Shia Muslim married to an Ahmadi Muslim born girl

It is common for one community/parents to not tolerate the other type. A Catholic will not tolerate a Protestant Christian, a Kadva-Patel-Hindu will not tolerate a Lauva-Patel-Hindu and here an Ahmadi Muslim will not tolerate a Shia Muslim. Interfaith and intercultural marriages are always complex.

I K says: November 28, 2013 at 6:50 pm

Dear Tanya,

Ahmadia MosqueJust came across this discussion by chance. I am a Muslim married to an Ahmadi born girl. I had to get a Nikah done by their Murabi and then by our own Maulana afterwards. Initially her family thought they had converted me but now after 18 years together it has finally dawned on them that I am very much a mainstream muslim. Lot of them have now done a social boycott. Living abroad has helped but has put a lot of stress on her. My wife has now started to see through some of the cult controlling practices. I don’t rub it in and leave it as such.

The advice I can offer is for you to take your time. Don’t rush into anything. If you had a relationship with this fellow its not the end of the world. Many people go through same. No one displays these sheets in our culture (thats more of an Arab thing)

If he loves you too he should be able to pitch in and offer the same. Right now you are making all the compromises.

I don’t consider Ahmadiyya the true path but they do have a hold on your parents and they will get blackmailed if you go through with your plans. This is how Masroor rules over the rest!

If you both are adamant, go abroad and have a civil marriage. Give yourself time. Time is on your side. IK

Read more:
Ahmadi Muslims,
Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Shasha, Intolerants, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it? Zakir Naik, Can Allah be the Father God? Hindu-Christian Married Life in America, Christian-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Jew marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Inter-race-Inter-faith marriages, Jew-Muslim marriages, Christian-Muslim marriages, Who is God?, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.Ahmadiyya is an Islamic revivalist movement founded in 1889, and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community its oldest and largest organization, whose membership includes tens of millions of people and spans 200 countries. There are 74 chapters in the United States; the New Orleans chapter, which includes Ahmadis from Alabama and Mississippi, was formed in 1924.


  • December 3, 2013 1:34 am

    Idiot and Rascal
    Mohd Zia Ul Haque,


    In order for the Koran to be the word/teachings of God – every word – every teaching must be Perfect – the Perfect words and teachings of a Perfect God. If only one word is not Perfection – if only one teaching is not PERFECTION – MORAL PERFECTION then the entire Koran is not the word/teachings of God.

    Koran 24.20 is not Perfect. It is not PERFECTION. It is a hateful, violent, brutal, heartless, immoral, evil teaching of an immoral, brutal, hateful, violent, heartless, evil ANTI GOD – ALLAH.

    Therefore the entire Koran is not the word/teachings of God but the words/teachings of ALLAH (The ANTI GOD)- the WORD/TEACHINGS OF MUHAMMAD – who is the ANTI – GOD of ISLAM – THE ANTI RELIGION.

    • December 3, 2013 8:28 am

      bastard massey,
      I have already told you that despite taking Rs.1500/ from me your beautiful mother is not ready to leave me and on the contrary your sister has come here and is adamant to get me as her life partner. But as you know I hate christians who had opposed India`s Independence I therefore arranged two schedule caste men for them. I understand that your wife and daughter is planning to stay with me permanently and in that event I will have them reverted to my Religion because I hate Indian Christians who had opposed our Independence

  • December 2, 2013 11:30 pm


    Your expression of thoughts is limited to correlate identities, as if
    they are known to you. That is your tricky tactics. You have not posted
    even a single article which could have matching contribution to this blog consistent with your so called professional competency in the world. I have seen your abusive statements out of rage, which were posted for clarification.

    • December 3, 2013 8:39 am

      Shenaz my little shannoo,
      Save and except you who else will know the tricky tactics of your Most Worthy, Beloved, Respected,Revered,Reverend Loving and Affectionate Mama Jani
      Your Mentor and Role Model Mama Jani

    • December 4, 2013 9:38 pm

      Shehnaz my little charming shannoo niece
      Abuse this Mama Jani to your hear`t content.
      I like your abusive language.
      Mama Jani

  • December 2, 2013 7:17 am

    Interfaith marriages can be successful and happy if both spouses are willing to work hard at committing to one another, showing respect for one another, and focusing on shared values. When children come along, it’s important to place the best interests of the child first as decisions are made about how to religiously raise the child and how to celebrate holidays. As interfaith couples carefully consider these issues with sensitivity toward one another, they can avoid most of the conflict around religious differences and will be able to build a loving and unified relationship and family life.

  • December 2, 2013 6:08 am

    Dear readers,

    There can be no life without liberty and no liberty without life. Freedom of expression is the very essence of liberty and meaningful life. The imposition of Islamic totalitarianism will be the death-knell of liberty.
    The issuance of death fatwas is a criminal act of inciting extrajudicial murder, denying the right to life, liberty, freedom of expression, and happiness to its victims. Arrest warrants must not only be issued against the fatwa proclaimer, but also governments that protect such vile criminals and inciters of terrorism also be censured and referred to the International Criminal Court at the Hague.

    On its part, the US Congress should declare that ALL peoples of the world have been granted Constitutional protection of their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, and individuals and governments that disrupt or imperil those rights of an individual can be sued in the US courts. This means that all those against whom fatwas have been issued as well as individuals or group—Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, or otherwise—who have been denied equality, could sue their oppressors of Muslim countries in US courts. Even Muslim women, whose human rights are violated or are denied equality, can sue for the protection of their rights, and equality with Muslim men, in US courts. The US courts would punish individuals, such as proclaimers of death fatwas, with arrest warrants as well as those governments with measures such as denying visas to UN delegations to withdrawal of monetary assistance and even economic sanctions.

    Class action lawsuits should immediately be launched in US courts on behalf of those oppressed in Muslim lands or elsewhere, and all those living under death fatwa. This will be a historical event toward ensuring the rights and dignity of individuals irrespective of their residence or nationality, which will change history.

  • December 2, 2013 6:01 am

    Hello readers,

    Not a single text with logical reasonings or humanitarian approach has been seen from socalled learned and highly intellectual only IN THE WORLD, which could be treated as value addition. The texts posted on the evil practices are the eye openers for all the human beings who have been created by the almighty, who is known by different names by different communities. Can a God or almighty be so cruel against the one community of his creation and nominating a culprit, murderer or rapist his nominee.Using abusive language when sought clarification from a learned scholar only in the world, clear depicts his anti female mind set and cruel nature against the depressed and under privileged community.

  • December 2, 2013 12:26 am

    Mohd.Zia You are true Bastard, not knowing your exact father,
    whose sperm gave birth to you a rascal like you.

    Instead of replying suitably you are loosing your temper.
    Hell on you. Go and seek customer for your wife, daughter and sisters.

    • December 2, 2013 9:04 am

      Bloody swine,
      Ever since India got Independence, you are dissatisfied with Muslims as they joined hands with hindus in achieving freedom.Bastard, my
      ex sweeper is your grand mother`s….understand. You christian bastards, why did you oppose India`s Independence. Bloody traitors, you have no right to stay in India.

  • December 1, 2013 1:11 am

    Hi Mohd.Zia,

    For you every thing is fake, because your mind set is like that only.
    Can you comment on the following evil practices is still continuing in islam:

    i) 72 virigins in the heaven for jihadies,.
    ii) 4 witnesses needed to seek justice against rape by a female,
    iii) oral tripple talak to the wife,
    iv) women are fields to be ploughed as per pleasure,
    v) testimony of women are half of the males,

    I shall ask you more lateron, can you clarify being so called only
    Alim in the world?

    • December 1, 2013 7:07 am

      Bastard christian massey
      Bloody swine I will answer to only those questions asked through or by Admin.
      Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate

  • November 29, 2013 9:30 am

    Thank you for sharing your interfaith marriage experience. Good that you are “Living abroad has helped” because if you still live in a community surrounded by 90% Ahmedi, life would be lots difficult for you. However, considering she loves her community and parents, it is normal that “has put a lot of stress on her”. This is due to her guilty feeling of betraying her parents. This scar will stay in your married life for ever. Please come here to guide other youths in love.

    What would you recommend to Tanya? Should she fake-convert to Ahmedi?
    If a Hindu is in love with a Sunni, should the Hindu fake-convert to Islam for the Nikaah?

    • November 30, 2013 10:26 am

      99.9% non Muslim girls` reversion to Islam is fake and/or for name sake only.
      Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate

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