He is Muslim and I am Sikh

Harmeet says: July 3, 2017 at 10:26 pm

Hey there– can i ask how you guys proceeded with the wedding and teaching your children the importance of both religions? I am in a similar situation, my boyfriend and I have been dating for two years and plan on getting married. He is Muslim (however not very religious at all, drinks, smokes, etc) and I am sikh. We’ve discussed our future and want to get married but I’m just not sure how to go about it. Obviously we can’t do a Nikah or do it in the gurdwara. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. –Harmeet

More information: Sikh-Muslim Relationships, Sharia, Koran, Interfaith Marriage & Divorce Laws.
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  • Army man
    January 17, 2018 9:18 am

    Love is nothing here, it’s only a physical attraction and influence of western media, No-one should marry in other faith, Specially in India….Where conversion is become an important part of political system Hindu and Muslims both are part of ” Ghar wapsi and Love Jehad”..They both are just making Christian, Sikhs and Jainism fool….Fucking Sikh , Christian and Jainism girls and slightly …they will convert into their religion..Only characterless girls or whore do marriage in other faith. …That is different if they are NRI or living in real democratic countries. .

  • Army man
    January 17, 2018 9:17 am

    Love is nothing here, it’s only a physical attraction and influence of western media, No-one should marry in other faith, Specially in India….Where conversion is become an important part of political system Hindu and Muslims both are part of ” Ghar wapsi and Love Jehad”..They both are just making Christian, Sikhs and Jainism fool….Fucking Sikh , Christian and Jainism girls and slightly …tgeyvwill convrrt into their relegion..Only characterless girls or whore do marriage in other faith. …That is different if they are NRI or living in real democratic countries. .

  • AS
    December 31, 2017 2:33 pm

    Did you manage to find a solution? I’m in a similar position

    • January 1, 2018 7:10 am

      Hi AS,
      can you share more details about your love and we can help. We hope to hear from you soon.

  • Ruchira Sharma
    July 25, 2017 7:59 am

    Hi Harmeet, I am writing a piece about things like this and was wondering if I could speak to you further about the struggles of this

    Kind regards.


  • Rabia
    July 10, 2017 1:43 am

    Dear Harmeet,

    Since you said “Obviously we can’t do a Nikah or do it in the gurdwara.”, the only other way to get married is to register a civil marriage in court. In India this is done under the Special Marriage Act and if you are abroad, you can easily find out from the local authorities how to go about this.

    I think 2 years is too short a time to get to know a person. How religious are you as a Sikh? Does your boyfriend believe in Islam (you said he doesnt practice much, but like Admin said these things may change, even for you). Discuss these things in detail before taking a big step – marriage is quite a different reality so we wouldn’t want you to have problems later in life. Best to discuss the children in detail now.

    My husband comes from a Hindu background, doesn’t believe in it, I am a believing and semi-practicing Muslim (“moderate” as I was once called by someone) and we want to raise our children with knowledge about all religions but with certain core beliefs and practices which will come from my faith. In this day and age, it’s impossible for them not to be exposed to other religions anyway (one of their grandparents will be Hindu), so I want them to be aware of other faiths. Hope this helps!

    • John
      July 18, 2017 1:03 pm

      I am quite fascinated by your reply. I do understand that you are far moderate than most muslims in the indian sub continent but you do make a rather disturbing statement. You state that your children will learn the core beliefs of Islam. What about Hinduism? Dont you believe your children deserve to know the core beliefs of their father’s and paternal grandparents’religion Also i wonder whether the names of your children will remain religion neutral or would you decide to have names that explicitly represent their mother’s faith’s only. Hope you can be bothered enough to answer.

      • Kaveri
        July 23, 2017 4:37 am

        Yes, you are right… she is being hypocite…

        • Rabia
          July 26, 2017 6:22 am

          Kaveri, would you be ok with your children learning about Islam
          Or Christianity if your husband was a Christian or a Muslim? People who live in glass houses really shouldn’t throw stones… most Hindus I know wouldn’t even let their children socialize with Muslims let alone marry one…

          • July 26, 2017 9:20 pm

            Interesting observation.

            How about the other way, which one is true?
            “most Muslims I know wouldn’t even let their daughters socialize with Hindus let alone marry one…”
            “most Muslims I know will be happy to let their daughters socialize with Hindus and marry one…”?

      • Rabia
        July 26, 2017 1:14 am

        If you hadn’t written your comment as a reply to my post, I would have seen you read message sooner. Now that I have seen it, here is my reply:

        We haven’t discussed children’s names in detail but I would be ok giving them any religion-neutral name as long as it has a good meaning. In fact, we are considering some western names as well so that people don’t discriminate against them (there are articles written about how some employers discriminate against candidates with ethnic names)

        In terms of religion, they will obviously learn the basics of Hinduism from grandparents and their father. The problem is that my inlaws know quite little about Hinduism – they know only what they have been taught by their parents but have never bothered to question why something is done – unlike me, I came into my understanding of Islam after years of asking questions and challenging what I don’t think makes sense in this day and age.

        It’s not your -or anyone else’s – place to judge or decide how my children will be raised, is it now?

  • July 4, 2017 8:46 pm

    Hi Harmeet,

    Don’t go by “He is Muslim (however not very religious at all, drinks, smokes, etc)”. All these can change as soon as parents get involved. Have you ever meet his parents? There are many good options but first you have to answer us about his parents wishes. Lets talk more later.

    • June 6, 2019 6:46 pm

      Im in the same boat we have selected neutral names for children. He is interested in Sikhi and does not want me to convert. His parents are both well educated doctors. We both live in the united states and we have been raised here. He has so much respect for Sikhi and researches it himself and discusses aspects of the faith that he likes with me. He is a kind gentle soul who does not believe religion should create divide amongst people instead he believes people should look for similarities and celebrate their differences. I want to marry him I have never met anyone who accepts me so fully as he does. However, my parents will not accept him. I was not raised a fool I’m also finishing up school and will be practising medicine. It is only their ego that stops them from accepting him. This is going to be hard but its worth it.

      Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=15352

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