Muslim woman in the UK with a Hindu man

Halima says: November 1, 2013 at 1:26 am

Hi everyone. Good to see all these posts. I am a muslim woman in the uk with a hindu man and am interested in how we could address my family? His family are happy and he very liberal but my family are very strict.

He will not convert and I wouldn’t want him to for the sake of a marriage.

I would be interested in hearing about anyone in this situation and how to negotiate with both families. I believe in dialogue and not runninh away from issues but am very worried about how I can keep everyone happy. -Halima


Admin says:


You have come to a right site. We like your strategy of 1) no conversion, 2) no running away and 3) keep everyone happy. This is the way it should be. However, it will take lots of efforts to educate yourself for what is the core issue here and how to address it. Please ask your boy friend to come on this site to educate himself too, this is critical.

45.1% of Muslim women in America marrying to non-Muslim. Thus you are not alone. However, for your family and community, it will take some time to come to reality of life in the West.

First tell us what Islam means to you? Please read Mr. Haque‘s views and let us know how much do you believe for what he is saying. Please read Koran on Hindus? Do you believe every words in the Koran is God’s direct message and truth? Do you believe in the Judgment Day? Do you believe Allah has empowered only Muhammed, Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain to send people to paradise? Do you believe all kafirs (including your boy friend, Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa) will get Hell Fire?

Now, ask your parents how true Muslims are they. Are they performing namaz 5 times a day? If they are not 100% Muslims, why they are asking you to be one? Without upsetting them or getting into heated discussion, start making small talks to them on what Islam means to your family in UK. It is good to be proud of your birth religion, but that does not mean you should follow the book 100% (even your parents did).

Give a chance to your parents. Within faith marriages have less complexities and preferred than interfaith marriages. It is possible that your parents may have even a better educated and a decent Muslim guy in mind for you, compared to your current Hindu boy friend. If so, ask them you are willing to go out with parent’s proposals and evaluate the situation. If you do come across someone who is even close to your current Hindu boy friend, we recommend you to go for him.

If above don’t work out, then your only fall back position is to convince your parents for him. It will take at least 2-5 years of every day rational arguments at home. Meantime, complete your education and get a nice professional job. Move out of your city and start living independently. When parents realize that now you are no more their little baby but is a free bird flying on her own, they will soften down.

First, they will propose for the Hindu boy to convert to Islam by Shahadah for your Islamic Nikaah. Educate them that this FAKE-conversion is sin (read no BBS). Your best bet will be to go marry by a civil wedding in UK.

Rome was not built in a day. It will take years to educate yourself, your boyfriend and to your parents/community. Let us know how we could help? Please get back to us with your initial reaction to what we said here. Best Wishes. -Admin

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Bipul
    February 28, 2014 3:39 am

    I don’t know about the persons here taking but still the man named Md.Zia-ul-haque he is really not of this era someone should take him to stone age what says Kuran and what says Hindu all books was the past to keep man not doing what they should not ya there are some saying of everyone that my shirt is brighter then his.
    and about you lady who is facing the problem
    don’t listen to anyone listen to your heart because hearts first say is god’s words do as it says.

    and u people out there who is saying hindu god or muslim god must know that god is only one and we made the nonsense.

    December 8, 2013 6:21 am

    Mr Zia -uL-Fuck: Have you ever crossed Kindergarten ? I hope NO. Your Fucking ALIM, FAZIL MAD-RASSHA teaching Does not make any sence, It’s Better You teach these types of Fucking Quaranic Verses to your ARABIAN WAHABI Fathers. You bloody Born slavers of WAHABI SAUDI ARABIA.

  • suma usa
    November 19, 2013 10:10 am

    I lived in England in Derby, Luton etc during 90s. (This summer when I traveled via Heathrow ,man I saw too many south asians working there this time) Yes, You will be fine with a hindu man imho, provided you dont irritate him with religion at all. You can believe in whatever belief system you like, jus leave him alone in religion terrain, talk about values morals in an irreligious way if you like, and btw dont use islamic words when you converse, you are abusing your friendship then. See and learn how hindus dont use any religious words when they discuss any moral or political issues. Your freedom will be honored by the hindu guy. Good luck, also always try to get employment and try to be financially independent, that freedom is so very sweet you wont regret it, even if it is a low paid job. Muslim women who are dependent get worst abuse on earth, believe me.

  • November 6, 2013 6:18 am

    Dear readers,

    Mohd.Zia Ul, is highly prejudiced and biased against muslim women,
    he does not like them to get natural justice and fundamental rights.
    Due of mentality of such male community, muslim women are the most
    sufferer throughout the world even today. All religions have changed by the passage of time, but islam more and more anti human rules are promulgated against females.

  • November 6, 2013 4:43 am


    your mother and sisters are known prostitutes in the Sonagachi area of Kolkatta? Could your mother tell you who is exactly your father, whose sperms gave birth to a rascal and terrorist like you?

    Kutte ki aulad.

    • November 6, 2013 8:11 am

      Half Hindu Half Muslim Chand Osmani,
      Sorry very sorry, extremely sorry. I have just forgotten that you have been driven out by my brother with you had eloped.
      You are only chand now.
      You are repeating my words. Have you gone through manusmrity. You are ungrateful creature. I had given shelter to your mother.
      Cab you gift me a child?

  • November 6, 2013 3:45 am

    Dear readers,

    The way Mohd.Zia Ul Haque is reacting abusively, definitely he is mutta product, not knowing his real biological father, as his mother in association with local imams entered multiple mutta marriages for money sake only. His association with terrorist groups cannot be ruled out and he claims to be expert on islam through education in madarasas, he must have been sodomized by imams and maulvies during his childhood as number of times.

    Great notorious person, with terrorist background.

    • November 6, 2013 8:26 am

      Human (Beast of Jungle}
      You bastard I had my early education in England.Bloody swine can`t you see what Chand had written earlier about me. Son of a barking dog, come over to my house and see who am I. Ask your mother how many days she was at the house Arun Gowli of Bombay where I got my posting in a Ventra Govt Organisation. You are not fit become servant. Gowli has given enough black/ill got money to your mother, sister and daughter.
      When the money is finished send them to Bharat Nepali who will give them more money.
      Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate

    • November 6, 2013 8:51 am

      Human (Beast of Jungle}
      You bastard I had my early education in England.Bloody swine can`t you see what Chand had written earlier about me. Son of a barking dog, come over to my house and see who am I. Ask your mother how many days she was at the house Arun Gowli of Bombay where I got my posting in a Ventra Govt Organisation. You are not fit become servant. Gowli has given enough black/ill got money to your mother, sister and daughter.
      When the money is finished send them to Bharat Nepali who will give them more money.
      Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
      Not a duplicate comment

  • November 5, 2013 6:23 am


    Dont get misled from the anti female persons like MZUH, who is nothing but a talibani. If you find your BF professionally competent and like minded dont waste time to marry him, without converting.

    God bless

  • November 5, 2013 6:21 am


    No doubt that you are one of products of mutta marriage that your mother entered during her life time. Self praise is no recommendation, you are talibani mentality persons believing anti female sentiments, depriving them of their legitimate rights. Did you ever try to know how much mental agony your mother passed in her life time. Had you been female, you would have realized the gravity of tortous life of a woman.

    If their is really hell fire, you will get burnt in it.

    • November 5, 2013 9:51 am

      Really you are the black sheep of the whole women community.I knew your mother very well.As you were born in a red light area you thinking is always negative.Your mother was deserted by Mr.Ram Singh jamindar of the locality with whom she had eloped out of greed.Thus she became helpless as your grand father also did not allow her to reenter his house.I took the opportunity and had given her shelter for obvious reason but my mother came to know of it and driven her out.Finding no other alternative she had to become woman of the town(yet I kept in touch with her} but could not become so famous as you are today after being divorced by that handsome rich Muslim boy. How is your mother? Ask her whether I was at fault? She has poisoned your ear. But I think my mother did the correct thing.Now your mother has instigated you to take revenge. Do you know after your birth I had given you a gold chain but she had sold and eloped with my cousin Salim leaving you in front of AIMS,New Delhi and that one female sweeper by the name Mitali took you to her house where you were brought up. Anyway, I am happy that your mother has got you back.Happy reunion.Please tell her to forget her past life and forgive us. I am ashamed. So far Talibans are concerned I once again I don`t like them as their against teacings Islam. But because of being divorced by the Muslim boy you are anti Islam and anti Muslims. OK, my child, be happy. Get yourself married this time with my servant`s son Kalloo. He is working as helper in a local hotel. This you will be happy. I will call your mother also.
      Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate

  • November 4, 2013 5:10 am

    Dear Mohd Zia Ul Haque,

    In another blog you claimed to be expert in the islamic laws and did not furnish pointwise reply to my observations. Now you are advocating principles of Koran.

    I am submitting various excerpts from Koran which clearly indicate that Koran is not a word of God. He cannot be so cruel to the mankind. In his eyes every one is same and equal and hence no discrimination and bias against community.

    The Koran is a book of evil and an obscenity against everything God stands for.

    Islam is a morally bankrupt and unethical ideology. Slavery, raping slave girls, owning slaves, murdering infidels, killing apostates of Islam, selling boys and women as trophies of war, looting and pillaging the property of murdered infidels, sharing the booty obtained from the sale of boys and women and the proceeds of looting with ALLAH – Himself, the subjugation and beating of women, martyrdom for those who kill and are killed for ALLAH, a depraved Paradise filled with virgins who re – generate as virgins after sex as the sex slaves of the killers of Islam – these are just some samples of utterly unethical and evil teachings in the Quran

    1. Raping slave girls:

    QURAN – 70:22-30: “Not so the worshippers, who are steadfast in prayer, who set aside a due portion of their wealth for the beggar and for the deprived, who truly believe in the Day of Reckoning and dread the punishment of their Lord (for none is secure from the punishment of their Lord); who restrain their carnal desire (save with their wives and their slave girls, for these are lawful to them: he that lusts after other than these is a transgressor…” This verse shows that Muslim men were allowed to have sex with their wives (of course) and their slave girls.

    QURAN – 23:5,6: “…who restrain their carnal desires (except with their wives and slave girls, for these are lawful to them…” Again, Muslim men were allowed to have sexual relations with their wives and slave girls.

    Read details at

    Following are some of the evil criminal acts in the Koran that are not sanctioned by God but are a sin or violation of the laws of God. These criminal acts are THE LAWS OF Allah (the ANTI GOD.)

    Thanking every body with rational views and mental frame to analyse the above.

    • November 4, 2013 8:46 am

      I hate to take your name because you are a staunch Muslim hater. I have already answered your one or two questions but that was one of the few mistakes I have ever committed in my life.I did not know about your nasty profession. You are a frustrated divorcee.Divorced by a very very handsome brilliant Muslim boy who had no other alternative but get rid of you.You are a cancerous germ found in every blog.You are copying from internet and pasting in the blog. I have already told you and once again say that I will answer to all your questions provided asked by Admln but before that you have to tell me, of course through Admin, as to why famous intelledtuals, highly educated persons and people from all walks of life have been reverting to in great number every day. Why Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today. Instead of manufacturing wrongful allegations why don`t you point out the evils of your religion Hindu? You have noticed, I have pointed out some of them.
      Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate

      • November 4, 2013 8:18 pm

        What you have to say to Halima?

  • November 2, 2013 9:41 am

    Hi Halima

    Nice to know sharing your life story. May I know age and job profiles of both of you? In case you both are working individuals no problem to marry. Even if your Hindu BF is earning handsomely, and you have fully understood his level of commitment, his attitude in all phases of life,cultural practices, both families should be happy for your life long association as husband and wife.

    Gob bless you.

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