Kumar says: Septmber 1, 2012 at 5:35 pm
Hello everyone. I am a hindu boy who likes a muslim girl. None of our families are too religious but we follow the general rules quite well. She wears a burkha and does namaaz and i celebrate all the hindu festivals. I am not a frequent temple goer.
I want to make one thing clear to everyone that hinduism is not about praying to the idol in front of you. When we go deep down, hinduism actually believes that god is everywhere, and anything is this world is made of five elements (air, water, fire, earth and void) including you who’s reading this. I have been trying to know more about Quran and it’s rules from quite few days but what i found after reading few lines in it amazed me. Accepting that there is one and only Allah, The greatest religion is it’s own, Men can marry out of religion but women can’t. I know these are the negative points im talking about but these are what i found in the start. What scared me a little was the honour killing and a little violent nature of them.
Recently i was out with this girl and i was stopped by a group of muslims who gave me a slap and asked me not to be with a muslim girl. (video of a similar case) I couldn’t react in any way, hit and run, try to raise my voice and get beaten, hit them and end up in a police station. Actually this incident made me find out more about the religion and also successful inter religious marriages.
Now i know that i love her and she loves me and want to be together. We still have a lot of time to plan things and get settled, Her family speaks telugu too and her dad is an educated government employee. Im sure her dad would realize our love and have an intention to accept if im working and have a good salary, but what about the society? Will their family have to face any consequences for it?
She respects my beliefs and i respect her beliefs, If neither of us convert and just get married in a hindu or muslim way along with the procession will it be considered legally without being interrupted by any muslim leaders/fundamentalists? Or if we get a marriage in the court without any conversion will we be allowed to marry again in a hindu or muslim stlye? or maybe both with a gap of time between them?
I want my relation with her to stay happily life long. I know there will be some challenges that i have to face and im ready with it
Ps- Im confident that there won’t be any trouble between us after marriage so please leave that section. Talk about the pre marriage problems that we MIGHT have to face for us to stay together. Thanx – Kumar.
Admin says:
You have a very interesting experience. Apparently, it is not what that Muslim girl wants, but what their society wants is important. India may a free country, but many Indians don’t have freedom.
When a Muslim guy go out with a Hindu girl, their society encourage him; but when a Muslim girl goes out with a Hindu guy, the hell breaks loose. A Hindu wanting to marry a Muslim MUST convert to Islam, almost no exception to this rule. This is very sad, but true. Basically this is an Islamization strategy, and is working.
You have still lots to learn. You are naïve by saying “If neither of us convert and just get married in a hindu or muslim way…” There is not a single imam in this World who will perform Islamic wedding Nikaah without Shahadah conversion. Considering she is a practicing Muslim, she will almost never be a part of Hindu wedding (in her burkha!!??) where multiple idols are being worshipped. Only option you have is the court marriage (read Shamim).
Further, your three statements are not what you think…. “her dad is an educated government employee”, “I’m sure her dad would realize our love” and that her “family is not religious”. As soon as her dad finds it out, he will show his true color. This “educated” “government employee” and “would realize our love” has no meaning when he is a Muslim dad. We hope he is different, go tell him about your love. Even your girl friend who is talking all these secular talks today, will change and will urge you one day to become a Muslim for marriage.
Lets hope your girl friend and her family are like that of Seema, but be prepared for the worst.
Please read these articles and it will help you:
Koran on Hindus?
Hindus, Abrahamics and Intolerants
Can Allah be the Father God?
A Jealous and Angry God
One God, Allah?
Idol Worshippers: Who is and Who is Not
Circumcision: Science or Superstition?
Saif and Kareena: Religion and Marriage
Religious Conversion for Marriage
Ten Points of Interfaith Dating
FAQ on Interfaith Marriage
45% of Muslims Marry outside their faith
Easiest option is – you convert to Islam. The best option is – you both get good education and good paying jobs, then move out to a different city and get married in a court. The later is a more difficult and a long road, but in long run you both will be happy. Keep up posted for your progress, best wishes.
Also read: Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,
Be a friend on Facebook. Return to InterfaithShaadi.org. To share your experience, read.
if you both love each other and respect both religions then go to court and live a happy life. Dont bother for anyone.all religion is good and show the path of humanity.
these guys have real sick mentality.they just have one aim.convert to islam.n trying to fulfil it by hook or crook.they think by killing innocent people and destroying god’s creation n torturing people they can get ‘heaven’.they will all be roasted in hell.watever they do.right Mr.Abdullah?
Why so frustrated?
Always complaining.
amir why do u think quran is the oldest?hindu books are older than quran.consider any vedas or purana.even jainism books are older than quran.u know u guys have put honkers.so u cant see the truth.or in fact u dont want to see the truth.at the end of the day ur karma matters.not ur ill thoughts n behaviour.just by saying islam is great it wont be great.science has nothing to do with islam.and in earlier days only idol worship was prevalent.even adam did idol worship.because then the concept of one god was not prevalent.go back to history and u will comw to know.people worshipped animals and the sun moon etc all creations of god.i dont need to see history.u better go n learn it.gud day.
Quran is not oldest.
It is final revelation of God. So how it could be oldest?
People worshipped animals in ancient time does not imply we should do same.
For example, they were basically hunters and when Jain will be asked the same they will say – No No , killing is wrong.
I don’t understand why u become so angry.
Be cheerful.
Hello admin
You are giving this lad wrong advise.
Qur’an mentions in Surah Baqarah chapter 2 verse 221
“Do not marry unbelieving women until they believe: a slave woman who believes is better than an unbelieving woman even though she allure you. Nor Marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe: a man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever even though he allure you. Unbelievers do (but) beckon you to the Fire. But Allah beckons by His Grace to the Garden (of Bliss) and forgiveness, and makes His signs clear to mankind: that they may receive admonition”. [Al-Qur’an 2:221]
We 100% agree to what you are saying.
This is what we keep reminding all Muslims in love with a Hindu that they MUST convert that Hindu lover.
We also keep reminding all Hindus in lover relationship with a Muslim that your Muslim lover (or spouse) WILL NOT REST till he/she convert you to Islam.
Please join us in reminding them again and again. What else we should do?
you and your website have been made with the sole intention of spewing venom and hatred against muslims. firstly there will be very few muslim families who encourage their sons if they are dating a non muslim girl. most will be against this. so dont bring the so called love jihad bull shit. the government and the police did all their enquiries and could not find anything in favour of it.it was actually found to be a fake propoganda by rss activists.
My only advice to all muslims is dont believe the nonsense they say about Islam. lern about it and decide yourself. DON’T DATE PEOPLE OUTSIDE YOUR COMMUNITY, you will find all kinds of people among muslims. Then why you want to date outside the community? For what?
You are 100% right and we would like to repeat it, “DON’T DATE PEOPLE OUTSIDE YOUR COMMUNITY, you will find all kinds of people among muslims. Then why you want to date outside the community? ”
We always said, you cannot convert a carnation into rose, if you desire a rose why not to go for a real rose, plenty around!
We also agree to your statement, “firstly there will be very few muslim families who encourage their sons if they are dating a non muslim girl. most will be against this”. Unfortunately, the dating Muslim boys and girls are brain washed by todays Bollywood type movies that love is everything.
I am a Hindu Guy, I loved Muslim girl, More than me she loved me a lot, she loved me that much no one could measure it. We were in our own world, world of love, when we were in love or when love happened we never had a clue or thought about the religion. I was ready for everything, i was there for her and she was there for me, i was prepared to everything where/how i can keep her happy, i was planning for marriage.
We were beyond religion, society, parents, friends etc. But again same society, RELIGION, parents, friends etc. came into existence when she got engaged with same community i.e with Muslim guy.
Same time one of the close relative passed away in her family, everybody started coming to her home and later days every one started speaking about her marriage, religion, reciting, etc.
Now she is telling WE BOTH WERE IN A DREAM and never thought the real life….. As i said we loved so much, she loved me so much, she is telling we need to sacrifice our love. our love for our parents, her sister or else they will die. She is telling body is mortal soul is immortal.
Later on she started telling i did a mistake, in Islam it is wrong, Allah will punish me…But she is doing this deliberately so that i can go away from her. she is telling me to marry some one, to keep my parents happy, to lead a better life in society. But remember she tells in a pain and she will be getting married with someone in few days.. But she tells she love me
I made all arrangements to kidnap her, but immediately realized that LOVE CANNOT BE FORCED and waited that she can come back.
Now invitation cards will be distributed in one or two days. But i checked from all the sources, that the engaged guy’s character is not good. Being a Muslim he has demanded and accepted cash from brides home. He is marrying her becoz of money…. He cant keep my love happy. She cant be happy.
Now what should i do ?What is sacrifice? should i blame my own-self? should i blame her? should i blame religion? I JUST CANT LIVE WITHOUT HER, she is in my blood, in my breathe. Its a true love…. I just wanted one YES, only one YES she dint tell. She is going away from me….far away from me. But virtually she is with me, i can feel her presence, i can feel her touch, etc.
What should i do now. i am in deep depression……..
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=4550
Hi kumar,
You are a secular person and there should be absolutely no problems if you lover her and she loves you. Do you know anyone from the group who beat you? I would like to talk to them.
Please reply
-Your brother
Aryan Brother,
You gave an excellent advise. There’s dogma and there’s life, why not to live life? What religious conversion has to do with love? Only a love-Jihadi will ask for religious conversion. I am sure you are very proud of SHAMIM who married to RAHUL in a court.
Considering you are secular, go marry in a court, and enjoy a secular married life. If any Muslim gives you hard time, Aryan brother will come to your rescue. We should be proud of people like Aryan.
Aryan brother i really appreciate for your response but i don’t know any of them, and i don’t want to escape the problem if your understanding me. I want a solution, i don’t want to run away form the problems. I wan’t to go deep down into the concept and know more.. U might or not believe this, im ready to sacrifice my life even for a chance to live with her forever but im not ready to leave her alone in this world.
Kumar ,
It is unfortunate that you had bad experience.
A muslim boy or girl can not marry outside faith, if it is done it causes many problems. It is children who are most affected. You may respect her faith, she may respect yours, but you understand and agree the differences.
If you love her then take care of her when she needed and I expect same from her for you.
To love doesn’t always require marry.
Our faith guide us and without it i don’t imagine a good world.
You will certainly get a very good girl, however many may get angry at this but just be a believer.
Even first hand experience of Islamic fascism has not taught you anything.
So sad.
First hand experience of islam? I had a muslim friend in school, we were playing games in the lunch and when i pushed him his face went and bashed to the wall and he started bleeding. He never took my name even when asked by the principal about who did it, he never was even angry on me, not even a scolding. I think that’s my first hand experience
I really respect educated muslims.
Agree that most Muslims are great people, loving and caring for others. Just ask your girl friend’s father if it is okay to marry her daughter WITHOUT conversion. We are sure he is a decent man and will help you out, best wishes.
Maybe you should know a little more about his dad. He knows im a good friend of her and sometimes he even teases her with my name in a jovial way. So he’s not just like any other dad. And according to u there’l be lot of problems with a hindu guy and muslim girl marriage.. won’t they be if we opt for a court marriage? and tell me what problems their family might have to face
It is one thing to assume and hope, and another to go by facts. So, instead of assuming who her dad is, go tell him that you are planning to marry his daughter in a court. Tell him that you are a Hindu and will die as a Hindu, and do not believe in a fake-conversion. If her father is fully supporting you, you are in a great shape. Let us know what he says.
Dear admin,
you’re giving him an advise of doing court marriage; they might live a happy live forever but you’re forgetting one thing which is ” it is haram( not allowed in Islam, muslims can not marry non muslims), secondly, we muslims have also faith in life after death, hell & heaven( if you don’t then sorry to say you’re not muslim ), and you should know what gonna happen on that life after death which is being told to us already.And verily,Islam is the only true religion in this world.
Admin,you’re sending a muslim girl towards hell, unless the guy convert to Islam.
Not all Muslims believe in what you believe. Choice is theirs, they have to make a decision for their own life.