of modernization is opposed by muslim men who are usually uneduated and lead mostly mediocre lives. Indian legal system put in place an ordinance that prevents girls getting sold to the highest bidder. Gulf and even african men want to marry very young muslim girls and in most cases use them as sex slaves or just mere servants. This wont be easy if the woman is 18 and by which time she can understand the law.But muslim men fight the secular govts. in the name of faith, see below-

    Kerala India, Sept 21, 2013
    Muslim organisations, including the Indian Union Muslim League, have joined hands to oppose the law banning child marriage on the ground that the Child Marriage (Prevention) Act is against the provisions of the Muslim personal law.

    At a meeting of Muslim organisations convened by the Samastha Kerala Jam-Iyyathul Ulama here on Friday, a committee was constituted with Kottumala Bappu Musaliar, secretary, Samastha Kerala Jam-Iyyathul Ulama, as chairman, M.C. Mayeen Haji, IUML leader, as convener, and Mustapha Mundupara as coordinator to “protect” the Muslim personal law and also explore scope for legal remedies whenever necessary.

    Mr. Mundupara, spokesman for the convention, told The Hindu on Saturday that the meeting was convened in response to complaints from many mahal committees about problems in families in which girls were given in marriage before the age of 18 due to ‘unavoidable circumstances.’

    Criticising the Child Marriage (Prevention) Act, which made marriage of girls below the age 18 an offence, speakers at the meeting said the law violated religious rights of the Muslim community since the Muslim personal law did not specify the age for marriage of girls in the community.

    “The constitutional protection enjoyed by the Muslim community should not be diluted or taken away. The Muslim personal law does not prohibit marriage of girls below the age 18,” Mr. Mundupara said.

    The convention also endorsed a suggestion to carry on a campaign to avoid marriage of girls at an early age except under unavoidable circumstances, he said.

    The meeting, in a resolution, appealed to the State and Central governments to take remedial measures on this issue.

    Kotumala Bappu Musaliar presided over the convention.

    Besides representatives of the Samastha Kerala Jam-Iyyathul Ulama and the Indian Union Muslim League, leaders of the two factions of the Kerala Nadvathul Mujahideen, Jammaat-e-Islami Hind, Muslim Educational Society, and the Muslim Service Society participated in the convention.

    Keywords: IUML, Muslim personal law, child marriage

  • May 27, 2013 12:18 pm



    it is upto you to adopt any religion. Can you tell, following Muhammad,s teachings, will you marry your 6 years old daugther to a 59 years old man? and send her to a maulvi for learning teachings of Koran, no matter she is sexually abused?

  • May 26, 2013 11:57 am

    Realistic poem on Zahid,s life history.

    My sincere appreciation to the composer:-

    There is no hitch
    Zahid son of a bitch,

    She got 9 mutta marriages,
    had 115 illegal miscarriages,

    Zahid habitual of sodomyzing,
    to get asshole maximizing,

    Kutte ki aulad

  • truth
    May 25, 2013 11:00 pm

    All secular people have a look here-

    Think yourself what is truth of religion of peace. – There is no smoke without a fire.

  • May 22, 2013 12:40 pm

    Zahid mad dog.

    Son of bitch?

  • May 22, 2013 10:20 am


    What punishment Imam got who sodomized you a number of times?
    When you are indulged in such dirty games, are you still muslim?

  • May 21, 2013 11:08 am


    You said that Imam who raped girl,is not muslim. Ok, agreed. Why he is allowed to hold the position of Imam and why students are sent to him for learning Koran.

    You are no doubt stupid, without logic you say all nonsense. Imam is a respectable position, but when he commits rape like crimes with innocents, why he is not chopped into pieces or stoned to death.

    Imam and maulvies who rape or sodomise inncents should also be stonned to death.

    • Zahid
      May 22, 2013 6:46 am

      Do you know what is punishment of rapist and homosexuals in islam#F00000

  • May 17, 2013 4:27 am

    You stupid,

    Do you know your mother was raped in madarasa and you are the illegal product out of mutta marriage? What action are you going to take those rapist?

    You get your anus widened to keep bombs inside it.
    You are defending islamic evils because by those evil you were born.

  • zahid
    May 16, 2013 1:29 pm

    The imam who raped girl didnot fallow islam and he should get death sentence . As this is worstcrime in islam. By saying imam had raped a girls it means all imams are bad ha ha your logic. You fools collect news thatimam raped a girl and concluded that islam asks them to do. In islam rape is worst crime and punishmed of rapists is stoned to death. I can also collect news againest other religion like this
    a 71 year old hindu priest raped a girl
    a christian priest raped a girl

    • zahid
      May 16, 2013 1:31 pm
      • GodIsGreat
        May 19, 2013 5:42 am


        No matter how much we try to make people understand they never will, except if God wills so.

        Verse 2:6
        Verily, those who disbelieve, it is the same to them whether you warn them or do not warn them, they will not believe.”

        Verse 2:7
        Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearings, and on their eyes there is a covering. Theirs will be a great torment.

        Verse 2:169
        He gives wisdom to whom He wills, and whoever has been given wisdom has certainly been given much good. And none will remember except those of understanding.

        Verse 3:7
        It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise – they are the foundation of the Book – and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah . But those firm in knowledge say, “We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord.” And no one will be reminded except those of understanding.

        Verse 5:104
        And when it is said to them, “Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger,” they say, “Sufficient for us is that upon which we found our fathers.” Even though their fathers knew nothing, nor were they guided?

        Verse 6:110
        And We will turn away their hearts and their eyes just as they refused to believe in it the first time. And We will leave them in their transgression, wandering blindly.

        Verse 6:111
        And even if We had sent down to them the angels [with the message] and the dead spoke to them [of it] and We gathered together every [created] thing in front of them, they would not believe unless Allah should will. But most of them, [of that], are ignorant.

        • truth
          May 25, 2013 10:53 pm

          Two fake people consoling each other. Great, 2 idiot ideas does not make a great idea. Happy trolling on non-muslim land.

  • May 16, 2013 12:19 pm

    It has been learnt from highly reliable source that 10 days ago, a girl from Rawalakot, supposedly an M.A from AJK university, was asked to come for a job interview at PC Hotel Muzaffarabad for a vacancy at Bank of AJK but she was raped by the durnkard PPP Ministers of AJK all the night and then in morning they let her go in a half-dead condition. Sardar Faisal Yaqoob ( Son of AJK’s president) is said to have invited that girl to hotel with the assurity of a job while the rooms were booked on the name of Rizwan Qureshi ( Secretary appointed by Faryal Talpur). Ministers threatened to kill her if she would tell anyone anything about that incident. Ministers who were involved in this case are Faisal Mumtaz Rathor ( Son of Ex PM Raja Mumtaz Rathor), Bazil Naqvi, Islam Butt ( Ministers for religious affairs) and Abdul Majid Khan.

  • May 16, 2013 12:09 pm

    Hi readers,

    In a shocking and heart rending incident in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, an innocent girl was gang raped by Cabinet Ministers and bureaucrats while police as usual has been trying to cover up the shameful incident and the student unions are up in arms against the state on this issue.

    Shame on humanity and Islam.

  • May 16, 2013 4:13 am

    Hello Admn. and Satyen sir,

    The evil practice of sodomy, rape in the Madarasas by Imams and Maulvies, has become a common feature in Pakistan and Afganistan due to talibani influence in the Mosques and Madrasas.

    I had a heated exchange of dialogues with Maulvies on this issues, which is also available on You tube.

    In fact only a few incidents come to light otherwise thousands of incidents do not flash, either the parents do not want due to insult and shame to family, threatening from the Maulvies and Imams who have links with notorious elements, no support from Police and the Imams put counter allegations, with undue pressures and influence against which poor parents cannot open their mouths. In the name of teachings of Koran poor kids are subject to such evil practices. It is the unfortunate part of muslim community that even after so many evils, majority of the public do not condemn and oppose openly as they might be punished in the name of blashphemy, a cruel reality of the islamic religion.

    Can you please suggest some ways to fight this evil practices?

    • Satyen
      May 27, 2013 2:39 pm


      I am sorry to be so late as was really busy with my career aspirations. Coming to the point, I have the same remedies for this ailment as have been proposing for some time. By this, I mean the following:

      1. Educate the people about the incidences and reality about the Imams and Maulavis

      2. Encourage other enlightened/educated people to do the same

      3. Organise like minded people and start something at ground level and in cyberspace. Encourage brainstorming sessions to bring out innovative and effective remedies.

      4. Knock the doors of ‘Human rights’ and involve the activists, nationally and internationally.

      5. Try to keep yourself away from the ghettos of the Islamists for your safety. You can do more by leaving away from them for sometime or until you are not strong enough to fight with them.

      I am always there to be with you if it can help Muslim women’s cause.

  • May 15, 2013 1:11 pm

    Hi Admn.

    Public anger has gripped Saudi Arabia after a prominent muslim imam who raped and beat to death his 5-year-old daughter was sentenced to a few months in jail and a $50,000 fine – known as ‘blood money’ – to compensate the victim’s relatives.

    ­According to Islamic law, the ‘blood money’ can be paid in lieu of the death penalty. The imam’s fine was reportedly half the usual amount because the victim was a girl.

    Saudi imam Fayhan Ghamdi, a frequent guest on Muslim TV networks, confessed to using cables and a cane to inflict the injuries, AFP reported, quoting activists from the group ‘Women to Drive.’

    Ghamdi reportedly doubted that his daughter, Lama Ghamdi, was a virgin, and forced her to undergo a medical inspection.

    In December 2011, Lama was admitted to hospital with multiple injuries, including a crushed skull, broken ribs and left arm, and extensive bruising and burns, according to the activist group. Hospital worker Randa Kaleeb said that the girl’s back was broken, and that she had been raped “everywhere.”

    ­The hospital told the victim’s mother that her child’s “rectum had been torn open and the abuser had attempted to burn it closed,” AFP reported on Saturday.

    In October 2012, the girl died from her injuries. The following November, the father was arrested. The judge ruled that the “blood money and the time the defendant had served in prison since Lama’s death suffices as punishment,” activists reported.

    The incident sparked public anger in Saudi Arabia, prompting an online Twitter campaign calling for more severe punishment for violence against women and children. The ‘Women to Drive’ campaign, launched by women’s rights activist Manal Sharif, has demanded the creation of legislation that would criminalize violence against women and children.

    The petition is circulating on Twitter under the hashtag ‘Ana Lama’ – “I am Lama” in Arabic.

    The issue has gained widespread traction in Saudi Arabia, and authorities promised to set up a 24-hour hotline that will take calls regarding child abuse.

  • Nargis
    May 15, 2013 12:45 pm

    Hello Admn.

    The following is the news of Indonesia recently, where Imam raped a girl in a mosque.

    Investigators believe Imam may have raped as many as 30 little girls

    Tarakan, Indonesia; A Koran recital teacher who is also an imam at a Tarakan mosque in East Kalimantan has been arrested after admitting to raping one of his students, an 8-year old girl.

    The girl’s mother reported 40-year old Sul to the police upon learning of her daughter’s ordeal.

    “According to the victim’s parent, the incident happened on Saturday [April 13]. The victim claimed that she was sexually abused by the suspect in the mosque after a Koran recital class,” Tarakan Police Chief Adj. Sr. Comr. Desman S. Tarigan said on Tuesday.

    “The parent only learned about it on Sunday after the child complained that she felt pain in her genitals.”

    Desman said police immediately apprehended Sul, who admitted to the investigators that he raped the victim and was immediately named a suspect and detained.

    A doctor’s examination also confirmed that the victim was suffering from internal bleeding and wounds due to the rape.

    Investigators believe they may be more victims, because the suspect was teaching about 30 children, most of whom were girls.

    “Based on reports from the public, this was not the first time that he has committed this, but that he has done this several times. We have asked the residents to file a report,” Deman said.

    The suspect has been charged under Article 81(2) and Article 82 of Law No. 23/2002 on child protection.“It carries a 15-year punishment and that’s quite high,” he said.

    Amir, a parent, said he was shocked when he heard about the news because two of his daughters, one aged 8 and another aged 12, were also Sul’s students.

    “From what I know, he has a wife and five children,” Amir said. “He’s a teacher’s assistant in an elementary school. At night, he teaches Koran to children.”

    Amir said that Sul was also a mosque Imam in Selumit Pantai.

    “There was a news about Sul before, that once he tried to rape a student in a mosque after studying the Koran, but it did not happen because the child fought back,” he added.


  • May 15, 2013 12:29 pm

    Hi Zahid,

    Surprised to read that you were also sodomised by Imams and Malvies?
    Did you not complain against them?Perhaps you are still habituated of such practices in the name of islam. You have a typical life story.
    It is strange to read that males anus are widened to hide small bombs inside it by Jihadies. What a religion?

    Shame on you.

  • May 15, 2013 11:04 am

    A teenager whipped to death in Bangladesh for having a relationship with a married man was allegedly raped by her cousin, it has emerged.

    Four Islamic clerics were arrested this week for ordering Mosammet Hena, 14, to receive 100 lashes in a fatwa or religious edict at a village in the south-western Shariatpur district.

    It has now been reported that the teenage girl was raped by her married cousin and then accused of having an affair with him.

    The girl collapsed after she was lashed in public with a bamboo cane around 70 times on Monday, police chief Shahidur Rahman said.

    She was taken to hospital, but died hours later.

    Police chief Shahidur Rahman said the 40-year-old man with whom the girl was allegedly involved was also sentenced to 100 lashes, but he fled to escape the punishment.

    ‘We are hunting for the man,’ he said.

    The girl was reportedly beaten by the man’s family before the lashing sentence was passed.

    ‘What sort of justice is this?’ the girl’s father asked the BBC.

    ‘My daughter has been beaten to death in the name of justice. If it had been a proper court then my daughter would not have died.’

  • May 15, 2013 3:29 am

    Hi Zahid,

    Surprised to read that you were also sodomised by Imams and Malvies?
    Did you not complain against them?Perhaps you are still habituated of such practices in the name of islam. You have a typical life story.
    It is strange to read that males anus are widened to hide small bombs inside it by Jihadies. What a religion?

    Had it been in European country, both you and maulvies were behnd the bars for whole life.

  • May 14, 2013 11:02 am

    No doubt that Zahid was also sexually abused and sodomized by Imam and Maulvies in Madrasas during his childhood. This is the reason that he is not accepting evil practices of islam.

    His entire family is like that, does not know who is actually his father, mother already mutta marriage victim and he himself sodomised.

  • May 14, 2013 10:57 am

    The wonderful texts posted based on reality and exposing the evil characters of muslim religion teachers.

    Zahid will never accept the reality even if he is sexually abused by an Imam in Madrasa.

  • zahid
    May 14, 2013 10:26 am

    Story is fake
    All the liars againest islam about anal and oral sex has been exposed on

    they should refrain telling lies

  • May 14, 2013 9:32 am

    Women in polygamous marriages suffering psychological torture

    JEDDAH: Although Islam permits men taking more than one wife, the issue of polygamy remains a controversial one with many Saudi women dead set against sharing their husbands with others.
    In Islam, men are permitted four wives at any one time. However, the faith insists on men treating their wives fairly. Those who fear they might not be able to do justice to multiple wives are commanded to refrain from marrying more than one woman.
    Some scholars are also of the view that a husband should tell his first wife if he intends to marry a second time, but her permission is not necessary for subsequent marriages.
    According to statistics issued by King Saud University in Riyadh, men taking second wives are the cause of 55 percent of divorces in the Kingdom.
    So why do women not accept their husbands taking second wives? Is this due to jealousy, egotism or other social factors? Do contemporary Saudi women accept polygamy the way their mothers did 20 years ago?
    Kholood Muqbel, a Saudi teacher and mother of two girls, married first when she was 18. “I was in college studying literature then. My father treated his children very harshly and my mother was always weak in front of him. These circumstances pushed me to make a bad choice in getting married,” she said.
    “I was carried away by emotions. However, after getting married I became upset. My husband would mistreat me. He was harsh and stubborn,” she added.
    Her husband then decided to take a second wife. “What pained me the most after all that and what caused me to leave him was that he married a second time without informing me. If he was good man and kind, I could have accepted this, but he was horrible and so I asked for a divorce, which I eventually secured after a long struggle,” she said.
    Looking after two young children as a single mother proved difficult for Muqbel. “Taking care of two girls on my own was very difficult, so I thought about getting married again,” she said.
    Muqbel began looking for a man but soon realized that it was difficult to find the kind of person she had always fancied. She finally accepted the prospect of being a second wife. “I gave in to this since the man was well-off and promised to take care of my children. It pains me sometimes that his first wife knew nothing about our marriage. My difficult circumstances forced me to accept what I had myself refused to accept in the past,” she said.
    Eman Al-Ghamdi, a Saudi woman who is aged 30 and a mother of two, said she is against her husband taking a second wife. “When the husband gets married to another wife, he immediately ignores his first wife and gives all his attention to the new wife. Some men claim that the second marriage will not affect their relationships with their first wives, but they change once they get married,” she said.
    “I grew up in a very large family. My father had three wives and I know the negative effects his multiple marriages had on our relationship with him. I would never accept polygamy unless my husband decides to divorce me to marry a second wife. In this case, I would prefer to keep my marriage to make sure my children have a bright future,” she said.
    Nihal Saleh, a Saudi woman who is married to a Jordanian, said she refuses to allow her husband to marry a second time, saying allowing him to do so would mean there is something wrong with her.
    “I find it very difficult to accept this. Jealousy is not the only thing; there are many other feelings that make it difficult for me to accept such a marriage. If my husband is looking for a second wife, then that means there’s something wrong with me. This is something I can’t get out of my mind. This is really painful. I can’t imagine my husband being fed up with me and thinking of getting married again,” said Saleh.
    Omnia, a Saudi woman and mother of four who requested her surname not published, said her husband’s second marriage has hurt her deeply. “In the beginning, I refused to allow him to marry. I always felt he would lose interest in me and my children. This is exactly what happened when he married a divorcee who already has a daughter from her first marriage,” she said.
    “This woman is very different in her way of speaking, clothing and lifestyle. My husband spends all his time with her. He looks after her daughter more than he does ours. On Eid and other special occasions, he spends more money on them than us,” she said.
    “Things then became so bad that he hardly comes to visit me. He came a few times a month to give me money. Our marital relations came to a stop and I spoke to him about this several times. I mentioned the importance of maintaining relations, but he just ignored me,” she said.
    “This treatment forced me to cheat on him. I’m in mental torment because of this. I also can’t bring myself to divorce him, because of the way people will look at me. I also worry what will happen to my children,” she added.
    Dr. Mohammed Al-Hamed, head of the Department of Psychology at Bakhsh Hospital in Jeddah, said women in Saudi society are more receptive to polygamy than women in other Arab countries.
    “Saudi women don’t view their husbands as their personal property. They accept polygamy because this has been a way of life. Old traditions relating to marriage still exist in Saudi society,” he said.
    “I’ve seen a large number of women who are in much pain because of their husbands taking on second wives. However, these women have kept their pain a secret fearing what society would think. They prefer to keep their husbands and children instead of asking for divorces,” he added.
    Al-Hamed believes men who marry second wives are often unfair to their first wives and it is this that causes women to become mentally disturbed. He added that in spite of the practice being quite common in traditional families, women of today do not accept it the way their mothers did.

  • May 14, 2013 9:21 am

    Abuse and Islamist Madrassas

    Alarming reports on madrassas in UK, Pakistan and Bangladesh! Increasingly in the present times, sending children after school to Islamist-run madrassas is not a matter of free choice. At what price, the parental silence or subjugation over increasing malpractices and outright abuse under the protective umbrella of political Islam?
    by Jahed Ahmed

    –“We did not join the government in power simply to enjoy the share of bread and butter; and ownerships of the cars-houses. Our major aim is Islamic revolution. Should Jamaat ever come to power (on our own) ; we shall introduce Sharia-law (into the country).”

    -Chief leader (“ameer”) of Jamaat-e-Islami and agriculture minister Mullah Motiur Rahman Nizami, Bangladesh , during a speech in 2003…

    And children are raped in Madarassas!!!!

    The Saints Of Dark Sins
    An AIDS conference woke Pakistan to a stark, ugly reality: the rampant sodomy in madrassas
    Special Issue: 4. International

    For decades, it has been a sight common to most Pakistani homes: the bearded maulana teaching children the holy Quran. But what has changed over the last few years is the presence of a family elder at these private tuitions, irrespective of the child’s gender. The family elder, though it’s tacit, is there to deter the maulana from preying upon children for sexual gratification. Indeed, the maulana’s penchant to sodomise the male child, or molest girls, has been Pakistan’s darkest, best-kept secret.

    Until it was made public last month at a most unusual venue: a World AIDS Day conference in Islamabad.

    Husain cited 5000 cases of sexual abuse in 2004, 7,000 in 2003 and 12000 in 2010-2011.

    And the person who dared talk about it was the country’s junior minister for religion, ushr and zakat, Dr Amir Liaquat Husain. The irrepressible minister, who conducts a weekly religious programme on a private TV channel, said Pakistan
    must countenance the harsh truth about the madrassa’s role in spreading AIDS. This was because, he offered to explain, maulanas are guilty of rampant sexual abuse of children.

    There was an ironical backdrop to Husain’s decision to blow the whistle. The Pakistan government has in recent times been trying to revamp the country’s antediluvian madrassas, and also hoping they could, because of their tremendous clout, spread awareness about AIDS in society. Obviously, Husain assumed, the maulanas couldn’t teach safe sex even as they abused their pupils. Lest his audience was unaware of how rampant the menace was in madrassas, the minister said, “During a raid on a madrassa in Karachi, I caught a cleric red-handed, abusing a student sexually.
    An inquiry was ordered.”

    Since that conference on December 1, Husain’s remarks have continued to generate controversy, gathering momentum every day with clerics,

    The revelation comes when madrassas were being asked to help spread AIDS awareness.

    the government and the minister’s party, the MQM, joining issue. The initial response of the clerics was to run for cover and keep mum on the affair. But as the western media picked up the contentious thread, the maulanas rallied to hit back as only they could. They issued death threats to Husain.

    Not one to be pummelled by the unholy passion of the maulanas, Husain began to reel out statistics to the media to bolster his case. There were 500 reported cases of sexual abuse involving the maulanas in 2004; it was as high as 2,000 in 2003; and, worse, there hasn’t yet been a successful prosecution.

    The fury of the fundamentalists prompted a nervous Shaukat Aziz government to ask the senior religious minister, Ijaz-ul-Haq, to mollify the clerics. In doing so, Ijaz was attempting to appease the constituency of fundamentalists whom his father, Zia-ul-Haq, had so assiduously cultivated. In the Senate, the conglomeration of religious parties, Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal, and even liberal parties like the Pakistan People’s Party banded together to demand an apology from Husain. PPP spokesperson Farhatullah Babar told Outlook, “Actually, Husain made a sweeping statement and painted everyone black with his brush. He should have talked about specific examples.”

    The MQM found the heat difficult to bear. It asked Husain to apologise. Sans support from the political class and civil society, Husain relented: he apologised in the last week of December. Some thought President Pervez Musharraf, whose post-9/11 rhetoric has been anti-fundamentalist, should have publicly backed Husain’s fight against the maulanas. Musharraf, however, remained silent, though it is said he told the junior minister in private that he shouldn’t have apologised.

    Some western websites perceived a political dimension in the controversy. As one of these noted, rather gravely, “Rape is practised to break the spirit of the child and make him obedient to the extent that he can carry out terrorist acts, including suicide bombing.

    The minister should take the funds available from foreign sources and simply take the pre-teen children out of residential seminaries, (besides) replacing them with normal (read secular) schools.”

    Others saw a global trend in the incidents of sexual abuse in Pakistan’s religious seminaries. There have been infamous cases of Catholic priests sexually exploiting children in the West; there’s also the cases surrounding the Kanchi math in India currently. With the ‘faithful’ betraying the faith the child reposes in them, psychologist Dr Iffat Hussain points out, “Abuse on children has devastating effects on their lives later on. Sexual abuse not only destroys the child’s personality but also turns such abused individuals into culprits later on.”

    The controversy received a fresh impetus this week as the National AIDS Control Programme held a workshop in Islamabad. Its goal: to convince religious leaders to encourage HIV/AIDS patients to use contraceptives instead of separating from their partners. They were also encouraged to talk about the HIV/AIDS kit in their Friday sermons. The moot question is: is the mullah suited for the job?

    Pakistani NGO SPARC (Society for Protection of the Rights of the Child) in its 2003 report says that an amount of $225 million has been earmarked to modernise 8,000 madrassas over three years. The modernisation programme, it is hoped, could also help spread consciousness about AIDS. Yet, the same report says 14 per cent of all child-abusers in 2003 were clerics. SPARC activists cite three specific cases from 2004 to illustrate sexual abuse of children and their brutalisation in religious seminaries.

    Case One
    In June 2004, when five-year-old Talha did not return from the Lajna mosque in Lahore, where he had gone to take Quranic lessons from Maulvi Mohammad Altaf, his mother went to fetch him. She found the boy in the corridor of the mosque, bleeding and unconscious; the maulvi was missing from the mosque. An fir was duly lodged. Altaf was subsequently arrested and Tahla identified him as the person who had sodomised him.

    The family was determined to pursue the case. But soon different religious groups began to mount pressure on them to drop the case; the family was even told that these “maulvis have links with Al Qaeda”. Pressure was, apparently, also brought upon the police. The family ultimately relented in July, agreeing to not pursue their case and withdrawing their witnesses.

    Case Two
    Sanam, 9, daughter of Mohammad Saleh Kori, a resident of the Microwave Colony, Sukkur, Sind, was a student of Abdul Wahid Chachar’s madrassa. On February 15, 2004, at the end of her classes, Maulvi Abdul Wahid told her that she was his wife and would have to live with him. Sanam rushed out to tell her parents about the incident. When her father went to the madrassa to complain, Abdul produced a nikahnama bearing Kori and his daughter’s signatures.

    The father-daughter had been tricked into appending their signature to the marriage document. Apparently, the maulana had asked them to sign on a form, claiming it would enable the family to receive zakat (charity money). The illiterate father, obviously, couldn’t distinguish between a zakat form and a nikahnama. Worse, the local Chachar tribesmen began pressuring him to hand over Sanam to Abdul.

    Case Three
    Child abuse in seminaries often involves physical torture. As in the case of 11-year-old Atif. Brutally assaulted at a seminary in Faisalabad, he is currently undergoing treatment at the Children’s Hospital in Lahore. On May 1, 2004, he was quoted saying, “I was punished by the teacher who wanted to make an example of me because I dared to escape from the daily routine of beatings at the seminary.” Once nabbed, he was chained and detained in a room at the seminary; Maulvi Mahboob Alam then beat him severely with an iron rod. The hospital’s treatment note says the boy was brought in with a head injury and bruises all over the body. Atif’s case came to light following the intervention of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.

    It’s one thing to take legal action against culprits or modernise madrassas. It’s quite another to retreat against the fury of fundamentalists keen to insulate their arcane world from scrutiny and criticism. A pity Pakistanis let down Husain

  • May 14, 2013 9:13 am


    Fatwa Permitting ‘Jihad Sodomy’ for the Victory of Islam – The Question Homosexuality in Islam

    Wednesday, 25 July 2012 03:58 Alamgir Hussain

    Recently an al-Qaeda cleric’s fatwa appeared in a video, which said: if a Jihadi is needed to be sodomized to widen his anus for inserting bombs into his rectum for jihad operations, it is permitted to do so in Islam. Because “Jihad is the pinnacle of Islam” and anything goes for its sake.


    Fatwa permitting sodomy for Jihad

    In 2009, al-Qaeda Jihadi Abdullah Hassan al-Asiri made a false repentation for his Jihadi activity, so that he could have a meeting with Saudi Prince Muhammad bin Nayef and killed him. So, before going for the meeting, he hid a bomb inside his rectum, which he wanted to explode while having the meeting with Prince Nayef. Al-Qaeda clerics had declared Prince Nayef an infidel for alliance with the West against al-Qaeda. But unfortunately for Asiri, he pushed the button a bit too early and as a result, although he earned Jihad martyrdom, but failed to kill the prince.

    What happened is: although Asiri had repented, he remained in touch with al-Qaeda. One al-Qaeda cleric, named Abu al-Dema al-Qasab, had suggested jihadis of an “innovative and unprecedented way to execute martyrdom operations: place explosive capsules in your anus.”

    Asiri and probably also others wanted to apply this new innovative Jihad technique. However, in order to insert a bomb through anus, the willing Jihadis needed to be sodomized repeatedly over a period of time to make their anus wide enough for the bomb to go in. One Jihadi, probably Asiri himself, asked an al-Qaeda cleric: “Is it permissible for me to let one of the jihadi brothers sodomize me to widen my anus if the intention is good?”

    ‘Yes’ was the answer of the cleric, as he declared the following fatwa (see the video for original in Arabic). He said, although sodomy is forbidden in Islam,

    …jihad comes first, for it is the pinnacle of Islam, and if the pinnacle of Islam can only be achieved through sodomy, then there is no wrong in it. For the overarching rule of [Islamic] jurisprudence asserts that “necessity makes permissible the prohibited.” And if obligatory matters can only be achieved by performing the prohibited, then it becomes obligatory to perform the prohibited, and there is no greater duty than jihad. After he sodomizes you, you must ask Allah for forgiveness and praise him all the more. And know that Allah will reward the jihadis on the Day of Resurrection, according to their intentions—and your intention, Allah willing, is for the victory of Islam, and we ask that Allah accept it of you.

    This issue brings the question of homosexuality in Islam, about which there is much confusion. Some moderate Muslims would say the Quran does not say anything about punishing homosexuals, while others would say punishment for homosexuality in Islam is death by stoning. At this opportune moment, let us examine what Islam truly says about homosexuality.

    What Islam says about homosexuality?

    Homosexual sex amongst men in Islam has been widely prevalent in history, especially at the highest levels of society. Even today in Islamic boarding schools, called Madrassas, around the world, which are all-male Islamic education schools, homosexual activity is highly prevalent among students, even involving Imams. Multiple reports have come out in the media in recent that Madrassa Imams have abused their young male-students by sodomizing them.

    Muslim rulers, generals and nobles throughout history used to keep hundred to thousands of castrated slaves-boys. The handsome young ones were used their master for carnal indulgence. They were called ghilman. They used to wear rich and attractive uniforms and often beautified and perfumed their bodies like women. The concept of ghilman originated in Islam from following verses of the Quran, which talks about pearl-like young male-attendants (ghilman), who would serve blessed Muslims in paradise:
    ‘Round about them will serve, (devoted) to them, young male servants (handsome) as Pearls well-guarded.’ [Quran 52:24]
    ‘There wait on them immortal youths, with bowls and ewers and a cup from a pure spring.’ [Quran 56:17–18]

    Wrote Professor Hitti, ‘We read of ghilman in the reign of al-Rashid; but it was evidently the Caliph al-Amin, who, following Persian precedent, established in the Arab world the ghilman institution for the practice of sexual relations. A judge of whom there is record used four hundred such youths. Poets did not disdain to give public expression to their perverted passions and to address amorous pieces of their compositions to beardless young boys.’[1]

    Caliph al-Muqtadir (r. 908–937) had some 11,000 eunuchs – 7,000 Blacks and 4,000 Whites (Greek) – in his Baghdad palace.[2] In India, Said Khan Chaghtai, a noble of Emperor Jahangir (r. 1605-27), owned 1,200 eunuchs. Sultan Alauddin Khilji had 50,000 young boys in his personal services, while Muhammad Tughlaq had 20,000 and Firoz Tughlaq 40,000. Most of these slave-boys were castrated. Malik Kafur, Alauddin’s famous commander, was a eunuch; so was Khusrau Khan, Sultan Kutbuddin Mubarak Khilji’s favorite commander. Sikandar Lodi had once boasted, ‘If I order one of my slaves to be seated in a palanquin, the entire body of nobility would carry him on their shoulders at my bidding.’[3] Sultan Mahmud had infatuation toward charming Tilak the Hindu, his favorite commander.[4]

    While this has been the historical reality in the Muslim world, the Quran nonetheless has a rather mixed message about homosexuality. It is especially stern against homosexuality amongst women, and rather soft toward male homosexuality. Homosexuality-related Quranic verses can be divided as 1) condemnatory, and 2) punitive.

    Condemnatory verses. The following verse of the Quran condemns homosexuality as an act of transgression:
    1.”Will ye commit abomination such as no creature ever did before you?” [Qur’an 7:81]

    According to this verse, homosexuality is an abomination, which no other creature engage in, meaning it is the ‘worst sin’.
    1.”Of all the creatures in the world, will ye approach males, And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your mates? Nay, ye are a people transgressing” [Qur’an 26:165-166]

    In this verse, Allah says that amongst all creatures, only men may approach other men for sexual gratification, ignoring the females, whom Allah has created as men’s sexual partner. And He calls this a transgression against Allah.

    Punitive verses. So, what will be the punishment for the ‘worst sin’ and ‘transgression against Allah’ that homosexuality is? The following verses tell us about the punishments.
    1.”…For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds…. And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone)” [Qur’an 7:80-84, also see Qur’an 27:54]

    In this verse, Allah condemns homosexuality as the transgression against Him beyond all limits. He also gave an example of how He punished such transgressors of olden days, namely the people of Sodom, whom he annihilated by “showering rains of stones”. In accordance with this Godly punishment of the homosexual people of the Biblical Sodom, Muslim scholars have rightly prescribed “stoning to death” as the deserving punishment for homosexuals, which is practiced by some Muslim countries even today.
    1.”If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone.” [Qur’an 4:16]

    In this verse, Allah recommends punishing Muslim men, if they engage in homosexual acts, but they should be pardoned if the repent. That is, by repenting, Muslim men can save themselves from punishment for homosexuality. But how the female homosexuals have to be dealt with is commanded in the previous verses.
    1.“If any of your women are guilty of lewdness, Take the evidence of four (Reliable) witnesses from amongst you against them; and if they testify, confine them to houses until death do claim them, or Allah ordain for them some (other) way.” [Quran 4:15]

    In this verse, Allah commands that if Muslim women are found guilty of homosexuality, they must be punished with eventual death. So, the difference is punishments for male homosexuals and female homosexuals are starkly different. Men can be given just any form of punishment and let go. They can even be let go without suffering any punishment, if they just repent. But for women homosexuals, there is no such option. Punishment for them would be such that it would eventually cause their death, nothing less.

    From the Hadith: From the Quran, Allah seems to have been muddle-headed about dealing with the homosexuals, as its verses recommend punishing them with stoning to death to letting them go scot-free by simply repenting if they are male, or killing them if they are female. But in certain Hadiths, Prophet Muhammad commanded for summary execution of the homosexuals. For example,
    1.The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.” [Abu Dawud 4462]
    2.”If unmarried man is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death.” [Abu Dawud 4448]

  • May 14, 2013 8:36 am

    Hi Zunaid,

    Thanks for exposing islamic clergy about this notorious needs.
    In Denmark and Slovakia, so many incidents of sodomy by Maulvies and
    Imams have come to the notice.

    Muslims intellectuals should oppose this evil practice

  • May 14, 2013 5:04 am

    Hi readers,

    American doctors are trying to teach Afghani men that they are getting sexually transmitted diseases from the anal sex they are having with each other. The docs are telling these men that they must stop the practice.

    The problem is, though, that these Afghani men refuse to take the doctor’s advice because they say it is their cultural practice. In fact, they say that the Koran tells them to do this.

    The Fox report includes this statement by an Afghani that surely reflects his cultural bias on the issue. The report mentions that the U.S. medical personnel was trying to tell these men that sex with women will keep them from getting these diseases. The Fox News report said, “when it was explained to him what was necessary, he reacted with disgust and asked:

    ‘How could one feel desire to be with a woman, who God has made unclean, when one could be with a man, who is clean? Surely this must be wrong.’”

    Anal Sex Approved by Allah and Prophet Muhammad

    Sex in Islam 6 July 2012
    By Amar Khan

    In Pakistan, the mullahs are notorious for child abuse and molestation. Every day, we hear news about a mullah sodomizing his beardless student. It is very common in Pakistan. Almost every one knows what happens in madrassas. Even one of my friends narrowly escaped from being sodomized by his Quranic teacher when he was taking the Quran memorizing lessons.

    But why do these mullahs commit such a thing, allegedly condemned in Islam? Muslims are most vocal in commending sodomy, homosexuality in words? They are known to attack homosexuals in Europe.

    Answer is that, according to them, masturbation is haram. Seeing any na mehram girl is also prohibited. The only way left to satisfy their lusty desires is to sodomize one of their pupils. While reading from a shia Website,, I came across the fact that the root of sodomy lies in the Islamic text and history. Here are some examples of the gems from the history and authentic books of Sunni Islam.

    Umar indulged in sodomy and Allah was forced to legitimize
    this practise in the Qur’an

    For evidence you can consult the following texts:

    Jami al Tirmidhi,
    Bab al Tafseer Volume 2, page 382, ‘Ayat Hars’
    Fathul Bari Volume
    8 page 191 Kitab Tafseer Ayat Hars
    Gharab al Qur’an
    Volume 3 page 249 Ayat Hars
    Tafseer al Ibn
    Katheer Volume 1 page 261
    Fayl ai Lawathar
    Volume 6 page 229
    Tafseer Qurtubi
    Volume 1 page 92 Ayat Hars
    Lets quote verbatim from Jami al Tirmidhi [Bab
    al Tafseer Vol. 2, p. 382, ‘Ayat Hars’]:

    “Ibn Abbas narrates that
    Hadhrath Umar went before Rasulullah (s) and “Master I am
    destroyed!’. Rasulullah (s) asked ‘what thing has destroyed you?’.
    Umar replied last night I had anal sex. Rasulullah (s) did not
    give a reply to Umar, then Allah (swt) sent down this revelation
    “Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when
    or how ye will; the words ‘kabool wa Dhabar‘ (the anus is

    Abdullah Ibn Umar deemed sodomy to Halaal, like his old man.

    For evidence, please consult the following authentic Sunni texts:

    Tafseer Durre
    Manthur Volume 1 page 264 Ayat Hars
    Tafseer Qasmi
    Volume 2 page 220, by Jamaladeen Qasmi
    Tafseer Qurtubi
    page 92 Ayat Hars
    Here is the direct quote from Tafseer Durre Manthur:

    “Traditions wherein Abdullah ibn
    Umar believed sodomy with women are well known and Sahih”.

    Ulema of Madina believed that sodomy was halaal.

    Please see the following Sunni sources:

    Fayl al Lawathar
    Volume 6 page 154 Kitab Nikah, Bab Mut’ah
    Tafseer Qasmi
    Volume 2 page 223 Ayat Hars
    Tafseer Ibn Katheer
    Volume 1 page 262 Ayat Hars
    Fathul Bari Volume
    8 page 191 Ayat Hars

    Tafseer Mazhari, Volume 3, Page 19
    Quoting directly from Fayl al Lawathar:

    “Imam Auzai stated of the Fatwas
    from Hijaaz that are famous, one fatwa is from the people of Makka
    is that is that they deemed Mut’ah with women to be permissible,
    the other from the people of Madina, that sodomy with women is

    Ibn Kathir in his Tafseer also stated:

    “Statements on the
    permissibility of sodomy with women have come from the jurists of

    Companions of mohammed deemed sodomy with women to be permissible

    We read in Tafseer Qurtubi Volume 3 page 93 Ayat Hars:

    “Fatwas on the permissibility of
    sodomy with women Saeed bin Maseeb Nafi, ibn Umar, Muhammad bin
    Kab, Abdul Malik, Imam Malik, a large group amongst the Sahaba and
    Tabaeen deemed sodomy to be permissible”.

    Imam Sha’afi deemed sodomy to be permissible!

    Please see the following Sunni texts:

    Tafseer Durre
    Manthur Volume 1 page 266, Ayat Hars
    Tafseer Ruh al
    Ma’ani page 125, Ayat Hars
    Tafseer Ahkam al
    Qur’an Volume 1 page 265
    Tafseer Qasmi
    Volume 2 page 228 Baqarah Verse 223
    Al Mahzoorath page
    We read in Tafseer Durre Manthur:

    “On sodomy with women, Imam
    Sha’afi no Sahih narration’s have reached us from Rasulullah (s)
    as to whether it is halaal or haraam and logic suggests that this

    Imam of Ahl’ul Sunnah Abu Maleeka suggested ‘in times of trouble’
    use a stick!’

    We read in Tafseer Durre Manthur Ayat Hars:

    “Abu Maleeka was asked whether
    it was permissible to practise sodomy with women. He replied ‘Last
    night I practised sodomy with my servant, penetration became
    difficult hence I sought the assistance of a stick”.

    Imam Malik believed sodomy with women was halaal

    We read in the following Sunni sources:

    Ahkam al Qur’an
    Volume 1 page 352 Ayat Hars
    Tafseer Gharab al
    Qur’an Volume 2 page 249 Ayat Hars

    Tafseer Durre Manthur Volume 1 page 111, Ayat Hars
    Fathul Bari Volume
    8 page 190 Kitab Tafseer Ayat Hars
    Quoting verbatim from Ahkam al Qur’an:

    “Sahil asked Imam Malik ‘is
    sodomy with women permissible? Imam Malik replied ‘I just did this
    act and have just washed by sexual organs”.

    Imam Abu Hanifa’s esteemed student Ibn Mubarak was also a

    We also read in ‘Muhadarat al-’udaba‘, p. 199, Chapter 1,
    “Al hada al Saani” that:

    “Hakim Tabaristan made Abdullah
    bin Mubarak a Judge, who was addicted to the anus (Homosexual) he
    asked the Hakim ‘Sir I need some men who can help you” Hakim said
    I was aware of your need before this”.

    The Salaf deem it permissible to pray Salat behind a
    homosexual Imam

    We read in Sahih al Bukhari, p. 96, Kitab Bab ul Salaat, narrates
    a tradition from Zuhri [Sahih
    al-Bukhari, p. 96, 1375 AH print]:

    “The Imamate of a mukhanath at a
    time of necessity is Sahih”.

  • May 14, 2013 4:53 am

    Thanks a lot Gurnamji,

    If I ever got a chance, shall interact with you in Canada. First I have to decide how to get out of islamic wells, which are full of evils and restrictions.

  • May 13, 2013 12:12 pm

    Hi readers,

    I am reproducing the following for your kind perusal and conclusion about role of maulvies.

    Sex scandal of father of Taliban – Maulvi Samiul Haq – Mulana Sanwich

    رسوایی جنسی پدر معنوی طالبان
    Sex scandal of father of Taliban

    دیروز مصاحبه بی بی سی فارسی با مولانا سمیع الحق، رهبر جمعیت العلمای اسلام و سناتور سابق پاکستانی را، که از او به عنوان “پدر معنوی طالبان” نام برده میشود، خواندم و به یاد یک رسوایی جنسی وی افتادم. این مولانا، ملاعمر را شاگردش میخواند چون در یکی از مدارس او درس خوانده است. خود سمیع الحق از مولانا های دیوبندی است که از دهه هفتاد بدینسو ماشین طالب کشی‌اش فعال است و از مدارس خود در پاکستان بیشمار انسان جاهل و قاتل بیرون داده است که در ابتدا زیر نام “جهادی”، بعدا زیر نام “طالب” و اکنون منحیث “انتحاری” برای کشتار بیگناهان به افغانستان گسیل میشوند. او میگوید که حال نیز سه هزار شاگرد در مدرسه‌اش دارد و با چهل هزار مدرسه فعال دیگر در این کشور در ارتباط است.

    اما در پاکستان در بین مردم این مولوی، مثل سایر ملا و مولوی های تاریک اندیش، بدنامترین است و او را به تمسخر “مولوی ساندویچ” خطاب میکنند که این لقب به رسوایی جنسی وی به سالها قبل بر میگردد.

    در دوران حکومت نواز شریف در دهه نود میلادی، فاحشه خانه‌ای در شهر اسلام آباد توسط پولیس کشف شد که بوسیله زنی مشهور به نام “میدم طاهره” گردانندگی میشد، او در اعترافات خود فاش کرد که مولوی ها و سیاستمداران مشهور پاکستان با او در ارتباط اند و مشخصا سمیع‌الحق از مشتریان همیشگی‌اش میباشد که علاقه دارد همزمان با دو روسپی در مرکز او رابطه جنسی برقرار کند. بنابر خبر مجله “تایم” (٧ اکتوبر ٢٠٠٢) تصاویری نیز از این ماجرا درز کرد که مولوی صاحب را در حال ….. بین چندین روسپی نشان میداد، ازینرو او به “مولوی ساندویچ” معروف گردید. اما دولتمداران پاکستان از ترس اینکه مبادا رازهای بیشتر بداخلاقی خود شان فاش شود، “میدم طاهره” را رها و از دید مردم و مطبوعات پنهان کردند.

    این رسوایی که در مطبوعات پاکستان و حتی جهان مثل بمبی منفجر شد، مولوی سمیع الحق را به حدی بی‌آب و رسوا ساخت که برای چندین سال خود را از انظار مردم پنهان کرد و در کنج یکی از مدارسش برای طالب کشی ادامه داد.

    Mullana Samiul Haq, head of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam of Pakistan is a god-father of Taliban and he is producing Taliban for killing Afghans since decades in his maddrassa’s in Pakistan.

    A few years ago a ‘sex scandal’ involving Maulana Samiul Haq with a woman called ‘Madam Tahira’ of Islamabad rocked the Pakistani and some world press:

    The Indian Express, February 8, 1999: “Maulana Sami-ul-haq is also known as Maulana sandwich as well. The reason behind calling him sandwich is that a Madam Tahira, who is supposed to running a brothel in Islamabad and whose clients included the rich and famous. After being apprehended by the police testified that that Maulana Sami-ul-haq is a visitor and a client of her but even he preferred twobedmates (girls: Although most of the cleric are also found of boys).

    Even today, some papers refer to him as “Sammy Sandwich” in reference to those interviews.”

    Time Magazine, Oct. 07, 2002: “Maulana Samiul Haq earned the nickname “Sandwich Sammy” after being photographed (presumably by Pakistani intelligence officers) in an inventive position with several bedmates.”

  • May 13, 2013 10:45 am

    The imams are notorious in doing mutta marriages.
    He must have married so many wives for sexual pleasures on contract basis which is called Mutta marriage.

    The arabian shaikh visiting Pakistan get mutta marriages for 3-7 days just for sex, whcih are are arranged by imams and maulvies from poor girls families and they make money.

  • May 13, 2013 10:32 am

    Hi readers,

    The following is the summary of matter where an an Imam was found guilty or rape and sexual activity


    Today at Nottingham Crown Court, Mohammed Hanif Khan, 42, was found guilty of two counts of rape and one count of sexual activity on two young boys in 2009.

    Don Knapper, District Crown Prosecutor for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) in Staffordshire, said: “This is a case of abuse on young boys by a man whom they and their families trusted.

    “Khan was in a position of trust and exploited the access he was afforded as their teacher to abuse the boys.

    “Khan protested his innocence throughout the court proceedings; however the jury disbelieved this and accepted the prosecution case.

    “The Crown Prosecution Service has worked closely with Staffordshire Police throughout this case, from the giving of initial advice to the Police when the allegations were made, through the preparation of the case papers, to the presentation of the case in court. I would like to thank the Police for the thoroughness of their investigation, which has enabled the case to be robustly and successfully prosecuted.

    “Our thoughts are of course with the victims and their families at this time and hope that today’s conviction will help them come to terms with what has happened to them.”

  • May 13, 2013 10:20 am

    Hi Ashgari,

    You try to come to Canada, Toronto. We are running bussiness of food processing very profitably. Once you are there, you will be able to lead a blissful life with a soulmate of your choice.

    God bless you.

  • May 13, 2013 10:16 am

    Where there a will, there is a way. keep tying hard and you will achieve your goal. Focus on your education and get top ranks. Go for a higher education in your country (better out of that Islamic country).

    if you are in an Asian Muslim country, probably legally you cannot marry non-Muslim there.

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