Why Muslim Population is Increasing?

Md.Zia-ul-Haque says: November 30, 2018

Please explain as to why Islam is the fastest and largest growing religion in the world today including U.S.A and why do the people of all walks of life including intellectuals are reverting Islam? Is it for the reason that they are being terrorised by Muslims or they like terrorism? I know that either you will avoid to answer it or your reply will be absolutely unsatisfactory below the standard. -Haque

admin says: November 30, 2018

Yes, Islam is expanding fast and that for several reasons:

1) As per Pew research, it is because of high birth rates. Muslims are generally poor and less educated in most countries compared to some other counter parts and thus that along with Islamic teachings contribute to high child birth rates. In countries like India where there is no space left to walk but Muslims will take pride in dropping dozen kids.

2) Muslim majority countries are absolutely unfair to minorities, take away all rights, make laws to force minority to convert (view) and make illegal for Muslims to convert out of Islam. Sunnis cannot tolerate Shia and Ahmadis, Shia cannot tolerate Bahai, and Muslims drive out Hindus from Pakistan, Bangla Desh and Kashmir.

Mr. Haque said “…Indian Muslims deserve and demand equality with hindus” and “(in Pakistan) you can not expect treatment for hindus at par with Muslims.” (source 1, 2). Does it mean the day India will become Muslim majority, India will be converted as an Islamic country and Hindus will be driven out?

3) Proselytism in Muslim majority countries by other faiths is illegal but the same Muslims will heavily proselytise all over when they are minority in most other countries. So, Muslims have unfair advantage given by their political system.

4) It is rare (or unheard) for non-Muslim to take any lead political position in Muslim majority nations. Indonesian Jakarta’s Christian mayor was prosecuted for blasphemy while Muslims are holding all kind of political positions in the West and India. Muslims are intolerant if any one talk against their faith or prophet and thus media and writers are scared to talk freely. Being living in majority India, Mr. Haque can publicly say “Before puberty, every Hindu girl should marry Muslim boy(s)“, do any Hindu have such daring saying the same in Pakistan? All these help spread of Islam at the expense of others.

5) Muslim youths are love-Jihadi and unfair to people of other faiths. As you can see all over on this web site, Muslim will get into love relationship starting with talks of equality but ultimately will want conversion (love-proselytism).

6) Muslims will go at any extent to expand Islam (read Sudhansu, Deep_xing, Iqbal and Gautam. You will not see that Muslims are being unfair to others or immoral to expand Islam at any cost, and that is the main problem. But again, you will have justifications for all these.

7) Muslims marry at an early age compared to people in the West (also Parsis, Jewish, Hindus in the West) at very late age. Early age married person can be grand parents by the time a late stage married is barely planning their first pregnancy.

8) Lack of family planning as promoted in Islam. Many Muslim may end up having more children then what they planned for.

9) Many Muslim government support/promote higher birth rates.

We do not have any doubt that France and India will be Muslim majority nations, it is only a matter of time. The current majority population have to think where will they migrate out when Sharia goes in effect there? We know many Muslims but none like you. What ever we said about Muslims here is assuming all Muslims are like you or like Muslims in Bangla Desh, Pakistan and Kashmir. If this is Islam all about, we are proud being a kaafir! –Admin

Md.Zia-ul-Haque says: November 30, 2018

My dear loving admin,
I am compelled to tell you that officialy India is a “secular” country but in fact it is the most communal country in the world where Muslim Govt officers are harassed like anything. False charges are framed against them. Even forged and fabricated documents are used to penalise them but law courts give relief to the Muslim employees/officers. Late Frank Anthony Ex M.P was right by saying “Muslims in India are living under the shadow of fear and terror.”
I will be obliged if you kindly offer your comments as to why American intellectuals in large numbers are reverting to Islam day by day.The number increased even after 26/11. Despite propaganda by RSS and other hindu organisations aginst “love jihad” why do the non Muslim girls including married women are getting married with married and unnarried Muslim boys and married men having 2 or three 3 wives. Why do the Hindu married women allow married Muslim men to have sex with them.
How do you view it?

Admin says:

Sorry to hear what is going in the secular country India. Are you saying Hindus are treated much better in Pakistan and Bangla Desh by other Muslims and Hindus are prospering there while Muslims are not in India? Are you saying Muslim majorities are saints but problem is the others?

On Americans converting to Islam, we personally know many Muslims who are disassociating themselves from Islam (also read). We do not know a single Muslim friend performing namaz five times a day. Only different is those reverted to atheism, Christianity and others are keeping low profile with the fear of retaliation. If you are not convince, go visit FaithFreedom.org. Yes, Islam is expanding in America, mainly due to immigration and high birth rates.

On rest of your questions, it is the liberty provided by Hindu, Jew and Christian faiths to their ladies and Muslims are taking advantage of such situations. Apparently you are proud of “(non-Muslim)married women are getting married with married and unmarried Muslim boys” and “married men having 2 or three 3 wives”, but that is consider not good by the rest of the world. –Admin

Haque’s views:
Before puberty, every Hindu girl should marry Muslim boy(s)
I am a Muslim first then an Indian
Learn Islam from an Expert

If you are a Muslim, do you also believe so?

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Ruchika
    January 6, 2019 7:49 pm

    I found Mr. zia’s post funny & Dilip sir’s reply even more laughable.

    To Mr. Zia–>

    Muslims have very fast growth mostly because of young population.
    But yes, in form of conversion,muslim have significant part. According to pew research, Muslims accepting & leaving islam is almost same which makes Islam probably only religion that can stands it’s ground compared to other religions.

    To Dilip sir–>
    I read your reply & i don’t know from where to start sir.
    Your reference includes faithfreedom & wikiislam. Which in turns reference some sites that is either “reported” by third source or the source itself is recursive.

    One of the most interesting part of your reply os “we don’t know a single muslim who perform 5 times” “Many muslim disassociates from religion”

    Sir, first determine your mind what you are trying to say.
    If many of them don’t pray or disassociates from erligion,then how they become “extremist”?!!
    It is you who accuse them of extremism or no being secular. You need to come to a point.

    It almost feels like you are trying to preach american version of freedom & human rights, first self elevating yourself to top standard & then asking others why are not following you!!!

    What is the rights you are exactly talking about here sir? I am very eager to know.

    • January 6, 2019 8:41 pm

      This is a wrong summary, “If many of them don’t pray or disassociates from erligion, then how they become “extremist”?!!” All Muslims friends that we have are nothing close to carrying ideologies of Mr. Haque (and are wonderful citizens).

      • Ruchika
        January 7, 2019 1:09 am

        “All Muslims friends that we have are nothing close to carrying ideologies of Mr. Haque”
        That’s a very dodgy statement sir.
        If they are so good,then the country you live in,US,why it is hell bent on “secularizing” them?
        Or is it that,freedom & democracy of the country you live in is always one way road? You only like them when they don’t follow religion? Is that what you call “being secular”?

        I think you have a lot to read on different ideology like islam,communism & understand their compilation,structure,mechanism & execution before you compare them. The reason why these ideologies have world changing impact and particularly west fear them,is because these are concrete & cant be bent on wish,or secularize as you say it.
        There isn’t good muslim or bad muslim,as there isn’t good communist or bad communist. Its either 1 or 0.

        • January 7, 2019 9:04 pm

          Here there are many irrational statements and extrapolations. This “There isn’t good muslim or bad muslim, as there isn’t good communist or bad communist. Its either 1 or 0” is never true, people from all faiths are between 0 and 1.

  • Chand Usmani
    December 29, 2018 8:05 am

    The main reason of muslim population growth is illiteracy, powerty, early marriage, biogamy, halala, mutta marriage, terrorist activities world wide, all factors giving rise to muslim population.

    In fact in the name of religion islam has become cruel and criminal mindset
    making femal community to suffer most.

    • Ruchika
      January 6, 2019 7:53 pm

      I think the democracy with WMD, several million dead from freedom bombing in ME , hundreds of thousands of dead japanese in hiroshima nagashaki and millions of dead native americans will disagree with you.

      Islamic terrorist is nothing compared to democratic freedomic terrorists.
      Your reluctance to criticize world’s biggest freedom company is blowing my mind.
      Before 9/11 suicide bombing,so called terrorist activities was almost non-existent.

  • deep_xing
    December 2, 2018 9:03 am

    I had never thought of it from a religious standpoint, or anything that could be generalised among a community and thought it was an individual problem that I was facing. Like I’ve said I’m not a very religious person and don’t have any hatred or dislike against any faith too. There have been enough problems already for me and I think it is good in a way that I am not very religious at all so I probably didn’t had it as difficult as I probably would have had if I was a religious Sikh person. I still don’t know if this is specific to Sameer only or if this is something prevalent on a larger scale within a community and if this is a factor in rise in population of a community, that means it probably happens much more. As is also probably suggested by some other experience that people have shared here. I still don’t understand how seducing a married woman and breaking a family so you can be with that woman in that position can be something someone would brag about or be proud of, like Mr Md.Zia-ul-Haque ‘bragged’ about it in his comment where he said more and more non Muslim married women are marrying with Muslim boys suggesting it is the women who are coming after these boys rather than them seducing women and ruining marriages.

    • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
      December 2, 2018 1:06 pm

      I love and admire you but you are really a communal hindu and an RSS activists and
      not a secular/liberal person like me. Paksitan is an Islamic Country and therefore you can not expect treatment for hindus at par with Muslims. India is a secular country and therefore the theory of equal treatment under equal circumstances has to be applicable for both Muslims and Hindus without an iota of doubt but Muslims are treated like 2nd Class citizens. However the law courts are the places where the Muslims
      get proper justice in every respect.I feel that mainly for the following two reasons non Muslim girls and women are reverting to Islam:

      Persons believe in the life hereafter are convinced that Islam is the only and true way to get God and Paradise.

      Non Muslims specially hindu girls and women are of the view that non Muslim boys and men are weak and not able to satisfy them in the matter of sex but the Muslim boys and men are quite capable to have them quenched their thirst for sex. This is one of the reasons that despite false propaganda against “love Jihad” non Muslim girls are reverting to Islam in large numbers by marrying Muslim boys and men.Some of them even feel proud to accept Muslim man/men alrrady having 2 or 3 wives.

      • December 2, 2018 2:45 pm

        Just because someone say Shahadah auth, who come automatically that person become a sex master? Totally a rubbish argument. Why would any one trust people/community carrying such mentality and open their house for them. Dear Deep_xing, you problem is you feed milk to a snake and now you have to suffer.

        • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
          December 2, 2018 11:58 pm

          Oh my dear admin,
          Don’t allow your readers/viewers that you are a knowledgeless person. You are a doctorate but your argument/logic is worst than a clerk of a primary school. It is not only because of SHAHADAH that a person becomes strong in sex but of course also because of change of food habits and other factors that makes a man strong in sex. Just read some books and you will find that in ancient days hindus or sanatanis used to eat beef to keep themselves strong in sex. In his recent post one of your readers has said that his mother did not want any more children from his hindu husband but after marriage with a much elderly Muslim man she cooks and eats beef and have already given birth of 2 children when another is on its way to come.
          Ask those reverted Muslims as to why did they trust the people/community “carrying such mentality” and open their house for them. Despite all such ill and nasty propaganda by people having stinking brain and mind, large number of followers and devotees of disheartened saraswati,being scared of their respective fathers, are leaving their homes and are reverting to Islam in the hope of peaceful
          lives. This is what I feel. What do you and your readers/viewers feel?
          I will be really obliged if you kindly offer your comments and ask your viewres also to offer their comments in the light repeated warnings by hindu communal people who are responsible for disrupting peace and tranquilty in India which was ruled over by Brave Muslims for centuries together but did make it Muslim majority Country. My Marhum father was a doctor in Indian military but refused to go to Pakistan when option was given to him.

          • deep_xing
            December 3, 2018 10:39 am

            These comments are more about some Hindu-Muslim or India-Pakistan agenda which I don’t know anything about as I’m not from the region so I’ll probably not be commenting further on this thread. While I respect you and the admin or anyone else to continue the conversation here. I don’t think it’s right for me to poke my nose into matters I don’t know much about.

          • December 5, 2018 11:28 pm

            We have heard that steak eating increases changes of heart diseases and colon cancer. That is the reason Americans are now reducing consumption of beer and moving towards more vegetarian diet. We have not seen any research paper saying beef eating makes one strong in sex, sorry we do not agree to your claim “becomes strong in sex”.

        • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
          December 3, 2018 12:02 am

          Please read “did not make it a Muslim majority country.

      • December 5, 2018 11:58 pm

        This is truth about Muslims “Paksitan is an Islamic Country and therefore you can not expect treatment for hindus at par with Muslims”. Why majority does not have responsibility to protect other minorities? Where ever Muslims are in majority, they treat minorities sub par and ultimately drive them out. When Muslim are in minorities, they will shout load and clear that they are the victim and expect better than equal treatment from majority. Shame on such ideologies.

        • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
          December 6, 2018 10:34 am

          Muslims are Indians by birth and that India is a secular country so the Indian Muslims deserve and demand equality with hindus and that is quite natural and justified.If India declares it a hindu country then Muslims can not and will not expect the same.

          • December 7, 2018 7:35 pm

            This is totally irrational thinking that Hindus cannot expect equality from Muslims in Pakistan but Muslims in India deserve and demand equality from Hindu in India. Are all Muslims think this way? Does it mean the day India will become Muslim majority, India will be changed as an Islamic country and Hindus will be driven out?

        • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
          December 7, 2018 8:19 pm

          My dear wise admin,
          You are uncessfully trying to twist my comments. Look every non Muslim married and unmarried girl/woman knows that save and except some black sheep of the society like Saif Khan all Muslims will have them reverted to Islam before marriage. Despite knowing it and false propaganda by hindu extremists why are they getting married with Muslim boys and men in large numbers day by day.

      • Krish
        December 6, 2018 8:00 am


        Tell me why is Islam is fastest dying religion all over world? Why many muslims are becoming ex-muslim? why muslim countries are dying so fast.


        • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
          December 6, 2018 10:47 am

          Let the admin confirm that Islam is a “dying religion” and then only I will make my comment. Admin has admitted the fact that Islam is the fastest growing Religion now.
          Ask and restrain hindu girls and married and unmarried women to get themselves married with unmarried and married Muslim boys and men.

  • deep_xing
    December 2, 2018 7:12 am


    I am not an expert on Islam or any population growth patterns and I do not refer to the entire Muslim population all over the world. My experiences will obviously be based on what I have seen in my own home with my mom and Sameer.

    Most of the arguments in this post seem to be focused around the religious politics in India and I do not have any knowledge of that part of the world so I cannot comment on that. However, the statement by Md.Zia-ul-Haque in this comment above – “why do the non Muslim girls including married women are getting married with married and unnarried Muslim boys and married men having 2 or three 3 wives.” is something that caught my attention. What I don’t understand here is why is it a matter of bragging that you are approaching and seducing a married woman and breaking a family as a result. How is it a matter of pride that you seduced a married woman who was already living a happy married life, and then have her break the marriage so she is only with you. This same trait was shown by Sameer too, who in the initial days of his affair with mom used to brag a lot (still does on occasion, but not to the extent as he used to earlier) that even mom ‘knew’ he was a better than my dad that is why she ‘chose’ to be with him rather than stay with dad when their affair came to light. As if it had nothing to do with the seduction and lies he must have obviously fed her to turn her against her own husband so she would start having an affair with him. Why mom fell for all of that and why she still stands by her decision to be with him and give him all the power and control over the house and everything else, I don’t yet understand. But what I also don’t understand is how is it a matter of pride for him. Reading some of the other posts, this seems like kind of a common factor and it is seen to be something to be proud of if they seduce a married woman of a different faith and have her break her marriage to be with them. Can Mr Md.Zia-ul-Haque or any one else explain why is this so?

    Apart from this, I, in my personal opinion, agree with the view that has been presented in some other posts on this site that Islam seems to be somewhat a dominating faith. There is little to no tolerance towards practices of others who follow different faiths. Even though we are not Muslims, since he’s moved in with mom he makes such a big deal out of what we eat and what we bring in. Only halal products for example. No wine or even beer (basically alcohol of any kind) at home as another. What started as simply saying he doesn’t like all that when he had just moved in, to now having the nerve to go and throw out stuff that ‘goes against his principles’ without even consulting anyone. Even if it’s not even ours. It happened a few times when some of my friends brought their beer and he simply asked them to keep it out or leave as ‘that stuff’ was not allowed in ‘his house’!

    In fact he says that quite often that it is ‘his house’ now and that I should respect his position in our new domestic arrangement now showing another trait I have seen common among many stories I have read about this issue here. That trait is completely taking over once they’re in and making the people who were already there follow them. Like I said I don’t know why mom keeps supporting it, hell, she even agrees with it and has herself started saying that recently, not as aggressively as him, more like suggesting. I have always heard Sameer talk derogatively about my dad in the early days, even when their affair wasn’t completely out in the open I knew he wasn’t a fan of dad. But since mom and him separated he lost all his refrain in saying how much he didn’t like my dad and considered him lesser than him any chance he got. Mom obviously having just divorced dad didn’t do much to say otherwise, but didn’t contribute to his demaning of dad. This has since changed though and now even mom has made it clear she absolutely despises her time with that and is in fact proud of her decision to be with Sameer for whatever reason (obviously Sameer’s constant bashing of dad was bound to brainwash mom to think that way).

    However it’s his mother and his younger brother who live back in Pakistan but visit here every 3-4 months that are more vocal about it. They’re much more orthodox as compared to Sameer, his mother prays 5 times a day and all. Where we used to have sounds of Sikh kirtans and shabads early in the morning when dad woke up to pray in the morning, when his mother is visiting and staying here, we have to wake up to the voice of the Azaan. Not only this but her and Sameer’s brother are always suggesting that because Sameer is mom’s partner in the household now that gives him a certain position in the family and I should respect him accordingly. Indirectly suggesting that I should be somehow be treating Sameer as if he’s my dad. They take offence if I refer to him by his name saying I should show him respect and not call him by name as ‘he is not my friend anymore but his relation to me has changed and I should respect that and treat him accordingly’. Same happens whenever any topic about dad comes along. Though it rarely happens as no one ever talks about dad any more. Seems like even mom has forgotten completely. But it did come up once and while that too while his mother was visiting. I naturally referred to dad as dad and Sameer’s mother took offence to that too, saying ‘that man has no right to be addressed that way in this house’ and how ‘in this family a son has only one dad and that is the person who is with their mom which he is not anymore.’ Obviously all of this was said in Urdu, as Sameer’s mother doesn’t speak any English. Mom doesn’t react much as she understands very little Urdu. Being a born and raise Sikh in the UK there’s no reason for her to know any Urdu, until she got together with Sameer of course. I do understand a bit too as I’ve had some other Pakistani friends during my school time.

    The point of saying all this is that it shows another trait which is quite common among the experiences of other people in similar situations that I’ve come across here. That being the tendency to take over everything completely once they get in, and either brainwashing the gullible by sweet talks or romance or whatever and then forcing everyone else to follow what they think is right. Another thing I’d like to understand from Mr Md.Zia-ul-Haque or any one else how is this something someone could be proud of?

    • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
      December 3, 2018 6:14 am

      I will explain every thing in details but before that will it be possible for you state/say as to why,according to your opinion feeling, your mother is gladly and/or willingly accepting everything done by your step father.

      • deep_xing
        December 3, 2018 10:32 am

        First and foremost. He is NOT MY STEP-FATHER!! He is just a guy who seduced my mom by using her weakness in a particular moment in time and used it to take over, as I’ve come to realise is somewhat of a characteristic common to other in this situation too. Even suggesting that makes me think you are much of an orthodox backward thinking person like Sameer’s parents from Pakistan who suggest similar things.

        If I knew the reasons for her actions, I would not have posted here saying multiple times that I don’t really understand her reasons. From what I know she is not just a mature woman but has been a smart and intelligent professional in her field as well. That is why I dont understand why she would fall for anyone, let alone a guy who was my age and then value her relationship with him over her marriage with dad.

        However, the problems of mid-life crisis are not unheard of and maybe at that point of time my mom might have been going through such a phase or some other difficulty. I do not think either was the case, I am saying it just for the sake of argument. But instead of helping her get through it, or even letting her handle it herself like an adult he decided to exploit her. This guy, whom I called my friend, whom I helped get adjusted in this place when he was an immigrant student in my Uni, decided to exploit my mom and seduce her to start an affair with him and then brainwash her to continue the affair and later divorce my dad so he can be with her.

        Again he used to be my friend, he may be living with my mother in our home. But he is NOT my step-father.

        • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
          December 3, 2018 12:30 pm

          So you want to mean that the person had seduced your mom to have sexual relationship with him.If so, just tell him that according to Islam it is a big sin to establish sexual relationship before or without marriage. Unless he marries your mother you can not and should not address him as dad. Meanwhile please try to persue your mom to return to your dad and tell you dad to forgive her. It may be so that in view of his old age your father was not able to satisfy your mom sexually whereas this guy, being quite young and of your age, has been fully satisfying her sexually which is a biological need of human being.

          It is also a matter shame that his mother stays in a house where he is having illegal sexual intercourse with his friend’s mother. Does your mom call his mother as mom?

        • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
          December 3, 2018 8:03 pm

          deep ji
          What will happen 2in future is known to Alimghty but my sincere advise to you to keep in regular touch with your father to keep his moral high or else he may suffer depression which may be the cause of several ailments. I am sure this Pakistani man will certainly ditch and cheat your mom one day which not very far away.
          Please don’t take it otherwise as it is a really matter of concern that only because of sex your mom has indirectly harmed you also as it may affect your marriage also. You are quite intelligent to understand the reason.

        • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
          December 8, 2018 7:49 am

          Deep xing,
          Please tell me whether Sameer will be called as your step father by your friends
          and relatives after his marriage with your mother or not.

          • admin
            December 8, 2018 9:51 am

            Mr. Haque,
            This is a matter of pride for you but have to realize that is it a tormenting time for Deep_xing. Please be sensitive to the situation and someone, thank you.

    • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
      December 3, 2018 6:16 am

      I will explain every thing in details but before that will it be possible for you state/say as to why,according to your opinion feeling, your mother is gladly and/or willingly accepting everything done by your step father.
      Let the admin know that your step father’s mother offer Namaz 5 times a day.

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