When I Say Myself Muslim, People Hate Us

Helped or hurted Islam?
Helped or hurted Islam?
jainab says: July 15, 2015 at 8:43 am

Hye Nielem, i am a sunni girl, i have seen from my child hood that in my community every thing relates to blood.from my born and after getting knowledge of duniadari i have seen only blood, any guest comes to our haveli , animals are killed brutly, after boys birth his organ is cut, when any festival comes camels and cows are killed so bruetly that one can not see all these. in family when any tension creats both sides attempt to kill another, what is this, i cant understand, in night i always hear sounds of crying animals,

After graduation i left my home and came to a big Indian city, now i am feeling very much sakoon, it does not mean that i am against islam, but i am only describing some facts of my community, every where when i say myself muslim people hate us, what is wrong i am still researching. but there is something wrong, its true, now i have decided to hide my identity, thanks. -Jainab

jainab says: July 15, 2015 at 9:19 am

dear love dont want religion, humanity is true religion, but my opinion is that try to understand each other, religion is not essential in life, People who dont worship are much happy and prospours in world. bye -Jainab

jainab says: July 15, 2015 at 10:34 am

I am a sunni muslim girl and I live in relation ship with a hindu guy. now I want to marry him, should I convert or change my name, pl suggest, I feel more comfortable with this guy and in his community other than my community, asslam. -Jainab

ahmad noor says: July 15, 2015 at 1:47 pm

jainab some questions : to be a muslim, dose it mean any thing to you?
Do you really believe in Allah our unique god who will meet us in Judgement Day after death??
If you do ….do you think this relation which puts you against your Islam, unlike the Hindu as this relation dose not put him against his
deserve this sacrifice??? Do you think it is only a matter of comfort and we can complete our out of Islam what about children????? -Ahmad Noor

jainab says: July 16, 2015 at 1:25 am

Dear Ahmed, asslam,
i cant understand the meaning of sacrifise. why should i ruin my life.
next you questioned about my faith. Yes i am a follower of Islam, i love my faith, but i am not convinced with the rules and this sacrifise or qurbani or jihad type of activities.
i could not see any difference between Muslims and other except Muslims always talk about allaj, Islam, jihad etc, why in all over the world Muslims are involved in terror, i think Allah never like it to kill innocents either humans or animals.
if all kaynat is made by khufa tala, we have no right to destroy his world, either they have believe or not,
secondly after death who knows what will happen, why we do wrong things in his name.
we should give respect to his creations, may Allah guide me. khufa hafiz.

One thing more scholars like you always threaten us about dozakh,and this type of fear creation works you know very well. but now situtation has been changed Muslim girls are aware with education that your barbaric suggestion are anti Islam.
khufa raham kar rasta roshan Kate…aamin -Jainab

jainab says: July 17, 2015 at 8:00 am

Dear admin, i think this mr mac is a fruad, he is insisting that
there is nothing to eat than beef,
again he is supporting circumcisation,
in males and females, again he do not feel any wrong if a Hindu or Sikh girl marry Muslim, but he starts crying when a Muslim girl keeps relation with a guy of other caste, is this not double standard?
i never hated any other religion, b cause my opinion is that every religion goes to Allah pak, ways may differ. if you are a honest person you need to to worship, do your duties honestly, this is the biggest ibadat, why this mr mac is misguiding us, how can he or his ways can my life happier and prosperous.
i am young and
i want to fly like a bird,
i want to see the world,
i want to eat good food,
i want a peacefull society,
where i can here music of nature,
talk with good persons.
i don’t want to be prisnor, or
i don’t want to start my morning with cries of innocent animals,
i don’t want to live in an atmosphere where every time you are guided to do so or you do not do so, you should not or you should, i never found any type of anti Islamic activity in my parents home, but i also never found shakoon of a single minute.
we women were treated as slaves and prisoners,
every time we are watched, i don’t want to write my personal incidents faced by me, but i request you that please don’t misguide others. i don’t know what is zina, but i know that
every women in my community is a sex slave producing dozens of animals and satisfying men.
if any women speaks against this you pass out Fzatea to sangsaar her. what is this? i am sorry if my words have gave you tease pl forgive me. Thanks. khuda hafiz. -Jainab

jainab says: July 17, 2015 at 12:53 pm

Dear admn, this is my last post, i have earlier written that i am not a very high educated girl. There may be some wrong statements from me, i apolige for them. This writing skill i got by education given my employer bauji family.i got your site suddenly, while browsing, so i have written my problem. instrad of giving proper guidence all of you started giving lectures and technical theories. i know one thing, you will also realise, every where when a crime is done in my surroundings people say ..jaroor sala kai mulla hoga. This is the respect i am getting in my job place and my local area. i cant hide my name in office and can not justify any thing. i am badly confused and now i have decided to leave all these matters for Allah, time will decide, thanks a lot for hearing me… khuda hafiz. One thing also say that people like mac should not be allowed to spread poison in society, he is a devil in Islam. he says that he will not accept my greetins for holy id mubarq, i must say that till now i am a more honest Muslim as compared with him…….. -Jainab.

Mehar says: July 19, 2015 at 3:15 am

DEAR jainab, AT FIRST I WILL LIKE TO GREET YOU FOR showing strength against our thousand years old rules, which does not relevant in this era, religion has its own place, but we also have our life and we also want to live freely, why our parents and preachers treat us like dumbfools, I think their religious shopos should must be shut down.

i am not against islam or Hinduism or Christianity, we should honour all of them, but religion is a very much personal issue. after a particular age and getting education we should be allowed to live our life freely as in Europe and us. pl don’t go from this page or give me yor id ,I have to talk with you a lot. i read all of your conversation and it inspired me a lot. thanks and pl come back with new progress -mehar

jainab says: July 24, 2015 at 12:09 pm

Mr,mac.asslsm. I have an objection on your words, you used that jainan don’t get respect, do you know what is respect? you act like a jealous person, who don’t like laughing others. i never told a single word unconstitutional against you or any other male or female. Next people don’t hate me personally. they honour my struggle and encourage me by helping me. But i cant say my story personally to every one, listen now-

I am a recordkeeper in a private firm, my boss is a Hindu. Hence i had a very small qualification, i don’t got job anywhere, after death of my local parents, it was very necessary for me to get a job. i came to know about the vacancy in this co. i applied there they called me for interview but i failed, tears came to my eyes because. Every job wants experience and higher qualification, when i was going towards mingate, this gentleman. Entered, 4persons fere following him, i came to know by security guard that he was the owner, Allah knows what came to my mind, i followed him and overtaked him rapidly, he asked his followers about me doing nonsense, they asked me that why i was running. So badly. i replied that i only want to meet the boss. They talked with boss and told me to wait at reception. after two or more hours i was called. i saw my application was lying on table with a mark rejected. My hopes gone and i began to cry, my boss told me to sit down and called boy for water. after getting some relaxation he asked me about such behavior. i told him my whole story. He told me to —–Go to your home, and don’t talk with anybody about all this conversation. i will try my best to help you. I requested him that i don’t want financial help, i only want to stand on my own feets, He assured me, after 5 days i got a call from his office to join. my boss said that hence today you are not fit for this job but I saw a confidence and honesty on your face, so i give you this job you will be under a trainer for 6 months, thus i got this job.

In whole i mean to say that jainab as an individual gets respect and love from all around. But when a matter comes as Muslim ever one tries to keep distance from me, When any body talks about any antisocial activity they must involve my community. As we are so bad, being a muslims it becomes difficult to stay there, i don’t want to tell more because when someone write a word against Muslims, how Mr mac you reacts, imagine what happens to me when i have to become a part of antimuslim conversation, and mostly talks are based upon facts, so please don’t lead to our community in a dark, if you say you are younger than me, its our duty to live in society by giving respect to ever ones faith, criticism is not the way of living, you shuld not comment everone showing that you are a genius, there are so many boys who can reply you in your language, but no one has time for such activities, give your suggestions and reaction keeping an eye on humanity, I see everywhere you (mac) are criticising. To Hindus quoting their holy books, suggesting Muslims thru holy quran, and so on. Please for Allah sake don’t do so, i am obliged by so many Hindus, how can i say them wrong persons.

I never found telling a boy to kill Muslims. but in my childhood i heard so many times that these kafirs should must be slaughtered, jab tak ye rahenge hamari garibi door nahi hogi, you only talk about books, but i have seen this world thru eyes of a Muslim as well as a young girl having no guardian or godfather, so everything in limit only can be justified, don’t try to give booster dosages, it will the increase the problem. This is my view. Pl think upon this. -Jainab

jainab says: July 25, 2015 at 12:21 pm

Dear mac, tomorrow is Sunday,i have to talk. With my b,f. due to shortage of time i cant reply you point wise, but one thing you should accept. That due to people. like you my community. is going in back gear,instead of going forward we are. going backwards you say yourself a scholar of every. religion, ok ,i agree,you are aware. that we Muslims. are world s second largest community, you will must agree it, then please tell how many Muslims are now doing well for their related countries, in area of science, technology, humanity, and so on, earlier you nattered about some rulers, you are right ,i cant oppose it, but you should know that we are beggers in all these fields, all due to this that you people always keep our society in namaj, burka, holy Quran, hadith etc. We have no time for our society. County, next yasterdsy you praised about a girl wearing Hizab selected. for civil service, i greet him, but today what supreme court has told, also consider, If a other community person adopts Islam you ale starts highlighting that as Avery important news, but when 100 peoples are slaughtered by Muslims you never condemn. whats this,

ok you said about respect. can you tell me that in which country in entire world you being smuslim are welcomed. its shamefull, even famous star Shahrukh khan was also insulted on immigration at us as well as our former President Hon a.k.kalam was also misbehaved on the airport only due to their community, hence i have no so much knowledge. Of various Incidents, i only quoted two, there may be thousands such cases, in spite of all these you day that you are getting respect, what a joke, dear come out of your room and see what our community is doing and what is our goodwill, Arabs are criticizing. You, Pakistanis. Are saying you of second grade, Americans are against you europians are against us, what are we doing, Even us president Obama adopted Christianity, no one likes us because we are nowhere in a good society, always blaming others, insecured and doing evils, analyze yourself honestly.

One thing more i don’t want to listen a comment against our p.m, our history, our other communities. Of society, because i am a proud indian this is the country, who allowed me to live freely, express my views, living a peaceful life, you talk about dalits, Brahmins, Hindu women, christians, sikhs but never talked about my community. In your eyes every Muslim is doing right, and all Muslims who live according to holy qurans teacings, will go to paradise, do you know that Muslims all over the world are living in hell. Only you know about after death, but when we are alive why we are so ugly. Where i am concerned my motive is that my neighbours are my parents, relatives, my religion is to help the needy, never go against your society, i always try that no one in my office or my society where i live may hurt due to my any activity, they don’t know me as a Muslim, they know me as a daughter of my expired parents, and call me jini.

again you stated that in any good residential society Muslims wont get flat, yes it is true even in Muslim dominated area a new Muslim outsider have to face problems in getting flat or room on rent, or purchase, this is the goodwill we have earned, in Muslim areas they say na Jane kaisa admi hogs, apun ko bhi mareayega, this is feeling a local honest citizen always live in fear only due to activities of my community. Members.so you should be alert, these all are happening. Only due to kattar people like you always shouting Islam khatre Mein hai. Balance in my next mail wait. -Jainab

Jainab says: August 10, 2015 at 11:32 am

Dear admin,thanks a lot for your suggestion.yesterday we both spent a very good time,I want to tell one thing that –i will never insist my b/f to convert,nor i suggest.He is a very well educated boy,doing job in a mnc,at a very senior position, It will be purely his decision,that how we can go forward without any problem,yesterday he decided to inform his parents.I came to know that he is the only son of his parents,his parents live in a rural area of UP.his father is sarpanch of his town,they have lots of land and they are involved in agriculture .Further if there will be any remarkable progress,i will must inform you.Thanks again…Jainab

jainab says: August 25, 2015 at 10:35 am

Dear admin,

Hi. Its a matter of great surprise, that all Hindu boys are bad, but after conversation to Islam they becomes good human beings. What a joke?

Secondly if all Muslims are good,
Who is responsible for my mothers death?
Who is responsible for my exploitation?
Where was mac and his teachings?
When i was wandering heither and thither without shelter, without food, no Muslim godfather helped me, where was our holy leaders?
When i went to a mosque, they tried to abuse me.
Nobody gave a small bit of food, except their ugly eyes and abusing notes.

Mac says he never suffered hunger, that’s why he is teaching this way. but i know what is hunger, if you don’t get food for continues 5 days, you always remember Allah tala, and pray for help, and you are not heard, what will you do. No body will answer, every body knows the holy teachings are very good, but only people having stomach full can follow and discuss on these topics, A hungry person needs food , not teachings, Thus it becomes very simple that religion is a secondary matter, some people do not agree with me, but when some one has to face situation like me, he will automatically came to know the realities of life, and life is more important than religion.

One thing more people who helped me and adopted me as their own daughter, with my Muslim background, should i regard them or not? should i say them kafir? One guy who is smart kind hearted and earning well, always helping me in every part of life, should i blackmail him to convert, because this is the only way for me?

I humbly oppose these opinions and suggestions. My own life and my iman is more important than being a 100% Muslim, and i am proud of this decision. Thanks…..Jainab.

jainab says: August 27, 2015 at 12:36 pm

Dear brother Mav,asslam,First thing a want to clarify that i am not a converted Muslim,nor my biological parents family.we are very much traditional Muslims and my forefathers hailed from Iran.My parents follow their traditional Islamic rules,which they are following from decades,They never gone to a moulana for religious clarification.Only on particular event some Aalim was called from nearby mosque,that’s it.pl note that we are Sunni Muslim,majority of Iranian are Shiya.It is not only in my family,but when you visit a traditional big Muslim family,you can easily feel,the differences between new born baby and a fully matured person.They don’t like to take holy suggestions for their day to day workings.A system or a rule which they are practising from generations cant be changed.No one has right to interfere in family matters,and no one outsider can know,what is going inside. The purpose of writing all these is this that you can be aware of my background,You will say i am pointing you,its not true,without knowing general facts about a traditional Muslim family,your comments are worthless.Now i come to the next point.

you wrote that all Hindu boys are not bad,as well as all Muslims are also not good,it means in every community there are two types of people 1.Bad 2.good.but earlier in your previous post you wrote that humanity is in Islam, antihuman person can not be a Muslim,Now from where these bad Muslims came.and as you said all Hindu boys are not bad,than what is the need of his conversation into Islam.I think its better to marry a wise,honest,educated good boy instead of a zahil,dishonest Muslim boy.I think every reader will favour my this opinion.

Next you are not responsible for my sorrows,nor you are responsible for my beloved mothers death.in previous post that was my cry.but the main reason behind her death was only Islamic rules,that a male can marry as many times he wish,but at a single time only four.That is reason behind all these antifemale activities,male don’t bother about their wife because they have options,they have multiple choices,so if one wife is dying or she is sick,does effects them. second point is that in our religion a female cant treated by a male doctor,Hence there wasn’t a lady doctor in my town my mother was never treated,her disease was never identified,only she was ordered to rotate her holy tasbeeh,and one day she was burried in our family graveyard along with her that tasbeeh,what happened?..nothing no one filled pain,except me,my new step mother was ready for filling space,after days of sorrow she came and every thing was over.But it was not for me,

All these filled a hate and poison in my mind against evils of my religion.Now you will say i am continusely writing against Islam.that’s not true,I never thought against my religion and my community,but its true that i am not against other communities or religion.I learned all these humanity,nationality,kindness etc from my adopted patents after escaping from my parents jail,If had not did so,This conversation between you and me was not happened.The writings are for a small clarification,need not any bookish quotes or teachings,It becomes very long so your other queries will also be replied very soon.Khuda Hafiz…..Jainab.

jainab says: December 20, 2015 at 5:51 am

Dear mac.asslam.I am very much surprised after reading your posts.what type of person you are?you always pick some points to condemn other religions.Its not fair.your mentality of intolerance and criticising others to prove them inferior community,leads extremisms in the society.such activities are anti social.In my last post I simply written about a fast,whicch we both kept .It was simply a demo of love,faith,and dedication.nothing with religion.After completing this fast.the satisfaction,happiness and mental glory which I felt,can’t be imagined by people like you.This all was not forced to me,it was purely my decision to express my love and affection to each other.I don’t want to argue with you but as an ordinary Indian Muslim I will must oppose your criticism of our other fellows.You are not the biggest scholar of all religions.As you are expert in searching religious matters on internet and then offering selected matters as per your convenience,I only request you,please don’t spread religious extremism and hate in our society.we only need love and tolerance for each other.You are not the godfather of all Muslims around the world.That’s all…Khuda hafiz…..Jainab.

Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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  • mehar
    September 9, 2017 1:21 am

    dear admin. can u tell any new information about jainab . if so pl.share.thanks.

    • September 9, 2017 7:31 am

      Dear Mehar,
      She is a wonderful lady with great philosophy for life. We hope she is doing great in life but we have not heard from her in a while. We hope she will come back soon. Thank you for inquiry about Jainab.

  • Riya Roy
    January 5, 2017 7:19 am

    Hi Jainab,

    Just seen your text after a long time, as I did not log in the blog for pre occupancy with other jobs.

    How are you doing in the job? Are you single yet or married?

    In islamic society, female community has to suffer a lot and struggle hard to survive.

  • November 22, 2016 4:45 am

    Hi Jainab,

    Seen your commented dated Oct.21, 2016. My sole purpose was to justify your
    initially text about islamic cruelty, bloodshed and inhuman culture in the
    community. I also left islam due to these evils, discriminatory attitude
    towards females and all sorts of priviliges to the horny males like mutta marriages, halala, 4 wives, proving virginity on wedding night sex by bleeding by bride, putting all sorts of restrictions on females.

    How about you now a days? Are you still single or married?
    God bless you for putting wonderful texts and giving befitting replies to
    Mac like persons.

    • Jainab
      December 7, 2016 11:36 pm

      Dear Riya,asslam,You are a intelligent girl,that’s why you have quoted so many quotes from our religious books.But I am not a scholar as well as an intellectual.I don’t have mind and time to understand such things, may be from any religion.My circumstances made me very practical.This if something is not accepted by my mind and soul,I will prefer to keep distance from that.This is the lesson I learnt from my life.I don’t believe in unnecessary arguments and discussions in the religious matters.Mac had earlier quoted so many good guidelines from our holy books.some other writers have quoted many antisocial unacceptable quotes from these books.My own view is very much clear on this issue that the books all are quoiting from were written thousands of years ago.and since then the world has been changed.some may say it a progress,some say it worst.Its there opinion.but I am looking forward.I want to run along with whole world.I don’t want to follow the whole writings blindly.when we access the benefits of modern technology,we makes the way for our own.When it comes for females they start quoting holy books as all rules should must be followed exactly.Flexibility is a necessity for modern society.A flexible religion or society or person is far better than a rediculas one.so I have a great respect for all religions and I follow my religion according to my soul and heart.My logic is very clear -Allah(god) is one.may be he is Muslim,Christian,Hindu,or any other.ways of worship may differ as per their faith.If something is good for me that should must be better for others.Your acts should not hurt your neighbours sentiments.After death no body knows about.People are known for their acts and behaviour.That’s my funda.,and I am more than happy with my way.I got every thing which I deserve,with this way of life.rest in next.Thanks.Khuda Hafiz……Jainab.

      • December 8, 2016 6:33 am


        This is a simple but beautiful message. We are exactly in your boat, not claiming to be smart or genius and not ready to follow any book blindly. Keep it up.

        Note one point, all you said is okay as far as you are single. As soon as you decide to get married, the selected spouse, tow sets of parents, the imam and pandit will get involved. They will not let you live your life the way you want. Get back to us when that time comes and we will provide you tips to insulate you from those agenda drive people.

  • August 17, 2016 8:59 am

    Islam is a cesspool of literally thousands of teachings contained in the Quran and Sunna of ‘prophet Muhammad’ that amount to hate crimes. Just as Hitler laid the moral and intellectual foundation for the extermination of Jews in Mein Kampf, so Islam creates the moral, intellectual and religious justification for the various hate crimes of extermination, murder, torture, terrorization, looting, pillaging, rape and enslavement directed at “kaffirs” (non-Muslims), apostates from Islam, gays and kafir women and children.

    • mac
      August 17, 2016 5:23 pm

      If Islam advocated violence against non-muslim, why didn’t Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) didn’t kill his non-muslim uncle or other relatives? Does Chand Osmani has any answer for that?

      If Islam advocated violence against non-muslims as pointed out by fake Chand Osmani, why did Spain,Portugal are 95% non-muslim population despite hundreads of years of muslim rule?
      Why India has home to 800 million hindus after 800 years of Muslim rule?
      If Islam was spread by sword as often cried out by islam haters and islamophobes, then Indonesia, largest muslim populated country, had no muslim rule, no arab king ever landed foot in Indonesia or Malayasia? Then how they converted to Islam?
      Because Islam is truth. Accept it or deny it, that’s your business.

      • August 18, 2016 7:34 am

        This argument “didn’t kill his non-muslim uncle” to prove a peace-loving person is little weak. By the way, we are still waiting for your reply here … https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11336 … please.

        • mac
          August 18, 2016 9:18 am

          Admin, are you neutral administrator of this interfaith marriage website or an anti islamic person running anti islamic propaganda?
          Everytime you find hole in writers argument to attack islam, you enter in that hole while you are the first person in this website to defend hinduism. You write blog to defend hinduism while you write blogs to demonise islam, why is that? When was the last time you made a blog on praising islam?
          And today night, i will comment on Jesus vs Muhammad blog, though i myself don’t consider Jesus vs Muhammad or Krishna vs Muhammad or Jesus, but haters of islam force me to do so.

          • mac
            August 18, 2016 9:40 am

            Why my argument is weak? Is it because my argument demolishes anti islamist argument of Chand Osmani, thus to rescue him you came with this non sense counter that my argument is ‘weak’, but you didn’t give any reason why my argument is weak. If Muhammad pbuh wanted to kill non muslims he not only his uncle or family member, but would have killed whole of the arabian non-muslim, which he didn’t.

          • Mohammed
            August 19, 2016 5:14 pm

            This admin is fake and hater of islam mac bro, better avoid this site, All story which is provided here are fake from admin

          • August 19, 2016 8:49 pm

            mac and Muhammed,
            Let us clarify that we are not against Islam nor Muslims. We attend iftar dinner during Ramadan with our Muslim friends. We do visit Mosque many times. We have many Muslims friends and thank Allah that they are like Jainab (https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10165&cpage=4#comment-392021) and do not carry intolerant ideologies that you carry.

            Please do not spread hatred that all non-Muslims are following wrong faith. Also, that all 5.4 billion non-Muslims will get Hell Fire. Also don’t make irrational arguments that because someone don’t kill his/her uncle proves that person is a peace lover. Why should any one kill any one else anyways?

            mac, as we said long before to you, when you will turn to age 45, you will realize that you are no more intolerant to others and lots more pluralistic. It will be a win-win for all. That is the way it has to be, best wishes.

        • Mohammed
          August 19, 2016 9:46 pm

          First of all stop telling lie and accept truth, then we will accept what you said is true, admin of this site wants to become neutral platform, not one sided direction,

          • August 19, 2016 10:01 pm

            Is Jainab telling truth or lies?
            Tell us what is truth? Educate us!

          • jainab seikh
            August 27, 2016 12:40 pm

            Dear admn,asslam. First of all appreciate your courage and honesty. You always comment very wisely and your response on different blames is accurate. You are doing a noble job. I couldn’t understand your concern for sponsoring this website. people like Mac, Mohammed can’t digest facts and truths.That’s why they start blaming. I hope you will continue your work for guiding people like me inspire of all hurdles. Thanks a lot. Khuda Hafiz……..Jainab.

          • September 2, 2016 9:29 pm

            Thank you for your kind words. People like you are propelling us to keep going for past 8 years for this non-profit work.

  • mac
    August 16, 2016 6:29 am

    girl who calls children of allah as animals, a girl who lies, a girl who spreads hatred against one community is wishing eid mubarak and independence day! Kia jamana agaya

    • jainab
      August 16, 2016 11:29 am

      Dear Mac,asslam.You are absolutely right”Jamana bilkul sahi as gayya hai”.Now people can easily identify the wild animals of society,who are more dangerous than plague.If a family don’t have resources to feed a team of dozens children.How they will make them good citizen?naturally these will be thrown out for fulfilling their requirements.Do you know majority of such children engage in several types of crimes in a very early age.Facts behind this is people like you -who encourage poor people to born more and more children to increase population of Muslims in the name of Islam.I am not saying word animal for anyone,but Mr mac you say yourself intellectual so can understand very easily.Thanks for comment.Khuda Hafiz……Jainab.

      • mac
        August 16, 2016 8:23 pm

        Jainab, you start your every comment with islamic greeting and then you spew hate and it is not assalam, it is assalamwailaikum.
        Can you prove that I encourage people to produce more kids in the name of Islam? If not, as I said, a girl who lies, so if you can’t prove, my original statement will once again proven to be right that you are a liar, you lie about people.

    • Jainab
      August 19, 2016 11:31 am

      Mt mac,asslam.aap jaise bhi insan hai,mera iman kahta hai Ki Mai sabko Salam Karoo,now lets come to the point,Do you suggest Muslims not to born so many children,to whom they can’t give proper food and care.?.again I think you feel shame on accepting my Eid and independence day greetings.I think you are not a good Muslim nor an honest Indian.To cover your hatred ideology,you will give various types of accuses,so other don’t see your ugly face.OK that’s also fine.This is India person like you are allowed to spread hate,in name of secularism and freedom of speech and expression.Thanks Again…..khuda Hafiz……Jainab.

      • mac
        September 8, 2016 7:25 am

        No matter how much you pass sweeping statements on me, fact remains the same that you called children of god as animals. Fact reamins the same that you are uneducated liar since you said there was no great muslim women figure in history to justify your hatred against muslim men. If your imaam teaches you to say salam then tell me which part of islamic imaan says it is okay to marry a non muslim man ? Please do add quranic verse or hadith as evidence since you know i am man who believes in evidence not in blabberint. You are judging me by labelling me as not true muslim, can you tell me which part of quran i violated and which part of quran you are following by having a nonmuslim bf?

  • jainab
    July 7, 2016 12:09 pm

    My friends,asslam. Eid Mubarak.May allah tala bless all of you with prosparity,Good health and a kind heart for all human beings.Khuda hafiz……..Jainab.

    • July 7, 2016 7:19 pm

      Hi Jainab,

      We are glad to hear from you. Yes, Eid Mubarak. We hope you had a festive one. We also attended one Iftar dinner and enjoyed company of other Muslims and others.

      We are curious if you met his parents. Remember, what he says has much less value till you also confirm with his parents. If not done, plan it soon. Best wishes.

      • jainab
        August 15, 2016 9:59 am

        Dear friends,asslam.my heartiest greetings to all my friends on our independence day.May Allah Tala give us freedom from antisocial,antinational,and racist type of citizens,who are presenting themselves as most secular and hafiz of Islam.Khuda hafiz……Jainab

  • mac
    February 10, 2016 5:24 am

    Heart Attack moment for Admin,Kumar,Momeen and Harjeet Gang.
    Grandson of Nelson Mandela embraces Islam, marry a Muslim girl
    So get your burnol ready

    Mandla Mandela, grandson of former South African late president Nelson Mandela embraces Islam two months ago and married Rabia Clarke in a private Muslim ceremony at the weekend.
    Influential Islamic leader Sheikh Ebrahim Gabriels, who wedded the two, informed Anadolu Agency that Mandla embraced Islam two months ago. Mandla is currently the Xhosa traditional chief of Mvezo, Nelson Mandela’s birthplace, while Rabia Clarke is from a Muslim household in a Southern suburb of Cape Town.
    speaking at his marriage Mandela announced late Sunday that, “I am honoured and delighted to announce my marriage to Rabia Clarke, in Cape Town, on 6 February 2016. I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Rabia’s parents, her extended family and the Muslim community, for welcoming me into their hearts.”
    In 2013, family disputes raised to the surface only months before Nelson Mandela’s death. The feud erupted and led to questioning of Mandla’s leadership legitimacy as head of clan. Mandla has been married three times before embracing Islam.
    Reacting to conversion of Mandle, South Africa provincial chairperson Chief Mwelo Nonkonyane on Tuesday said, “We are shock on the news of his conversion. We were also very concerned. What we know is that the woman converts, not the man. That is our custom.”
    Mandla Mandela, grandson of former South African late president Nelson Mandela embraces Islam two months ago and married Rabia Clarke in a private Muslim ceremony at the weekend.
    Influential Islamic leader Sheikh Ebrahim Gabriels, who wedded the two, informed Anadolu Agency that Mandla embraced Islam two months ago. Mandla is currently the Xhosa traditional chief of Mvezo, Nelson Mandela’s birthplace, while Rabia Clarke is from a Muslim household in a Southern suburb of Cape Town.
    speaking at his marriage Mandela announced late Sunday that, “I am honoured and delighted to announce my marriage to Rabia Clarke, in Cape Town, on 6 February 2016. I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Rabia’s parents, her extended family and the Muslim community, for welcoming me into their hearts.”
    In 2013, family disputes raised to the surface only months before Nelson Mandela’s death. The feud erupted and led to questioning of Mandla’s leadership legitimacy as head of clan. Mandla has been married three times before embracing Islam.
    Reacting to conversion of Mandle, South Africa provincial chairperson Chief Mwelo Nonkonyane on Tuesday said, “We are shock on the news of his conversion. We were also very concerned. What we know is that the woman converts, not the man. That is our custom.”

    Source : http://www.siasat.com/news/grandson-nelson-mandela-embraces-islam-915096/

    • February 13, 2016 9:41 am

      Islam expands by conversion, even fake conversions are welcomed. However, if one is looking for happiness in THIS life, one should look some other place. Read this (this is a cut and paste of an e-mail send to us by a Muslim!).

      Study Finds of All the Faiths in the UK, Hindus are the Happiest

      Religious people from all different faiths are happier than those who have “no religion”, official data released on Tuesday revealed. Of all the faiths in the UK, Hindus are the happiest, scoring well above the national average and just under the demographic of people who consider themselves to be “in very good health”, according to data compiled by the Office for National Statistics.

      Christians – of all denominations – were the second happiest, followed by Sikhs and Buddhists. Those who followed these religions were happier than the average person, who scored a happiness rating of 7.38 out of 10.
      On average, Hindus scored a rating of 7.57 for happiness, followed by Christians at 7.47, Sikhs with 7.45 and Buddhist at 7.41.

      Happiness amongst Jews fell below the national average, with a rating of 7.37.

      Muslims had the lowest happiness ranking of the religions listed, with a score of 5.33.

      Those who follow “any other religion” came in at 7.26. And people who belonged to “no religion” were the unhappiest, scoring just 7.22.

    • jainab
      April 23, 2016 2:30 am

      Dear friends,asslam.It is a matter of great concern that when and where some one adopts holy Islam,some of our intellectual writers start highlighting it that a very special and important incident happened.This world is so big,and so many castes, opinions,religious beliefs,cultures are part of our beautiful world. I myself have this opinion that we should respect their views.majority of people don’t bother such matters.but some people always in search of some points by which they can fulfil there agenda.such use of media is not fair.By this act these people always try to spread hate and terror in society.our society is a blend of various flowers,which makes a beautiful bukey.It is our duty to identity such black sheep’s,and isolate them.It’s my opinion.Its up to my readers,what they conclude.Khuda Hafiz……Jainab.

      • April 23, 2016 10:28 pm

        We always love your thoughts, you are on a right track.

        • mac
          May 24, 2016 3:02 pm

          Hahaha such a funny comment from jainab. She is the one who once pointed to Barak obama being a muslim is now a christian to show me how evil islam is, that is why she in that comment told me that took even barak obama left islam, since she used barak obama to spread hate against muslim and islam, so she thought i am doing same by sharing nelson mendala’s grandson’s story of conversion to islam, you see your image in mirror no matter how different mirror you look into, that is the case here with jainab, since she remains busy in defaming islam and muslim for her failure in life, she thinks others are doing to other religions.
          Barak Obama’s father was muslim and mother was christian, when he was small child, their parents got seperated. He grew up with his catholic white christian grandmother who took him to church, he was never given teachings of islam, he was never muslim, his father was muslim. So jainab like you always do, i.e lie,fabricate or ignorantly write things which you have no knowledge, your comment on barak obama being convert to christianity is another example of that. And barak obama is another example for interfaith couple that even if you might think you are muslim after marrying a hindu or christian or jew, but your child has every possibility of becoming a hindu/christian/jew. Btw this remainder is not for you jainab, coz we don’t need girls like you in our community who constantly write lies, very ignorant and regards children of fellow human beings as ‘animals’, we don’t need such blacksheep in our community, thank to this site that we came to know blacksheep like you does exist in our comm for which our comm suffers, so i thank you for appearing here in this website which will help us ensure that species like yours are checked at grassroot level.

  • mac
    January 26, 2016 2:43 am

    This is how real muslim girls react when jingoistic,anti-islamic so called women rights supporter hindu men question muslim women, which jainab failed to manage miserably because of her lack of knowledge.

    i found this post from a Facebook post of a muslim lady from Mumbai
    her name is Shaheen Naqshbandi , her fb id https://m.facebook.com/SKN.54584

    Following conversation took place between me and co-traveller when he saw me reading collection of articles on Muslim personal law.
    Traveller: Islamic law is really bad, Hindu Dharam gives women freedom while Muslim women are opressed.
    Me : Hindu women were lucky to have Pt. Nehru who liberated them forcing Hindu Code Bill against all odds.
    (The gentleman did not like me crediting Nehru but did not give up)
    Traveller: All Indians are originally Hindu, in past all Muslims were Hindu.
    Me : Lets go back in real past to our basics. We all were originally unicellular amoeba.

    • Momeen
      January 26, 2016 3:29 am

      You know your religion is filth if it requires other religions to be destroyed for it to thrive.

  • mac
    January 10, 2016 4:18 am

    After a long time Jainab replied decently, so finally you accepted that you were wrong to call muslim children as animals, that too when momeen noticed it, momeen didn`t notice other things, so you ignored other 9 points which i am mentioned.

    And you don`t need to be a lawyer to argue, i am not lawyer either, if you have information installed in your brain then you can easily counter people, you have to be a worshiper of truth to face any verbal confrontation.

    Though your comment was 5/6 month old, but you didn`t apologise for it, earlier i also brought that under your notice, you didn`t reply, now that momeen has pointed, you accepted your fault.

    Why i brought this issue again after so many days, because you were lecturing me on tolerance,etc, that is why i brought that issue.

    //but now by grace of Allah they are coming to our house for further improvement.// according to quran, not by grace of allah, but allah says if anyone wants to go in evil path, he facilitates the path so that the person doing this don`t feel wrong, it`s in the quran btw.

    //I am not against my community,but when we see something wrong or antiwomen//
    since you are women, so when u see something anti-women you speak, okay, but why you make it only monolithic to muslim? why make argument like ONLY muslims are this muslims are that.

    And circumcision and eating meat is not a wrong practice, get your priorities right dear sister.

    //Mac say me coward,I can express my feelings in a huge crowd,I don’t fear from extremists.//
    that is why you said you cannot open your mouth when non-muslim colleagues say negative things about islam and muslim community

    //My only opinion is this that we muslim women are not inferior than other women.///
    so this is your only opinion, and for that you wrote so many wrong,lie about muslims and islam, that there is no muslim women leader in the world and earlier(which i proved that your this belief was wrong)

    //Mac says muslim women are treated equally,what a false//

    before you say it to be false, produce your proof in support of that.

    //Can a women go to a holy place,whether a women allowed outside without hizab or male relative.there are so many areas where we are not treated like humans.I don’t want to start a new discussion,all girls of my community are well aware of it.Khuda hafiz…..Jainab/// yes a women can go to holy place, in mecca the main holy centre of muslims, both men and women circle around, do tawaf side by side, they pray side by side wearing same dress code of color white.
    no women is not allowed outside home without hijab and that is for good of the women, that doesn`t mean they are treating you like animals, people don`t send their animals outside by wearing them hijab, hijab means modesty, and hijab applies for both men and women, you are again proving that you lack knowledge in islam, hijab in Qur’an first came for men and then for women, sister talk what you like but don`t say things about islam without being sure, that is not ethical. I gave you a link of an ex-play boy model , there you clearly explains what is hijab, hijab is to protect women from sexuality, today women are being judged by their sexuality( can admin deny this), a men is considered a talented if he wears full pant, full shirt, long coat but opposite is for women, more she exposes her body parts, she is getting more attention, men have made women sex toys, islam protects women from this, islam tells women that you don`t need to show to show your sexuality in public to get attention and at the same time it forces men to judge women by their character, inner content not by their outer look.
    You said girls from you community knows this, then i showed you girls from our community wearing hijab got first in IAS interview exam, which is the toughest exam in india.

    I have seen girls from our community giving lectures in university about islam, they never talk like you.

  • mac
    January 10, 2016 3:57 am

    Dear Jianab,

    this is not from a islamic leader, this from an Indian MP from BJP

    No cellphones for unmarried girls, no jeans for women: BJP MP

    Don’t wear lipstick, stop trimming eyebrows: Governor advises college girls

    Again this was not from a mullah but from a Governor of Indian State.

  • mac
    January 10, 2016 12:31 am

    Dear sister Jainab, here is another case of muslims involved in terrorism and all media house reported it.

    Nabbed al Qaeda-linked Bengaluru cleric earlier worked with LeT

    Arrested cleric from Bengaluru planned suicide bombings in Delhi

    Terror link no evidence against arrested cleric says bengaluru police chief

    uoooo, so all media who went all out against this cleric, now are they clarifying it that there is no evidence against him said by police chief of bengaluru, so many (millions of millions) of people had taken for granted that a cleric who is terrorist was arrested by police and thus islam is responsible for terrorism, while the truth is opposite, not a single media house is now showing that he was innocent, just arrested for suspicion. If police after investigation found no evidence then how come one media is saying he earlier worked with Let, another is saying he planned bombings in Delhi, wah wah waah, what propaganda against muslim community by media to demonize islam and muslim, and they are partly successful as many people start hating islam and muslim and even many muslims who lack the capability to use `aqal` doubt their faith.

    Markendey Katju, who was ex-judge of supreme court and ex-chief judge of high court said this that muslims are falsely accused of terrorism and media goes all out against them but after finding truth, media becomes silent and ignores the news. Here is the short clip of katju who btw is an atheist, so no faith bias here, must watch this clip and do share to spread truth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7wLAXayrdg

    • mac
      January 10, 2016 12:44 am

      If a mob of Islamic fundamentalists had murdered the father of a member of the Indian Air Force on the suspicion of eating pork would the BJP have called them anti-national Muslim terrorists?

      If, so, why don’t they use the term anti national Hindu terrorists for the murderers of Mohammad Akhlaq?

      Riddle me that.

      If the SIMI can be banned for its links to terrorist activities and for its stated mission to rid India of unwanted foreign influences so that Muslims can live by Muslim codes of conduct…

      … why is the RSS not banned for its repeated links to terrorist activities and its stated mission to rid India of unwanted foreign influences so that all Indians live by Hindu codes of conduct?

      Riddle me that.

      • Momeen
        January 14, 2016 12:37 am

        The greatest riddle is:
        If India would ever be free of the cancerous cult that’s sucking the nation’s spirit?

        The day when this riddle gets the answer, all other riddles will inevitably be unravelled!

  • mac
    December 25, 2015 1:41 am


  • mac
    December 25, 2015 1:40 am

  • jainab
    December 20, 2015 5:51 am

    Dear mac.asslam.I am very much surprised after reading your posts.what type of person you are?you always pick some points to condemn other religions.Its not fair.your mentality of intolerance and criticising others to prove them inferior community,leads extremisms in the society.such activities are anti social.In my last post I simply written about a fast,whicch we both kept .It was simply a demo of love,faith,and dedication.nothing with religion.After completing this fast.the satisfaction,happiness and mental glory which I felt,can’t be imagined by people like you.This all was not forced to me,it was purely my decision to express my love and affection to each other.I don’t want to argue with you but as an ordinary Indian Muslim I will must oppose your criticism of our other fellows.You are not the biggest scholar of all religions.As you are expert in searching religious matters on internet and then offering selected matters as per your convenience,I only request you,please don’t spread religious extremism and hate in our society.we only need love and tolerance for each other.You are not the godfather of all Muslims around the world.That’s all…Khuda hafiz…..Jainab.

    • Mohammed
      December 20, 2015 10:06 am

      ha ha ha jainab,. dont act as a smart.. you even didnt give the answer for mac’s bro question.. your calling as a muslim. . shame on you. . .
      even Allah(s.w.t) also dont want you
      I again quote from the quran
      in surah muhammed chapter 47 v 38
      ” And if you turn away, He will replace you with another people; then they will not be the likes of you.”

      Allah(s.w.t) also dont want like you people who misobey the Allah(s.w.t) commands he replace with other people and they will not like you

    • December 20, 2015 6:27 pm

      You are a hero in our eyes. You have said it beautifully that “don’t spread religious extremism and hate in our society.we only need love and tolerance for each other”. Please go out and educate others, please!

    • December 21, 2015 10:04 pm

      We are happy that you are happy in your relationship, however let us remind you again. Please make sure with two sets of parents for your marriage plans. If not, your dream will get shattered when parents/adults will get involved from two sides. This is a serious matter and you should address it sooner than later. Best wishes.

  • mac
    December 12, 2015 11:07 pm

    Sister Jainab in all these days was defaming Islam that it only oppresses women, its rules and regulations are only for women but now hypocritically she is happily observing KARWA CHOUTH which involves women fasting whole day in the name of their husband, can you tell me why KARWA CHOUTH is only for women and not for men, why men are not required to observe KARWA CHOUTH. jainab herself had admitted here “I came to know that all married Hindu women keep this fast for long life of their husbands.so I also followed other Hindu women of my society.”
    So you can follow other women of your society but will show thousand excuse to follow Allah, ha and you call yourself muslim!
    You said ” all married Hindu women keep this fast for long life of their husbands” , so can i ask why not married hindu men fast for long life of their wife, it also implies that if husband dies at younger age, his wife is responsible for his death that is why in ancient Indian societies people used to blame women for their husband`s death, that is why women are burnt alive if their husband died which was known as Sati pratha, though sati pratha is abolished but it`s related evil practices are still in practice since it has no direct consequence.

    And this is the girl who was talking about modernity, progressive thought, and what not but promoting patriarchy now in excuse of love.

    While educated hindu women are coming out of this patriarchy, uneducated muslim girls for money are going back into patriarchy of Hinduism.
    Here is one example, hindu educated women are writing against Karva Chaut

    Women take a stand, stop Karva Chauth
    “It’s nothing but a personification of a foolish woman who blindly does what custom dictates”, says a hindu woman Sonia Chopra

    Read her full article on this @ http://www.dailyo.in/lifestyle/karva-chauth-fasts-indian-marriages-punjabis-bollywood-equality-regressive-customs-superstition/story/1/7049.html

    • Momeen
      December 14, 2015 1:24 am

      That’s exactly the difference between Muslims and other faith followers!
      All other faith followers can condemn and write articles and books on their belief systems while one can challenge Islamic belief system, if only he is ready to have the head axed!

      Regarding women’s freedom, a cult‐enslaved mind can never understand that while all faiths treated the fairer gender only as secondary citizens, gradually all societies provided equal space for women while Islamic society is the only one in the world which successfully pushed their womenfolk further into the shell. I need not repeat the various forms of torture Muslim women undergo, as you know them extremely well but are afraid to take head‐on since you’ve been brain‐washed that questioning the doctrine might land you in hell!

      • mac
        January 9, 2016 12:00 am

        because muslims didn`t have the practice of karwa chaut, sati pratha and many more, the list is endless

  • Kumar
    November 1, 2015 7:41 am

    @ jainab

    Cud u update ur latest status.

  • jainab
    October 30, 2015 10:48 am

    My dear admin,asslam.today I want to share with you that I kept a fast for my bf,named karwa chouth.I came to know that all married Hindu women keep this fast for long life of their husbands.so I also followed other Hindu women of my society.Whole day I worked in my office.In evening we both purchased and prepared good food.After viewing moon we both ate jointly.we both did not consumed a single drop of water whole day.The feeling of this fast cant be described in words.The grace,purity,dedication,joy,and feelings of love are matchless . Rest tomorrow.Khuda hafiz….Jainab

    • October 30, 2015 9:20 pm

      Jainab, That is beautiful and wonderful to experience other faiths/practices. However, we have fundamental concern with your Hindu-Muslim love relationship. Have you talk to his parents? Are they ready to accept you in their home with lots of love and respect? Don’t go by his words. If don’t be in touch with his parents, you may get burned (meaning hurt) later.

    • Mohammed
      October 30, 2015 10:23 pm

      Good Job sistr….

      All clap to her. . . She doesnot ready to follow her own religion but to do any thing for her bf religion. .

      Allah says in the Quran
      in Surah muhammed chapter 47 verse 38
      “And if you turn away(from islam and disobedience of Allah), He will exchange you for some other people, and they will not be your likes”

  • mac
    October 8, 2015 11:09 pm

    If a mob of Islamic fundamentalists had murdered the father of a member of the Indian Air Force on the suspicion of eating pork would the BJP have called them anti-national Muslim terrorists?

    If, so, why don’t they use the term anti national Hindu terrorists for the murderers of Mohammad Akhlaq?

    Riddle me that.

    If the SIMI can be banned for its links to terrorist activities and for its stated mission to rid India of unwanted foreign influences so that Muslims can live by Muslim codes of conduct…

    … why is the RSS not banned for its repeated links to terrorist activities and its stated mission to rid India of unwanted foreign influences so that all Indians live by Hindu codes of conduct?

    Riddle me that.

    • Momeen
      October 12, 2015 6:18 am

      This fellow will find peace only if that day arrives: when what happened to Zoroastrianism in Iran happens to Hinduism in India.

      He’s wondering as how 400 years of Islamic occupation of India could end up converting only fifty crores of Hindus to Muslims in the entire subcontinent, as of 2015!

      Sir, please continue to be riddled further!!

      The more you are riddled the better for the nation!!!

  • mac
    October 5, 2015 12:14 am

    jainab, see how world is laughing at your thoughts of cow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn-URPNQdEA

  • mac
    October 4, 2015 11:35 pm

    So jainab, you peaceful hindus have hit again

    Hindu terrorist strikes again, after killing rationalist,professors they now have killed a 52 year old man for alleged eating of beef, if cow of life matter so much that hindu terrorist took life of a innocent human being, but later it was found that they didn`t even have beef, so it was preplanned attack to kill that muslim man in india and BJP MP, the cultural minister of India justified this attack by saying it was an accident, but when it happens with them, they cry terrorism, clear double standard, the cultural minister of india also said the mobs didn`t rape the 17 year muslim girl of that family, so cultural minister knows that the culture of india is to rape women of weaker section, so he is trying to give credit to those boys who didn`t rape the girl, wah and this is 21st century India where people gets killed for eating beef.

    Dadri: Mob kills man, injures son over ‘rumours’ that they ate beef

    Man beaten to death in Dadri: The attack on Akhlaq and his family took place around 10 pm after an announcement about the family consuming beef was allegedly made at a local temple, police said.

    Read details here http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/next-door-to-delhi-mob-kills-50-year-old-injures-son-over-rumours-they-ate-beef/

    • mac
      October 8, 2015 10:54 pm

      And you so called PM Modi didn`t open a word about this incident, he didn`t condemn this killing of a old man, you call Muslims are bloody as they eat cows then what about Hindus who shed blood of humans for cow?

      See how world is laughing at india because of some backward feudal Hindus, those Hindus who believe cow is sacred and others should die if the harm cows are backward feudal Hindus.


      • mac
        October 8, 2015 11:15 pm

        Why is Modi keeping mum on Dadri lynching?

        New Delhi, 05 Oct 2015: After the lethal lynching of Akhlaq Ahmed, 50, in Dadri near the national capital Delhi over the rumors of consuming beef, the whole country, including political leaders such as Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejrwal, Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi and Asaduddin Owaisi, chief of All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM), condemned the killing and visited the victim’s family, but the country’s Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi is still keeping mum on this brutal killing in spite of severe criticism over this silence from almost all quarters of the country.

        Although common people as well as opposition leaders, are waiting for at least a tweet as a reaction from the Prime Minister’s Office, most now seem to be in either a questioning or criticizing mode over Modi’s mum after a week since the gruesome incident.

        After visiting the family of the victim, Arvind Kejriwal, a severe critic of Modi and chief of the Aam Aadmi Party, tweeted saying, “Many political leaders have visited Dadri. But PM is silent till now. People will be happy if PM also visited and reassured victims and the villagers.”

        Rahul Gandhi also expressed serious concern after meeting the family, calling the situation a “tough time.” He condemned the lynching and expressed deep condolences as well.

        “Was touched by the desire of people in Bisada to maintain harmony. This spirit will help the country go through tough times. Hatred between our people weakens India. We have to stand together and fight those who spread it. It is very sad to see the trust and harmony built over decades, destroyed by the politics of hate. Met the family of Mohd Akhlaq and expressed my deepest condolences,” Rahul tweeted after visiting the aggrieved family.

        Refuting the claim of Mahesh Sharma, union minister and leader of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), who said the lynching was an “accident,” Asaduddin Owaisi, a three-time Member of the Parliament from Hyderabad, said it was “a premeditated murder.”

        “This murder was premeditated. He has been killed in the name of religion. It is an attack on our community. It cannot be an accident. All of this is being propagated by the state and central governments. He could have at least tweeted about the incident and condemned it. His party says ‘India First’ but these words should be put into action,” Owaisi said.

        Indian Air Force (IAF) Chief Marshal Arup Raha also came out on 3 October with condoling words, terming the lynching of the father of an IAF personnel “unfortunate incident.” The Air Chief also said his officers were in touch with the family.

        “It was an unfortunate incident, for anyone, especially serving air force personnel. Senior Air Force officers are in touch with the family of the air warrior and providing help,” the Air Chief said.

        Why is Modi mum?

        The Dadri lynching shocked everyone, shaken the conscience of the whole country and riveted countrywide condemnation. There have been a number of protests and demonstrations held across the nation. In this backdrop, the big question is: what makes PM Modi to keep a complete mum on the incident?

        Kavita Krishnan, renowned social activist and the secretary of All India Progressive Women’s Association, thinks that the silence of PM indicates he wants to let the communal poison spread.

        “I think he is silent because he wants his ministers and Sangh (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh-RSS) leaders to spread the communal poison freely in view of the coming Bihar polls. His silence is actually very loud. It ensures that the voices defending the horrific lynching are heard loudly,” she said.

        John Dayal, a member of the National Integration Council (NIC) of India and secretary-general of the All India Christian Council, calls the PM’s silence over Dadri lynching the mirror showing Modi’s face.

        “The prime minister of the country and chief minister of the state are both silent. Whenever the country burns and people are left dying, they remain silent. This is not their silence, but it’s their mirror,” said John while commenting on the silence of the PM on Dadri lynching.

        Linking the PM’s silence to Bihar elections, renowned social activist John said “I always said that the relationship of prime minister, BJP and RSS are inseparable. It’s a mistake to think they are separate entities. This can’t be without reason that these things happen before important occasions.”

        Zafar-ul-Islam Khan, president of the All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawrat, also came down heavily on PM Modi, BJP and RSS.

        “The prime minister has not spoken on the Dadri lynching, but his ministers, MPs, MLAs and party workers are speaking over the issue. They are speaking exactly on the line of the party ideology. One of his ministers said that the prime minister does not speak on every minor incident. This means killing a man brutally is a minor incident for him,” said Khan.

        Khan said the whole incident was designed to polarize the society.

        “I think that it is their policy. They are continuing with their policy of polarization. They want to keep the fire of polarization alive. Modi and his party are involved in the entire episode. It is just a division of labor that some people are doing, some people are screaming and some people are silent in the Sangh Parivar (Sangh family-referring to RSS),” he said.

        Relating the lynching with Bihar elections, Khan, also editor of the Milli Gazette, said these kinds of incidents will continue to occur until the Sangh family captures the power of the whole country.

        “While Bihar elections are going to be held in this month, there are other elections around the corner. It is not going to be stopped now. It will continue until they gain control over the whole country. They will stop all these when they are assured that no one can remove them from the power. After Bihar, elections are going to be held in Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Assam,” Khan added.

        Dr. Manzoor Alam, general-secretary of the All India Milli Council, believes that the silence of the PM is a regular phenomenon.

        “The matter is clear. Has the prime minister ever spoke on any Muslim issue during his one and a half years stint? Why should we expect him now to speak on a Muslim issue? Another important aspect the whole episode makes absolutely clear is that his ministers, RSS members and MPs are free to speak and do whatever they want. They will not follow the constitution in matter of Muslims. They have freedom to use abusive language and accuse us inside parliament and outside parliament, and the prime minister keeps mum on it,” said Alam in with an alarmed intonation.

        Alam, however, views the issue from the perspective of whole country and not merely in terms of the Bihar elections.

        “It is significant in perspective of the whole country. If elections are going to be held in Bihar, it can be viewed from this perspective also. Here is a scheme to divide the whole country between Hindu and Muslims. Because Bihar elections are knocking, the prime minister is keeping mum to let the society be polarized,” added Alam.

    • Bantee
      December 8, 2015 3:26 pm

      Hindu man is not bound to strict rules defined in any religious book, most books are stories. Muslim man can’t be muslim if he doesn’t follow quran. Quran is allah’s order to muslim man. So what Quran says: 2:223 Your wives are a place of sowing of seed for you, so come to your place of cultivation however you wish. 4:34 Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance – [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them.
      Now decide on own if you really want true muslim husband or a Hindu husband to covert. I haven’t mentioned other versus where Man can marry 4 wives, can keep slave girls allowed by Allah and do whatever with them. Kill non muslims just because of religion.

  • kumar
    September 28, 2015 8:23 am


    Could u plzzz post ur present situation?

  • September 7, 2015 2:28 am


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    • jainab
      September 25, 2015 11:10 am

      Eid Mubaraq to all my friends and blog participants…..Jainab.25 th Sep.2015.

  • mac
    September 7, 2015 2:24 am

    It is better for a woman to be married than to remain single, but it is better for her to be single than to be married to an oppressive, abusive man who makes her life an intolerable misery.
    It is also better to be in a respectful polygamous marriage than in an intolerable monogamous marriage.
    Marriages should not be broken for petty reasons, but when there are serious matters beyond reconciliation, divorce comes as a saviour.
    If a woman was supposed to be forced to live in an intolerable marriage, why would the Almighty give her the right to apply for a dissolution of her marriage upon the non-fulfilment of her rights by her husband?
    — Mufti Ismail Menk

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  • dr. shameena shaikh
    September 1, 2015 3:13 am

    dear jaianb my surprise with your response was becasue you like others gaev me suggestion to leave my bf, i understand why people like fi,kumar,admin are shouting over me to leave my bf but you being a girl who is also in love telling me all the negative things which i never expected from you, i have not even asked him about conversion , we don`t get time now a days to discuss all these issues as we remain busy with our duty and that is why we are planing to get married asap. I am doing my own research in this matter and i came to know many muslim girls who are married with hindu husband and their husband become muslim, even in this forum i came to learn that akash become muslim. i just wrote here that i pray for his conversion and you people all started lecturing me, calling me love jihadi etc. never expected all these behaviours, from this forum i came to learn a muslim girl name rifa ali got married with a hinfu guy after conversion to hindusim and many other girls like chand osmani who had said here that they got married with hindu guy and married in arya samaj temple and talking all sorts of vile thing about islam, but you guys have no problem with them, your all problems starts when any we muslim girls wants things to go our won way whether you are a hindu or muslim, moment a muslim women wants her own way, you guys start treating her badly

    • Momeen
      September 2, 2015 8:24 pm

      ” i just wrote here that i pray for his conversion and you people all started lecturing me, calling me love jihadi etc.”

      How she entered the forum with sheep clothing and how gradually she revealed her true colour‐ desperate for a 100% conversion, this can never be an issue for her!

      Her mentor stomps under his feet‐ his mother’s original faith, his own motherland and icons of the nation‐ all these matters are non‐issue for her!

      But if someone questions the justice in her conduct, she immediately begins to scream: discrimination and intolerance! They can stab but others should not even prick‐ throttling others beliefs is their birth‐right and the victims should walkaway even without raising a voice!

      As has already been said, she is a perfect Muslima!

      • September 2, 2015 8:56 pm

        Very sad, this is very unfortunate.

        With such people around (even in small numbers), other good Muslims have to suffer. Dr, Shaikh is exactly the answer to why “When I Say Myself Muslim, People Hate Us”.

        We hope that guy don’t convert, or worst, after fake-conversion and marriage, then go back to his roots. Lets see how it goes!

        • mac
          September 7, 2015 12:59 am

          Admin, as an admin why you want the guy shouldn`t convert while you rejoice over conversion of Shakira kahn to hindusim and also now donot opposes any anti-hindusim argument to another muslim girl like Sania Shah.

          Akash clearly told here that he didn`t fake convert to islam , but you made very few comment as his update on his page.

    • jainab
      September 6, 2015 1:36 am

      Dear doctor sheikh,asslam,I never told you to leave your b.f.You are blaming me in wrong perception.Hence iam not a scholar of holy books,so i did not replied on religious issues.In my opinion love is blind,its above castes,communities,religion,country.If we are in true love every thing becomes secondary,I don’t want to put my beliefs in your matter,When you started to give a religious colour to your relationship,i preferred to quit from your matter.So please don’t relate me,in such controversial religious matters,My way of thinking differs from you,That’s it..Khuda hafiz…..Jainab.

      • mac
        September 7, 2015 1:32 am

        I think shmeena referred to this comment of jainab https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10165#comment-357336

        This time I agree with jianab, i think sister shameena mixed comments of kumar,fi,admin with jainab`s one, from above link it is clear that jainab didn`t tell you to leave you fb, but also shameena didn`t said to forcefully convert her bf into islam, so jainab`s comment to shammena is also not relevant, as jainab was only talking about force conversion and etc etc and how will this effect the relationship in future

      • mac
        September 7, 2015 1:44 am

        now coming to jainab,

        //Hence iam not a scholar of holy books,so i did not replied on religious issues.///

        then why you blamed islam?
        why you said evils of islam if you don`t know what islam really is?

        ///In my opinion love is blind,its above castes,communities,religion,country.If we are in true love every thing becomes secondary///

        so everything becomes secondary so we see daily so many couple committing suicide, so many people are getting murdered incase of triangular love, as you said everything is secondary in love, now i get the reason why so many people are getting murdered everyday on the issue of this love, also many Indian security agency officers pass secret information to Pakistani female agents as the fell in love with those women, i have read many such cases as you said everything is secondary in true love

        So if love is blind as you said, so is it right to take decisions of life, especially about religion/god in blind mode

        while all these days you based me for not being patriotic towards india etc and blah blah while you above justified those traitors who passed secret information of Indian security related issues to Pakistani female agent with whom they fall in love as you said love is above country, so it is right if we back stab our country if we are in love with a lady from wrong/enemy nation

  • September 1, 2015 12:11 am

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  • Azad
    August 31, 2015 6:55 am

    Many fake profile in disguise trying to save Hinduism by putting hate n fake comments against Islam n using women as “tool”. But Muslims explain n explain n explain their twisted fabricated lies.


    GIVE ROTI N EDUCATE 72% below poverty line rotiless, homeless Hindus, 42% of world’s poor live in india
    Stop worshipping dhongi babas n Babis
    erecting toilets for 665 million Hindus who do in open air
    Save million farmers from suicide
    Respect women & other religion’s people at least as much as u respect cows, if so rape will decrease
    stop dowry killing of women
    stop rape, molestation & Eve-teasing for every 18 seconds
    Stop calling other humans “lower” caste becoz humans can’t b “lower” by birth but by “character”

    See this-

    Just tell me why Upper caste Hindus silently allow Dalits to carry upper caste’s shit on head of lower castes?
    Why Dalit shud be used as sex slaves by upper caste priests?



    But u can’t save Hinduism by spitting venom of hatred n by hating minority n by spreading fake info about Islam with fake profiles like timid who suffer from unsecured virus of inferiority complex.

    See this, it’s better to improve this before hating Muslims:





    See what international media says:


    This is my advice to Dhongi Babas & Babis, Bajrang Dal, RSS, VHP, SHIV SENE, RAM sene, Hindu Sene, Hindu Kranti, Durga Vahini, Sadvis, Sadvas & their online & real 500 million armies/supporters/financiers.

  • mac
    August 31, 2015 6:12 am

    Another reply to admin based on what people like admin and his gang of kartar,shagul,human,cand osmani does, now i did same, i made generalisation, if you fell i am hateful, then look at mirror and this is what you people are everyday, also i think jainab should have a look at this link https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9562&cpage=1#comment-357948

  • mac
    August 30, 2015 12:10 am

    Mehar had said here ( https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10165#comment-356800 ) what i am doing in my fb page and what should i do…..

    Meher said ///today i visited his Facebook page,he has posted a nude photo of a Dalit girl,tortured by some Hindu upper caste peoples,I really shocked after seeing this,its a antisocial activity,but i will say it is a antinational act,peoples behind this shuld must be punished,as a lesson for others.But i could not understand why mac has posted this and what does he wants to say.////

    hahahah so you are accusing me why i posted this and that, first of all why shouldn`t i post this, just because i am muslim, so i can`t talk about crimes of other people, then on what basis they criticize us, you meher why don`t you ask same question to admin,fi,kumar,kartar,jainab and even yourself, as it is clear from your tests that you are not a muslim, also jainab has admitted that she is not a muslim and wants to follow her own law, not laws given by allah, and that makes her non-muslim also, then on what basis you are criticizing me when you are guilty of same thing?

    And if we don`t raise voice, how will they(oppressed) get justice, thanks to Muslims who invaded india in middle ages which in one way or other liberated this huge mass of oppressed people, else there lower-caste people were unable to realize that people can live equality as their Brahmin masters taught them different philosophy of life, i am not going into details of caste system in Hinduism(Gita) as many people are aware of it.

    It also means that you are communal people who see everything in color of religion, an Indian(mac) raised voice for fellow Indian(dalit) and you are looking at his community, my community etc, and you talk about nationalism,patriotism,anti-social activities etc , makes me laugh 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Then she said ////He can see a evil done by Hindus,but why he do not comment on national issues.when Pakistan’s terrorist attacks Bombay,he will never condemn,when isis militants kill and torture iraki,kurd,Syrian,women,he keeps hand on his eyes,in Afghanistan talibans are killing innocent girls,banning girls education,seeing television,there are so many anti social activities so called pure Muslims are doing,have mac or mumahhad has courage to post on Facebook,Have they strength to declare their activities haram.I think in our country this type of people only fight for personal interest,they always demand for special rights being a minority communities,they don’t have any duty,towards society as well as our country,its not justified.people who want rights should also remember there duties,they both only talk about holy Quran and prophet Mohammed,they talk about Hindus,Jews,christians as well as budhist of Myanmar.but they are not concerned with our country issues.they never oppose Muslim boys involve in murders,looting,smuggling,and doing antisocial activities,because they themself involve in these activities.They should suicide with shame.Mr.mac don’t have any shame,for example every holy person says that we should respect our parents,but mac says his forefathers were Hindus ok,but holy Quran says one who other than Muslim will be treated as kafir,thus your elders are kafirs, Mr mac is well aware that what behaviour should be given to a kafir.shame on him,one who don’t give respect to his elders,what will he do for his religion,community or country,its disgusting, it became very long,rest in next post.gd nt.mehar/////

    hello when Pakistan attacked Mumbai, it was 2008, and now it`s is 2015, since you have raised this issue of Mumbai attack, then i clerify my stand on this horrible,inhumane act that it was 100% wrong and is 100% against islam and 100% against humanity. The culprit got punished i.e Kasav. But again, why you only mention Mumbai, just because i am muslim, what about other terrorist attack in India like Samjoda express blast, malegoan bombing, terrorist activities in north east india, terrorist activities in central india by maovadi, or are you saying my position in those terrorist group is not required as i am muslim, aren`t this the same plot the dirty politicians play by dividing activities based in community, a terrorist act should be condemned whether it is done by hindu or muslim, pakistan is safe guarding terrorist for his own interest while india is safeguarding terrorist for its own terrorist, guy like narendra modi, who himself is responsible for thousands of innocent death says he is against terrorist while he puts pressure in NIA team, judges to be soft on terrorism who belongs from his community i.e Hinduism, now tell me when you gonna question this govt for safeguarding terrorist, is not not anti-national activity, is it patriotism?

    You talk about ISIS, now why don`t you ask your sister to leave America as ISIS was founded by american tax payers money, isis didn`t emerge in 2014, it was functioning against asad govt from 2012 and western people were supporting it, isis don`t have my money, but it surely has money of your sister who lives in America , or why don`t you criticize American govt, the biggest terrorist country in the world responsible from millions of innocent death(for uneducated people, 1 million means 10 lac), during that time it called isis as rebels group,militia and now it calls it a terrorist group!

    And who told you they are pure Muslims, yes this is the propaganda you people are doing and since people like mac are main obstacle in your such propaganda, so all the attack on mac or mohammed,ahmed noor like people, a person who kills innocent human being cannot be a pure muslim, it`s a fact while you label them as pure muslim to bash islam, i am very well ware of your propaganda in this forum.

    About girls education in islam i posted earlier and i will post it again in the below comment section.

    She repeatedly raised the argument that i am not concerned about my country issue, if you and your family are so concerned then what your sister and sister in law doing in USA, why don`t they serve the poor people of india, no they will not as they want to enjoy wahabi-zionist money known as US dollar, a paper money responsible for more than 90% terrorism around the world, you on one hand accuse me of not criticizing issues in Afghanistan,Iraq,Syria while you on the other hand bash me for not showing concern about india while truth is that if any one visit my fb page he will find my 90% concern is about india, if i show concerns about india, this same meher will say why you posted this, why posted that as she already said it in above and i have explained it in my above section. When i raise concern about india, she divides it into my community and their community instead of keeping it as indians, what a hypocrite this girl meher is!

    And you maid that up when you say i support muslim boys involved in drugs,murder,etc and you also made another grave and uncivilized remark on the that i am also involved in these murder,drug,smuggling,looting activities , if i made such remarks then admin would have immediately started asking me questions while incase of meher admin is silent, if i had made such comments, they would have labelled be anti-women etc, i don`t know why i am responding to such cheap minded people who already lost debate and now involved in personal attack without evidence, which is a clear sign of loosing argument, when you do`t have anything to say in reply, you attack that person personally without evidence which meher had clearly done above.
    Islam is 100% against murder,smuggling,looting,etc and so as I, but the county which tops the list in looting,murder,etc is United states of America and sisters of this meher lives in that country and enjoying the fruits of the murder,loot that USA does all around the world especially in Africa and middle east, who knows this meher is also enjoying the fruits of all these murders,loots and here speaking in big mouth.

    You talked about humanity,murder etc and then came to a label where you advocated suicide for me, speaks a lot about your character and ethics…just above she had big talks about murder and here she is advocating help murder, hypocrisy again!

    And finally she tried to take a weapon to disown me by dragging elders, oh lady,in all those days you opposing elders, this admin has also opposed it and now finally you tried to play that old card ohohooho how funnny!!!!

    She said ///.Mr.mac don’t have any shame,for example every holy person says that we should respect our parents,but mac says his forefathers were Hindus ok,but holy Quran says one who other than Muslim will be treated as kafir,thus your elders are kafirs, Mr mac is well aware that what behaviour should be given to a kafir.shame on him,one who don’t give respect to his elders,what will he do for his religion,community or country,its disgusting, it became very long,rest in next post.gd nt.mehar////
    First of all , in islam we don`t have holy person, clear enough, i am not a holy person, not at all, i am just a poor bad boy struggling to become a better muslim till my death takes place. And it`s not every holy person that says to respect elders but it`s Allah in Duran who says to respect elders, because elders always gives us good,experienced advice, this is the reasons why we should value them, but if they go against god, that means they are not good elders , and since you jumped to what Quran says, then you must also remember that same Quran says first human being was a muslim, so my forefathers were muslim, later generations some got deviated like you got deviated, jainab got deviated, same way my forefathers got deviated from right path but now i am in right path and back to the path of my forefather.
    And if i take the forefathers whom you are referring to, then we will say they believed in horrible things like sati pratha,varna pratha, dasi pratha, balatkar pratha as holy,religious practice, so such type of person don`t have any respect in my eyes whether they are my elders or not…

    ///one who don’t give respect to his elders,what will he do for his religion,community or country,its disgusting//// hahahahahah how nice and how pathetic you are…

  • mac
    August 29, 2015 10:24 pm

    Great acts of our great hindu brethrens and people like jainab will appreciate them and will bash me if i oppose them and thus admin will say we need people like jainab not mac because mac exposes truth while jianab hides it.

    The Muslim community in Atali(India) while Admin being an Indian keep looking at bangladesh.

    From wealth to worry: a prosperous family’s plight
    In Faridabad district’s Atali village, in Haryana, one Muslim family has borne the brunt of communal violence since May.

    The family of 45-year-old Haji Ali is the only wealthy one in Atali’s 400-strong Muslim community. They run a private contracting firm that deals with maintenance of government-owned utility poles and water supply pipes across 80 villages. The family has a reputation of being close to the district bureaucracy. Before the riots, villagers, both Hindus and Muslims, would seek their help to secure government jobs or college admissions.
    In May, as the dispute over a 30-year-old mosque in the village intensified, rioters(terrorist) jumped into Ali’s courtyard and set vehicles on fire. They lobbed petrol bombs into their bedrooms. By the time the smoke cleared, two days later, all signs that marked Ali Mansion as a symbol of prosperity, even the family name plate, had vanished.
    Mid-June was the second attack. This time, the rioters seriously injured Haji Ali’s old uncle and aunt. After this round, Atali’s Muslims fled, seeking police action as a condition for return.
    Mid-June was the second attack. This time, the rioters seriously injured Haji Ali’s old uncle and aunt. After this round, Atali’s Muslims fled, seeking police action as a condition for return.
    Ali has become his community’s unofficial leader, and the Haryana police have deployed two gun-toting policemen for his security. But his extended family lives in fear.
    “We are the only educated Muslim family here,” said Sabir Ali, Haji Ali’s younger brother. “That’s the biggest hurdle for them [the Hindu mob] because we know how to fight for our rights.”
    A decade ago, the family was poor. Haji Ali was the only breadwinner and worked two jobs to pay for his brothers’ education and household bills. As the brothers graduated and became employed, the family prospered.
    In 2008, the Alis opened a contracting firm. And in 2013, they built a three-storied house.
    Their new-found prosperity pushed the family to prominence. Their neighbours sought Ali’s intervention in social matters. One such festering issue was a mosque, a tin-and-tarpaulin structure next to a temple, whose interiors would become unbearably hot in summers. Ali raised funds to revamp it into a concrete, two-storied building, with a restroom and air-cooling facility.
    As construction began, Hindus claimed the mosque stood on Panchayat land and was, therefore, unauthorised; Muslims said it was Waqf land. The Hindus took the dispute to court, halting construction for about six years. Ali hired a lawyer, fought the case, and won. As construction resumed, tension between the two communities rose: some Hindus, affiliated to Hindu right-wing groups, Ali said, indulged in demagoguery.
    The dispute actually began in 1992, when Babri Masjid was demolished. Sabir Ali remembers how his father tried to erect a fence around a corner of the mosque where worshippers performed the washing ritual, but young Hindu men, armed with sickles and sledge hammers, destroyed it.
    Tempers eventually calmed, and his father repaired the fence that night. “They destroyed it again. A few days later, my father repaired it again. The cycle continued for many years.”
    Muslims say that whenever the question of the mosque was raised in the Panchayat, Hindus, especially the youth, some linked to RSS-affiliate, Bajrang Dal, made it clear they wanted the mosque removed.
    One evening in 2009, after the dispute went to court, Sabir was stabbed. Soon after, a female cousin was harassed by two Hindu men from the village. Ali and his brothers took both cases to court and fought tenaciously; the culprits are currently facing trial.
    Money, education and some access to power encouraged the Alis to fight for their rights.(And here admin hates such type of muslims who are capable of fighting for their rights, admin wants more and more submissive muslims who believe in hindu mythology not justice) As long as the fight was within Atali, they had some success. But now they fear for their lives. “It’s reached the point where I feel one of us brothers will die,” said Sabir
    Meanwhile, their business has taken a beating. Sabir said the arsonists burnt their stock of copper and silver wires worth Rs. 1.5 crore. “We feel trapped.”

    So where we have a case where a poor muslim family got wealthy, gave education to their children and used to help both Hindus and Muslims in getting job, fought for rights of building a mosque, got attacked, their old aunt,uncle got attacked, then their female members got sexually harassed, then went to court, their they won the case, still hindu terrorists didn`t leave them and they say they believe in Indian constitution, they say they are patriot, is harming Muslims in india, destroying their wealth a act of patriotism? But organization like bajrangdal,vhp are not banned as they attack,kill,rape Muslims while simi,indian mujaheden is banned and rightly so, but why these hindu groups are not banned? Also i intentionally used the phrase hindu terrorist to highlight the fact that whenever a hindu does an act of terrorism, the word terrorist is not used, softer words like mobs,rebels,karsevak etc are used while if any muslim shot a single person, then the cry of terrorism starts and they make a case as if whole muslim community is responsible and in doing so, they get people from our community like mehar,jainab etc

    Source: http://www.thehindu.com/sunday-anchor/from-wealth-to-worry-a-prosperous-familys-plight/article7594294.ece?homepage=true&w=sa

    • August 30, 2015 8:41 am

      Tell us what was percentage of Hindus in B. Desh in 1947 and is today?
      Tell us what was percentage of Muslims in India in 1947 and is today?

      In India, if one wishes to increase prosperity, one should campaign to reduce numbers of child (limit to max 2/male), ban polygamy, ban child marriages and increase women education. Do you agree?

      • mac
        August 31, 2015 5:31 am

        To admin,

        what it got to do with what i posted above?

        since india is a poor country, so yes less children is better, and if india gets less populous, value of india becomes NIL as india don`t have anything other than huge bunch of people needed for world labour, some uneducated some educated, but they all are labourers for the developed world, that is why our leaders don`t want to reduce the population, as more population means more business,more money, more value in world capitalist market.

        Polygamy is banned in present hindu law of india, still it is found that Hindus practice more polygamy, and it is stupid argument that polygamy increases population, simple mathematics debunk this false argument, since Indian muslim personal law allows limited polygamy upto 4, so hindu right wing groups use it as an excuse for muslim population growth, and educated people like admin fall in their trap of hate….admin can you show me mathematically how polygamy increases population.

        ya ofcourse increase women education, the more women get educated, better it is, i want more and more educated and logical,reasoning women in our society.

        btw i posted onething and admin as usual took a U turn and in try of diverting my original topic

      • mac
        August 31, 2015 5:47 am

        To admin, my reply to your query on bangladesh hindu population https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9562#comment-357945

      • mac
        August 31, 2015 6:22 am

        Admin, you talk about polygamy,child marriage, etc, but you should also keep in mind that we are indians and we indians as a whole have not reached that position of social,civilized life as we are still stucked in a era where we even can`t provide toilet to women, Indian Muslims don`t have such problem as they are religious obligated to secure the modesty/hijab of both men and women, which is not required in Hinduism, it`s a fact, don`t blame me, here is the report

        n India, More Women Demand Toilets Before Marriage

        NILOKHERI, India — An ideal groom in this dusty farming village is a vegetarian, does not drink, has good prospects for a stable job and promises his bride-to-be an amenity in high demand: a toilet.

        In rural India, many young women are refusing to marry unless the suitor furnishes their future home with a bathroom, freeing them from the inconvenience and embarrassment of using community toilets or squatting in fields.

        About 665 million people in India — about half the population — lack access to latrines. But since a “No Toilet, No Bride” campaign started about two years ago, 1.4 million toilets have been built here in the northern state of Haryana, some with government funds, according to the state’s health department.

        Women’s rights activists call the program a revolution as it spreads across India’s vast and largely impoverished rural areas.

        “I won’t let my daughter near a boy who doesn’t have a latrine,” said Usha Pagdi, who made sure that daughter Vimlas Sasva, 18, finished high school and took courses in electronics at a technical school.

        “No loo? No ‘I do,’ ” Vimlas said, laughing as she repeated a radio jingle.

        “My father never even allowed me an education,” Pagdi said, stroking her daughter’s hair in their half-built shelter near a lagoon strewn with trash. “Every time I washed the floors, I thought about how I knew nothing. Now, young women have power. The men can’t refuse us.”

        Indian girls are traditionally seen as a financial liability because of the wedding dowries — often a life’s savings — their fathers often shell out to the groom’s family. But that is slowly changing as women marry later and grow more financially self-reliant. More rural girls are enrolled in school than ever before.

        A societal preference for boys here has become an unlikely source of power for Indian women. The abortion of female fetuses in favor of sons — an illegal but widespread practice — means there are more eligible bachelors than potential brides, allowing women and their parents to be more selective when arranging a match.

        “I will have to work hard to afford a toilet. We won’t get any bride if we don’t have one now,” said Harpal Sirshwa, 22, who is hoping to marry soon. Neem tree branches hung in the doorway of his parents’ home, a sign of pride for a family with sons. “I won’t be offended when the woman I like asks for a toilet.”

        Satellite television and the Internet are spreading images of rising prosperity and urban middle-class accouterments to rural areas, such as spacious apartments — with bathrooms — and women in silk saris rushing off to the office.

        India’s rapid urbanization has also contributed to rising aspirations in small towns and villages. On a crowded highway that runs into this village, about 170 miles north of New Delhi, young women, once seen clinging to the backs of motorbikes driven by their fathers or husbands, now drive their own scooters. One recent popular TV ad shows a rural girl sheepishly entering a scooter showroom, then beaming as she whizzes through the parking lot on her new moped.
        Read full @ http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/10/11/AR2009101101934.html

        And then
        Culture, religion and open defecation in rural north India
        Open defecation in rural India is a human development emergency that is causing infant deaths, child stunting, and widespread infectious diseases. This column presents surprising qualitative and quantitative research about why so many people in rural India defecate in the open, even when latrines are available.
        Over half of all Indians defecate in the open, and in rural areas, almost 70% of households do not have a toilet or latrine. In contrast, less than 1% of people in China, 4% of people in Bangladesh, and about a quarter of people in sub-Saharan Africa defecate in the open. Why is the prevalence of open defecation so high in India? Considering the enormous health and economic consequences of widespread open defecation, understanding why open defecation is so prevalent in rural India is a policy priority.
        Indeed, all three rounds of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) show that Muslims in India are more likely to use a latrine than Hindus, despite being poorer on average. – See more at: http://www.ideasforindia.in/article.aspx?article_id=329#sthash.phVSmsu8.dpuf

        • Mohammed
          August 31, 2015 9:03 am


          These people doesnt know the value of life….
          only they know all is to enjoy either in right way or wrong way…
          one time they tell all to respect all faith but they always go against islam. .
          They always hate only mohammed, mohammed, mohammed(p.b.u.h)
          once they die..they will come to know the truth

          • September 1, 2015 7:22 pm

            This life is truth, the J-Day is your fantasy and nothing more.

          • Mohammed
            September 1, 2015 9:56 pm

            still you are ignoring my question
            why robbing or raping is bad for you?

          • September 2, 2015 9:56 pm

            We do not have time for your stupid questions. Talk something rational. Go ahead and say what you wish to.

          • Mohammed
            September 2, 2015 11:02 pm

            It means you are fearing from the truth, if you say there is no judgement-day then why u r fearing to give the answer for my simple question

          • Momeen
            September 3, 2015 1:00 am

            Agreed! Robbing and raping are sins which would be punished on the J‐Day‐ one minute, i’ll make it clear which J‐Day, else again u’ll frown! That’s strictly on the Islamic J‐Day, not the Christian and Jewish J‐Days! And yes, karma is a non‐existent, worthless concept and only the J‐day is the perfect answer, that too one and only Islamic J‐Day.

            You must be very happy now!

            Please continue your deep slumber!!

          • Mohammed
            September 3, 2015 1:24 am

            do you agree admin?
            your favoring person agreed already. . .

          • September 3, 2015 7:26 am

            We do not know where Momeen is taking us to, but as far we are concerned, we like Jewish answer, and that is WE DON’T KNOW, simple!

            We are on this earth and that is truth. By helping needy and poor, it is not in the other life, but it helps one right now by getting utmost pleasure of doing something good now. Allah has 100% (even more) blessed us in this life and we continue to help others as much we could, including spending our own money for this web site (even we could make money advertising). This gives us pleasure and that is heaven for us.

            We strongly believe this religious labeling and making youths in love go through HELL in this life in name of religion is SIN!

  • mac
    August 26, 2015 2:55 am

    To jainab, here is my reply to gang of fauzia,kartar,shagul,human,shabana,etc

    my above reply is for this comment

    Now lets see whether Fauzia defends her arguments or she flee away like they always do and then return with another fake muslim girl name with another long long anti-islamic, anti-Muslim comment.

    That is why once i told you that i donot waste my time replying to their false propaganda, here i replied because of sister Achu.

  • August 25, 2015 9:49 pm

    We love you and love your simple (and humane) views. You are certainly a great writer and, as said before, plan to write a book based on all what you wrote here (hope someone will take interest in your life story).

    Sorry to hear about your mother, it must be hard.

    Instead of following man-made religions, we are glad you are following religion of humanity and common senses. Now mac and Muhammed will come and show you some book written by someone and claiming it 100% truth to prove that Jainab is wrong. We are glad you live in a free country and not in Saudi Arabia!

    Let us change the subject. Let us remind you again that Hindu-Muslim relationship is very difficult. There is so much hatred built-in between two societies due to events of past 1200 years and you and your Hindu bf are victim of it. It is not going to be easy road and be prepared for the worst. However, whatever the outcome, please keep us posted and we will try to guide you. We feel for you! Best wishes.

    • mac
      August 26, 2015 2:32 am

      Dear sister, first of all i am very saddened to hear that you mother is no more, RIP to your mother i mean Rest In Peace, hope you don`t misunderstand this and take it other way.

      Now coming to many points raised by you, one of them was that all hindu boys are bad and they become good after converting to islam, well no one here ever claimed that all hindu boys are bad and they become good after converting to islam atleast not me, but many had made comments like all muslim boys are bad like kartar,chandosmani,fauzia gang.

      How i know who is responsible for your mothers death, what you mean by that, hello sister, i only came to know you last month, then where the question of `where was mac and his teachings,when i was wandering heither and thither without shelter`?

      If someone exploited you, is it fault of islam, infact it is fault of him for not following islam, if he had followed islam, he would have never exploited you, islam is religion based on reality, it doesn`t say you hang on with my name and i will provide food, Allah gave us hands,eyes,brain,etc so that we can use them, i don`t know about you, but whenever i called Allah, Allah shows me path, the problem is with people like you that you remember Allah when you feel helpless and forget Allah when you are in comfort while i remember Allah every time whether i am in comfort or dis-comfort, this dr shammea shaikh remembers Allah even though she became doctor and well earning, many people forgot god when they become rich and say well god doesn`t exist, religions are fake etc but when they face struggle, then start crying god help me as if god is waiting to prove his existence to people who only remembers him when they are in need.

      If you had contacted me, i would have surely helped you as i know what is islam and what is humanity. Earlier in this website i posted, i had to sacrifice my first Friday Ramadan jumma namaz in order to help my friend who is hindu, i hate to mention all these but you are forcing me to mention this by pointing your life story towards me.

      Btw you say this country is so great, then why no govt authority saved you, why this country forced you to remain hungry for 5 days,it is the duty of state to ensure the minimum living standard of it`s people, all are CM,MP muslim that they loot huge money of common people? admin brought the example of Saudi Arabia, believe it or not, in Saudi Arabia you would have been in such situation in the first place, it is Saudi Arabia women donot roam around 5-6 days in hunger, it happens only in india as we all know it is the home land of world`s biggest hungry people and i feel sad about it, hope i could help these people who are in hunger, i really feel sad about you that you have to pass away in such horrible situation, btw earlier you tried to disqualify my arguments that why i showed example of only one richshaw wala to show genoritst of muslim or why i put example of one old man Abdul Sattar elahi , but here i see you are putting your own single story to demonize whole muslim community and faith, now is it fair that you bash me on the criteria which you yourself used above to demonize whole community, also you are not only who went through such situation, during independence day program, we went to remote corners of villages to see the condition of people there and their life, there i saw and heard many sad stories of people, one story is similar to yours, where a girl of age 20-25 told us that her father is injured and cannot work and thus she has to work 25 Kms or so to work on homes and earn little money, while she stays empty stomach in night so that her younger sister could eat meal as she gets her meal during day outside in her work place, now this is the condition of india and you were jumping up and down that why i didn`t reply to your independence day wish while i was very busy during those 2 days,you people think you are patriot just by saying independence day while doing nothing in ground level while level people like me as anti-national, anti- country who is doing work in ground label for just not replying to mere independence wish, no wonder why we have so many hungry people in great great great india as we have people who attach service of country with song and wishes rather than real life work and thus life in india for general people sucks.

      You said should you blackmail your hindu bf, no it`s not about blackmail it`s about bringing people in right religion, he helped you when you are in need now it`s your turn to help him in saving his afterlife , you reject order of Allah and yet you call yourself muslim girl, how come?

      Should you regard them as kafir, it`s not about you, it is they who are calling themselves kafir as they call themselves by persie name `Hindu` which Moghals kept them as Mughals were not arabic, so they didn`t use the word kafir, they used the persie word for kafir which is `hindu`, now they are calling themselves kafir what is our fault, why don`t they worship right god instead of worshipping false gods like cow,snake,ram,etc.

      ///.I humbly oppose these opinions and suggestions.My own life and my iman is more important than being a 100% Muslim,and i am proud of this decision.///

      These are not my opinion or suggestion, this is order from ALLAH(Quran 2:221) , okay your own life is important, no one is forcing you, but you don`t have right to call yourself muslim girl as there is nothing like 100% muslim or 50% muslim, muslim is a muslim, either practicing or non-practicing(munafiq), you are showing examples of non-practicing Muslims(munafiq) to bash me and islamic religion while ignoring every examples of true Muslims. A muslim is one who obeys the commandment of Allah and submits to Allah instead of saying my life, my rules, we muslim don`t have my life, my rules as we didn`t created ourselves, Allah created us, so we have ti obey Allah, you are free to disobey Allah, no one is forcing you to obey Allah, but those who disobey allah, hell fire is waiting for them, and you already witnessed what is hunger, in hell there is no good food, there one have to live hungry for eternal life, so choose what you like. Since you are proud of your anti-allah decision, so please from next day don`t call yourself a muslim girl and then criticize muslim community as you said a muslim is not supposed to criticize Hindus,Christians rather his own, so since you are not a muslim, so you are not supposed to criticize muslim community.

      Read me extended reply here @ https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10328&cpage=1#comment-357644

      • mac
        August 26, 2015 2:33 am

        To Jainab, you said that Muslims don`t help people in need and so on, here is two more examples where a muslim family took the responsibility of girl of his hindu friend, now you may say that they adopted this hindu girl to convert her to Islam, we will see it later what they do with her and what she religion she follows, but that may not be the case as a similar muslim couple who adopted a hindu Brahmin girl in childhood allowed that hindu girl to follow her religion and also married her off with another hindu girl in hindu customs because islam donot teaches o force religion on others, islam comes from heart, there is no need to follow islam forcibly.

        Muslim Pilot Adopts Kids Of His Hindu Friend After His Death

        In a city where police and judges often come across brutal crimes done in the name of property or inheritance, a Muslim couple’s bid to raise two Hindu orphans has earned praise from the Delhi high court. Moved by what it termed a “noble endeavour”, the HC recently appointed Mohd Shahnawaz Zaheer, a commercial pilot, as the guardian of twins Ayush and Prarthana under the Hindu Minority & Guardianship Act.

        In a city where police and judges often come across brutal crimes done in the name of property or inheritance, a muslim couple`s bid to raise two Hindu orphans has earned praise from the Delhi High Court.

        The decision set a new precedent in Indian Law

        In his landmark order allowing cross-religion guardianship, Justice Najmi Waziri also approved a Trust set up in the name of the siblings, where the Indian Commercial Pilots Association and other well-wishers have contributed over Rs 1 crore. By virtue, the entire estate and remaining wealth of the dead parents will automatically go to the Trust and not to the guardian.

        When reporters visited the Zaheer household earlier this week, it found the twins bonding well with the family. Zaheer said, “The HC order streamlined everything to allow the twins to integrate with us. I have a three-storey house and my in-laws and parents live with me. Ayush and Prarthana are the cynosure of their eyes. Since the court appointed me as guardian, now they will get a passport and can travel abroad with us.”

        Zaheer also disclosed how the court has entrusted one Arun Saini, a willing neighbour, to make sure the children receive Hindu religious instructions and can visit temple for prayers. “I don’t want them to ever convert. They will be raised as Hindus,” he said.
        Twins lost both parents in 2012

        Twins lost both parents in 2012
        The twins lost their airhostess mother and pilot father within a year’s time in 2012 and were at the mercy of the family driver who took care of their basic needs. Though their father Praveen Dayal extracted a promise from Zaheer that he will take care of the twins, the latter remained unsure as cousins and distant relatives of Dayals allegedly laid claim to bank accounts and family property.
        Mistreatment from relatives made them approach Zaheer

        Mistreatment from relatives made them approach Zaheer
        A hectic flying schedule kept Zaheer busy till he got a call from the sobbing kids complaining of maltreatment. Zaheer then filed a suit under the Guardianship Act, urging the court to give legal approval to his role as a guardian.

        In his plea, Zaheer informed HC that during the critical phase of his illness, Praveen Dayal requested him to take care of the children. He also placed on record a statement by Dayal’s brother saying he has full faith in Zaheer for discharging the duty of guardianship of the children. With their maternal uncle and grandmother also settled abroad and expressing helplessness, the twins had nowhere to turn to, Zaheer pointed out.
        How the court saw it

        “Poets and writers of different literatures have elegantly articulated and eulogized the principle of foster care and guardianship amongst the foremost and finest human duties. The essence of human endeavour is caring for innocent lives,” Justice Waziri observed, quoting poets Nida Fazli and Javed Akhtar to stress that “taking care of orphaned children who are in urgent need of foster care and the protection of their interests is amongst the noblest of human endeavours.”

        The court also took note that all the monies to which the children are entitled is to be kept in the “Aayush Prarthana Benevolent Trust” till they attain the age of 25 years. “It is, therefore, directed that all banks, financial institutions and insurance companies shall make all payments, maturity or redemption amounts, etc apropos the estate of late Praveen Dayal and late Kavita Dayal in the name of Aayush Prarthana Benevolent Trust.”
        A victory of Cross-religion relations

        Advocate Yogesh Jagiya, who fought the case free of cost, viewed it as an unprecedented order. “It was a cross-religion matter. There have been cases of adoption but not of guardianship where you only raise the children but have no rights in their property. We worked hard to convince the court.”

        Enrolled in a top public school in Delhi, Ayush says he wants to become a pilot while his sister wants to be a designer.

        Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/Muslim-pilot-takes-Hindu-kids-under-wing/articleshow/47837030.cms

        Here is second example

        Muslim parents marry adopted Hindu girl to Hindu groom

        A childless 55-year-old Muslim furniture shop owner adopted a Hindu Brahmin’s daughter 18 years ago, brought her up as a Hindu, and on Thursday night, married Gudiya off to a Brahmin business executive from South Delhi.

        In what may sound as a fairy tale, Gudiya’s Muslim parents married off their only ‘child’ with full Hindu rites, in a ceremony as grand as they could afford.

        And, as they bid a tearful farewell to Gudiya, now called Rakhi, who hung on to the couple as though she would never leave, the neighbors and invitees were amazed at the intensity of the bond between parents and child.

        Gudiya left with her husband, a multi-national corporation executive, Ranjit Sharma, leaving her ‘father’, Shabir Khan, behind. “Who will we now celebrate Holi with? No Eid will be the same without her. She is more our child than a natural one would be,” he said.

        It all started 18 years ago, when Shabir Khan used to live in Vinod Nagar in East Delhi. The couple had no child of their own. And, one Sharma, a neighbor and close friend, had 6 daughters. Sharma agreed that Khan could adopt one of his daughters, which Khan did.

        Then, some years later, Khan moved to Rahul Vihar in Ghaziabad, where his shop in Pratap Vihar was doing well.

        “I thought it was my daughter’s arrival that brought us luck. And, since she joined us, she has been a sort of reason for our existence. “Aaj mujhe lagta hai jaise mere dil ka ek tukra chala gaya (Today, I feel like a peace of my heart has departed from me.)

        When Khan adopted Gudiya, he had a separate pooja ghar (prayer room) for her, where she could pray to the Hindu deities. The family celebrated Diwali with as much gusto as they did Eid.

        Gudiya completed her 10+2 examination from a Central Board of Secondary Education affiliated school. “We are a little conservative, as is the groom’s family. And, they thought that, to be a housewife, she needed only to have passed school,” the father said.

        Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/Muslim-parents-marry-adopted-Hindu-girl-to-Hindu-groom/articleshow/4202493.cms

        • mac
          August 26, 2015 2:47 am

          They did it because Islam says:

          ***Treat non-Muslims in a kind and fair
          manner (60:8)
          ***Help those in need by finding them (2:273)
          ***Protect orphans (2:220)
          ***No compulsion in religion (2:256)
          ***Spend wealth in charity (57:7)
          ***Honor guests (51:26)
          ***Most noble of you is the most righteous
          ***Enjoin right, forbid wrong (31:17)
          ***Walk on earth in humility (25:63)
          ***Do not kill your children for fear of poverty
          ***No one will bear others’ sins (17:15)
          ***Be just (5:8)
          ***Stand out firmly for justice (4:135)
          ***Be good to others (4:36)

          So those muslim who didn`t help you and took advantage of your situation are not true muslim and are not representative of islam in anyway and as we see from Quran, they have acted against the religion of Islam, they did it because they are ignorant about the teachings of Quran, Quran is the solution for humanity, muslim must follow Quran as it is, while you said earlier that why i am only preaching Quran,hadith, see if those people had read those above verses about compassion, they wouldn`t have misbehaved with you.

          Also it is interesting that you accuse only Muslims and single out Muslims for their bad act, while that pilot adopted those two orphan hindu kids as their hindu relatives didn`t treated them well, so here we have a example where Hindus didn`t treat their kids properly and thus a muslim adopted them, but that is not making me to generalize all Hindus, like you do with Muslims, you generalize all Muslims.

      • jainab
        August 27, 2015 12:36 pm

        Dear brother Mav,asslam,First thing a want to clarify that i am not a converted Muslim,nor my biological parents family.we are very much traditional Muslims and my forefathers hailed from Iran.My parents follow their traditional Islamic rules,which they are following from decades,They never gone to a moulana for religious clarification.Only on particular event some Aalim was called from nearby mosque,that’s it.pl note that we are Sunni Muslim,majority of Iranian are Shiya.It is not only in my family,but when you visit a traditional big Muslim family,you can easily feel,the differences between new born baby and a fully matured person.They don’t like to take holy suggestions for their day to day workings.A system or a rule which they are practising from generations cant be changed.No one has right to interfere in family matters,and no one outsider can know,what is going inside. The purpose of writing all these is this that you can be aware of my background,You will say i am pointing you,its not true,without knowing general facts about a traditional Muslim family,your comments are worthless.Now i come to the next point.you wrote that all Hindu boys are not bad,as well as all Muslims are also not good,it means in every community there are two types of people 1.Bad 2.good.but earlier in your previous post you wrote that humanity is in Islam, antihuman person can not be a Muslim,Now from where these bad Muslims came.and as you said all Hindu boys are not bad,than what is the need of his conversation into Islam.I think its better to marry a wise,honest,educated good boy instead of a zahil,dishonest Muslim boy.I think every reader will favour my this opinion. Next you are not responsible for my sorrows,nor you are responsible for my beloved mothers death.in previous post that was my cry.but the main reason behind her death was only Islamic rules,that a male can marry as many times he wish,but at a single time only four.That is reason behind all these antifemale activities,male don’t bother about their wife because they have options,they have multiple choices,so if one wife is dying or she is sick,does effects them.second point is that in our religion a female cant treated by a male doctor,Hence there wasn’t a lady doctor in my town my mother was never treated,her disease was never identified,only she was ordered to rotate her holy tasbeeh,and one day she was burried in our family graveyard along with her that tasbeeh,what happened?..nothing no one feeled pain,except me,my new step mother was ready for filling space,after days of sorrow she came and every thing was over.But it was not for me,All these filled a hate and poison in my mind against evils of my religion.Now you will say i am continusely writing against Islam.that’s not true,I never thought against my religion and my community,but its true that i am not against other communities or religion.I learned all these humanity,nationality,kindness etc from my adopted patents after escaping from my parents jail,If had not did so,This conversation between you and me was not happened.The writings are for a small clarification,need not any bookish quotes or teachings,It becomes very long so your other queries will also be replied very soon.Khuda Hafiz…..Jainab.

        • August 27, 2015 10:24 pm


          Your mother’s death was certainly pre-planned murder. Such traditions must be banned. If a family refuses polio or other important vaccine for a baby, that is against the law. Likewise, your mother should have been given a treatment by any doctor, male or female. This is inhumane. Is this tradition still there today? Unbelievable!

  • dr. shameena shaikh
    August 24, 2015 2:06 am

    dear jainab, i am also surprised to read your views about muslim community, first i thought mac,ahmed noor like people abused you like many male chauvinist do as always, but when i went throgh all the comments in this blog, i found that they gave very well informed, accurate replies which you didn`t reply very well, you painted whole muslim community with red colour , and as amuslim i cannot marry him as i found this in koran, you being a muslim girl instead of giving me proper advice, telling me to go against islam like others are doing, they are non-muslim so they can say what ever they like about islam, but you being a muslim saying all these…you seriously need to do taubah..

    in one comment you described conversion to islam is non-sense thing, then tell me why allah ask us to convert people?

    • August 24, 2015 8:06 am

      It is not Allah, it is Muhammad saying ” tell me why allah ask us to convert people?”.

      Are you performing namaz five times a day at specified times?

    • jainab
      August 25, 2015 4:35 am

      Dear dr sheikh,asslam,you have written that you are surprised from my views,it’s okay,you need not to be surprised,because I am not a hafiz of holy Quran ,nor i am a professional preacher.You pointed that I did not replied to mac properly,that’s right,a man who do not respect our country,our leaders,other religions,cannot guide me.secondly You say about rulings of holy book,which mac has narrated,ok .you must should follow these,why I will. Object,its your life,you are the best decider of your life,But I know very well about my community,my religion,and of course my own life,When you are so much educated in medical field,you should not prescribe a male patient,you should not attend a patient,when azan comes from nearby mosque,when operating a patient you will always wear hizab,there are so many matters should be considered.instead of making this page so long.i decided to quit,because I am not a good arbitrator,I always talk in general way,my concerns are very simple,i always consider my matter on humanitarian ground.All religions have same teachings,the last goal of every religion is same,its my opinion.no body can change my this opinion,Khuda hafiz…..Jainab

      • Mohammed
        August 25, 2015 4:56 am

        how ” All religions have same teachings,the last goal of every religion is same,its my opinion.no body can change my this opinion,”

        just by saying is not sufficient you want to prove. .i have asked same question several times to admin yet he didnt answer

        • August 25, 2015 8:00 am

          You have not proved anything other than Mohammad’s ideologies.

      • August 25, 2015 7:59 am

        We love you for “I always talk in general way,my concerns are very simple,i always consider my matter on humanitarian ground”.

        • Mohammed
          August 26, 2015 7:54 am

          oh come on admin !! This is not exact answer. . you are running a blog but u dont know to reply exactly. . .
          let people will decide

      • mac
        August 26, 2015 3:17 am

        Dear jainab, you said this things to shammena : //When you are so much educated in medical field,you should not prescribe a male patient,you should not attend a patient,when azan comes from nearby mosque,when operating a patient you will always wear hizab,there are so many matters should be considered.///

        Now can you justify you above statements from Quran and hadith?

      • mac
        August 26, 2015 3:25 am

        Jainab said to shameena about mac that ///,a man who do not respect our country,our leaders,other religions,cannot guide me.///

        LOL 🙂 now that she failed to reply my comments, she is putting label on me like i don`t respect country, our leaders, other religions and cannot guide her, first of all what sorts of guidance you need, since you said you are a muslim girl , so i gave you advise of Quran, not my own advise, now that you have said Allah,Qur’an doesn`t matter to you, so do what ever you like, i am not your guardian, i am just your well wisher.

        Can you show any comment where i said and said anything like disrespecting our country, dear doctor shammena, you can find out who really respects this country and who do not in this comment of mac ( https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10165#comment-357645 )

        And who leader, which leader you are talking about, if disrespecting leader is a bad thing, then you have also disrespected muslim leaders, you talk about i disrespected other religions, then why you praised those who disrespected islam like meher,kartar,kumar,fi. etc, instead you called people like kartar as sir. Also admin is constantly commenting against islam, why admin doesn`t comment against Hinduism, is he admin or a hindu?

        • Mohammed
          August 26, 2015 7:17 am

          Good point bro, we love this ” Also admin is constantly commentingagainst islam, why admin doesn`t comment against Hinduism, is he admin or a hindu?”

          admin, do u have any answer about this?

          • August 26, 2015 7:25 am

            Answer is Admin, we are countering your exclusivity ideologies that all non-Muslims are going to hell. That is an absurd belief. Such ideology will bring hell to India and the world. We know many Muslims and none is exclusivity like you guys. We hope they are representing true Islam and not you, we hope!

  • mac
    August 23, 2015 2:37 am

    jainab i have given reply to one of you comment, you can read it here https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10165&cpage=3#comment-357451

  • dr. shameena shaikh
    August 22, 2015 2:03 am

    dear readers, don`t get me wrong i am not forcing my bf to accept islam, we will have discussion about it later, now we don`t meet as we remain busy with our medical works. I am praying to allah for best outcome. I have not asked him to convert to islam, i have only asked Akash how he found islam.

    • fi
      August 22, 2015 4:07 am

      Dear Shameena,

      Why you are not doing the same thing?…means converting to Hinduism?…Any reasons for it…just asking….Why Ur BF?….the reason is You cannot..because U fear Ur Religion..& its people…ask urself….Is God only for Muslims?….U r praying to God to make Ur BF..a muslim?….so are U not…being possessive of Ur religion?……Ur BF will sacrifice his religion for U..whereas U will not sacrifice Ur Religion for Him…So who will be a genuine one?…And if any religion is becoming a barrier in human relationship then which Religion is the Best?…..Ask Urself…….Still agree that it is directly from GOD?…..

    • Kumar
      August 22, 2015 7:41 am

      Please don’t convert ur bf.

      in case u want to convert him ,then its better that u end up ur relationship. I too have a Muslim gf, but v never spoke about conversion. It is not an easy job for a hindu to accept islam.

      • mac
        August 22, 2015 10:06 pm

        Dear dr. shameena shaikh, this kumar lied to his muslim gf sabaa that he will convert to islam and because of that promise that muslim girl accepted his propose, and now when the love got deep, he(kumar) changed his color and told her that he will not convert to Islam and planning secret marriage, is your bf also like this, i hope your bf is not like this as he is as you said a doctor like you and can keep his word that he promised you before starting this relationship, since he promised you that he will respect your faith , now read this and is he ready to respect your sentiment,faith. Kumar lied and is a lair, now it`s your turn to check whether your hindu bf is a liar or not, if he is a liar then one day or other, your marriage will break down like many hindu-muslim marriage.

        • mac
          August 22, 2015 10:58 pm

          This is the 6 points/b> that will expose your hindu lover, lets test whether Hindus really believe in pluralism and tolerance or is it just their mouth saying and here is the sixth point https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9562&cpage=1#comment-357437

          • dr. shameena shaikh
            August 24, 2015 1:57 am

            dear mac, i have read the 6 points that you articulated and i will discuss about those points with him

          • fi
            August 24, 2015 6:38 am

            Dr. Shameena & Mac,

            Then tell mac to give you the link of Bhavisya Puran also…which was written 4000+ yrs ago much before advent of Islam…go thru it You find amazing facts about it…..It was written by our ancient sages………

      • mac
        August 22, 2015 11:39 pm

        Kumar says it is not easy for hindu to convert to Islam , I ask why when millions of hindus have converted to islam and still converting in india, india made strong rules to stop conversion into islam, actually it is not india but some bjp ruled states like madyapradesh,Gujarat made strong rules when a hindu decides to convert to islam, still people are converting to islam, who knows if there was reservation for lower-caste, india would have been a muslim majority country because lower-caste don`t leave the fold of Hinduism in fear of loosing reservation facilities because as soon as you leave hinduism, you lose your reservation facilities and some lunatics still thinks india is a secular country.

        To kumar, it is not easy for hindus to accept islam and thus lie in front of muslim girls to start a relation just like you did with sabaa,

        Aakash Mallik , Akash or Cookie didn`t find it hard to accept islam.

    • August 23, 2015 8:41 pm

      Not only “i am not forcing my bf to accept islam” not even dream of changing him some thing he is not. Let the rose be rose and carnation be carnation. If you wish carnation, there are plenty around! Marry him only if you wish to be what ever he is till his death. If not, forget him and move on with your “Muslim” life.

      • mac
        September 7, 2015 1:05 am

        but admin shameena`s bf is not rose, he is human, and human can change, especially their faith, faith can be easily changed from hindu to muslim or muslim to hindu

        • September 7, 2015 11:30 am

          mac, explain “faith can be easily changed from …. muslim to hindu“, is that you believe in? Is that not apostasy? What is punishment for converting from Muslim to Hindu, as per Koran and Hadiths?

  • dr. shameena shaikh
    August 20, 2015 4:10 am

    Dear Akash, can we contact each other, i want to know why you liked islam and can you help me in this regard, it will be great if my hindu bf convert to islam like you did. I pray to allah everyday…..

    • August 20, 2015 7:33 am

      Dr. Shaikh,
      What a shame that you first got into love with a “Hindu” and now you want to convert him to a Muslim. This is love-proselytism and love-Jihad. That is what we are telling every innocent non-Muslim that one cannot trust Muslim talking all respect for other and pluralism/secularism. For them, expanding Islam is only motto, sorry to hear that now you are going back to what it has been going on for years… love-Jihad.

      Please stop this love trap and go marry to a Muslim guy who is performing namaz five times a day in a near by Mosque. He may not be able to give you happiness in this life but you will have a wonderful after life!!!!!!!

      We hope Jainab and Mehar do not play the same dirty game of expanding Islam at any cost to others.

      • dr. shameena shaikh
        August 22, 2015 2:25 am

        Dear admin, once i tried to walk away from our relation but it is he who promised me that he will respect my faith and not hurt my religious sentiment, he is forcing me not to leave him, it is he who proposed me first during our college days, initially i rejected his propose but he kept on proposing me again and again, he assured me that our relation will not hurt my religious sentiment, now that i came to know that islam is against such marriage, now what option i do i have?
        If i marry him, it will violate our religious requirement and i will be sinner, while he is not willing me to let go and i have already rejected so many marriage proposal for him, now no marriage proposal comes as people have already known that i have relationship with a hindu men, now if i don`t get married with him, it will be difficult for me to get a muslim life partner, so i pray to allah to help me to get out of this situation

        • mac
          August 22, 2015 11:41 pm

          Admin, and what about Kumar,Prateek and Amritesh, why they are ruining faith of a muslim girl in the name of love?

        • Mehar
          August 23, 2015 12:19 am

          Dear doctor sheikh,hi,I am very much surprised after reading your posts on this blog.You are in love with a Hindu guy.its okay,but now you are thinking about religion.Its sufficient as earlier told that he respects you along with your religion.There are thousands of Muslim girls married with Hindu boys living respectfully.In my opinion you should marry under special marriage act,in court without hurting each others sentiments.My elder sister has also married a Hindu doctor,both follow their religion,both are practising doctors.and i think my sister is luckiest wife in the world.So its my advice don’t be a football of religion,You are an educated girl,think your self,Is religion is so much necessary?.After court marriage all the things will be favourable for both of you,Thus you don’t need to change your religion or your bf’s religion,After some time,and after understanding you both can decide jointly,what will be better for both of you.This is 21sr century,we should enjoy this freedom for self welfare,and be an example for others.thanks.Mehar

          • mac
            August 23, 2015 2:51 am

            Dear doctor, do you want to listen to an anti-islamic girl about what you should do about your life, she says she is muslim but her every comment is against islam, you can read her post on our prophet muhammad here ( https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10385 ) , now doctor shammena, ask yourself, after reading this, do you believe she is a muslim girl?

            Dear Doctor, Mehar is talking about that your hindu bf will respect your religion, now read these 6 points raised by me and ask him whether he will agree or not, lets test whether they will really respect your way of life, ask your hindu bf whether he will allow beef eating in the holy occasion of bakra-eid, will he allow slaughter of a cow in his home of not why will you allow slaughter or your religious faith in the name of love for him?

            Again read this verse(2:221) sister shammena and decide what you want, whether you want to obey allah`s teaching or you want to obey teachings of a girl like mehar who abuses islam and muslim in her every comment

            Quran 2:221
            “And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember.”

            Also, mehar has advsied you not to be football of religion while his sisters and her husband are footballs of number one terrorist nation on earth america, they are footballs of evil society , it`s better to be football of god than to be football of evil,terrorist nations,societies

          • admin
            August 23, 2015 5:40 pm

            Mehar, 🙂 🙂 🙂

            Also mac above is right. Dr. Sheikh, you should leave this Hindu boy and marry to a Muslim who is performing namaz five times a day in a near by Mosque. His education or how much he earn should not be important to you in THIS life. You should submit to him (or a next Muslim) ever talaak and polygamy becomes in your life. Most important for you is the AFTER life. Hell here, Heaven AFTER !!!! Get a hook by the Judgment bait.

        • August 23, 2015 8:47 pm

          Dr. Shaikh,

          Open your eyes and see how beautiful these words are, “promised me that he will respect my faith and not hurt my religious sentiment”, wow!! Now you are reciprocating it by praying Muhammad’s Allah to convert him to Islam. What a shame!

          Mac and you, both keep saying that it is the Hindu side wanted you. If that is true, then the Hindu MUST convert. This is call selfish views. Love cannot be one sided. You cannot clap with one hand. Because the other side loves you, does not mean you be love-Jihadi! Why not show your “true” love?

          We hope you are not telling us (like mac) that there is only one God and that is MINE!!!!!!!!!!!

      • fi
        August 22, 2015 4:13 am

        Dear Admin,

        Rightly said….There’s no LOVE..but it is just “Trading”..of Relationship….”Accept Islam then get me” type……where’s love?….

        Both can convert to other Religions also…but that too is not possible….Because the Problem lies is ISLAM…….Surely a religion directly from GOD……..

  • dr. shameena shaikh
    August 20, 2015 3:13 am

    Thanks everyone for your reply.

    • jainab
      August 20, 2015 9:21 am

      Dear Doctor,I am very much surprised to read your wish,you want to convert your b/f.In my opinion your this act will spoil your image in his eyes.On this blog there are so many people whose identity is not proven,I will not criticise any one.Only my humble request is for you -that never pressurise you b/f.If you have confidence and faith on your love,let him decide himself,your good behaviour and your joint steps will decide your future.If you will compell him,it will make a negative image for you in his mind.After several years these small things will matters in your relationship….Khuda Hafiz…Jainab

      • August 21, 2015 7:47 pm

        Dear Jainab, Mahar and Dr. Sheikh,

        It is normal for a human to fall into love; it is by Allah wishes. Now it is up to you if you wish to follow wishes of Allah or someone.

        If you wish to follow Muhammad’s teachings, then you have to follow mac’s footsteps (who dumped his Hindu girl for Islam). However, we humbly request you not to dream of converting those Hindus to Islam. Mary them only if you could put up with them as a Hindu till their death.

        Think of Akash’s mother who is left to cry for her life because her son converted to Islam, an ultimate insult to any Hindu. Now she will have to hide her face from her Hindu relatives and friends. Now she will feel hell in THIS life; while her son is enjoying heaven with her new girl. Is Akash’s mother a KAFIR and deserves this pain and sufferings? Do you want your boy friend’s KAFIR mother also go through the same pain?

        One could argue that if you marry to that “Hindu” boy and converted to Hinduism, then your Muslim mothers will also go through the same pain, is that fair? NO, it is not fair. Don’t let your mothers feel Hell in this life by converting to Hinduism.

        Remember, Akash’s mother did not ask the Muslim to convert, but simply wished her son remain what he was, a Hindu, and she remain what she is, a Muslim. What is wrong with that? Was it not a fair request?

        If you think following mac and Muhammad’s teachings is an ultimate goal of your life, we highly recommend you to dump your Hindu boy friend and find a “good” Muslim boy who is performing namaz five times a day in your local mosque. Even he (Muslim) is not educated and do not give you enjoyments in THIS life (including talaak and polygamy), that should not matter to you as a Muslim woman. Your total focus should be only the AFTER life.

        You have to think why Allah made your (Muslim girls) life so difficult? Is that Allah to blame or Muhammad and your imams? Follow Allah, not Muhammad.

        As far we are concerned, there is no truth to the Judgment Day “theory”. It is a bait to catch a fish. Once the hook is on in your mouth, you will loose discrimination power.

        What happened to your initial talk of humanity?
        Will India be a better place if every one become intolerant like mac and Zakir Naik?
        Will hating each other will solve the problem or increase?
        Now mac will say every one hates and discriminate Muslims. Why? Why Parsis, Jains and Buddhists don’t say that they are victims, even their population is decreasing?

        We have high hopes on you three. You are leaders of new India and new world. Go change the world. Tell all pandits, priests and imams to minimize their intolerant teachings. Teach to Hindu (bf’s) and Muslim (your’s) parents to tolerate each other and accept them as is (as Hindu and Muslim). Be like Saif-Kareena and SRK-Gauri.

        Dr. Shaikh, instead of “it will be great if my hindu bf convert to islam like you did. I pray to allah everyday”, pray Allah to give you strength to fight intolerance taught by “man-made” religions.

        God bless you!

        • dr. shameena shaikh
          August 22, 2015 2:47 am

          dear admin,

          first of all i would like to inform you that islam is not a man made religion, it is religion directly from allah, this is what i believe.
          Secondly the link that you provided about muhammad`s teaching was made by you and is totally biased, you only quoted war related verses leaving entire quran and saying this is mohammed teaching, i know the teaching of muhammad, i don`t have to learn it again in such baised way.
          You talked about akash`s mother, what about me mother who will be insulted and will also cannot show their face in public as if i marry a hindu man, and that also when it is agaist our religion. i don`t think allah made life difficult for muslim girls, life is difficult for all, all societies are male dominated, muslim girls suffer one type of male dominance, hindu girls suffer

          • fi
            August 22, 2015 4:33 am

            The Age of ISlam is 1500 yrs…and Christianity is 2000 yrs…But it is Hinduism which is much older than them…..Even In our Bhavisya Puran there’s mention of Islam & Christ much before their invention….and it was written 4000+ yrs ago…..

          • mac
            August 22, 2015 11:44 pm

            Fi, it is a historical fact that Hindusim came into existence when british called the pagans of this land as hindus, while the term hindu was invented by persies/arabs, hindu is a persie word

          • August 23, 2015 8:51 pm

            Dr. Shaikh,
            We respect your faith and you have rights to believe what ever.

            Now onward follow your Allah by following “Koran (24:30) Muslim men are not supposed to look at women. If they (Muslim boys) see other (Hindu) girl, they are supposed to lower their gaze” Now don’t look at any boy except that is chosen by your mother. This way, every one will be happy, fair?

          • fi
            August 24, 2015 6:42 am

            Dear Mac….

            Hinduism was later coined for Sanatan Dharma…..it is a short form..Actual is Sanatan Dharma…for general use people call it as Hinduism…….Which U can ask Ur mother…..Abt your Religion it was specifically mentioned in Bhavisya Puran…..

      • fi
        August 22, 2015 4:19 am

        Dear Jainab,

        Although U are less educated than Shammena…Yet Ur common sense is much more than her….I wish U all the success..

        • mac
          August 22, 2015 11:46 pm

          Fi. because jainab said many things which are completely wrong and thus you liked her common sense as you also said things which were completely wrong and thus you liked her, while Shammena is an educated girl having medical degrees and can understand what is truth and what is falsehood and what is propaganda and thus you people are all after her.

  • jainab
    August 18, 2015 7:25 am

    Dear admin,yesterday my bf talked with his father.He informed him about our relationship.At first hr surprised,then he became very angry and refused to talk.I was also sitting there.Now we both are very much upset.what will happen in coming days,i cant imagine.But my bf has told that he will talk to him again next Sunday.I am praying for the favour…Jainab

    • August 18, 2015 7:30 pm

      We are sorry to hear this but not surprised at all. This is a normal reaction by any parents of any faith. Even if you were a Hindu, still that parents will resist because they were dreaming for an arrange marriage.

      Merging two faiths are always challenging. If both partners are willing to go half way and truly respecting other faith, such marriage will go a long way. You have to answer if you wish for an Islamic Nikaah (require his conversion) or Hindu marriage (against Islamic belief)? What will you teach your children for who is God? Expect lots of rough roads ahead.

      Rome was not built in a day. It is possible that it may take a year or two to decide between you two to find a right path. It is possible that you may break up and reunite a few times. Best part is both of you are (we assume) are financially independent, thus worst come worst, if you two are firm, you could marry. Parents will have to come along.

      If your boy friend is going to ask his parents again, how is he going to present his case? Main question will be if is she a Muslim or not? If she is a Muslim, is she what people stereotype or different? Tell him not to be too optimist and expect it to take 6 months to soften parents.

      Are we trying to discourage you? No, we just want you to be a realist and make a rational decision, what ever that is. You have an opportunity on this web site to learn of all types of issues, so we feel good you are little better prepared to make fully informed decision (again, what ever that is). Keep in touch.

    • mac
      August 19, 2015 1:24 am

      To jainab, god will only favor you when you listen to other advises of god, but which you clearly trying to deny as you are going to marry a non-muslim without making him muslim. Akash`s wife obeyed Allah`s rule and thus Allah favored her cause and see now Akash is muslim and happily married with his muslim lover , i hope they tied knot as he said last Sunday was their marriage day.

      Allah says in Quran Chapter 2, verse 152 that “Therefore remember Me, I will remember you. Give thanks to Me, and reject not Me.”

      Again in same chapter 2 or Quran verse 221, Allah says not marry a non-muslim until he/she accepts Islam from heart. here is the verse:
      “And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember.”[Quran 2:221]
      Polytheistic means non-Muslims while monotheistic are Muslims.

      But why I am saying all these as you said these things are non-sense and you are not going to suggest your bf about islam, then on what basis you call yourself muslim girl? You call advises of Quran as non-sense while you say you are muslim,how is that possible, those who insult Quran are not muslim.

      “And the men and women who remember Allah frequently, Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and great reward.” – Quran 33:35

      Since problem has already started, so better start seeking Allah`s help and ask Allah to guide you in right path, if Allah can help thousand other muslim girls, he will surely help you. I pray to Allah to guide you in right path and make your path easy.

  • jainab
    August 15, 2015 6:21 am

    Dear Admin,today I want to ask one question from you that whether this Mr Mac and Azad,are Indians or not,Because today on.our independence day they didn’t responded to my greetings,one can easily understand their mentality on national issues , every one can see their real face and their antiwomen suggestions in the name of holy Quran.I am a very simple girl,don’t have much time to research on internet,I know only very simple matters relating all of us.so i cant give quotes from various places.My social knowledge is sufficient for me and I know that my struggle will be over very soon.Being an Indian muslin,behavior of our so called scholars really hurted me.apart from that I will not blame them because i have practically seen these faces.nothing new to me….Jainab.

    • Mohammed
      August 15, 2015 6:56 am

      for ur kind information mac bro has not came today..
      what u r want to tell. . u didnt itself doesnt know who r u and which background u r coming from.. u are blaming to others. .
      have u ever think that does u can be example for others. . .
      and U dont know many muslim famous personality are there which are hidden by media.. why because of politics. . every thing are double standards

      • August 15, 2015 9:00 am

        Jainab, mac is from Bengal and Ahmad is our Middle East consultant. We are not sure about Mohammed or his original country.

        Mohammed, Vande Mataram! (Salute to Motherland!; Music of the video by Rahman) Can you repeat if you are a proud Indian?

        Jainab, yes, these so called scholars should not run your simple life. You may not have enough time for internet or have not high level education, but that does not mean you do not know what is going on around you every day.

        • August 15, 2015 9:35 am

          Iam proud to be an Indian. .

          India is my country..All indians are my brothers and sisters.. .

          You know i will refute to say vande matram .thats what u are telling to say.. right.

          If you ask why am i refuting to say vande matram..because its against god’s commandment…

          we are happy to follow rules and regulation of india unless it doesnt
          go against god’s commendment. .

          we even die for our country but we cant bow to our country…
          bowing is only to Almighty .not to land. . land is given to us only by Almighty. . . .

          and who wrotes vande matram..
          its bankim chandra chattopadhyay. .
          its a political move. .

          Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10377

      • jainab
        August 16, 2015 1:11 am

        Dear Mohammed,asslam.I know very well about my self.I am a proud Indian.Who has concerns with all the matters,who relates to my. Country,and my society.As far as my background is concerned,I know my background in a very good way.Blind following to others,escort you to blind deep well.I was blind up to a certain age,after realizing so many incidents of girls abuse and our male mindset to demoralize females in every field in the name of religion,I decided to choose my own way.I think you know nothing about indian muslim females.But i am sufferer,I with my sisters and other female members of my family have spent years of my childhood in a cage like situation.Every activity was governed by males in name of religion,I had followed every order of my parents willingly or unwillingly,for a long time.It made me sick.Every girl can not adjust with all these.Maximum girls like me don’t have enough strength to oppose.So please don’t recognize my background,its not beautiful to admire.When i write on this blog,i don’t make notes,I write from my heart.My feelings are not against any other human being.I have faced many situations.many types of people,in my small life,and got so many valuable experiences.I need not to take bookish knowledge from internet.Thus conclusion is this that I am a proud Indian,A new type of Muslim,who can live with nonmuslims in a respected way.My every activity will judge my identity,I don’t require a filthy background…. Jainab

    • mac
      August 19, 2015 12:53 am

      It is very clear that jainab has lost her edge on debate and thus making personal remark, targeting people personally and so on.

      Her above comment really made me laugh that why i didn`t respond to her independence day wish as if i spend 24 hours every day waiting for what jainab says, it is almost after 4 days that i came to this website, as i told i am in my final year of graduation and had to stress more on my academics rather than educating ignorants on internet, earlier days i had more time, that is why i was frequent in this website, now i don`t have that same privilege.

      So according to Jainab, suggestion by Allah in Quran is anti-women, then how come you call yourself muslim, you don`t have right to call yourself muslim if you are against Quran, now you will cry loud that you have not said anything against Quran, but i will not buy your hue and cry as i have not said anything of my now, i suggested you what Quran says and i have quoted those verses, but for you those are anti-women as you don`t have reply to those questions and thus taking the shelter of feminism,trying to catch sympathy in the name of feminism instead of debating/discussing in rational way.

      You said you are very simple girl, and saying simple,simple you are spreading hate against Muslims, you are spreading false news, you are spreading poison and irrational ideas and myths. How? By rewriting muslim history, undermining the contribution of muslim women in history by saying ~no muslim women in history~ while i proved that there were plenty of muslim women in history and in present day doing plenty of things which either you don`t know or refuse to know intentionally and then when i correct it, you start accusing me as anti-women,terrorist etc, i refreshed here the contribution of great women Razia Sultana who ruled India than any other women, but this jainab didn`t know this fact and when i corrected her, instead of accepting the fact, she started labeling me as anti-women, rational readers will decide who is anti-women, one who hides contribution of women(like jainab) or one who brings out the contribution of women in lime light(like mac), i leave the decision to the conscience of reader!

      Jainab said, being an Indian muslim behaviours of so called scholars hurted her, LOL 🙂 so this lady gets hurt if people points to her false propaganda against one community(muslim), she gets hurt if people give advise from Quran, if so then why you call yourself muslim, If you don`t like Islam, advises of Quran, then leave Islam, Islam doesn`t need people like you or me, don`t think that islam needs you and don`t assume that i am manager of islam, islam was well alive before your birth and my birth in this world and it will continue to thrive even after your death or my death, so don`t think i will gain something by suggesting you advices from Quran/hadith or lose something by not advising you quoting from Quran.hadith, i will gain nothing here in this world, do you think without you who knows nothing about history,religion,science,business,etc and spread false information islam or muslim community will be dead, we have people like Zainab the girl who topped the IAS interview despite wearing hijab, we have people like Abdul Sattar Elahi, who runs the world`s largest social welfare organization, and many others….

      Top 5 false information spread here by Jainab:
      1. No muslim women in history – which is totally wrong.
      2. Barak Obama left islam and converted to Christianity- which is again wrong, as barak obama was never raised as muslim, he was raised as christian by his grandmother, his father was kenyan muslim but he hardly lived with his father.
      3. I(mac) support FMG(Female genital mutilation or circumcision) – while fact is that i never supported it nor do i support it now, but if you read the comments of jainab, she said “Dear admin, i think this mr mac is a fruad, he is insisting that
      there is nothing to eat than beef,
      again he is supporting circumcisation,
      in males and females
      4. She said Muslims all over the world are living in Hell, but if you study statistics except Pakistan,Afghanistan and now Iraq,Syria and some other African countries, the standard of Muslims all over the world are much above than Indians.
      5. She said Muslims don`t do any humanitarian work oevrall as when i pointed to a rickshawwala and a man named Abdul Sattar Elahi while the truth is after USA, Saudi Arabia is the 2nd most country which spends money in humanitarian work, and USA is much larger country than Saudi Arabia in terms of land,wealth and gdp, but still after USA it`s saudi arabia.

      Now coming back to what jainab has first addressed in her comment that why me or azad didn`t reply to her wish on independence day, oh man, i hope none of us here are kid anymore, fi,kumar,admin,massey,kartar,shagul,chand-osmani,hina,meher,etc didn`t respond to your indepedent wish wala comment, does that mean they are also anti-national,anti-indian? I know why you targeted me and azad as we have replied to all most all the anti-islamic comments here for which you guys have no reply left, and thus you took another silly issue to point finger on me or azad, otherwise you didn`t you mention them, only guy who replied your your independence day wishing was Akash, a new muslim who converted to islam, where were your gang of patriots like kumar,fi,admin,kartar,shagul,hina,chand-osmani? Now do you have any logical answer?

      Saying that, now since i am here and saw your comment, so here it is `Happy Independence Day` though late from the day usually we do(i.e 15th august was selected by British), as said by akash, and i continue from there that we have not yet attained true independence, it is only when Britishers became weak after 2nd world war and passed a resolution in their British parliament name `Indian independence act`,that india beame so called independent, but many people have fake dream that we fought and got freedom in 15th august 1947, but that i snot true at all, it is British who decided to leave india officially in 13th august and 14th august became independence day for Pakistanis and 15h August became independence day for indians, that`s it.

      Today we need to get independence from corrupt politicians,rapist,hindu fascism/nationalism and many other things…. but these three things are main and top most things that we need to be free off.

      Everyday 1 women are being killed in india for dowry.

      Every day, god knows how many women are being raped, now you can get raped, the criminals should get punishment but in india these rapist,criminals are being protected and they are also elected in Indian parliament to represent the people, number of criminal cases or murder,robbery,rape are pending against approx 250 members of sitting parliament members or MP.

    • mac
      August 23, 2015 2:53 am

      Wish you a 50% “Happy Independence day-2015″………

      Sorry, we can wish only 50%, as we are only 50% independent..Till now we are not economically independent like many developing and under developed country. Till now we are not free to kill our enemies , terrorists as America and China will be angry and till now we fear these so called developed country as they stop economic relation with us. In 2008, In Mumbai, mass killing was done and we have proof against our enemies also, but we can not do any thing as we are not economically independent. Bagat Sing feared before his hang as he knew that after Independence also India would be under so called devolved country and only we would have National flag. Now his assumption is true.. Till now we are begging other countries for investment and we are bound to happy for 3 laths employment in 5 years… Although we have man power, mining, managerial capacity and technology our govt. can not create industries and can not assure “ZERO UNEMPLOYMENT”

      In 1947, British govt..could not manage India due to pressure of second world war and people’s strike at India and allowed us to celebrate with our national flag..But all economic and law and order system was under these so called developed country. Till now we are bound to follow police and court law of 1860 which are made by British and which are so complex that we fear police and court. But we should hope with power of this 50% independence, one day, we can achieve 100% independence and we can hope a day will come when we are free from autonomy of these big privatization for our survival and we can achieve ZERO UNEMPLOYMENT and we can create new police and court law so that a guilty will be punished within 31 days..with CCTV camera in court and police room.
      Samyak Samanata ( https://m.facebook.com/SamyakSamanata )

  • admin
    August 14, 2015 7:08 pm

    You have made an excellent assessment for mac by saying “NAYA NAYA MULLAH ALLAH ALLAH KARE”, very true! Two (or a few) years before he did not cared for any thing and was dating a Hindu, now all of a sudden 180 degree turn.

  • Jainab
    August 14, 2015 11:48 am

    My dear admin,all participant brothers,sisters,I greet all of you for our Independence day,May Allah Tala bless all of us…jainan.15/08/2015.

    • Akash
      August 14, 2015 1:12 pm

      Same to you jainab and to everyone else.

    • August 14, 2015 1:23 pm

      Dear Jainab,

      Yes, greetings to all on this auspicious day!

      It is great that we achieved independence at least half way. There are some people still feel life in the British Raj (some 68 years back) was better than in 2015. We don’t feel that way, no way!

      Lets hope we could achieve the rest of independence from pandits, priests and Mullas, who wishes to put us some 1300 – 5000 years back. Life will be much better when we achieve full independence (also from male-domination).

      We wish for interfaith marriage with equality for all, best wishes.

      • Akash
        August 14, 2015 1:53 pm

        Life in many ways deterioted frm british raj especially women security in india and pakistan is all time low, couple of days ago, i saw pakistan as second worst country for women after yemen, while india ranks 114, (so low), even it is behind frm our neighbour bangladesh which ranked much better at 64th position.
        Also among G20 countries, india ranks lowest for women, even countries like Saudi arabia,south africa ranks above india.
        So surely, india needs to look more at women issues.

        • jainab
          August 16, 2015 6:36 am

          Mr Aakash,you said India needs to do more,what do you mean to say?Do you know what is India? We the citizens make India.Its the duty of boys like you to made us safe,Instead of directing us and guiding us you all should spare time to safeguard our girls in your own surroundings.All Muslim males are ready to teach girls about things to do so or not to do so.You also don’t have any hesitation on blaming moderate girls,government,Hindus,christians etc.But you never want to think about yourself.Instead of quoting holy guidelines for females,why don’t you use these modern channels to discourage such evil persons.You are youngsters and well educated,why you don’t use your calibre against these antisocial,antihuman and antinational elements.You can loudly oppose them,it will also be an honest service to Islam as well as to society and country.In this modern era,a single earning person can not meet family requirements perfectly.All the members of family have to work for prosperous life,and fulfilling needs.we girls are also making our contributions by doing job in various fields.you can see everywhere in every field girls are doing best.So its not only a government duty,but we all have to do as per our ability.On this blog a scholar wrote that Muslim are not needed to work outside,this mentality should must be opposed.Thanks…Jainab.

          • August 16, 2015 4:29 pm

            Excellent, this should be published in Times of India!
            Jainab, as always we have been saying, you are a good writer. You have clear vision and can articulate issues beautifully!

          • mac
            August 22, 2015 11:54 pm

            Jainab boys are not respecting girl and all these as they are not following words of Allah, they are following hinduism and thus creating life hell from women as Hinduism teaches rape of women, molestation of women etc which i have quoted many times here. You are talking about anti-social,anti-women person but yet you support most anti-women, anti social person like Narendra modi who sponsored the mass rape of Gujrati women in 2002.

            In last year, over 1.5 lacs Indian farmers had committed suicide, if islamic laws were followed which prohibits strongly against interest, these lives of Indian farmers wouldn`t have sucked and they would not have committed suicide for this reasons while tiny rich people are out there to celebrate a independence day which really isn`t but it was only an act passed by British parliament after world war II, today most of indians are poor people.

            India which is much prosperous in many aspects than many others countries of the world but yet it is so behind in women condition, from Akash i came to learn that even Bangladesh is way above India in terms of conditions of women, such a shame!

  • mac
    August 13, 2015 6:49 am

    Dear sister Jianab, it seems you have decided to stand against me no matter what I say, when i didn`t reply to people like Rokshar,Kartar,Aaarfa you asked me while i am not replying to them, even in comment you directed towards me saying `mac please reply`, and when i give reply, you say i am `naya mullah kare allah allah`. So from that i have realized what your intentions are , your intention is only to oppose me no matter what i say, but it`s okay, i don`t mind, as i follow islam, not my own ideology.

    Why I am saying this is because when i posted a story from Pakistan about a muslim man doing such great work, you started pulling legs of muslim community again by saying why i only posted his story and blah blah….i posted this story because he is been considered as greatest humanist alive on earth, so a muslim is considered as a greatest humanist alive on earth, his story stands out from others so i posted it, it doesn`t mean he is the only muslim or only human doing selfless works, as mainstream media will never report anything which portrays muslim in good way, even you didn`t know about what Abdul Eddi , you got to know him(mr.eddi) as i posted it here,otherwise you would have never known him, if he was non-muslim, he would have been given Nobel prize so many years ago and almost everyone would have known him, but since he is muslim, so keep him hidden.

    So you want more, here you go, another example:

    Rickshaw puller returns Rs 1.17 lakh found on road

    wow wow why media is saying Rickshaw puller, omg omg media got so rational,accurate now, but incase of terrorist,criminal act, a muslim did this, a muslim terrorist did this, a islamic terrorist carried out this attack etc etc ohohoho….good for media…Btw let us read this Rickshaw wala`s honest did which will eventually shame our dearest sister jianab as she will say why only one rickshaw wala did this, why not all muslim rickshawla did this, so i am ashamed as she said same thing in case of Abdul Sattar eddi, readers can find her that comment in this link http://jpst.it/AXvT

    JAIPUR: Honesty does not depend on a person’s education or status. This can be said after seeing the exemplary work of 26-year-old Mohammed Aabid Qureshi, who gave Rs 1.17 lakh he had found on the road to the police. Aabid only earns Rs 200 to Rs 300 per day by pulling a loading rickshaw in the Walled City. Without any second thought, he was determined to return the money he found unattended near Government Hostel circle on Wednesday evening.

    With the intervention of social activist Sabir Qureshi, Aabid along with his wife Ameena and infant daughter, went to the office of Janga Sriniwas Rao, commissioner of police on Thursday to return the plastic bag containing Rs 1.17 lakh.

    The commissioner applauded the honesty of this man who has never attended school. “This is great work done by this man who is poor in terms of his financial condition but is a rich man in terms of honesty. He has set an example for everyone,” said Rao while appreciating the work done by Aabid.

    Asked if he ever thought of keeping the whole money with him, Aabid said, “Imaandaari sabse badi niyamat hai saab (Honesty is the biggest gift, sir).” He added, “Pak Quran main likha hai jiska imaan hota hai woh jannat ka haqdaar hota hai (It is written in the holy Quran that a person who is honest is entitled to go to heaven).”

    Narrating the incident, Aabid who was a little nervous to find many policemen and journalists looking at him, said, “I earn my livelihood by pulling a loading rickshaw. Around 4 pm on Wednesday, I was returning after delivering some goods at a grocery store when I saw a polybag containing money lying unattended on the road.”

    “I was little scared initially but decided to wait at the Government Hostel circle where I had found the money to return it to its claimant. I stayed back till 10 pm but nobody turned up,” he said.

    After this, Aabid went home and narrated the whole story to his wife Ameena Bano. “I told my husband to return the money to its rightful owner and also found out a way to do this. A teacher in our locality introduced us to social activist Sabir Qureshi,” said Ameena.

    Knowing that Aabid saves every penny for the education and wedding of his daughter, his honesty was also appreciated by policemen at Kotwali police station where he was instructed to deposit the money. “This man has done a commendable job and senior authorities must felicitate him for this work on Independence Day,” said Bhanwar Singh, assistant sub-inspector at the Kotwali police station.

    If you are not satisfied, then here is another example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53a0fwlt8ew&feature=youtu.be where a muslim man risks his life and saves life of others

    Finally i would like to conclude my this comment of one hadith :-

    Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim reported that a man asked the prophet (S.A.W.), “What in Islam is the best?” He (S.A.W.) answered, “To feed people and to say salam to everyone whether you know them or not.”

    SO dear jianab, don`t assume that humanity is above religion, humanity may be above other religion, but islam is above humanity as humanity is within islam, a person cannot be a muslim until he is a good human being. I am not a perfect muslim, i am no where near to being a perfect muslim, that doesn`t mean i give up and start doing more haram, in fact i will try more, i will strive(which is known as Jihad) for perfection.

    Also admin, read above story, Allah doesn`t want rich or poor, black or white, Allah wants good human being, who worshiped only Allah and obeyed Allah`s command and did good deeds with honesty.

    • mac
      August 13, 2015 7:15 am

      Read continuation of the above comment here https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10165&cpage=3#comment-356945

    • jainab
      August 15, 2015 5:40 am

      Hi Mac,asslam,the honest rickshaw puller done a great job.everyone should praise this.Our country is a very big country having a very big population consisting so many communities. Mostly peoples are honest,this is the biggest speciality of Indians.every day so many incidents of humanity occurs,but all are not highlighted.you go to a library,read some local newspapers,definitely you will get such humanitarian works every day.Mr. Mac don’t find proper example,so he only refers small examples.why he don’t quote some big Muslim names,according to our population,who have done works for entire world and should be mentioned in history books.I know he is a good researcher on internet,but memorable persons need not to research,they automatically come in mind,for example our APJ kalam,but i think its only single well in a very big desert.When we go to any other place,either a small town or a big City,we found free staying place,maintained by christians,Sikhs,Hindus,we can get free food all over India,we can get free medicines at so many places,but not a single Muslim trust is involved in such human welfare activities.Yes Muslims offers food in mosque somewhere,but it is for only nonveg eaters,thus purpose of donation doesn’t mean.Fifteen crores indian muslin don’t have fifteen hundred names who can be remembered.Every ordinary citizen know it very well,giving comments from taking information from internet,does not fulfill my hunger of muslin proud.By quoting other communities,unnecessary interfere in others concern doesn’t make my community great.thats all….Thanks…Jainab

      • mac
        August 23, 2015 2:32 am

        hahahaha what a reply from most brilliant girl on earth i.e jainab.

        I dis-agree with you, most of indians are dis-honest, only few are honest and that is the reason why life of indians are hell on earth, every day murder,robbery,rape,dowry,female infanticide and the list goes on.

        When i pointed to a muslim rickshaw puller, you diverted it to indians, ofcourse he is Indian, but then when a criminal whose religion is islam, why don`t you say an indians did this criminal act, but instead you people say a mulla did this criminal act and thus all mullas are criminal, don`t forget, this is what you said when you came to this site that your friends in work whenever a crime take place, they say “jaroor sala kai mulla hoga”, now why don`t your so good hindu friends just move on by saying a criminal did this, he must be punished, why they bring religion??? Do you know why i drag these examples, i drag these to expose people like you and your friends who are hateful towards Muslims and only want to demonise muslim in one way or other.

        Instead of telling me these, why don`t you say same things to your hindu friends, no you will not say as you don`t have guts to say and thus cry on internet.

        You said ///Mr. Mac don’t find proper example,so he only refers small examples.why he don’t quote some big Muslim names,according to our population,who have done works for entire world and should be mentioned in history books.I know he is a good researcher on internet,but memorable persons need not to research,they automatically come in mind,for example our APJ kalam,but i think its only single well in a very big desert.////

        Listen, you exposed you mentality again, this rickshaw puller is not a improper example of humanity, it is the most proper example of humanity and it is no a small example, humanitarian examples are not small or big, they are just great works, hello jainab, the more you write here, the more you expose your backward mentality. Our APJ abdul kalam did nothing for humanity or world, he only helped india, in worse situation, his made weapons will be used only to kill thousands of innocent human beings…just because the name of abdul kalam circulates in your hindu friend circles doesn`t mean abdul kalam is icon of whole world, what abdul kalam did in india was done in foreign countries 100 years ago… By saying this, i doesn`t mean i am against kalam , my reply was to jainab`s above remark, i clerified it here because some people misinterpret my writings as they don`t have brains to interpret my writings in proper way as their brains are filled with hate and lies. And btw can you name any hindu which is equivalent to Kalam? Does any name came in your mind, the answer is no, then what is the point in raising such question?

        Do you know from Soap,tooth brush to most modest dress you wore, from coffee to typing on internet, all have muslim minds behind, i hate to say this as it is communalising achievements of humans but you forced me to do so, when you go to coffe cafee, does the onwer tell you who first made coffee, actually there is no need to mention …now you learn it was made first by muslim and then they taught it to Europeans, even when you write numbers from 1-9, do you think these are english numbers, yes you do as you are uneducated, but these are known as Arab numerals, arab muslims came to sindh/Hind and learnt number system, then they improved it as passed it to Europeans, do you know where from the word chemistry came, the father of modern chemistry is Antoine Lavoisier while the father of chemistry(early) is still considered to be a muslim whose name was Zabir Ibn Hayyan but you don`t know as biased school books don`t teach this as they hide achievements of Muslims and thus create people like you, and to create people like you, they hide achievements of Muslims. Father of Pediatrics is still considered to be muslim whose name was Mohammed Ibn Zakaria, btw since you don`t know what is Pediatrics, now let me educate you, it Pediatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of Infants,Babies and adolescent, the father of Modern surgery is also a muslim whose name was abu-al-qasim-zawahari, but you only know name of one zawahari who is leader of al-quida because this is the only time when media talks about muslim i.e. terrorism. Father of experimental physics is also considered to be muslim whose name was Alhazen, who is also considered to be father of optics also, the most important branch of mathematics is Algebra, the father of algebra is also a muslim whose name was Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi , similarly father of anthropology,demography,sociology,historiography are all muslims, father of early economics was also a muslim whose name was Ibn Khaldun
        How come father of early physics,chemistry,economics,etc are all muslims and you say only one in very big desert, Abdul Kalam is nothing compared to them, Abdul Kalam only used what were discovered/invented by those early age scientist, saying this i doesn`t mean only Muslims did all these things, there are plenty of Christians who also contributed hugely in the fields of science, Hindus,Jews and others also, but school books only teach about achievements of non-muslim, only time they speak about Muslims when a muslim is involve in terrorist activities and ironically only time they talk about terrorism is when a muslim is involved in it, when non-Muslims are involved in terrorism, they don`t talk about terrorism like in central African republic, christian terrorists are slaughtering non-Christians,Muslims,etc from so many years but never you will never find in mainstream media and news of boko-haram always makes the news, why double standard?
        Muslims helped in founding glass,soaps,perfumes,resins,oils,paints,sugar,gun powder,scales,paper(although paper making originated in China, but those papers were not any where near to the paper today we know, it was muslim who improved it and used it and transferred it to Europeans during 12th century),maps,gobles,etc etc , without these inventions our life would have been hollow and you say what muslim contributed to this world.

        You said ///When we go to any other place,either a small town or a big City,we found free staying place,maintained by christians,Sikhs,Hindus,we can get free food all over India,we can get free medicines at so many places,but not a single Muslim trust is involved in such human welfare activities.Yes Muslims offers food in mosque somewhere,but it is for only nonveg eaters,thus purpose of donation doesn’t mean.Fifteen crores indian muslin don’t have fifteen hundred names who can be remembered.Every ordinary citizen know it very well,giving comments from taking information from internet,does not fulfill my hunger of muslin proud.By quoting other communities,unnecessary interfere in others concern doesn’t make my community great.thats all….Thanks…Jainab///

        Ok, so you found free staying lodge founded by non-muslims, oh what a joke, please can you name one such lodge which allows people to live at free of cost? first time i heard this.

        LOL you can get free food all over india, and still most of hungry people live in india, even more hungry people lie in india than entire africa, if so many free food providing centers, why so many hungry people in india, i don`t have any knowledge regarding these as alhamdulillah i never required to eat free food, i thank to allah for providing me food, so i don`t know whether muslim trust are involved in this or not as i was never required to knock doors of such trust and i hope Allah never forces me to do so, now you said mashjid`s only offer non-veg food, now so what, mashjids are not fools like mandirs who only offers food to non-dalit people and kick dalits out of mandirs while dailts are most poor people in india also i will say mandirs don`t provide non-veg food, so what is the point, beside mandirs and ashrams provide free accommodation and in many times they take sexual satisfaction in reply like in many cases i see white girls from western girls being raped in mandirs and thus demolishing the image of india.

        //Fifteen crores indian muslin don’t have fifteen hundred names who can be remembered///
        So can you tell me not ten thousand but only fifteen hundred hindu names who can be remembered?

        And beside Muslims don`t need charity organization, every muslim house is a hub of charity, every able muslim gives more than what others give as charity as we have zakat, in UK Muslims are minority but they top the list in terms of charity, i remember few years ago, a hindu from other place came here in our district for govt. job and he took shelter in our house with his wife, i remember when i went to their room to offer them meal, i found both husband and wife were sleeping pointing their legs towards west, you know muslim don`t point their legs towards west as it is in the same direction we pray, but they did it living in a muslim house, but we didn`t say anything to them as they were Hindus and thus our rules donont apply on them, and you guys and admin talks about tolerance of muslim, will i get a plate of beef in a hindu home? Most of tolerance if Hindus is in mouth, not in practice, that`s a fact.

        • dr. shameena shaikh
          August 24, 2015 1:56 am

          Well said mac, very well articulated though i do not agree with all what you said above.

  • Azad
    August 11, 2015 1:14 pm


    Ur hate for Islam is clear from ur fabricated cooked up story from hate sites. Well, we Muslims nvr run but reply. Today Also I will reply.


    “Hatred and ignorance forces people not to analyse things. Prophet Muhammad SAW first married a 40 years old widow(Khadija RA) who already had 3 kids from her previous marriage,when he was only 25 years old. That too proposed by Khadija RA. Why a sex hungry man will marry at 25 years, that too a widow? Why not he married at 14 at that time when people used to marry when they got puberty? They both lived with full of love for 25 years till he reached 50 years, till Khadija RA died at 65. He loved his first wife Khadija so much that he lamented for her loss for 2 years. Why he had to live without wife for 2 years if he was so sex hungry man? Why he had only one old woman as wife for 25 years when people used to have unlimited wives? He didnt marry any other women till he reached 52 years. After that he had to marry other women from 52 to 60 years old to bring friendship and end enmity between different tribes. Ayesha RA was the only virgin among his wives. All were widows or whose husband already died, who were given dignity of being a wife in the society where widows were harrassed and mocked. He gave a lesson to the deep rooted male dominated Arab tribe that women should be given dignity and respected. He put an end to burrying female child alive in Arab society. Ayesha RA’s age was also not clear, some says 6 years, some 9 and some 15 and some other says 16 years. Nothing is confirmed. These were reported from hadith, which are narrated by humans but not from Quran. Furthermore, while her exact date of birth is unknown , she was married in 622 n it is a matter of incontrovertible historical record that Aisha was involved in the Battles of Badr in 624 and Uhud in 625, in neither of which was anyone under the age of 15 allowed, means she was a matured woman for marriage at that desert era.


    Considering that she was married at 6 years old FOR THE SAKE OF ARGUMENT , don’t ignore the fact that her father proposed for her but prophet PBUH “refused”. Her father proposed again with her consent and prophet agreed and “engaged” but they consummated only when she reached matured age after some years. Also note that She WAS ALREADY Engaged TO a NON-Muslim MAN named Jober Ibn Al-Moteam Ibn Oday before prophet but it dint work. No one was against her first engagement becoz she was physically big n tell enough for marriage.


    She conceived Jesus at 12 according to “Oxford Dictionar Bible”. Mary was already “BETHROED” to Joseph. When she was first arranged to Joseph, he was 36 n she was 7-8.


    Moreover, in Hinduism “Bal var Balilka vadhu” is still true in 21st century – girls with 6-7 years old are married in Hindu culture, even married to dogs, monkeys, trees. India’s national Icon Rani Laxmi Bai was married to 41 years old man Gangadhar Rao as Manu wen she was only 9. Will u call Hindus n Hinduism peadophiles ?

    French princess were married at 7-9. Even today there are different states in US where girls’s minimum age for marriage are 13,14,15. U can’t compare today’s modern IPad, laptop, Facebook, Nuclear Technology, Missiles and reaching Mars age to that of desert age where camels were used as travel means. In 21st century, not desert days, Youngest mother in UK is 11 years old unmarried girl. Google brothers. Moreover, Ayesha RA was God chosen to be close to Prophet Muhammad so that she can continue spread true Islam by learning from Muhammad SAW. Ultimately, she was a renowned Islamic scholar for 40 years after prophet Muhmmad’s death and spread Islamic message. No women Islamic scholar as learned as her is born till now. Many Hadiths were reported by Ayesha RA. 1.5 billion Muslims n human society will conitnue to learn from her reported Islamic message till the end of this world. Note that Muhammd is the most respectful, renowned, truthful human being on this earth and will be till the end of this world. Its easy to speak and spread lie but lose self esteem, morality and earn God’s wrath. Let’s learn to respect each other. ”

    Islam is the only relgion which limits the number of wife to 4, any other relgions allows 100, 1000, 10k, 10 million…. And in Quran verses to allow 4 wives came after the war of Uhud when many men killed and left women widows/unmarried and problem created in society, then verses came to protect the dignity of women. Tell me which religion limits number of wives? Islam is the only religion which says marry only 1 if not 2, if not 3 if not 4 then no more, that too with conditions to help poor women/helpless woman,give dingity to them, treat equally among them.

    Regardless on where the dust settles on Ayesha’s age at the time of her marriage and consummation, Muslims have a strong consensus against child marriage. Quran 4:6 refers to ‘marriageable age’ with Quran 24:59 establishing puberty as the dividing line between child/adult and Quran 4:19 establishing that marriage can not occur against a woman’s will. As previously mentioned, every Muslim nation has an established marriageable age of 15 or higher as in different states in US.

    CONCLUSION: If prophet Muhammad PBUH was paedophile, then Ayesha’s parents, entire Arabs of the time, Jesus’s mother – small girl Mary in whose vagina Jesus was born, entire South American, African, Indian Hindu tribes where child marriage is custom, entire non-Muslim as Ayesha was already engaged to a non-Muslim man, are all peadophiles.

    For details historical facts to find married age of Ayesha (RA) :



    How irrational!!

    For those who always mock at Muhammad’s(PBUH) marriage to Ayesh RA during the time of desert when camel was used for travelling instead of Aeroplanes, when it was norm for the Arab tribe to get married early, 1400 years back.
    See today, when we reach moon, use ipad, iphone, facebook:


    • August 11, 2015 7:20 pm

      Hi Azad,
      this is great info and we will make a post of it. Can you explain why Muhammad did not adapted Ayesha as his daughter? Is 6 with 54 not a big gap? Can you imagine 6/54 couple in your neighborhood?

      • Azad
        August 11, 2015 9:13 pm

        Dear Admin,

        U missed something, kindly re-read again.
        I said:

        “Ayesha RA was God chosen to be close to Prophet Muhammad so that she can continue spread true Islam by learning from Muhammad SAW. Ultimately, she was a renowned Islamic scholar for 40 years after prophet Muhmmad’s death and spread Islamic message. No women Islamic scholar as learned as her is born till now. Many Hadiths were reported by Ayesha RA. 1.5 billion Muslims n human society will conitnue to learn from her reported Islamic message till the end of this world.”

        Adoption can not bring the necessary closeness to teach everything to Ayesha RA, which in turn she further conveyed the message to humanity. Say for example – sexual etiquettes. Becoz Islam is very different from any religion. It teaches rules n regulation n etiquettes for every single thing in life – from morning to evening, evening to night, night to morning- even including etiquette to go toilet, to bath, to eat, to talk… Everything that she had to learn closely as a wife.

        • August 11, 2015 10:18 pm

          This days and age, 6/54 is difficult to believe. Why Allah did not give Muhammad 45 years old Ayesha? Why Allah did not give Muhammad 150 years of life? Why Allah is not removing all Shias in one second? Why Allah has given birth to 1 billion Hindus? In general, why Muslims are poorer compared to Jews and Christians in most countries (and poorer compared to Hindus in India), where is Allah now?

          • Mohammed
            August 13, 2015 12:32 am

            Dear admin,

            Read once more about his comment. . .we have discussed earlier about this topic too…You are understand wrongly about prophet muhammed(p.b.u.h)..
            if u say he is a phedophile then why he marry hazrat khatija(p.b.u.h) his 1st marrage at the age of 25 with 40 yr old and that too 2 times divorce women.. and untill hazrat khatija(p.b.u.h) a live he didnt marry another women.. why muhammed(p.b.u.h) marries mostly widows women

            Allah says in the Quran in surah ahzab chapter 33 v 52
            “Not lawful to you, O Muhammad, are any additional women after this, nor is it for you to exchange them for other wives, even if their beauty were to please you, except what your right hand possesses. And ever is Allah , over all things, an Observer.”

            . . in these days no one is marriying widow women.. u can find some were that too one divorce. .
            You have a logical brain and educated too…

            now come to ur question
            //Why Allah is not removing all Shias in one second? Why Allah has given birth to 1 billion Hindus? //

            Allah says in the Quran in surah mulk chapter 67 v 2
            ” he who created death and life to test you as to which of you is best in deed – and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving”

            but final test will in the day of Akhira..i.e, judgement day…Allah test to the human beings not only to muslims but all over the world. .
            we humans are in these world to test us. .

            If Allah wants he can make muslims .. but there doesnt have any test

            //In general, why Muslims are poorercompared to Jews and Christians in most countries (and poorer compared to Hindus in India), where is Allah now?//

            Allah say in surah hujurat
            chapter 49 v 13
            ” O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the mostnoble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.”

            Allah doesnt want any rich person nor poor person. . nor white nor black. .
            in near to him who has taqwa or righteos people

          • August 13, 2015 1:06 am

            Dear admin,hi, i think you dont know that all the childrens of prophet mohammad dyed in early ages,when they died prophet was always busy in battles and beheading kafirs,now the question is this if prophet was almighty why all of his children died before his own death? secondly mr azad says about girls age of marriage is 11 in several countries,it means there is no difference between age of six and eleven,what a answer,girls body changes in 3 years ,may he have noticed or not i cant say. he is trying to overlap and glorify a sin,instead of shame he is putting unreal,and unpractical examples. every one can see a girl aged six years so innocent, and cute,only a ugly minded person can think marrying a child girl,such persons should must be punished,the matter should be taken to international court of justice.if my writtings hurt somone.ifeel sorry,but this is truth said by youself. mehar

            one more thing are you or any other muslim is ready to marry his six year old girl to a 54 year old man?its a very simple question.

            Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10385

          • Azad
            August 13, 2015 5:07 am

            Dear admin,hi, i think you dont know that all the childrens of prophet mohammad dyed in early ages,when they died prophet was always busy in battles and beheading kafirs,now the question is this if prophet was almighty why all of his children died before his own death? secondly mr azad says about girls age of marriage is 11 in several countries,it means there is no difference between age of six and eleven,what a answer,girls body changes in 3 years ,may he have noticed or not i cant say. he is trying to overlap and glorify a sin,instead of shame he is putting unreal,and unpractical examples. every one can see a girl aged six years so innocent, and cute,only a ugly minded person can think marrying a child girl,such persons should must be punished,the matter should be taken to international court of justice.if my writtings hurt somone.ifeel sorry,but this is truth said by youself. mehar

            one more thing are you or any other muslim is ready to marry his six year old girl to a 54 year old man?its a very simple question.


            Dear mehar,

            Lets do healthy debate, keeping aside hate far from discussion. And I also prefer educated, intellectual way of discussion, perhaps with with historical evidence in “context of the time” and evidence from doctrines. I think u know very well what does “in context of the history/time” means.

            It means u have to go back to that history not mix with today’s facebook/internet/Aeroplanes/Missile time to that camel time 1400 years back. Do u know how many generations 1400 years means? That I explained very well in my original post but Alas!!! Any intellectual person will not raise further question after my clear explanation but Alas!!

            Coming back to ur questions:

            //i think you dont know that all the childrens of prophet mohammad dyed in early ages, when they died prophet was always busy in battles and beheading kafirs//

            Life & Death is in hand of God, what’s ur point? 110 millions Indians died due to Bengal famine during British time, some millions died due to world war 1 & 2, Holocaust.. so?

            CAN U PLS REPLY Why MUHAMMAD(saw) HAD TO LEAVE HIS OWN BIRTH PLACE MEKKA AND SHIFT TO Medinah? Who started first? He & his followers had to leave his own place/property/wealth/houses/birth place to avoid blood bath when he and his followers were massacred and tortured?

            Its from Wiki, so that u may be convinced:

            By 615 C.E, five years after Muhammad’s declaration of prophethood, persecution of followers of the new faith came to an active phase when the most steadfast members of the young community,[2] such as the African slave Bilal, were subjected to torture and the local leaders proclaimed a ban of trade with the Muslims, prohibiting citizens of Mecca from providing food and medicine to members of the new movement. These were followed by the murder of Sumayyah by a Meccan tribal chief Abu Jahl and others.[1][7]

            “The Makhzum clan used to take out Ammar ibn Yasir with his father and mother, who were Muslims, in the heat of the day and expose them to the heat of Mecca, and the Apostle passed by them and said, so I have heard, ′Patience, O family of Yasir! Your meeting-place will be Paradise.’ They killed his mother, for she refused to abandon Islam.”[8] The date assigned to Sumayyah’s death is c. 615.


            WHY U IGNORE IT? She was killed by “inserting spears in her vagina” but till last moment she denied to abondon Islam but preferred to die. U know why she was killed ? Just for following Islam.

            Muhammad SAW was stonned by people of Taib, blood filled his shoes, mocked, insulted but still he fogave them when even Allah sent angel Jibril to crush them & punish within mountains. But u know what? Prophet denied punishment but not only FORGAVE but Prayed for them.

            What will u do in this circumstances?

            Leaving Mecca was not not enough, his enemy followed till Medinah and attacked time and again, a time came when Verses of Quran revealed to fight for dignity & right.. which I explained below..

            //now the question is this if prophet was almighty why all of his children died before his own death?//

            I never expected such ignorant question, not only ignorannce but hate supercedes knowledge.
            Islam doesnt allow worshipping human or any “creation” but WORSHIP ONLY ONE “UNSEEN CREATOR”

            So, Muhammad SAW was not Almighty but a noble human, an orphan, who was called Al-Amin (Trustworthy) even by his enemy. U can find his haters, killers at his time but will not find even a hater who said Muhammad was liar. He was made Prophet after 40 years of his age after living a normal life as normal human, after people around him was convinced that he was Al-Amin (A trustworthy person who never lies in life). U know what? Once Muhammad stood on the hill and called everyone and asked, “If I say there is enemy on the ther side of mountain, will u believe?”, All shouted, “why not? U never lie in ur life, we will trust u without an iota of doubt.”

            But when he said I am prophet of Allah, what u worship idol, stone are not God, then his own uncle threw stone at him and bleeding from his head. This is the power blind faith, Trustworthy person became enemy within moments truth about God was spoken.

            Moreover, its not Muhammad who recognised himself as a prophet for the first time, but a non-Muslim Khadija his own wife, she recognised and told him that “U are prophet of God”. She accepted Islam for the first time before anyone without even being asked her to convert.

            //secondly mr azad says about girls age of marriage is 11 in several countries,it means there is no difference between age of six and eleven,what a answer,girls body changes in 3 years ,may he have noticed or not i cant say.//

            Its the problem of pick and choose, read again in my original post about historical findings and analysis of her age. For sake of argument considering, he married at 6 but never lived together, but many variations of narrations says they consumated at 9, some says at 11 and some at 15. So, nowhere it says they lived together at 6.

            //only a ugly minded person can think marrying a child girl,such persons should must be punished,the matter should be taken to international court of justice.//

            I covered this also in my orginal post. But Alas!!

            yes, in that case, 1) take all those arabs and non-Muslim man with who Ayesha (RA) was engaged “BEFORE” prophet Muhammad. 2) For that u have to bring them from 1400 years back to today in 21st centruy’s International Court of Justice.

            Go ahead but first that non-Muslim men and all other Arabs which followed this norm & culture.. then dont forget to take all 1 billion Hindus who followed and still millions following Bal Vivah (child marriage).

            KINDLY INCLUDE LORD RAM ALSO who married Sita at 5 years of her age and left to Ravan at 14 years of age. Will u question Lord Ram ji ?

            “THERE IS NOTHING ILLOGICAL MORE THAN COMPARING TODAY & 1400 YEARS BACK” – I see Two reasons – Hatred (becoz they attack only Muhammad but not all Arab & non-Arab traditions) and ignorance.

            I expect healthy post next time and after reading clearly my post, becoz I hate to repeat like parrot.

            No hard feeling Mehar 🙂

          • Azad
            August 13, 2015 5:35 am

            Dear Admin,

            There are 450 million illeterate, homeless Hindus as compared to 35 million poor Muslims. U will find Arab people shit in Golden toilet (really search, if u dont find let me show) and hire Indian MBAs as their servants. Christians in Romania, Ukrane, Nigeria live with difficulty.

            Well, its nothing to do with poverty, I just replied to make u understand.

            Conclusive answer is here:

            “We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient” Quran: 2-155

            For us, faith is not when we are wealthy and rich but when we suffer and still have faith & still thanks Creator.

          • Azad
            August 13, 2015 9:02 am

            Dear meher/Aarfa,

            why so much abuse n spreading hate? Find truth from right source not wat criminals do or hate media propagates.

            Don’t feed ur mind with hate propaganda n due to acts of few bad apple.

            A Muslim can NOT be good Muslim without being good human. Do not contradict humanity with Islam. Who will u blame if ur new car had accident n killed on road? Driver or ur new car? Same is the case, blame bad Muslim, blame me who can’t follow true teaching of Islam but not Islam.

            ISLAM VS HUMANITY:

            1) “People are of two types: they are either your brothers in faith or your brothers in humanity.” – Hazrat Ali ibn Abu Talib

            2) “Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to the mankind.” – Prophet Muhammad

            Source: Sahih Bukhari 6941, Sahih Muslim 2319

            3)Islam and true Muslims whole heartedly condemn killing of any innocents:

            “If any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew the whole mankind: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole mankind. The Noble Quran, 5:32)”

            Even during “legal” war with combatants, Islam says don’t transgress when u deal with enemy, protect them if u capture, feed them as u feed urself, clothe them as u clothe urself. Jihad is for self protection but not to transgress. While Many peaceful conduct n rules of war are missing , still I’m showing this BBC link not some Islamic link:



            Can u wrongly apply war field verses(many such verses in Bible) during normal life on innocents?

            If u talk abt legal war verses, then its like this. Does Commander of any army ask the fighters to bow down enemy in the war field or encourage them to kill? I am asking in today’s world. If its so, World War -1 & 2 and many other political war might not have been happend. Point is do not mix versese of war field and that of common and general/normal life.


            4) Allah says: “Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error…” [Sûrah al-Baqarah: 256]

            5) In the year after Muhammad’s death in 632, his close friend and successor Abu Bakr, the first Caliph, compiled the Qur’an’s and the prophet’s guidance on the conduct of war into a code that has served ever since as the basis of Islamic thinking on the conduct of battle. In a celebrated address to his warriors, Abu Bakr proclaimed:

            “Do not act treacherously; do not act disloyally; do not act neglectfully. Do not mutilate; do not kill little children or old men, or women; do not cut off the heads off the palm-trees or burn them; do not cut down the fruit trees; do not slaughter a sheep or a cow or a camel, except for food. You will pass by people who devote their lives in cloisters; leave them and their devotions alone. You will come upon people who bring you platters in which are various sorts of food; if you eat any of it, mention the name of God over it.”

            Means fight with those WHO FIGHT NOT with those who DO NOT FIGHT but still DO NOT TRANSGRESS LIMIT when you fight WITH THOSE WHO FIGHT AGAINST YOU.





            7) Hear from NON-MUSLIM Intellectuals (not hater) abt the compassion of Muhammad PBUH :


          • August 16, 2015 5:34 pm

            Azad, apparently you are not a scientist by saying “450 million illeterate, homeless Hindus as compared to 35 million”. For any comparison, you have to have unbias two sets of data. Tell us if Muslims in India are richer than Hindus in India? Tell us if in this world, Jews are more educated and rich compared to Muslims? Tell us which continent is burning today, one with most Muslims or least number of Muslims?

          • mac
            August 19, 2015 1:44 am

            Azad brother rightly said that some people are ignorant about the term `context` and what does it mean, not just the word ` context` but they are don`t know the meaning of many words like ignorant,hypocrisy,terrorism,freedom,justice,etc,etc and that is why they reply you in unusual way reflecting the fact that they didn`t understand your previous comment.

            Meaning of the word context
            the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood.

          • mac
            August 19, 2015 1:56 am

            To Admin:

            You only take sample according to your own wish, you only want to concentrate on poverty in the population of only India, you want to know whether Muslims are richer than Hindus in India or not? If i pose same questions about Pakistani or Bangladeshi Hindus, you will say Muslims are oppressing Hindus and thus Pakistani,Bangladeshi Hindus are poor while incase of india, you trying to put blame on Muslims for being poor. So it`s again the same situation ` Heads I win tail you lose`

            While in terms of education, you jump to Jews and Muslims. Yes Jews are more educated in todays world than Muslims and Jews have bombed more schools where muslim students were reading than Muslims, Jews have bombed hospitals, UN schools, they have killed more muslim scientists than anyone else..oops education!

            //Tell us which continent is burning today, one with most Muslims or least number of Muslims?//

            The one with more number of natural wealth which forms the basis of modern day currency and thus so called civilized,powerful world have bombed and killed millions of Muslims in those countries which donot listen to powerful countries like USA,Uk,France and replaced govt of those countries with their puppet govt and terrorist org like ISIS,ISrael,etc, yes israel is a terrorist NATION while isis is only a terrorist ORGANISATION, difference is one is NATION and another is ORGANISATION

  • August 10, 2015 11:37 am

    Dr shaik

    Even i am suffering from same problem. My gf is a Muslim and i have no idea what’s gonna happen in future. I love her more than anyone.

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10332

    • dr. shameena shaikh
      August 20, 2015 3:26 am

      dear kumar-s,
      i think it is our fault that we fall in love with someone with whom marriage is forbidden in islam, i did search whether what people like mac and ahmed noor said and found that they are true, it is actually islam that is against such marriage, earlier i thought it was only our parents who are againt my marriage because of society, but now i cam to know it is islam which is actually aginst our marriage, such marriages are considered as haram and zina in the eyes of allah, since i believe in islam, it means now i cannot marry him if he do not convert to islam, and i cannot ask him to change his religion as he never asked me to leave islam and become hindu for him, he always assured me that he will respect my faith, now i don`t know what to do, never ever thought oneday religion will become an issue……….

      • August 23, 2015 8:38 pm

        Dump that Hindu and marry to a “true” Muslim (if you could find one!).

        You have choice of following Humanity (love and respect all) or Muhammad. It’s your choice.

  • dr. shaikh
    August 10, 2015 3:50 am

    dear jainab what you mean by middle path, please explian me,are you marrying him? i am in very difficult situation, i need immediate help.

    • August 11, 2015 7:14 am

      A great question, we are wondering too!
      We learned that there is 100% or 0%, there cannot be a middle path, unless you are a bollywood celebrities like SRK and Saif Ali.

  • dr. shaikh
    August 10, 2015 3:43 am

    jainab, it was very inspiring reading your life story, i am in your same situation, my lover is also a hindu guy, we met each othr during our medical studies and now we want to tie knot forever, but problem is our religion, for me love is the biggest religion but they say a muslim girl cannot marry a hindu man, i want to know why. if a muslim man can marry hindu girls then why only restrictions on us muslim girls, we are educated and we should we allowed to choose our life partner, but only muslim men are given such freedom. I am a proud muslim girl and i believe in islam, but i respect all other religion too, for be being human is the greatest religion, just because he is hindu, i cannot marry him, i don`t understand this rule.

  • mac
    August 9, 2015 6:43 am

    Sister Jainab you once said Muslims are evil, always related with bloodshed, now what is this ?

    He is the owner Worlds largest Ambulance service.
    You may not be able to count his money in a single day but he doesn’t spend more than 2$ daily on food he eats and his small family because he donates his entire income to poor,sick and orphans.

    His name is Abdul Sattar Edhi and he doesn’t value this world and this life like other rich people. As he says “Every Muslim should live for others and shall value peace over money and war and politics.” “No religion is higher than humanity”
    “People have become educated but have not become human”

    If an aged man like him can work for such noble act, why can’t You?

    He is the founder and head of the Edhi Foundation, the largest non-profit social welfare organisation in world.

    Together with his wife, Bilquis Edhi, he received the 1986 Ramon Magsaysay Award for Public Service. He is also the recipient of the Lenin Peace Prize and the Balzan Prize. In 2006, Institute of Business Administration Pakistan conferred an honoris causa degree of Doctor of Social Service Management for his services. In 2010 Edhi was awarded Ahmadiyya Muslim Peace Prize.[3][4][5] In September 2010, Edhi was also awarded an honorary degree of Doctorate by the University of Bedfordshire.[6] In 1985 Edhi received the Nishan-e-Imtiaz from the Government of Pakistan.[7] On 1 January 2014, Edhi was voted Person of the year 2013 by the readers of The Express Tribune.[8]

    Abdul Sattar Edhi has been running the Edhi Foundation in Pakistan for the better part of six decades. The foundation owns the world’s largest ambulance service, and operates free nursing homes, orphanages, clinics, women’s shelters, food kitchens, and rehabilitation centers for drug addicts and mentally ill individuals all across the country.

    Edhi has remained a simple and humble man. To this day, he owns two pairs of clothes, has never taken a salary from his organisation and lives in a small two bedroom apartment over his clinic in Karachi.[9][10] He has been recommended for a Nobel Peace prize by the Prime Minister of Pakistan. On 25 June 2013 Edhi’s kidneys failed and it was announced that he will be on dialysis for the rest of his life, unless he finds a kidney donor.[11] The Guardian called him ‘a legendary charity worker known for his asceticism’.[12] He has been called the greatest living humanitarian in the world. [1]

    • dr. shaikh
      August 10, 2015 3:52 am

      very inspiring story, thanks mac for sharing this story, every muslim must be like abdul sattar, but mac i don`t understand why you are against muslim girl marrying hindu men?

      my lover respect me as a muslim, he never told me change my faith, and i don`t want him to change his religion just for me. All religion are same and teach same thing, i believe every religion ends to same loving god, then why so much fight about religion. i just want to marry him

      • fi
        August 10, 2015 4:51 am

        Dear Dr. Shaikh

        It is not Mac who is against a Hindu Boy marrying a Muslim Girl, it is your Religion, which considers all others as Kafirs and should not have any right to live in this world. Basically, Hindu Religion is the Only religion in the World which have shown paths to many in earlier times, and most of the Religions of this World have been evolved from it. If you go through the web site of Stephen Knapp you can learn. But Islam is actually not a religion but a Religious Cult, in disguise of a Religion. That’s why they are not open to accepting any rules which are contrary to them. When a Muslim Guy marries a Hindu Women, she must convert, again when a Hindu Guy marries a Muslim Women he must Convert. Do you think it is Fair?….and do you think in this way this go forever?….Do you think God is only for Muslims?….In this 21st Century also people are so backwards in their thought process….When a Hindu marries a Christian No Problem, when a Sikh marries a Hindu No prob…When a Muslim marries a Hindu…Big Prob…..that means who is wrong?….

      • August 11, 2015 6:20 am

        Dear Dr. Sheikh,asslam,Thanks for sharing with me,I think you are also in a position similar to me.But iam not a scholar of Islam.My fault is this that i love a Hindu guy from depth of my heart.I was born in a Muslim family,and i spent a very good time with a Hindu family.thus i have experienced both religions,I know about practical life of both community.In my opinion love wants your full dedication,in lieu of that a girl like me,only want a peaceful,graceful life full of joys.its not a barter system of give and take.when a girl dedicates her everything to a particular person,then there is no space for if and but.as far as religion is concerned i think its not a big matter,if we want to worship Allah,nobody can object,its our life,no one can decide our way.hence i have no parents,but my observation is this that in our community,we have so many brothers and sisters,that if one child dies,parents don’t bother so much.As far as holy Quran is concerned,nobody can follow 100%.People like mac say it a zina and haram relation,it may be,after death if i will go to fire of hell,i am ok,it is better to live in this life,happily instead of thinking about paradise with 72 Virgin girls,My paradise is on this earth with my b/f.I don’t want to think about after death.Their are billions of Muslim boys who are doing antii Islamic works,nobody condemn them,but when a matter related to Muslim women comes,every one start teaching and planning to punish her.everywhere is double standards for women,That’s why i did not compromised,I have decided to select my way of living myself.As i am not very much educated,can’t suggest you properly,but if one can see my heart,there is only my would be,and i can sacrifice my whole life for him,that’s all…Best of luck…Jainab

        Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10328

        • Fi
          August 11, 2015 10:52 pm

          Dear Mac…..Demand..demand…demand…the only thing you ppl know…you have cut the right hand, left hand, took a portion of head and still demanding lands of India….???. Crying like a baby? That’s why no body likes you PPL.Everywhere you PPL are treated as Terrorists, Projected as Crooked fellows. In Europe, America, India everywhere. Creating all sorts of nuances, & terror, treating Women & Kids like slaves, Polluter of Righteousness.Whenever a girl from your community wants to marry a Hindu/others you kill both of them, and still saying it is a “Peaceful Religion” …making mockery of Peace…Always talk loud about Religion with hollow knowledge blowing your own trumpet….Mongrels…You PPL need to be PUNISHED severely BY GOD….Days are not very far….(Bhavisya Puran)…

          • Mohammed
            August 12, 2015 4:28 am

            Dear fi,

            Actually..u didnt have any thing to say about islam thats y u r mocking unneccessary statements here. .
            he he he 😀

          • mac
            August 12, 2015 5:22 am

            yes muhammad bhai, this fi is empty brain, first he thought he will fool here with his conspiracy theories like Ramadan has Ram and etc etc and then got butt hurt reply and literally could`nt argue anymore, actually this is what he has been doing since he joined this site, starting a new topic and then running away from it, here also he started a topic that islam teaches to kill all kafirs and then i refuted him citing all the reference from islam itself, also i quoted sayings of prophet muhammad on non-muslim, and then instead of replying on that topic, he started crying it if you want to preach islam, then goto bangladesh or Pakistan, it is he who is telling Muslims to live their land, i have never advocated Hindus to leave their land, so since he is telling muslim to leave their land, on what right he is telling this, so he cited partition, and that is why I posted this
            in front of him, click here and see the truth about partition and what land muslim got and what land Hindus got,i asked him if you are telling Muslims to live separately, then give muslim their due land, we will leave, else don`t shout, we are not telling you to leave, its you who is telling us to leave and then when asked for proof,evidence,logic,reasoning you run away like COWard, he shows excuse that you have to either leave india or you have to bear anti-islamic talk, now that is his intolerance, he is basically saying if you don`t like our hate,intolerance towards you, then leave india as if india is their father`s property

      • jainab
        August 13, 2015 5:06 am

        Dear doctor,God decided for ourknots.I came to know from my b/f that in Hindu mythology a marriage is not a contract,but it is a knot between two humans for being a single soul.It is a relationship not for a single life but for the post lifes.There are so many examples in Hindu religious books.But from my practical knowledge i came to know that when you attached with someone honestly,their establishes a link between you both,you can’t name this.Just you think about some thing,immediately the same thing will knock in the mind of your friend.In this type of relationship,any factor either religion,or parents,or society,or community can prevent you,This is my very simple logic.If you are dedicated and feel true love from both sides,than not to worry,closed doors will open automatically,but in initial stages some problems will must occur.Be ready to fight and face every situation,the fruit will be very sweet and result will be satisfying.When two bodies turns into a single soul,nobody can divide.Every Islamic ruling is compulsory for ordinary persons,but when a upper class Muslim does an act not according to our holy Quran,nobody objects,all rulings are for us(Muslim girls).Thats why I have decided that my would be will be the best decider,I have to live with him whole life,why I create nonsense for him.secondly as you said every religion goes to same destination.every religion teaches good ways to follow,than what is the issue,thousands of girls from our community have married to other believes,only we have to determine to go on this path without any fear and botheration.Last week i met a family in a famous Muslim shrine(dargah),they also live in my society on 3rd floor,they are well known as masterjee,because they give tuition at home.I came to know that his wife is a Muslim.They both are very much educated and both are teacher in same public school.Nobody in whole society never seen them fighting or doing ugly things.I don’t have so much public relations,but i am a very much sentimental girl,when I see some one happy,i also feel that happiness.So my only suggestion is this -Don’t care for others,only hear your own voice and,and as you both are doctors,your understanding and environment will be much better.its for you both.thanks….Jainab

    • Jainab
      August 10, 2015 11:01 am

      My dear Mac,asslam,you refered Mr. Eidi from Pakistan.yes all world knows about his humanitarian works in Pakistan.we all should admire his dedication.He is a great person among all Muslims.my humble salaam to him.you said that i cant count his money,it may be,humanity and service to the needy people does not need money.It can be done by various ways.But i got surprised that you found only a single person in whole world,and that’s from Pakistan.you are a learned person,you know that we Muslims are 2.04 billion.out of which you found only a single.person.We should feel shame on it.I cant say about you,but i am shameful on this.In my opinion my community does not need mullas,Muftis and people like you .If there are only 1000 eidi like peoples born in my community,we will get respect and honor worldwide.Again I have seen you always quote others religion and others evils,I am concerned with my Muslim community only,don’t try to abuse Christians,Hindus,Buddhist,its not my concern..Khuda hafiz….Jainab.

  • Akash
    August 9, 2015 2:25 am

    Mr. Peace, ur name is peace n u spread hatred, irony! U always share anti-islamic links which talks bullshit abt islam, read few verses frm quran n hdith and clean ur heart

  • Akash
    August 9, 2015 2:20 am

    Admin i want to knw 1thing, is spreading rlgn by love a crime/sin, she didn’t force rlgn on me, through her i got few islamic books and 2 dvds of dr.zakir nayak, i read those books everyday, n i don’t think i m doing ny crime by reading those books, infact those books helped me to improve my ethics..i watched dvd of dr.zakir nayak which made me realise islam is truth, it may nt b truth 4 others bt for me nw islam is truth, i hv nt changed rlgn for her, i hv changed my rlgn bcz i m convienced by islam. Ppl r spreading rlgn by force, by difft tactics while i learnt rlgn through LOVE is prblm 4 some ppl. Pls don’t say any harsh abt my lover, she never forced me to islam, she just introduced me to islam.

    • August 9, 2015 3:17 pm

      This is called “Love-proselytism”. If she was a Christian, you would have baptized today. If she was an atheist, you would be saying all these God things are man-made and nothing more. So, don’t be brain-washed!

      Faith is something installed into you, most times in your childhood. You were born Hindu but now Muslim. It is possible that after 10 years, you may change your mind (Read FaithFreedom.org). Keep us posted as your faith evolves.

  • Jainab
    August 8, 2015 11:07 pm

    Dear all participants,I would like to request you,we all should give respect to other religions,on this blog isee that some people are opposing others religion in a very bad manner.they are using very unconstitutional words for their holy prophets.Please don’t do so,by hurting others feelings we will get nothing.so please,its my request for all of you. Jainab.

    • Akash
      August 9, 2015 1:59 am

      I totally agree with u, some ppl here r nly making harsh cmnt abt islam,dey can’t tolerate the fact that their fellow hindus cnvrting to islam. I was previously hindu, no rlgn teach hatred for others, some perverted political ppl wants to use rlgn 4 deir political gain, dey oppose hindu cnvrting to islam as they fear hindu voters will gt reduced, bt dey don’t care abt spiritual side of cnversion to islam, i wish every1 once studay islam deeply, such a beautiful rlgn.

      • Jainab
        August 10, 2015 11:15 am

        Dear Aakash,you wrote people writing against Islam,I feel it a very wrong work,i fully criticise it,But as well as some people like you,mac ,peace,chand, got only job to write very bad coments on others religion.please stop it,its not good for all of us,as Salman khan says..being human.this is the biggest religion and highest service to the nation,society and community…Jainab.

        • August 11, 2015 7:23 pm

          We agree 100% with you. All have rights to live on this God made world.

  • mac
    August 8, 2015 1:46 pm

    To Jainab: Sister nice to see you back, you have poised many arguments towards me in your last comment before leaving the blog for few days where you mentioned dr.kalam,shahruk khan being harassed at airport,etc,etc. I couldn’t reply because of exam and busy schedule, actually you joined this blog at a time when i don’t have much time, earlier in those days i had ample time to give detail reply to every anti islamic comments, but still i have decided i will put brief comment here later as a reply to anti-islamic people like Aarfa,Chand Osmami,Kartar etc, which I am sure will appeal to your brain provied you have logical brain.

    Now you read this comment of mine and why admin is not answering to my question https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10272#comment-356698

    Also, why only 1 comment in this blog of a muslim girl named heena hussein? https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10221

  • Aarfa
    August 2, 2015 8:20 am

    Hi Jainab,

    Any progress with your BF for everlasting relationship?
    Looking to hear from you.

    • ahmad noor
      August 2, 2015 2:09 pm

      very well here you are aware of future events and say everlasting relationship
      i am really surprised ….all this ..just because you hate islam ..dont you?

    • Jainab
      August 7, 2015 9:55 am

      Dear Aarfa,asslam. I couldn’t come to this blog for some time because I was very much disturbed. I was accessing my situation under the comments of some learned persons like mac, Ahmed,etc. After a long consideration i decided to adopt a middle way. It took some time, but when I talked with my b/f on all these matters, he just laughed and told me not to worry. I again told him to take forward our relationship. He assured me that he will always honour my feelings. and that’s the situation. In his opinion nothing is important than our love. Thus we have not decided any thing but i am eagerly waiting for a good idea by which i can gain my happiness and also same for my b/f. Day after tomorrow we are going for a long drive, may some matters go forward on right path. Thanks all of participants for sharing your views….Jainab.

      • mehar
        August 7, 2015 10:35 am

        Dearest jainab, hi. welcome to this blog after so many days. I was eagerly waiting for your post, so i could not wait and i started writing. Now come to the point, i could not understand that what type of girl you are. you are so cool, your every word shows your sincerity and struggle as well as your attachment with your boyfriend. How can i meet you, I became your fan. one thing you must know love is the biggest religion, if you are honest, every thing will be secondary.

        Religion is from people, if we follow a religion, religion will be there, if we don’t do so, there is nothing called religion. So don’t frustrated from the comments of so called scholars. live your life as you wish. One thing more ,I have a very simple question from All the learned people that if all the teachings of holy books are so perfect, than each and every country should must follow all these rules, UNO should pass a resolution for this, why courts are there, what is the need of studying so much, wasting time and money, They will get every ruling ready and thus every thing will become very easy. Now best of luck, my best wishes for your happy long drive. waiting for your next post. always with you. -mehar

      • August 7, 2015 8:49 pm

        It is normal to be “I was very much disturbed”. You are in search of your identity. It it like a river just coming out of a mountain; rushing, gushing, banging to all rocks and changing paths. Ultimately, it calms down.

        Think a lot, read a lot and talk to many. Ultimately, you will settle for what you wish to do with your life.

        For Islam, you need to decide if you believe in the Judgment Day? For that, is all that is written in Koran is 100% truth? If the answer is YES, then you should not bother with an interfaith marriage (view).

        In Islam, there is no “adopt a middle way”. Let us explain. For marriage, are you going to have a Nikaah (and his conversion) or not? There is no middle way between Nikaah (100%) and no Nikaah (0%).

        We humbly request you not to ever ask that Hindu guy to convert to Islam for your Nikaah because now you wish to please mac and Ahmad.

        • Jainab
          August 10, 2015 11:32 am

          Dear admin,thanks a lot for your suggestion.yesterday we both spent a very good time,I want to tell one thing that -i will never insist my b/f to convert,nor i suggest.He is a very well educated boy,doing job in a mnc,at a very senior position, It will be purely his decision,that how we can go forward without any problem,yesterday he decided to inform his parents.I came to know that he is the only son of his parents,his parents live in a rural area of UP.his father is sarpanch of his town,they have lots of land and they are involved in agriculture .Further if there will be any remarkable progress,i will must inform you.Thanks again…Jainab

          • mehar
            August 11, 2015 11:10 am

            Dear jainab,hi,today i read your posts,to admin,mac,and one dr.shameem,you have explained all the matters so wisely,that it is a very clear reflection of your love with your boyfriend.I felt very much impressed from your true feelings,regarding religious issues you are very bold.I am also believe in your philosophy.you need not to worry from people who are against your decision,One day everyone will remember you for showing courage and boldness against antiwomen elements.you used a quote for mac.naya naya mulla,you are absolutely right here.today i visited his Facebook page,he has posted a nude photo of a Dalit girl,tortured by some Hindu upper caste peoples,I really shocked after seeing this,its a antisocial activity,but i will say it is a antinational act,peoples behind this shuld must be punished,as a lesson for others.But i could not understand why mac has posted this and what does he wants to say.He can see a evil done by Hindus,but why he do not comment on national issues.when Pakistan’s terrorist attacks Bombay,he will never condemn,when isis militants kill and torture iraki,kurd,Syrian,women,he keeps hand on his eyes,in Afghanistan talibans are killing innocent girls,banning girls education,seeing television,there are so many anti social activities so called pure Muslims are doing,have mac or mumahhad has courage to post on Facebook,Have they strength to declare their activities haram.I think in our country this type of people only fight for personal interest,they always demand for special rights being a minority communities,they don’t have any duty,towards society as well as our country,its not justified.people who want rights should also remember there duties,they both only talk about holy Quran and prophet Mohammed,they talk about Hindus,Jews,christians as well as budhist of Myanmar.but they are not concerned with our country issues.they never oppose Muslim boys involve in murders,looting,smuggling,and doing antisocial activities,because they themself involve in these activities.They should suicide with shame.Mr.mac don’t have any shame,for example every holy person says that we should respect our parents,but mac says his forefathers were Hindus ok,but holy Quran says one who other than Muslim will be treated as kafir,thus your elders are kafirs, Mr mac is well aware that what behaviour should be given to a kafir.shame on him,one who don’t give respect to his elders,what will he do for his religion,community or country,its disgusting, it became very long,rest in next post.gd nt.mehar

          • August 11, 2015 7:28 pm

            Appreciate for this one “i will never insist my b/f to convert, nor i suggest”, however are you ready to marry a “Hindu”? That is absolutely against Islam. Are you okay not having Nikaah (that require his conversion)? Are you going to have a Hindu wedding (again against Islam)? Are you going to have the Special Marriage Act 1954? Let us remind you again that do not underestimate his (Hindu) parents. Religious issues are deep rooted and could become a big issue some day, be mindful of it.

      • mac
        August 8, 2015 2:26 pm

        To Jainab: You said you are taking consideration of my or ahmad’s advice, but it’s not about taking consideration what i said or what x,y,z person had said, it’s about taking consideration what Allah had said, Allah is the ultimate, Allah is the supreme, Allah is the almighty, if you believe in Allah, you should always take Allah’s advise and Allah’s advise will never bring any harm to you. And when Allah had already said marriage with non-muslim without converting him/her to islam is sin and takes you also to hell fire/jahannam, so you should take consideration what Allah said, do not think it is my personal advise, Allah had specificly mentioned this issue about marriage with non-muslim in Quran Chapter 2 Verse 221 as i have quoted earlier. If Allah had not mentioned such thing or if Allah had given any ambigious verse, then we could have applied our own opinion depending on the situation like in many cases with things that are not mentioned in quran specificly, we derive our own opinion depending on culture,society,country, our understanding of islam and so on, just like in case of Burqa/Niqab, we have so much opinion as neither Burqa nor Niqab is mentioned in Quran, but Hijab(modesty) is mentioned in quran, and also you may not know, Hijab is first told for men and then for women, so when you earlier asked me why rules only for women, sister rule of hijab is not only for women, but for men too, it is unfortunate that male dominated society had made it look like that way, but that is not how Allah had told it, it is perverted mind who have manipulated according to their wish.

        Now again returning back to core topic, i.e. issue of marriage, Allah clearly said in Quran three things :
        1. Do not marry a non-muslim in any condition
        2. Unless he or she accept Islam.
        3. If you disobey, you will go to hell not paradise.

        Also you said you bf laughed, sister our job is not just to make bf or gf laugh, our ultimate job is to keep Allah happy, and only way to keep Allah happy is by obeying his commandent. Because if you make Allah happy, Allah can make you this life happy and that life(eternal) happy. If you make Allah happy, Allah can easily solve problem of your marriage and make your marriage much easy by converting him to Islam, like Aakash who commented earlier in this blog, that how he found islam through her muslim gf and how he is thankful to her, while this Aakash was initially not willing to convert to islam, but it is his muslim gf farm belief in Islam that brought him to Islam and made their marriage easy, Read story of Aakash here, https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9068

        • mac
          August 8, 2015 2:45 pm

          In this website, we have many Akash, it seems Akash is most common name among hindus and if not it is most common hindu boys name having muslim gf, we have 3-4 cases here in this website, only god knows how many are there in all over India.

          Also we have a little Aakash, a teenager, who is very talented and thus qualified for this years IIT, india’s number one engineering institution, he also converted to islam , read his story here https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9562

          It seems Engineer Hindus who are having muslim gf are having natural attraction towards islam. Here is another example of a hindu girl having her engineering left her home,everything for Quran, to study Quran deeply, she also converted to islam.

          Also I know many engineers via facebook who were Hindus converted to Islam through their muslim gf, if you want their facebook id. .you can contact me here @

        • August 8, 2015 4:30 pm

          What ever mac said is true (marriage with non-muslim without converting him/her to islam is sin). You have to decide if you wish Islam or your love. Only we request is not to “make your marriage much easy by converting him to Islam”. Don’t be so selfish. Leave that innocent guy alone. If you are honest, do not be a love-Jihadi (use love as a method to spread Islam). If that is what you end up doing, then you know answer to your original question, why “People Hate Us“? We hope you are different.

          • Akash
            August 9, 2015 2:10 am

            Dearest adminji, i hv noticed u nly take side with hindu side, while always against islam. Is there anything wrong if the conversion to islam make marriages easy? and i don’t think my muslim gf was selfish to introduce me in islam, infact i m ever thankful to her 4 making me muslim and showing me the staright path to god and for that, i don’t think my gf is luv jihadi, if by remaining honest to her god, if she becomes lut jihadi then i m proud that my gf is luv jihadi.
            Also i don’t hate my gf 4 showing d beautiful rlgn of islam, my lv 4 her has increased after i became muslim.
            She didn’t knw neither did i knw when i fall in lv that rlgn vl be any issue, bt since she believes in islam, so i hav to take care of her faith if i truely love her, and in our rlgn hinduism, there is no sin in cnvrting to islam, so i don’t think there is anything wrong to wat i did or wat my gf wanted.

          • August 9, 2015 3:05 pm

            Read what Akash wrote above. Based on that, are you also going to ask your boyfriend to convert to Islam? We are curious where your love will take your relationship to.

        • August 11, 2015 7:33 pm

          Mehar, this “your marriage much easy by converting him to Islam, like Aakash who commented earlier in this blog” is love-Jihad, we hope you do not play such a dirty game like this. Who knows Kumar may have fake-converted just for sex? Read Dee, issue may even come up even after 20 years in life. This love-proselytism is sin (as far we are concerned), be honest. Walk away from the relationship now!

  • peace
    July 31, 2015 9:31 pm

    इस्लाम का सच the truth of islam (कुछ तथ्य परक बातें ।) आपने राक्षसों यानि शैतान के बारे में सुना है ! शैतान की सारी निशानियाँ याद कीजिये और फिर ‘इस्लाम’ के बारे में सोचिये । सारी बाते सारी निशानियाँ एक हैं। शैतान की कुछ निशानियाँ … (1 ) शैतान को कोई रंग नहीं सिर्फ काला रंग पसंद है । फिल्म या किसी कहानी में शैतान सिर्फ काले कपड़ों में होता है और इस्लाम में भी काला ही पसंद है। (2 ) शैतान का उसूल ही खून खराबा है । मारना काटना। जो इनके स्वाभाव में है। ये कभी भी बस मार काट की ही बात करते है और उसी से खुश होते हैं । इनका हर त्यौहार भी खून बहाकर ही मनता है । (3 ) शैतान कभी उजाले की और सूर्य की पूजा नही करता । इसी लिए ये सूर्य को नहीं सिर्फ चाँद को मानते हैं । ये सूर्य की आराधना कर ही नहीं सकते जो अँधेरे को मिटाता है । और शैतान की ताकत अँधेरे में बढती है (4 ) हिन्दू धर्म में शुक्रचार्य को राक्षसों यानि शैतानों का गुरु माना गया है । शुक्रवार के दिन को ईसाई बेहद अशुभ मानतें है क्योकि इस दिन शैतान की ताकत बढ़ जाती है । उसी दिन को ये मुस्लमान जुम्मे का दिन कहकर खास नमाज़ पढतें है । यानि शैतानी ताकत को सलाम करते हैं। (5 ) हिन्दू धर्म में सिर्फ महादेव ही ऐसे देव है जो शैतानों ( राक्षसों ) को भी वरदान देते रहें हैं इसीलिए मक्का मदीना में छुपा कर और ढक कर रखे शिव लिंग की ही आराधना करते हैं । (6 ) इस्लाम में मूर्ति पूजा को गलत बताया गया है । हिन्दू सिक्ख ईसाई सबने अपने आराध्य की मूर्ति बना रखी है । ये अगर मूर्ति बनाते तो कैसी बनाते ? शैतान की मूर्ति देखकर तो कोई भी समझ जाता कि ये शैतान के पुजारी है। इसीलिए इनमे मूर्ति पूजा नहीं होती। (7 ) ये मकसद तो सिर्फ शैतान का हो सकता है कि धरती पर कोई और धर्म ना हो । जो आज इस्लाम का मकसद है। कुरान में लिखा है कि जो अल्लाह को ना माने वो काफ़िर है और उसे काट डालो । सवाब मिलेगा । यह किसी शैतान की सिख हो सकती है किसी भी धर्म के किसी देवता की यह सिख नहीं हो सकती ! ! ! (8 ) क्या इन सारे आतंकवादी गुटों को isis को अलकायदा या तालिबान वालों को कोई इन्सान कह सकता है। जिस तरह ये मासूमो को काटते मारते हैं। ये शैतान ही हो सकते हैं । (9 ) हिन्दू धर्म शास्त्रों में कहा गया है की कलयुग के अंत में आसुरी (शैतानी) शक्तियां बहुत बढ़ जाएगी जो मानवता के लिए खतरा होंगी। नास्त्रेदमस ने भी इन शैतानी ताकतों के बारे में लिखा है। ये वही शैतान है । जो शैतान जिंदाबाद नहीं बोलते बल्कि अल्लाह का नाम ठीक उसी अंदाज में लेते हैं और लोगों को काटते हैं । (10 ) ये शैतान हैं । शैतान के वंशज या शैतान के पुजारी हैं इस बात का सबसे बड़ा सबूत ये है कि ये लोगो को मार कर काट कर ही खुश होते हैं। पूरा विश्व इस बात को मानने लगा है कि ये ही शैतान है जिनसे पुरे विश्व और पूरी मानवता को खतरा है। (11) अब अगर कोई मुसलमान ये दावा करता है कि उसके अन्दर दया है,रहम है, उसे किसी को मरते देख कर दुःख होता है और वह भी इंसानी जज्बे को महसूस करता है तो उसके बारे में पक्के तौर पर यह दावा किया जा सकता है कि उसके जिस्म में दौड़ने वाला खून किसी शैतान का नहीं बल्कि किसी इन्सान का है और उसके पूर्वजों को धर्म परिवर्तन करके मुस्लिम बनाया गया है और वो शैतान का वंशज नहीं है ।।। (12 ) भारत के ज्यादातर मुस्लिम धर्म परिवर्तन करके मुस्लिम बने हैं यह बात उस DNA रिपोर्ट से भी साबित हो चुकी है जिसमे कहा गया था कि हिन्दुस्तान के ज्यादातर मुस्लिमों का DNA हिन्दुओं से मिलता है। अब सारे धर्म वालों को इस्लाम की हकीकत समझनी चाहिए और हिंदुस्तान के मुस्लिमों को अपनी हकीकत समझनी चाहिए…..

  • Kumar-s
    July 31, 2015 11:19 am

    Yakub Memon 2 days b4 his hanging told his wife that Allah would save him and not to worry.

    Now wer is allah?

    Allah please save him….. plzzzz allah

  • mac
    July 30, 2015 6:02 am

    Markendey Katju, ex-justice of supreme court of India “Appearing on newsx channel today, Wednesday 29th July with Soli Sorabji at 9 p.m. regarding Yakub Memon’s death sentence.
    I will speak what I believe to be the truth, knowing that many people will abuse me as a supporter of terrorists, Muslim appeaser, apologist for mass murderers, etc and brand me as anti-national.
    That does not bother me. I have often said things knowing that initially that will make me very unpopular. But I am not a popularity seeker.I say what I believe to be in the national interest. And I am confident that if what I say is true, after some time many persons who initially condemned me will later realize that what I was saying was correct. There is great power in truth.”

    Now watch that debate here >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDdxx1rJxkg

  • mac
    July 30, 2015 5:55 am

    Indian society has been largely communalized. My guess is that today 80-90% Hindus are communal ( i.e.anti Muslim ) and 80-90% Muslims are also communal.
    I am informed that the communal virus has even spread to many parts of rural India.
    In the Yakub Memon episode the Hindus largely wanted him hanged, while Muslims wanted him not hanged.
    I was of the opinion that the evidence against him was very weak, and hence his conviction was wrong, This no doubt has made me very unpopular among most Hindus, who constitute about 80% of our population. So I am isolated from the majority of my own countrymen.
    But that does not matter. I am not a popularity seeker. One is often isolated in life when one takes an unpopular stand, as I have often done.. The important thing is that the stand should be correct.

    via- ex-justice of supreme court Markendey Katju

  • mac
    July 30, 2015 5:20 am

    Brother Abu Mohammad (Australia)

    “Assalam walekum. I am a new revert to Islam . I reverted 2 years ago . I was born in a hindu family . My parents and family are strict hindus . But since my childhood i never went to temples . Simply because i knew one thing that God cannot be an idol or a stone . I wanted to know who is my Creator.

    In 2012 i started reading the Quran. And the the first two surah i read hit me like rock . It was as if Allah was talking to me directly. Alhamdulillah in 2013 i took my shahada . It was like a as if i had left behind my entire life and started something new . With the help of some friends i learnt how to offer salat . The more i prayed i lighter i felt . As if some burden was bieng lifted . I hope to pass on this beautiful deen to my yet to be born children and my future generations who will become muslims .And like me guide them to the straight path In sha ‘Allah . May Allah give us the strength to dwelve deeper in islam . Aameen! Jazak Allah khair.”

    Source : https://m.facebook.com/iconverttoislam

    • ahmad noor
      July 30, 2015 7:28 am

      india deserves the best………india deserves islam

      • August 1, 2015 8:31 am

        Wow, you want India to be like Pakistan and Afghanistan? This is a scary thought!
        BTW, which country are you from?

        • ahmad noor
          August 2, 2015 9:57 am

          i never think the same way as yours …do you think i am happy about what is happening in both countries
          i do not like to put our problems on others …but honestly ..
          why others dont leave us alone ..????
          what forces ussr to occupy afg. 1979..?? ..why do indian gov, interfere in pak, affairs…why should iran ( claiming islam ) palestine ..iraq gulf
          no one islamic country …stayed away from west or east or iranian interfere
          if i write in datails your forum will not be enough
          but i think you understand me
          i think pak, in social peace is better than india ( this is my opinion )
          but they have a misunderstanding of islam
          honor killing is a crime in islam if girl & boy are not married there are other solutions ,,but ignorant muslims do not like to listen
          this is a long story
          the time will come when i tell you about me …promise

          • August 2, 2015 4:11 pm

            Are you saying social peace is better in Pakistan than in India? Explain us what do you mean? How do you define peace?

  • mac
    July 30, 2015 5:18 am

    This is not my word, word of retd. Raw officer who brought Yakub to India.

    Yakub Memon must not hang, we brought him back: Key RAW man in ’07M – See more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/yakub-memon-must-not-hang-we-brought-him-back-key-raw-man-in-07/#sthash.S2FqELMP.dpuf

    In July 1994, weeks before his retirement, Raman said Yakub was informally picked up in Kathmandu with the help of the Nepal police, “driven across Nepal to a town in Indian territory, flown to Delhi by an aircraft of the Aviation Research Centre and formally arrested in Old Delhi by the investigating authorities and taken into custody for interrogation. The entire operation was coordinated by me.”

    “The cooperation of Yakub with the investigating agencies after he was picked up informally in Kathmandu and his role in persuading some other members of the family to come out of Pakistan and surrender constitute, in my view, a strong mitigating circumstance to be taken into consideration while considering whether the death penalty should be implemented,”

    Raman wrote: “I have been repeatedly asking myself: Should I write this article? Would I be a moral coward if I did not do so? Would the entire case get unravelled if I wrote it? Would the undoubtedly guilty escape punishment as a result of my writing it? Would my article be adversely viewed by the court? Would I be committing contempt of court? It is impossible to have definitive answers to these questions. Ultimately, I decided to write this in the belief that it is important to prevent a person, who in my view does not deserve to be hanged, from going to the gallows.”

    Writing that there was “not an iota of doubt’’ about Yakub’s involvement in the blasts conspiracy, Raman stated that in normal circumstances, he would have deserved the death penalty if one only took into consideration his conduct and role before July 1994.

    “But if one also takes into consideration his conduct and role after he was informally picked up in Kathmandu, there is a strong case for having second thoughts about the suitability of the death penalty in the subsequent stages of the case,” Raman added.

    Yakub cooperated with the investigating agencies and assisted them by persuading some other members of the Memon family to flee from the protection of the ISI in Karachi to Dubai and surrender to the Indian authorities, Raman stated.

    “The prosecution was right in saying that Yakub was arrested in Old Delhi. Yakub was right in claiming that he was not arrested in Old Delhi,” he wrote.

    According to Raman, Yakub came to Kathmandu secretly from Karachi to consult a relative and a lawyer on the advisability of returning to India and surrendering to the Mumbai police. Yakub said he and some members of the Memon family were uncomfortable with the ISI.

    The relative and the lawyer advised Yakub against surrender, fearing that justice might not be done to them. They advised Yakub to return to Karachi.

    Before he could board the flight to Karachi, Yakub was picked up by Nepal police on suspicion, identified and rapidly moved to India, Raman stated.

    Asked for his comments on the Raman article, Vappala Balachandran, a former special secretary in the Cabinet Secretariat, said: “I was aware of the case but I was not present in the country when the event happened and when he was finally brought in. I was then on a special assignment outside the country and held the rank of a special secretary. Raman was a close friend and if he has said this in writing, then it has to be correct.”

    “But at this stage, when the event has gone through so many judicial layers, it would be incorrect for me to say anything on this matter… Raman at that time was asked by Sharad Pawar’s office to assist in this operation, and I am aware that he helped in everything. Raman knew everything and was privy to all the details of Yakub’s movements. He had assisted the CBI and Mumbai police and he did that in the capacity he was assigned. I read the piece just late evening, and I can only say if Raman has written it, it has to be true,” he said.

  • mac
    July 30, 2015 5:15 am

    Will someone shed a tear for Yakub Memon? In story of his return, lies an answer – See more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/will-someone-shed-a-tear-for-yakub-in-story-of-his-return-lies-an-answer/#sthash.sMQYLDze.dpuf

    Yakub Memon fell into CBI hands partly by chance and partly on his own volition. While he may believe that rest of the Memons had nothing to do with Tiger’s bomb conspiracy, the ‘atmosphere’ in India was strongly against the family, he was told.

    With time running out for him, Yakub Memon, the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts convict, has again moved the Supreme Court for a stay on his execution. The Indian Express reproduces excerpts from an article by Maseeh Rahman which appeared in these columns on August 4, 2007. Rahman, now the Delhi correspondent of The Guardian, was the Mumbai bureau chief of India Today at the time of the serial bombings in March, 1993.

    At one level, the harshness in dealing with the entire family is understandable — after all, it was Yakub’s brother, the silver smuggler Ibrahim Mushtaq ‘Tiger’ Memon, who had engineered the serial bombings that killed 257 people in what was at that time the most horrific act of urban terrorism anywhere in the world.
    But if you examine the circumstances of the return of the family from a plush sanctuary in Karachi, the treatment of the Memons not only seems unfair but also tragic.

    Vijay Rama Rao was right: there had been no deal with the Memons. This is what made their return even more extraordinary. The Memons came back because they believed in their innocence. More importantly, they were convinced that since India was a democracy their rights would be protected, that the government would be even-handed and that they would get a fair trial.

    They have been proved wrong on all counts.

    Rubina got rigorous life imprisonment only because a Maruti van used by Tiger’s men was registered in her name. But she wasn’t even living in Mumbai at the time of the bombings — she had shifted to Dubai six months earlier.

  • mac
    July 30, 2015 4:22 am

    Mariam (USA)

    “I was a Christian growing up. My dad was a Christian Catholic and my mother is a Muslim. So growing up loving both religions, I went to my dad side but that didn’t stop my mother for taking me to Arabic school everyday. So after my dad passed away I still kept going to church, but I came to understand that I’m the only one left in my family who goes to church; so I decided to become a Muslim and I did… I started to wear the Hijab for the first time at age 18. My mother was scared she told me that I’m still young and that I will take it off. So I listened to her and I took it off and the same thing happened for the second time when I was 19 years old. Couple months before I turned 21, I started to wear the Hijab and finally my mother supported me and ’till today I still wear my hijab and complete my salaat (prayers) on time every day, and In sha Allah I will continue on this because I and my parents believe that I’m on the right path. This is a part of my journey.”

    Source : https://m.facebook.com/iconverttoislam

  • July 30, 2015 3:54 am

    The Muslim Response to Muslim Atrocities
    I first noticed it with my parents. Though they are amongst the most caring and loving people that I have ever known, when it comes to atrocities supported by Islam, they abandon even their own loving nature in order to defend their religion.

    It so happened that one afternoon my parents were trying to convince me of the beauty of Islam and therefore its divine origin. In frustration I responded “Muhammad allowed his warriors to rape their female captives. This is in Sahih Bukhari and in Sahih Muslim, and it explains verses in the Quran!”

    In sharp response, my mother said “So what!? In the West you rape women with your eyes! You go to the beach, you see women walking around barely clothed, and you’re raping them with your eyes!”

    Her response left me reeling. Not only was I bewildered by the utter inaccuracy of what she implied, as if looking at women is as violating as forcibly inserting one’s phallus into their bodies, but I was surprised that she did not even begin to denounce the practice of raping female captives!

    After this incident, my eyes were more attuned to Muslim responses to Muslim atrocities. The more I observed, the more I realized that my mother was far from alone in her defense. Other Muslims similarly try to detract attention from Muslims’ horrible morality by pointing the finger elsewhere, saying “Look at that over there! It, too, is bad!”

    The post immediately before this present post is a perfect example. Though rape is unfortunately prevalent throughout the world, it often comes with a religious twist when performed by Muslims. In this case, Christian girls were raped and forced to convert to Islam. When the women were finally rescued, a Muslim mob congregated to protest. Protest against the rapists? No! They came to protest their return to their father, who was a Christian, since they were now Muslims (a result of their forced conversions).

    The mob was completely unmoved by the raping of two young girls, entirely ambivalent towards the Muslim rapists.

    When David posted a blog about the incident, the Muslims who visit this blog reacted the same way! Instead of saying “This was bad and I condemn these Muslims!” here are the reactions we get:

    Bassam: “What about the filthy Serbian Christians that raped tens of thousands of innocent Muslim women in Bosnia?”

    Ibn: “There are verses in the corrupted bible that do permit rape in the logical sense.”

    Sami: “How many ladies have been raped in the west since the posting of this article?”

    To be fair, as an afterthought, one Muslim did post a rebuke of the rapes:

    Yahya: “BTW Yes I condemn this horrific act”

    It is shocking to see Muslims entirely unmoved by atrocities when committed by other Muslims. When the attention is drawn towards these crimes, they boil in anger, as if to say “How dare you accuse us, the people of God! Look at the rest of the world!”

    Oh but the rest of the world is looking at you, dear Muslim friends. Your behavior is akin to that of a school boy caught breaking the rules. When confronted, he responds “Well other boys are doing it, too!” And yet, when the boy finds others breaking the same rules, he drags them to the teachers saying “This filth is breaking the rules and must be punished!

  • July 30, 2015 1:09 am


    Why dont you accept the evil teachings and criminal practices adopted against females in Islam?

    How under the name of islam, terrorism has flourished worldwide. Every day there are incidents of bomb blast, killing, murder, rape, violence, hatred,bloodshed by islamic terrorism. You say that so and so is not allowed in Koran, Koran itself is a evil book, motivating terrorism through 72 virgin sexual pleasure, kill non believers. You terrorist minded person enjoy in India and support killing and murder, blasts by terrorism.

    • ahmad noor
      July 30, 2015 9:14 am

      islam protected female babies when preventing her burial unlike what is happening in your rural area
      islam never forced girls to marry the men they do not like
      islam protect females by hijab from evil eyes …encouraged her for education
      and even work out side in case of poverty
      honored her when force husband to spend on her and not allow him to take her own money
      honored her when ordered her sons to obey her orders and threatened them if they misbehaved her

      as a non muslim neither you or kumar or fi will confess that muslims all around the world have been treated unfairly with highly oppressing ways
      but this dose not not give the muslim extremists the right to carry out random killing like this …………….
      i kknow so many good islamists who do not believe in violence and believe in democracy & elections ..but those good muslims have been killed also by alqaeda
      the question is who push those yonug exteremists to do so???????
      who else but non muslim policy against islam
      an other thing is that.. extremists never be more than o,2% percentage of total muslim population …so what allthis shouting is for ???!!!

  • Kumar-s
    July 29, 2015 12:07 pm

    u said people who worship hanuman are responsible for all the riots happening in India.

    Then what about those people who beheaded lakhs of innocents in Iraq, Syria etc
    Weren’t those terrorists chanting Allah’s name while beheading (allahu Akbar) ?

    That clearly proves that Allah was the god of Terrorists who created a messenger ( prophet mohd to rape minors and marry daughter in laws)

  • Kumar-s
    July 29, 2015 11:58 am


    lol did u say, yakub fled bak 2 his motherland India?

    Don’t u kno that he was caught in Nepal by the Nepal forces?

    • mac
      July 30, 2015 4:49 am

      Kumar, you got it wrong, he surrendered in Nepal and he was not arrested in Nepal, he was arrested in New Delhi airport, it was a drama that he was arrested in Delhi Airport to avoid complex legal issues, Yakub surrendered as he was innocent and thus wanted to cler his name, his brother tiger menon and dawood ibrahim didn`t return and still Indian forces didn`t able to catch them, if Yakub was guilty, he would have never returned from Safe house in Pakistan under the shelter of ISI, but he returned as only innocent person will know what it means to carry burden of false charge, other wise why will he return to face death?

      And this is not my word, ex-raw,cbi officials had said it that Yakub contacted them for return to india

      • mac
        July 30, 2015 5:14 am

        Will someone shed a tear for Yakub Memon? In story of his return, lies an answer – See more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/will-someone-shed-a-tear-for-yakub-in-story-of-his-return-lies-an-answer/#sthash.sMQYLDze.dpuf

        Yakub Memon fell into CBI hands partly by chance and partly on his own volition. While he may believe that rest of the Memons had nothing to do with Tiger’s bomb conspiracy, the ‘atmosphere’ in India was strongly against the family, he was told.

        With time running out for him, Yakub Memon, the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts convict, has again moved the Supreme Court for a stay on his execution. The Indian Express reproduces excerpts from an article by Maseeh Rahman which appeared in these columns on August 4, 2007. Rahman, now the Delhi correspondent of The Guardian, was the Mumbai bureau chief of India Today at the time of the serial bombings in March, 1993.

        At one level, the harshness in dealing with the entire family is understandable — after all, it was Yakub’s brother, the silver smuggler Ibrahim Mushtaq ‘Tiger’ Memon, who had engineered the serial bombings that killed 257 people in what was at that time the most horrific act of urban terrorism anywhere in the world.
        But if you examine the circumstances of the return of the family from a plush sanctuary in Karachi, the treatment of the Memons not only seems unfair but also tragic.

        Vijay Rama Rao was right: there had been no deal with the Memons. This is what made their return even more extraordinary. The Memons came back because they believed in their innocence. More importantly, they were convinced that since India was a democracy their rights would be protected, that the government would be even-handed and that they would get a fair trial.

        They have been proved wrong on all counts.

        Rubina got rigorous life imprisonment only because a Maruti van used by Tiger’s men was registered in her name. But she wasn’t even living in Mumbai at the time of the bombings — she had shifted to Dubai six months earlier.

  • mac
    July 29, 2015 9:33 am

    When a thick rope is wound around 1993 Mumbai blasts convict Yakub Memon’s neck in Nagpur jail, on his 53rd birthday, we can expect to be bombarded with grotesque details of his last moments: his final words, his last meal, or his manner of walk to the gallows. Then there will be jingoistic fireworks, vulgar chest-thumping and loud proclamations of ‘justice served’. Yet, many of those who rue the death penalty as barbaric, as well as those who believe that Yakub is undeserving of such a sentence, will see their voices dimmed.

    Public prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam (who infamously cooked up the story of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack accused Ajmal Kasab’s demand for biryani) has hailed the verdict to deny Yakub a reprieve as “historic”, saying it will send across a strong message to Pakistan. Justice P.D. Kode, who passed the execution judgement in 2007, says it will “restore the common man’s faith in justice.” Some argue that Yakub’s death will bring some closure to the families of the victims. But what point will Yakub’s death really prove?

    India’s secular fabric was stained when politically driven Hindutva extremists demolished the 400-year-old Babri Masjid in December 1992 and slaughtered many innocent people. Deadly riots consequently broke out in Mumbai and other parts of the country consuming over 1,000 lives, mostly Muslims. As ‘retribution’ for these events, Mumbai was ripped apart by 13 devastating blasts on a Black Friday in March 1993. More than 250 innocent lives were lost and hundreds were injured in a dastardly act of terror.

    The top conspirators of the blasts, including Yakub’s brother Ibrahim “Tiger” Memon and underworld don Dawood Ibrahim, are absconding. Yakub, who had fled India with his family a couple of days before the blasts, did not pay heed to his brother’s warnings and decided to return to his “homeland” in 1994 to prove his innocence. He chose to leave behind a protected life under the Inter-Services Intelligence in Pakistan. Only a person sure of his innocence and fully aware of the consequences would dare such a “difficult and risky adventure”, he stated in a letter to the Chief Justice of India in 1999.

    Not only did Yakub fully cooperate with the Indian agencies, but he even assisted officials in uncovering important details in the conspiracy. But the Chartered Accountant, the most educated in the Memon family, did not anticipate the betrayal that was to follow. Collaborating with the agencies only pulled him closer to the gallows

    Yakub’s involvement in the conspiracy was peripheral, and there is no direct evidence against him. His conviction was based on confessions of the six co-accused, five of whom later retracted. He was charged with financing the blasts, which he claims he did unwittingly. Even as many of his co-accused, including those who actually planted the bombs, got away with lesser charges, or had their death penalties commuted, Yakub will become the first convict to be hanged for the blasts. Why is he the only one?

    This is not to say that Yakub is totally innocent. He has been convicted by the law and that must be respected, but the death penalty granted to him is not only excessive and disproportionate but reeks of primitive vendetta. It is also a display of regressive action by a frustrated system’s failure to nab the real culprits. “Yakub is paying for the sins of his brother. His surname has destroyed him,” his wife Rahin Memon said after Yakub’s curative petition was rejected by the Supreme Court.

    The hanging is also not bereft of a communal and political tinge. The manner in which the Indian state has picked people it wants to hang is revealing. There are several prisoners on the death row in the country, but we see an urgency to hang only Yakub.

    Yakub’s death will further strengthen the perception that the death penalty, often discriminatory, arbitrary, and disproportionate in India, as observed by Amnesty International, is reserved for Muslims, Dalits or the poor. A recent study by the National Law University shows that a mindboggling 94 per cent of people on death row are Muslims or Dalits. As senior journalist Jyoti Punwani wrote, “Is it just a coincidence that while the majority of those executed since Independence have been Hindus, no murderer motivated by Hindutva has been executed?”

    But if Yakub deserves the gallows, then why shouldn’t Maya Kodnani, a Bharatiya Janata Party legislator, and Babu Bajrangi not follow suit for their conviction for killing 97 Muslims in Ahmebadad in 2002? Doesn’t the “collective conscience” crave for justice for the State-sponsored slaughter of innocent Indians in Gujarat?

    And what about the quench for retribution for the spilling of blood on Mumbai’s streets in the riots? Politicians, including Shiv Sena and BJP leaders, and senior officers, who were duty-bound to protect lives, were indicted by two independent panels, including the Sri Krishna Commission, for instigating and executing the riots.

    Unlike the 1993 blast conspirators who escaped to foreign land, the accused in the Babri demolition, often touted as the ‘original sin,’ and the 1993 riots, live safe in India, many as elected representatives. Many of the indicted officers have been promoted since. If this isn’t a travesty of justice, what is?

    Is it because they are higher caste Hindus?

    It is well-established that politically backed criminals and rioters run scot-free in our country, no matter the degree of their crime. Why were the killers of Rajiv Gandhi and Beant Singh, who have political backing of the Tamil Nadu and Punjab governments, been shown clemency?

    Read more at : http://www.thehindu.com/sunday-anchor/article7464988.ece

  • July 29, 2015 9:31 am

    Bastard Mac,

    Here are some quotes of terrorist minded persons:

    “I’m prepared to sacrifice my six children,” said Mahmoud Sumara’s mother, Halima. “I’m serious. I don’t mind if I lose them if that brings back al-Aqsa…” (NBC News)

    ▪ “I pray that G-d will choose them (to be martyrs),” says the father of a 13-year-old. (New York Times)

    ▪ “I am happy that he [my 13-year-old son] has been martyred. I will sacrifice all my sons and daughters (12 in all) to Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem.” (London Times)

    ▪ “If I had 20 children I would send them all down (to fight), I wouldn’t spare any of them. We’re not scared of death.” (Associated Press)

    ▪ Mother on PA TV, January 2003: “He would always dream of Shahada [martyrdom]. It was his first and last goal in life. I told him: ‘Dear, we all want to be Shahids.’ He said: ‘In this entire world, I can’t think of anyone to marry. I don’t think of any girls of this world to marry. I want to marry the Dark Eyed (Virgins of Paradise).’ I said: ‘If these are his thoughts, I wish him Shahada.’

    Ah yes, a mother’s love. Obviously, not all mother’s wish Shahada (martyrdom) for their children, but a Palestinian Psychologist, DR, Shafiq Massalha claims that “more than half of Palestinian children aged 6 to 11 dream of becoming suicide bombers.”

    And quotes from children:

    ▪ “When I wander into Jerusalem I will become a suicide bomber.” proclaims a young Palestinian, age 9. (Palestinian TV children’s show, “The Children’s Club”)

    ▪ “I come here to say that we will throw them to the quiet sea. Occupiers, your day is near, then we will settle our account. We will settle our claims with stones and bullets,” an 8-year-old boy announces. (Palestinian TV children’s show, “The Children’s Club”)

    ▪ “My heartfelt conviction is to launch a Jihad war,” says a 4-year-old. (Palestinian TV children’s show, “The Children’s Club”)

    ▪ “I want to die as a martyr. I will go straight to paradise if I do that,” said a 12-year-old Palestinian boy. (Times of London)

    Dr. Massalha conducted a study that has led him to believe that within 10 years or so, with the continued indoctrination of Palestinian children with hatred and the love of Shahada, they will be unleashing upon the west a virulent army of Jihadists.

    Mahatma Ghandi said that “To reach real peace in this world…. we shall have to begin with children”. It’s obviously not going to happen with the children of Palestine.

    What is most heartbreaking and disturbing is what young children suffer through as Muslims and non-Muslims living in Muslim majority countries. Like women, children are considered chattel, with not much more importance placed on their lives as a cow or a goat. They are offered up, at times, as human sacrifices for their parents’ perverse ideological and religious beliefs. Mothers in Palestine (and elsewhere) encourage their children to aspire to Jihad rather than a University education. Like British Islamic religious leader Yassin Nassari’s wife, Dutch national Bouchra El Hor , who actively encouraged her husband to embrace radicalism and offered herself and their 5-month old son for martyrdom!

    They were caught with missile blueprints and instructions on how to make a bomb (to be used against the West) on their way back into the UK from Amsterdam. The sad truth is that not all terrorist wannabees are uneducated, disenfranchised youth. This man was born in London and University educated, although he failed to obtain his degree because his interests turned to Islamic fanaticism instead.

    Disabled children are considered even more of a disposable commodity. Insurgents, In Iraq, packed a Down Syndrome child full of explosives and sent him off, as a suicide bomber, to blow up a polling place during the elections of 2005. He succeeded. And not long ago, U.S. soldiers discovered a group of naked, malnourished special-needs orphans in an Iraqi Orphanage tied, like animals, to their small cots. The soldiers initially thought they were dead. Surprisingly, there were cupboards full of food and new clothing that had obviously not been utilized for these young boys. 24 in total. They speculate that those items were probably being sold on the black market. The only heart warming aspect of the video is at the end where the soldiers are seen handing out stuffed toys, and stroking and touching the children’s hands. Something you won’t see much of in the msm. The boys were obviously starved for human affection

    Not only Muslim children suffer at the hands of Islam, innocent children of other faiths are often brutally murdered for being infidels. Remember the Indonesian girls who were ambushed on their way to their private Christian school? 3 of them were beheaded their heads found a few miles from where their bodies were found.

    • ahmad noor
      July 30, 2015 1:14 pm

      so you angry about teaching palestinians al shahadah to sacrifice al aqsa and jeruaslem
      when god gives you 2 eyes ..that is to look what israeli do and with the other eye you look what palestinians do ….
      but you are blind about all israeli daily crimes against palestinians
      and only see muslim sacrifice to liberate their holy city ….shame !!!
      if ypu dont know what alaqsa means to muslims..cz you are non muslim (again you say i am from muslim family)..then why dont you choose an other topic ???
      alaqsa is the holly mosque for 1.5 billion muslims
      no need to show us these miserable news from here or there ..
      when it comes to palestine , jeruaslem and aqsa …ten of million of muslims are ready to sacrifice themselves
      the file of jihad in palestine is just postponed ..sure the time will come for the great battle
      but why are you so worry about that..??
      muslims are living normally with non muslims
      in their home nations ……are you jew ??
      india is not palestine
      what is valid in palestine dose not valid in india or russia or europe or any other countries ……tell me why are you so worry???
      jew are a spacial enemy for all muslims ,,unlike other non muslims
      got it or not ???

  • mac
    July 29, 2015 9:23 am

    The message is clear: The BJP is against terrorists only if those terrorists are Muslim http://scroll.in/article/744734/the-message-is-clear-the-bjp-is-against-terrorists-only-if-those-terrorists-are-muslim

    If it has got away with this blatant hypocrisy, it can only be because a substantial proportion of the population shares that view.

    If Yakub Memon hangs, will it be because of his faith? That’s what Asaduddin Owaisi of the All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen suggested, setting off a predictable storm of outrage. On his news programme, Arnab Goswami called Owaisi’s statement, “Completely unnecessary, provocative and seen as an attempt at religious polarisation”, and accused the politician of, “insulting the supreme court of the country.”

    Owaisi countered that the killers of Punjab’s chief minister Beant Singh and India’s former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi had their sentences commuted thanks to political backing, which Memon lacked, presumably because he was Muslim.

    To understand whether Owaisi is on to something, it is useful to look back at the history of capital punishment in independent India. The nation frequently executed convicts in the decade after independence but as voices against state sanctioned killing grew stronger around the globe leading to the practice being banned in over a hundred nations and moratoriums being placed in over 50 others, we became increasingly hesitant to use the gallows. However, although the Supreme Court ruled as early as the 1970s that death be awarded only in the rarest of rare cases, it wasn’t particularly reluctant to condemn criminals to hang. The combination of the willingness to convict and unwillingness to execute created a logjam on death row.

    The last recourse for those sentenced to hang is usually a plea for mercy to India’s head of state. For almost a decade, between 1997 and 2007, such mercy petitions were simply ignored. KR Narayanan and Abdul Kalam were excellent Presidents, but both kicked the capital punishment can down the road. Narayanan didn’t decide on a single case during his term in office, and Kalam made a judgment on just two petitions, accepting one and rejecting one. Pratibha Patil, a controversial replacement for the inspirational Kalam, may have proved lacklustre in office generally, but considered dozens of mercy pleas, and gladdened liberal hearts by commuting a record number of death sentences. The damage to the process, however, had already been done. Rajiv Gandhi’s killers were spared the noose on grounds of inordinate delay, even though Patil rejected their mercy plea.

    Double standards

    It’s difficult to decide, based on the small sample size available, whether Guru and Memon were ill-served by the judicial process because they were Muslim (Kasab’s case was, of course, open and shut), or whether they were simply unlucky to be convicted in a period when presidents took relatively expeditious decisions on mercy pleas, thus eliminating the “inordinate delay” recourse. I find the attitude of the public to these cases more worrying than anything that happened in court. When Omar Abdullah spoke out against executing Afzal Guru, he faced a backlash that his DMK and Akali Dal counterparts had not. He tweeted about this and created a bigger stir. The BJP made hanging Afzal Guru part of its political platform even while condemning the supposed violation of the “cultural and human rights” of Hindus under trial for bombing civilians, and partnering with the Akali Dal that supported convicted Khalistanis. It’s difficult not to conclude that the party is against terrorists only if those terrorists are Muslim. If it has got away with this blatant hypocrisy, it can only be because a substantial proportion of the population shares that view.

    I understand why people feel threatened by Islamist terrorism and extremism, but when they adopt double standards as a consequence, it only causes disaffected Muslims to be drawn to identity politics of the kind peddled by the Owaisis, or something far worse.

  • July 29, 2015 9:06 am

    For the information of Mac, I would like to tell that Rokhsar is the wife of prof. Diwakar, who is working in the management instt.

    Mac is a shameless person being a mutta product, does not know his exact biological father. ACCORDING TO KORAN:-

    Women Are Sex Objects. Go and use them for sex whenever, however you want.

    Likens a woman to a field (tilth), to be used by a man as he wills: “Your women are a tilth for you (to cultivate) so go to your tilth as ye will” (Quran 2:223)

    This teaching permits anal sex of Muslim women by their husbands.
    Women Are Inferior to Men

    Men are “a degree” above women. [Quran 2:228]

    A woman is worth one-half a man. [Quran 2:282]

    Men are allowed to marry two, or three, or four women, but non vice-versa. [Quran 4:3]

    Males are to inherit twice that of females. [Quran 4:11]

    Women Are Deficient In Intelligence

    “[Muhammad] said, ‘Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?’ They replied in the affirmative. He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her intelligence.'” [Bukhari 6:301]

    Husbands Can Beat Their Disobedient Wives, not vice-versa

    “Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them.” [Quran 4:34]

    Women Are Dirty

    “When it’s time to pray and you have just used the toilet or touched a woman, be sure to wash up. If you can’t find any water, just rub some dirt on yourself.” [Quran 5:6]

    Most Women will go to Hell
    “And it is said unto the angels): Assemble those who did wrong, together with their wives (no matter how they behaved), and what they used to worship.” [Quran 37:22-23]

    Among the inmates of Heaven women will be the minority” (Sahih Muslim 36: 6600)

    “I (Mohammed) have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-Fire were women… [because] they are ungrateful to their husbands and they are deficient in intelligence” (Sahih Bukhari: 2:18:161; 7:62:125, 1:6:301).

    • ahmad noor
      July 30, 2015 1:51 pm

      you think yourself clever when tell us these facts of islamic rules ….
      let us see…..
      Likens a woman to a field (tilth), to be used by a man as he wills: “Your women are a tilth for you (to cultivate) so go to your tilth as ye will” (Quran 2:223)
      you do not understand arabic language tilth :is well known in field
      for woman tilth means porductivity for new generations …scholars said that
      the prductivity is the vagina not anal way ..as you think
      that is man can contact his wife from the vagina ..the way he like
      as the anal way is completely not allowed in islam
      not believe ..ask muslims
      other facts mentioned
      man is one degree higher than woman…yes has the leadership to run the family ..not for humiliation as some stupid think
      what is bad in that???
      man gets double inheritance of what woman gets
      cz he is responsible about spending on his family ..unlike the wife
      beating …is only in spacial circumstances only when disobeying husband orders
      as a witness ..yes cz of emotional nature of woman may affected during

  • July 29, 2015 8:59 am


    If you are so much sypathisized by terrorists, why dont you leave India and fight for ISIS? Even if you die, you will be rewarded with 72 virgins? Why dont you avail this opportunity?

    • ahmad noor
      July 30, 2015 9:26 am

      i am against alcaeda or isis deeds i lost so many good muslim killed by those extremists i believe in democracy and free elections …i am not flattering you
      but really if any of those crazy isis kill you i will never feel sorry for you
      i have a lot of polite hindu friends ..no one of them has such dirty mind of yours

  • Kumar-s
    July 29, 2015 7:09 am

    Mac ,do u kno Arab Muslims laugh at u ppl when yo’ll comment about narendra modi.

    shame on u ppl

    • mac
      July 29, 2015 9:38 am

      Kumar, i don`t care at all whether arab muslim laugh at us or not, today top islamic scolars are all non arab, dr.zakir nayak, ahmededat, khalid yasin, hamza yousf, yousef esstet,dr.bilal phillips, abdur rahim green etc..all are non-arabs…

  • mac
    July 29, 2015 6:48 am

    Yakub Memon’s hanging will inevitably draw our attention to the original sin in the chain of events that led to the March 12, 1993 blasts: the Mumbai riots that followed the demolition of the Babri Masjid. Neither those who demolished the Masjid nor those found guilty of the ensuing riots, in which 900 persons were killed, among them 575 Muslims and 275 Hindus, were punished, even though criminal offences were registered against the perpetrators. Two judicial commissions also indicted specific individuals for both crimes.

    Among these individuals were 31 policemen, charged with extreme communal conduct against Muslims, including murder. None of them was punished. Nearly all the offenders in both events not only went free, some of them ruled the country as central ministers.

    But those who took revenge for the riots, killing 257 people, were not let off. Their punishment ranged from two years to death.

    When the TADA court held him guilty, Yakub cried out: “Woh sahi bolta tha, koi insaaf nahin milega, tum log hume terrorist banake chodoge.” What he said was right; you won’t get justice; you will make us into terrorists.

    Via- Younus Sk

  • Kumar-s
    July 29, 2015 6:38 am

    Yakub Memon to be hanged tomorrow.

    He wud be welcomed by 72 virgins in heaven.

    🙂 🙂

    • mac
      July 29, 2015 6:41 am

      And terrorist bal thakrey, the main criminal of mumbai mass murder of muslim is now dead and burnt and is now burning in hell for ever, mash allah, same will be the fate of Advani, the one who created all the violence in India and untimate enemy of humanity narendra modi

      • mac
        July 29, 2015 6:43 am

        I am not surprised what SC verdict about Yakub, and I am not against the SC decision, every terrorist and murderer must be hang even he is a PM or a general public

        • mac
          July 29, 2015 6:45 am

          I mourn the loss of a life today. And it is not Kalam’s.
          While the entire country can’t get over posting and re-posting ‘motivational’ quotes by the Misslile Man, Yukub Memon, the unfortunate brother of Tiger Memon, has been told by the Indian State today, for the final time, that you deserve to die for the crimes that you have committed.
          But what the state has actually said is that you deserve to die because you are Tiger’s brother and clearly, we can’t get to him. And that Tiger was right. You should’ve stuck with the bad guys. That there is no space for transformation in this country. Tomorrow, on his birthday, Yakub will breathe his last, the blood thirsty public will be quenched until the next muslim asks for his life to be spared … because the truth seems to be that until and unless you are bajrangi, you cannot survive being a bhaijaan in this country.
          And so, justice has been served. As if killing someone will bring the dead back to life.
          Via–Mallika Taneja

      • Kumar-s
        July 29, 2015 6:47 am

        Mac please control ur emotions.

        I kno it hurts when ur brothers are hurt.

        :p :p :p

        • mac
          July 29, 2015 6:52 am

          I am not at all emotional, those are the post that i shared here from social media, i would have got emotional if some true justified people have hanged him, but it is not, another murderer Narendra modi and his chaddi gang is taking care of justice in India…so no surprise…we don`t expect justice from those who associate others(like ling,hanuman,rat,snake) with god.

          • Kumar-s
            July 29, 2015 7:06 am

            Lol again u started blaming Namo .

            Namo has nothing to do with the hanging of Yakub.

            Its president who has to decide.

            Get ur facts right mac.

            🙂 🙂

            // U said u don’t expect anything from ppl associated with rat, hanuman //

            Then with whom do u expect ?

            Is it with fake prophets who marry young girls, daughter in laws and who rape minors.

            Is it with fake god like allah( god of terrorism) who don’t even exist.

          • mac
            July 29, 2015 9:52 am

            To kuamr : Get your facts right too, India is parliamentary democracy not presidential, president has powers but these powers are only name same, real powers are bestowed on prime minister.
            President does in India what Pm dictates.

            You said///// U said u don’t expect anything from ppl associated with rat, hanuman //

            Then with whom do u expect ?

            Is it with fake prophets who marry young girls, daughter in laws and who rape minors.

            Is it with fake god like allah( god of terrorism) who don’t even exist.///

            LOL 🙂 i don`t know why i jump to allah and prophet etc, i didn`t mention anything about hindus in my comment, or you saying hindus worship ling,rat,hanuman,snake etc?

            I expect jusitce from muslims, see in Bangladesh those muslims who were invloved in anti-hindu riots during 1972 civil war are getting punihsment,life time jail, death punishment, while in india same rioters like Bal Thakrey,Advani,Modi are elected by Hindus,loved by hindus, this is the difference, they are not hanged…people cannot even dream of hanging criminals like modi,advani,bal thakrey, babu bajrangi,kodnani, bcoz some poeple don`t worship real god, so they don`t have fear of real god, they worship linga,yoni,snake,rat,cockroach,hanuman,cow,etc…which are in reality not god, that is why such people don`t feel shame starting relationship with a girl of other community under deception and lie that i will convert and then refuse to keep promise when the girl falls in deep love, only people who worship linga,yoni,cow,rat,cockroach can do such immoral,unethical things to their gf.

            Here we go, Gujarat govt( modi govt at that time,2013) requesting SIT not to advocate death penalty for the lady who is responsible for day light slaughtering of innocent Muslims in Gujarat, on one hand safe guarding terrorist if he.she is hindu, on the other hand punishing terrorist who is muslim without strong evidence.

            Gujarat govt asks SIT not to seek death penalty for Maya Kodnani in 2002 Naroda Patiya massacre case – The Times of India


  • mac
    July 29, 2015 6:26 am

    To Jainab : https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=1087&cpage=1#comment-356188

    Learn some fact through that link ^^^

  • Kumar-s
    July 29, 2015 6:01 am

    @ fi

    Incase v post true facts about Islam, mac starts saying that those are fake created by Christian missionary.

    Mac’s logic: Boko haram,Taliban, ISIS,Lashkar,mujahedeen are Christians who are creating violence in the names of Muslims.

    Earlier when i came into this site, i had some respect for mac. I used take many of his suggestions to my consideration. But now i got to kno his real face.

    • mac
      July 29, 2015 6:22 am

      To Kumar, you don`t have to take mac seriously, take your brain seriously, and calculate yourself, he said 6 million muslim every year convert to Christianity, including turkey,France,UK,Malaysia,Iran,etc etc, but then again he said 6 million people convert to Christianity from islam in Africa, if so, then where goes the rest converts from islam to Christianity all around the world, or are the negligible, if they are negligible, then is there any importance to post such crap. You ask yourself, how come 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity in a year while again 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity in a year all over the world, is it logical? is it possible?

    • mac
      July 29, 2015 6:29 am

      Obama slips and accepts they trained ISIL to fight Govt of Syria

      Hilary Clition accepts the fact that they had created Taliban/Al-Quida to fight Soviet Union at that time

      If you want to reject truth, no one make you believe. It`s upto you and your conscience, i am not forcing you to believe what i write here.

    • FI
      July 29, 2015 10:33 pm

      Nostradamus MABUS DE-CODED:
      Century 2, Quatrain 62
      Mabus will soon die, then will come,
      A horrible undoing of people and animals,
      At once one will see vengeance,
      One hundred powers, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.

      Y(a)ku(b) Abd(u)l Ra(z)ak (M)emon : MABUZ……

  • mac
    July 29, 2015 5:19 am

    To jainab, read these three comments 1. https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=1087#comment-356164
    2. https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=1087#comment-356163

    3. https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=1087#comment-356154

    Now what you say, if i reply them heir tone, admin will quote my comment and then will paste it in my page that he created `Mac:My mother was Brahmin` and then whenever a new user like you will join this website, he will show them how mac comments on others without showing in what context i replied them, as i said earlier, more than 90% of my comments are just replies to their comments because Islam doesn`t tell us to start fight, but they start fight, we are allowed to defend ourselves. And then there are people like you, who wants to stop us.

  • July 28, 2015 9:52 pm


    Mutta marriages are not haram relationship to legalize prostitution.
    Regarding text materials of Rokhsar, Sabana,Chand Osmani, they are
    far qualified and matured than you. They have explained in various texts
    they are professionals in the field of electronics, computer sciences,
    management etc. not like you an idot and fool, associated with terrorist

    • mac
      July 29, 2015 5:24 am

      Kartar, very nice, you think you will abuse me and then when i counter you in your own tone, admin will cut paste my comment in this section that admin made where he cut pasted my replies to various readers here and there in this website and then he will show this to new ignorant readers who don`t have any clue of this website, but as you know i follow the guidance of Allah, the almighty and recently i found out that he advised us not to reply to fools like you, so no comments from my side. Thanks.

    • ahmad noor
      July 29, 2015 1:21 pm

      you can not prove that mutta m. is halal :
      1st you can prove yourself as a muslim ,,you are not muslim ..and islam is notyou affair ……
      2nd all the evidences talking about legalizing mutta are false can not be proved neither from quran ..nor from sunna
      what shia scholar say is worthless
      out of evidences talking ……….
      mutta is a great insult to woman dignity
      ie ; woman to be sexually checked by unlimited number of men …
      even hindu ,christian will never accept such relationship for their women
      medically it has been approved that several men semens ..in on woman womb
      is dangerous on woman health
      islam decides polygamy (more than one wife) man to be responsible of 2\3\4
      families …….if he can release his sexual lust ..just as easy as mutta
      why should he bear headache and responsibilities for additional families
      so mutta practically cancels the legal islamic polygamy…as no need for it
      any more ..
      what shia do is illegal and in iran now they can not control
      the increasing rate of aids carriers

  • July 28, 2015 9:00 am



    Dear readers,

    You got to laugh at the tribal level of extremely low intelligence that you find in Muslim cultures. Women must ‘bleed’ on the wedding night to prove they are virgins. Nothing could be more absurd and medically inaccurate. Since it would be highly rare that any adult female would bleed, Muslim women have to use tricks to pretend she is bleeding.

    Of course, this scenario can change if you are a 53-year old mass murderer and warlord who rapes a 6-year old undeveloped child like Aiysha who was still playing with dolls when she was married off to Muhammad. Then it is highly possible that she would bleed on her ‘wedding’ night. How many women in Islam have been punished and even killed over low-brow bedouine male thinking?

    Truly, the Muslim male like Mac must be one of the most evil creatures on earth.To avoid such a situation by brides, they undergo hymen repair surgery or use artificial hymen kit like mother of mac.

  • mac
    July 28, 2015 8:08 am

    How come comment of Massey,Rokshar,Golnar,Shabana,Human,Kartar are exactly same. Also they don’t have any spelling mistake,gramatical mistakes in their comments, it means they are well trained propagandist, just ready to spread venom on islam and muslim community.

  • mac
    July 28, 2015 12:23 am

    Don’t stay in a haram relationship with the intention of making it halal someday. Who promised you tomorrow?! – Dr. Bilal Philips

    Allah tala orders us in Quran that
    “And come not near to unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is a faahishah (a great sin) and an evil way.” (Sura Al-Israa # 17 ayah # 32)

    Repent to allah if anyone of you are in haram relationship and ask allah for forgiveness, you never know when you are gonaa die.

    • fi
      July 28, 2015 2:07 am

      Another Stupid stuff by Mac…”you never know when you are gonaa die.”

      Fool….if you live 100 years under the cover,under siege, under strict supervision, under veil, it is better to die rather than living. If you live only for 15 years or even less than that, but live Big, then your life is 100% perfect. God has send us in this World to live life, service others, enjoy to the fullest, and die like a king. “Jindagi Badi Honi Chaiyehe Lambi Nahi”.

      Death means – 1) Physical death 2) Subtle death…..Physical death:- When a person actually die and soul moves out from his body. Subtle Death: When a soul is forcefully chained in a body, but cannot leave the body..it is known as Jinda Lash……Where did you got your knowledge? and somebody post that he is one of the most knowledgeable fellows on this blog……HAHAHA….

      • Mohammed
        July 28, 2015 2:48 am

        I doesnt see fool like fi, fool saying to others fools by commenting unneccarily. .

        bro if you dont know english then why u r replying. . .
        Read mac’s bro comments once more. . . then reply

    • Kumar-s
      July 28, 2015 3:14 am

      So ur calling Hinduism a haram.

      • Mohammed
        July 28, 2015 3:24 am


        illegal relationship is haram in islam and marraige outsite of islam is prohibited…
        it doesnt refer to hinduism bro. . .

    • Kumar-s
      July 28, 2015 3:18 am

      I used to condemn when ppl said “Islam is the religion of Terrorism” since i too had a Muslim girlfriend.
      But after reading some of mac’s post i too feel the same.

    • Kumar-s
      July 28, 2015 3:20 am

      In one of Zakhir Naik’s speech he says that

      “It is no where written in Qur’an, that a Muslim shud be killed incase he leaves Islam”

      • Mohammed
        July 28, 2015 3:29 am

        it is in doubt. . .we have not verified yet. . but sure killing to the people who leave islam is no where in Quran. . .

        If we verified we will inform. . i dont know about mac bro. . wheather he knows are not

  • mac
    July 28, 2015 12:16 am

    In India, if you eat beef then 10 years jail
    If you Rape an women then 7 years jail

    Height of intolerance,stupidity and foolishness

    Can we expect respect and protection of women , lower caste Dalits and minority at least as much as four-footed animal – cow is respected and protected?

    Hypocrisy, intolerance, ignorance is in Hindutva Hindus but they blame Muslims.

  • Kumar
    July 27, 2015 10:53 pm

    @ jainab

    Please keep updating ur relationship status. How is your boyfriend. Is everything fine between u both.

  • July 27, 2015 5:34 am

    Koran is an evil book containing evil teachings against humanity.All these teachings are truly UNHOLY, and evil. Being teachings of war, violence, death and destruction, terror ALL these verses are not MORAL PERFECTION and therefore, not from of a God of MORAL PERFECTION and therefore, Islam is a total fraud perpetrated on Muslims and humanity. These are the teachings that motivate Jihadists/suicide bombers to commit mass murder. All the suicide bombers in Iraq, Pakistan etc are following EXACTLY these teachings. These massacres were fulfilling Jihad – unholy war in the name of God. Jihad is not a perversion of Islam – Jihad is the very essence of Islam. It takes up a large portion of the Trilogy. From politicalislam.com – “Material for jihad is 24% of the Medinan Quran and 9% of the total of the entire Quran. Jihad takes up 21% of the Bukhari material and the Sira devotes 67% of its text to jihad. (98% of jihad is devoted to jihad of the sword. Only 2% is the greater Jihad of inner struggle.)” Again, all Muslims believe that God wrote these verses. You cannot ignore these Quranic verses. Again – 270,000,000 kafirs have perished, murdered in the name of God by good, pious Muslim men quoting these teachings. These suiciders are not misinterpreting these teachings – they understand Islam. (There is an excellent web site that will give 10 translations of any Quranic teaching including the original Arabic. Just go to http://www.quranbrowser.com/ and type in a teaching like 2.178 and receive 10 simultaneous translations with the original displayed.

    • ahmad noor
      July 30, 2015 9:37 am

      i do not believe that you are muslim …never mind can you tell wheter humanity is a new religion ..or new god to worship
      what humanity that gives a full freedom to mankindto behave same as animals
      look at sex relationship in europe and us family on its way to finish …homosexual marriage girls been sexually tried by several boys under the name of friendship …is that picture you want to india ,,,if you say yes
      i will bypass all your comments …for what all this headache ?????

  • July 27, 2015 4:45 am


    I am muslim because I born in muslim family and observed till the age of 23 years, every time bloodshed, hate, crime, violence,killing rape, abduction,terrorism, bomb blasts, jihad, fatwa, being discussed and plans made to how accelerate such activities. Females were treated like animals and sex objects. You must have realized the pathetic condition of your mother, how disgraceful life she must be leading. Jainab has rightly pointed the criminal and cruel acitivities being carried out in the islamic families.

    I am on this blog since 2012 and occasionally giving my comments on realistic basis.

    Terror was supported by Muhammad who created numerous Quranic terror verses thru his alter ego Allah AKA Muhammad.

    Quran (3:151) – “Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority”.

    Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”

    All these words were from the brain and mouth of Muhammad AKA Allah granting the phony cover of religious, divine sanction from God to justify mass murder. Allah AKA Muhammad – the terror god of the universe. What makes Islam so disgustingly evil and ALL Muslim men so disgustingly evil is that they utilize God as an accomplice in all their crimes.

    • ahmad noor
      July 27, 2015 4:19 pm

      if i believe that you are from muslim family ..the question is.. are you considering your self as a muslim or non muslim ..???
      cz what you are saying .. means that mohammad is a lier and not a massenger of allah
      and you are non muslim ( not because of terrorsim but you deny islam already)
      cz when you deal with islam as non muslim (denier)..much different from saying i am a muslim i believe in moahammad as a massenger of god ..but i do like to know clearly why these verses of fighting in quran
      first you have a very bad impression about islam and prophit (evil) (terror) (bloody) (against humanity)means you have a preoccupied mind agaist islam with out real evidence …this is first
      and secondly… comes your false evidences as justification for first
      have you read a book on quran explanation
      have you even read a brief history of muhammad life
      any book about meaning of islam
      certainly not ..not cz you are only 23 ..but cz you alredy do not like to hear any thing positive about islam cz you heat the religion & prophit both
      i am 58 ..i was a secular with out pray till 19 ..i saw islamic rules heavy
      and hard to follow but one relative advised me to try to pray
      i did …and started to study islam seriuosly day by day my mentality has changed also convince …
      what proves that you do not know any thing about 2 verses you mentioned in your massage ..just made a general translation ..not explanation
      cz you are rushed in hate for islam
      any aya in quran has a reason why it is told to prophit ( i am speaking to you as a muslim)
      aya 3-151 speaks about ( uhud) battel when mecca army reaches madinah to terminate muslims and islam as a revenge for badr …prophit with muslims
      went out to defend themselves and religion 700 against 3000 this aya is to tell muslims that allah will support them against (kafir) by putting a great fear in their hearts as a results of their denying…
      what do expect from allah to deal with such people
      those people whom you call ( humanity ) chased muslims out of mecca at the time of peaceful preaching and no jihad at all 13 years ..and took their properties unfairly
      that is what you did not read …or you already do not like to read
      aya 8-12 speaks about badr battle
      do you know what is badr ( calling your self muslim) ????
      in arab countries even a small child can tell you reason of this battle
      after quresh (the kafir) gained all what muslim properties left in macca moving to madinah (unfairly & illegally ) prophit decided to sieze quresh (mecca) trade convoy coming back from syria ..the convoy escaped from muslim army safely
      but mecca insisted to teach muslims a lesson and fight
      this aya describe exactly what happen during battle when god sent a fighting
      angels to support muslims these words are said to these angels to support muslims i will put a great fear in ( kafir ) hearts so you beat their necks and their fingers…what do expect from god to say against who come to finish his religion
      islam did not come to say to humanity either you become mslims or else you must be killed
      god knew that kings and emperors will never let this religion to reach to public as they would force them on their false religions
      muslims before jihad offer either islam or jisia or fight and even after islam victory and domination ..no forcing to fllow islam
      that is why hindu still majority in india despite of handreds of islamic domination years

      • mac
        July 27, 2015 9:57 pm

        LOL 🙂 ahmad brother….shabana is fake..why you are paying attention to her(him)

        • fi
          July 27, 2015 10:57 pm

          1) When it is under cover you project it as the most peaceful religion of the World (what is peace to you, violence for others).

          2) When your own people doubt it and questions you say “You’re fake” “We are original”, “You don’t know the true meaning of our religion” etc etc.

          3) When even after your convincing they don’t listen you kill them in the name of your religion, thinking that killing is right if it is in the name of Religion (what is wrong to others -right for you).

          This way it has been going on since the last 1400 years. But how long?…….

        • ahmad noor
          July 27, 2015 11:51 pm

          brother mac ….assalam allykum …fi …regards indian muslims not patriotic
          islam ..is good for indian whole society …rape ..corruption…illegal male-female relationships ….social solidarity ..crime reduction ..aids rate reduction ..iam not claiming muslims are angels never me but if hindu really love india as they say always ,,they should not stand against this religion
          at least ……for the sake of india

  • mac
    July 27, 2015 12:22 am

    To jainab, you must know that i am a student, final year in my graduation, and i do understand your feeling about islam and muslim and indian muslim society and this is what i mentioned in my second comment which admin deleted so that we don’t get to know each other. You have raised a very good question that why i am not replying to massey,rokshar,etc type person. I am in this website from past one and half year, when i joined this website, i was quite naive and ignorant but not as naive,ignorant as you are. Now what i mean by naive, i meant i was not deeply knowledgable about islam but i was aware of politics,middle-east,terrorism,foreign politics,history etc etc which are one or way other related with anti islamic comments here, so that helped me to quickly pick up the lies of people like rokshar,massey etc. Anyway, why i am not answering to them, because i have answered them many many times,(mohammed also answered them many times). But you know, they are propagandist, even they don’t know what they copy paste, that is why not a single time they replied back when i answered them. i have answered chand osmani, you can find those replies if you scroll down, and you will see she hasn’t replied back, it takes time to prepare a reply especially replying to anti islamic comments, and i have wasted many of my valuable time replying them, but now no more, but i will still reply if i get time, but as i said this is my final year of my graduation and a very important year, only reason i am replying you is because you are a muslim girl and trying to find out truth, that is why i am trying to give another picture of islam and muslim that media refuses to show, so that you can draw your own conclusion, there is no force upon you from my side, if you follow islam, still i gain nothing, if you don’t follow islam, still i loss nothing, my duty is to inform you about truth as said in quran by almighty allah, and my job end there, i will get my reward for informing you, i will not get reward if you follow islam and also i will not get punishment if you don’t follow islam. And there is no compulsion in islam, if you wish, you may leave islam, but in the end you will be loser not me.

    Ask purely,honestly from your heart to allah to guide you in right path, try this, keep your hand on your heart and ask allah to guide you, and allah surely guides those who seek his guidence and see the result. You will automatically realise that you are entering in truth….

    And to brother ahmed noor and akash, you wanted to contact me, can contact me here >> m.facebook.com/macxxx

    • mac
      July 27, 2015 12:28 am

      Recently i couldn’t reply because of my exam. Not my final exam, but very important unit test.

      Admin, you have added all the comments in the main section, you have added comment of mehar,ahmed noor there but you didn’t added my comment, whereas most of jainab’s comment was directed towards me. Admin this is partiality and unjust, how will reader get to know for which comment of mine jainab comments are directed.

    • jainab
      July 27, 2015 5:08 am

      Dear Mac, asslam, thanks ,today first time you written on this blog as a human being.i appreciate,I also pray Allah to give me right direction,He is almighty and he knows every thing well,But it is very difficult to follow all the principals of holy books.In my opinion fath and follow are two different things.,but it does not mean that i am not a Muslim,I don’t want to know much about writings of holy books,either from you or from any other, but i also don’t want to listen against my religion.How it can happen,its a matter of honest thinkings.Thats all i always write in a very simple language,because this is my limit of knowledge,wish for better marks in you final year exams. …Jainab

      • mac
        July 27, 2015 11:02 pm

        To jainab, you want to insult other human beings, abuse them , call them names and then you talk about humanity, what does it mean why you said first time i have commented here as human being?
        Are you saying earlier i commented as animal?
        Is this what you have learnt all these years?
        Atleast expected much civilized behavior from you!
        Are you saying when i quote from Quran, when i say words of Allah, i am being inhumane, you people want to criticize others, you have painted whole muslim community with one brush, you criticized them, and then when someone like me present fact, you get angry, you people want just your false,lie to be spread without any difficulties, if anyone confronts like me, then he becomes terrorist,hater etc, you advise me not to criticize others and then you criticize others ,what is this? why this hypocrisy in your attitude?

        This was the first time when i didn`t refuted your false,ignorant information and you got happy, wah! is that what you want out of your life?
        Now you will say i am insulting you, no, i am not insulting you, i am not telling any slang words about you, it is you who have literally said that i am animal when i talk about islam, now tell me is this what you have learnt from islam, i say no, because i am educated in islam, i know islam don`t teach such things, but if any other Muslims have done same thing to you, you would have accused islam and whole muslim community, but here you see the difference, i am not accusing islam or whole community for your uncivilized behavior as i know islam or muslim community doesn`t teach that, it is your individual behavior and nothing to do with islam.

        Anyway, leave it, lets come to the point,
        you said //He is almighty and he knows every thing well,But it is very difficult to follow all the principals of holy books///
        Your first statement is right that almighty knows everything, but second is not, it is not at all difficult to follow all the principles of Quran if your have faith, and rewards are earned in cost of difficulties, something will the difficult, that doesn`t mean we leave that part, earning money is also difficult, that doesn`t mean we stop earning money?

        You said //In my opinion fath and follow are two different things.,but it does not mean that i am not a Muslim///

        Sister jainab, your opinion or my opinion doesn`t matter in front of god`s opinion, in the opinion of god, those you follow actually have true faith and those who don`t follow actually have no faith but they just say they have faith just to get away, just to show god that he/she believes…muslim means one who practices islam,i can cliam i am muslim, but to become true muslim, those who will enter jannah, i have to follow Quran, else i am are just name sake muslim infront of society and in front of Allah i am sinner, as declared by Allah in Quran.

        Then you said ///I don’t want to know much about writings of holy books,either from you or from any other, but i also don’t want to listen against my religion.///

        Here you are completely wrong, and do you know why, because here you are refusing to know the word of almighty Allah, Satan is tempting you not to learn what Allah has said, so that you go astray, you very clearly know, after reading 100 commandments of Quran, you have changed many things in your life or you wish to change many things, you have come to realist many things which you are planning to rectify as you have came to know that those things are not liked by god and Satan wants the opposite, he wants human beings to remain misguided.

        And then you said you don`t want to listen anything against your religion, here i see complete hypocrisy in your approach, on one hand you don`t want to practice your religion, you want to go against your religion by marrying a non-muslim and on the other hand you are saying you love your religion, it doesn`t make any sense at all. And religion is not our father`s property, it is a gift from god, we are supposed to follow it as much as possible if not fully, and Allah tells us in Quran that those who associate others with Allah will insult you, will insult your religion, but those who bear their insult, keep patience , Allah will reward them, it is actually a test for believers to beard insult from non-muslim fr truly following the one true god.

        And as you said you have limited knowledge, then why you made initially such blatant statement on islam, huge muslim community, if you had limited knowledge, then why you made remarks like `no muslim women in history`, why?

        • mac
          July 28, 2015 12:49 am

          You said you don`t want to listen any words against your religion. Lets see what Quran says about this matter, read this very carefully as it is very important for you, because this is the problem that you are facing now, it will help you to tackle the situation that you face now in day to day life.

          It is entirely false and totally unfounded to allege that Islam teaches Muslims to murder anyone who verbally abuses their religion, mocks it, or offends their feelings towards their faith.
          On the contrary, Islam requires its followers to show patience under provocation, and to disregard and ignore the abuse. (Of course, if the abuse contains any allegations against Islam or the Holy Prophet Muhammad which require to be refuted, then these should be answered, but by verbal means only.)

          Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) had said : “”The Muslim who mixes with the people and bears patiently their hurtful words, is better than one who does not mix with people and does not show patience under their abuse.””
          What a noble and wonderful piece of guidance, which is so applicable to the modern world in which people of differing faiths have to mix and come into contact so closely!

          So here we see a case like you, you are bearing their insult, insult from non-muslim in every field, prophet Muhammad had said your situation is better as you are mixing with them and bearing their hurtful words for being muslim rather than those who don`t mix with non-muslim , prophet said your situation is better because you will be rewarded for showing patience when we were being insulted for just being a muslim. See here how people have insulted me >> http://justpaste.it/OthersonMac Even you insulted me by calling me fraud, insulted muslim children by calling them animals, insulted me by praising those(like massey) who abused my mother, i also unfortunately insulted you when i refused to take your eid greeting, but next day i apologized and begged for forgiveness for hurting you, i did it because i follow Quran, while you don`t follow Quran, that is why you arrogantly stood in your position and tried to cover it by saying you didn`t say any unconstitutional words on me, but refusing eid greeting is also not unconstitutional, still it hurt you, right, so try to think deeply about these things.

          Teachings of the Noble Quran

          As a general point, it may first be noted that the Holy Quran itself records the accusations made against, and the insults heaped upon, the Holy Prophet Muhammad by his opponents (e.g. that he was insane, or that he fabricated his revelation), and it answers these charges, but nowhere does it require Muslims to inflict any kind of punishment on the accusers. The Quran has itself, therefore, given permanence to these allegations and the replies thereto, obviously anticipating that similar charges would be made by critics in later times. If such abuse or criticism could damage a Muslim’s faith, and requires to be silenced by force, why should the Quran itself have quoted so much of it from its opponents’ mouths?

          The Holy Quran tells Muslims:

          “You will certainly hear much abuse from the followers of previous books and from the idol-worshipping people. And if you are patient and keep your duty — this is surely a matter of great resolution.” (Quran 3:185)

          “Many of the followers of previous books wish that they could turn you back into disbelievers after you have believed, but you should pardon and forgive.” (Quran 2:109)

          See how Allah has addressed those situation that we face, because Allah is almighty, Allah is all knower, Allah knows everything that we don`t know now.

          Addressing the Holy Prophet, God says in the Quran:

          1. “Bear patiently what they say.” (20:130 and 50:39)

          2. “Obey not the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and disregard their hurtful talk.” (33:48)

          Now this verse 33:48 is very important for me, the full verse is
          ” And do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites but do not harm them and leave unregarded their annoying talk, and rely on Allah; and Allah is sufficient as a Protector” [Quran chapter 33;verse 48]

          Here Allah mentioned two types of people, one is unbeliever and another is hypocrite(munafiq), munafiq are those who are within community, those who say they are muslim but donont follow islam, sorry to say if you remain in relationship with your hindu bf or you marry him without converting him to islam, then i can`t help myself from saying this that according to Quran, you are also a hypocrite(munafiq), and thus Allah is alarming me that such type of people will annoy you by saying hurtful words, like you did. Hope you reflect upon those Quranic verses and hope Allah guides you, you may think what`

        • mac
          July 28, 2015 1:05 am

          You said you don`t want to listen any words against your religion. Lets see what Quran says about this matter, read this very carefully as it is very important for you, because this is the problem that you are facing now, it will help you to tackle the situation that you face now in day to day life.

          It is entirely false and totally unfounded to allege that Islam teaches Muslims to murder anyone who verbally abuses their religion, mocks it, or offends their feelings towards their faith.
          On the contrary, Islam requires its followers to show patience under provocation, and to disregard and ignore the abuse. (Of course, if the abuse contains any allegations against Islam or the Holy Prophet Muhammad which require to be refuted, then these should be answered, but by verbal means only.)

          Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) had said : “”The Muslim who mixes with the people and bears patiently their hurtful words, is better than one who does not mix with people and does not show patience under their abuse.””
          What a noble and wonderful piece of guidance, which is so applicable to the modern world in which people of differing faiths have to mix and come into contact so closely!

          So here we see a case like you, you are bearing their insult, insult from non-muslim in every field, prophet Muhammad had said your situation is better as you are mixing with them and bearing their hurtful words for being muslim rather than those who don`t mix with non-muslim , prophet said your situation is better because you will be rewarded for showing patience when we were being insulted for just being a muslim. See here how people have insulted me >> http://justpaste.it/OthersonMac Even you insulted me by calling me fraud, insulted muslim children by calling them animals, insulted me by praising those(like massey) who abused my mother, i also unfortunately insulted you when i refused to take your eid greeting, but next day i apologized and begged for forgiveness for hurting you, i did it because i follow Quran, while you don`t follow Quran, that is why you arrogantly stood in your position and tried to cover it by saying you didn`t say any unconstitutional words on me, but refusing eid greeting is also not unconstitutional, still it hurt you, right, so try to think deeply about these things.

          Teachings of the Noble Quran

          As a general point, it may first be noted that the Holy Quran itself records the accusations made against, and the insults heaped upon, the Holy Prophet Muhammad by his opponents (e.g. that he was insane, or that he fabricated his revelation), and it answers these charges, but nowhere does it require Muslims to inflict any kind of punishment on the accusers. The Quran has itself, therefore, given permanence to these allegations and the replies thereto, obviously anticipating that similar charges would be made by critics in later times. If such abuse or criticism could damage a Muslim’s faith, and requires to be silenced by force, why should the Quran itself have quoted so much of it from its opponents’ mouths?

          The Holy Quran tells Muslims:

          “You will certainly hear much abuse from the followers of previous books and from the idol-worshipping people. And if you are patient and keep your duty — this is surely a matter of great resolution.” (Quran 3:185)

          “Many of the followers of previous books wish that they could turn you back into disbelievers after you have believed, but you should pardon and forgive.” (Quran 2:109)

          See how Allah has addressed those situation that we face, because Allah is almighty, Allah is all knower, Allah knows everything that we don`t know now.

          Addressing the Holy Prophet, God says in the Quran:

          1. “Bear patiently what they say.” (20:130 and 50:39)

          2. “Obey not the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and disregard their hurtful talk.” (33:48)

          Now this verse 33:48 is very important for me, the full verse is
          ” And do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites but do not harm them and leave unregarded their annoying talk, and rely on Allah; and Allah is sufficient as a Protector” [Quran chapter 33;verse 48]

          Here Allah mentioned two types of people, one is unbeliever and another is hypocrite(munafiq), munafiq are those who are within community, those who say they are muslim but donont follow islam, sorry to say if you remain in relationship with your hindu bf or you marry him without converting him to islam, then i can`t help myself from saying this that according to Quran, you are also a hypocrite(munafiq), and thus Allah is alarming me that such type of people will annoy you by saying hurtful words, like you did. Hope you reflect upon those Quranic verses and hope Allah guides you, you may think what`s wrong in marrying a non-muslim(Hindu in your case), but allah is all knower, he knows the consequence of a imaan dar muslim men/women marrying a non-muslim men/women, and what allah wishes for you, it is for your betterment, it may not appear now, but at the end, you will realize it, marriage is not what you think now, after marriage, after4-5 years, everything that you share now will vanish, then the real priorities will life replace all these romantic that you have now with your bf, then real values of life, growing up children,and etc etc will replace your daily life with present day sweet romance, and then will real snake come up from the hole, i mean real test of life will begin from there, even admin had said same thing to you and this is just about this life, what about consequences when you die, when you stand in front of god? from there no returning, you eternal life will be with god not with your bf, think about it, the person you should love most must be Allah, and then other stuff.

          Another verse from Quran having some bearing on this subject is as follows:

          “And if you invite them to guidance, they hear not; and thou seest them looking towards thee, yet they see not. Hold fast to forgiveness and enjoin goodness and turn away from the ignorant.” (Quran 7:198-199)

          This directs us that when we have to deal with people who are blindly prejudiced and ignorant, and therefore fail to understand the guidance, we must not give vent to anger, fury and violence against them. We should treat them with forgiveness, do our duty of enjoining simple goodness, and then turn away from them, leaving the matter in the hands of Allah

          I have taken excerpt from this website, you can read complete details about it in this website http://www.muslim.org/islam/abuse.htm

  • July 26, 2015 8:41 am

    Sister Jainab,

    Really so nice to see your texts on this blog. I am too a muslim girl and due to such inhumanely treatment and evils, i married with a Hindu guy and now working woman as S.W engineer. Islam is not a religion but a criminal and cruel ideology against mankind.

    Following facts definitely shall prove my arguments.

    1. The Slave cannot choose for himself.

    This was confirmed by all the Muslim scholars on the authority of Muhammad. In Vol. 6, Part 9, p. 467, Ibn Hazm said,

    “If a slave gets married without the permission of his master, his marriage will be invalid and he must be whipped because he has committed adultery. He must be separated from his wife. She is also regarded as an adulteress because Muhammad said, ‘Any slave who gets married without the approval of his master is a prostitute.'”

    The same text is quoted by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya (Part 5, p. 117 of “Zad al-Maad”), as well as Ibn Timiyya (Vol. 32, p. 201). Malik Ibn Anas relates (Vol. 2, Part 4) more than that. He says (pp. 199, 201, 206),

    “The slave does not get married without the approval of his master. If he is a slave to two masters, he has to obtain the approval of both men.”

    2. The male slave and the female slave are forced to get married.

    Malik Ibn Anas says explicitly,
    “The master has the right to force his male or female slave to marry without obtaining their approval” (Vol. 2, p. 155).

    “The master does not have the right to force the female slave to wed to an ugly black slave if she is beautiful and agile unless in case of utmost necessity” (refer to Ibn Hazm, Vol. 6, Part 9, p. 469).

    In matters of sex and marriage, Ibn Timiyya states:
    “The one who owns the mother also owns her children. Being the master of the mother makes him the owner of her children whether they were born to a husband or they were illegitimate children. Therefore, the master has the right to have sexual intercourse with the daughters of his maid-slave because they are his property, provided he does not sleep with the mother at the same time” (Vol. 35, p. 54).

    Price of Slaves

    “If an owned slave assaults somebody and damages his property, his crime will be tied to his neck. It will be said to his master, ‘If you wish, you can pay the fine for the damages done by your slave or deliver him to be sentenced to death.’ His master has to choose one of the two options – either the value of the slave and his price or the damage the slave has caused” (Vol. 32, p. 202, Ibn Timiyya).

    Racism from Prophetic tradition

    Ishaq, p. 243:

    “I heard the Apostle say: ‘Whoever wants to see Satan should look at Nabtal!’ He was a black man with long flowing hair, inflamed eyes, and dark ruddy cheeks…. Allah sent down concerning him: ‘To those who annoy the Prophet there is a painful doom.” [9:61] “Gabriel came to Muhammad and said, ‘If a black man comes to you his heart is more gross than a donkey’s.'”

    Ishaq, p. 144:

    “A rock was put on a slave’s chest. When Abu Bakr complained, they said, ‘You are the one who corrupted him, so save him from his plight.’ I will do so,’ said Bakr. ‘I have a black slave, tougher and stronger than Bilal, who is a heathen. I will exchange him. The transaction was carried out.”

    Tabari, II:11:

    “Shem, the son of Noah was the father of the Arabs, the Persians, and the Greeks; Ham was the father of the Black Africans; and Japheth was the father of the Turks and of Gog and Magog who were cousins of the Turks. Noah prayed that the prophets and apostles would be descended from Shem and kings would be from Japheth. He prayed that the African’s color would change so that their descendants would be slaves to the Arabs and Turks.”

    Tabari, II:21:

    “Ham [Africans] begat all those who are black and curly-haired, while Japheth [Turks] begat all those who are full-faced with small eyes, and Shem [Arabs] begat everyone who is handsome of face with beautiful hair. Noah prayed that the hair of Ham’s descendants would not grow beyond their ears, and that whenever his descendants met Shem’s, the latter would enslave them.”

    Ishaq, p. 450:

    “It is your folly to fight the Apostle, for Allah’s army is bound to disgrace you. We brought them to the pit. Hell was their meeting place. We collected them there, black slaves, men of no descent.”

    Bukhari 4.52.137:

    “The Prophet said, ‘Let the negro slave of Dinar perish. And if he is pierced with a thorn, let him not find anyone to take it out for him…. If he [the black slave] asks for anything it shall not be granted, and if he needs intercession [to get into paradise], his intercession will be denied.'”

    Slavery, raping slave girls, owning slaves, selling boys and women as trophies of war, sharing the booty (including slaves) obtained in raids and wars with Allah are all central teachings of Islam. Slavery was one of the major driving forces behind the expansion of Islam. After assuming his prophetic career, Prophet Muhammad enslaved large number of men and women, owned dozens of slaves, he sold many slaves as well as used the female captives as sex-slaves on top his dozen wives. Islam is such as vile, evil cult, which has been embraced by today’s civilized world’s 1.2 billion people as the perfect guide to life and its Prophet as perfect human being, the greatest apostle of God, a man of peace.

    Today, tens of millions of Blacks—whose forefathers were the worst victim of Muhammad’s cult—also eulogize this man, and call themselves proud Muslims. There cannot be anything more shameful than this.

    Plz.go ahead to marry your loving BF.

    Millions of thanks Jainab.

    • ahmad noor
      July 26, 2015 4:08 pm

      if you know all these (false) informations why are you still muslim ( if you are really so) now there is no sharia in india and you bought a hindu & sold your religion …why do you say i am a muslim and the same time belongs to devil religion
      ( if no answer means you are hindu claiming islam) and trying to cheat jainab
      2) is there now slaves in muslim countries even those who applying sharia ie saudia arabia (talban before) or even iran have you seen any slave there????
      the answer….no
      why..?? because slaves come from war prisoners at the time of jihad and other ways rather than war prisoners …islam stopped them gradually
      how many ayyas in many suras in quran …encouraging muslims to let slaves free ( at that time of jihad )??? have counted them ..i do not think so
      cz you are hindu or muslim turning hindu
      sabana …what ever your name or religion is …there is a famous slogan says
      if your house is made of glass ..do not throw others with stone!!!!!!!
      your beloved hindus have the worst caste system in the history aroud the world and all of you are the same religion for more than 3000 years till now
      all these classes are mentioned in details in your holy books
      slaves of war in islam are mostly non muslims (kafir) and it is dangerous to send them back to enemy camp
      if they are converted to islam and called for freedom he can go to ( mukatabah) with his master ..if master refuses he can go to jugde to set himself free
      that you did not mention cz you are hinu not muslim ( i am sure)
      if we have ( love jihad) …hindus have …( lie jihad)
      when i checked rules about slaves in islam i found different 4 schools of islamic science ..of different opinions about this topic
      so what you mentioned ( if they are true ) never represent all 4 schools
      spacially ( abu hanifa indian school) the biggest one
      finally this hadith from al bukhari ..the fist time i hear about by internet
      it is very easy now to catch you lie
      history books as altabari still not regarded as safely purified documented
      references ..you can ask any muslim scholar in india to make sure
      when all your fires tawards islam are concentrated on slave topic means
      you are really afraid to discuss any other side of islam cz the result is well known

      • jainab
        July 27, 2015 11:54 am

        Dear Ahmed noor ,Asslam, as you told that slaves system was 1400 years back ,in todays era it is not practiced,its okay,i understood,but you don’t try to understand that other rulings are also very old and they all are not compatible in their orignsl form,so i request you youngsters try to modify some rules bywhich we all can adjust, i don’t mean this should be anti Islamic,but with a touch of humanity,i may be wrong,its my opinion, thanks,khuda hafiz.

        • mac
          July 28, 2015 3:53 am

          To Jainab,

          About Slave, slavery existed in Arabian peninsula and even every where in the world because of misguidance, it still exists today in many parts of the world especially in Indian sub-continent, but we don`t realize it, the means of slavery has changed, you need to have a deep study on the filed of slavery, it is a deep subject dealing with thousand years of history.myth,assumptions.

          Now coming to Islam and slavery, Islam didn`t introduce slavery as you thought from brother Noor`s comment, it existed before, the Mohammedan revelation of Islam gradually eliminated it, Islam never advocated Slavery, and Slavery has no definite meaning, Slavery means many things to many different societies, that is why i said slavery still exists in Indian subcontinent but we don`t realize, but from western perspective, they will call it slavery, same way, way women are treated in western world, it can be regard as slavery but they don`t see it as slavery.

          Islam infact removed slavery from society, through it different steps as it was deeply rooted in society, gradually slavery vanished from arrogant Persia, Mesopotamia,Arabian peninsula..and so on…

          Now question is why we find verses of slavery in Quran, because slavery existed in those time and thus those verses are for those who had slaves, today if you don`t have any slave, then those verse doesn`t apply to you, if your take bribe, then verses related to bribery apply to you, if you have non-muslim lover, then verse related to non-muslim lover apply to you, if you drink alcohol, verse related to alcohol apply to you, if you are in war, verse related to war apply on you, if you are dealing with your parents, then verse related to parents apply on you,if you are dealing with marriage, then verse related to marriage apply on you, hope you understood my dear sister jainab.

          //so i request you youngsters try to modify some rules bywhich we all can adjust, //

          we cannot modify words of Allah, let me give you an example, when Allah said be honest with your master, now suppose today we have cars, and people keep drivers for their cars, now a driver cannot say since it is not written in Quran to be honest with my owner, so i can do what ever i like ..is that acceptable? no it is not, because when Quran said be honest with your master means being honest with your master in every sense..just the new addition is car..but the moral and ethic remains the same…

          Same goes for marriage,love,society…

          Also people are making bad things normalized, does that means he accept those bad things and modify Quran accordingly?

          You said //i may be wrong,its my opinion, thanks,khuda hafiz.///

          Now this is what i liked about you, that you entitled it to be your opinion, while earlier you made blatant statement..but thank god that finally you realized it..there is nothing wrong in expressing your opinion whether it is right or wrong, if we don`t express our opinion, how will we know whether my opinion is right or wrong, or partially right or partially wrong, you are free to ask anything about islam here, but donot panic by reading our comments, just because i said things which you don`t like or which you don`t know, same way i don`t panic when i read your comments ..but i don`t know why i got a sense that you get panic the moment you see name `mac`.

          • mac
            July 28, 2015 5:23 am

            To Jainab, let me give you another example of how Islam abolished slavery.

            Lets take the example of abolition of Alcohol.

            Allah did not send down all the laws at one time. The Quran was sent down over a period of 23 years. In the first 13 years of Mecca, none of these laws were sent down. As a matter of fact, if you analyze the Meccan Surahs, they all talk about Tawheed, Shirk, Day of Judgment, and Hell, Heaven etc. This was done in order to first build up the faith of the believers. Then in Madina, the laws were sent down. This is to teach us that people change gradually and not just overnight. This is the wisdom that Muslims even apply today. That if there is a sinner and wishes to turn back to God, he doesn’t conform to all the of laws and quit all the sins he does over night. His mind would eventually pop and lose hope of ever changing. But a person is to change gradually.

            Drinking was a part of the lives of the people at that time and Allah in his divine wisdom had them quit gradually. This was Allah’s plan the whole time. But if Allah were to completely prohibit drinking all at once, it would have been very difficult for them to abide by that law immediately. This simply shows Allah’s mercy and consideration for his creation.

            The gradual prohibition came in 3 verses in the following order:

            1.Quran 2:219
            They ask you about intoxicants and games of chance. Say: In both of them there is a great sin and means of profit for men, and their sin is greater than their profit. And they ask you as to what they should spend. Say: What you can spare. Thus does Allah make clear to you the communications, that you may ponder

            2.Quran 4:43
            O you who believe! do not go near prayer when you are Intoxicated until you know (well) what you say…..

            3.Quran 5:90
            O ye who believe ! wine and the game of chance and idols and divining arrows are only the abomination of Satan’s handiwork. So shun each one of them that you may prosper.

            So here we see in first verse i.e. in verse 2:119 Allah tells muslim that though alcohol has benefits, but it`s bad effects are more than it`s goodness, then the verse comes(4:43) that donot perform namaz when you are drunk, so here we again see a gradual process, first Allah tells muslim that alcohol has more harm than profit, then Allah tells not to pray when you are drunk, it means people are required to stay away from alcohol if they are to be pure/true muslim and then the final verse(5:90) came stating clearly to stay from such hings like alcohol,gambling,etc ..

            Now if anyone misquote from Quran the first verse saying Quran says alcohol has some benefits also, so why can`t w drink alcohol, if anyone says misquoting second verse from Qur’an saying alcohol is allowed as Allah has prohibited it only during namaz, a muslim who is uneducated/ignorant about Quran, may immediately believe that person but a knowledgeable person will show him all three verse and will explain him what Quran actually did about alcohol consumption. Same goes for slavery, here anti-Islamic people are misquoting from Quran to show that Islam advocates slavery,which is not at all true, human slavery is against islam. One human being is not allowed to be slave of another, every human being is slave of Allah, and thus every human being are equal with respect to one another.

          • mac
            July 28, 2015 5:42 am

            As Allah said alcohol has profit but it`s ill effect is much greater than it`s profit, and here is the proof:-

            1. Alcohol and Liver Problems
            Over the long term, even a drink or two a day can result in abnormal liver functions. Over the years this can result in permanent liver damage, and consequently total liver failure. Liver failure leads to death.
            Unfortunately, stopping drinking cannot reverse the damage. Liver problems may show up a number of years after stopping drinking. Alcohol may cause Cirrhosis (liver failure), which may not show symptoms for years.

            2. Alcohol boosts Esophageal Cancer Risk
            Drinking when combined with smoking can increase risks for esophageal cancer by more than 100-fold, an international team of researchers report. The team estimates that “up to 90% of esophageal cancers in men could be prevented if these habits could be abated,” (Report in the August issue of the International Journal of Cancer).
            Esophageal cancer remains one of the leading digestive-tract cancers, killing close to 9,000 Americans every year. Experts have long linked smoking and drinking with the development of this lethal cancer.

            3. Alcohol and breast cancer

            Studies indicate that women who drink even one or two drinks per day have an increased risk of breast cancer

            4. Alcohol boosts toxic levels

            Consistent high intake of alcohol causes toxicity to many of the organ systems, especially the liver and the pancreas

            5. Drinking and heart problems
            Those who drink have a higher risk of heart attack and stroke. Moreover, excessive alcohol consumption can damage the muscle of the heart, impairing its ability to pump blood, leading to a chronic condition called ‘alcoholic cardiomyopathy’. This in turn may cause chronic congestive heart failure.
            Several medical studies in recent years have been given widespread publicity because they seemed to substantiate the idea that moderate consumption of alcohol reduced the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
            However, antioxidants, the beneficial ingredient in alcohol, can be gotten without the risks of alcohol by eating deeply-coloured fruits and vegetables (red or purple grapes, tomatoes, etc.).
            The polyphenols present in grapes are indeed protective against heart disease and many forms of cancer, yet it is not necessary to ferment the grapes to get this benefit.

            6. Alcohol and Weight Gain
            Alcohol is a major cause of obesity for several reasons. Carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram, fat has 9 calories per gram, and alcohol has 7. Thus drinking consumes significantly more calories than carbohydrate foods or non-alcoholic soft drinks. Drinking two drinks a day of beer or wine and just one or two of hard liquor will easily add 15 pounds within six months.
            Moreover, our bodies absorb the alcohol quickly, it gets rapidly converted to sugar, and this causes the pancreas to secrete insulin. Insulin accelerates the conversion of calories into fat. Finally, alcohol slows down our metabolism, as a result we burn those calories more slowly.

            7. Alcohol and death on the roads
            Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol also impairs judgement, and reduces the body’s reaction time. It is a fact that the large majority of traffic accidents are caused by excessive consumption of alcohol.
            Every day, almost 30 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. This amounts to one death every 51 minutes. The annual cost of alcohol-related crashes totals more than $59 billion.

            8. Alcohol and abnormal blood tests
            Several blood tests may be abnormal in an alcoholic patient. Often, alcoholics are anaemic as a result of low intakes of folic acid. This type of anaemia shows up as large red blood cells, and is usually detected in lab work to determine blood counts.
            Alcohol also affects the liver, and various blood tests to gauge liver function may be abnormal. Liver enzymes (AST and ALT) are increased in the blood in a certain proportion to one another in alcoholic liver disease. The typical suggestive ratio is a level of AST that is twice the level of ALT. Another enzyme, GGT, may be high in the blood of someone who has been drinking recently.
            In alcoholic patients with severe liver disease, as well as in other patients with liver disease, blood clotting factor levels may be low and bilirubin levels may be high. Counts of platelets (also involved in blood clotting) can also be low in these patients.
            Although the above tests are not diagnostic of alcoholism on their own, they are often used to confirm a suspicion of alcohol abuse or its consequences in certain patients who may not admit to alcohol abuse.

            9. Alcohol and male impotence
            Men with chronic high-level alcohol consumption typically experience a decrease in the number of sperm as well as a decrease in sexual drive. Researchers believe that the alcohol lowers the level of the male hormone testosterone, both by decreasing the production of the hormone and by increasing the speed at which the body metabolises it. This means that there is less testosterone available for normal sperm production and sexual function.

            10. Alcohol and low motility
            Alcohol may result in abnormal liver function and a rise in estrogen levels which may interfere with sperm development and hormone levels. Alcohol is also a toxin that can kill off the sperm-generating cells in the testicle. Consequently, there is indication that low motility may be linked to excessive alcohol intake.

            11. Alcohol and pregnancy
            Full-blown alcohol syndrome may be seen in women drinking three ounces of absolute alcohol daily (one ounce of absolute alcohol is equivalent to 2 beers, or 2 four-ounce glasses of wine or 2 mixed drinks made with one shot of hard liquor). Fetal alcohol syndrome involves poor growth both before and after birth. Other defects such as heart problems and brain abnormalities are also common. Lesser amounts of alcohol may be associated with more subtle abnormalities, and these may be seen with as little as 2 drinks per day (one ounce of absolute alcohol). More than one drink (more than two times a week) has also been associated with a higher incidence of miscarriage.

            12. Father’s alcohol intake and fetal health

            Over the long term, even a drink or two a day can result in abnormal liver function in the man, which can adversely affect hormones and sperm production. Researches have shown that this may have an adverse relationship with regards to the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome or other birth defects.

            13. Alcohol and post Gallbladder removal

            It is found that some patients do experience looser stools after their gallbladders are removed, possibly related to the constant flow of bile into the intestine. Because alcohol can also lead to diarrhoea, drinking may compound the problem of cholecystectomy-related diarrhoea in certain people.

            14. Risk of Psychiatric Problems for Kids with alcoholic parents

            Children of alcoholic parents appear to be at increased risk of a variety of psychiatric disorders and behavioural problems, results of a number of studies suggest.
            Such children were more likely than their peers to have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder and overanxious disorder. This is according to a report in the June issue of the Journal of the AmericanAcademy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

            15. Alcohol and domestic violence

            The women (and children) at greatest risk for domestic violence are those whose partner is a regular drugs or alcohol consumer. This is according to results of a study conducted in emergency rooms across the US.
            The fact that alcoholism is the major cause of domestic violence is also confirmed in police reports across the country.

            16. Alcohol and Work Productivity

            Due to the effect of alcohol on the body as a whole, and in personal levels of mental concentration in particular, alcohol significantly reduces productivity of the drinker. An independent research indicated that alcohol-dependent workers more frequently cause alcohol-related work problems — showing up late, leaving early, doing poor quality or inadequate work, and arguing with co-workers.

            “Two specific kinds of drinking behaviour significantly contribute to the level of work-performance problems. These are drinking right before or during working hours (including drinking at lunch and at company functions), and heavy drinking the night before that causes hangovers during work the next day.” the researchers, Dr. Thomas W. Mangione of JSI Research and Training Institute in Boston, Massachusetts, and colleagues, explain.
            In conducting the study, the researchers surveyed and interviewed more than 14,000 corporate executives, supervisors, and workers at seven Fortune 500 corporations.

        • ahmad noor
          July 28, 2015 3:04 pm

          god rules our creator can not be modified by whom is created ..these are ever lasting rules …we just need more understanding to our religion before taking any fast judgment or decision …those extremist hindus do not know any thing about slavery ..as an example …
          slaves should not be called ..hay you slave ..come here ..!!
          you must call them by their name ..
          they must eat same what you eat …and must wear same what you wear …offered a good accommodation …
          islam always .. deals with liberation of slaves as punishment for muslims who did a big sin ..like mistake murder (not intended) ..
          or (aldihar ) a spacial kind of sin
          also islam encouraged muslims to liberate their slaves …if any slave likes to get rid of slavery ..he can go to (mukatabah ) between him and his master ….if master refused he can go higher to the judge for his(mukatabah)…
          this system which is responsible of reducing slavery to the
          minimum level …i am not telling imaginations …look at saudi arabia …how many negros are there ???….negros are not arab their grandparents came from africa as a slaves before islam ..treated very badly ..after islam ..
          gradually were libarated …now they have first degree citizenship
          the source of slavery which islam kept is prisoners of war ..even those who converted to islam ..afterward can go to mukatabah again and their ( kafir woman ) slave if she converts to islam and get pragnent her child can inherit
          his master father same as his other brothers & sisters
          you will never believe …jainab ….have heard about abbasi islamic state?? this old state (capital : baghdad) lasted for 500 years ruled by
          37 khalifs …more than 30 khalifs were sons of mother slave turkish .persian armenian ……. etc,
          it is clear that at the time of jihad against (kafir) war of prisoners at the site of battle could not be sent back to the enemy camp ;means not all kafir
          as some hindu say to slavery …but only fighters of them …
          this topic hindus made it a big fault of islam ..forgetting their cast systems ….anyway i can tell every thing about this topic ..i am not a scholar ..anyway ..khuda hafiz

  • July 26, 2015 8:29 am

    Dear jainab,

    The boldness and frankness you have shown to expose islamic evils against mankind and female communities are really a praiseworth attempt and it shall motivate other muslim girls to oppose and create awakening among muslim girls to fight against such discriminatory practices. Muslim girls/women are most sufferers in the world and Mac like devils are attempting to glorifying such evils by their fake and misleading texts.


    Islamic terrorists do kill people by their Islamic fanatical zeal which is the prime source of motivation in their killing spree. And these inspirations always come from Holy Quran. Now, question is: does the Quran contain such verses which can easily inspire/incite devout Muslims to kill people with impunity? Answer is there are plenty of such inciting or inspiring Quranic verses which can turn any simple/innocent minded devout Muslims into a killing monster. In fact, Quran is replete with such horrifically inciting dictums throughout the pages of Quran. The Quran repeatedly promised celestial handsome rewards for those who can kill kaffirs (enemy of Allah and His messenger) and dreadful punishing hellfire for those who refuse to kill kaffirs. The Quran also incites followers to sacrifice their lives in order to kill kaffirs in exchange for a much better and lucrative after life. In this line just one Quranic verse (9:111) is most attractive to those jihadis who are desperately eager to achieve heavenly rearward of 72 virgins. Here is the master piece from Holy Quran:

    Quran: 9:111, Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons (lives) and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Qur’an.

    In addition, a strong support and explanation to the verse: 9:111 was given by Merciful Allah by the following:

    Quran-4:74- Let those fight in the cause of Allah Who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. To him who fighteth in the cause of Allah,- whether he is slain or gets victory (i.e. killed or be killed) – Soon shall We give him a reward of great (value).

    Quran-4:95- Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons (sacrifice both life and wealth) than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight Hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward.

    Quran-3:169-: Think not of those who are slain in Allah’s way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord; (Here Allah is saying that those jihadi who dies [commit suicide] is not dead but he will be living with Allah).
    Now, I do not believe that anybody can have slightest doubt that the above clear invitations (from Allah) for the ardent fanatical believers can very easily convince the blind pukka (pure) Muslims to become a time-bomb (suicidal) in order to kill infidels/kaffirs—for the cause of Allah!

    The above verses (9:111; 3:169; 4:74; 4:95) are clearly ordering devout Muslims “to kill and be killed”; that is, Allah is teaching Muslims to sacrifice their own lives (to commit suicide) in His cause (Allah’s cause) in order to kill infidels (enemy of Allah).

    This single verse (9:111) very precisely justifies suicide bombing—the most lethal, most terrifying, most inhuman and most successful weapon majority Islamic terrorists are using today to kill Allah’s enemies. It is the perfect example (without any ambiguity) of the suicidal method Allah has prescribed for devout Muslims. In the verse above (9:111) Islamic Allah clearly saying that: He (Allah) purchased life and property of believers in exchange of lustful and unimaginable lucrative heavenly pleasures for those who will die (commit suicide) for the cause (killing kaffirs) of Allah. After this, Muslims (ardent followers of the Quran) do not need any more killing instructions for their motivation to kill kaffirs/infidels. For good reason we can sum up that the Islamic God (Allah) is the most dangerous deity having unlimited vengeful, cruel, intolerant, intimidating and war-loving blood thirsty divine entity.

    But this is not all! Quran is loaded with numerous (killing) verses ordering the ardent followers to carry out endless killing of infidels/unbelievers until only Muslims remain to inhibit this Earth owned by Islamic Allah. Here are some more examples:

    Quran-8:39, And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere (in this earth of Allah).

    Quran-9:29, Fight those who believe neither in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth (Islam), even if they are of the People of the Book (Christians and Jews), until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

    Quran-3:85, “If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good).”

    Quran-9:39, Unless ye go forth, (for Jihad) He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place; but Him ye would not harm in the least. [Allah’s hatred to those who are reluctant to join Islamic jihad]

    Quran-9:73, O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell,- an evil refuge indeed.

    Quran-8:65: “O Apostle! Rouse the believers to fight. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred; if a 100 , they will vanquish a 1,000 of the unbelievers..”

    Quran-8:66:”….if there are a 100 of you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish 2,00, and if a 1,000 , they will vanquish 2,000 (two thousands) with the leave of Allah…” [This fabulous verse was written in the diary of Muhammad Ata the leader of 9/11 terrorists].

    Quran-4:78: “Where ye are, death will find you, even if ye are in Towers, built up strong and tall” (Perhaps Twin towers was meant here?)

    Quran-2:193, And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression

    Quran-2:216, Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you

    Quran-5:33, The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;

    Quran-4:89— “They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades (change to other religions), seize them and kill them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks;-” (Punishment for the apostates).

    Quran-9:5, But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem.

    Quran-9:28, O ye who believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean; so let them not, after this year of theirs, approach the Sacred Mosque. (This verse is a glaring example how much hatreds Islam possess against non-Muslims).

    Quran-8:67—“It is not fitting for an Apostle that he should have prisoners of war until He thoroughly subdued the land….” (Allah insisting Prophet to kill all the prisoners, and should not keep any surrendered prisoners alive)

    Quran-8:17—It is not ye who Slew them; it is God; when thou threwest a handful of dust, it was not Thy act, but God’s…..” (Allah said, the killing of surrendered soldiers were done by the wish of Allah)

    Quran: 9:23: “O ye who believe! Take not for protectors your fathers and your brothers if they love Infidelity above Faith: if any of you do so, they do wrong”. [Quran is asking Muslims even to go against their own father and brothers in respect of religious faith]

    Quran: 3:28: “Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah”

    Quran: 5:45: We ordained therein for them: “Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear. Tooth for tooth, and wounds equal for equal.” (Does this verse sound humane?)

    47:4- “Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), strike off their heads; at length; then when you have made wide Slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives”: thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens.”

    9:123: “Oh ye who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers and let them find harshness in you.”

    2:191- “Kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from wherever they drove you out.”

  • July 26, 2015 8:20 am

    Here is a small sample of Allah’s divine sanction to hatred of the Jews:-

    Sura 2:61 “Wretchedness and baseness were stamped on the Jews and they were visited with wrath from Allah.”

    Sura 2:96 “Jews are the greediest of all humankind. They’d like to live 4,000 years. But they are going to hell.”

    Sura 4:160 “For the wrongdoing Jews, Allah has prepared a painful doom.”

    Sura 2:65-66 And you know well the story of those among you who broke Sabbath. We said to them: ‘Be apes—despised and hated by all.’Thus We made their end a warning to the people of their time and succeeding generation, and an admonition for God—fearing people.

    Sura 5:60 “God has cursed the Jews, transforming them into apes and swine and those who serve the devil.”

    Sura 7:166. So when they exceeded the limits of what they were prohibited, We said to them: “Be you monkeys, despised and rejected.”

    Christians are also hated by Islamic God, Who demands their subjugation or murder. For example:

    Sura 9:29: “Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.”

    Quran 9:29 is pure incitement to violence – and therefore a hate crime. The Quran has given the Christians and Jews, the ‘People of the Book’, the choice to submit to the superiority of Islam (i.e. become “Dhimmis”) and pay the Jiza tax or be attacked, mass-murdered and enslaved. Note that this Sura was actually one of the very last to be ‘revealed’– as such this verse is (almost) Allah’s last word on Jews and Christians.

    Hitler murdered 6 million Jews – but failed in his mission to create a Jewish (and eventually if he had won the war, a Christian) free Europe and world. Hitler committed hate crimes and crimes against humanity. Muslims and their allies in the West are now in the process of finishing the work of both Muhammad (who created a Jewish and Christian free Arabia) and Hitler by establishing Muslim-only areas in Europe and elsewhere in the world.

    Islam’s incitement of hatred and violence against the polytheists/idolaters (Hindus, Buddhists etc.) is even worse than that against Jews and Christians. All other kafirs (including atheists and agnostics) are not given any “special consideration” by Allah, no Dhimmitude for them! The choice for such “polytheists” and “associators” is stark: become Muslim or become dead.

    Sura 9:5: “Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due [i.e. become Muslim], then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”

    Islam is filled with exhortations calling for attacking, enslaving, murdering and even genocide of non-Muslims in an open-ended manner until all peoples of the world become Muslim. Nothing can be greater hate and incitement to violence than such ‘divine’ teachings. All these teachings are hate crimes. The Quran is nothing more than a terrorist manual filled with its exhortations to violence against kafirs (2:190-193, 4:89, 9:123, 47:4, etc., etc.) There are 22 Categories of Islamic Murder With 52 Reasons Muslim Men Can Kill Sanctioned By Allah. http://www.islamreform.net/new-page-96.htm For more hate crime verses calling for murder of kafirs go to http://www.islamreform.net/new-page-132.htm For 691 Quranic verses of hate against non-Muslims go to http://www.islamreform.net/new-page-23.htm

    • July 26, 2015 9:13 am

      Hate to Jews, Christians, Shias, Hindus? and is that the definition of peace? Middle East is burning, plane hijacking, bombing, and more. all these done to go to heaven? However, we believe it is soon to be past.

      All religions have problems. It is not the religion but what one learned from that religion that is important. Most Muslims we know do not believe in all these, we thank Allah for it. Better days are ahead.

      • ahmad noor
        July 29, 2015 2:14 pm

        speaking generally ( general expression) out of details is very easy and comfortable ..just to say it is a religious fighting or misunderstanding of religion massage to humanity …is very easy too
        it is unfair to equalize the unjust side with the oppressed side
        if you were a sunni muslim you will never accept what is going on in mid-east
        uk& us took holly palestine from muslims ..gave it to jew ..if you fight ..you are terrorist ..taking their oil with fair prices and finally supporting shia extending in their land ( believe or not )
        the area now is strongly controlled
        by secular dictation regimes ..nobody must talk
        forget extremist islamists …try to ask moderate islamists who believe in election and democracy ,,even those moderate islamists when they win in any elections the results will be canceled……what is this ????
        west drove muslims ..crazy

        • July 29, 2015 10:18 pm

          Do you think “unjust side with the oppressed side” Muslims are oppressed all over the world? Those Jews, Hindus and Buddhists who moved to the West don’t (generally) feel discrimination. Actually Hindus are the most wealthy religious group (more than Jews) in America. Why Muslims are oppressed and discrimination while Hindus are not? Any idea?

          • ahmad noor
            July 30, 2015 8:35 am

            no comparison between america and palistine you & me can move to america freely for immigration to get new life ( by the way jew are the richest all around the world including usa)
            but what happened in 1st w.war uk occupied the middle east and let jew to immegrate to palistine under their domination when jew stood as a strong colony
            uk withdrew and all the world start regarding israel as legal state ..as you see
            and millions of palitinians were thrown out the borders
            jerusalem is very holly city for muslims .. what push them to fight for
            usa now is completely supporting this israeli colonizing ..

  • Shagul
    July 26, 2015 7:28 am

    According to (CNN) — The Saudi Justice Ministry Tuesday issued a “clarification” of a court’s handling of a rape case and the increased punishment — including 200 lashes –meted out to the victim.

    The case, which has sparked media scrutiny of the Saudi legal system, centers on a married woman. The 19-year-old and an unrelated man were abducted, and she was raped by a group of seven men more than a year ago, according to Abdulrahman al-Lahim, the attorney who represented her in court.

    The woman was originally sentenced in October 2006 to 90 lashes. But that sentence was more than doubled to 200 lashes and six months in prison by the Qatif General Court, because she spoke to the media about the case, a court source told Middle Eastern daily newspaper Arab News.

    Al-Lahim told CNN his law license was revoked last week by a judge because he spoke to the Saudi-controlled media about the case. Video Watch the emotional toll the crime took on the rape victim »

    In a statement issued to CNN, Saudi Ambassador to the United States, Adel al-Jubeir said, “This case is working its way through the legal process. I have no doubt that justice will prevail.”

    Read other details at

    • July 26, 2015 9:07 am

      Lashing is barbaric. 🙁 🙁

  • akash
    July 25, 2015 2:18 pm

    I would like to give special thanks to mac for making such knowledgable comments here.really came to know many things from your comments especially abt islam. Mac bhai can u share ur contact information here,i want to contact u.i hv many questions to ask u.your comments are really epic ones. I really do enjoy reading ur comment.i must tell u that my gf has become fan of yours after reading ur comments..she said the more she reads ur comments the more she is gettinf addicted towards ur comments.also u would like to know ur real name.thanks.
    Keep up the good work bro

  • akash
    July 25, 2015 1:52 pm

    Thanks mac bhai 4 helping me finding my previous blog. Admin should take note of abuse.one person has abused me here without any reason.
    To all those people like rokshar,massey or jainab, i rqst u to 1st read kuran b4 saying anything abt islam,,mac bhai hv very beautifuly explained islam in many of his comments giving exact quotation, i do undstand why others r bashing mac,bt i couldn’t get why sister jainab is so unhappy abt mac comments desite u being a muslim girl.this is the prblm with indian muslims,when any1 frm their com tries to guide them in right path, many others muslim tries to down him. Sister jainab, i was hindu too, i had negative perception abt islam n muslims bt i blame it on my muslim frnds,they never explained me abt islam, it is only recently i came to knw the truth abt islam through my muslim gf, she explained me the basics of islam and then i did my own researching on religion and islam to be true., thanks to my lover for showing be true path, now i can proudly say that she really loved me,she really cared me, because of her i can now feel secured. Ur luv is nt true if u don’t care abt ur lover’s afterlife. Only prblm with conversion to islam i had was regarding circumcision, bt after reading mac bhai’s explanation that small loss of blood now has many benefits after. Admin circumcision is nt superstition, i hv doctor friends, they also told me similar things that mac has said here, bt only issue i had was abt getting injury,blood loss, after reading mac’s explanation on blood loss that this is minor cut only and we lose blood in treatment also that doesn’t mean we stop taking injection…yes i was reluctant to do circumcision as part of faith bt after so many readings on circumcision i m conveinced abt it. And finally the good news, we r tying our knot in august this year. Expecting a big dua frm u all for our marriage life.

  • jainab
    July 25, 2015 12:21 pm

    Dear mac, tomorrow is Sunday,i have to talk. With my b,f. due to shortage of time i cant reply you point wise, but one thing you should accept. That due to people. like you my community. is going in back gear,instead. Of going forward we are. going backwards you say yourself a scholar of every. religion, ok ,i agree,you are aware. that we Muslims. are world s second largest community,you will must agree it, then please tell how many Muslims are now doing well for their related countries,in area of science,technology,humanity,and so on, earlier you nattered about some rulers, you are right ,i cant oppose it,but you should know that we are beggers in all these fields,all due to this that you people always keep our society in namaj,burka,holy Quran,hadith etc. We have no time for our society. County, next yasterdsy you praised about a girl wearing. Hizab selected. for civil service,i greet him,but today what supreme court has told,also consider,If a other community person adopts Islam you ale starts highlighting that as Avery important news,but when 100 peoples are slaughtered by Muslims you never condemn.whats this, ok you said about respect. can you tell me that in which country in entire world you being smuslim are welcomed.its shamefull,even famous star Shahrukh khan was also insulted on immigration at us as well as our former President. Hon a.k.kalam was also misbehaved on the airport only due to their community, hence i have no so much knowledge. Of various. Incidents,i only quoted two,there may be thousands such cases,inspite of all these you day that you are getting respect,what a joke, dear come out of your room and see what our community. Is doing and what is our goodwill,Arabs are criticising. You,Pakistanis. Are saying you of second grade, Americans are against you europians are against us,what are we doing,Even us president. Obama adopted Christianity,no one likes us because we are nowhere in a good society,always blaming others,insecured and doing evils ,analyze. yourself honestly. One thing more i don’t want to listen a comment against our p.m, our history,our other communities. Of society,because i am a proud indian this is the country,who allowed me to live freely,express my views,living a peacefull life, you talk about dalits, Brahmins,Hindu women, christians, sikhs but never talked about my community. In you eyes every Muslim. Is doing right,and all Muslims who live according to holy qurans teacings,will go to paradise, do you know that Muslims all over the world are living in hell.Only you know about after death,but when we are alive why we are so ugly. Where i am concerned my motive is that my neighbours are my parents,relatives,my religion is to help the needy,never go against your society, i always try that no one in my office or my society where i live may hurt due to my any activity,they don’t know me as a Muslim, they know me as a daughter of my expired parents,and call me jini.again you stated that in any good residential society Muslims wont get flat, yes it is true even in Muslim dominated area a new Muslim outsider have to face problems in getting,flat or room on rent, or purchase, this is the goodwill we have earned,in Muslim areas they say na Jane kaisa admi hogs, apun ko bhi mareayega, this is feeling a local honest citizen always live in fear only due to activities of my community. Members.so you should be alert,these all are happening. Only due to kattar people like you always shouting Islam khatre Mein hai. Balance in my next mail wait. Jainab

    • Mohammed
      July 25, 2015 11:50 pm

      ms. jainab

      If you dont know about ur faith then what is the need of discussion. . .
      you have told earlierly that u are beliving in Allah then why you do not to follow his commentments. .why u are telling lie. ,
      you need boy friend more than Allah. .what a shame full muslim you are. . .

      • jainab
        July 26, 2015 12:11 pm

        Dear Mohammd,asslam, i never replied you, This time i am a rider of two boats,
        -one sailor days my boat is made of pure material, i will carry you safely,
        -another dailer says my boat is made by modern technique you need not to worry,
        -1 st sailor means you and mac giving examples of holy Quran,
        -2nd dailor are massey,roksans etc ,who are also quoting my holy books, i cant understand who is right, but one thing is clear when people like roksana, chand, massey etc give reference, you don’t argue, now where is your knowledge, I think there is something wrong,…
        Earlier you have told that Islam is not a 1400 years old religion, it is from Adam, ok i believe in this, but before our prophet what were the Islamic rules, can you explain, i think that after some time reading all these informations, i will also be a scholar of different religions, just like mac and you.regards—–jainab.

        • Mohammed
          July 26, 2015 4:02 pm

          Dear sister jainab,

          wa’alaikumus salam warahmatullahi wabarkatuhu.. .i dont know you are being a muslim why u have lack of knowledge in islam i dont know. are you doubting about islam??… 2nd point is who ever quote from the Quran you are not checkuping with original source book which Alhamdulillah you will got easily in ur home. ..

          Allah says in the Quran
          in surah hujarath chapter 49 v 6
          “whenever you get an information, you check it up before you pass it onto the third person.”

          //but one thing is clear when people like roksana,chand,massey etc give reference,you don’t argue,now where is your knowledge,I think there is something wrong,…//

          sistr. for ur kind information.. u r new in this site. . .people like massey,chand osamani,rokshana,which u r talking about is none but no 1 anti islamic person and he is only one person which is repling in different names.. and we have replied him so many times but he is not listening us. . He is quoting from quran with illogical or with out of context and dicto copy paste from anti islamic sites .. one time when i checked up with reference i got another ayath which he is quoting. . he is saying some thing else which is not there in the holy Quran…. i have stop repliying him earlier knows very well that he wont listen me. . .

          we didnt tell you that follow us blindly. . . but one thing please dont be a muslim by only a name sake. . be a practising muslim that will take to u jannah..In sha Allah. .
          learn about islam first…

          duniya ka ilm toh baad mey maalum karsakte ho.. pehle deen ka ilm toh maalum karne sikho. . .

          • jainab
            July 27, 2015 4:43 am

            Dear Mohammed, asslam, as you told, yes i am very new on this site,i have earlier explained that i am not a scholar of deen,i never went deeply in Islamic studies,that’s why a cant comment on the quotes from different religious books,but when anyone quotes a line,which seems to be against huminaty and society,imust feel hurted,because these all relates to my community,how i can justify,when a person say that your religion is against women,even my personal experience is that a cousin whom we treat as a brother today,next day he is declared our husband. I have a bengali Muslim friend ,when discussing on this matter once she told that there a is a very popular quote in bengalis that”DINER DIDI RATER BIBI, so this is truth. Why don’t we all try to change our thoughts and system,by which we all can live a graceful life, One thing more a don’t challange the wordings of our holy books,in may opinion these books were written that time according to the situtation(political,social,and economical), but in todays scenerio it seems that it is very difficult to follow all the holy principals,we must try to adjust accordingly, thanks—jainab.

    • peace
      July 27, 2015 5:36 am

      Read This


      Terror-free Country in The World….JAPAN….

      • mac
        July 29, 2015 3:45 am

        hahha 🙂 you mean Japan got bombed twice by nuclear heads as they don`t have muslim population, the only country in the world which is victim of nuclear war.

  • July 25, 2015 9:08 am

    PAKHI etc. who are the greatest enemy of womanhood. They are spreading hatred, poison.If the real life story of these enemies is studied,the life of female members of these person is not better than a prostitute and sex objects. Even then they spread poison against females.

    The verses in the Quran—such as 37:40-48, 44:51-55, 52:17-20, 55:56-58, 70-77, 56:7-40 and 78:31 describe the Paradise to be an alluring whorehouse. Additionally, never-molested (virgin) young boys like pearls will be available in abundance in the Muslim paradise (Surat 52:24, 56:17, and 76:19) for the blessed Muslim men to engage in sodomy. For Muhammad who was a master of indulging in carnal pleasures with a dozen wives and at least two concubines in his harem would obviously suit such a depraved whorehouse in the afterlife. Allah AKA Muhammad (the AntiGod), in pliant servitude, provided what Muhammad wanted.

    Can you imagine poor Angel Gabriel having to listen to this pure smut, memorize this fifth and regurgitate it to Muhammad.

    Quranic verse 9:111 is the most evil, depraved, diabolical, immoral teaching in all of Islam. Indeed in all human history.

    Verse 9:111 means what it means. A Muslim who dies while trying to murder kafirs fulfilling teachings 9:5, 9:29 and all the other teachings of murder, rape, terror, torture of kafirs in the Quran are guaranteed martyrdom and accession to an evil, lewd, depraved paradise filled with eternal virgins of exquisite beauty who regenerate as virgins after each sex act and whom these killers and murderers of Islam can sexually molest in endless copulation for all eternity.

    In the laws of Allah (the AntiGod) as discussed kafirs are not human beings to Muslims. They have absolutely no humanity. They have no right to life and must be killed by Muslims in Allah’s cause [Jihad] for gaining Paradise. In the holy wars of Allah, for Muslims, it is a holy religious duty to murder kafirs who have grown pubic hair. The kafirs women and children will be enslaved and sold as prophet Muhammad did with the Jews of Banu Quraiza.

    Allah takes away from Muslims all rights and ownership of their life. Muslims will engage Allah’s stratagems of wars without any questions asked, and kill and get killed. This is the only mode of actions that will earn them Paradise. Allah is the peerless master of incitement of violence and bloodbath.

    God bless you always.

  • Rokhsana
    July 25, 2015 9:00 am


    I appreciate your boldness to express realities of islamic traditions with cruelty,discrimination,murder, rape against female community. There are

  • July 25, 2015 7:48 am

    Dear readers,

    Further, what has been described below,the most important duty of any species is the care and protection of its young. The prime duty of mankind is to raise children in a safe environment and properly care and educate them, so that they can progress into responsible adults. There is no worse crime than the sexual abuse and exploitation of children. By sexually abusing a child, you totally destroy the child’s self-esteem, and mentally condemn the child to a life of psychological torment. Their innocence thus spoiled, they become part of the living dead.

    All sexual acts between a grown man and a child are child molestation and rape. Child molestation and rape both of Muslim and Kafir women are divine external laws of God in Islam following the divine example of Muhammad who was himself a Child Molester, Rapist, Killer – the First Muslim Child Molester and Terrorist.

    Again, the greatest travesty of our time has been the utter lack of support by American female leaders for the total and complete equality of women throughout the world epically in Muslim countries. In my book, Islam and Sharia Law Are Treason. Jihad is Treason read the stories of the young women murdered by Islam. Look at their pictures. These are just a very small number of the millions and millions of women who have been murdered by Islam. There are 10 million cases of child abuse yearly in Muslim counties and tens of millions of cases of wife abuse?

    • jainab
      July 26, 2015 11:56 am

      Dear mac,asslam,pl respond

  • July 25, 2015 7:45 am


    Islam, since its birth, has deprived its women their rights, dignity and equality and enslaved them to the whims of males. And this pernicious impact of Islam is poised to go beyond the boundary of Islamic societies; Islam, today, is becoming a life-n-death issue for the liberated Western women. All human rights and freedoms that women have won in the Western World are now being endangered by Islam. It is shocking that feminists are not paying heed or rising up against Islam; instead, they meekly and quietly surrendering their fate to be the chattel of men under coming Islamic domination. It’s well known that large numbers of kafir women are already being raped by immigrant Muslims in Europe, as Rape Jihad grips the European continent.

    To prevent the enslavement of women, Sharia Law must be exposed and stopped. All anti-woman teachings of the Quran and Hadith must be condemned and rejected. The rights of women must be enforced and protected through the Rule of Law and a Constitutional Amendment:Universal Declaration of the Total Equality of Women.This Constitutional Amendment, to be submitted to all states of USA for immediate enactment and must be ratified by all 57 Muslim countries.This Constitutional Amendment, to be taught in every class, in every school, every year. In this Proclamation, each anti-woman teaching of the Quran and Sharia Law are to be condemned and made legal. By doing so, and establishing these rights – denied by Islam – “Constitutional”, we are reinforcing our rejection of Sharia Law and the Quran, making it impossible for Muslims to undermine the democratic rights of women in the United States and worldwide. Again – This Amendment and rights of women must be taught to student in every school in America and all other countries.

    The battle of establishing the rights of women universally will also act as a key for defeating Islam. All Islamic nations must enact the following Constitutional Amendment granting their women total humanity and equality. Those nations that refuse to sign and implement the Amendments will be thrown out of the international community. This means denying visas to the UN delegations of ALL 57 Islamic nations leaving their seats empty until they not only adopt this Constitutional Amendment but enforce it. Those of us, involved in the battle against Islam, must champion the worldwide movement for total and complete equality of ALL women with men. We are not in conflict with Muslims, but with Islamic teachings that Muslim men use to subjugate and denigrate women of their own faith and beyond. We must fight for their equal human rights and dignity.

  • Kumar
    July 25, 2015 12:29 am

    Supreme Court of India makes Shariah courtsillegal

    NEW DELHI – The Supreme Court of India has ruled that Shariah courts and Fatwas (rules made by Islamic scholars) are in violation of the Indian Constitution, and have no value under Indian law. Judge C.K. Prasad said Shariah court rulings will no longer be values by Indian secular law, but if individuals choose to follow it, it is up to them. The case date backs to 2005, when a woman who was raped by her father-in-law was sentenced to live with him as his wife. The family objected to the ruling and took their case to the Supreme Court.

    India is a Hindu majority country, 80%, Islam is the second largest religion at 15%. This move is seen as de-Islamisation by many Hindutva Nationalist groups, many Muslim groups have been vocally against this, and blame the new PM Narendra Modi for making Muslims feel insignificant in India.

    July 24, 2015 10:24 pm
  • peace
    July 24, 2015 9:35 pm



  • Kumar
    July 24, 2015 7:01 am

    To admin,

    Do i need parents permission to marry under special marriage act ?

    If so, I feel my parents won’t accept it.

    Any other marriage act admin, which doesn’t require parents permission?

    • mac
      July 24, 2015 11:41 am

      I certainly cannot say whether parents permission is needed or not, but when you apply for special marriage, it gives one month time, so that others don`t have objection to your marriage, you address,details will be charted in front of court, so that others could read, if within one month, no one object to your marriage, then you can register marriage without any objection, if anyone object like your parents or her parents or cousin, then you have to fight case and convince judge about your marriage….the process goes on

      • July 24, 2015 9:19 pm

        mac is right. In India, any boy and girls at legal age has rights to get married. Parents will be informed and they could object to your marriage. They will have to come up with a valid objection. If they say they don’t like the girl, that does will not convince the judge. If you two of you are firm and on a solid ground, there is no one could stop you from marrying.

        After marriage, can you support your family financially? We hope you are not counting your parents to keep you two in their home!

  • mac
    July 24, 2015 12:30 am

    Dear sister jainab, again there is irony about you name, coz the women who ranked first in this year India`s toughest interview has also her name as `Zainab/Jainab`, and she practices Islam properly , she wears hijab, and that couldn`t stop her scoring the first position and still there are people crying all around that muslim women are back ward because of islam, if this was true, how could she wearing hijab left behind thousands of jeans-top wearing girls?

    Zainab Sayeed -The Hijabi UPSC topper who scored highest marks in interview

    Usually considered to be the most backward community in India is the Muslim community. But this time it has been proved that the assumptions made by the general public about the Muslim community doesn’t have any basis in reality. As we all know that in UPSC exam held in the year 2014 has set various success stories by the Muslim candidates like Guncha Sanobar, the first Muslim woman IPS officer from Bihar. Now it is another Muslim girl who has made the community feel proud by scoring the highest marks in the interview.

    This girl is Zainab Sayeed who has been a student of Jamia Millia Islamia. She has done her post graduate in mass communication from Jamia in the year 2011. She has been successful to make it to the UPSC examination by getting an overall rank of 107. She scored 220 marks out of 275 which has a made a record as the highest score made in the interview. Though she prefers to be in either Indian Administrative Services or in Indian Revenue Services, she has been selected for Indian foreign Services.

    Zainab has scored even more than the topper for the year 2014 in the interview, Ira Singhal who has topped the UPSC exam 2014. Ira has secured 167 marks in interview whereas Zainab has been able to secure 220 marks which is 58 marks more than Ira.

    Zainab Sayeed is a girl who is a strict follower of her religion as well. She wears Hijab, and would become the first Hijab cladded civil servant. Zainab originally hails from Kolkata and has prepared for UPSC from Jamia’s Center for Coaching and Career Planning.

    She has been asked many interesting questions while she was going through her interview, one of those was regarding her Hijab, to which she humbly answered ” Besides saying one should wear clothes one feels comfortable in, I cited the instance of a Prime Minister who wore a turban which is also a religious symbolism’.

  • fi
    July 23, 2015 6:49 am



    • ahmad noor
      July 24, 2015 1:44 pm

      before partition of india massacres against muslims started after british leave
      do not tell me that muslims who started these massacres because these are the result of hidu domination feeling around india and partition was the only available solution for muslims to get rid of this oppression based on HIDU domination so india partition is your fault..not muslims
      you should thank islamic religion which decides that no forcing to islam that is why Hindu till today are majority despite of handreds of YEARS OF islamic domination in india …unlike what christian euoropian , did in north – south america ,africa, austuralia people there wre forced to christinity in a short time
      an other point is there is no religion in the history any where ..(as a religion ) to be localized due to geography ..meaning to say that gods of certain religion are specialized to guide people only in certain area as india … this out of logic … no one religion in the world ..this is what is called …the motion of history…
      if we talk about present time … no one can live alone as the world became a small village also people can choose any religion the are persuaded of no body can punish them as sharia is not applied even in muslim countries as pakistan and bangladesh (most of arab countries)

  • Kumar
    July 23, 2015 6:29 am

    I agree with FI

    these Indian Muslims are not at all patriotic, they are traitors. They neither respect our Nation nor our people ( non muslims).

    Two days back, i had been to watch Bajarangi bhaijan to a mutiplex.

    The starting part of the movie was a cricket match between India and Pakistan in which Pakistan won. Some of our bloody Muslims were cheering Pakistan and clapping when Afridi hit six.

    I felt very sad seeing that.

    I am not blaming the entire Muslim community as i know there are good ones too. But majority of the Muslims are anti nationalists.

  • Akash
    July 22, 2015 7:11 pm

    i m an engineer,she is engineer too and we both hav job. I wanted to marry her without changing rlgn bt she insisted,her condition was i should take islam as my rlgn bt now i thank her frm my deep corner of heart for introducing to the beautiful rlgn islam. I was also a very religious hindu as i always believed in god bt i nvr felt that connection with god as i hv today.aftr coming to islam i hv realised this difference, wen i was hindu many things in my rlgn didnt make any sense. I had my own idea abt these things which my conscience told me to believe nd in islam the things that i personally believed were actually writen in islam.so that made my coversion easy.

  • Akash
    July 22, 2015 6:10 pm

    thankx admin for saying those nice words. I think u forgot my situation, i posted earlier in this forum 4-5 months ago now i couldn’t find my post as so many new post has hidden my post.admin i will b glad if u help finding my post i want to read new replies to my post

  • Kumar
    July 22, 2015 9:54 am


    Plz let me know who is Pakhi begum

    boy 0r girl?

    I could see him/her abusing me for one of my comments

    • July 22, 2015 8:58 pm

      Pakhi believes it is okay to lie, so we don’t encourage her here.
      Mac knows her/him.

      • Kumar
        July 22, 2015 10:52 pm

        In one of his comments he says he is a male.

        • mac
          July 23, 2015 4:37 am

          We don`t pretend to be Arab, at least me, i am by faith a muslim, by nationality an Indian, and by race i am an XXX, by XXX i meant to hide my race, because as soon as people get to know my race here, they will start making racist comment, they already made comment based on my mother,father,sister,religion, now i don`t want any racist comment on me, that is why i have hidden my race/ethnic background.

          • fi
            July 23, 2015 5:50 am

            mac says:
            July 23, 2015 at 4:37 am

            “We don`t pretend to be Arab, at least me, i am by faith a muslim, by nationality an Indian, and by race i am an XXX, by XXX i meant to hide my race, because as soon as people get to know my race here, they will start making racist comment, they already made comment based on my mother,father,sister,religion, now i don`t want any racist comment on me, that is why i have hidden my race/ethnic background”…..But I can guess your race…it may starts with B******.
            And I am by birth a HINDU-BY NATIONALITY A HINDUSTANI, BY CASTE A KAYASTHA [having also BRAHMIN Blood (my Grand Mother was a BRAHMIN)]BY Language -BENGALI (a from of Sanskrit)BY SPIRITUALITY SHAIVASM (Follower of SHIVA).

            1)Now if you are a Muslim, you cannot be an Indian by right, but an Indian by Invitation or Privileges – as because you people have already got B-Desh & Pak during division of India/Bengal, and you were just allowed to stay back in India by our then Stupid Leaders who were Secular, oblivious of the problems you would give us later on .

            2)Now if you are not Arabs then you are not 100% perfect Muslims as well, because you were basically converted one [your mother-tongue and race are different from Arabs].

            3)Now if you are converted one then there are 95% possibilities that your forefathers once belonged to Hindu Community (being in Majority) or Christians. Again, if your forefathers were Christians then your mother-tongue would have been French, Dutch, English or Portugese which I think is not possible, so you were 100% Hindus previously.

            4) Now if you are Muslims but not a national of B-Desh or Pak, then you cannot be 100% patriotic towards India also, because here majority of the Population is Hindus who are considered “Kafirs” for you people. Therefore although you live in India you support B-Desh & Pak from the core of your heart, and dream of making India also a part of them in future either by killing the Hindus or converting them.

            5) Actually this is the main reason of your FRUSTRATION and therefore you people are so aggressive and fanatic. Because you people are having IDENTITY CRISIS…..NA GHAR KA NA GHAAT KA. Accept the FACTS………

          • fi
            July 23, 2015 6:19 am

            Now all you want is Your Major Strategy:-

            1) To draw the attention of others towards your religion, by telling only the Good portion of your Religious Book and hiding the Evil part of it. And you are doing it very swiftly & Systematically , pin-pointing some of the loopholes of Hindu Religion which were the handi-work of our own upper-caste people. Because as regards to earlier, rampant killing of Hindus is not possible in a civilized society now-a-days, as earlier, when Bharat was under Mughal rule. So you people are slowly acting through your agents, madarssas, political parties etc also thru Social Media, just brain-washing weak Hindus. (And mind it not Christians or Sikhs or Buddists, because you know very well that you’ve to target the Majority first, once Hindus come into your fold, other will be automatically yours)

            2) Targetting mostly young female in the name of love-jihad so that they are converted and can be used as a vehicle of producing many offsprings who could serve your Army later on.

            3) Targetting young men who are not spirituality enlightened, so that they may be converted into your religion and again form a part of your Army to wage War against the Hindus in future.

            4) Wooing the ruling parties in states where you constitute good vote bank, so that you can influence the Ministers and get major advantages for yourselves while neglecting the Hindus, or in straight language MARGINALIZE HINDUS in their OWN States/Country.

            5) And at last in this process you are being morally/financially supported by some of the extremist groups of Pak, B-Desh or even Arab Countries who want to have a greater Islamic State Worldwide.

            6) Now you also know very well that even if India’s entire population becomes Muslims (although not possible), and Pak gets the control of the Country, it will be not well treated by them, as it happened in case of B-Desh (rampant killings, Rape by Pak forces in B-Desh). Now then why you are doing this? It is because you know very well you have an IDENTITY CRISIS while living In India, which Hindus do not have, which others do not have being religions of the land. So you just want to Drag the Hindus & Others into the TRAP in which already you people are IN. ” Main to Gadde mein Hu Hi, Tujhe bhi lekar aunga”

          • mac
            July 23, 2015 6:57 am

            I know, person like fi will respond to my that comment as this is the only thing he is good at, in other words, distorting the history and then blaming the victim like the Hitler of Germany used to do. I will keep my this comment brief but tomorrow i will do a detail refutation of your above two comment.

            ///And I am by birth a HINDU-BY NATIONALITY A HINDUSTANI, BY CASTE A KAYASTHA [having also BRAHMIN Blood (my Grand Mother was a BRAHMIN)]BY Language -BENGALI (a from of Sanskrit)BY SPIRITUALITY SHAIVASM (Follower of SHIVA). ///

            Here we go, lets start, the word `Hindu` is not a Sanskrit word, it is not the indigenous word, it is a persie word not a Sanskrit or any other local word, it was first used by persie to describe the people living by the side of river Sindhu, later Mughals called this land Hindustan, they kept on capturing more land, the more land came under the banner of Hindustan, then British took over from Mughal and they called it India, they also kept on capturing more land and more land came under the banner of India, earlier there was nothing like India as we know today, there was nothing like Hindustan as we know today, it was divided into small kingdoms and those kings use to fight among one another.

            Since you believe in caste system, so there is no point in debating with you, see the latest example of caste system here >> http://www.indiatimes.com/news/india/horror-in-agra-a-dalit-woman-was-gangraped-chopped-up-and-burnt-235097.html

            Now listen who I am, I am a Muslim, the word Muslim is an Arabic word which means `one who submits to god`, the meaning of word has no connection with nationality, there is not a single verse in Quran which says only Arab can be true muslim, In Islam an every race is equal, back and white are equal, no caste differences, one is superior by piety,good action not by birth in Islam.
            Here is the saying from our beloved Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him)
            “All mankind is from Adam and Eve. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over a white; [none have superiority over another] except by piety and good action.”

            By birth I am an Indian, you people donot understand the difference between faith and nationality, you mix it to gain political power like BJP do.

            Where as who you are, you say you are Hindu, the word Hindu originally had only geographical importance(present day Pakistan and Afghanistan region), later Mughal and British used it for their political purpose, so you have only political identity, find out your religious identity, yes you religious identity is Khatriay means even if you are not in Indian army, still you call yourself a khatriya, what a joke!!! A dalit sacrificing his life in border is not considered as khatriya by your so called religion while you sitting in home doing nothing becomes khatriya, what a joke!!! this is the reality of your so called religion, that you put people under different class by birth, even if any dalit become engineer.doctor, he is still considered as inferior, what is this?

          • mac
            July 23, 2015 7:31 am

            ///1)Now if you are a Muslim, you cannot be an Indian by right, but an Indian by Invitation or Privileges – as because you people have already got B-Desh & Pak during division of India/Bengal, and you were just allowed to stay back in India by our then Stupid Leaders who were Secular, oblivious of the problems you would give us later on . ///

            This above comment of your completely exposes you, the more you comment, the more you are exposing your hateful,bigoted nature.

            Fi, you don`t have the right to define who is Indian and who is not, it is the duty of our judiciary not bigot like you, a person who is born in India irrespective of his religion is an Indian, according to international law, it means you not only disrespect Indian law, but you disrespect international law, which proves you are not only anti-Indian but anti-element for whole world.

            You also exposed your mentality when you said the leaders which allowed Muslims to live here are stupid, now muslim girl think twice before falling in pray with these hindu boys, what they think about you in their hurt, they call those leaders stupid just for allowing Muslims to live in their birth land, this kumar might be saying nice words to his muslim gf sabaa, but in reality, he has poison towards Sabaa`s community, what a hypocrisy

            You even donot know the history properly, you don`t know how India got divided, you only know the simplified story told you by RSS/VHP/BJP.

            You don`t know people were given two choice, they can either migrate to newly made Pakistan or stay in India, some people choosed to migrate to Pakistan and most of them choosed to stay here in India, it proved Indian Muslims love India more than Pakistan, that is why they choosed to live in India. And in Islam, there is no concept of creating new country in the name of religion, in Islam, whole universe was created by Allah and so does the earth, whole earth is pure for muslim.

            //2)Now if you are not Arabs then you are not 100% perfect Muslims as well, because you were basically converted one [your mother-tongue and race are different from Arabs].///

            This is your mere ignorance nothing else, there is not a single verse in Quran which says arab are 100% muslim and non-arab are fake muslim, it is fanatic hindutwavi like you make new theory to misguide innocent muslim, keep entertaining yourself in your ignorance!

            Yes my mother tongue and race are different from Arab, so what? does that make me non-muslim, who told you this or you just applied your fake prejudice here, again the root of the problem is that you mix nationality with faith.

            ////3)Now if you are converted one then there are 95% possibilities that your forefathers once belonged to Hindu Community (being in Majority) or Christians. Again, if your forefathers were Christians then your mother-tongue would have been French, Dutch, English or Portugese which I think is not possible, so you were 100% Hindus previously.///

            Again you exposed here that you know nothing, being Christians doesn`t mean you must be english,french,dutch speaker, there are millions of Arab Christians, and the official language of Christianity is Hebrew not English, you are such an ignorant bigot!

            //4) Now if you are Muslims but not a national of B-Desh or Pak, then you cannot be 100% patriotic towards India also, because here majority of the Population is Hindus who are considered “Kafirs” for you people. Therefore although you live in India you support B-Desh & Pak from the core of your heart, and dream of making India also a part of them in future either by killing the Hindus or converting them. ///

            It is your prejudice not fact, as have stated above that majority of muslim choosed to stay in India rather than moving to newly created Pakistan. It is your hateful thinking about a country that is victimizing the muslim, and that hateful thinking is that you love India because you think India is land of Hindus, you love Indian because Hindus are majority here, you don`t love India because you are citizen of India, so you think a muslim can love India as you love India for other reason, also if India becomes muslim majority, you will start hating it.

            ///5) Actually this is the main reason of your FRUSTRATION and therefore you people are so aggressive and fanatic. Because you people are having IDENTITY CRISIS…..NA GHAR KA NA GHAAT KA. Accept the FACTS………//

            We have the best identity i.e, being a muslim which means submit to god, it is you Hindus who are suffering from identity crisis, some say they are Aryans, some say they are Dravidians, some say they are Hindus, some say they are sanatani, some say they are mulnivashi and so so…also those who think the are Aryan donot acknowledge it in front of lowercase people as it will expose that they are the invader invading India earlier. Also this was the land that India got as a hindu nation, later it was captured by Indian Govt under the leadership of Vallabbhai Patel by sending army, killing innocent people.

          • mac
            July 23, 2015 7:43 am

            And lastly, if muslim wanted to convert this land into full muslim majority, they would have easily did it, they ruled here for 800 years, India became independence since 70 year or so, so imagine how much 800 years is, still Hindus are majority here, about 80%, during partition India had about 33 crore hindu and 7.1 crore muslim.

            A must watch video for all http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7SYNYgdaOk

  • Kumar
    July 22, 2015 9:40 am

    Dear Jainab

    please go through these links
    to know the truth of islam:

    1) http://www.faithfreedom.org

    2) http://www.islam-watch.org

    3) http://www.thereligionofpeace.com

    4) http://www.wikiislam.net

    Once u go through these links, please let us know ur reviews.

  • mac
    July 22, 2015 7:00 am

    Only an educated person can realize the value of Islam, here is one quote from Sarojini Naidu, the famous Indian poetess says – S. Naidu, Ideals of Islam, Speeches and Writings, Madaras, 1918 “It was the first religion that preached and practiced democracy; for, in the mosque, when the call for prayer is sounded and worshippers are gathered together, the democracy of Islam is embodied five times a day when the peasant and king kneel side by side and proclaim: ‘God Alone is Great’… “

    • July 22, 2015 7:43 am

      mac, what does “an educated person” mean? Are you trying to imply that Jainab is NOT educated? She knows English (along with other languages) and making her living, is that not enough education? What was education of Dhirubhai Ambani? What is your point here for Jainab?

      • ahmad noor
        July 22, 2015 4:34 pm

        mr admin when 2two sides are arguing about such serious matter.. one side is avoiding details and using general expressions general idioms …that means he is escaping from details to cover his wrong opinion ..and here ..kumar and jainab are very clear even you (sorry)are representing this side . but mr mac is speaking in details referring to quran & ayyats me also spoke very clearly but jainab & kumar are still fluctuating left & right for kumar i am not here to tell what his religion is ..he is hindu we dont expect any respect to islam from his side …but jainab is realy not understood ..we are speaking clearly to you..jainab this is islam and this is our god allah ..do you believe in both or not ???…no clear answer..from you allah orders say this marriage is a sin ..a crime same same zina still you are talking abuot your life comfort and his parent accepting you as a muslim .. again escaping from the main dangerous point of marriage .. to another personal points if i were them i would try to convert you to hinduism as that girl who dose not respect her islam must not expect other hindu to respect hers ..coming back to the point of education believe me jainab no one muslim in this world who has a full knowledge about his religion will do what you are going to do
        in other islamic countries even those seculars who are fighting islamists and dont pry or fast ramadan or go to haj even the lowest type of muslims even criminals never go to your marriage under any justification because it is the alfabet of islam if you told us i believe in allah as a creator but i do not respect his orders the whole discussion would be over long time ago but you convert the whole matter to real farce of course with the help of that kumar

        • July 22, 2015 8:16 pm


          This world’s 4.4 billion people don’t follow Muhammad’s teachings, so what good is that “speaking in details referring to quran & ayyats” to non-Muslims? Even amongst 1.6 B Muslims, only less than 10% perform namaz 5 times/day/every day anyways and thus not true Muslims. For Jainab, she has to decide what is right and wrong for herself, we do not have any problem with her wishes (what ever that is).

          One personal question, are you Shia or Sunni?

          • ahmad noor
            July 23, 2015 12:28 am

            1st i am sunni it is very rare to find shia who cares about islam as whole .
            anyway i told you clearly that details is not concered to kumar who talks against islam …… but jainab who claimed as muslim is concered to these details not only her but all muslim girls related to hindu in this forum …..no one just one of them reffers clearly to god orders in quran ….all are talking about comfortable life and love story and listen to heart call
            is it a deaf dialogue ??

          • mac
            July 23, 2015 4:56 am

            Brother ahmad noor, i know one shia personally and he is very serious about islam, more islamic than most of Indian Sunni muslim, so we can`t make generalization, there are people who are labelled as shia , but true shia is those who associate sahabas with allah, those who curse other sahabas and those who are involved in grieve worship, like way, there are so many sunnis who are involved in so many anti-islamic practices, i think judging people on the individual basis is the way to go because we really don`t know what the other person of that group really believe.

          • ahmad noor
            July 23, 2015 12:53 pm

            mr admin this percentage 10% is not correct as it is very difficult to carry out any survey for that but what i can make sure of ..is that because of high technology of communictions islamic awareness is increasing very fast among muslim society in india ..i agree with you about there is a great a huge populatin of indian muslims are ignorant obout even the simplest rules of islam…jainab sabeah, mehar, hena etc..are clear examples…. such girls do not know what is wrong & right for themselves so that we can say they must decide what wrong & right because they are emotionally rushed towards their lovers whoever be…blindly ..it is our duty to remind them that in islam this marriage will guide them to hell ..may be the hidu partner has a good character better than muslims they know ( muslims are not angels ) may be he is well educated , rich from honorable family…. but we are not talking about these good features … we are talking about his religion and his faith if these muslims girls donot believe in life after death they should declare that …eventhough .. i do not like to hear it from them .. it is really painful for us

          • mac
            July 23, 2015 11:10 pm

            Brother ahmed noor, hena is not a muslim, she is not even she, she is he, i mean hena is a fake name, it is actually a hindu men, and hena,chand osmani, kartar,human, churchill, winston, angela, etc are all one under different name.

      • mehar
        July 23, 2015 2:17 am

        hi jenab, I got an interesting information about your name. do you know that fifth wife of our prophet Muhammad was Zaynab bint khuzayma, she waa called as mother of the poor, as well as the seventh wife of prophet was also named Zaynab bint jahsh. she was earlier the wife of our Prophet”s adopted son Zayd,(it means she was daughter in law of our prophet but she was so beautiful like you that when hazrat saw her, he ordered Zayd to divorce her and then prophet Mohammad marry her.One thing more the first daughter of our prophet was also named Zaynab born from his first wife Hadrat Khadiza, You don’t think that its very charming and interesting. you have got a historic name,You must be proud of your name. All the best_____Mehar

        • mac
          July 23, 2015 4:51 am

          To Mehar, though what you said above is right , but you fabricated it to some extent about prophet marriage to his daughter in law Zainab, first of all, zayed was not his son, he adopted him, prophet muhammad adopted many as his son, secondly zainab was his cousin, prophet has seen zainab before, so the story made by anti-islamic writer Tabiri that prophet married him after when he saw zainab and got impressed by her beauty is completely false, zainab was unhappy with her marriage with zayed, it was prophet who arranged her marriage with zainab in the first place.If there was to be an attraction why did the prophet (pbuh) not encourage her to marry none but himself?
          Zaid was a former slave and as such was held in low esteem in the eyes of Zainab. He mentioned to the prophet that he intended to divorce his wife. But the prophet advised him to keep his wife and avoid divorce. Zaid intended to divorce his wife, Allah intended to marry her to the prophet. Eventually Zaid could maintain his marriage no longer. He divorced Zainab and Allah declared in his Glorious Book that he has wedded her to the prophet after the proper waiting period was over.

          The story that christian missionary spread about muhammad marriage with zainab was taken from a book written by an anti-islamic writer Tabari of that time, the name of the book is `The History of Al-Tabari: The Victory of Islam` translated by Michael Fishbein [State University of New York Press, Albany, 1997], Volume VIII, pp. 2-3.
          Tabari, the historian has taken this story from Waqidi, the well-known liar and fabricator of islam like today we have ali sina, robert spencer.

          Abdul Hameed Siddique states in his book The Life of Muhammad PBUH:

          ” So far as the fanciful stories and calumnies of the Orientalists are concerned, we can only say that these are so absurd that any one having even a grain of sense in him would unhesitatingly reject them as mere fabrications. William Muir and so may others like him state that the Prophet, having seen Zaynab by change through a half-open door, was fascinated by her beauty, and that Zayd having come to know of the leanings of his master, divorced her and then she was marred ti Muhammad. There is absolutely no truth in these stories which have been fabricated in this connection.”

          This marriage served more than one purpose. First, the prophet was responsible for arranging Zainab’s marriage to Zaid. In a sense, then, he was also indirectly responsible for the unhappiness she felt in her marriage. Her marriage to the prophet now provided her the honour she felt she deserved, and exonerated the prophet.

          Second, Zaid had been adopted as the prophet’s son. Eventually, however, the Qur’an prohibited the practice of changing the parental identity of adopted persons. Zaid, then, was to no longer be called “son of Muhammad” but rather “a close friend.” The prophet’s marriage to the divorced wife of Zaid was a practical demonstration that the adopted relationship was not equal to a real blood-relationship. A man cannot marry the divorced wife of his real son but he can marry the divorced wife of his adopted son.

          The abolishment of the age-old practice was a positive improvement for the adopted persons. People outside of Islam still continue this practice for their own benefit. They adopt children and rob them of their real identify, making them believe they are real children of the household in which they grow up. When such children realize the truth they suffer much disappointment and grief. The adoptive process continues for the selfish gain of the adoptive parents.

          But is it not true that children sometimes need adoptive parents? Yes. But they also need to preserve their real identify. This is what Islam ensures. It is the responsibility of the entire community to help children in need. They should be taken in and nurtured but not confused with one’s own children.

          The prophet’s marriage to Zainab was a bold measure to forever engrave in the minds of his followers that as much as people would resist change, some changes are worth the effort. Adoptive children should no longer be robbed of their real identities.
          (Source: http://www.islaminfo.com/new/detail.asp?ID=28)

        • Kumar
          July 23, 2015 6:49 am

          aren’t u feeling shy to say that.
          haha!!! 5th wife.

          this shows islam is hell for women.

          So according to me, if jainab marries a Muslim, then she will be his 5th wife.

          • mac
            July 23, 2015 11:48 pm

            Kumar says:
            July 23, 2015 at 6:49 am

            aren’t u feeling shy to say that.
            haha!!! 5th wife.

            this shows islam is hell for women.

            So according to me, if jainab marries a Muslim, then she will be his 5th wife.

            Dear Kumar, this is the wrong mentality you have, for people like you, a man having relation with as many women as he could is not sin, but if a man agrees to take care of two women at a time with giving her full rights, then the it big no no for you,

            Krishna can take 16108 wife, Ram can have many wives (though exact number is not known) , but you start to hate something if it was done by prophet of islam , muhammad(pbuh) but when someone tells the truth about your religion, you people run with your tails between your two legs http://www.ambedkar.org/Religion/THE_HINDU_RELIGION_EXPOSED.htm

        • jainab
          July 23, 2015 1:01 pm

          Dear mehar, asslam, thanks for your information,this name was given by my real parents,why they selected this holy name for me i don’t know.ok jo hona tha woh ho gaya,now i can do nothing.— I have to ask from you that kindly let me know that why you are so much interested in me. I think we never met earlier anywhere, as wll as i am not a distinguished personality, nor i am a rich girl, plese specify—-Jinab.

          • July 28, 2015 7:28 am

            Dear Jainab B,hi,your writtings always touch my heart,you asked why i am. Interested in you, i did not replied you,because i was hesitating,that being a Muslim girl is it okay or not,but finally i decided to reply.i am visitor of this blog since 7-8 months.I never commented .but your story touched my mind and heart.we go to see a movie,but we all know that the story in movie is fabricated,but when a scene touches our heart,tears start flowing,but i found your story very heart touching and emotional,written truely by heart without teasing any one,i found myself in your place.thats why i read regularly your posts.second thing is that i have also friendship with a Hindu boy,but it has not gone so far,i always feel very happy,when i meet him,that’s it,there is nothing more than it.i am from a very educated family,both my parents are govt servants,They are very much moderate,money is not a matter for me,we are only two sisters,my elder sister is a dentist by profession,she is married with a Hindu cardiologist.they both live a very happy life in New jercy,US.on Eid my parents were gone there to celebrate the holy festival,both follow there religion jointly,they got a son named. Ayan.These all are the reasons i found myself very much related with you,your way of describing,your honesty,your views about Muslims inspired me a lot.I have heard so much about women’s abuse,but never thinked that a Muslim girl can struggle in this way.you will be a pathfinder for many Muslim girls, Many many thanks for reading my post,carryon,i am waiting for your further post. By-Mehar

            Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10215

        • ahmad noor
          July 23, 2015 2:13 pm

          mehar this massage is for you ….mehar this massage for you

          1) zayd was not the prophet son ..never ..he was just adopted by prophet that means son in adoption only
          2)before islam zayd was a slave in khadeeja house( prophet first wife) she gave zayd to mohammad and he stayed with him in the same house when his parents came to take him back he refused ..and prefared to stay as slave with mohammad rather than being a free son with his parents because of mohammed good treatment and behaving with him then mahammad pronounced in mecca that zayd became his son in adoption ………………
          after islam …………
          the prophet wanted to marry his cousin zainab to zayed but zainab hisitated
          to accepet as she knew that zayed was a slave and she belonged to higher class ….
          but she agreed for the sake of the prophet but this marriage was not succsseful a year after zayed complained to divorce her but the prophet refused ( as in quran ) but the prophet realized at last that this marriage can last long….. aftere divorce….. the prophet married her as an order from allah that it is permissible to marry the wife of son of adoption (not real son) as that was prohibited at that time in arab society all stories telling that she was so beatiful and so on are not true ..mehar after checking the sources remember she was his cousin and he who marry her to zayed

    • FI
      July 24, 2015 1:23 am

      Dear Mac,

      mac says:
      July 22, 2015 at 7:00 am

      #Only an educated person can realize the value of Islam, here is one quote from Sarojini Naidu, the famous Indian poetess says – S. Naidu, Ideals of Islam, Speeches and Writings, Madaras, 1918 “It was the first religion that preached and practiced democracy; for, in the mosque, when the call for prayer is sounded and worshippers are gathered together, the democracy of Islam is embodied five times a day when the peasant and king kneel side by side and proclaim: ‘God Alone is Great’#

      I contradict….Education doesn’t bring with it a simple thing -that is COMMON SENSE. Do you think by chanting 5 times or even more in a day the name of God you are spiritually enlightened? I don’t know under what circumstances she might have held her views but all I know even if you chant his name one time and with a pure heart your goal shall be accomplished. All you required is a pure heart free from malice, lust, greed, etc to chant “His” name. Because God is within ourselves for chanting his name we need not to visit even a temple/others places. That is called Common sense. I follow this Principle…..Because God is Omnipresent. We visit temple because we want get ourselves free from everyday chaos and require to rejuvenate our souls that’s it. Not more than that. In Hindus we often do HAVAN, because we believe by the rage of Fire our inner evils will be destroyed THAT’s IT. But it is unfortunate for us that we people blindly follow some recognized people thinking their words as God’s own, failing to realize that they are also humans therefore prone to committing mistakes. God is a very personal thing for each one of us, please do not allow anybody to interfere between you and God, we follow Lord Shiva. Krishna, some follow as Allah, Christ, etc. If you follow Human beings and think them as medium then it will your folly, however powerful he or she may be…..

      • mac
        July 24, 2015 2:28 am

        The common sense you are referring to above is not your common sense, it is what you have derived from reading many fanatic hindu web blogs, many times you shared them here , the common sense you are talking about is what you have derived from your parents…the common sense you are talking about would have been completely different if you were born in a Muslim/Christian/Jewish home.

        //Do you think by chanting 5 times or even more in a day the name of God you are spiritually enlightened?//

        // All you required is a pure heart free from malice, lust, greed, etc to chant “His” name. Because God is within ourselves for chanting his name we need not to visit even a temple/others places.//
        we don`t go to mosque for only prayer, mosque has various different purpose, we all whether black or white, short or tall, rich or poor stand in one row, chant same thing, go down in same time, and then chant again and then pray at a time, it create unison among people coming from different background which lacks in Hinduism as Hinduism is divided into 4 born caste, though recently Hinduism has copied many things from islam to counter spread of islam in India. And about chanting name, from morning to night, we chant name of god, from eating to washing our hands..every where..

        I don`t know what principle you follow, but from your previous comments, it reflects you follow a principle of hate,bigotry towards muslim, you follow a principle of ignorance about history, you say things which are completely wrong….like i have refuted many times….so are these type of things your principle..is sharing what you read in blogs are your principle?

        ///We visit temple because we want get ourselves free from everyday chaos/// but i find temple are loaded with even more chaos…dalits are not allowed to enter..women if found alone in temples are being raped..once great Aurangzeb destroyed one temple in mathura because the pujari had raped wife of one hindu king…so great Aurangzeb ordered to destroy that temple as the temple and he gave money to build another temple..full story here ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7SYNYgdaOk ) I am not saying all Temples are hub of chaos, but there are many such temples which create chaos day and night.

        Home is more peaceful place than many hindu temples. But in Mashjid, it`s peaceful..no faltu sound in mashjid..it remains calm thought out the day… >> I went to Mosque look what i saw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzOMp4DYTYs

        • fi
          July 24, 2015 4:54 am

          Dear Mac,

          Don’t teach me your ideas of worshiping God. That may be your way of doing not Mine. BTW I am quite educated having Master Degree and also around 24 Certificates on various subjects. It is because of these Secular Bastards you people are having your way in India, otherwise things would have been different. And don’t speak loud about religion. We all know what is being taught at your Madarssas and what role your Mosque is playing behind the curtain. The truth is you people cannot be trusted by anyone. You have always been back-stabbers. What I said to you earlier…..Bhavisya Puran…remember exactly…???.

          • fi
            July 24, 2015 4:57 am

            No Faltu sound in Masjid it is peaceful!…..Yes..True you break the peace of others by playing that bullshit honk…..Again I refer to Bhavisya Puran….It said everything in detail……Thanks

          • mac
            July 24, 2015 12:03 pm

            fi, you said //BTW I am quite educated having Master Degree and also around 24 Certificates on various subjects/// but any fool can say that the word ramadan didn`t came from ram, the mecca cannot be a hindu temple, etc etc which you earlier said…it is because of poor Indian education system…people like you are having degrees…though you got degree but you couldn`t train your mind..also your heart is filled with hate..i really don`t know what type of god your worship…Hindus worship far better god than hateful bigot like you…you are blot on Hinduism…

            /// It is because of these Secular Bastards you people are having your way in India, otherwise things would have been different.//
            The more you talk, the more you exposes yourself, this is what i have been telling here from last one week, that people like you are real culprit, one day you talk about tolerance, next day you bash secular Hindus for tolerance…you hypocrite exposed again…muslim girls who are in love with hindu boys should take note of this.

            ///And don’t speak loud about religion. We all know what is being taught at your Madarssas and what role your Mosque is playing behind the curtain. ///

            Hindu girl a top ranker in madrassa http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/hindu-girl-a-top-ranker-in-madrasah/article6031751.ece

            So here we go, unlike your sakhas and ashrams where only hindu children are taught, god knows what, in madrasa anyone can take admission , see a hindu girl ranked top in the madrasa..ash her what is being taught in madrasa…and madrasa have both hindu as well as muslim teachers…madrasa teachers are appointed by govt. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was Madrasa educated, i don`t know what he learnt from madrasa that he became on the greatest reformer of hindusim.

            //The truth is you people cannot be trusted by anyone. You have always been back-stabbers. ///
            What is the source,evidence,logic or reason behind the truth you mentioned…Indian ex-army officer were found involved in bomb blasting…they were Hindus..no no that doesn`t make him traitor as he was hindu..Indian army men found transferring data to ISI, no no that doesn`t make him anti-national as he was hindu..they are not considered as back-stabbers…now listen…we don`t give a damn shit about what you bigot say about us…we don`t need certificate from RSS/VHP….india is not your father`s property..keep this in your mind

          • mac
            July 24, 2015 12:05 pm

            I am an Indian Muslim, don’t ask me if i love India or not.My religious beliefs teach me Love for your country is part of your faith- Holy Prophet (S.A.W)

          • mac
            July 24, 2015 12:24 pm

            Keep dreaming, Its our land and we chose India not Pakistan by choice in spite of million massacre and rapes, our forefathers fought for it and sacrificed more lives than RSS terrorists

            India tere baap ka nahi , na maa dahej me layi thi . Tum logon k inhi harkaton k wajah se we chose Islam and our forefathers chose Islam by choice to escape from your abusive culture. Tum log apni cheap mentality nahi badal sakte . I have the right to convert to any religion , and you are no one to send me anywhere . Krishna used to steal clothes of girls while they were in river n used to watch them naked bathing . Ram left his wife on the saying of a cheap sick minded washerman , and you talk about my culture? Aise hi nahi India is becoming a rape country by rapists like asaram and you . So keep your ideas to yourself , and as told by your Krishna , universe is entitled to change , so we changed . we changed our religion and its none of your business to ask us where should we go. You can’t force someone into your religion by ghar wapsi blah blah, becasue faith is from heart and heart is the only thing which can’t be controlled.

            There is no role of Hindutva groups like Hindu Mahasabha during independence struggle but ulema from Madrassa and Jamiat Ulama-Hind declared jihad against British and gave their lives for the country. Then British realized the threat and had to create hatred between Muslims and Hindus and used Hindu Mahasabha groups within congress, also RSS which was created in 1925 based on hate.

            Do you know Savarkar who apologized to the Britishers to get out of jail, also espoused the two Nation Theory calling the Hindus and Muslims as two nations and act as British agent.

            These Hindutva groups were with British, they tried to kill MK Gandhiji 2 times with bomb before finally killed with close gun fire. They didn’t attack any British but people like MK Gandhiji and others who work for peace and independence. Their bombing skills is nothing new. They are and were expert in bombing in disguise. British govt didn’t put these culprits in jail but they encouraged Hindutva terrorists of the time to kill MK Gandhiji. All know reason for hate and effort to eliminate MK Gandhiji, two nation theory was already in minds of Hindutva groups within congress by conspiring with British, Jinnah was just loving PM post and it made him easy to get what he wanted in already sowed two nation theory. Very often Hindutva terrorists and sympathizers say Muslims to go to Pakistan but Muslims live in this country by choice with dignity. Maximum Muslims choose India in spite of million massacre and rape while Pakistan was opening door for hope and peace for Muslims at that time. And so more Muslims in India than Pakistan. Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind Fought Against the Partition of India and was against Jinnah

            Those hater Muslims left India and went to Pakistan and those who love India remained in India by choice. But those hater Hindutva bomber Hindus didn’t go anywhere and so still creating hatred between Muslims and Hindus by hoisting pakistani flags, putting cow head in temple, shaking country with Love Jihad invention , bombing in disguise like they bombed to kill MK Gandhiji with fake beard in Malegaon, Delhi, RSS head quarter Nagpur while making bomb, Ajmer Dargah, Jama Masjid, Makka Masjid, Samjhauta …. and many dots to join and blaming Muslims and putting innocent Muslims in Jail and killing in fake encounter even innocent girl and giving free hand to Hindutva groups. They are brainwashing millions of peace-loving Hindu brothers and sisters day by day by spitting venom against Muslims and telling Hindus to rape even dead Muslim women from grave n calling Muslims/Christians Haramzada and govt is giving them free hand n consider them peace-loving nationalistic organisation.

            Muslims live in this country by choice n brave king like Tipu Sultan fought against British with latest technology, fought without turning back, died in battlefield n said “Live like lion for a day rather than living like donkey for 100 years” and world come to see our forefather’s intellect and architecture and we are proud of it.

            we are not timid and never ask Pakistani govt to give shelter in spite of endless killing, rape, murder, burning alive, destruction of masjids unlike Hindu of Pakistan who love India more than their country and seek citizenship in India and Indian govt granting them.

            Muslims can put their concern as citizen of India and They have full right to give constructive criticism against wrong things in our country in democratic way. I do not spit venom. I have no hatred for general peace loving Hindus.

            We should not judge by act of haters while ignoring million other peace lovers. But the communal mess created by Hindutva and damaging secular image of India globally is big threat and can’t be ignored for long time. If they really love this nation they should join Army and fight in border not create communal hatred.


    • ahmad noor
      July 24, 2015 12:27 pm

      from ahmad noor to mac
      brother mac ,
      i would prefer to cover shia topic personally you & me out of this forum you are sunni as i think ..this one of most complicated file in islam it is better for us to concentrate in this forum on interfaith marriage
      that is why i like to take your e mail to exchange information between us about shia and other important islamic affairs

      • mac
        July 24, 2015 1:46 pm

        Message me thought that Facebook page.

  • mac
    July 22, 2015 4:08 am

    To jainab, you said i am against all, i am not against all, i am up for truth, if truth is against all, sorry i can`t help.

    And i am not a mouthpiece of anyone, i am mouth piece of myself and the truth, people make lies on islam, and you applaud them, while i show them how is islam by quoting directly from Quran, and you bash me as devil, do you know calling other muslim as devil is sin in islam, leave it, i showed you from quran how islam doesn`t allow marriage with non-muslim, still you say you will marry that guy and then you say you are not against islam, You asked allah to show me right path, AlhamduLillah allah has showed me right path, what i say, i can back up quoting from Quran, while you not a single time could quote quran to support your claim.

  • Akash
    July 21, 2015 7:14 pm

    hi gud morning to all, aftr reading mac’s explanation of benifits of circumcision,i hv decided to undergo this process. This was the nly aspect of islam which had problem to understand bt after reading mac’s explanation of small blood loss now will hv lifetime benefit,so now i hv no fear frm circumcision, thnx mac bhai for explaning this in beautiful way

    • July 21, 2015 9:58 pm

      Is that for Science or Superstition reason? More and more of most educated in this world are now choosing no cut.

      You are an IIT caliber guy, so think critically. One day you will be making decisions for a corporation for crores of rupees, but your decision has to be based on facts, not fantasy nor faith!

      • fi
        July 22, 2015 4:07 am

        Why don’t you consult a Doctor and ask?

  • July 21, 2015 5:57 pm


    Welcome back. Note we are not here to make you feel good but we will tell you honestly what ever we feel you should know.

    Education: Never put yourself down by saying you are not educated. There are people with double doctorate degrees and there are others who cannot even read one alphabet. Most of this world, just like you, is in between these two.

    English: There are smart people who only know Japanese or German but not English. Knowing English is not be a barometer of someone’s education or smartness. Jainab, keep expressing yourself the way you are doing without fear or guilt.

    Dealing with a Hindu: We never get around talking to you about this critical point that you should know.

    As we said, first you have to decide what you are, what God/Allah means to you, what religion means to you, what Islam means to you, etc. For that, get in discussion with others here and it will help you form your own thoughts and views. Do not get upset with ANY ONE but thank them to educate you! You are smart enough to decide what is right for you and what is not.

    Now lets get on dealing with your Hindu boy friend. Do not get blind with love (if possible) but think rationally. Read our article on 10 points on dealing with Hindus, do you have any concern? If yes, talk to your bf about it. Is he really ready to marry a “Muslim” without “formally” converting the Muslim to Hinduism? Are his parents ready to accept you for what you are (what ever you are)? Go plan to meet his parents in next 3 months and feel out if you will be comfortable with them (and they will be comfortable with you). Please update us after meeting his parents.

    In all marriages, we wish to see Interfaith Marriage with Equality, but this “equality” is difficult to define for us for you. It’s only you have to decide what is right and what is wrong for you.

    Your Parents: Read Priya, it is the same apply to you. What would you tell to Priya about deserting parents? (best way to learn is to teach!).

    Keep in touch, best wishes!

    • Jainab
      July 22, 2015 12:27 am

      Dear admin, you are 100% right and your suggetions are very much usefull to me.still I have not talked with my b/f on all these topics, on sunday we both are free and I will talk with him all about these,i will inform you if there any progress occurs. thanks a lot for considering this matter. one thing I must tell my b/f xxxxx is my life, I think er are two physical bodies with one soul.and it is vice versa.—–Jainab

      • July 22, 2015 7:28 am

        On ANY public forum, do not disclose personal information (real name, home city, college name, etc). We just deleted your bf’s name.

        Go easy. Do not bombard him with lots of doubting questions. That is why we gave you 3 months period. Slowly and slowly start getting more information. Ask lots of open ended questions (will your parents/community accept a Muslim daughter-in-law? …..do you see any issue? …..are you sure? …what else could be an issue? …what else I should know? …can I meet them?) and then listen carefully till he has nothing more left to say. Best wishes.

  • Kumar
    July 21, 2015 1:07 pm

    To Dear Jainab

    U r the one, who is going to lead ur life with ur guy. So u must be knowing him better. In case u feel he is the perfect match,then go ahead.

    U need not listen to somebody elses suggestions.

    I know that Muslim girls are the sweetest of all,from my personal experience.
    So u’ll need a sweetest partner for ur life. Most of the Muslim men are rude and violent against women.

    Incase u marry a Muslim, u will be implemented with certain restrictions like

    1) Compulsorily wearing burkah.

    2) namaz 5 times a day.

    3) Produce many kids. Which is nothing but hell.

    4) killing of animals for festivals in form of sacrifices.

    5) even though ur educated, u may be made to stay at home to fulfill basic needs.

    6) torture from relatives or inlaws.

    Incase u marry your Hindu bf, you need not convert. He will surely allow u to celebrate Eid and other festivals.

    So what i feel is u must carry on with ur love

    once u get a job and settle ,then plzzzz do marry ur boy.

    well wisher

    • mac
      July 22, 2015 4:25 am

      ///1) Compulsorily wearing burkah.///

      Unlike you , we don`t force women, you will not give respect to women if she covers her body, you always want women to look sexy in streets and to stare at them, islam gives true respect to women and thus it forces men to respect women for being a human and not being a sex symbol, here you see, educated women are speaking out and converting to islam. >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNOOGwM1vNA

      2) namaz 5 times a day.

      it is our religious requirement, why you are against it, is this how you will treat your muslim wife, go ahead buddy, moment your muslim in laws find truth about you, game over for you.

      3) Produce many kids. Which is nothing but hell.

      So producing many kids is hell, then how come hindu population rise up after independence, how come vhp is awarding hindu couples having 8-9 kids, it means there are hindu couples, but you hide, and then blame on muslims, in north,central india, hindus produce many children, still i will not insult those kids like you did and like jainab did, as i am human and islam requires me to respect innocent human being as a child is innocent human being whether he is hindu or muslim child

      4) killing of animals for festivals in form of sacrifices.

      yes we do it and we are proud of it, unlike you who celebrate religious festivals with wine and condom.
      You hypocrite people use things made from animals and then blame others
      Just google, use of cow, beef etc

      5) even though ur educated, u may be made to stay at home to fulfill basic needs.

      being educated doesn`t mean you become slave of others, yes this is the beauty of islam that it doesn`t require women to work day and night to earn money, our women can sit and relax in home and we provide them their need, if they want, they can work, we don`t force them that you have to work, make money else you are not wife, we don`t put pressure on our women, we love them, we respect them. We keep our women like Queen, that is why Priya, a hindu girl after seeing life of a queen, i.e. her muslim mother in law, is choosing to be a house-wife despite being in master degree, so you can`t make a case that women who work day and night for money are only happy, as it is evident from Priya`s case.

      6) torture from relatives or inlaws.

      It happens in all communities, you exposed again, when Heena Hussain told her story here how a hindu boy cheated her, you started crying that why she is making generalization of all hindu, and now you are doing same, hypocrite.

      ///Incase u marry your Hindu bf, you need not convert. He will surely allow u to celebrate Eid and other festivals.///

      Islam is not about celebrating eid, a hindu can celebrate eid too, things that make you muslim are kalima and it`s implementation like namaz(which you are against of as mentioned above), roza, charity, good deeds, obeying allah and his messenger, that what makes one a muslim

  • Kumar
    July 21, 2015 9:49 am

    @ admin

    I spoke to sabah regarding this forum but she told she is not interested in all these stuffs.

    • July 21, 2015 5:57 pm

      We are glad you gave her that offer. You did your due-diligence. We need to honor her wishes.

  • Kumar
    July 21, 2015 8:28 am

    Thanks a lot admin for providing more information abt Special Marriage Act..

    And i won’t post sabah’s link since it is insecure.

  • mac
    July 21, 2015 6:54 am

    To Jainab:

    You said you are not against islam, then why you said should i change my religion?

    And if you are not against Allah or islam, then why you are trying to marry that hindu, Allah in Quran chapter 2, verse 221, clearly said marriage with non-muslim is not allowed and it is sin and takes you out of islam, so isn`t it hypocrisy that on one hand you say you believe in Allah,islam while on the other hand you are going against Allah`s commandment?

    Here is the verse from Quran chapter 2 verse 221

    ولا يتزوج النساء الشركية حتى أنهم يعتقدون. وامرأة رقبة مؤمنة خير من مشرك” على الرغم من أنها قد إرضاء لك. ولا يتزوجن من رجال تعدد [إلى نسائكم] حتى أنهم يعتقدون. ورقبة مؤمنة خير من مشرك، على الرغم من انه قد إرضاء لك. هذه دعوة [أنت] إلى النار، ولكن تدعو الله إلى الجنة والمغفرة، بإذنه. وقال انه يجعل واضحة آياته للناس أنه ربما علهم يتذكرون.” [Quran 2:221]

    Here is the translation:

    “And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing(muslim) slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember.” [Quran 2:221]

    Now in the above verse, we see clearly Allah is telling us not to marry non-muslim men or women until they accept islam, this verse also saying if you marry them without converting them to islam, then they will invite you to hell fire meaning, their shirk things will be part of your life and thus you will be eventually mushrik, means polytheist/non-muslim. Now what you say, it`s upto you whether you listen to Allah or not, you life you decision, if you goto heaven, still it will not effect you, if you go to hell , still it will not effect me, but if you didn`t inform you about this, then Allah wouldn`t have pardoned me, my duty or any muslim`s duty is to inform you the truth, rest is on your shoulder


    1. Definition of Islam.

    Islam is an Arabic word, which comes from the word ‘Salm’ which means peace and from ‘Silm’, which means submitting your will to Allah – the Almighty God. In short Islam means peace acquired by submitting your will to Allah (swt).

    The word Islam is mentioned in several places in the Qur’an and the Hadith including Surah Ali Imran, chapter 3, verse 19 and verse 85.

    2. Definition of a Muslim

    A Muslim is a person who submits his will to Allah – the Almighty God.
    The word Muslim is mentioned several times in the Qur’an and Hadith including Surah Ali Imran Chapter 3 Verse 64 and Surah Fussilat Chapter 41 Verse 33.

    3. A misconception about Islam

    Many people have a misconception that Islam is a new religion that was formulated 1400 years ago, and that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the founder of Islam. However, let me clarify that Islam is not the name of some unique religion presented for the first time by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who should, on that account be called the founder of Islam.

    The Qur’an states that Islam – the complete submission of man before his one and only Unique Creator – is the one and only faith and way of life consistently revealed by God to humankind from the very beginning. Noah, Solomon, David, Abraham, Moses, Isaac and Jesus (peace be upon them all) – prophets who appeared at different times and places – all propagated the same faith and conveyed the same message of Tawheed (Oneness of God), Risaalat (Prophethood) and Aakhirah (the Hereafter). These prophets of God were not founders of different religions to be named after them. They were each reiterating the message and faith of their predecessors.

    However, Muhammad (pbuh) was the last Prophet of God. God revived through him the same genuine faith which had been conveyed by all His Prophets. This original message was earlier corrupted and split into various religions by people of different ages, who indulged in interpolations and admixture. These alien elements were eliminated by God, and Islam – in its pure and original form – was transmitted to humankind through Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

    Since there was to be no messenger after Muhammad (pbuh), the Book revealed to him (i.e. the Glorious Qur’an) was preserved word for word so that it should be a source of guidance for all times.

    Thus the religion of all the prophets was ‘total submission to God’s will’ and one word for that in the Arabic language is ‘Islam’. Abraham and Jesus (peace be upon them) too were Muslims, as Allah testifies in Al-Qur’an 3:67 and 3:52 respectively.

    • jainab
      July 21, 2015 11:53 am

      Mr,mac asslam, i think you have no any business, and you need not to earn, because my opinion is that you are a mouthpiece of a anti human society,and you get a handsome amount to meet your requirements and thus you are envolve in such activities..you are against Hindus.jews,christions,idols,budhidtd,Muslims who do not ittefaq with you,you are against all the countries,you have narrated in your colums. Why you are doing so,please live your life and let we live peacefully.dont spread terror and fear in our community. May Allah show you the right path. —jainab

      • Mohammed
        July 21, 2015 12:18 pm


        Ms.jainab doesnt wants to hear the facts from the mac’s bro…instead of saying thanks to mac’s bro that he has given a way to you in the light of islam which you are only name sake not practise you saying thanks to these anti islamic guys and cheaters. .
        shame on you.. . few people like you are spoiling whole culture of islam

  • July 21, 2015 2:53 am

    Dear Jainab,

    As per the text you are in a live in relationship with your Hindu guy and by now you must have understood him for everlasting relations.You need not to convert, just follow good things and marry him now since long live in reltionship is not desirable. Once you marry him carrying his surname, every thing will be alright and you will start a new inning of life.

    I did not convert but I take part in Hindu rituals and we both respect sentiments of each other.

  • mac
    July 20, 2015 5:55 pm

    to kumar – if your friend did secret marriage and if her(rifa) family are educated and rich and hire a lawyer then secret marriage will not last long. If i shown you earlier such marriages were ruled out. And yes your case is a love jihad as first you told her that you will convert to islam to start relationship with her and when the relationship got deep you revealed to her that you are not gonna convert, basically you left for her no choice. This is emotional force marriage not choice.

    • admin
      July 20, 2015 8:03 pm

      A good point, it is love-Jihad-in-return!

      Kumar, can you marry by the Special Marriage Act 1954? After marriage, it is her choice how she wishes to live. Make it clear with your parents.

      • Kumar
        July 20, 2015 9:03 pm

        What are the procedures for Special Marriage Act.
        Is convertion necessary under that act?

        • July 20, 2015 9:09 pm

          No conversion necessary. Read more here …
          mac and Muhammad, look, Kumar is not a Jihadi, happy? Are you ready to bless him?

          • Mohammed
            July 21, 2015 1:30 am

            how u say he is not love jihadi. . .
            They are cheating to their parens, religions, relatives . . .
            you are oftently tel that most muslim girls approx. 90% marrying outside of religion. . like this only admin..
            Most non muslim boys trapped innocent muslim girls and brainwashed from their religion finally get married.. . even though after marraige these muslim girls automatically involve into the shirk with their boy friend and they get out from islam. ,hence this called as love jihadi…
            finally after some years they broke up their relation…and these girls suffer alot. . .

          • mac
            July 21, 2015 5:40 am

            Admin, then why so hue and cry about love jihad, coz hindu girl leaving hinduism is not a big deal as Hinduism is open path, it says there are countless ways to god, then why so much problem about love jihad? i tell you why, because you cheated another girl, you never told her that you have to convert to Hinduism, if you had said it initially, she wouldn`t have strengthened the love, same goes for muslim girls, muslim girls will never fall in love with hindu if the guy at the initial stage tells her that he will not convert to islam , but here kumar told her that he will convert to islam and later revealed that he will not, if he had said it initially, sabaa being a muslim girl wouldn`t have given chance to kumar, what you say mr admin?

          • July 21, 2015 6:20 pm

            We do not believe in “most muslim girls approx. 90% marrying outside of religion”. Our survey outcome of 45% of Muslim girls in America is only applicable to certain segment of American Muslims and not ALL American Muslims.

            On “initial stage tells her that he will not convert”, this is very true for all. This is our main objective of alerting all Muslims and Hindu youths that there is lots more issues waiting for you when you are in Hindu-Muslim love relationship. ALL youths fall in love because of physical attraction God has put in human beings. Even you (mac) was in love with a Hindu girl. Initial dating time, youths only talk of secular and pluralism, but once parents/pandit/imam get involved, the love takes an ugly turn. If any one (Muslim, Jew or Hindu) wishes to expose a potential love-Jihadi, best is to ask for NO BBS (including Hindu Namashanskara child naming ceremony). We are glad you (mac) got aware of issues and ended the relationships, others may go for it and some of them may get burned.

            Hindus are pluralist and they don’t have problem accepting Islam (along with their million gods; Isvar Allah Tero Nam). However, for Muslims, conversion means giving up being a Hindu (view). We are glad Kumar came to this site and now has opportunity to learn.

    • Kumar
      July 20, 2015 9:00 pm

      i told her i won’t convert and even her convertion is not necessary.

  • Kumar
    July 20, 2015 9:56 am

    @ ahamd noor

    U can speak to my gf, i’ll provide u the link.
    By the way u can’t separate us.
    In ur previous post abt which gautham were u

    • ahmad noor
      July 20, 2015 2:34 pm

      you have sent us a linkage about an other 2 couple that is indian express
      gatham -hindu and anshida muslim girl the whole news is talking about howmuch those 2 loving birds are suffering from place to place travelling to escape
      from our (devils) a repeated drama every time

  • Kumar
    July 20, 2015 9:54 am


    U can speak to my gf, i’ll provide u the link.

    By the way u can’t separate us.

    In ur previous post abt which gautham were u talking?

    • July 20, 2015 10:01 pm

      It is not a good ideal to disclose her personal contact information/link to others, don’t do it.

  • Kumar
    July 20, 2015 9:02 am

    To admin,

    Two of my friends Rajath(Hindu) and Rifa(Muslim) got married secretly last week.

    Rifa is 20 yrs and Rajath is going to become 21.

    When so many people are marrying secretly with out bringing it to their parents notice, why can’t i marry my Sabah ?

    Answer me admin

    • Mohammed
      July 20, 2015 9:26 am

      Now admin. . . .

      what u r going to tell for this. . love jihadi or what…what word you are going to use

      • Kumar
        July 20, 2015 9:48 am

        How can u relate it to love jihad?

        They both wer knowing each others religion b4 getting into relationship.

        And same in mine and sabah’s case.

    • ahmad noor
      July 20, 2015 9:43 am

      kumar why dont you let us talk directly to sabah or you are afraid ..??
      or she is ignorant that you can easily cheat her with sweet love words
      waiting for your answer

      • July 20, 2015 10:04 pm

        Legally, Kumar cannot/should not disclose her personal e-mail ID to all. If she wants, she could come on this open forum under any used name.

        • ahmad noor
          July 21, 2015 5:39 am

          yes we dont need her e mail or any personal informations .. the important thing is to talk to her directly ..but how can we make sure it is not kumar himself??

          • mac
            July 21, 2015 5:42 am

            yes, considering the fact that kumar is habitual liar as he had himself confessed to me that he lid to sabba, his muslim girl initially to make her fall in love.

  • July 20, 2015 8:51 am

    No doubt Mac is a devil in the name of islam.He is leaving no stone unturned
    to justify and glorify evil practices of criminal religion called islam.Being mutta product, he does not feel ashamed and even after sodomized in madarsa,he poses to be an authentic scholar of islam.Always beating around the bush, covering by false and misleading facts,islamic evils against mankind,posting texts under different names, at times using abusive language even against Admn.has no locus standi to post misleading texts on this forum.

  • July 20, 2015 6:08 am


    Hope by now you must have got motivated by the comments of learned sisters, like Chand Osmani, Rokhasar and Bro. Kartar. You have seen the criminal and cruel activities in the name of islamic religion against various creatures of God.

    You should take b old and judicious decision to marry your BF if he is willing to do so.

    • ahmad noor
      July 20, 2015 9:00 am

      human will it be the end of world if jainab dose not marry that hindu
      should muslims take their religion under the consideration of any love story
      (mostly ended by divorce) or take our love story under the consideration of islam from 1947 till now most of the massacres carried out in india have been done by hinu extremists your prime minister modi is one of them . he is responsible of killing 2000 muslims in 2002 but all the world respect him as a legal person not as a criminal in the name of krishna.. sorry lord krishna
      non muslim world is allowed to deal with our religion unfairly but when we make any respond against …all the media are ready to dispoil our name
      do not tell me that the names of comments came from muslim girls encouraging
      jainab to marry the hindu i can enter any website in fale name pretendening
      islam ….old tricks

      • ahmad noor
        July 20, 2015 9:02 am

        false names pretending muslims

    • jainab
      July 21, 2015 11:18 am

      Thanks human, i honour your suggestions,let me think for some time.i have not discussed with my b,f on this matter. I never thought that a very simple matter is so complicated…thanks again—-jainab

  • Kumar
    July 20, 2015 4:34 am

    admin u say Muslim can’t marry in arya samaj or register office, then what about this ——> indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/shes-muslim-hes-hindu-they-have-been-running-for-11-months-and-they-wont-hide/

    • mac
      July 20, 2015 5:07 am

      A non-hindu cannot marry in arya samaj, if parents move to court, then court will dismiss arya samaj marriage.

    • ahmad noor
      July 20, 2015 9:36 am

      kumar the main objective you and your gautham are trying to hide.. is that you are ready to expose tens of human beings from both muslims and hindu lives to death but both of you are not ready to leave your religion
      you are hiding the main topic… just talking about islamic extremists showing that the main problem is only only only in those extremists
      this kind of marriage is regarded as a crime in islam ..
      you are not clever enough nor your gautham to hide the origin of the whole problem that this marriage is considered as a crime in islam 1st
      and both of you are not ready to convert as a price for this marriage
      …what force both of you to do that?….. is it the shortage in hindu girls or good manner of mulim girls (which comes originally from their islam which you try to put it under you feet or it is just inside heating to great religion ????????

    • mehar
      July 21, 2015 1:38 am

      Dear jainab, hi, i am waiting your responce,but nothing, you may be busy or analysing the situation,ok that’s fine, today one of my Kashmiri friend romaiysa wangnu told me that there are so many Kashmiri Muslim girls who married to other castirs, and they have no problem,she gave me an example of ex cm farook Abdullah daughter Sara married to Sachin pilot without converting. This is a very big name and both are participating politics,so you need not to worry, if your boy frind is humble to you thsn immidiate take next step and inform us, we are always with you for giving support to your personal life.waiting for agood news…Mehar.

      • ahmad noor
        July 21, 2015 9:45 am

        mehar your massage is worthless …any hindu can use islamic name telling such story from kashmir …generally such girls (if really exist) do not need to spread such marriage news and the same time they know that this is against islam even they find successful as they said unless they want to push muslims
        to more anger

      • jainab
        July 21, 2015 11:34 am

        Dear mehar, thanks for admiring me, i am a very simple girl from a very rural background, unfortunately i was not comfortable with my parents and relatives, so i have to adopt this root, if have not done so my whole life will be ruined, ok, its over now, there are so many peoples are in the World, those should be worshiped. they adopted me, gave me love and rights more than their own children, Allah bless Upon them.

        This is my small story, and now i am fighting for next session of my life. lets see what is destiny. Second thing i don’t have any e mail id, i use my b,f id. Yes i have mobile but this time it is not suitable th share it with any one. Again thanks a lot. Asslam—–jainab

  • Hina
    July 19, 2015 9:07 am

    Hi JainB,

    “God created women as the equal of men. The total equality of women with men is the very essence of the Moral Perfection of God. God is not a sexist. God is not a male chauvinist pig. Women and men are equal in the eyes of God. Women are the equal of men. Any teaching pertaining to be from God that degrades women, denigrates them in anyway, claims they are inferior to men in anyway, denies them their right to leave their homes without male supervision, their right to say no to their husbands sexual demands, treats them as property, allows their murder as honor killing or any other reason, forces them to cover themselves against their will, doesn’t allow them to wear whatever they want to wear on their face/bodies, allows their beating, allows their lashing/stoning, allows their sexual abuse/molestation, murders them for having non martial sex, murders them for committing adultery, forces them into marriage against their will, allows child girls to be raped under the fraud of marriage, allows women’s enslavement as sex slaves or slaves, allows their raping, allows sex without the woman’s full consent, denies them their right to sexual freedom, denies them their God given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are not the teachings of a God of Moral Perfection but of an evil man – Muhammad.”

    The entire religion claiming such teachings as the word of God is totally and completely fraudulent. the men who follow this religion are the lowest of the lowest. Denying 50% of humanity their humanity – the mothers of all mankind is not the actions of men but of animals.


    Always in pray almighty to bless you with happiness and prosperity.


    • ahmad noor
      July 20, 2015 6:09 am

      Hina i can be impolite with your comment but this is of no use islam is a complete religion for humanity to arrange both this life and life after death
      believe or not this is an other thing.. 1stt no forcing marriage to female against her will in islam or else the marriage is illegal (just check)..2nd man & woman are equal in front of allah to face the result of what they do good or bad this is written in qurane since the creator is the same for all 3rd woman has a sexually attractive body (no one can deny this all around the world or history) much more than man has so decency important to protect her by vail or put rectrictions on going out alone even though she can go for studying or job or any nessecary affair or visiting relatives with girl friends if parents or husband make sure of no misbehavior may happen to her …. is that wrong ?
      i admit that many muslims in many countries deal roughly with their girls but most of such live in rural areas ..islam is to taken from original sources not from not educated muslims behavior and day by day this ignorance is getting less & less……..Remember the western open life style which change the life style of most of hindu society spatially in big cities cause in incresse
      in rate of rape ..this open life we see in your hnidu fastivals and what happen to your hidu sisters

    • jainab
      July 21, 2015 2:20 am

      Thanks hina.your sugeestin gave me a strength,thanks a lot this is what my soul says,your thouts pessired me to give you thanks.also thanks to admin who made this way of sharing views,and again thanks to all my friends to critisize my views and alda to them who understand me.. Thanks a lot. Again i am not in a hurry, i am self coniderong on all the aspects and one thing more i never told a word against Islam,nor i will tell, as well as i will not favour any other religion because i know nothing about all these,but it is true that i belive in almighty khuda he knows well.i don’t have much knowledge but even an animal also knows that what is good for them and who is their friend,and we are humans Allah has given us mind to think,heart to blossom,and eyes to see as well as ears to hear,the good . again some people took my problem as a subject of discussion,it is not fair,ever person has some problems ,people should regard him and help him . I think in India we all are from same arya culture,came from Iran by way of indus valley,thus we all are one. In this new are distances have been shortened ,people of different caste,creeds are coming together and we are fighting for un necessary ego. Thanks for inviting me and giving support to me.

  • July 19, 2015 8:58 am

    Hello every one,

    Men can marry up to four women at a time, divorce them, bring another four wives and also unlimited forcible concubines (rape) permitted.

    In Islam, not only are men allowed to practice polygamy, but they may also capture women in war and use them as sex slaves. This is considered morally legitimate according to the Quran. In other words, non-Muslim women have no right to be free from the horror of slavery and serial rape by Muslim men. Note the term “whom your right hand possess” means slaves.

    Quran 4.24

    YUSUFALI: “ (prohibited are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess: Thus hath Allah ordained (Prohibitions) against you: Except for these, all others are lawful, provided ye seek (them in marriage) with gifts from your property,- desiring chastity, not lust, seeing that ye derive benefit from them, give them their dowers (at least) as prescribed; but if, after a dower is prescribed, agree Mutually (to vary it), there is no blame on you, and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.”

    PICKTHAL: “And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess. It is a decree of Allah for you. Lawful unto you are all beyond those mentioned, so that ye seek them with your wealth in honest wedlock, not debauchery. And those of whom ye seek content (by marrying them), give unto them their portions as a duty. And there is no sin for you in what ye do by mutual agreement after the duty (hath been done). Lo! Allah is ever Knower, Wise.”

    SHAKIR: “And all married women except those whom your right hands possess (this is) Allah’s ordinance to you, and lawful for you are (all women) besides those, provided that you seek (them) with your property, taking (them) in marriage not committing fornication. Then as to those whom you profit by, give them their dowries as appointed; and there is no blame on you about what you mutually agree after what is appointed; surely Allah is Knowing, Wise.”

    You can’t have sex with married women, unless they are slaves obtained in war (with whom you may rape or do whatever you like).
    4:3 “Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice.”

    4:25 “If any of you have not the means wherewith to wed free believing women, they may wed believing girls from among those whom your right hands possess.”

    “Whom your right hand possess” is one of the most evil diabolical set of words ever written in any text. God has written in quite clear language that a Muslim can own another human being. Read the words: “your right hand possess” truly only Allah (the AntiGod) could conceive of such a wording. Slavery equated to – your right hand. Truly ingenious. Truly Allah. It’s impossible for any reasonable person to conceive of a God that permits slavery. A God that not only permitted slavery but allowed as a holy duty the sheer horror of unlimited raping of women. In all human history – in all human thinking – there has never been a more vile institution ever created than slavery. 120 million blacks were murdered by Islam in the slave trade – truly one of the greatest holocausts in history. Black male slaves were castrated by their Muslim overlords to ensure that they would not breed. Many died after castration.

    However, slavery in Islam applies not only to blacks but to ALL kafirs. Millions of Europeans were enslaved by Muslims. “Whom your right hand possess” is so evil as to be unspeakable. These words are not Moral Perfection but immoral imperfection. Islam is the greatest criminal ideology in history. God as a slave trader profiting on 20% of the profits earned from breeding and selling human beings. How can 1.2 billion people believe in such craziness? Unfortunately, they do and the number is growing daily.
    Sura 23 (The Believers), Verses 1-6

    23.1-6: “Successful indeed are the believers, Who are humble in their prayers, And who keep aloof from what is vain, And who are givers of poor-rate, And who guard their private parts, Except before their mates or those whom their right hands possess, for they surely are not blameable.”

    This is the Sura which gives the slave owner the right of sexual access to his female slaves. The term “guarding the private parts” is a synonym for sexual intercourse.

    The Quran not only allows slavery and sex with captured women and slave girls, it says God may even pardon those who forced their slave girls to sell their bodies.

    Quran 24.33: “Force not your slave-girls to whoredom that ye may seek enjoyment of the life of the world, if they would preserve their chastity. And if one force them, then (unto them), after their compulsion, lo! Allah will be Forgiving, Merciful.s said that this is not blameable if indulges with wives and slaves.”
    Sura 70 (The Ways of Ascent) verses 29-35

    70: 29-35 “And those who guard their private parts, Except in the case of their wives or those whom their right hands possess — for these surely are not to be blamed, But he who seeks to go beyond this, these it is that go beyond the limits — And those who are faithful to their trusts and their covenant And those who are upright in their testimonies, And those who keep a guard on their prayer, Those shall be in gardens, honored.”

    These verses give the right to slave owners to have sexual relation with female slaves.
    70:22-30: “Not so the worshippers, who are steadfast in prayer, who set aside a due portion of their wealth for the beggar and for the deprived, who truly believe in the Day of Reckoning and dread the punishment of their Lord (for none is secure from the punishment of their Lord); who restrain their carnal desire (save with their wives and their slave girls, for these are lawful to them: he that lusts after other than these is a transgressor…” This verse shows that Muslim men were allowed to have sex with their wives (of course) and their slave girls.

    Muhammad can go beyond the four-wife restriction, can treat his own wives and sex slaves unequally.
    33:50-52 “O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom God has assigned to thee; and daughters of thy paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of thy maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated (from Makka) with thee; and any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to wed her;- this only for thee, and not for the Believers (at large); We know what We have appointed for them as to their wives and the captives whom their right hands possess;- in order that there should be no difficulty for thee. And God is Oft- Forgiving, Most Merciful. Thou mayest defer (the turn of) any of them that thou pleasest, and thou mayest receive any thou pleasest: and there is no blame on thee if thou invite one whose (turn) thou hadst set aside. This were nigher to the cooling of their eyes, the prevention of their grief, and their satisfaction – that of all of them – with that which thou hast to give them: and God knows (all) that is in your hearts: and God is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing. It is not lawful for thee (to marry more) women after this, nor to change them for (other) wives, even though their beauty attract thee, except any thy right hand should possess (as handmaidens): and God doth watch over all things.”
    This verse 33:50-52 is for Muhammad. God allows Muhammad to own and rape his slave girls.

    The above verses are only a few out of numerous such verses scattered throughout the Quran.On the same analogy the mother of Mac was raped under the banner of short term marriages and Mac was born, who does not exactly as to who is his really biological father.

    Thanks for sparing your time and reading the text aobve.
    God bless you all.

    • jainab
      July 23, 2015 12:44 pm

      Sir, i could not understand above technical langua
      ge, can you summarise it in easy language, thanks

      • mac
        July 23, 2015 11:15 pm

        Dear sister jainab, you honored a person as `sir` who used slang against my mother, who is making false allegation on my mother that my mother was raped and this and that… is it how women respect men? it men who accuse other women, you honor him as `sir`, if this trend continues, then how will rape eliminate from this country, if women keep on honoring men who insult women, then what is the fate of women in this country.

        And jainab, you couldn`t understand what kartar said because he quoted one verse from Qur’an and then implied his own version of meaning, that is why you could`nt understand what he said because what he wanted to said doesn`t make any sense, because he is fabricator and sane people can easily catch fabricator.

  • July 19, 2015 8:51 am


    It is islam, that clearly propagates sex, rape, violence through its evil book called Koran. One of such verses is produced below:

    Sex Slavery/Slavery


    33.50: “O Prophet! surely We have made lawful to you your wives whom you have given their dowries, and those [slaves] whom your right hand possesses out of those whom Allah has given to you as prisoners of war….”.

    The term “possessions of the right hand” mean slaves. It is expressly stated that Muhammad’s slaves are given to him by Allah himself to be taken out of his share of the captives in war. It also records the special dispensation given to Muhammad, not available to other Muslims, in the number of wives

    This verse 33:50-52 is for Muhammad. God allows Muhammad to own and rape his slave girls.

    The above verse is only a few out of numerous such verses scattered throughout the Quran. (4.24, 4:3, 4:25, 23:1-6, 24:33, 70:22-30, 70: 29-35) What could be more unethical than owning slaves and raping slave girls? God graciously allowed Muslims to own and rape slave girls. Prophet Muhammad himself and his disciples routinely raped their slave girls. Muslim men were permitted unlimited raping of their slaves and even gang rape. Sex slaves were one of the main factors in the spread of Islam. Sex slavery is a Pillar of Islam. This is the evil that is Islam.

    The second greatest crime a man can commit against a woman is to rape her (murder being the greatest crime.) In Islam – rape is not only a sexual weapon – it is a weapon of war. Having murdered the kafir woman’s man, Muslims can now – sanctioned by the law of God complete their final humiliation and domination of her body. Rape instills fear and subjugation in the kafir
    A raped Muslim woman must be able to provide 4 male witnesses who witnessed her being raped otherwise she is accused of zina – unlawful sexual intercourse — and jailed as a result.

    “And those who accuse honourable women but bring not four witnesses, scourge them (with) eighty stripes and never (afterward) accept their testimony – They indeed are evil-doers” (Qur’an 24:4).

    Can you tell us if you find some man in any civilized country who owned slaves let alone raping slaves, what will be your conclusion about that guy? Can you tell us how a man who Muslims claim was the apostle of God – the prophet of peace – was authorized by God – to own and rape slaves – a God who created evil laws that allowed the ownership of slaves, their purchase and sale, and their sexual abuse?

    Islam codifies and legalizes the diabolical evil of sex slavery. God and his messenger Muhammad not only endorsed the institution of slavery but also the raping and sexual molestation of female slaves. The very proposition that God would make rape a divine, holy act and have as his prophet a man who raped, allowed his male followers to attack their female captives is simply outrageous. Where is the outrage?

  • Mehar
    July 19, 2015 3:22 am

    Dear admn.hi please recall jainab on this page,i think she has suffered a lot and her voice should must be heard. she got this forum to overcome from her miserable and terrific feelings. if you could do so I will be thankfull to you-mehar

    • July 20, 2015 10:07 pm

      We agree 100% to you. People have been unfair to her. We hope and pray for her return back.

  • Kumar
    July 18, 2015 10:19 am

    Dear jainab.

    If u feel you’ll live happily with ur hindu guy,then carry on.

    U know, i too have a Muslim gf.

    We are so happy.

    I was threatened by her cousin. But still it didn’t affect our relationship.

    if u want to know more abt me and my gf,plzzz post ur Facebook ID i will suggest u few things.I can send u some of our pics.

    About convertion,

    If ur unhappy with islam then u can give up ur religion.

    In case u become a hindu, you’ll not have any restriction and u can live happily with ur guy.

    i ur happy with Islam then plz don’t convert,u can directly marry ur bf being a Muslim. After marriage ur bf won’t convert u forcefully.

    • ahmad noor
      July 18, 2015 12:59 pm

      kumar you dont care about putting a muslim girl against her god ,religion,family and sector the main important thing to you is to maintain your love and ( illegal relation with islam ignorant girl ) you are even not ready to tell her the future result of this relation making use cleverly of her ignorance i dont blame you….. it is her parents fault islam is very simple and clear even though they didnot educate her any thing to fix islamic identity
      in her mind ..if we add all this to the uncotrled modern life style as in euorope .. with emotional love feeling rushing in youth sure you will find it easy to muslim gf of this kind any way if she threw awy all this behind her back we dont feel soory for her ……

    • jainab
      July 21, 2015 11:44 am

      Dear Kumar,thanks for your suggestion,and support, yet i have not discussed with my bf on all these issues,at first i have to decide my way then i will talk with him,if there will be any progress I will must write on this wall.Thanks again—jainab

  • July 18, 2015 7:56 am

    Dear Jainab,

    You said, “Dear admn, this is my last post..”. Wow! It must hurt you reading all bashing on you for expressing yourself honestly. We understand your feelings and we are truly sorry for treatments given to you on this web site.

    There is just so much to discuss with you but unfortunately people could not tolerate your views. Instead of slowly guiding you towards Islam, these Muslim boys started attacking you (like you are their property!). You were on the edge of – Islam and no-Islam; instead of giving you little time to decide what is right for you and not, they just pushed you.

    Two days before there was an issue in Tennessee but these guys will tell us that that killer was not a Muslim or it is just a media game. Thus we don’t get into such discussion.

    It is sad that these people put you down by your education. We don’t think any of these guys have doctorate degrees to point fingers at you. Actually, we found you a good writer who could express openly for what is going on in your mind. English is Britishers language, why we have to take pride into it? In our eyes, you are highly educated and honor you.

    We read all that these boys wrote to you and, actually, we found most to be truth. It is sad that you could not face reality of life. What you heard here is what you will hear one day from your parents and close relatives. Like it or not, this is truth.

    Jainab, you are a moderate Muslim and that we like it. If there are more “moderate” Muslims like you in this world, the image of Islam (as you have pointed out) on street could change. However, you will realize that “moderate” and “Islam” does not match well, except for a few celebrities (read).

    We never get around guiding you for your Hindu-Muslim relationship. Do not except Hindu parents to accept a “Muslim” daughter-in-law with whole heart. Our views are covered in this video. These interfaith marriages are for moderates and pluralists or for love-Jihadi to expand their faith. It is also for big celebrities who are not touched by street talks.

    Keep thinking on all what you heard and learned here. You MUST first decide who are you? Keep reflecting your views. We recommend writing a diary and some 10 years down the road, when you have more strength, publish it as a book. We will miss you, but do read us here all times.

    Jainab, we will be right here waiting to hear from you. Please drop a note to us with any major development in life. Best wishes.

    By the way, ID Mubarak!

    • mac
      July 18, 2015 9:12 am

      Admin, you talk about intolerance among muslim and acceptance among Hindus and all these, but in India, hindu couples are being killed for marrying another hindu because their caste being different, the condition is so intense that CPI(M) has suggested to reserve quota for such marriages so that people don`t kill such inter-caste married couple.

      CPI (M) advocates quota for kids born out of inter-caste marriage

      The State unit of the CPI (M) has made a strong case for a separate reservation for children of inter-caste marriage couples in education and employment opportunities, arguing that such an arrangement alone could prevent casteism from taking a deep root in society and honour killing of inter-caste marriage couples.

      CPI (M) State secretary G. Ramakrishnan said the government should come forward to implement the recommendations of Justice S. Mohan Commission that “the government may consider the children born out of inter-caste marriage as a special category under priority in the matters of admission to educational institutions and government services provided they possess the prescribed qualification.

      “In the past, the family of the girl or the boy indulged in honour killings. Now the situation has come to such a pass that the community of the boy or the girl involves itself directly against inter-caste marriages. The murder of Gokulraj explains the trend,” said Mr Ramakrishnan, while explaining the resolution adopted in the secretariat meeting of the party held on July 14 and 15.
      More at : http://m.thehindu.com/news/cities/chennai/cpi-m-advocates-quota-for-kids-born-out-of-intercaste-marriage/article7432012.ece

  • July 18, 2015 5:13 am

    Dear Jainab,

    I am a muslim girl and have experienced the same sentiments about islam like you and faced innumerable attrocities in my life. Thank God, I met a hindu and found him very compatible for me and married him. Now I am a working woman and live together blissfully with a small family.

    Dont get misguided by persons like Mac, who does not want muslim women to live gracefully. He is a person of criminal ideology to crush freedom and natural justice to the females. WHERE IS HELL FIRE FOR TERRORISTS WHO ARE KILLING AND RAPING INNOCENTS GIRLS, MURDERING THEIR OWN BROTHERS AND ELDERS? RATHER THEY ARE BEING MOTIVATED WITH A PARADISE OF 72 VIRGINS FOR SEXUAL PLEASURE IN THE HEAVEN.

    As per the Quran and Sunnah, following are Muslims’ religious obligations, therefore, their religious right, and America must allow them act accordingly as per their constitutional right to freedom of religion as Romney has promised:

    God has granted Muslim men the divine right to unleash jihad – the Islamic holy war to conquer all kafir nations and force them to submit to Islam. There are 164 Quranic teachings of Jihad. (Quran 29.6, 29.53, 22.52)
    God has granted Muslim men the divine right marry and have sex with to pre-Pubescent children, which is deemed abhorrent rape of minors or pedophilia (65:4)
    God has granted Muslim men the divine right to polygamy (4.3)
    God has granted Muslim men the divine right to gang rape infidel women (24:13)
    God has granted Muslim men the divine right to sex slavery (4:24)
    God has granted Muslim men the divine right to torturing non-Muslims (22.19-22)
    God has granted Muslim men the divine right to whipping fornicators (24.2)
    God has granted Muslim men right to amputation and crucifixion (5:33)
    God has granted Muslim men the divine right to beheading (8:12, 47:4)
    God has granted Muslim men the divine right to wife-beating (4:34)
    God has granted Muslim men the divine right to holding women inferior (2.228, 4.11, 4.176)
    God has granted Muslim men the divine right to using women as sex objects (2.223)
    God has granted Muslim men the divine right to committing mass murder, massacre and genocide of infidels (2:191, 9:5, 4:47, 8.67, 7.4, 8.17)
    God has granted Muslim men the divine right to terrorizing kafirs (8.60, 3.151)
    God has granted Muslim men accession to a immoral paradise for killing kafirs or getting killed while trying to kill kafirs (9.111)
    God has granted Muslim men the divine right to theft and robbery (Entire Chapter 8 called “Booty”)
    God has granted Muslim men the divine right to forcing all other religions to submission to Islam (2.103, 2.286, 3.19, 48.16)
    God has granted Muslim men the divine right to hate (5.60, 2.61)
    God has granted Muslim men the divine right to slavery (2.178)
    God has granted Muslim men the divine right to extortion (9:29)

    Under Sharia Law, there is no freedom of religion, speech, thought, press and artistic expression; no equality of peoples – a non-Muslim, a Kafir, is never equal to a Muslim; no equal rights for women; women can be beaten by the husbands; non-Muslims are dhimmis, third-class citizens; there is no equal protection under Sharia for different classes of people with one set of laws for Muslim males and different laws for women and non-Muslims. Death is the punishment for apostasy, homosexuality, mocking anything in the Qur’an or the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad, criticizing Islam, shari’ah law or the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad. Muslims, who states a preference for democracy to shari’ah law or questions anything in the Qur’an or Sunnah, is a kafir (disbeliever) and apostate, liable to punishment to death. Punishment for theft is amputation of the right hand up to the elbow. The penalty for premarital sexual intercourse is 100 lashes with a whip and one year of exile. The penalty for adultery is death by stoning.

    Islam, in the guise of a religion, is actually a militant political ideology intended for conquering the world for imaginary Allah. The Koran is a declaration of open-ended war against the infidels, until all infidels convert to Islam, or reduced to dhimmitude (institutionalized discrimination akin to slavery status), murdered or enslaved.



    • mac
      July 18, 2015 6:50 am

      //God has granted Muslim men the divine right to unleash jihad – the Islamic holy war to conquer all kafir nations and force them to submit to Islam. There are 164 Quranic teachings of Jihad. (Quran 29.6, 29.53, 22.52)///

      Jihad meaning https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=5193&cpage=1#comment-354795 , don`t act like a stupid, why don`t you tell me the meaning of Jihad before shouting about it?

    • mac
      July 18, 2015 6:52 am

      ///God has granted Muslim men the divine right marry and have sex with to pre-Pubescent children, which is deemed abhorrent rape of minors or pedophilia (65:4)///

      LOL 🙂 it doesn`t say anything what you have said above, I am posting the verse of Quran below

      Quran ch65 vs4
      “Such of your women as have passed the age of
      monthly courses, for them the prescribed period, if ye
      have any doubts, is three months, and for those who
      have no courses (it is the same):(5513) for those who
      carry (life within their wombs), their period is until
      they deliver their burdens: and for those who fear
      Allah, He will make their path easy.(5514)”

      5513:- Cf. 2:228. For normal women, the ‘iddah is the three monthly courses after
      separation: if there are no courses or if the courses are in doubt, it is three
      calendar months. By that time it will be clear whether there is pregnancy: if there
      is, the waiting period is still after delivery (see also 2:234).

      5514:- If there is a true and sincere desire to obey the Will of
      Allah and do right the difficulties will vanish, and these delicate matters will be
      settled for the greatest happiness of all.

      In Islam, condition of marriage:

      One cannot marry

      1- INFANTS
      2- BABIES
      3- CHILDREN
      4- And even incapable teenagers who are not fully grown up based on what the current life requires
      5- Children must reach ashuddah (full strength and growth) and adulthood.
      6- Children reaching “the age of marriage” in Noble Verse 4:6.
      7- Female-children becoming fataaya (young ladies) become ready to be “wed” (4:25).

      Details about marriage age in Islam

    • mac
      July 18, 2015 6:53 am

      ///God has granted Muslim men the divine right to polygamy (4.3)///

      Polygamy explained here https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10094&cpage=1#comment-354901

    • mac
      July 18, 2015 6:53 am

      ///God has granted Muslim men the divine right to gang rape infidel women (24:13)////

      Liar chand osmani, there is no such thing written in Quran 24:13, you can check all types of translations here http://corpus.quran.com/translation.jsp?chapter=24&verse=13

      “Why did they not bring four witnesses to prove
      it? When they have not brought the witnesses,
      such men, in the sight of Allah, (stand forth)
      themselves as liars!” [Quran 24:13]

      In this verse Allah is protecting women unlike hindu god Ram who forced sita to walk through fire, here Allah is calling such men lair who falsely accuse women of chastity. It again proved that chand liar osmani, a fake hindu in the name of muslim girl has never read Qur’an and copy pasting from here and there.

      More explanation here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juBkiCeklnA

  • mac
    July 17, 2015 7:04 pm

    100 commands from Allah in Noble Quran.
    If you follow this, no mushrik(polytheist) will even be able to bash you, in India Hindus are polytheist.

    1. Do not mix the truth with falsehood (Quran2:42)– which you did here, that is why you couldn`t defend you statements later, now its time to show them who ridicule you, so that they cannot defend themselves anymore and thus leave you alone in your own state of life
    2. Order righteousness to people only after practicing it yourself(Quran2:44)
    3. Do not commit abuse on the earth (Quran2:60)
    4. Do not spread corruption, disorder or mischief in the land (Quran2:11)
    5. Do not follow anyone blindly (Quran2:170)- which you did, and thus got refuted here by me, and you couldn`t write even a single word against the fact that i produced here about muslim women.
    6. Do not break the promise (Quran2:177)
    7. Do not engage in bribery (Quran2:188)
    8. Fight only with those who fight you (Quran2:190)
    9. Do not follow the Devil’s footsteps (Quran2:168)
    10. Protect orphans (Quran2:220)
    11. Do not marry non-muslim man or women because they invite you to hell fire,marry them only when they accept Islam(Quran2:221) Which you are currently going to do, read more here
    12. Do not have sexual intercourse during
    menstrual period (Quran2:222)
    13. Breast feed your children for two complete years (Quran2:233)
    14. Choose rulers by their merit (Quran2:247)
    15. No compulsion in religion (Quran2:256)
    16. Do not come close to adultery or fornication in Arabic known as zina (Quran2:264)
    17. Help those in need by finding them (Quran2:273)
    18. Don’t consume interest (Quran2:275)
    19. Grant more time to repay if the debtor is in hard time (Quran2:280)
    20. Write down the debt (Quran2:282)
    21. Keep the trust (Quran2:283)
    22. Do not spy and backbite (Quran2:283)
    23. Believe in all prophets (Quran2:285)
    24. Do not burden a person beyond his scope (Quran2:286)
    25. Do not become divided (Quran3:103)-which I did last day, i tried to separate myself from you, and that is why today i apologized to you and asked for Allah`s forgiveness, Satan wants that we get divided.
    26. Restrain Anger (Quran3:134)-which neither you nor me could do, so we have to work on this field, especially you, you get angry immediately without going into detail or much thinking, am i right?
    27. Do not be rude in speech (Quran3:159)-we both are guilty of this.
    28. Think deeply about the wonders and
    creation of this universe (Quran3:191)
    29. Men and Women have equal rewards for their deeds (Quran3:195)
    30. Wealth of the dead should be distributed among his family members (Quran4:7)
    31. Women also have the right for inheritance (Quran4:7)
    32. Do not devour the property of orphans
    33. Do not marry those in your blood relation
    34. Do not consume one another’s wealth
    unjustly (Quran4:29)
    35. Do not marry women against their will on the contrary live with them on a footing of kindness and equity (Quran4:19)
    36. Be good to others (Quran4:36)
    37. Do not be miserly (Quran4:37)
    38.Do not keep envy (Quran4:54)
    39. Judge with justice between people (Quran4:58)
    40. Do not kill each other (Quran4:92)
    41. Do not be an advocate for deceit (Quran4:105)
    42. Stand out firmly for justice (Quran4:135)-which I always do.
    43. Cooperate in righteousness (Quran5:2)
    44. Do not cooperate in sin and aggression
    45. Dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine are prohibited (Quran5:3)
    46. Be just (Quran5:8)-which i always try to do whether anyone likes or not, things that matter whether allah like you are not,nothing else matters much.
    47. Punish for crimes in an exemplary way
    48. Strive against sinful and unlawful acts
    -this is known as Jihad, while you though jihad means killing unbelievers, no it is not.
    49. Avoid intoxicants and alcohol (Quran5:90)
    50. Do not gamble (Quran5:90)
    51. Do not insult others’ deities (Quran6:108)
    52. ’Having majority’ is not a criterion of truth
    53. Don’t reduce weight or measure to cheat
    people (Quran6:152)
    54. Do not be arrogant (Quran7:13)
    55. Eat and Drink, But Be Not Excessive (Quran7:31)
    56. Wear good cloths during prayer times
    57. Forgive others for their mistakes (Quran7:199)– I beg your forgiveness for refusing your eid greeting last day.
    58. Do not turn back in battle (Quran8:15)
    59. Protect and help those who seek protection (Quran9:6)
    60. Keep Purity (Quran9:108)
    61. Never give up hope of Allah’s Mercy (Quran12:87)
    62. Allah will forgive those who have done
    wrong out of ignorance (Quran16:119)
    – This verse is very important for you, what ever unislamic things you did or are doing without knowing that it is against islam, will be forgiven Allah if you were ignorant, but from now on, you have came to know that relationship/marriage with non-muslim is sin and zina.
    63. Invitation to God should be with wisdom
    and good instruction (Quran16:125)
    64. No one will bear others’ sins (Quran17:15)
    65. Be dutiful to parents(Quran17:23)
    66. Do not say a word of disrespect to parents (Quran17:23)
    67. Do not spend money extravagantly (Quran17:29)
    68. Do not kill your children for fear of poverty
    69. Do not even approach unlawful sexual
    intercourse (Quran17:32)

    70. Do not pursue that of which you have no
    knowledge (Quran17:36)-which you did in this website.
    71. Speak to people mildly (Quran20:44)
    72. Keep aloof from what is vain (Quran23:3)
    73. Do not enter others’ houses without seeking permission (Quran24:27)
    74. Allah will provide security for those who
    believe only in Allah (Quran24:55)
    – So you follow Allah as prescribed by Allah in Qur’an, and then see how Allah makes things easy for you.
    75. Do not enter parents’ private room
    withoutasking permission (Quran24:58)
    76. Walk on earth in humility (Quran25:63)
    71. Do not neglect your portion of this world
    78. Invoke not any other god along with Allah
    -which you should be very careful of, as you are mingling with Hindus who invoke other deity with Allah.
    79. Enjoin right, forbid wrong (Quran31:17)
    80. Do not walk in insolence through the earth (Quran31:18)
    81. Lower your voice (Quran31:19)
    82. Women should not display their finery
    83. Allah forgives all sins (Quran39:53)
    84. Muslim men and women are equal in the eyes of Allah (Quran33:35)
    85. Repel evil by good (Quran41:34)
    86. Decide on affairs by consultation (Quran42:38)
    87. Try for settlement between people (Quran49:9)
    88. Do not ridicule others (Quran49:11)
    89. Avoid suspicion (Quran49:12)
    90. Do not spy or backbite (Quran49:12)
    91. Most noble of you is the most righteous
    92. Honor guests (Quran51:26)
    93. Spend wealth in charity (Quran57:7)
    94. No Monasticism in religion (Quran57:27)
    95. Those who have knowledge will be given a higher degree by Allah (Quran58:11)
    96. Treat non-Muslims in a kind and fair
    manner (Quran60:8)
    97. Save yourself from covetousness (Quran64:16)
    98. Seek forgiveness of Allah. He is Forgiving
    and Merciful (Quran73:20)
    99. Do not repel one who asks (Quran93:10)
    100. Encourage feeding the poor (Quran107:3)

    Keep these above 100 commandments in your heart and mind and start following it from today, because you never know what gonna happen tomorrow, and pass it to others so that they can pass it to others and so on. If above mentioned 100 points are followed strictly, all major problems of society will be vanished from poverty to forced marriage,rape,murder,etc at least if not among Muslims, because Muslims don`t know what is in their Quran, they follow their desire not the desire of Allah. Also it is duty of parents to pass these commandments to their children, you keep these 100 commandments in your heart, follow it, then teach this to your children, they will automatically learn by seeing you following those commandments, if people ask you anything about above 100 commandments, tell them Quran commands me to do so. Your friends share anti-islamic biased post on Facebook, why don`t you share this post in your Facebook timeline in this occasion of eid , be special, people generally share eid greetings, why not you share something special, the words of god, tag your friends those who don`t know, spread islamic awareness, peace will follow you.

    • Fi
      July 18, 2015 1:43 am

      “In India Hindus are Polytheist” then why you people are here? It is a majority Hindu Country….Shame on you…On your Holy day you are abusing the people of India..where Hindus are in majority….and you can see many Hindus are wishing Eid Mubarak to their Muslims as well as Hindu Friends on Social Media sites…..It shows your actual character…….Shame….

      • Fi
        July 18, 2015 1:46 am

        Whereas very less muslims can be seen wishing a Hindu ” Very Happy Rath Yatra”……by the way your Ramadan is actually Ramadhayan…(To connect with Rama)…it has connection with Lord Jagannath too…

        • mac
          July 18, 2015 4:27 am

          ///“In India Hindus are Polytheist” then why you people are here?///

          Why? What`s wrong in it, aren`t you polytheist, even you said earlier that you are polytheist, you just didn`t use the term polytheist, muslims are monotheist, means in your Bengali `ek ishwarvadi`, where as hindus are `bohuishwarvadi`.

          And who you are to ask muslim to leave India, just like you are an Indian, same way Muslims are Indian

          //On your Holy day you are abusing the people of India///
          How it is an abuse, do you know the meaning of abuse?? on one hand you claim you accept all gods, and then when others tell you same thing, you say others are abusing you, what is this?? You uneducated Bengali, first get proper English education, this is the Google search on polytheistic religion, i think you didn`t know the meaning of polytheism, yo thought it might be a slang, i think in your Bengali literature there is a saying `joto mot totho path`, this things in english in one word called `polytheism`, i know you muslim hater have made it clear that no matter what our religion says, if Muslims do anything which is common to our religion, we will not follow it, and what is unholy for Muslims, also not part in Hinduism, we will make those things as core teachings of Hinduism to divide hindu muslim and from that motto you have made your stance that when ever any muslim says anything to us, no matter how truth or how good it is about our religion, we will abuse him, we will bash him and then we will accuse him of bashing us and then we will demand his.her leave form India, so i know very clearly from where you are getting your knowledge when you said Ramadan is actually Ramadhayan…(To connect with Rama)…, now from that position, there is two way, one way is if it is connection with rama, then why you oppose Muslims for following islam, why you bash them for following another religion, and why so hue and cry when a hindu girl marry a muslim, after all she is marrying a man who once in a year for whole month connect with your lord Rama????

          And second path is that the real meaning of the word Ramadan, Ramadan is actually name of islamic calender month, it is the ninth month of islamic calender year. The root word of `Ramadan` is `Ramad` which literally means `burning`. In Sanskrit literature, there is no word called `Ramad` , Ramaḍān is taken from the word ramad which means that which is intensely heated by the sun, it means extreme stage of burning, and the meaning of Sanskrit word Ram means stop,abstain and similar meaning, the word `ram` no where is any close to the meaning of burning. This month was named Ramadan as it burns the sins of people with good deeds, that is why Muslims involve in more good deeds in the month of Ramadan, because Allah burns your sins(literally) and replace it with good deeds.

          You earlier boasted you Bengali intellect, is this your Bengali intellect, RabindraNath Tagore(or Thakur in proper bangali pronunciation) will be ashamed of you.

          And regarding hindu brothers and sisters wishing Eid mubarak , good for them, i myself didn`t posted any update on social media wishing eid, and i donot wish any hindu on their festivals, and i don`t want wishing of eid from fellow hindu brothers, on one hand eid wishing on other hand back biting, all I want is true respect from heart, respect Hindus, respect Muslims, respect any one as they are categories of HUMANS, we will wish muslim eid mubarak here and there we will support anti-Muslim party in power, what kind of wishing is this?? Same goes for Muslims who wish Hindus happy holi but supports anti-Hindu parties like AIMIM. Though i donot mean ill to Hindus who donot harm Muslims, neither did they involve in propaganda against muslim, if they wish eid, i take it, but then there are these type [1],[2] of Hindus who on one hind wish eid and on the other hand back bite. And Hindus like you post these type of update in social media.. Saying all these, still my intent is not to hurt or target those pure minded Hindus who wished Muslims eid greeting and have no ill,bad intention towards Muslims.

          Let me quote few lines which is very relevant here
          “Ignorance may be bliss for the ignorant, but for the rest of us it`s a pain in the arse” – Ricky Gervais.

          It means that you are happy and blissful by knowing that Ramadan came for Ram, because you don`t know the real meaning, you are just being ignorant here and you even donot know that you are ignorant and then spreading this ignorance happily without checking facts, same way sister jainab gave me pain when she put her ignorance here proudly. There is a reason why Ex-Justice of Supreme Court of India always say that 90% Indians are fools and 99% people of all communities are good people.

        • mac
          July 18, 2015 6:01 am

          ///“In India Hindus are Polytheist” then why you people are here?///

          Why? What`s wrong in it, aren`t you polytheist, even you said earlier that you are polytheist, you just didn`t use the term polytheist, muslims are monotheist, means in your Bengali `ek ishwarvadi`, where as hindus are `bohuishwarvadi`.

          And who you are to ask muslim to leave India, just like you are an Indian, same way Muslims are Indian

          //On your Holy day you are abusing the people of India///
          How it is an abuse, do you know the meaning of abuse?? on one hand you claim you accept all gods, and then when others tell you same thing, you say others are abusing you, what is this?? You uneducated Bengali, first get proper English education, this is the Google search on polytheistic religion, i think you didn`t know the meaning of polytheism, yo thought it might be a slang, i think in your Bengali literature there is a saying `joto mot totho path`, this things in english in one word called `polytheism`, i know you muslim hater have made it clear that no matter what our religion says, if Muslims do anything which is common to our religion, we will not follow it, and what is unholy for Muslims, also not part in Hinduism, we will make those things as core teachings of Hinduism to divide hindu muslim and from that motto you have made your stance that when ever any muslim says anything to us, no matter how truth or how good it is about our religion, we will abuse him, we will bash him and then we will accuse him of bashing us and then we will demand his.her leave form India, so i know very clearly from where you are getting your knowledge when you said Ramadan is actually Ramadhayan…(To connect with Rama)…, now from that position, there is two way, one way is if it is connection with rama, then why you oppose Muslims for following islam, why you bash them for following another religion, and why so hue and cry when a hindu girl marry a muslim, after all she is marrying a man who once in a year for whole month connect with your lord Rama????

          And second path is that the real meaning of the word Ramadan, Ramadan is actually name of islamic calender month, it is the ninth month of islamic calender year. The root word of `Ramadan` is `Ramad` which literally means `burning`. In Sanskrit literature, there is no word called `Ramad` , Ramaḍān is taken from the word ramad which means that which is intensely heated by the sun, it means extreme stage of burning, and the meaning of Sanskrit word Ram means stop,abstain and similar meaning, the word `ram` no where is any close to the meaning of burning. This month was named Ramadan as it burns the sins of people with good deeds, that is why Muslims involve in more good deeds in the month of Ramadan, because Allah burns your sins(literally) and replace it with good deeds.

          You earlier boasted you Bengali intellect, is this your Bengali intellect, RabindraNath Tagore(or Thakur in proper bangali pronunciation) will be ashamed of you.

          And regarding hindu brothers and sisters wishing Eid mubarak , good for them, i myself didn`t posted any update on social media wishing eid, and i donot wish any hindu on their festivals, and i don`t want wishing of eid from fellow hindu brothers, on one hand eid wishing on other hand back biting, all I want is true respect from heart, respect Hindus, respect Muslims, respect any one as they are categories of HUMANS, we will wish muslim eid mubarak here and there we will support anti-Muslim party in power, what kind of wishing is this?? Same goes for Muslims who wish Hindus happy holi but supports anti-Hindu parties like AIMIM. Though i donot mean ill to Hindus who donot harm Muslims, neither did they involve in propaganda against muslim, if they wish eid, i take it, but then there are these type [1],[2] of Hindus who on one hind wish eid and on the other hand back bite. And Hindus like you post these type of update in social media.. Saying all these, still my intent is not to hurt or target those pure minded Hindus who wished Muslims eid greeting and have no ill,bad intention towards Muslims.

          Let me quote few lines which is very relevant here
          “Ignorance may be bliss for the ignorant, but for the rest of us it`s a pain in the arse” – Ricky Gervais.

          It means that you are happy and blissful by knowing that Ramadan came for Ram, because you don`t know the real meaning, you are just being ignorant here and you even donot know that you are ignorant and then spreading this ignorance happily without checking facts, same way sister jainab gave me pain when she put her ignorance here proudly. There is a reason why Ex-Justice of Supreme Court of India always say that 90% Indians are fools and 99% people of all communities are good people.

    • jainab
      July 23, 2015 1:10 am

      Mac, i have taken prints of these 100 principals in some bold letters, i will must read them will try to understand—jainab

  • mac
    July 17, 2015 5:29 pm

    EID MUBARAK to my sister Jainab, who is very rude on me for not accepting her greeting last day, but today morning in this gracious moment of EID, i wish her eid mubarak and happy,blissful and safe life ahead, and yes i do take her greetings, i got upset with her because i thought she intentionally defaming islam and muslim community, but after reading her this comment ( https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10165#comment-355513 ) i have realized she is in helpless position, her colleagues are fascist,racist,anti-islamic,anti-Muslim people who are constantly insinuating her , brainwashing her on muslim issues.

    Sister, there is nothing to be ashamed of being muslim, infact it is they who should be ashamed for ridiculing an innocent girl like you, you are presently in bad company who judge you by not what you do, what how some people in your community behave, ca you imagine of judging them by some actions of all these rapist,babas,etc, answer is NO, ridiculous right, we don`t do that, coz we are civilized, we understand generalization is not the right thing, but they don`t understand, they always like to bash Muslims, sister i tell you, you marriage life with your hindu bf will be even more hell like situation as he is also an anti-islamic mindset and will ridicule you everyday for you being a muslim girl.

    I think for sake of Allah, you should leave such people and such neighbor and get shifted in another place of where you get respect, no body here even disrespected us for being muslim, infact once i have in my class one such friend who was RSS bhakt and anti-muslim, and now after two years of constant interactions with him about islam, he acknowledged to us that Islam is best religion and his religion hinduism has many loopholes, now he even greets us salam wailaikum, can you imagine an anti-islamic guy is now greeting salam wailaikum.

    So if you can`t separate you from such evil people who talk ill about your community, then try to explain them, tell them there are millions of hindu criminals in India, show them news link, tell me one thing, are all these rapist are Muslims? NO, criminals are from all communities because criminals are human beings and human beings belong from one community or the other, in India the major two community is hindu and muslim.

    And again, I personally apologize to on this day of eid if i hurt you, though it looks like surely i hurt you, but you should also notice that your statements on islam and muslim, also hurt me, i don`t get hurt by personal remark but i do get hurt if anyone puts wrong history,facts about my community to defame us which you did despite yourself being a muslim girl, you said you didn`t know much about these issues, it`s okay, we are not born knowledgeable, internet is in your finger tip, search on internet, read good websites, not the hatred website run by RSS,VHP, but good honest websites and learn the things that you don`t know, and then see how your colleague never bash you for being muslim, try this, start it from today in the name of Allah, else these people will not leave you in peace until you leave islam and accept their way of life,religion, Satan is trying to win over you, thank god that you came to this site, now i will provide you all the answers they pose as i have already dealt with such situation in this website when i first came here, it was like every bad things are by Muslims, but with proper search and proper understanding of the scenario, i have pointed out that it`s all propaganda to defame the most beautiful religion of islam.

    • mac
      July 17, 2015 5:43 pm

      These higher caste Hindus who insinuate you never tell you about how they treat their lower caste people or dalits. Let me present some fatcs for you…

      A crime is committed against a Dalit every 18 minutes.
      Each week:
      13 Dalits are murdered.
      21 Dalit women are raped.
      5 Dalit homes are burnt.
      6 Dalit people are kidnapped or abducted.
      Gang rapes are mostly of Dalit women.

      These crimes are rarely reported by the media.

      Within the women’s movement, Dalit issues have not been taken seriously. Issues of Dalit women have remained largely unexplored by academia, feminist organizations and other human rights groups in India.

      “….in the commission of offences against… scheduled caste [Dalit] women the offenders try to establish their authority and humiliate the community by subjecting their women to indecent and inhuman treatment, including sexual assault, parading naked, using filthy language, etc.” — National Commission for Women.

      The problem is not the law but the lack of political will, at local and national levels, to apply these laws. The official conviction rate for Dalit atrocity cases is less than 5%

      See , the report of dalit crime is not even 5%, imagine what will be the real number if these reporting reach 90%.
      While crime reported of Muslims are above 100%, do you know why, because innocent Muslims are falsely charged, on one hand higher caste Hindus doing crimes are not even charged while Muslims are falsely charged, i am not saying there is no criminal whose faith is muslim, but the thing is that exaggerate muslim issues to defame us, read here http://twocircles.net/2014jul15/%E2%80%98muslim_prisoners%E2%80%99_rate_overtakes_population_not_due_criminal_tendency_discrimination%E2%80%99#.VamgfmfgEb4

      Even you can hear it from ex-justice of supreme court of India Markendey Katju who admitted that Muslims are falsely targeted,demonized, listen him here and learn the truth, as he was judge in supreme court earlier, he knows the real truth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7wLAXayrdg

      • mac
        July 17, 2015 5:45 pm

        Source of my Dalit report from here, all the links are given in that source.

    • July 18, 2015 7:37 am

      You have been very harsh on Jainab and now drove her out of this site.

      You started with “Dear Sister” and wanted to lure her to your private web site, luckily we deleted that message in time. When you found out that she is not 100% Islamic (as you wanted), you started telling her uneducated, even rejecting her ID greeting and tried to expose her identity (i think you are from Mumbai-Maharastra- region). She is not your wife to control her! Why were you so mean to her? Is that what Islam teaching you? Is that what your parents taught you?

      Jainab, we know your did not wanted “an atmosphere where every time you are guided to do so or you do not do so” but it ends up being exactly that here.

      Sorry Jainab for such irrational and unjust treatments to you on this web site.

      • mac
        July 18, 2015 9:03 am

        Admin, now you are showing your true color again, when all these people bashed me, not a single time you asked them why they are harsh on me, later when i started taking snapshot of their comments then you started to take off their comments.

        And admin you are wrong, i was not very harsh on her, i was very softly harsh on her, i only refused to take her eid greeting coz in that day. just before eid, she put lies on my mouth, she put on my mouth that i support FMG, now admin it`s your duty to find out in which comment of mine with her or with anyone i supported FMG, if not, is it right to put words in other people mouth, especially before eid, and then greet same person on eid, i didn`t name call her, i din`t use slang against her like your gang of chand osmani and others do. I called her sister and explained her FMG is not islamic, it is not practiced in islamic countries per say, it is practiced in African countries and some of these countries are muslim majority and some are christian majority, I am an honest person and I always present truth, just because i presented fact which many people hate, most of people hate facts, they want to believe their own lies, she started bashing me that i support FMG, and then on beef, i rightly said that skin of cow is used in so many things from cricket ball(favorite to indians) to football to leather bags,shoes, and so many other things, Nestle company accepts that they add juice extracted from Beef in chocolate Kitkat, so don`t they eat kit-kat. Extracted beef materials are used in making chewing gum, marshmallows, ice cream, canned meats and candies.Industrial oils and lubricants, tallow for tanning, soaps, lipsticks, face and hand creams, some medicines, and ingredients for explosives are produced from the inedible fats from beef, doesn`t she use creams,soap??? then why is this hypocrisy? Bones are used in making buttons,fertilizers,combs,toothbrushes etc.Doesn`t she combs her hair ? From skin of cow belts, jackets,coats, gloves,etc are made. The list goes on.
        This is what i told her, that why so much worry about animals when product of animals are base of our modern civilization and she poured on me by bashing me in every different way.

        //When you found out that she is not 100% Islamic (as you wanted), you started telling her uneducated,//
        Admin bad try, coz you also tried to put words on my mouth, i called her uneducated coz she ignored female muslim leader like Razia Sultan of Delhi who ruled Delhi for about 26 years, which is highest in history of humankind in this part of the world(indian-subcontinent) while she claimed there was not a single muslim women history and then put that blame on me, now tell me what is this, first make a lie, and then blame other person for that same lie? what kind of behavior is this???

        ///She is not your wife to control her! Why were you so mean to her? Is that what Islam teaching you? Is that what your parents taught you?///

        I never tried to control her, she presented some blatant lies so confidently as if her lies were truth, i refuted them like any sane person will do, it`s duty of every sane person to present truth, admin are on on the list of those who believe there was no lady called Razia Sultan? Why i am so mean to her, why she is so mean to me? is that what unislamic culture taught her, is that what her hindu bf and colleagues taught her?

        But later after reading last comment, i realized that she has been misinformed and she herself said she is confused, so i realized it is not fault of her, but some people are brainwashing her in complete wrong way that she went on to make statements which neither you nor she could defend.

        //Sorry Jainab for such irrational and unjust treatments to you on this web site.///
        You never felt sorry for me for this type of behavior >>> http://justpaste.it/OthersonMac

  • mac
    July 17, 2015 9:05 am

    Jainab, here you can read my reply to your comment https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9815&cpage=1#comment-355498

  • mac
    July 17, 2015 8:23 am

    From Razia Sultan to Begum Samru: some of the women who shaped Delhi’s landscape

    Being a woman in Delhi isn’t easy. But the facile expression “rape capital” makes it worse, because it elides a long history of educated and astute women who shaped Delhi’s landscape, often literally. For example, two of its most famous landmarks – Humayun’s Tomb and Chandni Chowk – were built by women.

    The first woman to rule Delhi was Razia Sultan, in the 13th century. Her father Iltutmish, ruler of the Delhi Sultanate, had named her the successor, but some nobles, alarmed at the prospect of a woman ruler, put her brother on the throne. He proved incompetent, and in 1236, Razia became Sultan (she insisted on “Sultan”, because “Sultana” meant the wife of the ruler). She held an open court and dressed like a man, because living in purdah made it difficult to be in control. She governed ably, rode at the frontline in battle, and wrote poetry. Nasiriya college, established by Iltutmish, flourished during her three-and-a-half-year reign.

    The Mughals

    Another pathbreaking woman was Haji Begum, who started the Mughal tradition of commissioning monuments. After her husband, emperor Humayun, died in 1556, the heartbroken queen devoted her life and money to building Humayun’s tomb in what is now South Delhi. The Rs 15-lakh, seven-year project, completed in 1572, became a watershed of Mughal architecture. Its grandeur and 30-acre Persian-style garden were unprecedented on the Indian subcontinent. It heralded a distinctive Mughal architectural style that peaked with the Taj Mahal some 70 years later. Four centuries later, it draws visitors from around the world.

    Three kilometres northwest is Khairul Manzil, a mosque built in 1561 by Maham Anga, a wet-nurse of emperor Akbar, Humayun’s son who became emperor when he was 14. She was like a parent to him, and had considerable influence during the early years of his reign.

    In the mid-1500s, the Mughal capital moved from Delhi to Agra. Akbar’s grandson Shahjahan moved it back to Delhi in 1648. He built Shahjahanabad, in the northern part of today’s Delhi. Now it is called Old Delhi or, thanks to Bollywood, Dilli 6.

    One of the highlights of Old Delhi is Chandni Chowk. It was designed by Shahjahan’s beloved daughter, Jahanara Begum, as a market in the mid-1600s. A 19th century British visitor described it as “an immense street” with many trees and a “stone watercourse” running down the middle. Perhaps the street got its name from moonlight shining on the water. Three centuries on, it is still a major market in a city far bigger than Jahanara’s Delhi. She also built a garden nearby, which the British redesigned 200 years later and renamed Company Bagh. It is now called Mahatma Gandhi Park.

    It speaks to the heterodoxy of the times that while her brother Aurangzeb was a fastidious Sunni, Jahanara was a devout Sufi and a poet. This did not prevent her from being an astute politician or from having several love affairs. She is buried in a simple grave, as she wished, near the shrine of the Sufi saint Nizamuddin Auliya in South Delhi.

    Jahanara’s sister Roshanara built one of Delhi’s biggest gardens, about five kilometres northwest of Chandni Chowk. She was buried here after her death in 1671. Some 250 years later, British and Indian elites established a club at one end of Roshanara Bagh. Roshanara Club regulars included viceroys and governor-generals before Independence, and people such as Jawaharlal Nehru and Rajendra Prasad afterwards.

    One of Shahjahan’s queens, Akbarabadi Begum, built Masjid Akbarabadi in 1650, in Faiz Bazaar near the Red Fort. She also built the bazaar itself, which had an aqueduct flanked by shops. Her beautiful mosque was among the structures the British destroyed after 1857. The bazaar area, now Daryaganj, is crammed with dealers of books and medical supplies.

    Also in 1650, another queen, Fatehpuri Begum, built a mosque at the western end of Chandni Chowk. In the vast courtyard is a large water tank for wazu (the Islamic ritual of washing before prayer). This Sufi mosque was among the city’s most important, so the British seized it after 1857 and sold it to a tycoon, Lala Chunnamal, for Rs 19,000. Luckily he did not destroy it, and 20 years later it was restored to the Muslim community. Today, the serene courtyard is a refuge from the hubbub of Chandni Chowk.

    In 1700, emperor Aurangzeb’s daughter Zinat-un-Nisa built Zinat-ul Masjid in Daryaganj, where she was buried in 1721. In 1724, Udham Bai, a queen of emperor Muhammad Shah “Rangeela”, built the Shah Mardan shrine, popularly known as “Karbala”, in South Delhi.

    Muhammad Shah was more interested in song and dance than in imperial expansion. His empire weakened, but his reign (1719-48) saw a flowering of musical forms such as thumri and hori. Courtesan patronage was at its peak, and the best courtesans commanded hefty advances.

    Sommers to Samru

    Perhaps the most famous is Begum Samru (1753-1836). Her given name was Farzana. She was raised to be a dancer, by a tawaif in Delhi. With the empire fraying, Europeans were seizing every opportunity they got. She helped a mercenary, Walter Reinhart Sommers, and they began to live together. The emperor gave Sommers land in Sardhana, Uttar Pradesh, and an annual income of Rs 6 lakh. When Sommers died, 25-year-old Farzana inherited his wealth and troops, and became Begum Samru (a corruption of “Sommers”). She converted to Catholicism and changed her name to Joanna, perhaps to legitimise her status as the widow of a man she never officially married. After she died, the British seized her property, and her Chandni Chowk palace became a bank.

    Victorian dourness reduced nautch and tawaif culture to prostitution. Some women offered sexual services, but this was not always due to poverty, immorality, or enslavement. A nineteenth-century British account of a wedding procession in Chandni Chowk describes nautch girls as “splendidly dressed … and their long hair hanging down their backs… they stood in theatrical attitudes … joking with the populace, and had a boldness of manner most unpleasing in a woman.”

    Walking through history with our eyes wide open can transform our ideas of respectability and ability. What if we walked through our city the same way?

    Source : http://scroll.in/article/712085/From-Razia-Sultan-to-Begum-Samru:-some-of-the-women-who-shaped-Delhi%E2%80%99s-landscape

  • July 17, 2015 8:20 am

    We read your message (also above, July 17). For a good reason, we are sitting on sideline and letting all these Muslim boys tell you what you (a Muslim girl) should and should not do. You are at a critical stage of your life where you are searching inside who the Jainab is. What is the identity of Jainab. As a Muslim, all these being said to you is true. You will hear the same from your parents and relatives, for your whole life.

    Instead of getting emotional or angry, just answer to all. This is an educational process. Considering you are a great writer (who knows how to express), one day, plan to write a book based on these discussion. Best wishes.

  • mac
    July 16, 2015 9:21 pm

    Sister Jainab, if I am not wrong,i beg apology in advance from you but i think your hindu bf has been brainwashing you in all these days by telling you one side of the story, by irritating you by constantly speaking in front of your ear that Muslims and this and Muslims are that, which forced you to hate Muslims and yourself(means your identity), that is why your are trying to change your identity, am I right? You are now in trap, humbly and honestly close your eye and pray to Allah to guide you.

  • mac
    July 16, 2015 9:14 pm

    Facts and Myth about all terrorist are muslims.


    1. Who started first World War?
    Answer:- Muslims!!!!!!!!!!!
    Results:- The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I was over 37 million. There were over 16 million deaths and 20 million wounded ranking it among the deadliest conflicts in human history. The total number of deaths includes about 10 million military personnel and about 7 million civilians.

    2. Who stared second World War?
    Answer:- Muslims!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Results:- Officially, roughly 8.7 million Soviet soldiers died in the course of the war. World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history. Over 60 million people were killed, which was over 2.5% of the world population.

    3. Who killed about 20 Million(2 crore) of Aborigines in Australia?
    Answer: Muslims!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Results:- Majority of Australian are European and they are Christians

    4. Who sent nuclear bombs to Hiroshima & Nagasaki?
    Answer:- Muslims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Results:- 90,000–166,000 killed in Hiroshima 60,000–80,000 killed in Nagasaki Total: 150,000–246,000+ killed ……

    United States of America came out with SUPER power on the planet Earth.

    5. Who killed more than 100 Million Indians in North America?
    Answer:- Muslims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Answer:- USA,Mexico,Canada,etc are Europeans and majority of them are Christians.

    6. Who killed more than 50 Million Indians in South America?
    Answer: Muslims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Answer:- Brasil,Argentina,Uruguay,etc are sapnish original people and majority of them are christians, and Brasil is the largest catholic country.

    7. Who took about 180 Millions of African people as slaves, of whom 88% died and were thrown in the Atlantic Ocean?
    Answer: Muslims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Results: Black people don`t know their original language, they speak english,spanish,french etc, they are the most backward people(in terms of color) in the world, Africa being a so rich country in natural resource is the poorest continent of the world.

    CONCLUSIONS:- Approx. 45.72 crores of people were KILLED by those who today spekas about peace, they killed crores of people to establsh their kingdom and most important think that i have left out kiilings under the banner of crusades and holocaust and killings in the british conolial rule in asia.Aslo left out Iraq,Afganistan,vietnam.korea(non-christian) Invasion by christians and the biggest attack carried out by a so called muslim is 9/11 which killed aprox, 3000 ppl out of which there were muslims too and strangely 9000 jews workers who used to work in twin tower were absent

    All statistics are official, it will cross 50 crore unofficially.

    • mac
      July 16, 2015 9:17 pm

      Winston Churchill brutally killed 22 Million in the colonies from 1899 to 1965 and He was Christian and thus was not a terrorist. Any muslim had killed equal number, or even half of these number single handedly, then he would have been labelled as pure muslim and worst terrorist.

    • fi
      July 16, 2015 11:54 pm

      But World War III will be started by Muslims…predicted by Nostradamus….

      • fi
        July 16, 2015 11:56 pm

        And it will surpass all other Wars…in respect of number of population that will be killed…You are again will be on the TOP…Rest assured.

        • mac
          July 17, 2015 2:31 am

          Dear fi, you again came up with you bias and emotional, prejudiced and hateful attitude towards Muslims, i have presented above facts while your reply was assumption, i know people like you assume many things day and night about Muslims, like when will USA bomb all muslim countries, when will western countries kill all Muslims, when will Israel again start bombing Gaza, when will India fight against muslim countries and kill Muslims with taking Israel as it`s ally in such wars, etc..you have so many fantasy..but none of these fantasy are going to be true, people are accepting islam worldwide.

          See here, how people all around the world tweeting after seeing mecca live and expressing their wish to convert to islam http://www.coastaldigest.com/index.php/news/77395-thousands-wish-to-accept-islam-after-meccalive-trends-on-social-media

          • mac
            July 17, 2015 4:09 am

            Here is more from MeccaLive, click here to see, must see, don`t miss it, click here and enjoy. This is a reply to those who say islam is all about blood-shed.

  • mac
    July 16, 2015 8:57 pm

    And why you are silent on Hindutwavadi terrorism ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=va1or_23Wxg&feature=youtu.be&app=desktop ), christian terrorism, Buddhist terrorism, Jews terrorism, is it because media don`t report them?

    When Laden attacks twin tower of USA and kills 3000 innocent people islam and Muslims are responsible and they should be hated.

    When kasab and his gang attacks Mumbai and kills 250+ innocent people, slam and Muslims are responsible and they should be hated.

    But when Bush attacks Iraq and kills over million innocent people, then Christianity or Christians are not to blamed.

    When Netanyahu attacks poor Gaza and kills over 2000 civilians including children and women, Jews and judaism are not to be blamed.

    When Modi massacres 2000 innocent people in Gujarat, women being raped on streets, Hinduism or Hindus are not to be blamed.

    When Buddhist massacre Rohingyas in Myanmar, Buddhist or Buddhism are not to be blamed?

    It seems like the word terrorism is only reserved for Muslims, a person can be terrorist only when his name is Arabic names, if he has long beard but when he is clean shaved and have non-arabic names, even if they kill millions of people, still they are not terrorist.

    It seems you people are not concerned about terrorism, you are only concerned about how to defame Muslims.

    Also we Muslims are much civilized and humble than non-Muslims, when any non-muslim attacks us, we don`t blame the whole community for doing that, we only blame the person who did, while they blame they whole community.

    And then you hypocrite people talk about humanity, until you don`t condemn all forms of violence, you don`t have right to talk about humanity, and humanity is not a religion, religion means belief in god and obeying his commandment. Islam is far superior than humanity, humanity is only subset of Islam, in Islam, the definition of humanity is killing one innocent human being is equivalent to killing entire humanity. So don`t lecture on islam about humanity.

  • mac
    July 16, 2015 8:22 pm

    And about Jihad, i know you have not read any books about jihad, you are only referring to what you have saw in media and what islam haters say about Jihad. Do you know when you are writing here, you are also doing Jihad, Jihad doesn`t mean killing infidels. Islam don`t have any concept of Holy War. How? I will explain it below. TO learn Islam you have to read Quran and islamic traditions not FOX news or New York times or Zee news.

    The concept of jihad is one of the most misconstrued aspects of Islamic doctrine in the world today. Not only by Western society and its media, but also by some pseudo-Muslim radical elements who have popularized it to mean holy war. As a result, Islam is erroneously and unjustly labeled as a religion that advocates violence and terrorism.

    The Arabic word “jihad” means struggling or striving and applies to any effort exerted by anyone. In this sense, a student struggles and strives to get an education and pass course work; an employee strives to fulfill his/her job and maintain good relations with his/her employer; a politician strives to maintain or increase his (1) popularity with his constituents and so on. The term strive or struggle may be used for/by Muslims as well as non-Muslims.

    In the West, “jihad” is generally translated as “holy war,” a usage the media has popularized. According to Islamic teachings, it is unholy to instigate or start war; however, some wars are inevitable and justifiable. If we translate the words “holy war” back into Arabic, we find “harbun muqaddasatu,” or for “the holy war,” “al-harbu al-muqaddasatu.” We challenge any researcher or scholar to find the meaning of “jihad” as holy war in the Noble Qur’an or authentic Hadith collections or in early Islamic literature. Unfortunately, some Muslim writers and translators of the Qur’an, the Hadith and other Islamic literature translate the term “jihad” as “holy war,” due to the influence of centuries-old Western propaganda. This could be a reflection of the Christian use of the term “Holy War” to refer to the Crusades of a thousand years ago. However, the Arabic words for “war” are “harb” or “qital,” which are found in the Noble Qur’an and Hadith.

    To read complete explanation, click Here

  • mac
    July 16, 2015 8:02 pm

    Dear sister jainab, you refereed to circumcision here(after boys birth his organ is cut,), sister his organ is not cut, his extra foreskin is cut which is known as circumcision or khatana, circumcision is extremely beneficial, these Hindus talk about peace by citing how vegetarian they are, but India has high percentage of rape, honor killing, if a Brahmin girl marry dalit boy, she will be killed, but at that time you don`t see their crimes, if you don`t kill animal, what will you eat??? Do you know what you eat when you go to KFC, do know from what football, cricket ball are made, they are made from skins of animals, if you don`t slaughterer animals, how will modern civilization of 21st century progress, and as far as Muslims are concerned, Muslims have 3 times lower murder rate than non-Muslims, but one muslim murder is glorified so much in media that it seems only muslim are murderers, and from that we develop an attitude that only muslim commit crimes and then when we see bad Muslims, we generalize.

  • mac
    July 16, 2015 7:45 pm

    Admin where are my replies to jainab’s first comment

      • ahmad noor
        July 18, 2015 8:35 am

        Mr admin do you know (even roughly) the no of visitors or those who are recorded in this forum ..is it well known in india ??

        • July 18, 2015 8:48 am

          It is difficult to judge numbers of hits. One program tells us it is 7 millions/year while the other says in high lakhs. Almost 30% of hits from India and rest from all over (USA being highest of it).

          We get many offers to allow them to put advertisements on this web forum and they will pay us thousands of dollars/year (based on hits). We have decided to keep it non-profit and wishes to serve the community without bias.

          Ahmed, we thank you for all your contributions.

  • ahmad noor
    July 16, 2015 1:12 pm

    i am not talking abuot self sacrifise but animal sacrifise given to poor but main important thing..jainab is your way of dealing with god orders in quran
    spacially the simple clear no-daubt orders if every holy order has to be jugded
    by human being brain ..what kind of islam is that and what is left to our god to decide this way of thinking nither accepted by serious believer nor by serious atheist..you simply believe in god means to follow his orders without arguement as this is a matter of hell and heavens ..that why you are ready to marry this hindu giving so many love justifications disregarding even one quran god order ..honestly this not your own way of thinking it is wide range of new muslim generation who grew up under secular non religion culture that came from
    christian secular euorope before 1st world war till now first separate religion from governing and step by step from rest of life and finally put islam in mosque and lock the door as what happened to chritinity in euorope

  • July 16, 2015 7:39 am


    You have made two very strong statements and that we agree 100% to it, “humanity is true religion” and “People who dont worship are much happy and prospours in world.”

    In this World’s history, millions have been killed in the name of religion. Actually more people are killed by Christians than Muslims (in their Crusades), but now Christians are less religious and believe more in humanity. However, if you look at last 20 years history, Muslims have killed lots more people (including Muslims) in the name of Allah. We hope, with people like you, it will change soon.

    Another important point, that there is no relationship to religion and prosperity. In Europe, these days, only two most religious nations are Italy and Greece but they are close to bankruptcy. Muslims in general are poorer, including in India and all over (except who has oil dollars). Again, those highly educated and prosperous Muslims are, in general, less religious. Our survey shows that 45% of educated and established Muslims marry outside Islam in America, WHY? Thus happiness and prosperity has no direct link to person’s religiosity.

    Now Muslims (or Christians) will tell you that it is the AFTER LIFE, that is important. We believe this is just a bait or superstition to hold people within fold, and not truth. Again, if there is a Judgment Day, is Jesus or Allah going to come? Is Bible or Koran telling us truth? It is difficult to provide prosperity to a mass (like Modi is trying to do) but it is very easy to make all happy with the afterlife bait.

    • Mohammed
      July 16, 2015 12:37 pm


      who wrote the book “humanity”
      is it u 😀

      and Islam is the fastest growing religion all over the world. .most people accepting islam


      and u didnt gave the answer for my question to prove judgement day. .yet i will ask

      why robbing or raping is bad?
      for eg : am a big mafia, logical and scientific person and i rob . .
      u tell me why robbing is bad to me?

    • Mohammed
      July 16, 2015 12:41 pm

      how do u convey me to stop robbing imediatey. .
      give me one logical reason

    • mac
      July 16, 2015 9:03 pm

      ///Again, those highly educated and prosperous Muslims are, in general, less religious. Our survey shows that 45% of educated and established Muslims marry outside Islam in America, WHY? Thus happiness and prosperity has no direct link to person’s religiosity.///

      Admin, what is the proof that all 45% are educated and prosperous, and education doesn`t mean having degrees.

      • FI
        July 23, 2015 10:32 pm

        Dear Mac,

        Muslims who follow their religion in its purest form are only Indians, and those people who are hatching conspiracy against the country, and dreaming of a bigger Pak are anti-nationals and are not Indians. The problem is as long you follow the true principles of your religious texts you are peace-loving people, as soon you impart the knowledge of the “conquest part” of your religious text to the youths, you become power-hungry, and as soon as you impart the knowledge of killing the “kafirs” to the youths you become “terrorists”. If you are true Indians then, thousands of Hindus/Sikhs who had come to India after partitions are also natural citizens of Pak/B-Desh, why don’t your organizations demand compensation from Pak/B-desh for their lands which they had to forgo? Have you ever thought of this before?. After all they became Indian Citizens and it must be your duty to voice your concern for them. So don’t just shout loud. Truth is something which you cannot digest. I saw a news some days before that a Mohalla which is in UP, there is a Shiv Temple, earlier this mohalla was inhabited by Hindus, but later on Hindus migrated from this place, and now most people are Muslims, even then they did not demolished the Temple, they even offer their prayers to this ancient Shiva temple alongside with their mosque. Even they are planning to recruit a Brahmin Preist to take care of this temple. For me they are True Indians and better off than many Hindus living in this country. If you accept the truth that you also once belonged to this land then automatically you have accept the fact that you all were from Hindus Ansestory or Lineage which is again detrimental to you. You cannot escape from truth…my brother. So the best policy for you people to convert the remaining Hindus and make India a part of Pak. As you cannot be re-converted. As simple as that. Neither you could live in peace with others as they are Kafirs for you, even you people cannot live with your own people….SO WHAT ARE YOU?….first decide and then Comment.

        • July 23, 2015 10:36 pm

          Good analyses!

          • mac
            July 23, 2015 11:56 pm

            We proudly left Hinduism as it doesn`t have any respect for women, poor, non-Brahmins, just like two Akash and cookie of this website.

          • FI
            July 24, 2015 12:25 am

            Dear Admin,

            Thanx…I want to ask a question to Mac, If you are not from Arabs Lineage, and if you do not consider yourself of Hindu Lineage too then who are you basically? Certainly not fallen from the Sky. Because we all know Islam came from Arab Countries and people accepted this religion either voluntarily or by force in India. Again you say that you are True Muslims and True Indian, if you are true Muslims then why the Arabs disown you people?, again if you are true indian then why you people disrespect the Hindus or the followers of Sanatan Dharma of this country. Again you say that you are True Peace-loving people, then why most of the Terrorists are Muslims?. This goes like this :

          • FI
            July 24, 2015 12:41 am

            Dear Mac,

            Atlast..you have confirmed. OK. Now whether you Proudly left Hinduism or forcefully, that your earlier Generation forefathers could say (unfortunately they may not be alive), now if you kill Hindus or go against them are you not going against your great forefathers lineage, and killing your own brothers?. Is religion everything for you? and nothing is called Humanity?. For this you mean to say that Allah shall reserve a beautiful place for you in heaven with virgin girls around?. Is it so?. If you want to earn respect for yourself then try to give respect others first. Accept that Hindus are also your brothers, and with the passage of time your fate played mischief with you and that now you are Muslim by faith. If you take the first step then I am sure all Hindus will be there to extend their helping hands and side with you in your every en devour. Please don’t generalize by saying that all Hindus are Cunning, Cunningness is not a HINDU DOMAIN, cunning people can be found in all the religions.

          • mac
            July 24, 2015 2:51 am

            FI says:
            July 24, 2015 at 12:41 am

            Dear Mac,

            Atlast..you have confirmed. OK. Now whether you Proudly left Hinduism or forcefully, that your earlier Generation forefathers could say (unfortunately they may not be alive), now if you kill Hindus or go against them are you not going against your great forefathers lineage, and killing your own brothers?. Is religion everything for you? and nothing is called Humanity?. For this you mean to say that Allah shall reserve a beautiful place for you in heaven with virgin girls around?. Is it so?. If you want to earn respect for yourself then try to give respect others first. Accept that Hindus are also your brothers, and with the passage of time your fate played mischief with you and that now you are Muslim by faith. If you take the first step then I am sure all Hindus will be there to extend their helping hands and side with you in your every en devour. Please don’t generalize by saying that all Hindus are Cunning, Cunningness is not a HINDU DOMAIN, cunning people can be found in all the religions.

            First of all why should i go and kill random Hindus, this is the wrong concept you have, islam doesn`t require you to kill innocent kafir/unbeliever. I think it is your RSS/VHP which dream of killing all Muslims, that is why you think others are thinking same about you. But if islam required to kill Hindus, then muslim ruler would have a killed all Hindus, they ruled here for about 800 years, still; there are about 80% Hindus in India

            And you please don`t talk about humanity, last day you called those leaders stupid who saved life of Muslims during partition and now you are talking about humanity and life.what a joke!

            My fate didn`t play mischeif with me, it is me , who have choosed islam, i am not muslim because i was born in a muslim family, i after checking islam/Christianity.Judaism/sikishm/hindusim became a true believer of islam, after checking all these religion, i choosed to stay as muslim. And not just Hindus, in islam every human being is brother to one another, either one is brother in faith or in humanity, and guess what, my hindu friends trust me more than other fellow Hindus, i don`t know for what reason..my be because what i told them about religion/politics/history, always turned out to be true, i think from that they have gained trust on me, so i personally get lots of respect from Hindus and Christians, it is Jainab who is getting disrespect from his fellow hindu friends/neighbors

      • July 23, 2015 10:38 pm

        You do the search on yourself using Macy’s matrimonial site with your choice of Muslim last name. If you cannot, give us the last name and we will do for you. Enjoy the survey!

        • jainab
          July 24, 2015 12:09 pm

          Mr,mac.asslsm. I have an objection on your words, you used that jainan don’t get respect, do you know what is respect. you act like a jealous person, who don’t like laughing others. i never told a single word unconstitutional against you or any other male or female. Next people don’t hate me personally. they honour my struggle and encourage me by helping me. But i cant say my story personally to every one, listen now-

          I am a recordkeeper in a private firm, my boss is a Hindu. Hence i had a very small qualification, i don’t got job anywhere, after death of my local parents, it was very necessary for me to get a job. i came to know about the vacancy in this co. i applied there they called me for interview but i failed, tears came to my eyes because. Every job wants experience and higher qualification, when i was going towards mingate, this gentleman. Entered, 4persons fere following him, i came to know by security guard that he was the owner, Allah knows what came to my mind, i followed him and overtaked him rapidly, he asked his followers about me doing nonsense, they asked me that why i was running. So badly. i replied that i only want to meet the boss. They talked with boss and told me to wait at reception. after two or more hours i was called. i saw my application was lying on table with a mark rejected. My hopes gone and i began to cry, my boss told me to sit down and called boy for water. after getting some relaxation he asked me about such behavior. i told him my whole story. He told me to —–Go to your home, and don’t talk with anybody about all this conversation. i will try my best to help you. I requested him that i don’t want financial help, i only want to stand on my own feets, He assured me, after 5 days i got a call from his office to join. my boss said that hence today you are not fit for this job but I saw a confidence and honesty on you face, so i give you this job you will be under a trainer for 6 months, thus i got this job.

          In whole i mean to say that jainab as an individual gets respect and love from all around. But when a matter comes as Muslim ever one tries to keep distance from me, When any body talks about any antisocial activity they must involve my community. As we are so bad, being a muslims it becomes difficult to stay there, i don’t want to tell more because when someone write a word against Muslims, how Mr mac you reacts, imagine what happens to me when i have to become a part of antimuslim conversation, and mostly talks are based upon facts, so please don’t lead to our community in a dark, if you say you are younger than me, its our duty to live in society by giving respect to ever ones faith, criticism is not the way of living, you shuld not comment everone showing that you are a genius, there are so many boys who can reply you in your language, but no one has time for such activities, give your suggestions and reaction keeping an eye on humanity, I see everywhere you are criticising. To Hindus quoting their holy books, suggesting Muslims thru holy quran, and so on. Please for Allah sake don’t do so, i am obliged by so many Hindus, how can i say them wrong persons,

          I never found telling a boy to kill Muslims.but in my childhood i heard so many times that these kafirs should must be slaughtered, jab tak ye rahenge hamari garibi door nahi hogi, you only talk about books, but i have seen this world thru eyes of a Muslim as well as a young girl having no guardian or godfather, so everything in limit only can be justified, don’t try to give booster dosages, it will the increase the problem. This is my view. Pl think upon this.

          • July 24, 2015 9:07 pm

            Dear Jainab,

            Excellent narration, you are certainly a good writter. Plan to write a book one day!

            Actions and reactions are equal and opposite. When you love and respect others, others reciprocate. while people like mac, who hates every one, are hated by every one. It only lead to hostility between we all Allah’s children. Luckily, all many Muslims we know are more like Jainab and not even close to mac, we thank Allah for it!

            Jainab, in spite of all people being nice to you at your work, do not underestimate Hindu-Muslim marriage complexities and two communities’ years of religious conflicts. Keep us posted for your love relationship, best wishes.

  • ahmad noor
    July 16, 2015 1:39 am


    • July 16, 2015 6:48 am

      Please do not use upper cases or bold for more than 5% of text. It is difficult to read, thanks.

      • ahmad noor
        July 16, 2015 9:12 am

        mr admin there is a problem in typing ..i dont like typing in bold

  • jainab
    July 16, 2015 1:25 am

    Dear Ahmed, asslam,
    i cant understand the meaning of sacrifise. why should i ruin my life. next you questioned about my faith. Yes i am a follower of Islam, i love my faith, but i am not convinced with the rules and this sacrifise or qurbani or jihad type of activities. i could not see any difference between Muslims and other except Muslims always talk about allaj, Islam, jihad etc, why in all over the world Muslims are involved in terror, i think Allah never like it to kill innocents either humans or animals. if all kaynat is made by khufa tala, we have no right to destroy his world, either they have believe or not, secondly after death who knows what will happen, why we do wrong things in his name. we should give respect to his creations, may Allah guide me. khufa hafiz.

    One thing more scholars like you always threaten us about dozakh,and this type of fear creation works you know very well. but now situtation has been changed Muslim girls are aware with education that your barbaric suggestion are anti Islam. khufa raham kar rasta roshan Kate…aamin

  • July 15, 2015 10:16 pm

    Hi Jainab,

    First, we have removed your last name for your privacy. Now your can share your views here without fear of others or backlash.

    This is absolutely wrong if people stereotype you and hate you for being a Muslim. You do not have to hide yourself and pose to be something you are not. Once they know your well, they will respect you for what you are. However, staying within Islam, you can bring changes within Islam. If more moderates like you speak out, slowly people’s impression for Muslims will change for good. Lets talk more here. Thanks for sharing your views.

    Are you the same Jainab who wrote both places? What would you say to Ahmad?

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