I am a Muslim by Name Only

Shieny says: May 26, 2017 at 8:52 pm

Hi, I’m a Muslim girl and my bf is an Indian. He working at Singapore. We in relationship for three years. Basically I’m a Muslims by name only because I’m a mix girl which my mother is Indian and my father is Muslims from Indonesia and married my mum. My mum convert to Muslims because of my father but then she still following all the Indian traditions. Me it self I don’t want my partner to convert since I’m not following that religion. And he also don’t want to convert. since small I have been live as Indian. But then wen it comes to marriage life what should I do. He don’t want to convert and me itself I don’t follow the religion. We want to live as Hindu. Is there any possibility to married without convert. Because basically I’m following Indian religion and culture.

I’m a Muslim girl and y bf is Indian. And I don’t even followed any single thing of the (Islam) religion.. Is it possible for me to convert into Hindu, Buddhist or Christian? What I know I don’t want to be in the religion which I don’t even practice.–Shieny

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • May 27, 2017 1:04 pm

    Dear Shieny,

    If this is your real name, please ask us to change for your privacy.

    When you said Indian, we assumed you mean Hindu.

    You are a human being and you should have full rights to follow the faith (or no faith) that you wish to follow. Luckily, you live in a non-Muslim state so this should be easy. You can marry in Singapore or in India and live the life that way you wish. Let us know what else you wish to know.

    To your question, “Is it possible for me to convert into Hindu, Buddhist or Christian?”, the answer is big YES. However, we recommend you not to convert to any other faith till you really believe in it. Till then, you can remain what ever you are or an atheist.

    Once caution. Did you talked to the boy’s family? Go meet them personally. It is possible they may have reservation about their son marrying a non-Hindu. Check this our to avoid any problem later. Best wishes.

    • shieny
      June 2, 2017 5:31 am

      Hi yeah..basically whiskm iind of possessive and she is trying to brain wash him. Btw I wanted to asked u,my fren is a Malaysian muslim girl and she is in love with hindu boy who is working in Singapore.. so is it posible for her to get married in Singapore and setle there.

      • shieny
        June 2, 2017 5:33 am

        Hi yeah..basically his mum kind of possessive and she is trying to brain wash him. And I believe in Hindu and I believe my soul mixed in hindu oredi..Btw I wanted to asked u,my fren is a Malaysian muslim girl and she is in love with hindu boy who is working in Singapore.. so is it posible for her to get married in Singapore and setle there.

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