sameer says: May 23, 2015 at 9:49 pm (Edit)
Hi salam namaste good morning .I am a Muslim and I really fall in love with one Nepali Hindu girl we are merried and we are very happy as in 5 year married life . We respect each other religion.
ms reshma could you please explain me the Muslim religion is not just a new or a sentury religion b4 1999 there was nothing word for q Muslim terrorist .how come in 15 years you give a name terrorist.when ever you stand up for rights the whole world will point finger.because we you and all we believe on media and media is politics. Remember on thing you can easily make heat but to make love between the world is very complicated . apki b brain mai kese me wrong number thoka hy pk -Sameer
Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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Hi I am from Nepal .& I am hindu & unmarried
I come here on 2014.I work here.last year on 2016 november I like one girl.but she is islam bt I donst say anything to her jst see only then suddenly she ask my number n start text she say she like me n we being in relation after this.later I know she already married n have 2 child but divorsed.I know this all late bt I not care she married before n she have child I accept to marry n I also ready to change my religion .coz I don’t want ruin her life.I want to make her future also bright .bt now she say can’t marriage between muslim n hindu later got many problem .so what can I do ????
Reply at
Tell her to became Hindu if she really love she will change as many Hindu girl change their religion to marry Muslim boy,then you will have no problem with her children. And also tell that before Islam their ancestors also were Hindu so there is no shame to became Hindu at all
Brother mac
So r u trying to say that i will land up in hell if i marry her.
if so
One of my senior named manish married a Muslim girl (hannan) against his parents will.
Now they r living happily.
I didn`t say you will land up in hell if you marry her, she will land up in hell if she marries you, and you are already a candidate for hell fire as per islam coz you make image of god which god has clearly forbidden not to do, making image of god is the biggest sin in all religion.
I also said i can give you links of many such couples who are living happily, and btw happy has no absolute meaning, it is relative term, whats happy for me may not be happy for an American citizen.
i txted u to ur page
Can you ask your friend to share his story here?
which story
Son of a suvar Pakhi
M not ur profft to rape small girls
Plzzz get ur facts right b4 comment
i didn’t abuse ur religion and plz don’t
make me do that.
Yes i agree i was an anti-muslim before
getting a Muslim gf.
But now m not.
After meeting sabha,my thoughts about
Muslims have changed.
Why you were anti-muslim before?
And if you were anti-muslim how you fall in love with a muslim girl, aren`t you supposed to be anti of her?
And since you said your thought chnaged, so what thought change took place in last one year?
Your freind who has muslim gf is also in way of destroying her life, does that not mean that your group of freinds are out there to destroy muslim girls life since you said were anti-muslim !
Is it teaching of shiv sena?
i told u right, that Aliya is my friend and not that guy.
he myt be ruining her life but i won’t ruin my gals life.
If i had to ruin, i wud hav done it long back.
No i didn`t say you are going to ruin her life, since you said he told you while he was dunked, so i thought may be you are friend of him and talked all those non-sense about aliya during beer/wine party, ant way i was wrong.
SO here is my new question to you,
What you think about love jihad campaign by RSS/VHP,etc type fanatic hindutva organization?
No comments.
Why no comment?
Silence speaks millions of words, if your intentions were clear, you would have clearly said it like you did earlier.
To Brother Kumar, this is the comment for Aliya Nusrat, since you said she didn’t listened to your advice, so if you can send her this comment link whether through facebook,gmail,whatsapp that what she is doing or going to do is taking her out of islam and will make her munafiq, as you said she is burqa wearing muslim girl, so expecting allah’s word will help her save from that sameer.
I have tried my best bro
but m helpless.
can’t help it.
let hr regret later
Can you bring her to this forum.
i’ll let her kno abt this
To kuamr : Or you can give her this link
He is praveen not sameer
After discussing for hours,
Me and my girlfriend sabah have come to a conclusion that once our education gets over, we wud be working abroad.
After a year or so,we wud get married and v are not going to inform our parents about our marriage, since our parents r strict abt interfaith marriages.
Once we get a kid,we wud be returning to India and we wud tell our parents what happened.
Hope they will forgive us :'( :'( :'(
my life will be hell without sabah.
Seriously, love is blind.
M regretting for meeting sabah because there wouldn’t have been any problem if i wouldn’t have met her for the 1st time
Seriously guyz, i fell for her.
There is no question of leaving her in future.
This is the last option left.
I just need ur prayers guys.
Jai shree Ram
Again don’t comment abt converting guys, m fed up.
I won’t convert,nor will she.
V wud remain the same as before.
Reply at
To mac
bro plz stop posting link of ppl who hav divorced after marrying
m not a coward to divorce my wife.
V both have good understanding.
Religion won’t interfear in our love.
Coward don`t divorce, coward commits suicide.
Where is admin now who used to bash muslim for marrying without informing their family though they said they informed their family(talking about cookie).
Why admin is silent on this issue.
And to Kumar again, if you don`t convert, how will you marry her?
somehow i’ll manage.
No objection from her side
Ok, fine, if no objection from her side, why i said all this is because you said she is muslim. Now that i know she is not a real muslim but a fake muslim just happened to be born in a muslim family having arabic name, so she is free to do whatever she likes. In islam there is no compulsion in religion, you are free to do whatever you like. But a muslim follows the will and commandment of god, god commanded us clearly not to marry polytheist(hindu), so if one disobey that commandment then clearly he/she is not muslim.
But the real issue with her with she really knows whats written in islam, did she visited this site? Because if she doesn’t know what islam says about such marriage then she might be taking decision in her ignorance. So it’s your duty to inform her what her religion tells about such marriage, you must tell her going against allah once knowingly takes her out of islam, so it’s better she officially leave islam and convert to hinduism(idol worship), that will be better for both of you as two different religion can’t co-exist in same home, it creates problems for children too. She might be hesitant to convert to hinduism as she might be thinking she is real muslim,etc,etc, but as per what u said, she will be not real muslim after unislamic marriage, so will be either hypocrite(fake muslim) or unbeliever/polytheist. So its better you both switch to one religion.
Kumar, you said you will convince her. Convince her to convert to Hinduism? or anything else ?
Let mac prove that he was a brahmin
I never said I was brahmin, you guys(shagul,kartar,etc, actually they are 1 under different names) putting words in my mouth. My maternal grandfather and grandmother including my mother reverted to Islam for Brahminism.
bro,u r not understanding. .check the mac’s comment then u will under stand. he wants to give solution before problem occurs to you. .but u r negleting. . .its ur well wish. . but u only harm in future not he
I don’t think so i’ll be harmed bro.
m confident enough
To kumar i will simply say, on confident, every one sided person like Saddam,Gaddafi,Hitler,Stalin, many ancient kings, i just named the most recent one were very confident on what they used to stand on, Gaddafi who dictated for 40 continuous year was killed in street like dog, Hitler in a blocked room committed suicide, Japan was so confident that they attacked USA and got wiped out, Mughals took British company lightly, as small company which later threw them out of power and ruled India for 200 years, your parents, her parents are now emperor in front of you, and then comes ideology of Islam and Hinduism, you can beat any emperor with materialist tactics but you can never beat any ideology with materialist tactic, in this case, you are thinking love is greater than religion, but infact the love you are in in just a chemical imbalance which is turning you on, if it had stayed for forever then this wouldn`t have happened >> 1. I m a Muslim woman and was married to a Hindu guy and 2.I Want to Get Rid of My Muslim Wife
mac’s logic
1) If the girl is Hindu, then she has to convert to Islam inorder to marry a Muslim guy.
2) If a guy is a Hindu, then he has to become a Muslim inorder to marry a muslim girl.
R we fools to follow mac’s stupid Laws
fact is fact, fact never change.
To harjeet
Pakhi is none other than a Muslim male commenting in a girls name
Kumar, Kutta or Kachra,
What ever your name is and who ever you are, I say you are intelligent. In fact I am a male and not female i,e Pakhi. But bastard You are 100% anti Muslim whereas attracted by Islamic ideology I have reverted to Islam from hinduism which, according to DMK leader Sri Karunadhi, is nothing but a bundle of misconception.
Kutta, don’t rape your daughter and say Brahm had raped his daughter Saraswati.
mac must be lying
if feel he was a Muslim by birth.
He just wants to say that Islam is superior when compared to Hinduism.
To say,
even i can say that i was a Muslim but converted to Hinduism and all stuff
by just saying is not sufficient u want to proof it
Heena is a fake, may be another name of Mac/Mohammad.
I am on this for the last two years and married with a Hindu boy.Living gracefully, blissfully, and working in a MNC. Hindu guys are more adjusting, no ego, intelligent and submissive too, whereas muslim guys are always in search of a new bride, older wife gets status of 3rd or 4th wife.And one day she is kicked out by oral tripple talak and forced to halala practice.
ye sirf mere sath nehi hua, mere or b frnd ki sath hua hein, meine pehle blv nehi kia tha un logo k bato mein, lkin ab pta chala k hindu ladke etne ghatia hotein hein
Reply here
I’ve never treated my girlfriend in that matter
I mean to say i have never treated my girlfriend in such a cheap manner.
plz hav sense in ur talk .
Don’t spoil the minds of Muslim girls
HEENA seems to be fake, commenting in a girls
There r so many Muslim females who have
married hindus and lived happily.
If ur Bf is a cheater,y r u blaming evry hindu
falling in love with a retard was ur mistake,
insisting other other Muslim girls not to marry
Hindus is a bigger mistake.
HEENA seems to be fake, commenting in a girls name
There r so many Muslim females who gave marriage hindus and lived happily.
If ur Bf is a cheater,y r u blaming evry hindu guy.
falling in love with a retard was ur mistake,
insisting other other Muslim girls not to marry Hindus is a bigger mistake.
Meri sath jo hua koi v kisi love ko blv mat karna..Meri sath jo hua next time koi v muslim ladki hindu k sath love mat karna..Agor love means ye hai to koi v kisi Basanta(the boy),ko love mat karna.Me Hena Yasmin Hussain mar jaungi lekin life kisi Sanawal Basanta ko love nahi karungi..Kasam..Avi marna chahti hu,lekin kuch nahi kar pa rahi hu..Bhot jald mar jaungi,iska karn sirf 2m ho..Kela 4 year rltnshp me 2mko sb kuch de diya.I hate love
Me jisko pagol ki tarah love kiya,lekin woh ek fal2 ladka hai..Me khud sharminda hu aisa ladka ko pyar kar k.Me jis ladka ko pyar kiya woh ladki se paisa khate hai,gift lete hai,kapda lete hai bhot sharm ki baat hai..Kya aisa v ladka hote hai jo dusre ladki pyar karta hu keh kar rupiya-kapda lete hai? Bhot sharm ki baat. Meri bf v aisa hi tha..C c c.. Thukna man karti hai.
Reply at
Heena,sorry to hear of your bad experience. Now what are you planning?
Don’t take the matter lightly. Please contact me as I will take such a revenge that henceforth no non Muslim boy will cheat or defraud any Muslim girl. Almighty Allah and the law of the land are with us. My mentor is now an internationally figured person both as a Legal Expert as well as an Islamic Expert. He will give free service INSHALLH.
Pakhi Begum
Pakhi didi, can we contact
Brother Mac,
Kindly let me know when and where can we meet. At my residence? your residence? or at my mentor’s residence?
Please do let me know by sending mail at
mac, yes please meet this Haque and let us know:
1) if he the same person as on this page?
2) Does he have multiple mutta or he is a lier?
3) On his facebook he said he got married on January 20. Is that truth or lie?
4) Who is a true Muslims? He wrote (April 3) “A true Muslim is who shed tears for the sacrifice of Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S)… Do you agree?
5) mac, are you proud of Shia true Muslims like Haque (read his writings) and wish Supreme court is full with similar type of people?
Please let me know which is more sinful:
1. Telling lies to tease enemies or raping own daughter
Anyway, kindly note that my respected mentor Md.Zia-ul-Haque is neither a Sunni nor a Shia. He is a pious Muslim and his wife is the direct descendant of Holy Prophet(S.W.A). His ancestors came to India from KNORASHA,IRAN.No doubt he is a most learned man having legal and Islamic knowledge.I wish you should meet him.
Pakhi Begum
No, actually i wanted to contact her through Facebook
Another lie. Is Pakhi He (In fact I am a male and not female i,e Pakhi) or She? mac, we know this is not a Muslim character. How could you feel about a chronic lier?
I don`t live in Kolkata, so i want to contact her through Facebook.
Dear Heena,
It is not a matter of Religion, it is a matter of destiny, and more straight way saying your 7th house of your horoscope, which may be afflicted or aspected by Malefic Planets. So before taking any drastic steps if you have faith in astrology then please visit an astrologer and do some remedy I am sure you will be benefitted. Taking your life is not a solution, but fighting and facing challenges of life is something which you must accept. Everything is based on Karma….so accept it and fight. Only cowards surrender, be valiant and search the truth….I am sure you will win……God bless.
ha ha ha. . .
Astrologer. . .
Astrologer itself doesnt know what things to come in his future. ..
what he is going to tell about others
HAHAHAHAHAHA…..I don’t know but famous French Seer knew hundreds of years ago…..see his predictions
hahahha FI showed his double standard again, incase of hindu girls, he blamed islam and muslim, now in case of muslim girls , he is saying it is not about religion. Read his hypocritical replies here
Hi every one,
The word of God, every word of teachings must be Moral Perfection. There cannot be one word of violence, fighting, hate etc. When you read each of these verses not one of them is from God. They are filled with immoral evil. They are from the brain and mouth of Muhammad who fabricated the entire Quran.
Quran 2:191 “And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.”
There is nothing more nonsensical then ideas like this, which prophet Muhammad (AKA Allah), the purported messenger of Allah, used to cause great human tragedies, such as to murder, torture or banish those who opposed his rule. “Kill them”, “slay them” is immoral. Can you imagine God speaking these words to Angel Gabriel. This is such a fraud. “Persecution is severer then slaughter” . These are not the words of God but of a psychotic. But ALL Muslims must believe that this verse and the entire Quran is from God. Therefore all of them are evil.
So sap is trying to say that
if a girl is hindu,she has to be converted
and incase the girl is Muslim, her bf has to convert to islam inorder to marry her.
fuck logic
This is not fuck logic, this is truth, since islam is absolute truth and strict monotheistic religion, so a muslim is not allowed to marry with a non-muslim until he/she converts to Islam.
The Noble Quran, Chapter 2;Verse 221
“And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember.”
I cannot follow islam
If necessary i’ll ask her to convert.
If she doesn’t accept i’ll convince.
Oh really? Qur’an is truth lol. So Osama behead Daniel pearl, killed thousands in WTC hijack crash. Raped killed millions Hindus in Bangladesh. Following your Qur’an! So it looks like your have lost it! Don’t be insane mac, you Qur’an is source of terrorism. All Muslims are not terrorist but all terrorist are Muslim- remember that.
hahahah Admin,now see what should i recommend for this guy indian.
//So Osama behead Daniel pearl,//
So shiva behead his son ganesh, osama is not the god of islam, he was just a muslim, whether he was true muslim or fake muslim is debatable and that is what we are up for it, we debate about him, but shiva is god of hindus, why he is so cruel that he chopped of his own son head?
//killed thousands in WTC hijack crash//
Killed thousands in Gujrat(2000), Assam(6000), Mumbai(600), so
//Raped killed millions Hindus in Bangladesh//
Raped killed millions of muslim in India,specially kashmir.
///Following your Qur’an! ///
Following you vedas,gita,upanishads.
So it looks like your have lost it! Don’t be insane indian, you Vedas,Gita,Upanishad is source of terrorism. All Hindus/Muslim/Christians/Jews/Sikhs/Buddhists are not terrorist but all terrorist are either Hindu/Muslim/Christian/Jew/Buddhist/Sikh- remember that.
To kartar
i kno bro
Her life shouldn’t go in vain.
She’ll definitely be happy with me
Dear kartar,
let anybody say anything,
my girl won’t let our relationship ruin.
Though she is a Muslim, she is completely different from other Muslims. She very much soft cornered
She will even die for me.
She went to depression when i was admitted to hospital for a small reason
i know her from two years.
If a person like mac curses my relationship, nothing will happen to it
Dear Kumar,
My advise to you, talk your GF frankly to marry you so that she can lead a blisslife after marriage. With muslim guy, she will never be happy, as she will be facing danager of oral tripple talak. Muslim guy is allowed to keep 4 wives,give talak any time, women has no say, except if her husband agrees she has to do halala practice, means to marry some other person, have sex with him,and when desired he will divorce her and then her ex husband will offer to marry her again?How logical is this system?
Islam is meant for horny people, terrorist activities, treat females sex objects, crush their basic needs.
To kartar
i kno bro
Her life shouldn’t go in vain.
She’ll definitely be happy with me
you must convert her to islam if you really consider yourself Muslim. Islam did not allow Marriage to polytheist
she belongs to Muslim community.
Read my comments thoroughly
sap was talking about sammer not about you , @kumar
mac bro
Ur completely wrong
who told burkah wearing girls don’t fall in love with outside religion boys.
One of my friend named aliya nusrat has fallen in love with guy called praveen.
She is a burkah wearing girl and is the most beautiful
of all girls.
Her lover Praveen is a cruel minded guy.
He doesn’t love her truely.
His intension is to sleep with her and he has told that openly when he was drunk.
Inspite of my saying dat praveen is a wicked guy,she doesn’t beleive me.
She is a very kind harted girl.
I don’t want her life to ruin her life.
He has made a fool out of her.
When she comes to know the truth, it will be difficult fr her to digest.
I also said incase if she is in love then she will put condition to convert to islam, because most of Burqa wearing girls have strong faith, may be she is coming from traditional Burqa wearing family , India have such traditional families where they wear burqa and are very traditional and they are not really convert but descendants of Persian,Turk,etc muslim rulers and they are very fair in skin and looks different from rest of the people in their white,fair skin complexion.
I never denied the case of Burkha wearing girl having non-muslim lover, i also said she will put condition whether he will convert for her or else forget her, lets see what condition what she puts in front of that praveen.
BTW she is not a perfect muslim girl, no one is perfect, but she is in complete wrong track, she is in relationship before marriage which is sin that too with non-muslim, physical relationship before marriage is considered zina(fornication) and is punishable by 100 lashes, if not more grave punishment waiting for her from Allah after death, also you said he is drinker, drinking is strictly prohibited in islam, so what type of muslim girl she is who has such lover, she is destroying her this life as well as life here after, tell her to visit this website and contact with me .
Few of the reason why Islam is against marriage with non-muslim man.
The Noble Quran, Chapter 2;Verse 221
“And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember.”
***Polytheist means those who worship multiple gods, believes in idol worship or more precisely those you associate partners will Allah/God.
If we read above verse again, we will see Allah in the end of that verse tells us that they will take you to hell fire, now lets talk about few valid reason of such warning by Allah that they will take us t hell fire. We know marriage and friendship are very close relationship and in this two type of relationship, one partner effect the behaviors of the other.
Lets take the case of Praveen and Aliya Nusrat as mentioned my brother kumar.
How Aliya nusrat is getting towards hell.
First of all, she is in relationship with a guy before marriage and that guy is attracted towards her physically, if he does get physical then, what sin is imposed on her by allah, this is called zina/fornication. Also she may have oral sex relation with him like lip kissing etc, i am not judging her, but way you have described that boy praveen and way she is mad about him, so I am not ruling out that possibility, many girls(muslim) today think lip kiss is okay and is allowed until penetration take place.
Allah tells us in the Noble Quran Chapter 17 Verse 32:
Do not even go near ‘zina’ (fornication or adultery) for it is a very indecent thing and a very evil way!
Narrated by Anas ibn Malik that he heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him)say: ‘The eye commits ‘zina’, and the palm of the hand, the foot, the body, the tongue and private part of the body confirm it or deny it.’
The Noble Quran, Chapter 23, the name of this chapter is The Believers , means those who believe or those who really are muslim.
“Certainly will the believers have succeeded:
They who are during their prayer humbly submissive,
And they who turn away from ill speech,
And who are payers of the poor-due,
And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts)
Except from their wives or those their right hands possess, for indeed, they will not be blamed –
But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors
And those who are keepers of their trusts and their covenant
And they who carefully maintain their prayers
Those are the inheritors
Who will inherit al-Firdaus. They will abide therein.
Al-Firdaus is the highest level of paradise, those who will obey above rules will abide their forever.
Now we can clearly see being modest and not exposing our private parts in public , not exposing our private parts to anyone other than Husband or Wife, else we are guilty and transgressors.
So if she goes on and make physical relationship with praveen as you said that praveen`s soul intention is to sex with her, and she is blind for him, so to keep relation/love alive, if she does sex with her, then she is gone, she is not a muslim anymore, she is Munafiq(hypocrite), Munafiq(hypocrite) are those who are not kafirs but they are not muslim also, they are in between, they are those who are by appearance muslim but breaks rules of Allah are munafiq(hypocrite) and allah tells us in Quran that Munafiq(hypocrite) will abide in lowest form of hell, so you see from highest form of heaven to lowest form of hell.
Here is the verse from Quran.
The Noble Quran Chapter 4;Verse 145
“Indeed, the hypocrites(Munafiquns) will be in the lowest depths of the Fire – and never will you find for them a helper”
Now Islam gives the definition of Hypocrite.
A hypocrite in Islam is one who saw Islam; accepted its principles; embraced it; went along with it, but when his life style and preferences were challenged, Islam had failed with him. He knowingly wouldn’t follow Islam because it would violate a certain life style that he adopted, ego, or standard that is too important to him, even though it directly violates Islam.
The difference between a hypocrite and a normal Muslim who sins, is that a hypocrite adopts an unacceptable life style and actions, and insists on following it, while a normal Muslim knows that he is wrong, tries to resist doing sins, but unfortunately sometimes, he still falls into sinning due to immaturity or physical weaknesses.
In a nut shell, this is what a hypocrite is in Islam. A hypocrite is a “Muslim”. He is not an apostate (murtadd), nor is he a polytheist or idol worshiper (mushrik), nor is he an atheist (mulhid). A hypocrite does declare Islam as his religion, and in some cases even prays to GOD Almighty and fasts the month of Ramadan. Not everyone who Prays to Allah Almighty, however, is a good Muslim.
Allah tells us in Quran, Chapter 4 verse 142
“The Hypocrites – they think they are over-reaching God, but God will over-reach them”
“The Hypocrites, men and women, (have an understanding) with each other: They enjoin evil, and forbid what is just, and are close with their hands. They have forgotten God; so He hath forgotten them. Verily the Hypocrites are rebellious and perverse. (The Noble Quran, 9:67)”
“And that He may punish the Hypocrites, men and women, and the Polytheists men and women, who imagine an evil opinion of God. On them is a round of Evil: the Wrath of God is on them: God has cursed them and got Hell ready for them: and evil is it for a destination. (The Noble Quran, 48:6)”
“The Hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire: no helper wilt thou find for them; (The Noble Quran, 4:145)”
“Then shall anyone who has done an atom’s weight of good, see it! And anyone who has done an atom’s weight of evil, shall see it. (The Noble Quran, 99:7-8)”
“And God most certainly knows those who believe, and as certainly those who are Hypocrites. (The Noble Quran, 29:11)”
So it`s clear any muslim whether man or woman reject islamic principle in any forms of life, especially here we are talking about marriage with polytheist man/woman, then he/she certainly qualify to be a hypocrite and ready for hell.
But does that mean there is no hope, no, it it is not like that, Islam is a complete religion and it has every solution for mankind.
Just like Islam has beautiful concept of believer,unbeliever and hypocrite to distinguish between real good,righteous people and bad show off people same way it has door for repentance.
So if one wants to repent from having made the great sin of Zina he should remember these 3 things:-
1. Say, “O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.” [The Noble Quran, Chapter-39;Verse-53]
2.Let your repentance be truly from your heart, and stay away from all sources of temptations. Also, perform many good deeds, as good deeds abrogate the bad ones.
3.If you repent to Allah, you are no longer described as a fornicator (zaani). Therefore, you can marry a chaste man or woman.
4. “Allah likes such good people very much, who, if ever they commit a base deed or wrong their own soul by the commission of a sin, remember Allah instantly, and ask for forgiveness from Him for their shortcomings. For who, but Allah, can forgive sins? (And Allah loves those) who do not knowingly persist in the wrongs they did. These will be rewarded with forgiveness from Allah, and with Gardens beneath which canals flow, and they will reside therein forever! How excellent is the reward of those who do good deeds!” [The Noble Quran, Chapter-3;Verse-135]
5. When those come to you who believe in Our Signs, say: “Peace be on you! Your Lord had inscribed for Himself (the rule of) Mercy. Verily if any of you did evil in ignorance, and thereafter repented and amended (his conduct), Lo! He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [The Noble Quran, Chapter-6;Verse-54]
So here we can see Allah acknowledges the fact that you may have done evil things in your ignorance, so when you came to know about it, you must repent and ask for forgiveness, Allah says he is the best forgiver, and says peace be upon you, means you accept you sin and ask for forgiveness and then Allah bless peace on you.
Those who are in this situation mentioned above, try this, try, try…. leave your evil things and ask forgiveness from heart, you don`t have to stand in front of mandir/mashjid/dargah/church/or any idol, you just have to acknowledge it from heart, because Allah sees what is in your heart, and automatically you will observe that you are feeling peace of mind, try this, it`s 100% tested by me, that`swhy i am saying this so strongly.
Our Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) said,
“”Allah does not look at your appearances or your financial status, but He looks at your hearts and your actions.”
Mac bro
can u post the links of ppl who hav married outside religion.
I cannot post their link here as it is public platform and it is not right to post their IDs , also they are controversial people as this is India and interfaith couple always live in danger of their life. That`swhy i told you to message me here Contact Mac here , where i will share with you some of their IDs, you can also contact them for advice as they have gone through same situation.
And you said about Burkha girl, but i am talking about muslim girls who are working in MNC, many live in abroad mainly USA and UK, many are married on the basis of equality that you are talking about, that none will convert religion, we will respect both religion, etc but when the kids grow up and prefers one religion over other, problems starts, you will never like the idea of your son/daughter preferring islam over Hinduism as same goes for her also, no parents like the idea of children dis-obeying religion taught by them, marriages only become successful if the partner converts to one religion or if religion for both the partners means nothing, which clearly is not the case for you as you are a very sentimental Hindu.
Bro religion is important fr us
but when it comes to life v prefer love over religion
Then you are in trouble and match with many couples that destroyed their life, because Islam and Hinduism, in practical life are opposite religion, if it was jew and muslim and jew and christian there would have been no problem, or if it was jain and hindu, there is no problem, i told you earlier, you will teach your kid Hinduism means idol worship, she will teach islam, means against idol worship, bang one, we have a game here , and that game is no peace in home, mark my word, one day my words will ring in your ears.
This is absolutely true, “Islam and Hinduism, in practical life are opposite religion, …. if it was jain and hindu, there is no problem”.
Tell us why you fall in love with a Hindu? You did not know above your statement?
Am I still in relationship with a Hindu?
How many times I have to tell you that I am single now.
But way i am seeing non-muslim boys are playing with our muslim girls and some are marrying them then told you, many girls are in queue, so I may apply this `Why should I be a saint` in my personal life.
To: mac
We both have planned our future.
the only thing v r waiting for is to complete our education.
Once we r done with our education, v wud get married.
later we wud be moving to some other country.
There i will work in a construction company and she will work in a software .
Both our religions will be respected.
After 3 years or so we would be getting kids.
Our kids will be made to follow both the religion.
Hoping for a peaceful future
There is no provision of following both the religion as Hinduism is about Idol worship whereas moment you do idol worship, you are not a muslim anymore, and BTW no country has rules where you can state i am both Hindu-Muslim, you have to mention your religion as one, either hindu or muslim, so before knowing what your children will like, how will you decide what should be his/her religion, and what will the names of your children, whether hindu or muslim
if v get a girl child the name would be Sarah
and if a boy,the name wud be Arjun.
That means you have already decided to be one sided, why girls name islamic and boy`s name hindu, because girl will get married where as boy is my lineage, so he must retain and carry hindu identity, right. Every muslim girl planning to marry hindu boy and doing conversation must notice this trend, how you will be fooled in the name of equality and equal respect of religion.
U have problem with everything
i can’t help it.
No brother(kumar), i don`t have problem with everything, but i have problem with gender inequality, fooling other people in the name of equality, misguiding people, telling people lie etc, i have problems with these, i give people honest and real life based answer, many girls later told me that what i told them were exactly right and the regret if they had taken my advice seriously.
One thing is sure
At any cost v r getting married
Life,Peace is greater than marriage, many youths under estimate this and thinks marriage is everything, and then bring their life to an end, first they ignore the complex,hard question about life especially in interfaith marriage and after marriage, they regret, if marriage was such a thing, then people wouldn`t have been committing suicide after marrying their loved one, they wouldn`t have been taking divorce after marrying their loved one.
But my girl is not like other Muslim girls.
She doesn’t wear burkah,her mother too is not used to burkah.
She is a Urdu speaking Muslim.
she is from a good family.
u kno they celebrate Diwali.
For us love comes first and later religion
I am not talking about Burkha wearing muslim girl, Burkha wearing muslim girl don`t fall in love with non-muslim men and if they do, they put condition either you convert else forget me, I am talking about non-burkha wearing muslim girls, that`swhy i told you , contact me, i will give many of their facebook ID, i cannot give their facebook ID here as it is not right to share someone facebook ID in public place.
If for you love comes first, later religion, then why you want to maintain your hindu lineage, why not keep neutral names like John,Matt,etc which are neither hindu nor muslim names.
BTW love means nothing and everything, i don`t know what LOVE you are referring to, coz LOVE are various types;-
I LOVE my country.
I LOVE Islam.
I LOVE Real Madrid.
I LOVE Chicken.
I LOVE her.
A person has many love in his/her life, if you mean LOVE for your girl comes first, that means you are she is the kind of person who is willing to go against religion, then why you are not going against your religion but forcing her to go against her religion ?
I have not informed my parents abt my relationship. Once they get to know,they too will oppose.They might keep me out of our family.
But i feel everything will be fine once i marry her and get kids with her
Don`t live in fools world dream, that will create even more problems, read the links that i have given, even a pregnant girl couldn`t convince her parents, many many muslim/hindu couples live miserable life after such marriage, they think their parents will agree if they see kid and etc etc but that is not reality, every Indian family will not go in line with Bollywood movies.
So wht r u trying to say.
This is what I am saying
I know many hindu men who married muslim women and living happy married life, if you want their facebook ID then contact me here Contact Mac here
thats great
Hence i too will be happy agter marrying her
Go convert her and make situation more worse, then when her parents return, you will face hell in this life like this one and this one
“The teachings of Islam can fail under no circumstances. With all our systems of culture and civilization, we cannot go beyond Islam and, as a matter of fact, no human mind can go beyond the Quran.”
Johann Goethe, cited in Sir Henry Elliot’s Letters of Johann Goethe, 1865.
In case i make her Hindu
I can’t live happily without her.
She is so cute that i fall in love with her every time i see her
How will you marry her if you donot convert to islam and she also donot changes her religion?
Can’t v live happily without converting ourselves.
r u there
y ain’t u replying.
On consulting few Hindu groups like shiv sena for help ,they have told only if i convert her to Hinduism they will help.
But i don’t feel right converting her.
And m scared to speak abt convertion to her.
Yes go and approach a hindu group like shiv sena and crate another riot in India, people like you create religious riots in india, every year so many riot takes place when hindu boys brainwash muslim girls and convert them to Hinduism for marriage with the help of hindu radical groups like shiv sena, baj rang dal..later when the girls of the parents come to know and file case and when the girl couldn1t prove that she converted to Hinduism by heart but infact for marriage, the guy in jail and girl in marriage with another muslim man, same applies for muslim boys also who convert their hindu gf for marriage, supreme court said conversion for marriage is not void and thus marriage is not-acceptible.
We don’t support any conversion business. Faith is not a toy that you put a name tag on it. Dealing with Muslims will be very difficult and they will ask you to convert. Educate the girl and go get married by the Special Marriage Act. If not, sorry, forget it!
I am in love with a Muslim girl named sabah. She is doing Computer science engineering in a Bangalore college and i’am studying civil engineering in Mangalore. We both r in 3rd year 6th sem. V both r in love fr abt 2 yrs or so. She is a very sweet girl and not like other Muslim girls.
Every month i travel from Mangalore to Bangalore in order to meet her.
Once we (along with our friends) went to goa. That night we both (me and my girlfriend) stayed in a same cottage.
But what happened later was,one of my Muslim friend informed my girlfriends brother that v stayed together in Goa.
From that day things worsened.
The next time when i went to Bangalore to meet her,i was beaten up by her brother in public.
I gave him back and tore his shirt.
He was threatening that he wud kill me.
Now he has started harrasing my girl.
I accept that i stayed with her for a night, but at the same time i promise that i have never misused or misbehaved with her coz my love is true and not based on physical attraction.
Now what should i do admin.
She is my life
I can never be happy with any other girl incase i marry somebody else.
need ur suggestions
It`s simple, convert to Islam and marry her, else you will have to forget her.
neither will i convert,nor will i convert her.
Any other suggestion apart from converting
There is no other suggestion as in Islam marriage with non-muslim is not possible with conversion to Islam and if she marry you without you converting to Islam, she will be going against Islam and it is a big sin in islam as marriage will not be legitimate and will be regraded as Zina and children will be regraded out of wedlock, in islam marriage completes half of deen means half of religion, if she cannot marry Islamically then half of her religion already destroyed, also her family came to know, so i don`t see a hope in your relation.
her family didn’t come to know.
They stay in Kuwait
only her cousin brother came to know.
He is a bastard and i can handle him myself ,not a big deal.
I don’t need ur hopes coz i myself have hope in my relationship.
bro i have asked u some question yesterday. . but u didnt yet reply to my question. . if you have forgotton pls
check here
brother can u plzzz post those questions again
I will answer those
before asking once again pls check this of kumar brother and my conversation
i hav asked you for suppose ur sister get dated with some other boy and stayed full night like what u did in reality. .
if suddently u get know that ur sister is with her boy friend. .
then what is ur situation?
what will you do with her
boy friend?
Bro i don’t have a sister. I am the only child
bro i use the word suppose ur sister(if u had sister)
But the guy who is threatening me is her cousin brother not hr own brother
i wouldn’t have minded if it was her own brother.
Y the hell on this earth is her cousin worried abt our relationship
one side u have said muhammed(p.b.u.h) is criminal and u gave forcly pork mixed with chicken to ur muslim friend to ate another side u say i love islam because ur gf is muslim
are really love islam or hate islam
the matter abt pork was a lie, we didn’t mix it.
He himself ate even after knowing its pork.
I lied bcoz i was a bit upset with my girlfriend’s cousin
The reason y i posted “Mohammad was criminal”
is because i saw a comment from pakhi begam saying that bramha raped his daughter
Mohammed bro, before asking question, please mention the name of the person to whom you are asking this question, else who will know who is `bro` here.
he is question me
He is questioning me
sorry bro mac…i have asked to kumar bro
Hello admin
plzzz help me out
Today our freedom and democracy are under threat from the fascistic and murderous 1400-year-old ideology of Islam that seeks to destroy all religions, conquer all nations, subjugate or murder all kafirs who refuse to convert to Islam, and destroy all democratic constitutions and freedoms, replacing them with the totalitarian Sharia Law.
In the face of this grave new threat, new brave defenders of freedom have emerged to defend Western Civilization and preserve democracy and freedom from this new totalitarianism. These freedom fighters are the bravest of the brave. We can call them the magnificent 8: Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Nonie Darwish, Wafa Sultan, Brigette Gabriel, Geert Wilder, Pamella Geller, Robert Spencer, and Bill Warner are to name few among those brave new fighters. These brave men and women daily risk their lives in the defence of liberty so that our children, the future generations, can enjoy living their life as free citizens with full equality, and right to ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness’.
But unlike the great generation of freedom fighters during the Second World War, who enjoyed total support of the grateful masses in America and across Europe, today’s freedom fighters are not seen by many common man and particularly the political and intellectual elite as defenders of freedom and democracy, but as racist and Islamophobes, and threat to the security of the nation.
As a response to the horrendous shooting massacre of Charlie Hebdo cartoonists in Paris by Islamic Jihadists for producing satirical drawings of Prophet Muhammad, a group of those freedom defenders assembled in Garland, Texas on May 4, 2015 for an exhibition of Prophet Muhammad’s paintings. Organized by the American Freedom Defence Initiative (AFDI), led by anti-Jihadist activists Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, the exhibition came under shooting attack by two American Jihadi foot-soldiers of Islam (See here).
Instead of defending those courageous defenders of freedom, the media elite immediately went on the offensive against them, condemning and disparaging Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer for organizing the event, cleverly stating that while we have the right to freedom of speech, it must be exercised responsibly. In other words, we must limit our freedom of speech that will offend Muslims. Since Muslims feel offended by opposition to their push for introducing totalitarian Sharia Law in Western societies, we must not oppose or speak against it, we must surrender our freedom of speech.
CNN, in a cleverly-contrived article, wrote about the American Freedom Defence Initiative (AFDI) that “Its name paints an image of a group dedicated to protecting American ideals. But critics call it the opposite – an intolerant hate group opposed to freedom of religion.”
OMG, how things are being twisted by Mac.
Rokhsana quoted islamic evils by narrating relevant verse and Mac edited by replacing the word Allah by Bhagwan.
In fact, whether it is allah, bhagwan or lord, every one is same, but the real problem starts when in the name of God/almighty evil practices are contemplated as orders of him. This is what islamic religion teaches, whether it is rape, murder, bomb blasts, sexual assault it is all done in the name of allah.
How it is possible, that a terrorist who has killed many innocents, will be rewarded by sexual pleasure of 72 virgins in the heaven after death?
How a God could be hating females, by stonning to death,giving them oral talak, honour killing. Females have been created by the same almighty who has created males, why discriminatory attitude towards them, why denying them natural justice?
Koran, Hadith, Sharia are based on Mohammad, who was ….(deleted by Admin; Masssey stay in control, please)
S.A. (United States).
“I became Muslim about 6 months ago after studying many other religions and Islam seriously for over 5+ years. I come from a small town in the country, so I am the only Muslim in my area and the first and only Muslim in my family. Even before I ever knew anything about Islam I never hated Muslims despite what others said around me. I felt there had to be more than what we were being told. I also never saw hijab as something oppressive and after studying Islam I really appreciated it and admire those women who do wear it.
With that said I’ll also mention that my parents are strict in their beliefs as Christians, though they don’t practice as far as going to church. So naturally I haven’t told them that I converted, and because of that I don’t wear hijab outside the house out of fear someone will tell my family, and be disowned. But even if I had that freedom of not being concerned with my family I feel I’m not ready for the hijab and I’m not 100% sure why. I have always been a privet person but shortly after taking my Shahada I posted a picture of myself on Facebook in hijab and watched my friends list drop. Though I am beyond proud of being Muslim, that event along with what is said at home, school, and by my non-Muslim friends has made me insecure about wearing hijab.
I’ve realized at some point I will have to ignore everyone’s opinions and expectations of myself, but I wonder if and when I’ll ever be ready. Thinking about it sometimes makes me really angry that I should be so concerned about these thoughts to the point where I start feeling hate redness for both not covering, and sometimes just that idea that I should cover. It’s made me question many things in my character. But despite this small block I’m at in my life I continue to pray for guidance and I am inspired by those women who are brave enough to wear hijab despite the looks and comments they face.”
Source : Convert to Islam
Dear readers, you will find in this website liars claiming that Islam spread by force which is 100% wrong statement and falsehood, truth is Islam spread in Indian sub continent because of inhumane Hinduism, because Hindus didn`t treated their lower caste people well, only reason those non-brahmin, dalit, adi vasis, SC people call themselves hindu is because of reservation, moment the unjust,un-secular reservation is lifted, most of those people will accept Islam,Christianity or Buddhism.
Here are few examples :
1. Meet our demands, else we’ll convert to Islam, say UP Dalits
2. Omkareshwar temple: 500 priests threaten to accept Islam
Indore: The ‘Shree Teerth Panda Sangh’ of Omkareshwar has threatened the government that if they are prevented from performing rituals, then they will leave the Hindu religion and will accept Islam as their religion. They have warned the government to stop interfering with their religious activities or else the 500 Hindu families that are residing there will accept Islam religion. The government on Thursday have banned the priests from performing rituals which include pouring water on the ‘jyotirlinga’ and offering ‘bel patra’.
The government had already made a declaration on Wednesday that on the occasion of ‘Ganga Dashmi’, no devotees will be allowed to performing ‘water pouring’ rituals from Thursday evening. Instead of that, the government banned all the performance of rituals from Thursday morning itself.
The wave of furiousness could be seen in the devotees as past the noon, the government completely prohibited the entrance of priests from temple’s kitchen. Afterwards, the priests of the temple society gathered around to protest. The members of the ‘shree teerth panda sangh’ called off a meeting and decided if the government doesn’t take back their decision in seven days, they priests will continue protesting and eventually they will transform from Hindu and will accept Muslim religion. They have decided to write a letter regarding this matter and will forward this letter to prime minister, chief minister of MP, MLAs and Omkareshwar Temple Trust along with the police officials.
Mahesh Agrawal, the collector of Omkareshawar said, “I am not aware of why the Temple authorities stopped devotees from offering their rituals. I will look into the matter.” Whereas the president of Temple trust Rao Devendra Singh has denied from any such prohibition.
Dear readers,
Following is a sloka in ancient Indian literatures …..
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina
Sarve Santu Niramaya
Sarve Bhadrani Pashyantu
Ma Kaschit Dukhabhagbhaved
means …. let all be happy, let all be healthy, let all be safe, let the sorrow not come in the life..
1. Killing, murder, slaughter of all infidels that have not converted to Islam.
2. Killing, murder, slaughter of all apostates of Islam.
3. Islam orders death for Muslims and possible death for non-Muslim critics of Muhammad and the Quran and even sharia itself.
4. Muslims deserve death for doing any of the following (Reliance of the Traveler pp. 597—98, o8.7): (1) Reviling Allah or his Messenger; (2) being sarcastic about ‘Allah’s name, His command, His interdiction, His promise, or His threat’; (3) denying any verse of the Quran or ‘anything which by scholarly consensus belongs to it, or to add a verse that does not belong to it’; (4) holding that ‘any of Allah’s messengers or prophets are liars, or to deny their being sent’; (5) reviling the religion of Islam; (6) being sarcastic about any ruling of the Sacred Law; (7) denying that Allah intended ‘the Prophet’s message . . . to be the religion followed by the entire world.’
5. Islam allows the ownership of slaves – it is a law of ALLAH.
6.ALLAH permits the raping of female slaves. Indeed in Islam – rape is not a sexual weapon – it is a weapon of war. Having murdered the woman’s man, Muslims can now – sanctioned by the law of ALLAH complete their final humiliation and domination of her body.
7.ALLAH sanctions the seizing, looting and pillaging of property of murdered infidels.
8. ALLAH demands a share of the proceeds realized from the sale of women and children and looted property. It is the law of ALLAH.
9. ALLAH condemns most Muslim women upon their death to the fires of hell.
10. The ALLAH depicted in the Koran is no ordinary god. He is the greatest slut master of the entire universe. ALLAH has created a deviant sexual paradise filled with virgins with big breasts and lustrous eyes. These virgins re- generate as virgins every time a believer has sex with them.
11. ALLAH permits the following crimes to be committed in His name and greater glory.
(1) Women and children are enslaved. They can either be sold, or the Muslims may ‘marry’ the women, since their marriages are automatically annulled upon their capture. (2) Muslims may have sex with slave women. Ali, Muhammad’s cousin and son—in—law, did this. (3) Women and children must not be killed during war, unless this happens in a nighttime raid when visibility was low. Not as an act of mercy but as a commercial decision. They are money and sex on the hoof. (4) Old men and monks could be killed. (5) A captured enemy of war could be killed, enslaved, ransomed for money or an exchange, freely released, or beaten. One time Muhammad even tortured a citizen of the city of Khaybar in order to extract information about where the wealth of the city was hidden. (6) Enemy men who converted could keep their property and small children. This law is so excessive that it amounts to forced conversion. Only the strongest of the strong could resist this coercion and remain a non—Muslim. (7) Civilian property may be confiscated. (8) Civilian homes may be destroyed. (9) Civilian fruit trees may be destroyed. (10) Pagan Arabs had to convert or die. This does not allow for the freedom of religion or conscience. (11) People of the Book (Jews and Christians) had three options (Sura 9:29): fight and die; convert and pay a forced ‘charity’ or zakat tax; or keep their Biblical faith and pay a jizya or poll tax. The last two options mean that this immoral money flows into the Islamic treasury, to fund Muhammad’s jihadist army so why would Muhammad receive a revelation from God to dry up this money flow?
12. ALLAH rewards suicide bombers and other killers and murderers Islamic martyrdom which guarantees Paradise to those who “kill and are killed” for Allah.
13. All unbelievers are to be sentenced to Hell for all eternity.
14. Murder is only wrong if the victim is a fellow Muslim.
15. ALLAH teaches that women are fields to be used by men as they will.
16. ALLAH teaches that women are worth one half of a man.
17. ALLAH sanctions men to beat their disobedient wives.
18. ALLAH does not allow Muslims to be friends with the infidels.
19. ALLAH sanctions that Muslims must disown family members who reject Islam.
20. Thieves have their hands cut off.
21. ALLAH ordered that prisoners of war must be killed until all Arabia was conquered for Islam.
22. ALLAH sent the Angel Gabriel with his merry band of warrior Angels to bring war, death and destruction to the enemies of Islam.
23. ALLAH created a law allowing Muhammad to marry his adopted son’s wife. This law applied to all Muslim men.
24. ALLAH created a law abolishing adoption.
25. ALLAH created a law allowing Muhammad to rape slave women.
26. ALLAH created a law allowing Muhammad to possess more then 4 wives.
Of course, these are not the teachings of ALLAH (the ANTI GOD.) These are the teachings of Muhammad
Readers please make a rational view point.
Dear readers,
Following is a sloka in ancient Indian literatures …..
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina
Sarve Santu Niramaya
Sarve Bhadrani Pashyantu
Ma Kaschit Dukhabhagbhaved
means …. let all be happy, let all be healthy, let all be safe, let the sorrow not come in the life..
1. Killing, murder, slaughter of all infidels that have not converted to HINDUSIM
2. Killing, murder, slaughter of all apostates of HINDUSIM
3. HINDUSIM orders death for Muslims and possible death for non-Muslim critics of RAM and the VEDAS and even LAWS OD MANU itself.
4. HINDUS deserve death for doing any of the following (Reliance of the Traveler pp. 597—98, o8.7): (1) Reviling BHAGWAN or his AVATAR; (2) being sarcastic about ‘BHAGWAN’s name, His command, His interdiction, His promise, or His threat’; (3) denying any verse of the GITA or ‘anything which by scholarly consensus belongs to it, or to add a verse that does not belong to it’; (4) holding that ‘any of BHAGWAN’s AGENTS or AVATARS are liars, or to deny their being sent’; (5) reviling the religion of HINDUSIM; (6) being sarcastic about any ruling of the Sacred Law; (7) denying that BHAGWAN intended ‘the AGENTS’s message . . . to be the religion followed by the entire world.’
5. HINDUSIM allows the ownership of slaves – it is a law of INDRA.
6.KRISHNA permits the raping of female slaves. Indeed in HINDUSIM – rape is not a sexual weapon – it is a weapon of war. Having murdered the woman’s man, HINDU can now – sanctioned by the law of BHAGWAN complete their final humiliation and domination of her body.
7.BHAGWAN sanctions the seizing, looting and pillaging of property of murdered infidels.
8. BHAGWAN demands a share of the proceeds realized from the sale of women and children and looted property. It is the law of BHAGWAN.
9. BHAGWAN condemns most HINDU women upon their death to the fires of hell.
10. The BHAGWAN depicted in the VEDAS is no ordinary god. He is the greatest slut master of the entire universe. BHAGWAN has created a deviant sexual paradise filled with virgins with big breasts and lustrous eyes. These virgins re- generate as virgins every time a believer has sex with them.
11. BHAGWAN permits the following crimes to be committed in His name and greater glory.
(1) Women and children are enslaved. They can either be sold, or the HINDUS may ‘marry’ the women, since their marriages are automatically annulled upon their capture. (2) HINDUS may have sex with slave women. KRISHNA, AVATAR OF BRAHMA, did this. (3) Women and children must not be killed during war, unless this happens in a nighttime raid when visibility was low. Not as an act of mercy but as a commercial decision. They are money and sex on the hoof. (4) Old men and monks could be killed. (5) A captured enemy of war could be killed, enslaved, ransomed for money or an exchange, freely released, or beaten. One time SHIVA even KILLED HIS OWN SON GANESH (6) Enemy men who converted could keep their property and small children. This law is so excessive that it amounts to forced conversion. Only the strongest of the strong could resist this coercion and remain a non—Muslim. (7) Civilian property may be confiscated. (8) Civilian homes may be destroyed. (9) Civilian fruit trees may be destroyed. (10) INDIAN MUSLIM/CHRISTIAN had to convert or die. This does not allow for the freedom of religion or conscience. (11) People of the Book (Dalit,Chandal,etc) had three options (Manusmriti,Gita): fight and die; convert and pay a forced ‘charity’ or ai kar tax; or keep their original indian faith and pay a kar or poll tax. The last two options mean that this immoral money flows into the Hindurva treasury, to fund KRISHNA`s terrorist army so why would KRISHNA receive a revelation from God to dry up this money flow?
12. BHAGWAN rewards suicide bombers and other killers and murderers HINDUTVA martyrdom which guarantees Paradise to those who “kill and are killed” for BHAGWAN.
13. All unbelievers are to be sentenced to Hell for all eternity.
14. Murder is only wrong if the victim is a fellow BRHAMIN.
15. BHAGWAN teaches that women are fields to be used by men as they will.
16. BHAGWAN teaches that women are worth nothing on front of men.
17. BHAGWAN sanctions men to beat their disobedient wives.
18. BHAGWAN does not allow Hindus to be friends with the infidels.
19. BHAGWAN sanctions that Brahmins must disown family members who reject Islam.
20. Thieves have high respect like KRISHNA.
21. BHAGWAN ordered that prisoners of war must be killed until all India was conquered for brahminism.
22. BHAGWAN sent the Lord Ram with his merry band of warrior Angels to bring war, death and destruction to the enemies of Hindusm.
23. BHAGWAN created a law allowing Krishna to molest young virgin girls . This law applied to all hindu men.
24. BHAGWAN created a law abolishing adoption.
25. BHAGWAN created a law allowing Krishna to rape slave women.
26. BHAGWAN created a law allowing Muhammad to possess more then 16000 wives.
Of course, these are not the teachings of BHAGWAN (the ANTI GOD.) These are the teachings of KRISHNA,RAM,INDRA
Readers please make a rational view point.
Pakhi, Mac,
You both are muxx product …. (delete by admin. Rokhsana, show your proof for M-products).
Sabarmati Jail convict wants to convert to Islam, alleges torture – See more at:
Perfect … this is best way to cut and paste (little summary and the URL link), thanks.
Dear readers,
A true religion is the one that fosters harmony,non violence,love, affection towards all creatures of almighty. This is Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam philospohy.
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is a philosophy that inculcates an understanding that the whole world is one family. It is a philosophy that tries to foster an understanding that the whole of humanity is one family. It is a social philosophy emanating from a spiritual understanding that the whole of humanity is made of one life energy. If the Parmatma is one how then an Atma can be different? If Atma is different how then can it ultimately be dissolved in the Parmatma? If the whole ocean is one how then a drop of the ocean be different from the ocean? If the drop is different from the ocean how then can it ultimately be dissolved in the ocean? It is a Sanskrit phrase meaning that the whole earth is one family. The first word is made up of three Sanskrit words – Vasudha, Eva and Kutumbakam. Vasudha means the earth, Eva means emphasizing and Kutumbakam means a family. It means that the whole earth is just one family. The concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam originates from Hitopadesha. Hitopadesha is a collection of Sanskrit fables in prose and verse. According to the author of Hitopadesha, Narayana, the main purpose of creating the Hitopadesha is to instruct young minds the philosophy of life in an easy way so that they are able to grow into responsible adults. It is almost similar to the Panchatantra. The whole philosophy of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is an integral part of the Hindu Philosophy.
I) kill non believers,
ii) treat women as a field to be ploughed in any way,
iii)glorify terrorism with 72 virgin sexual pleasure,
iv)keep 4 wives and give oral tripple talak,
v)ask women to produce 4 eye witnesses to get justice again their rape,
vi)allow women,s testimony as half of male,
vii)male need on each marriage only virgin wife,
viii) only females are stonned to death,
ix)women are denied natural justice of movement,speech,driving etc.
x)male allowed to keep sex slaves,
Thank you for sharing your views and comparison of two faiths. Others may have different views and be ready to intellectually reply them.
Lier Rokhsnaa,Chand Osmani,Kartar,Shabana,Winston,Churchill,Sania Mirza, Diya Mirza, Katrina Kaif , Beena Malik, Nagris Fakri or or whatever your real name is, listen, the world has evolved, people are now not blind, they can google and find the truth about hinduism, even Supreme court of india told right wing hindu facist terrorist group like VHP, Bajrangdal,etc that everything is on internet and keep silence is better, other wise truth may get exposed.
Here I will expose the truth about false claim of some Hindus about Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam philosophy.
Hindus say they accept all religion, all people, for them whole world is same, but is it true, or is that just a myth. I say it`s myth, a very big myth, and i want people to think over it.
First of all, let me start with marriage as this website is based on marriage, does Hinduism allows marriage with it`s own people? Answer is NO, it donot.
A Brahmin cannot marry a non-Brahmin, then how come it allows, welcomes people of whole world when Dalit girl cannot enter house of a Brahmin family as wife.
There are hundreds of other things, but I only mention this marriage thing, it is up to people what they decide.
Admn. what credibility? An individual have multiple mail ids, some of them are used very rarely.
You are prejudiced no doubt. In the eyes of Pakhi, Mac and Mohammad, you are notorious and idot, what they have addressed you in some of the texts. You did not react against such derogatory and defametary remarks and even then, you inclined to take their side.
he is not like u blody bustar. .verily.. admin dislikes islam but at the same time he is a honest person…
Mohammed and Rokhana,
First we value your contributions and hope you both will continue writing. However, we wish you to be more effective with our other intellectual readers.
We encourage our readers to use a made-up name (used name) for their privacy. However, that does not mean one person can use multiple names to express a single view. Whenever we noticed that one person is using multiple names, we communicate by personal e-mail. If the e-mail address provided is wrong, we may delete that comment.
Another point is on religious bashing. You all love your own religion and to some extent don’t like others practices. That is okay with us. However, you will be very ineffective on this web site if you write dirty words to make your point or make non-intellectual discussion.
We have a clear mission of promoting religious pluralism and Interfaith Marriage With Equality (I’m-We). After marriage, to be happy in long run, the interfaith couple should minimize the “I’m (me, me, me)” part and start thinking more in terms of “We (us, us, us).” Well, that’s our view. However, if you wish to say “There is One God, and that is mine (me, me, me)”, go ahead and explain it to our readers. We do not have problem with your views. It’s their (readers in an interfaith love) life and their decision.
Keep rolling!
Admn. do not feel sorry. I have confirmed my identity by replying
on the e mail id you provided.
Mac and Mohammad seem to be bastards number one, who have a
nuissance value without any humanitarian values and ethics.
They are brainwashed individuals through islamic evil teachings.
Hell on them.
Sorry, the e-mail address was wrong. You must fix this issue if you wish to be effective on this site. Your credibility is at stake!
he he he.
now tell me. . who are bastards… its u or we….we know u r are the agent of RSS
Rokhsana(Pseudo name if not admin)
You are a bastard by birth. Your mother was so much sex hungry that in the absence of your father she had sex with a pig and that you were born.Now I understand why are you so much ugly looking. Your face is no doubt like a pig. How is your mother? Is she still alive? Should I send my dog to have sex with your mother.?
Pakhi Begum
you are going beyond ur limitation.. be limit. .what his mother done for you. .our duty is to correct the people not by talking bad words. .so pls dont do again like this
Thanks Mohammed!!!
To writers of all faiths,
You are representing your faith/belief system. In a way, you are a role model for your religion. While writing, think how your words will impress (or deter) other readers about your faith.
Sister pakhi begum, i completely disagree with you, this is not the way to speak in any medium, islam is strictly against such things so as human values, I am deeply hurt from your abuse towards her mother.
Brother Mac’
I know that I should not have had written what has hurt you. But it was pointed towards Rokhsana a non existing person. Let that woman prove that she is Rokhsana. Though I am a revert yet I love ALLAH(S.W.T), PROPHET MUHAMMED (S.W.A) and ISLAM more than I love anybody anywhere and therefore whenever some one insults and/or uses insulting language against ALLAH(S.W.T),PROPHET MUHAMMED(S.W.A) and ISLAM) I can not control myself. You have seen that many readers have defamed and insulted me but I did not react at all. I am undone, I may be more harsh in future with people like Roksana,Karter,winston and other anti Muslim anti Indian readers.
Pakhi Begum
Yes sister Pakhi Begum, you are right, they have abused you beyond limit, then even abused me which you have also witnessed, but thing is that we have limitations, we cannot go their kafir notorious level, we are muslim, we are salve of Allah, not slave of Satan.
Hello every one,
I wish to share my life story that myself now 34 yrs.married with a Hindu professor of a management instt as we met when I was working on a low profile job in the institute to due to weak financial position.My sister died in early age due to tortures and inhuman treatment she faced from her muslim husband.
I would like to clearly and bold say that Islam is the most evil religion against women. Now I am working as librarian for which my husband supported me a lot. I AM THANKFUL TO THE ALMIGHTY THAT HE GAVE ME AN OPPORTUNITY TO MARRY OUTSIDE MY FAITH. I DID NOT COVERT BUT I TAKE PART IN HINDU RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES.I BELONG TO NAGPUR.
Admin: Sorry we could not confirm your identity, write us at
Dear rokshana,
where did u get this name bludy idiot kartar,chand osamani. . .and how many fake names u are going to provide. . .
peoples are nt fool who study ur comment and agree.. .
fake guy. . .
From RSS guide book.
ha ha ha
so RSS teaches like this. .
where s admin. .he wont reply for like this comment. .
Hi Sameer,
We do not support such baseless statement by Reshama to a Nepali girl, “Muslim BF is trapping you just for sexual pleasure and he will not be happy with a single wife. He will kick you out once he is fed up sexually with you and bring another wife. Muslims are criminal and terrorists against females….”
We are happy that your case is different. We are glad that you are happily married, and you respect her Hindu faith and belief system. We would like to learn little more on your experience for others to get inspiration from. How did you got married?
BTW, for your privacy, we have deleted your last name here (too much your private info is not necessary).