Muslim Turk married to A Serb Woman

Secular says: July 9, 2013 at 5:03 pm

Im a Muslim Turk married to A Serb Woman. Nothing wrong with that. Its about goodness in an person. Even if it would be an aboriginal or whatever.

Most muslim man especially in hamas area and egypt kind countrys are sexual frustrated. Its not natural stopping people from falling in love with each other. How more hypocryt over sex how more freaky behaviour from people. And not to forget afghanistan, And many many other muslim countrys. Boys doing boys. Tjayboys in afghanistan. Is that Islam?

We must let go things from the past but always live with honour. Shed feelings of shame and hypocrysie. We must say no to family marriages and under age marriages. Forget about hate and vengeance. Its all about money and power nowadays in the islam. GIVE YOUNG PEOPLE A CHANCE TO FALL IN LOVE WITH EACHOTHER . ARRANGING MARRIAGES WITH PEOPLE YOU MIGHT NOT LIKE IS BAD. ISLAM MUST EVOLVE!! -Secular


Secular added: July 10, 2013 at 11:38 am
I got married not by Nikah but by Law. First engaged. I dunno what i will teach my children yet. I want them to find it out for themself where they believe in. My wife is more religious then i am. I have become an agnost. I will teach my children history not only the turkish but world history. -Secular

More information: Chritistian-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Koran, Bible, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Sam
    July 11, 2013 8:35 am

    All Muslims,
    Why are you frustrated…no matter what you say Islam is a dirty religion and whoever follows it will be fooled for life. UK soldiers head was chopped by Muslim in the name of your Allah, a Christian professors hand was chopped by Muslims in name of Allah, Indian army soldiers head was chopped by Muslims, Chinese girl was shot and killed in Pakistan by Muslims, apart from that beheading of Daniel pearl, killing of innocent hostage by Muslim terrorists in name of your Allah, Chechnyas Muslims terrorist killed many Christians in Russia..there is a long list of what Muslims have done in your allahs name. So now don’t give that bullshit that Islam is peaceful, what Muslims do do not represent Islam, bullshit. Whatever Muslims do totally represent truth about Muslims. Its good that Israel is true answer to you Muslims atrocities on non Muslims. Anyways you are going to answer rubbish, which we all waiting for you bullshit answers and by the way. What’s the punishment for Muslims who leaves Islam, acc to sharia law?

  • Secular
    July 10, 2013 11:40 am

    Jesus to me was a visionary man, Just like the prophet Mohammed.

  • Secular
    July 10, 2013 11:38 am

    Not by Nikah but by Law. First engaged. I dunno what i will teach my children yet. I want them to find it out for themself where they believe in. My wife is more religious then i am. I have become an agnost. I will teach my children history not only the turkish but world history.

    • July 10, 2013 10:02 pm

      You said, “My wife is more religious then i am”, does it mean your children will get baptized and sit on church benches and learn about God from Christian priests?

      Further you said, “Jesus to me was a visionary man”, We fully agree to it and have respect for his progressive thinkings. However, do your wife believe Jesus is a “Son” of God? Muhammad said in Koran that to believe that God could have a son is a monstrous falsehood. Before you plan to have children, talk to your wife for who is the God and if baptism for your children is a must. We love to hear what she has to say for who is the God.

      Remember, being a “secular” with a “religious” wife or alternatively an exclusivist with a pluralist does not work well after you have children, you will have to pick one for them.

      We love to work with you, please do visit us to guide other youths.

  • July 10, 2013 9:50 am

    Thank you Secular for sharing your views.

    How did you got married, by Nikaah? What will you teach your children about God; was Jesus a Son of God?

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