Christian: I will Fake-convert to Islam

islam-christian-symbolssamselvin says: April 14, 2015 at 5:10 am

Hello iam a christian boy from India and i love a girl from Sri Lanka who is Muslim….i dont want to convert to Muslim and marry her…..and her parents will not allow her to change her religion as all Muslim parents do….so my plan is i will convert to islam and marry her in Sri Lanka then return back to India and register my marriage in our church and live as christian……impartant thing is she love to be as christian…..pls advise me(only positive)…..pls dont would happen…that would happen…i can face any situation…pls give ur valuable positive comments …..i love Muslims as i have lot of good Muslim friends but i hate that religion which is missing the great words” love and peace” -samselvin

Also read: Interfaith marriage with equality (Video), Hindu-Christian Marriage, Will Gandhi go to Hell since he was not Baptized?, Bible on Hindus?, Idol-Worshippers, I am a Christian mother, I converted without knowledge of my family, I am Christian getting married to a Hindu, Do all Christians go to Heaven?, Ignorent Molly trying to convert a Krishna believer to Christianity ..a video, Namastey London movie…intolerant Christians ..a video, All religions are not same, A Hindu America?, Why I am a Hindu?, A fundamentalist Christian, Why I came back to Hinduism?, Dharma is not the same as religion, Text book on How to convert Hindu Students to Christianity.
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  • June 18, 2015 9:33 am

    Dear readers,

    Mac is boiling. How muslim terrorists ditch non muslim girls, he will not disclose. He will not say any thing about evil teachings of Koran like this.

    Quran 9:111 “Lo! Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain. It is a promise which is binding on Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’an. Who fulfilleth His covenant better than Allah? Rejoice then in your bargain that ye have made, for that is the supreme triumph.”
    Just as with prophet Muhammad, you cannot understand Islam without comprehending Verse 9:111. In the Crimes of prophet Muhammad (read in book), we learn that Muhammad invented Islam and created his own God – Allah of the Quran (the antiGod) and then pretended to receive divine transmissions from Allah via Angel Gabriel. In order to get men who were willing to fight, conquer and die on his behalf, Muhammad thru his fictional god, guaranteed his male followers external sex in Paradise, unlimited sex on earth with sex slaves and 80% of the booty from conquered kafirs. He cleverly concealed his evil ideology by wrapping Islam in a cloak of religious ceremony/practices. This is the true reality of Islam.

  • June 16, 2015 8:11 pm

    That’s exactly what i did. My wife is a muslim, am a hindu and i have two kids. Just to show to people i married at her place in islamic way. Then she came to our place and did it my way. We have been living a happy life for 10 years now. Both our parents are happy for us.
    As long as she is not a conservative muslim, you would find it easy to live with her. As you have already said that she is fine with your religion, there should not be any issues at all. Religion does not matter as long as you are happy. Go head with your plans. –

    Reply at

    • mac
      June 17, 2015 6:34 am

      So Alvin, basically you are cheating two families.

      So you want muslim girl not to be conservative, but what about other side , what if we turn the table and ask hindu husband to be non-conservative like adopting beef eating in your home, naming children islamic name instead of hindu name and so forth, i know many of you got shut by my words, but this is what exactly you expect from muslim girls to do, you want them to leave islamic principles and become a namesake muslim and on the other hand you hindu guy remain a good practicing hindu, while a muslim girl is accepting polytheism in your home(which actually technically made her kafir/non-believer). Muslim girls should take note of these issues if they are planning for interfaith marriage with hindu with equality

      • Alvin
        July 28, 2017 4:19 pm

        Hi Mac, Every religion teaches to worship god and not satan.I did not force my muslim wife to marry me or follow my religion. It was her choice. When she initially got married, she was less educated. I gave her freedom to live which ever way she wanted, sent her to uni and also to handle our family business. My daughter has her first name which sounds bit of a muslim but has my surname. Around 5 years in married life with me, she started doing research in my religion and culture and soon started to follow because there’s not much restrictions in it. I did not force her to do that because myself i am not much of a religious person.It was her choice.
        When i go to her parents, they don’t serve me beef because i haven’t eaten beef before. I did try beef couple times in office with other staffs but it didn’t please me. Likewise when they are at my place, I ensure that they eat halal meat. Once living in western culture, my wife got adapted to it. She also has a elder sister who is a strict muslim and married a muslim and has two kids. Her husband passed away and we support her whenever she needs it. Over here for me its more than 10 years and we have a healthy family life.
        Both our parents are happy for us. From my understanding, to be happy in life, religion doesn’t matter, it’s how we treat our partners and fellow human beings. But yes, whenever i am in trouble and need peace in mind, i think of the almighty.

  • mac
    June 1, 2015 3:13 am

    Church of England CRISIS as it loses 1.7million followers…and Islam gains 900k

    MORE PEOPLE are becoming Muslims – and fewer people are becoming members of the Church of England, new research shows.

    • June 1, 2015 7:25 am

      Interesting trend!

  • mac
    May 29, 2015 11:36 pm

    Fidelma O’Leary, a professor of biology at Saint Edwards University in the USA, became acquainted with Islam during her student years. Brought up as a Catholic, O’Leary’s life changed when she began questioning her religious beliefs following a radio program. O’Leary described how she became acquainted with Islam: “I was listening to a radio program. A listener who phoned in asked, ‘Since Jesus is God, how is it that he also worships God?’ I felt a bolt of lightning in my head. It was as if all the pieces of the puzzle had suddenly come together in the right place. I realized that Islam was the right faith for me. I loved and embraced it with all my heart.

  • mac
    May 13, 2015 1:36 am

    Islam Silences An Intelligent But Frustrates An Arrogant.

    • Maliha
      May 31, 2015 11:19 am

      you are absolutely right.
      Arrogance is aplenty everywhere we go.
      I have a first hand experience at how someone can turn against a disciplined way of life just for their convenience.

  • samselvin
    May 10, 2015 6:19 pm

    dear admin and my brothers,

    i can show u lot and lot of evidences to prove jesus is almighty god but im questioning myself why i need to prove my almighty god(jesus) among those who disbelive their creater jesus christ?

    but im asking some simple questions,answer me if u want?

    ******IF you muslims belive your god and u muslims have confident in your faith,why are you afraid of christians?

    ******and if u muslims do not afraid of christians,why don’t u allow christian preachers to preach in most of the arabic countries?

    ******and if u muslims have confident in ur faith,why don’t u give religious freedom to your people?and why don’t u allow ur people to live as free human being?

    ******if they allow freedom to their people,almost half of the people will leave islam with in a week…..and interfaith marriages happens among islam girls will be more than now….

    ******high birth rate,forceful conversion,forceful living,no freedom in the mind,no freedom in speech,no freedom in desire,no freedom in belief,no freedom in culture,no freedom in dressing,what a forceful personal situation is this?….oh god jesus christ when will they be released?…..

    ******and in our world lot and lot of christian pasters do incredible miracles by the name of jesus christ and lot and lot of people getting benefits from them and getting their disease cured even cancer like disease(i also one of them),even hindu preachers do miracles by the name of their god,BUT can u show me a single miracle that have done by dr.zahir naik or mr.deedat? while religious meetings, but i can u show u the real proof….SO IT CLEARLY SHOWS JESUS CHRIST STILL DO MIRACLES BY EVEN SMALL MESSENGERS…..MY ALMIGHTY GOD JESUS CHRIST SAYS IN BIBLE,TWO OR MORE PEOPLES GROUPED TOGETHER BY THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST,I WILL BE THERE……

    *******But u muslim you are arranging biggest meeting hall by lakhs and crores for only converting two or three very poorest hindu or christians….

    *******bro mac and muhammed,have u heard the name “Nishkalank Mahadev Temple, Koliyak” it is situated in india, do u know the speciality of this temple?
    this temple located inside the sea but every day at morning sea goes inside and allow the people worship lord shiva and evening sea restored the level as before…..what is ur comment for this…..a sea allow the people to worship their god by goes inside…… i think lord shiva is also a mighty messenger of god than your prophet(it is my personal thought but hidus in their perception they think lord shiva is the only god for all god)…….

    ******If india follows the rule as same as some arabic countries follows, where will we christians and muslims go?

    ******as we are living in india tell me who is better than muslims and christians?….ans is definitly hindus,because they give us freedom to do anything,u can change ur religion everyday,we muslims and christians can visit their holy places without any restriction,we muslims and christians can marry their sisters and daughters if u r eligible and good….. think like that brothers….

    ******in india our population is more than 130 crores….in 130 crores more than 110 crores are hindus…if hindus have same mentality as u have,they can kill all christians and hindus with in a week or two…..

    ******please live for people who love u,dont live for religion,relgion created for make people happy,no religion created for make religion happy….

    ******try to enjoy with ur people,visit hindu temples to see their beauty and please come to our churches and see how beautiful they are and see our cultures, and please allow hindus and christians to your mosqes and let us feel your beauty and cultures,and come with us we can lunch together in our house,and invite me to have dinner in your house,invite hindus and christians in your mosque celebrating ramadan……what a beauty is this?…..

    ******during chrismas lot and lot of hindus come to our church to celebrate chrismas with us since more than 25 years ago,and we have enjoying together and they come to our churches and watch dance programs and eat together,and during ayutha pooja,onam,diwali,they invited christians in their temple to celebrate,we go their and feel their beauty and watch their functions etc etc….in our churches and hindu temples we only call muslim brothers for making foods because as we know they make food very tasty and we like it a lot…..

    ******so please apart from religion try to live as a normal human being,normal free human being,loveable being,no god says to praise the religion(if says show me)……if god says the people must me as muslims or christians or hindu….answer is nooooooo…….god says “worship me but not worship religion”….

    • May 10, 2015 11:04 pm

      Dear SamSelvin,

      We hope you are out of trouble for “even cancer like disease(i also one of them)”. We hope that did not metastasized and you are completely cured.

      You have expressed your pluralistic religious tolerant views beautifully here, we admire it. Agree, why not go to Mosque, mandir and church and take best from all (and leave bad for others)? We agree to almost all things so we do not have much to add to.

      You have raised one excellent point, “why don’t u allow christian preachers to preach in most of the arabic countries?”, yes this is an unfair game. Muslims built big mosques and proselytize openly in Europe, USA and India but they closed their Islamic countries for others. If Christians are allowed to openly preach their faith and Muslims have liberty of selecting their faith in Saudi Arabia, Christians could do miracles by converting many Arabs.

      Even in secular and the most moderate Islamic country Malaysia, by laws, the non-Muslim lover has to force convert to Islam to marry their Muslim lover. is this is fair? When it comes to Muhammad’s Allah, nothing is fair. No other Allah (meaning other belief system) has right to exist except Muhammad’s.

      This is a scary thought, “(if 80% Muslims in India today)if hindus have same mentality as u have”, yes, like happened in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir and Bangla Desh (like Aakash’s family), all Hindus and Christians will have to pack and move out of India (don’t know where). But that day is not far.

    • mac
      May 13, 2015 12:35 am

      Dear samselvin, you didn`t answer my questions, let me ask you again,

      1. What is Bible?

      2. Is it word of God? (if not, don’t quote from bible from now coz it will neither influence me nor Mohammed, we will only care what you say, provided, if bible is the word of god)

      3. If Jesus(pbuh) is god, then bible is the word of god, yes or no?

      4. Who are Jews?

      5. Who is the god of Jewish people?

      6. What is the position of suicide in Christianity?

      *NOTE: Answer shouldn’t be contradictory and there shouldn’t be any hypocrisy.

      Answer above question, I will answer your all questions

    • sahil abdul kader
      May 13, 2015 1:08 am

      live as a normal human being,normal free human being,loveable being,no god says to praise the religion(if says show me)……if god says the people must me as muslims or christians or hindu….answer is nooooooo…….god says “worship me but not worship religion”…. bro religion is the way of living quran is the holy book message of allah god it taught you to live, eat. we r humans we dont eat like animals we eat with hands.and religion guides us through the message of god the creator of all that how the world has been created and the greatness of god so we come to know things the god has given us and to fear from god so we dont do any sin any harm to others.what is religion of humanity, if we imply this no problem but people will become blind they will never know what is going on and what is to come like living, eating roaming on earth like animals.

    • mac
      May 13, 2015 1:19 am

      ///******IF you muslims belive your god and u muslims have confident in your faith,why are you afraid of christians?///

      We are not afraid of Christians, Christians were afraid of Muslims and Jews that`s why Christians have killed millions of Muslims and Jews. The number will be more than 20 million combined, the Christians of Palestine converted to islam and they became muslim, when the European christian found out that their so called holy land actually don`t have Christians, but they were Muslims, they launched crusade and killed Muslims. You were afraid that`s why you killed millions of Australians,Americans and conquered their land, why didn`t you convert them? Why your people choosed to eliminate millions of Indigenous aboriginals Australian and millions of red Indians in America???

    • mac
      May 13, 2015 1:33 am

      ///******and if u muslims do not afraid of christians,why don’t u allow christian preachers to preach in most of the arabic countries?///
      ///******and if u muslims have confident in ur faith,why don’t u give religious freedom to your people?and why don’t u allow ur people to live as free human being?///
      ///******if they allow freedom to their people,almost half of the people will leave islam with in a week…..and interfaith marriages happens among islam girls will be more than now….///

      Because they believe they don`t need Christianity any more, they were earlier Christians, they religion that you practice now , originated from their land, Abraham(pbuh) was Iraqi, many Biblical Prophets are Iraqi,Syrian,Egyptian,Palestinian.

      Now they got the uncorrupted version of original region again that was taught by Abraham,Ishmael,Noah,Jesus, etc(peace be upon all of them)

      If I say 2 + 2 = 5, will you believe?

      Same way they are sure that their religion is right, one god, one prophet, no confusion between father,son,holy ghost, that father is god, son is god, but father is not son, son is not holy ghost, but holy ghost is god but holy ghost is not father but father is god, who will teach such confusing religious teaching when they have straight path ?

      In Turkey,Indonesia,India,and other millions of Muslims living outside Arab countries , why your preacher couldn`t convert them?

      First try to convert them, then your statement will get justified that if Arab country allows preaching people will convert to Christianity.

    • mac
      May 13, 2015 4:03 am

      Finally, you tried to prove yourself using hinduism and india and this and that..which is not the topic here

  • mac
    May 10, 2015 7:45 am

    3:44 – This is a part of the news of the Ghaib (unseen, i.e. the news of the past nations of which you have no knowledge) which We inspire you with (O Muhammad SAW). You were not with them, when they cast lots with their pens as to which of them should be charged with the care of Maryam (Mary); nor were you with them when they disputed.

    3:45 – (Remember) when the angels said: “O Maryam (Mary)! Verily, Allah gives you the glad tidings of a Word [“Be!” – and he was! i.e. ‘Iesa (Jesus) the son of Maryam (Mary)] from Him, his name will be the Messiah ‘Iesa (Jesus), the son of Maryam (Mary), held in honour in this world and in the Hereafter, and will be one of those who are near to Allah.”

    3:46 – “He will speak to the people in the cradle and in manhood, and he will be one of the righteous.”

    3:47 – She said: “O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man has touched me.” He said: “So (it will be) for Allah creates what He wills. When He has decreed something, He says to it only: “Be!” and it is.

    3:48 – And He (Allah) will teach him [‘Iesa (Jesus)] the Book and Al-Hikmah (i.e. the Sunnah, the faultless speech of the Prophets, wisdom, etc.), (and) the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel).

    3:49 – And will make him [‘Iesa (Jesus)] a Messenger to the Children of Israel (saying): “I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, that I design for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah’s Leave; and I heal him who was born blind, and the leper, and I bring the dead to life by Allah’s Leave. And I inform you of what you eat, and what you store in your houses. Surely, therein is a sign for you, if you believe.

    3:50 – And I have come confirming that which was before me of the Taurat (Torah), and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden to you, and I have come to you with a proof from your Lord. So fear Allah and obey me.

    3:51 – Truly! Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him (Alone). This is the Straight Path.

    3:52 – Then when ‘Iesa (Jesus) came to know of their disbelief, he said: “Who will be my helpers in Allah’s Cause?” Al-Hawariun (the disciples) said: “We are the helpers of Allah; we believe in Allah, and bear witness that we are Muslims (i.e. we submit to Allah).”

    3:53 – Our Lord! We believe in what You have sent down, and we follow the Messenger [‘Iesa (Jesus)]; so write us down among those who bear witness (to the truth i.e. La ilaha ill-Allah – none has the right to be worshipped but Allah).

    3:54 – And they (disbelievers) plotted [to kill ‘Iesa (Jesus) ], and Allah planned too. And Allah is the Best of the planners.

  • mac
    May 7, 2015 7:14 am

    Do not follow the majority, follow the Truth – ISLAM!
    The true religion of Allaah (subhanahu wa ta’ala)

    We pray to Allaah, the Exalted, to keep us on the right path to which He has guided us, and to bestow on us a blessing from Him, He is indeed the Most Merciful. Praise and gratitude be to Allaah, the Lord of the worlds, and peace and blessings be on prophet Muhammad, his Family, his companions, and those who rightly follow them.Aameen!

    • mac
      May 7, 2015 8:48 am


      As the Spring’s mellow, warm hand thaws out the earth after an awfully frigid winter, likewise Islam had a similar effect on me. It warmed my heart and clothed me with a new and lovely dress of knowledge. How beautiful, how true, and how logical Islam’s teachings are! How clear, how genuine, and how charming a word it is to say that “Allaahu Ta’ala is One, and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His Messenger.” How could one ever compare it with the unbelievable, unintelligible Christian credo which imposes the absurdity of “Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit”? In contrast with these formidable, fearful and never satisfactory tenets of Christianity, this simple and logical belief draws you towards itself.

      Islam is an undefiled heavenly religion. Despite the centuries that have elapsed since its advent, it answers all the material and immaterial needs of humanity, not only today, but also forever. For instance, Islam clearly states that men are equal and that before Allaahu Ta’ala there is no difference of rank and position among men, and it enforces this equality in actual life. The Christian churches profess the same equality, yet there are various echelons among them, such as priests of different ranks, archdeacons, deacons, bishops, and many other ecclesiastics. These people intervene between Allaahu Ta’ala and the slave and use the name of Allaahu Ta’ala for their personal advantages.

      In Islam, on the other hand, no one can intervene between Allaahu Ta’ala and the slave. Allaahu communicates His commandments through the Qur’an Al-Karim to His slaves. In the following lines, I will quote a commandment of Allaahu Ta’ala. It is only an example. This example shows very explicitly how simple and clear the commandments are.

      The two hundred and sixty-seventh ayah Al-Baqarah surah purports:

      “O ye who believe! Give of the good things which ye have (honourably) earned, and of the fruits of the earth which We have produced for you, and do not even aim at getting anything which is bad, in order that out of it ye may give away something, when ye yourselves would not receive it except with closed eyes. And know that Allahu is free of all wants, and worthy of all praise.” (2-267) As I read and learned these profound and beautiful commandments of the Qur’an Al-Karim, my soul attained peace and I embraced Islam willingly.Allaahu Akbar!

      Source :

  • mac
    May 6, 2015 7:25 am

    Bible and Quran

    Q1: What is your name?

    BIBLE : I don’t know
    QURAN : My name is Quran (36:2).

    Q2: Where did you came from?

    BIBLE : From people.
    QURAN : From God of universe Allah(45:2).

    Q3. Did you (Bible) inform your people to go to Church on sunday and you (Quran) did inform your people to go to Mosque on friday?

    BIBLE: No!
    QURAN: Yes! (62:9).

    Q4. Did you call your religion Christianity and your religion Islam?

    BIBLE: No!
    QURAN: Yes (6:125).

    Q5. Is the word trinity existed in you?

    BIBLE : No!
    QURAN : Yes {4:171} say not three (trinity) cease It is better for you
    for Allah is the only one God.

    Q6. Why did you contradict your self in many places?

    BIBLE : Because I came from people and no man is perfect.
    QURAN : I have no single contradiction (4:82).

    Q7. Why do you allow people to keep changing you?

    BIBLE : Because they are one who created me (jer 8:8).
    QURAN : No one can change me (85:21-22)

    • Atish
      July 23, 2016 5:09 pm

      Hello Mac,

      Brother got the chance to read the dialogue you and Sam had. Really impressed the way you mentioned this and Sam described. Care to have that dialogue with me, i won’t say i am religious scholar but still i would like to have that take with you.

  • mac
    April 26, 2015 1:56 am

    Dear Samselvin, will you answer me few questions in yes or no. If you can answer and stand on your answer than i will convert to christianity but if you fail, don’t worry, i will not tell you to accept islam.

    Here are my questions:-
    1. What is Bible?
    2. Is it word of God? (if not, don’t quote from bible from now coz it will neither influence me nor mohammed, we will only care what you say, provided, if bible is the word of god)
    3. If jesus is god, then bible is the word of god, yes or no?
    4. Who are jews?
    5. Who is the god of jewish people?
    6. What is the position of suicide in christianity?
    *NOTE: Answer shouldn’t be contradictory and there shouldn’t be any hypocrisy.

    • Mohammed
      April 26, 2015 3:53 am

      bro u have told me my statement is wrong to converting christianity but u only commenting that statement

  • mac
    April 23, 2015 12:51 am

    Jesus is a Muslim: Ex- pastor from Brazil reverted to Islam (2013)

    Interview with ex-pastor João de Deus Cabral, aka Ibrahim de Deus regarding his choice of Islam as a religion, following the steps of Jesus (peace be upon him), who was a Muslim.

    “Islam means submission to the Creator alone. Islam is the belief that there is only One God, whose proper name is Allah, which means the God.

    Islam is the same message given to all the prophets, from Adam, Noah, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, and finally to the Prophet Muhammad, the last messenger (peace and blessings be upon them). They all brought the same message: worship only God, and stop worshipping human beings and their ideas.

    Allah is the name of God in Arabic, Arab Christians use the word Allah.Become a Muslim (Any Peaceful person who submits to the
    Creator alone.) If you believe there is only One God who should be worshipped, and no one/nothing else has that right but Him, and you believe Muhammad, peace be upon him, was a messenger who brought the same message as all the prophets before him, then you are basically a Muslim.

  • mac
    April 22, 2015 11:52 am

    Jesus was son of god, jesus was man, jesus was god, he was son of father, father is also god, so we have two god, but father is not jesus according to bible, but father and jesus are one according to concept of trinity, so far we have two god with contradiction, now we have holy ghost. Jesus is not holy ghost but holy ghost is also god, also holy ghost is not father, so we have 1 1 1=1 god. Makes sense! Well that’s Christianity for you.
    In islam, god is one, he is referred to as allah. There is no concept of holy ghost, no concept of son god, nothing…he is 1 , in islam 1= 1 , in xtianity 1 1 1=1 bt we know 1 1 1=3 not 1,even kids are aware of it. That’s why islam is the fastest growing religion in christian world. Earlier entire middle-east was christian world, but now it’s muslim world, same will happen to every christian part of the world, btw middle-east was the birth place of christianity, in the birth place of christianity , it is zero, bt in the birth place of islam, it is sill 100% muslim. Because of those error in christianity. .islam came as correction.
    I will put here analogy of islam and christianity, everything will be clear then. And if jesus is son of god and thus qualify to be god as he had no fathe, his mother was mary but no father, then adam(pbuh) is bigger son of god as adam(pbuh) had no father and no mother. Adam also had miraclous birth, then why no divinity was attached with him. And in bible, it has got so many son. Jesus is nt only son of god, bible has so many sons of god i.e. prophet. Now if u say jesus was special son as he had only mother, then like i said, adam is more special as he had no father and no mother.
    So i therefore conclude here that jesus(pbuh) was not god, he was prophet/messenger of god just like adam, noah, abraham, moses, muhammad(peace be upon all of them)

    • samselvin
      April 22, 2015 3:05 pm

      mac i completely agree what u have said….as u said your allah is one but our god yahuveh is trion god….dear mac i just asked my doubts about islam but u answered radically without clarifying my thoughts as all muslims normally do in our world which does not make any sense to me….and u made some funny comments about trinity,here i prove the trinity from thora(old testiment)….IN GENESIS 19:24(Then the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah–from the LORD out of the heavens)… clearly says there is two yahuveh….and also GENESIS CHAPTER 18 SAYS YAHUVEH came to abraham and ate food…..moreover,ZECHARIAH CHAPTER 2 VERSE 8 SAYS…(For this is what the LORD Almighty says: “After the Glorious One has sent me against the nations that have plundered you–for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye–)….IF U SEE THIS VERSE yahuveh says i have been sent by yahuveh….howmany yahuveh is there mr.friend?….also zechariah chapter 2 verse 11 says(“Many nations will be joined with the LORD in that day and will become my people. I WILL live among you and you will know that the LORD Almighty has sent me to you.)….in this verse yahuveh says i have been sent by yahuveh…if these verses does not convince you please go through ISAIAH CHAPTER 48 VERSE 16(Come closer, and listen to this. From the beginning I have told you plainly what would happen.” And now the Sovereign LORD and his Spirit have sent me with this message.)….IN THIS VERSE YAHUVEH SAID….i have been sent by yahuveh and his holy sprit….from these verses from thora,even a kid can crystel clearly understand YAHUVEH IS TRION GOD not one as allah….if u denies these versions, indirectly u denies yahuveh too….u see my friend how did i answer ur thoughts?…u should learn something from mr.muhammed who is having great knowledge about islam….

      • mac
        April 22, 2015 7:39 pm

        Exacty, my friend, u have said what i wanted to hear, and this concept of trinity will be the cause for death of christianity, the concept of trinity now donot cross the mind of european christians, so they are turning to atheism and islam coz it makes sense. Trinity don’t make sense. Thank you for confessing it here. Do you know the concept of trinity contradicts the ten commandments. Only in this 21st century, Islam is the only religion which obeys the ten commandments, because islam was the religion of Muhammad,Jesus,Moses,Abraham…upto adam(peace be upon all of them)

        • April 22, 2015 8:38 pm

          We do not agree to this statement, “european christians, so they are turning to atheism”.

          Christianity was solid and strong in Europe for last 2000 years, even trinity was there all the times and even 1500 years after Muhammad. Dilution of Christianity in Europe this days is not due to trinity or Jesus as a Son of God concept but in general now they are turning more pluralist and open minded. We hope Islam is next to be tolerant to others and turn pluralist.

          • mac
            April 22, 2015 11:29 pm

            I never said trinity got extincted from Europe, but the concept of trinity is dying in christian world of Europe.

            You may believe what ever you like but truth will not change, islam will never recognize religion which worship false gods of which worship others beside god. When it comes to pluralism, everyone should learn from muslim world, though due to oil,greed,war,things have changed there.

            And you talk about islam and Christianity, but you never talk about your religion Hinduism and another religion that you love most i.e. Buddhism and what those religion are doing. Beef ban in India, what kind of pluralism you are proud of then, see what Hindus are doing in India, you live in America and assume many things, but reality is quite different. Hazaribagh: ABVP threatens two Christian schools, force one to close

  • mac
    April 22, 2015 11:30 am

    Samselvin, u r attacking islam now, now if i start counter attack then u will start crying , u may turn to atheist like amritesh, a fanatic hindu.

  • samselvin
    April 21, 2015 6:33 pm

    i have 5 questions to ask…..i hope admin will clear my doubts…

    1,why do muslims pray 5 times and where is it mentioned in holy quran?

    2,In islam sunnath is compulsory,where is sunnath mentioned in holy quran?

    3,In islam muslims wash their hands 3 times before doing prayer,where is that 3 times mentioned in holy quran?

    4,where is in holy quran god says, “follow islam”(follow prophet muhammed and his messages does not mean follow islam)…?

    5,In arabian countries non muslims must pay jissia(by gold), where is it mentioned in quran about jissia and where is it mentioned howmuch should people pay for jissia?

    if quran is complete and perfect u must answer my questions from ur quran itself…..if not can muslims leave up these 5 in future as it is not the word of almighty god?….pls dont go for another stories except holy quran….its punishable

    • mac
      April 25, 2015 4:44 am

      Dear samselvin, your first question was
      Why do muslims pray 5 times and where is it mentioned in holy quran?>/b>

      Quran doesn`t specifically mention five time prayers, but it has said multiple time to follow and obey the prophets commands. And of the prophets commanded, praying five times a day.

      Obey Allah (SWT) and His Beloved Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam)
      Quran Chapter 3: Verse132
      Quran Chapter 4: Verse13
      Quran Chapter 4: Verse59
      Quran Chapter 4: Verse69
      Quran Chapter 4: Verse80
      Quran Chapter 9: Verse71
      Quran Chapter 24: Verse52
      Quran Chapter 24: Verse54
      Quran Chapter 24: Verse56
      Quran Chapter 49: Verse14
      Quran Chapter 64: Verse12

      Where did Prophet get give prayers, here is the story:

      Then the prayers were enjoined on me: They were fifty prayers a day. When I returned, I passed by Moses who asked (me), ‘What have you been ordered to do?’ I replied, ‘I have been ordered to offer fifty prayers a day.’ Moses said, ‘Your followers cannot bear fifty prayers a day, and by Allah, I have tested people before you, and I have tried my level best with Bani Israel (in vain). Go back to your Lord and ask for reduction to lessen your followers’ burden.’ So I went back, and Allah reduced ten prayers for me. Then again I came to Moses, but he repeated the same as he had said before. Then again I went back to Allah and He reduced ten more prayers. When I came back to Moses he said the same, I went back to Allah and He ordered me to observe ten prayers a day. When I came back to Moses, he repeated the same advice, so I went back to Allah and was ordered to observe five prayers a day. When I came back to Moses, he said, ‘What have you been ordered?’ I replied, ‘I have been ordered to observe five prayers a day.’ He said, ‘Your followers cannot bear five prayers a day, and no doubt, I have got an experience of the people before you, and I have tried my level best with Bani Israel, so go back to your Lord and ask for reduction to lessen your follower’s burden.’ I said, ‘I have requested so much of my Lord that I feel ashamed, but I am satisfied now and surrender to Allah’s Order.’ When I left, I heard a voice saying, ‘I have passed My Order and have lessened the burden of My Worshipers.” – Sahih Al-Bukhari 5.227

      Now indication of 5 time prayer a day from Quran as i had written earlier in this blog. I will repeat it again

      ///Why pray five times, why not 1,3,10.

      Five times prayer for Muslims in five ideal time of a day.

      1. Fajr
      Just before sun-rise
      (Early to bad, early to rise, makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.)

      At After-noon.

      At evening.

      During sunset.

      At night.

      A very healthy practice, we don`t attack yoga but admin is constantly attacking namaz and then ask muslim to respect others faith. hypocrisy.

      Also, for five time namaz, you wash your body five times a day which is a very healthy hygienic practice.///

      Now reference from Quran:

      ***“You shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) at both ends of the day, and during the night. The righteous works wipe out the evil works. This is a reminder for those who would take heed” [The Noble Quran Chapter 11; verse 114]

      ***“You shall observe the Contact Prayer (salat) when the sun declines from its highest point at noon, as it moves towards sunset. You shall also observe (the recitation of) the Qur’an at dawn. (Reciting) the Qur’an at dawn is witnessed.” [The Noble Quran Chapter 17; verse 28]

      ***“Maintain with care the [obligatory] prayers and [in particular] the middle prayer and stand before Allah , devoutly obedient.” [The Noble Quran Chapter 2; verse 238]

      In the Tafseer of this aayah, it is reported that Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “The five daily prayers are (mentioned) in the Qur’aan.” He was asked, “Where?” He said, “Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): ‘So glorify Allaah when you come up to the evening’ is maghrib and ‘isha’; ‘and when you enter the morning’ is fajr; ‘in the afternoon’ is ‘asr; and ‘the time when the day begins to decline’ is zuhr.” Other mufassireen, such as al-Dahhaak and Sa’eed ibn Jubayr said the same thing.

    • mac
      April 25, 2015 5:50 am

      Your second question was

      “In islam sunnath is compulsory,where is sunnath mentioned in holy quran?”

      Sunnah or Sunnath is is an Arabic word which means a path or a way Islaamically, it is a primary source of law taken from the sayings, actions and approvals of the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) , we believe that the law Prophet Muhammad came with, is a divine revelation from our Creator, Allah.
      Allah says: “Your companion (Muhammad) is neither astray nor being misled. Nor does he speak of his own desire. It is (only) the revelation with which he is inspired” [The Noble Quran Chapter 53: verse 2-4].

      “We have revealed the reminder (Qur’aan) to you (O’ Muhammad) in order that you explain to the people what has been revealed to them, that perhaps they may reflect” [The Noble Quran Chapter 16: verse 44]

      “Indeed in the Messenger of Allaah you have the most beautiful pattern of conduct” [The Noble Quran Chapter 33: verse 21]

      “Whosoever obeys the Messenger, has indeed obeyed Allaah” [The Noble Quran Chapter 4: verse 80]

      “It is not fitting for a believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decreed by Allaah and His Messenger to have any choice in the matter. If anyone disobeys Allaah and His Messenger he is clearly astray” [The Noble Quran Chapter 33: verse 36]

  • mac
    April 19, 2015 3:54 am

    Why pray five times, why not 1,3,10.

    Five times prayer for Muslims in five ideal time of a day.

    1. Fajr
    Just before sun-rise
    (Early to bad, early to rise, makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.)

    At After-noon.

    At evening.

    During sunset.

    At night.

    A very healthy practice, we don`t attack yoga but admin is constantly attacking namaz and then ask muslim to respect others faith. hypocrisy.

    Also, for five time namaz, you wash your body five times a day which is a very healthy hygienic practice.

  • mac
    April 19, 2015 1:56 am

    Why your god is God of Abraham?

    Why he is not god of Noah,Adam,Jesus,Muhammad,Krishna,Ram?

    And BTW pedophilia is part of Christianity not in islam, just look at all the pedophilic sex scandal of from catholic churches .

    In islam, only when both the partners get adult and express their consent, marriage takes place. Now don`t malign any personal practice of pseudo-Muslim,non-practicing muslim with islam just like your girlfriend, you is doing wrong as per islam, but that doesn`t mean islam allows cheating of parents.

    • Mohammed
      April 19, 2015 3:38 am

      some people doesnt understand what ever explained in deeply…
      what ever we have given the sign they never accept

      Allah says in the Quran
      In surah baqrah chapter 2 v 171
      “And the example of the disbelievers is similar to one who calls upon one that hears nothing except screaming and
      yelling; deaf, dumb, blind – so they do not have sense. ho calls upon one that hears nothing except screaming and
      yelling; deaf, dumb, blind – so they do not have sense.”

      Further Allah says in
      surah anam chapter 6 v 39
      “And those who deny Our signs are deaf and dumb in realms of darkness; Allah may send astray whomever He wills; and may place on the Straight Path whomever He wills.”

      Further in surah hud chapter 11 v 20
      “They will not be able to escape in the earth, nor do they have any protecting friends apart from Allah; they will have
      punishment upon punishment; they were unable to hear, nor used to see.”

  • mac
    April 19, 2015 1:49 am

    Apparently admin didn`t answer my questions. Again I will ask

    Admin, who is bombing and killing most of the people in this 21st century?
    Who killed most people in 19th,20th century?

    And admin you like to criticize islam and Christianity, Paul and Muhammad but you fire others when they criticize Hinduism . why is that?

    Admin, please explain your this statement “Unfortunately Islam has not changed from what was during Muhammad’s time” .

  • April 18, 2015 11:59 pm

    At one time you asked why we are giving advise on Islam without truly understanding it? This is our answer.

    We are not a legal or theological expert but we are a street person using common logic to answer questions to people in love.

    We do not see any logic in this case…. a guy like mac goes out to date many Hindu girls, initially talk about all love and respect for all, but after 2-3 years of deep in love, now start love-proselytizing, and in the end says convert or I am walking away. We are not talking about one case but we have seen more than 300 cases on this web site alone. What ever you call this types of cases, but we call it LOVE-JIHAD.

    Our message is simple. People should be honest. Stop this religious conversion business. Instead, love and respect all as Godly. Marriages should be “interfaith Marriage With EQUALITY” (the name of this web site), meaning 50%-50%, nothing less!

    • mac
      April 19, 2015 1:42 am

      admin you are again making things up, who told you /// a guy like mac goes out to date many Hindu girls, initially talk about all love and respect for all, but after 2-3 years of deep in love,/// ?

      • April 19, 2015 12:27 pm

        Yes, we should correct it. We know you are an honest man and has no intention to be a love-Jihadi.

        Initially you were on track of other Muslim boys dating Hindus. Luckily you found truth about Islam from this web site and decided to stop dating that Hindu girl. We believe it is good for both of you to go on your own ways. We hope all Muslim boys are honest like you and do not gaze at other girls. Further, before getting deep into love relationship, they should disclose honestly that the Hindu will have to become 100% Muslim (and 0% Hindu) after the marriage. Honesty is all we are hope from interfaith lovers.

  • Stressed person
    April 18, 2015 8:09 am

    Hello everyone. I am looking for some advice, similar to the one asked here. I am a born Muslim, living in a country that is majorly Christian. I have met a Christian man and we want to get married. Of course my parents are somehow shocked I didn’t meet a Muslim match in a Christian country *eye roll*, and are finding it hard to accept. My partner does not want to convert because it would not be true in his heart and I am not bothered by his religion either. At the end of the day if it wasn’t for my family, I would convert to Christianity since I have lived in a Christian country my whole life and I feel more connected to it than i do to Islam, and also so that me and my future husband can have a united family.
    But this is not an option because of my family so I will also not convert. So we have decided to go ahead with a civil wedding ceremony.

    1) I know one thing that would help my family accept this situation, is if my partner signed the Islamic marriage contract…but is it possible that someone from the mosque would allow us to also get married without my partner converting? I have heard some cases that this has been done but it is hard to find the right person to do it.

    2) Also my partner is worried that in the terms and conditions it will state the children must be raised muslim but we have discussed the possibility that we will baptize our children. He is not comfortable signing something that forces him to raise his children as muslim as well. We are just looking for the acceptance of God and my parents, and wish religion would not get in the way of that. He has agreed to sign the contract as a Christian if possible.
    I am hearing a lot of different views on this. Some people say the contract states no such thing whereas others say it does.

    Please keep in mind that we have ruled out a Church wedding that his side of the family wanted, as I am not allowed to get married in the church being a Muslim, and I also refuse to convert so the only compromise we can agree to to keep both sides of the family happy is the civil wedding and him getting married the muslim way but without having to convert.
    The only issue lies is what will be stated on the islamic marriage contract about our children?

    3)My final question… how are interfaith funerals held? When the time comes that me and my future husband pass away, will be able to be buried together?

    This whole situation has stressed me to the extreme. I feel like we are doing things for our familys happiness instead of our own and I am really confused. I have also thought about him converting for a day without his parents knowing, just so we can get married the muslim way, throw the wedding party, then after that I would secretively get baptized and have a secret church ceremony without my parents knowing and living my married life as a Christian…but its too complicated and I will feel guilty hiding all this from my family.

    Please help me.

    • samselvin
      April 21, 2015 4:04 am

      Hi sister dont confuse….i think u are on right way in ur life….i would prefer u the last option which ur marriage will be in muslim way then u should do baptimsm with ur husband and live as christia….im sure sister u will feel the real taste of life….belive me u will be in heaven with our lovely jesus (god of abraham,noeh,jecub,even ur prophet muhammed)

  • April 16, 2015 3:33 pm

    Hi Samselvin,

    We read your comments at with interest. We have read Torah, Bible, Koran, Hadith and many other books. We feel this way….

    Judaism at the time of Jesus needed reformations and Jesus implicated many changes (read). We love Jesus for being a progressive thinker. However after Jesus, those Paul and Peter more emphasized intolerant teachings. Yes, you must agree that Christians have killed more people in the name of God compared to Muslims. However, today’s Christians are taking Jesus’ true teaching of tolerance and gave up those crusades. Unfortunately Islam has not changed from what was during Muhammad’s time. We are hopeful that reformations will come in Islam, it is only a matter of time.

    This mac guy is a honest and good student from a good family. He had no interest in religion till Mumbai bombing. Out of reaction, he is out hurting all others (read), however we are very confident that at his age 45, mac will be more tolerant and pluralist.

    • mac
      April 17, 2015 1:09 am

      Admin, who is bombing and killing most of the people in this 21st century?
      Who killed most people in 19th,20th century?

      And admin you like to criticize islam and Christianity, Paul and Muhammad but you fire others when they criticize Hinduism . why is that?

      Admin, please explain your this statement “Unfortunately Islam has not changed from what was during Muhammad’s time” .

  • April 16, 2015 12:29 pm

    We do not recommend fake-conversions. You rather take little more time and fight with parents to convince them for what you wish to do. That is good in long run.

    Even you fake convert to Islam, that has many legal implications (you are considered a Muslim). If you do follow that path, make sure to formally get baptized again and legally document it. In India, legally and practically, one could change religion every day. And the last formally announce religion counts.

    Why you said, “she love to be as christian”? It is one thing to love Jesus messages and another to be ready to give up Islam. Lets talk more, get back to us.

  • mac
    April 16, 2015 6:16 am

    admin where are my replies and his replies

    • April 16, 2015 12:14 pm

      Readers, find more communications here.

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